From 0a27a95570d4f95208cd2b740db99dda46f5471b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: markus holzer <>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2021 16:03:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Revert 146

 src/lbm/SuViscoelasticity.h         | 268 -----------------------
 tests/lbm/CMakeLists.txt            |   4 -
 tests/lbm/Su.prm                    |  27 ---
 tests/lbm/SuViscoelasticityTest.cpp | 325 ----------------------------
 4 files changed, 624 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/lbm/SuViscoelasticity.h
 delete mode 100644 tests/lbm/Su.prm
 delete mode 100644 tests/lbm/SuViscoelasticityTest.cpp

diff --git a/src/lbm/SuViscoelasticity.h b/src/lbm/SuViscoelasticity.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e1bd26a46..000000000
--- a/src/lbm/SuViscoelasticity.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can 
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
-//! \file SuViscoelasticity.h
-//! \ingroup lbm
-//! \author Cameron Stewart <>
-//! \brief Oldroyd-B viscoelasticity extended from Su et al. Phys. Rev. E, 2013
-#pragma once
-#include "blockforest/communication/UniformBufferedScheme.h"
-#include "core/math/Matrix3.h"
-#include <field/AddToStorage.h>
-#include "field/GhostLayerField.h"
-#include "field/communication/PackInfo.h"
-#include "lbm/field/PdfField.h"
-namespace walberla {
-namespace lbm {
-namespace viscoelastic {
-template < typename LatticeModel_T , typename BoundaryHandling_T>
-class Su {
-   typedef GhostLayerField< Matrix3<real_t>, 1> StressField_T;
-   typedef GhostLayerField< Vector3<real_t>, 1> VelocityField_T;
-   typedef GhostLayerField< Vector3<real_t>, 1> ForceField_T;
-   typedef PdfField< LatticeModel_T > PdfField_T;
-   typedef shared_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > Blocks_T;
-   Su( Blocks_T blocks, BlockDataID force, BlockDataID pdfId, BlockDataID boundaryHandlingId, BlockDataID stressId, BlockDataID stressOldId, real_t lambda_p, real_t eta_p,
-       uint_t period = uint_c(1), bool compressibleFlag = false): blocks_( blocks ), forceId_( force ), pdfId_(pdfId), boundaryHandlingId_(boundaryHandlingId), stressId_(stressId), stressOldId_(stressOldId),
-                                   inv_lambda_p_( real_c(1.0)/lambda_p ), eta_p_( eta_p ), delta_t_( real_c(period) ), executionCount_( 0 ), communicateStress_(blocks), 
-                                   communicateVelocities_(blocks), compressibleFlag_(compressibleFlag)
-   {
-      // create velocity fields
-      velocityId_ = walberla::field::addToStorage<VelocityField_T>( blocks_, "Velocity Field", Vector3<real_t>(0.0), field::zyxf, uint_c(1));
-      // stress and velocity communication scheme
-      communicateStress_.addPackInfo( make_shared< field::communication::PackInfo<StressField_T> >( stressId_ ));
-      communicateVelocities_.addPackInfo( make_shared< field::communication::PackInfo<VelocityField_T> >( velocityId_ ));
-      WALBERLA_ASSERT_GREATER_EQUAL(delta_t_, real_c(1.0));
-   }
-   Su( Blocks_T blocks, BlockDataID force, BlockDataID pdfId, BlockDataID boundaryHandlingId, BlockDataID stressId, BlockDataID stressOldId, BlockDataID velocityId, real_t lambda_p, real_t eta_p,
-       uint_t period = uint_c(1), bool compressibleFlag = false): blocks_( blocks ), forceId_( force ), pdfId_(pdfId), boundaryHandlingId_(boundaryHandlingId), stressId_(stressId), stressOldId_(stressOldId),
-                                   velocityId_(velocityId), inv_lambda_p_( real_c(1.0)/lambda_p ), eta_p_( eta_p ), delta_t_( real_c(period) ), executionCount_( 0 ), communicateStress_(blocks), 
-                                   communicateVelocities_(blocks), compressibleFlag_(compressibleFlag)
-   {
-      // stress and velocity communication scheme
-      communicateStress_.addPackInfo( make_shared< field::communication::PackInfo<StressField_T> >( stressId_ ));
-      communicateVelocities_.addPackInfo( make_shared< field::communication::PackInfo<VelocityField_T> >( velocityId_ ));
-      WALBERLA_ASSERT_GREATER_EQUAL(delta_t_, real_c(1.0));
-   }
-   void calculateStresses(IBlock * block) {
-      StressField_T *stressNew = block->getData<StressField_T>(stressId_);
-      StressField_T *stressOld = block->getData<StressField_T>(stressOldId_);
-      VelocityField_T *velocity = block->getData<VelocityField_T>(velocityId_);
-      PdfField_T *pdf = block->getData<PdfField_T>(pdfId_);
-      BoundaryHandling_T * boundaryHandling = block->getData< BoundaryHandling_T >( boundaryHandlingId_ );
-      WALBERLA_ASSERT_GREATER_EQUAL(stressOld->nrOfGhostLayers(), 2);
-      WALBERLA_ASSERT_GREATER_EQUAL(velocity->nrOfGhostLayers(), 1);
-      WALBERLA_FOR_ALL_CELLS_XYZ(stressNew, {
-         Cell cell(x,y,z);
-         Matrix3<real_t> stress1 = Matrix3<real_t>(0.0);
-         Matrix3<real_t> stress2 = Matrix3<real_t>(0.0);
-         Matrix3<real_t> stress3 = Matrix3<real_t>(0.0);
-         Matrix3<real_t> relstr  = Matrix3<real_t>(0.0);
-         bool nearBoundaryFlag = false;
-         // if cell is a fluid cell then calculate the stress tensor
-         if (boundaryHandling->isDomain(cell)) {
-            // check if near a wall
-            if (boundaryHandling->isNearBoundary(cell)) {
-               nearBoundaryFlag = true;
-            }
-            else {
-               for (auto d = LatticeModel_T::Stencil::beginNoCenter(); d != LatticeModel_T::Stencil::end(); ++d) {
-                  Cell cell1 = cell - *d;
-                  if (boundaryHandling->isNearBoundary(cell1)) {
-                     nearBoundaryFlag = true;
-                  }
-               }
-            }
-            for (auto d = LatticeModel_T::Stencil::beginNoCenter(); d != LatticeModel_T::Stencil::end(); ++d) {
-               Cell cell1 = cell - *d;
-               Cell cell2 = cell1 - *d;
-               Cell cell3 = cell + *d;
-               // check if using compressible of incompressible algorithm
-               if (compressibleFlag_) {
-                  if (nearBoundaryFlag) {
-                     if (boundaryHandling->isDomain(cell1)) {
-                        stress1 += (stressOld->get(cell1) * pdf->get(cell, d.toIdx())) * real_c(1 / 2.0);
-                     }
-                     if (boundaryHandling->isDomain(cell3)) {
-                        stress2 += (stressOld->get(cell) * pdf->get(cell, d.toIdx())) * real_c(1 / 1.5);
-                     }
-                  }
-                  else {
-                     stress1 += stressOld->get(cell1) * pdf->get(cell, d.toIdx());
-                     stress2 += stressOld->get(cell) * pdf->get(cell, d.toIdx());
-                     stress3 += stressOld->get(cell2) * pdf->get(cell, d.toIdx());
-                  }
-               }
-               else {
-                  if (nearBoundaryFlag) {
-                     if (boundaryHandling->isDomain(cell1)) {
-                        stress1 += (stressOld->get(cell1) * pdf->get(cell1, d.toIdx())) * real_c(1 / 2.0);
-                     }
-                     if (boundaryHandling->isDomain(cell3)) {
-                        stress2 += (stressOld->get(cell) * pdf->get(cell, d.toIdx())) * real_c(1 / 1.5);
-                     }
-                  }
-                  else {
-                     stress1 += stressOld->get(cell1) * pdf->get(cell1, d.toIdx());
-                     stress2 += stressOld->get(cell) * pdf->get(cell, d.toIdx());
-                     stress3 += stressOld->get(cell2) * pdf->get(cell2, d.toIdx());
-                  }
-               }
-            }
-            Matrix3<real_t> gradu = Matrix3<real_t>(0.0);
-            // compute velocity gradient
-            for (auto d = LatticeModel_T::Stencil::beginNoCenter(); d.direction() != stencil::NW; ++d) {
-               for (uint_t a = 0; a < LatticeModel_T::Stencil::D; ++a) {
-                  for (uint_t b = 0; b < LatticeModel_T::Stencil::D; ++b) {
-                     if(boundaryHandling->isDomain(cell + *d) ) {
-                        gradu(b, a) += velocity->get(cell + *d)[a] * real_c(d.c(b)) * real_c(0.5);
-                     } else if(boundaryHandling->isDomain(cell - *d)){
-                        gradu(b, a) += velocity->get(cell - *d)[a] * real_c(d.c(b)) * real_c(-0.5) + velocity->get(cell)[a] * real_c(d.c(b));
-                     }
-                  }
-               }
-            }
-            auto graduT = gradu.getTranspose();
-            // equation 16 from Su 2013
-            relstr = stressOld->get(cell) * gradu + graduT * stressOld->get(cell);
-            if(eta_p_ > real_t(0)) {
-               relstr += ((gradu + graduT) * eta_p_ - stressOld->get(cell)) * inv_lambda_p_;
-            }
-            // equation 23 from Su 2013
-            stressNew->get(cell) = stressOld->get(cell) + (stress1 * real_c(2.0) - stress2 * real_c(1.5) - stress3 * real_c(0.5)) * delta_t_ * (real_c(1.0) / pdf->getDensity(cell)) +
-                                   relstr * delta_t_;
-         }
-      })
-   }
-   void swapStressBuffers( IBlock * block ){
-      StressField_T * stressNew = block->getData< StressField_T >(stressId_);
-      StressField_T * stressOld = block->getData< StressField_T >(stressOldId_);
-      // swap pointers to old and new stress fields
-      stressOld->swapDataPointers(stressNew);
-   }
-   void cacheVelocity( IBlock * block ){
-      VelocityField_T * velocity = block->getData< VelocityField_T >(velocityId_);
-      PdfField_T * pdf = block->getData< PdfField_T >(pdfId_);
-      BoundaryHandling_T * boundaryHandling = block->getData< BoundaryHandling_T >( boundaryHandlingId_ );
-      WALBERLA_ASSERT_GREATER_EQUAL( velocity->nrOfGhostLayers(), 1 );
-      // update velocity field for all fluid cells
-      WALBERLA_FOR_ALL_CELLS_XYZ(velocity,{
-         Cell cell(x, y, z);
-         if( boundaryHandling->isDomain(cell) ) {
-            velocity->get( cell ) = pdf->getVelocity(x, y, z);
-         }
-      })
-   }
-   void calculateForces( IBlock * block ) {
-      using namespace stencil;
-      StressField_T * stress = block->getData< StressField_T >(stressId_);
-      ForceField_T * force = block->getData< ForceField_T >(forceId_);
-      BoundaryHandling_T * boundaryHandling = block->getData< BoundaryHandling_T >( boundaryHandlingId_ );
-      WALBERLA_ASSERT_GREATER_EQUAL( stress->nrOfGhostLayers(), 1);
-         Cell cell(x, y, z);
-         uint_t k = 0;
-         Vector3<real_t> f = Vector3<real_t>(0.0);
-         // calculate force from finite difference divergence of extra stress in 3d or 2d
-         if (boundaryHandling->isDomain(cell)) {
-            for (auto d = LatticeModel_T::Stencil::beginNoCenter(); d.direction() != NW; ++d) {
-               for (uint_t i = 0; i < LatticeModel_T::Stencil::D; ++i) {
-                  if (d.direction() == E || d.direction() == W) {
-                     k = 0;
-                  } else if (d.direction() == N || d.direction() == S) {
-                     k = 1;
-                  } else {
-                     k = 2;
-                  }
-                  if (boundaryHandling->isDomain(cell + *d)) {
-                     f[i] += stress->get(cell + *d)(k, i) * real_c(d.c(k));
-                  } else if(boundaryHandling->isDomain(cell - *d)){
-                     f[i] += -stress->get(cell - *d)(k, i) * real_c(d.c(k)) + stress->get(cell)(k, i) * real_c(d.c(k)) * real_c(2.0);
-                  }
-               }
-            }
-            force->get(x, y, z) = f*real_c(0.5);
-         }
-      })
-   }
-   void operator()() {
-      for( auto it = blocks_->begin(); it != blocks_->end(); ++it ) {
-         auto block = it.get();
-         if (executionCount_ % uint_c(delta_t_) == 0) {
-            swapStressBuffers(block);
-            cacheVelocity(block);
-         }
-      }
-      communicateVelocities_();
-      for( auto it = blocks_->begin(); it != blocks_->end(); ++it ){
-         auto block = it.get();
-         if (executionCount_ % uint_c(delta_t_) == 0)
-         {
-            calculateStresses(block);
-         }
-      }
-      communicateStress_();
-      for( auto it = blocks_->begin(); it != blocks_->end(); ++it ){
-         auto block = it.get();
-         calculateForces(block);
-      }
-      executionCount_++;
-   }
-   Blocks_T blocks_;
-   BlockDataID forceId_, pdfId_, boundaryHandlingId_, stressId_, stressOldId_, velocityId_;
-   const real_t inv_lambda_p_, eta_p_, delta_t_;
-   uint_t executionCount_;
-   blockforest::communication::UniformBufferedScheme< typename LatticeModel_T::CommunicationStencil > communicateStress_, communicateVelocities_;
-   bool compressibleFlag_;
-} // namespace viscoelastic
-} // namespace lbm
-} // namespace walberla
diff --git a/tests/lbm/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/lbm/CMakeLists.txt
index 2ce27af42..5b1301a87 100644
--- a/tests/lbm/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/lbm/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -67,10 +67,6 @@ waLBerla_execute_test( NAME PermeabilityTest_TRT_64_8 COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:Perm
 waLBerla_compile_test( FILES initializer/PdfFieldInitializerTest.cpp )
 waLBerla_execute_test( NAME PdfFieldInitializerTest COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:PdfFieldInitializerTest> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/PdfFieldInitializerTest.prm PROCESSES 4 CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDbgInfo )
-waLBerla_compile_test( FILES SuViscoelasticityTest.cpp DEPENDS field blockforest timeloop)
-waLBerla_execute_test( NAME  SuViscoelasticityLongTest COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:SuViscoelasticityTest> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Su.prm LABELS longrun)
-waLBerla_execute_test( NAME  SuViscoelasticityShortTest COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:SuViscoelasticityTest> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Su.prm -Parameters.shortrun=true )
 waLBerla_compile_test( FILES field/QCriterionTest.cpp DEPENDS field blockforest )
 waLBerla_execute_test( NAME QCriterionTest )
diff --git a/tests/lbm/Su.prm b/tests/lbm/Su.prm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b0207ecd..000000000
--- a/tests/lbm/Su.prm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-	eta_s           0.5;
-	timesteps       3000;
-	force           0.00001;
-	lambda_p        300.0;
-	eta_p           0.5;
-    period          1;
-    L               11;
-    H               33;
-    blockSize       11;
-    uMax            1.28737;
-    t0              370;
-    t1              326;
-    shortrun        false;
-   blocks        <  1,3,1 >;
-   cartesianSetup false;
-   cellsPerBlock <  11,11, 1 >;
-   periodic      <  1, 0, 0 >;
diff --git a/tests/lbm/SuViscoelasticityTest.cpp b/tests/lbm/SuViscoelasticityTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ca9d0464..000000000
--- a/tests/lbm/SuViscoelasticityTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can 
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
-//! \file SuViscoelasticityTest.cpp
-//! \ingroup lbm
-//! \author Cameron Stewart <>
-//! \brief D2Q9 Poiseuille flow simulation with Oldroyd-B viscoelasticity - Checks against analytical formula and
-//!        reference data
-#include "blockforest/Initialization.h"
-#include "blockforest/communication/UniformBufferedScheme.h"
-#include "boundary/BoundaryHandling.h"
-#include "core/Environment.h"
-#include "core/SharedFunctor.h"
-#include "domain_decomposition/SharedSweep.h"
-#include "field/communication/PackInfo.h"
-#include "lbm/boundary/all.h"
-#include "lbm/field/AddToStorage.h"
-#include "lbm/lattice_model/D2Q9.h"
-#include "lbm/lattice_model/ForceModel.h"
-#include "lbm/SuViscoelasticity.h"
-#include "lbm/sweeps/CellwiseSweep.h"
-#include "timeloop/SweepTimeloop.h"
-namespace walberla {
-typedef GhostLayerField< Vector3<real_t>, 1> ForceField_T;
-typedef lbm::collision_model::TRT CollisionModel_T;
-typedef lbm::force_model::GuoField< ForceField_T > ForceModel_T;
-typedef lbm::D2Q9< CollisionModel_T, false, ForceModel_T >  LatticeModel_T;
-typedef LatticeModel_T::Stencil    Stencil_T;
-typedef GhostLayerField<Matrix3<real_t>, 1> StressField_T;
-typedef GhostLayerField< Vector3<real_t>, 1> VelocityField_T;
-typedef lbm::PdfField< LatticeModel_T >  PdfField_T;
-typedef walberla::uint8_t flag_t;
-typedef FlagField< flag_t > FlagField_T;
-const uint_t FieldGhostLayers = 2;
-typedef lbm::NoSlip< LatticeModel_T, flag_t> NoSlip_T;
-typedef BoundaryHandling< FlagField_T, Stencil_T, NoSlip_T> BoundaryHandling_T;
-// FLAGS //
-const FlagUID Fluid_Flag( "fluid" );
-const FlagUID NoSlip_Flag( "no slip" );
-class MyBoundaryHandling
-   MyBoundaryHandling( const BlockDataID & flagFieldID, const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID ) : flagFieldID_( flagFieldID ), pdfFieldID_( pdfFieldID ) {}
-   BoundaryHandling_T * operator()( IBlock* const block, const StructuredBlockStorage* const storage ) const;
-   const BlockDataID flagFieldID_;
-   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
-}; // class MyBoundaryHandling
-BoundaryHandling_T * MyBoundaryHandling::operator()( IBlock * const block, const StructuredBlockStorage * const storage ) const
-   FlagField_T * flagField       = block->getData< FlagField_T >( flagFieldID_ );
-   PdfField_T *  pdfField        = block->getData< PdfField_T > ( pdfFieldID_ );
-   const auto fluid = flagField->flagExists( Fluid_Flag ) ? flagField->getFlag( Fluid_Flag ) : flagField->registerFlag( Fluid_Flag );
-   BoundaryHandling_T * handling = new BoundaryHandling_T( "moving obstacle boundary handling", flagField, fluid,
-                                                           NoSlip_T( "NoSlip", NoSlip_Flag, pdfField ) );
-   const auto noSlip = flagField->getFlag(NoSlip_Flag);
-   CellInterval domainBB = storage->getDomainCellBB();
-   domainBB.xMin() -= cell_idx_c( 1 );
-   domainBB.xMax() += cell_idx_c( 1 );
-   domainBB.yMin() -= cell_idx_c( 1 );
-   domainBB.yMax() += cell_idx_c( 1 );
-   // SOUTH
-   CellInterval south( domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMax() );
-   storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval( south, *block );
-   handling->forceBoundary( noSlip, south );
-   // NORTH
-   CellInterval north( domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMax(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(), domainBB.zMax() );
-   storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval( north, *block );
-   handling->forceBoundary( noSlip, north );
-   handling->fillWithDomain( FieldGhostLayers );
-   return handling;
-// Poiseuille Force //
-template < typename BoundaryHandling_T >
-class ConstantForce
-   ConstantForce( BlockDataID forceFieldId, BlockDataID boundaryHandlingId, real_t force)
-         : forceFieldId_( forceFieldId ), boundaryHandlingId_(boundaryHandlingId), force_(force)
-   {}
-   void operator()( IBlock * block )
-   {
-      ForceField_T *forceField = block->getData< ForceField_T >(forceFieldId_);
-      BoundaryHandling_T *boundaryHandling = block->getData< BoundaryHandling_T >( boundaryHandlingId_ );
-                                 {
-                                    Cell cell(x,y,z);
-                                    if (boundaryHandling->isDomain(cell)) {
-                                       forceField->get(cell)[0] += force_;
-                                    }
-                                 })
-   }
-   BlockDataID forceFieldId_, boundaryHandlingId_;
-   real_t force_;
-// Take Test Data //
-class TestData
-   TestData(Timeloop & timeloop, shared_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > blocks, BlockDataID pdfFieldId, BlockDataID stressFieldId, uint_t timesteps, uint_t blockSize, real_t L, real_t H, real_t uExpected)
-            : timeloop_(timeloop), blocks_(blocks), pdfFieldId_(pdfFieldId), stressFieldId_(stressFieldId), timesteps_(timesteps), blockSize_(blockSize), t0_(0), t1_(0), L_(L), H_(H), uMax_(0.0), uPrev_(0.0),
-            uExpected_(uExpected), uSteady_(0.0) {}
-   void operator()() {
-      for (auto blockIt = blocks_->begin(); blockIt != blocks_->end(); ++blockIt) {
-         PdfField_T *pdf = blockIt.get()->getData<PdfField_T>(pdfFieldId_);
-         if (blockIt.get()->getAABB().contains(float_c(L_/2.0), float_c(H_/2.0), 0)) {
-            uCurr_ = pdf->getVelocity(int32_c(blockSize_/2), int32_c(blockSize_/2), 0)[0]/uExpected_;
-            tCurr_ = timeloop_.getCurrentTimeStep();
-            if (tCurr_ == timesteps_ - 1){
-               uSteady_ = uCurr_;
-            }
-            if (maxFlag_ == 0) {
-               if (uCurr_ >= uPrev_) {
-                  uMax_ = uCurr_;
-               } else {
-                  t0_ = tCurr_;
-                  maxFlag_ = 1;
-               }
-               uPrev_ = uCurr_;
-            }
-            else if (maxFlag_ == 1) {
-               if ((uCurr_ - 1.0) <= (uMax_ - 1.0) / std::exp(1)) {
-                  t1_ = tCurr_ - t0_;
-                  maxFlag_ = 2;
-               }
-            }
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   real_t getUSteady(){
-      return uSteady_;
-   }
-   real_t getUMax(){
-      return uMax_;
-   }
-   real_t getT0(){
-      return real_c(t0_);
-   }
-   real_t getT1(){
-      return real_c(t1_);
-   }
-   Timeloop & timeloop_;
-   shared_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > blocks_;
-   BlockDataID pdfFieldId_, stressFieldId_;
-   uint_t timesteps_, blockSize_, t0_, t1_, tCurr_;
-   uint_t maxFlag_ = 0;
-   real_t L_, H_, uMax_, uPrev_, uCurr_, uExpected_, uSteady_;
-} // namespace walberla
-// Main //
-int main(int argc, char ** argv ){
-   using namespace walberla;
-   Environment env( argc, argv );
-   // read parameter
-   shared_ptr<StructuredBlockForest> blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGridFromConfig( env.config() );
-   auto parameters = env.config()->getOneBlock( "Parameters" );
-   // extract some constants from the parameters
-   const real_t eta_s     = parameters.getParameter< real_t > ("eta_s");
-   const real_t force     = parameters.getParameter< real_t > ("force");
-   const real_t eta_p     = parameters.getParameter< real_t > ("eta_p");
-   const real_t lambda_p  = parameters.getParameter< real_t > ("lambda_p");
-   const uint_t period    = parameters.getParameter< uint_t > ("period");
-   const real_t L         = parameters.getParameter< real_t > ("L");
-   const real_t H         = parameters.getParameter< real_t > ("H");
-   const uint_t blockSize = parameters.getParameter< uint_t > ("blockSize");
-   const bool   shortrun  = parameters.getParameter<   bool > ("shortrun");
-   const uint_t timesteps = shortrun ? uint_t(2) : parameters.getParameter< uint_t > ("timesteps");
-   // reference data
-   const real_t          uExpected       = force*H*H/(real_c(8.0)*(eta_s + eta_p));
-   const real_t          uMax            = parameters.getParameter< real_t > ("uMax");
-   const real_t          t0              = parameters.getParameter< real_t > ("t0");
-   const real_t          t1              = parameters.getParameter< real_t > ("t1");
-   // create fields
-   BlockDataID flagFieldId = field::addFlagFieldToStorage< FlagField_T >(blocks, "flag field", FieldGhostLayers);
-   BlockDataID forceFieldId = field::addToStorage<ForceField_T>( blocks, "Force Field", Vector3<real_t>(0.0), field::zyxf, FieldGhostLayers);
-   LatticeModel_T latticeModel = LatticeModel_T(lbm::collision_model::TRT::constructWithMagicNumber( walberla::lbm::collision_model::omegaFromViscosity(eta_s)), lbm::force_model::GuoField<ForceField_T>( forceFieldId ) );
-   BlockDataID pdfFieldId = lbm::addPdfFieldToStorage( blocks, "pdf field", latticeModel, Vector3<real_t>(), real_c(1.0), FieldGhostLayers );
-   BlockDataID stressId = walberla::field::addToStorage<StressField_T>( blocks, "Stress Field", Matrix3<real_t>(0.0), field::zyxf, FieldGhostLayers);
-   BlockDataID stressOldId = walberla::field::addToStorage<StressField_T>( blocks, "Old Stress Field", Matrix3<real_t>(0.0), field::zyxf, FieldGhostLayers);
-   BlockDataID velocityId = walberla::field::addToStorage<VelocityField_T> (blocks, "Velocity Field", Vector3<real_t>(0.0), field::zyxf, FieldGhostLayers);
-   // add boundary handling
-   BlockDataID boundaryHandlingId = blocks->addStructuredBlockData< BoundaryHandling_T >( MyBoundaryHandling( flagFieldId, pdfFieldId ), "boundary handling" );
-   // create time loop
-   SweepTimeloop timeloop( blocks->getBlockStorage(), timesteps );
-   // create communication for PdfField
-   blockforest::communication::UniformBufferedScheme< Stencil_T > communication( blocks );
-   communication.addPackInfo( make_shared< field::communication::PackInfo< PdfField_T > >( pdfFieldId ) );
-   auto testData = make_shared< TestData >(TestData(timeloop, blocks, pdfFieldId, stressId, timesteps, blockSize, L, H, uExpected));
-   // structure timeloop
-   timeloop.add() << BeforeFunction( communication, "communication" )
-                  << Sweep( BoundaryHandling_T::getBlockSweep( boundaryHandlingId ), "boundary handling" );
-   timeloop.add() << BeforeFunction( lbm::viscoelastic::Su<LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T>(blocks, forceFieldId, pdfFieldId, boundaryHandlingId, stressId, stressOldId, velocityId,
-                                                                                               lambda_p, eta_p, period, true), "viscoelasticity")
-                  << Sweep( ConstantForce<BoundaryHandling_T>(forceFieldId, boundaryHandlingId, force),"Poiseuille Force");
-   timeloop.add() << Sweep( makeSharedSweep( lbm::makeCellwiseSweep< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T >( pdfFieldId, flagFieldId, Fluid_Flag ) ),
-                            "LB stream & collide" )
-                  << AfterFunction(makeSharedFunctor(testData), "test data");
-   if(!shortrun)
-   {
-      // compare to reference data
-      real_t errSteady = real_c(fabs(testData->getUSteady() - real_c(1.0))/real_c(1.0));
-      real_t errMax = real_c(fabs(testData->getUMax() - uMax)/uMax);
-      real_t errt0 = real_c(fabs(testData->getT0() - t0)/t0);
-      real_t errt1 = real_c(fabs(testData->getT1() - t1)/t1);
-      WALBERLA_LOG_RESULT("Steady State Velocity Error: " << errSteady );
-      WALBERLA_LOG_RESULT("Maximum Velocity Error: " << errMax );
-      WALBERLA_LOG_RESULT("Time of Maximum Error: " << errt0 );
-      WALBERLA_LOG_RESULT("Decay Time Error: " << errt1 );
-      // check that errors < 1%
-      if (errSteady < 0.01 && errMax < 0.01 && errt0 < 0.01 && errt1 < 0.01){
-         WALBERLA_LOG_RESULT("Success" );
-         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-      }
-      else {
-         WALBERLA_LOG_RESULT("Failure" );
-         return EXIT_FAILURE;
-      }
-   } else{
-      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-   }