diff --git a/apps/benchmarks/AdaptiveMeshRefinementFluidParticleCoupling/AMRSedimentSettling.cpp b/apps/benchmarks/AdaptiveMeshRefinementFluidParticleCoupling/AMRSedimentSettling.cpp
index 750a8e96459db775bf75fa9e4ec3c79659429f70..e7a4a0fead15db23016d18cccd0254b788d1594c 100644
--- a/apps/benchmarks/AdaptiveMeshRefinementFluidParticleCoupling/AMRSedimentSettling.cpp
+++ b/apps/benchmarks/AdaptiveMeshRefinementFluidParticleCoupling/AMRSedimentSettling.cpp
@@ -1840,13 +1840,13 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
                                                   "pe Time Step", finestLevel );
    // add sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
-   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,  MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), blocks ),
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,  MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), blocks ),
                                                  "Body Mapping", finestLevel );
    // add sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
    typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T > Reconstructor_T;
-   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID );
-   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T > ( blocks,
+   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID );
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T > ( blocks, pdfFieldID,
                                                  boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag ), blocks ),
                                                  "PDF Restore", finestLevel );
diff --git a/apps/benchmarks/AdaptiveMeshRefinementFluidParticleCoupling/WorkloadEvaluation.cpp b/apps/benchmarks/AdaptiveMeshRefinementFluidParticleCoupling/WorkloadEvaluation.cpp
index 588007edfb0baa0d18b8d843ec3cc86b3f58477a..7b87d670a294f757cea8750597a8a34bd52b36ff 100644
--- a/apps/benchmarks/AdaptiveMeshRefinementFluidParticleCoupling/WorkloadEvaluation.cpp
+++ b/apps/benchmarks/AdaptiveMeshRefinementFluidParticleCoupling/WorkloadEvaluation.cpp
@@ -751,14 +751,14 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
    // sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
-         << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_CLI_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), "Body Mapping" );
+         << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_CLI_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), "Body Mapping" );
    // sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
    typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T > Reconstructor_T;
-   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID);
+   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID);
          << Sweep( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T >
-                         ( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies, optimizeForSmallObstacleFraction ), "PDF Restore" );
+                         ( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies, optimizeForSmallObstacleFraction ), "PDF Restore" );
    shared_ptr<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer> bodiesFTContainer1 = make_shared<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer>(blocks, bodyStorageID);
    std::function<void(void)> storeForceTorqueInCont1 = std::bind(&pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer::store, bodiesFTContainer1);
diff --git a/apps/benchmarks/MotionSingleHeavySphere/MotionSingleHeavySphere.cpp b/apps/benchmarks/MotionSingleHeavySphere/MotionSingleHeavySphere.cpp
index de0647508960abe3cb40b4e51e8ec8e7e0ee493d..725ff77b5e3894255c570f8d1f1465e7b1562351 100644
--- a/apps/benchmarks/MotionSingleHeavySphere/MotionSingleHeavySphere.cpp
+++ b/apps/benchmarks/MotionSingleHeavySphere/MotionSingleHeavySphere.cpp
@@ -1195,20 +1195,20 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
       // sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
       if( memVariant == MEMVariant::CLI )
-         timeloop.add() << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MEM_CLI_Flag, FormerMEM_Flag ), "Body Mapping" );
+         timeloop.add() << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MEM_CLI_Flag, FormerMEM_Flag ), "Body Mapping" );
       else if ( memVariant == MEMVariant::MR )
-         timeloop.add() << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MEM_MR_Flag, FormerMEM_Flag ), "Body Mapping" );
+         timeloop.add() << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MEM_MR_Flag, FormerMEM_Flag ), "Body Mapping" );
-         timeloop.add() << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MEM_BB_Flag, FormerMEM_Flag ), "Body Mapping" );
+         timeloop.add() << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MEM_BB_Flag, FormerMEM_Flag ), "Body Mapping" );
       // reconstruct missing PDFs
       using ExtrapolationFinder_T = pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder;
       ExtrapolationFinder_T extrapolationFinder( blocks, bodyFieldID );
       typedef pe_coupling::ExtrapolationReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, ExtrapolationFinder_T > Reconstructor_T;
-      Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder, true );
+      Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder, true );
       timeloop.add() << Sweep( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T >
-                               ( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMEM_Flag, Fluid_Flag ), "PDF Restore" );
+                               ( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMEM_Flag, Fluid_Flag ), "PDF Restore" );
       for( uint_t lbmcycle = 0; lbmcycle < numLBMSubCycles; ++lbmcycle ){
diff --git a/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/BodyMapping.h b/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/BodyMapping.h
index 045eeb5d1ec0c97d2085c98242b3611d24599186..4c46bc729e8d099bdb11235d6bd824a59db00420 100644
--- a/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/BodyMapping.h
+++ b/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/BodyMapping.h
@@ -55,35 +55,55 @@ namespace pe_coupling {
  * The 'mappingBodySelectorFct' can be used to decide which bodies should be mapped or not.
-template< typename BoundaryHandling_T >
+template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T, typename Destroyer_T = NaNDestroyer<LatticeModel_T>, bool conserveMomentum = false >
 class BodyMapping
+   typedef lbm::PdfField< LatticeModel_T >        PdfField_T;
    typedef typename BoundaryHandling_T::FlagField FlagField_T;
    typedef typename BoundaryHandling_T::flag_t    flag_t;
    typedef Field< pe::BodyID, 1 >                 BodyField_T;
    BodyMapping( const shared_ptr<StructuredBlockStorage> & blockStorage,
+                const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID,
                 const BlockDataID & boundaryHandlingID,
                 const BlockDataID & bodyStorageID,
                 const shared_ptr<pe::BodyStorage> & globalBodyStorage,
                 const BlockDataID & bodyFieldID,
+                const Destroyer_T & destroyer,
                 const FlagUID & obstacle, const FlagUID & formerObstacle,
                 const std::function<bool(pe::BodyID)> & mappingBodySelectorFct = selectRegularBodies )
-   : blockStorage_( blockStorage ), boundaryHandlingID_( boundaryHandlingID ),
+   : blockStorage_( blockStorage ), pdfFieldID_( pdfFieldID ), boundaryHandlingID_( boundaryHandlingID ),
      bodyStorageID_(bodyStorageID), globalBodyStorage_( globalBodyStorage ), bodyFieldID_( bodyFieldID ),
-     obstacle_( obstacle ), formerObstacle_( formerObstacle ), mappingBodySelectorFct_( mappingBodySelectorFct )
+     destroyer_( destroyer ), obstacle_( obstacle ), formerObstacle_( formerObstacle ),
+     mappingBodySelectorFct_( mappingBodySelectorFct )
+   {}
+   BodyMapping( const shared_ptr<StructuredBlockStorage> & blockStorage,
+                const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID,
+                const BlockDataID & boundaryHandlingID,
+                const BlockDataID & bodyStorageID,
+                const shared_ptr<pe::BodyStorage> & globalBodyStorage,
+                const BlockDataID & bodyFieldID,
+                const FlagUID & obstacle, const FlagUID & formerObstacle,
+                const std::function<bool(pe::BodyID)> & mappingBodySelectorFct = selectRegularBodies )
+   : blockStorage_( blockStorage ), pdfFieldID_( pdfFieldID ), boundaryHandlingID_( boundaryHandlingID ),
+     bodyStorageID_(bodyStorageID), globalBodyStorage_( globalBodyStorage ), bodyFieldID_( bodyFieldID ),
+     destroyer_( Destroyer_T() ), obstacle_( obstacle ), formerObstacle_( formerObstacle ),
+     mappingBodySelectorFct_( mappingBodySelectorFct )
    void operator()( IBlock * const block )
+      PdfField_T *         pdfField         = block->getData< PdfField_T >( pdfFieldID_ );
       BoundaryHandling_T * boundaryHandling = block->getData< BoundaryHandling_T >( boundaryHandlingID_ );
       FlagField_T *        flagField        = boundaryHandling->getFlagField();
       BodyField_T *        bodyField        = block->getData< BodyField_T >( bodyFieldID_ );
       WALBERLA_ASSERT_NOT_NULLPTR( boundaryHandling );
@@ -103,19 +123,19 @@ public:
       for( auto bodyIt = pe::BodyIterator::begin(*block, bodyStorageID_); bodyIt != pe::BodyIterator::end(); ++bodyIt )
          if( mappingBodySelectorFct_(bodyIt.getBodyID()) )
-            mapBodyAndUpdateMapping(bodyIt.getBodyID(), block, boundaryHandling, flagField , bodyField, obstacle, formerObstacle, dx, dy, dz);
+            mapBodyAndUpdateMapping(bodyIt.getBodyID(), block, pdfField, boundaryHandling, flagField , bodyField, obstacle, formerObstacle, dx, dy, dz);
       for( auto bodyIt = globalBodyStorage_->begin(); bodyIt != globalBodyStorage_->end(); ++bodyIt)
          if( mappingBodySelectorFct_(bodyIt.getBodyID()))
-            mapBodyAndUpdateMapping(bodyIt.getBodyID(), block, boundaryHandling, flagField , bodyField, obstacle, formerObstacle, dx, dy, dz);
+            mapBodyAndUpdateMapping(bodyIt.getBodyID(), block, pdfField, boundaryHandling, flagField , bodyField, obstacle, formerObstacle, dx, dy, dz);
    void mapBodyAndUpdateMapping(pe::BodyID body, IBlock * const block,
-                                BoundaryHandling_T * boundaryHandling, FlagField_T * flagField, BodyField_T * bodyField,
+                                PdfField_T * pdfField, BoundaryHandling_T * boundaryHandling, FlagField_T * flagField, BodyField_T * bodyField,
                                 const flag_t & obstacle, const flag_t & formerObstacle,
                                 real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz)
@@ -156,6 +176,19 @@ private:
                         // set obstacle flag
                         boundaryHandling->forceBoundary( obstacle, x, y, z );
+                        if( conserveMomentum && pdfField->isInInnerPart(Cell(x,y,z)) ) {
+                           // this removes the fluid information (PDFs) from the simulation, together with the containing momentum
+                           // to ensure momentum conservation, the momentum of this fluid cell has to be added to the particle
+                           // see Aidun, C. K., Lu, Y., & Ding, E. J. (1998). Direct analysis of particulate suspensions with inertia using the discrete Boltzmann equation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 373, 287-311.
+                           // force = momentum / dt, with dt = 1
+                           Vector3<real_t> momentum = pdfField->getMomentumDensity(x, y, z);
+                           body->addForceAtPos(momentum[0], momentum[1], momentum[2], cx, cy, cz);
+                        }
+                        // invalidate PDF values
+                        destroyer_( x, y, z, block, pdfField );
                   // let pointer from body field point to this body
@@ -190,11 +223,14 @@ private:
    shared_ptr<StructuredBlockStorage> blockStorage_;
+   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
    const BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID_;
    const BlockDataID bodyStorageID_;
    shared_ptr<pe::BodyStorage> globalBodyStorage_;
    const BlockDataID bodyFieldID_;
+   Destroyer_T destroyer_;
    const FlagUID obstacle_;
    const FlagUID formerObstacle_;
diff --git a/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/all.h b/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/all.h
index a482e213df74f4588f9e7e86b9f5c9dc3010b332..5b0bfaf23707c2ed9d3d3a600239cb5ccb42e274 100644
--- a/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/all.h
+++ b/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/all.h
@@ -23,5 +23,6 @@
 #pragma once
 #include "boundary/all.h"
+#include "destruction/all.h"
 #include "restoration/all.h"
 #include "BodyMapping.h"
diff --git a/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/destruction/Destroyer.h b/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/destruction/Destroyer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..68d9ae2a3a3c6fdb3a903181c5243e4ff24cd9aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/destruction/Destroyer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file Destroyer.h
+//! \ingroup pe_coupling
+//! \author Michael Kuron <mkuron@icp.uni-stuttgart.de>
+#pragma once
+#include <limits>
+namespace walberla {
+namespace pe_coupling {
+template< typename LatticeModel_T >
+class NaNDestroyer
+   typedef lbm::PdfField< LatticeModel_T > PdfField_T;
+   void operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const /*block*/, PdfField_T * const pdfField ) {
+      for (auto d = uint_t(0); d < LatticeModel_T::Stencil::Size; ++d)
+         pdfField->get(x, y, z, d) = std::numeric_limits<typename PdfField_T::value_type>::quiet_NaN();
+   }
+} // namespace pe_coupling
+} // namespace walberla
diff --git a/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/destruction/all.h b/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/destruction/all.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b2149a6a7d7fcde896e16ca3978e2628a49e355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/destruction/all.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can 
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file all.h
+//! \ingroup pe_coupling
+//! \author Michael Kuron <mkuron@icp.uni-stuttgart.de>
+//! \brief Collective header file for module pe_coupling moving obstacle destruction
+#pragma once
+#include "Destroyer.h"
diff --git a/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/restoration/PDFReconstruction.h b/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/restoration/PDFReconstruction.h
index e65d2cc3ce392a73bc93cc59ff183be76ab35e29..0d6dcfe12768327003ee06bbb17a9b4fba69278f 100644
--- a/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/restoration/PDFReconstruction.h
+++ b/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/restoration/PDFReconstruction.h
@@ -55,16 +55,18 @@ namespace pe_coupling {
-template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T, typename Reconstructer_T >
+template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T, typename Reconstructer_T, bool conserveMomentum = false, bool includeGhostLayers = false >
 class PDFReconstruction
+   typedef lbm::PdfField< LatticeModel_T >        PdfField_T;
    typedef typename BoundaryHandling_T::FlagField FlagField_T;
    typedef typename BoundaryHandling_T::flag_t    flag_t;
    typedef Field< pe::BodyID, 1 >                 BodyField_T;
    inline PDFReconstruction( const shared_ptr<StructuredBlockStorage> & blockStorage,
+                             const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID,
                              const BlockDataID & boundaryHandlingID,
                              const BlockDataID & bodyStorageID,
                              const shared_ptr<pe::BodyStorage> & globalBodyStorage,
@@ -73,7 +75,8 @@ public:
                              const FlagUID & formerObstacle, const FlagUID & fluid,
                              const std::function<bool(pe::BodyID)> & movingBodySelectorFct = selectRegularBodies,
                              const bool optimizeForSmallObstacleFraction = false ) :
-      blockStorage_( blockStorage ), boundaryHandlingID_( boundaryHandlingID ), bodyStorageID_(bodyStorageID),
+      blockStorage_( blockStorage ), pdfFieldID_( pdfFieldID ),
+      boundaryHandlingID_( boundaryHandlingID ), bodyStorageID_(bodyStorageID),
       globalBodyStorage_( globalBodyStorage ), bodyFieldID_( bodyFieldID ),
       reconstructor_ ( reconstructor ), formerObstacle_( formerObstacle ), fluid_( fluid ),
       movingBodySelectorFct_( movingBodySelectorFct ),
@@ -85,13 +88,23 @@ public:
    void reconstructPDFsInCells( const CellInterval & cells, IBlock * const block,
-                                FlagField_T * flagField, const flag_t & formerObstacle )
+                                PdfField_T * pdfField, FlagField_T * flagField, BodyField_T * bodyField,
+                                const flag_t & formerObstacle )
       for( cell_idx_t z = cells.zMin(); z <= cells.zMax(); ++z ) {
          for (cell_idx_t y = cells.yMin(); y <= cells.yMax(); ++y) {
             for (cell_idx_t x = cells.xMin(); x <= cells.xMax(); ++x) {
                if (isFlagSet(flagField->get(x,y,z), formerObstacle)) {
-                  reconstructor_(x,y,z,block);
+                  reconstructor_(x,y,z,block,pdfField);
+                  if( conserveMomentum && pdfField->isInInnerPart(Cell(x,y,z)) ) {
+                     // the (artificially) added momentum in the restored fluid cell has to be subtracted from the former particle to ensure momentum conservation
+                     Vector3<real_t> momentum = pdfField->getMomentumDensity(x,y,z);
+                     // force = momentum / dt, with dt = 1
+                     Vector3< real_t > cellCenter = blockStorage_->getBlockLocalCellCenter(*block, Cell(x,y,z) );
+                     (*bodyField)(x,y,z)->addForceAtPos(-momentum, cellCenter);
+                  }
@@ -117,6 +130,7 @@ private:
    shared_ptr<StructuredBlockStorage> blockStorage_;
+   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
    const BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID_;
    const BlockDataID bodyStorageID_;
    shared_ptr<pe::BodyStorage> globalBodyStorage_;
@@ -134,16 +148,18 @@ private:
-template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T, typename Reconstructer_T >
-void PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructer_T >
+template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T, typename Reconstructer_T, bool conserveMomentum, bool includeGhostLayers >
+void PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructer_T, conserveMomentum, includeGhostLayers >
 ::operator()( IBlock * const block )
+   PdfField_T *         pdfField         = block->getData< PdfField_T >( pdfFieldID_ );
    BoundaryHandling_T * boundaryHandling = block->getData< BoundaryHandling_T >( boundaryHandlingID_ );
    FlagField_T *        flagField        = boundaryHandling->getFlagField();
    BodyField_T *        bodyField        = block->getData< BodyField_T >( bodyFieldID_ );
    WALBERLA_ASSERT_NOT_NULLPTR( boundaryHandling );
@@ -159,7 +175,7 @@ void PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructer_T >
    // reconstruct all missing PDFs (only inside the domain, ghost layer values get communicated)
    if( optimizeForSmallObstacleFraction_ )
-      const uint_t numberOfGhostLayersToInclude = uint_t(0);
+      const uint_t numberOfGhostLayersToInclude = includeGhostLayers ? flagField->nrOfGhostLayers() : uint_t(0);
       for( auto bodyIt = pe::BodyIterator::begin(*block, bodyStorageID_); bodyIt != pe::BodyIterator::end(); ++bodyIt )
@@ -167,7 +183,7 @@ void PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructer_T >
          CellInterval cellBB = getCellBB( bodyIt.getBodyID(), *block, *blockStorage_, numberOfGhostLayersToInclude );
-         reconstructPDFsInCells(cellBB, block, flagField, formerObstacle );
+         reconstructPDFsInCells(cellBB, block, pdfField, flagField, bodyField, formerObstacle );
       for( auto bodyIt = globalBodyStorage_->begin(); bodyIt != globalBodyStorage_->end(); ++bodyIt )
@@ -175,13 +191,13 @@ void PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructer_T >
          CellInterval cellBB = getCellBB( bodyIt.getBodyID(), *block, *blockStorage_, numberOfGhostLayersToInclude );
-         reconstructPDFsInCells(cellBB, block, flagField, formerObstacle );
+         reconstructPDFsInCells(cellBB, block, pdfField, flagField, bodyField, formerObstacle );
-      CellInterval cells = flagField->xyzSize();
-      reconstructPDFsInCells(cells, block, flagField, formerObstacle );
+      CellInterval cells = includeGhostLayers ? flagField->xyzSizeWithGhostLayer() : flagField->xyzSize();
+      reconstructPDFsInCells(cells, block, pdfField, flagField, bodyField, formerObstacle );
    // update the flags from formerObstacle to fluid (inside domain & in ghost layers)
diff --git a/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/restoration/Reconstructor.h b/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/restoration/Reconstructor.h
index fdb0804d10e1a40445ae944c48d649b37c203e2d..ad2b8adfac23e84cda40401867b158d31814d50c 100644
--- a/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/restoration/Reconstructor.h
+++ b/src/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/restoration/Reconstructor.h
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ namespace pe_coupling {
 *   \brief Classes to be used together with the PDFReconstruction class to reconstruct PDFs
 *   Each reconstructor must exactly implement the member function
-*     void operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block );
+*     void operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField );
 *   that reconstructs all PDFs in a specific cell with indices x,y,z on a given block.
 *   Different variants are available:
@@ -77,48 +77,46 @@ public:
    typedef Field< pe::BodyID, 1 >          BodyField_T;
    EquilibriumReconstructor( const shared_ptr<StructuredBlockStorage> & blockStorage, const BlockDataID & boundaryHandlingID,
-                             const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID, const BlockDataID & bodyFieldID )
-   : blockStorage_( blockStorage ), boundaryHandlingID_( boundaryHandlingID ), pdfFieldID_( pdfFieldID ),  bodyFieldID_( bodyFieldID )
+                             const BlockDataID & bodyFieldID )
+   : blockStorage_( blockStorage ), boundaryHandlingID_( boundaryHandlingID ), bodyFieldID_( bodyFieldID )
-   void operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block );
+   void operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField );
-   void setLocalEquilibrium( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block );
+   void setLocalEquilibrium( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField );
-   real_t getLocalAverageDensity( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block ) const;
+   real_t getLocalAverageDensity( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField ) const;
    shared_ptr<StructuredBlockStorage> blockStorage_;
    const BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID_;
-   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
    const BlockDataID bodyFieldID_;
 template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T >
 void EquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >
-::operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block )
+::operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField )
-   setLocalEquilibrium( x, y, z, block);
+   setLocalEquilibrium( x, y, z, block, pdfField);
 template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T >
 void EquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >
-::setLocalEquilibrium( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block )
+::setLocalEquilibrium( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField )
-   PdfField_T *  pdfField  = block->getData< PdfField_T >( pdfFieldID_ );
    BodyField_T * bodyField = block->getData< BodyField_T >( bodyFieldID_ );
    WALBERLA_ASSERT_EQUAL( pdfField->xyzSize(), bodyField->xyzSize() );
-   const real_t averageDensity = getLocalAverageDensity( x, y, z, block );
+   const real_t averageDensity = getLocalAverageDensity( x, y, z, block, pdfField );
    real_t cx, cy, cz;
    blockStorage_->getBlockLocalCellCenter( *block, Cell(x,y,z), cx, cy, cz );
@@ -131,11 +129,10 @@ void EquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >
 template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T >
 real_t EquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >
-::getLocalAverageDensity( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block ) const
+::getLocalAverageDensity( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField ) const
-   PdfField_T *         pdfField         = block->getData< PdfField_T >( pdfFieldID_ );
    BoundaryHandling_T * boundaryHandling = block->getData< BoundaryHandling_T >( boundaryHandlingID_ );
@@ -175,25 +172,24 @@ public:
    typedef Field< pe::BodyID, 1 >          BodyField_T;
    EquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor( const shared_ptr<StructuredBlockStorage> & blockStorage, const BlockDataID & boundaryHandlingID,
-                                              const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID, const BlockDataID & bodyFieldID,
+                                              const BlockDataID & bodyFieldID,
                                               const ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T & extrapolationDirectionFinder )
    : blockStorage_( blockStorage ), boundaryHandlingID_( boundaryHandlingID ),
-     pdfFieldID_( pdfFieldID ), bodyFieldID_( bodyFieldID ),
+     bodyFieldID_( bodyFieldID ),
      extrapolationDirectionFinder_( extrapolationDirectionFinder ),
-     equilibriumReconstructor_( EquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blockStorage, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID ) )
+     equilibriumReconstructor_( EquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blockStorage, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID ) )
    { }
-   void operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block );
-   void operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, const Vector3<cell_idx_t> & extrapolationDirection );
+   void operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField );
+   void operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField, const Vector3<cell_idx_t> & extrapolationDirection );
-   void setNonEquilibrium( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, const Vector3<cell_idx_t> & extrapolationDirection );
+   void setNonEquilibrium( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField, const Vector3<cell_idx_t> & extrapolationDirection );
    shared_ptr<StructuredBlockStorage> blockStorage_;
    const BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID_;
-   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
    const BlockDataID bodyFieldID_;
    ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T extrapolationDirectionFinder_;
@@ -203,37 +199,36 @@ private:
 template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T, typename ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
 void EquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
-::operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block )
+::operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField )
    Vector3<cell_idx_t> extrapolationDirection(0);
    extrapolationDirectionFinder_.getDirection( x, y, z, block, extrapolationDirection );
-   (*this)(x, y, z, block, extrapolationDirection);
+   (*this)(x, y, z, block, pdfField, extrapolationDirection);
 template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T, typename ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
 void EquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
-::operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, const Vector3<cell_idx_t> & extrapolationDirection  )
+::operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField, const Vector3<cell_idx_t> & extrapolationDirection  )
-   equilibriumReconstructor_( x, y, z, block );
+   equilibriumReconstructor_( x, y, z, block, pdfField );
    if( extrapolationDirection != cell_idx_t(0) )
-      setNonEquilibrium( x, y, z, block, extrapolationDirection);
+      setNonEquilibrium( x, y, z, block, pdfField, extrapolationDirection);
 template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T, typename ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
 void EquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
-::setNonEquilibrium( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, const Vector3<cell_idx_t> & extrapolationDirection )
+::setNonEquilibrium( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField, const Vector3<cell_idx_t> & extrapolationDirection )
-   PdfField_T * pdfField                 = block->getData< PdfField_T >( pdfFieldID_ );
    BoundaryHandling_T * boundaryHandling = block->getData< BoundaryHandling_T >( boundaryHandlingID_ );
@@ -268,15 +263,15 @@ public:
    typedef Field< pe::BodyID, 1 >          BodyField_T;
    ExtrapolationReconstructor( const shared_ptr<StructuredBlockStorage> & blockStorage, const BlockDataID & boundaryHandlingID,
-                               const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID, const BlockDataID & bodyFieldID,
+                               const BlockDataID & bodyFieldID,
                                const ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T & extrapolationDirectionFinder,
                                const bool & enforceNoSlipConstraintAfterExtrapolation = false )
    : blockStorage_( blockStorage ), boundaryHandlingID_( boundaryHandlingID ),
-     pdfFieldID_( pdfFieldID ), bodyFieldID_( bodyFieldID ),
+     bodyFieldID_( bodyFieldID ),
      enforceNoSlipConstraintAfterExtrapolation_( enforceNoSlipConstraintAfterExtrapolation ),
      extrapolationDirectionFinder_( extrapolationDirectionFinder ),
      alternativeReconstructor_( EquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
-      ( blockStorage, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationDirectionFinder ) )
+      ( blockStorage, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationDirectionFinder ) )
       if( enforceNoSlipConstraintAfterExtrapolation_ ) {
          WALBERLA_CHECK((std::is_same<typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil, stencil::D3Q19>::value),
@@ -284,22 +279,21 @@ public:
-   void operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block );
+   void operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField );
-   uint_t getNumberOfExtrapolationCells( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block,
+   uint_t getNumberOfExtrapolationCells( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField,
                                          const Vector3<cell_idx_t> & extrapolationDirection ) const;
-   void extrapolatePDFs( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block,
+   void extrapolatePDFs( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField,
                          const Vector3<cell_idx_t> & extrapolationDirection, const uint_t & numberOfCellsForExtrapolation);
-   void enforceNoSlipConstraint( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block );
+   void enforceNoSlipConstraint( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField );
    shared_ptr<StructuredBlockStorage> blockStorage_;
    const BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID_;
-   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
    const BlockDataID bodyFieldID_;
    const bool enforceNoSlipConstraintAfterExtrapolation_;
@@ -312,37 +306,36 @@ private:
 template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T, typename ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
 void ExtrapolationReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
-::operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block )
+::operator()( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField )
    Vector3<cell_idx_t> extrapolationDirection(0);
    extrapolationDirectionFinder_.getDirection( x, y, z, block, extrapolationDirection );
-   uint_t numberOfCellsForExtrapolation = getNumberOfExtrapolationCells( x, y, z, block, extrapolationDirection );
+   uint_t numberOfCellsForExtrapolation = getNumberOfExtrapolationCells( x, y, z, block, pdfField, extrapolationDirection );
    if( numberOfCellsForExtrapolation < uint_t(2) )
-      alternativeReconstructor_( x, y, z, block, extrapolationDirection );
+      alternativeReconstructor_( x, y, z, block, pdfField, extrapolationDirection );
-      extrapolatePDFs( x, y, z, block, extrapolationDirection, numberOfCellsForExtrapolation );
+      extrapolatePDFs( x, y, z, block, pdfField, extrapolationDirection, numberOfCellsForExtrapolation );
       if( enforceNoSlipConstraintAfterExtrapolation_ )
-         enforceNoSlipConstraint( x, y, z, block );
+         enforceNoSlipConstraint( x, y, z, block, pdfField );
 template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T, typename ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
 uint_t ExtrapolationReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
-::getNumberOfExtrapolationCells( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block,
+::getNumberOfExtrapolationCells( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField,
                                  const Vector3<cell_idx_t> & extrapolationDirection ) const
-   PdfField_T * pdfField                 = block->getData< PdfField_T >( pdfFieldID_ );
    BoundaryHandling_T * boundaryHandling = block->getData< BoundaryHandling_T >( boundaryHandlingID_ );
@@ -371,12 +364,9 @@ uint_t ExtrapolationReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Extrapola
 template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T, typename ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
 void ExtrapolationReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
-::extrapolatePDFs( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block,
+::extrapolatePDFs( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const /*block*/, PdfField_T * const pdfField,
                    const Vector3<cell_idx_t> & extrapolationDirection, const uint_t & numberOfCellsForExtrapolation)
-   PdfField_T * pdfField = block->getData< PdfField_T >( pdfFieldID_ );
    if( numberOfCellsForExtrapolation == uint_t(3) )
@@ -400,13 +390,12 @@ void ExtrapolationReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Extrapolati
 template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename BoundaryHandling_T, typename ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
 void ExtrapolationReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, ExtrapolationDirectionFinder_T >
-::enforceNoSlipConstraint( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block )
+::enforceNoSlipConstraint( const cell_idx_t & x, const cell_idx_t & y, const cell_idx_t & z, IBlock * const block, PdfField_T * const pdfField )
    //NOTE: this currently works only for D3Q19 stencils!
-   PdfField_T *  pdfField  = block->getData< PdfField_T >( pdfFieldID_ );
    BodyField_T * bodyField = block->getData< BodyField_T >( bodyFieldID_ );
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/BodyAtBlockBoarderCheck.cpp b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/BodyAtBlockBoarderCheck.cpp
index cfacb7cd3b58d3af9a12f4ab46047177fc54d1df..5b07af01cb1fec32b36e002523183bb16001927f 100644
--- a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/BodyAtBlockBoarderCheck.cpp
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/BodyAtBlockBoarderCheck.cpp
@@ -350,14 +350,14 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
                                                   "pe Time Step", finestLevel );
    // add sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
-   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction( lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID,
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction( lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID,
                                                   bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag ), blocks ),
                                                   "Body Mapping", finestLevel );
    // add sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
    typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T > Reconstructor_T;
-   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID );
-   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction( lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T > ( blocks,
+   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID );
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction( lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T > ( blocks, pdfFieldID,
                                                   boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag  ), blocks ),
                                                   "PDF Restore", finestLevel );
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/BodyMappingTest.cpp b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/BodyMappingTest.cpp
index 0edda5942185ca62efd9b8231be0e79db741a8bf..3a12ec962315f268e05d2ce59e304d8c465eebd4 100644
--- a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/BodyMappingTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/BodyMappingTest.cpp
@@ -477,8 +477,8 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
    // testing utilities
    MappingChecker mappingChecker(blocks, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID, radius);
    MappingResetter mappingResetter(blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID);
-   pe_coupling::BodyMapping<BoundaryHandling_T> regularBodyMapper(blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies );
-   pe_coupling::BodyMapping<BoundaryHandling_T> globalBodyMapper(blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectGlobalBodies );
+   pe_coupling::BodyMapping<LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T> regularBodyMapper(blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies );
+   pe_coupling::BodyMapping<LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T> globalBodyMapper(blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectGlobalBodies );
    // sphere positions for test scenarios
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/LubricationCorrectionMEM.cpp b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/LubricationCorrectionMEM.cpp
index 502cab1756749f734749c4e9b5de6cb00b22d711..f3b768189dc9f5912161855b75f200077b582f72 100644
--- a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/LubricationCorrectionMEM.cpp
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/LubricationCorrectionMEM.cpp
@@ -931,13 +931,13 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
    // sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
-      << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), "Body Mapping" );
+      << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), "Body Mapping" );
    // sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
    typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T > Reconstructor_T;
-   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID );
+   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID );
-      << Sweep( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,
+      << Sweep( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,
                                                                                                        reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag ), "PDF Restore" );
    // setup of the LBM communication for synchronizing the pdf field between neighboring blocks
    std::function< void () > commFunction;
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/PeriodicParticleChannelMEM.cpp b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/PeriodicParticleChannelMEM.cpp
index 380a10f799e4e07c8be8bb8905ed2b7820091384..41ebf9d9d7fe6cf1b4c62e5a50a102cd3bb32bdb 100644
--- a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/PeriodicParticleChannelMEM.cpp
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/PeriodicParticleChannelMEM.cpp
@@ -511,14 +511,14 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
    // sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
-      << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ),
+      << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ),
                 "Body Mapping" );
    // sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
    typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T > Reconstructor_T;
-   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID );
+   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID );
-      << Sweep( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,
+      << Sweep( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID,  boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,
                                                                                                        reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag  ), "PDF Restore" );
    // setup of the LBM communication for synchronizing the pdf field between neighboring blocks
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SegreSilberbergMEM.cpp b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SegreSilberbergMEM.cpp
index 73a9d47cf29d4f9e34f6519330665ef5430cf5b1..0042c361a7d0209d8d4df3f17fd607d6e9b3b34f 100644
--- a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SegreSilberbergMEM.cpp
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SegreSilberbergMEM.cpp
@@ -636,13 +636,13 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
    if( MO_CLI )
-         << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_CLI_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), "Body Mapping" );
+         << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_CLI_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), "Body Mapping" );
    }else if ( MO_MR ){
-         << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,  MO_MR_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), "Body Mapping" );
+         << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,  MO_MR_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), "Body Mapping" );
-         << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,  MO_BB_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), "Body Mapping" );
+         << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,  MO_BB_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), "Body Mapping" );
    // sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
@@ -650,24 +650,24 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
       pe_coupling::FlagFieldNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder< BoundaryHandling_T > extrapolationFinder( blocks, boundaryHandlingID );
       typedef pe_coupling::ExtrapolationReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, pe_coupling::FlagFieldNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder<BoundaryHandling_T> > Reconstructor_T;
-      Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder, true );
+      Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder, true );
          << Sweep( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T >
-                      ( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag  ), "PDF Restore" );
+                      ( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag  ), "PDF Restore" );
    } else if ( eanReconstructor )
       pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder extrapolationFinder( blocks, bodyFieldID );
       typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder > Reconstructor_T;
-      Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder );
+      Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder );
          << Sweep( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T >
-                      ( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag  ), "PDF Restore" );
+                      ( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag  ), "PDF Restore" );
    } else {
       typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T > Reconstructor_T;
-      Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID );
+      Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID );
          << Sweep( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T >
-                      ( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag  ), "PDF Restore" );
+                      ( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag  ), "PDF Restore" );
    shared_ptr<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer> bodiesFTContainer1 = make_shared<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer>(blocks, bodyStorageID);
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEM.cpp b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEM.cpp
index b8c0b6a0bc0db5bc736bcdc12243a738855169de..f8a4e3c731f8aabb7ad58253e437dc9f63b3b206 100644
--- a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEM.cpp
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEM.cpp
@@ -162,10 +162,12 @@ class SpherePropertyLogger
    SpherePropertyLogger( SweepTimeloop* timeloop, const shared_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage > & blocks,
+                         const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID, const BlockDataID & boundaryHandlingID,
                          const BlockDataID & bodyStorageID, const std::string & fileName, bool fileIO,
-                         real_t dx_SI, real_t dt_SI, real_t diameter) :
-      timeloop_( timeloop ), blocks_( blocks ), bodyStorageID_( bodyStorageID ), fileName_( fileName ), fileIO_(fileIO),
-      dx_SI_( dx_SI ), dt_SI_( dt_SI ), diameter_( diameter ),
+                         real_t dx_SI, real_t dt_SI, real_t diameter, real_t mass) :
+      timeloop_( timeloop ), blocks_( blocks ), pdfFieldID_( pdfFieldID ),
+      boundaryHandlingID_( boundaryHandlingID ), bodyStorageID_( bodyStorageID ), fileName_( fileName ), fileIO_(fileIO),
+      dx_SI_( dx_SI ), dt_SI_( dt_SI ), diameter_( diameter ), mass_( mass ),
       position_( real_t(0) ), maxVelocity_( real_t(0) )
       if ( fileIO_ )
@@ -186,14 +188,25 @@ public:
       Vector3<real_t> pos(real_t(0));
       Vector3<real_t> transVel(real_t(0));
+      Vector3<real_t> force(real_t(0));
+      Vector3<real_t> fluidMomentum(real_t(0));
       for( auto blockIt = blocks_->begin(); blockIt != blocks_->end(); ++blockIt )
+         PdfField_T * pdfField = blockIt->getData<PdfField_T>(pdfFieldID_);
+         BoundaryHandling_T * bh = blockIt->getData<BoundaryHandling_T>(boundaryHandlingID_);
+         WALBERLA_FOR_ALL_CELLS_XYZ(pdfField,
+               if( bh->isDomain(Cell(x,y,z)) ) fluidMomentum += pdfField->getMomentumDensity(x,y,z);)
          for( auto bodyIt = pe::LocalBodyIterator::begin( *blockIt, bodyStorageID_); bodyIt != pe::LocalBodyIterator::end(); ++bodyIt )
             pos = bodyIt->getPosition();
             transVel = bodyIt->getLinearVel();
+         for( auto bodyIt = pe::BodyIterator::begin( *blockIt, bodyStorageID_); bodyIt != pe::BodyIterator::end(); ++bodyIt )
+         {
+            force += bodyIt->getForce();
+         }
@@ -205,13 +218,21 @@ public:
          mpi::allReduceInplace( transVel[0], mpi::SUM );
          mpi::allReduceInplace( transVel[1], mpi::SUM );
          mpi::allReduceInplace( transVel[2], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( force[0], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( force[1], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( force[2], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( fluidMomentum[0], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( fluidMomentum[1], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( fluidMomentum[2], mpi::SUM );
       position_ = pos[2];
       maxVelocity_ = std::max(maxVelocity_, -transVel[2]);
       if( fileIO_ )
-         writeToFile( timestep, pos, transVel);
+         writeToFile( timestep, pos, transVel, force, fluidMomentum);
    real_t getPosition() const
@@ -225,7 +246,7 @@ public:
-   void writeToFile( uint_t timestep, const Vector3<real_t> & position, const Vector3<real_t> & velocity )
+   void writeToFile( uint_t timestep, const Vector3<real_t> & position, const Vector3<real_t> & velocity, const Vector3<real_t> & force, const Vector3<real_t> & fluidMomentum )
@@ -239,6 +260,9 @@ private:
          file << timestep << "\t" << real_c(timestep) * dt_SI_ << "\t"
               << "\t" << scaledPosition[0] << "\t" << scaledPosition[1] << "\t" << scaledPosition[2] - real_t(0.5)
               << "\t" << velocity_SI[0] << "\t" << velocity_SI[1] << "\t" << velocity_SI[2]
+              << "\t" << force[0] << "\t" << force[1] << "\t" << force[2]
+              << "\t" << fluidMomentum[0] << "\t" << fluidMomentum[1] << "\t" << fluidMomentum[2]
+              << "\t" << mass_ * velocity[0] << "\t" << mass_ * velocity[1] << "\t" << mass_ * velocity[2]
               << "\n";
@@ -246,10 +270,12 @@ private:
    SweepTimeloop* timeloop_;
    shared_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage > blocks_;
+   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
+   const BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID_;
    const BlockDataID bodyStorageID_;
    std::string fileName_;
    bool fileIO_;
-   real_t dx_SI_, dt_SI_, diameter_;
+   real_t dx_SI_, dt_SI_, diameter_, mass_;
    real_t position_;
    real_t maxVelocity_;
@@ -428,7 +454,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
    auto blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGrid( numberOfBlocksPerDirection[0], numberOfBlocksPerDirection[1], numberOfBlocksPerDirection[2],
                                                       cellsPerBlockPerDirection[0], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[1], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[2], dx,
                                                       0, false, false,
-                                                      false, false, false, //periodicity
+                                                      true, true, true, //periodicity
                                                       false );
    WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Domain decomposition:");
@@ -464,6 +490,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
    // create pe bodies
    // bounding planes (global)
+   /*
    const auto planeMaterial = pe::createMaterial( "myPlaneMat", real_t(8920), real_t(0), real_t(1), real_t(1), real_t(0), real_t(1), real_t(1), real_t(0), real_t(0) );
    pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(1,0,0), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,0), planeMaterial );
    pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(-1,0,0), Vector3<real_t>(real_c(domainSize[0]),0,0), planeMaterial );
@@ -471,6 +498,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
    pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,-1,0), Vector3<real_t>(0,real_c(domainSize[1]),0), planeMaterial );
    pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,0,1), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,0), planeMaterial );
    pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,0,-1), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,real_c(domainSize[2])), planeMaterial );
+   */
    // add the sphere
    const auto sphereMaterial = pe::createMaterial( "mySphereMat", densitySphere , real_t(0.5), real_t(0.1), real_t(0.1), real_t(0.24), real_t(200), real_t(200), real_t(0), real_t(0) );
@@ -500,7 +528,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
    BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID = blocks->addStructuredBlockData< BoundaryHandling_T >( MyBoundaryHandling( flagFieldID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID ), "boundary handling" );
    // map planes into the LBM simulation -> act as no-slip boundaries
-   pe_coupling::mapBodies< BoundaryHandling_T >( *blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, *globalBodyStorage, NoSlip_Flag, pe_coupling::selectGlobalBodies );
+   //pe_coupling::mapBodies< BoundaryHandling_T >( *blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, *globalBodyStorage, NoSlip_Flag, pe_coupling::selectGlobalBodies );
    // map pe bodies into the LBM simulation
    pe_coupling::mapMovingBodies< BoundaryHandling_T >( *blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, *globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies );
@@ -520,15 +548,15 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
    // sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
-         << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), "Body Mapping" );
+         << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), "Body Mapping" );
    // sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
    pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder extrapolationFinder( blocks, bodyFieldID );
    typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder > Reconstructor_T;
-   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder );
+   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder );
       << Sweep( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T >
-                  ( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag ), "PDF Restore" );
+                  ( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag ), "PDF Restore" );
    shared_ptr<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer> bodiesFTContainer1 = make_shared<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer>(blocks, bodyStorageID);
    std::function<void(void)> storeForceTorqueInCont1 = std::bind(&pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer::store, bodiesFTContainer1);
@@ -568,12 +596,6 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
-   Vector3<real_t> gravitationalForce( real_t(0), real_t(0), -(densitySphere - densityFluid) * gravitationalAcceleration * sphereVolume );
-   timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( pe_coupling::ForceOnBodiesAdder( blocks, bodyStorageID, gravitationalForce ), "Gravitational force" );
-   // add pe timesteps
-   timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( pe_coupling::TimeStep( blocks, bodyStorageID, cr, syncCall, real_t(1), numPeSubCycles ), "pe Time Step" );
    // check for convergence of the particle position
    std::string loggingFileName( baseFolder + "/LoggingSettlingSphere_");
    loggingFileName += std::to_string(fluidType);
@@ -582,10 +604,16 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
       WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - writing logging output to file \"" << loggingFileName << "\"");
-   shared_ptr< SpherePropertyLogger > logger = walberla::make_shared< SpherePropertyLogger >( &timeloop, blocks, bodyStorageID,
-                                                                                              loggingFileName, fileIO, dx_SI, dt_SI, diameter );
+   shared_ptr< SpherePropertyLogger > logger = walberla::make_shared< SpherePropertyLogger >( &timeloop, blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID,
+                                                                                              loggingFileName, fileIO, dx_SI, dt_SI, diameter, sphereVolume * densitySphere );
    timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( SharedFunctor< SpherePropertyLogger >( logger ), "Sphere property logger" );
+   Vector3<real_t> gravitationalForce( real_t(0), real_t(0), -(densitySphere - densityFluid) * gravitationalAcceleration * sphereVolume );
+   timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( pe_coupling::ForceOnBodiesAdder( blocks, bodyStorageID, gravitationalForce ), "Gravitational force" );
+   // add pe timesteps
+   timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( pe_coupling::TimeStep( blocks, bodyStorageID, cr, syncCall, real_t(1), numPeSubCycles ), "pe Time Step" );
    if( vtkIOFreq != uint_t(0) )
       // spheres
@@ -624,7 +652,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
    WcTimingPool timeloopTiming;
-   real_t terminationPosition = real_t(0.51) * diameter; // right before sphere touches the bottom wall
+   real_t terminationPosition = diameter; // right before sphere touches the bottom wall
    // time loop
    for (uint_t i = 0; i < timesteps; ++i )
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinement.cpp b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinement.cpp
index 9cecbe8b7b631be2c335a43b3a237f8209b0481b..19fc95b569fe61cd8a6442ee35c2f0ce5d62f939 100644
--- a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinement.cpp
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinement.cpp
@@ -714,14 +714,14 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
                                                   "pe Time Step", finestLevel );
    // add sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
-   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,  MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), blocks ),
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,  MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), blocks ),
                                                  "Body Mapping", finestLevel );
    // add sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
    pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder extrapolationFinder( blocks, bodyFieldID );
    typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder > Reconstructor_T;
-   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder );
-   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T > ( blocks,
+   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder );
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T > ( blocks, pdfFieldID,
                                                  boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag ), blocks ),
                                                  "PDF Restore", finestLevel );
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinement.cpp b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinement.cpp
index 6ba596359a6934ec5292e8395bd644a704267455..e7bc2538a4e784b5032a1a60b6d7fc9ac06027fc 100644
--- a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinement.cpp
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinement.cpp
@@ -651,15 +651,15 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
                                                  "pe Time Step", finestLevel );
    // add sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
-   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID,
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID,
                                                  globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,  MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies ), blocks ),
                                                  "Body Mapping", finestLevel );
    // add sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
    pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder extrapolationFinder( blocks, bodyFieldID );
    typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder > Reconstructor_T;
-   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder );
-   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T > ( blocks,
+   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder );
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T > ( blocks, pdfFieldID,
                                                  boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag  ), blocks ),
                                                  "PDF Restore", finestLevel );
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SquirmerTest.cpp b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SquirmerTest.cpp
index c13ca3550252c24e951b65c2ba83e42161cb9c09..1fca0831a237a19c119e5c7757dfea1b592a3979 100644
--- a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SquirmerTest.cpp
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SquirmerTest.cpp
@@ -336,15 +336,16 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
-         << Sweep(pe_coupling::BodyMapping<BoundaryHandling_T>(blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,
+         << Sweep(pe_coupling::BodyMapping<LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, pe_coupling::NaNDestroyer<LatticeModel_T>, true>(blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, globalBodyStorage, bodyFieldID,
                                                                MO_BB_Flag, FormerMO_BB_Flag, pe_coupling::selectRegularBodies),
                   "Body Mapping");
    // sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
    typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumReconstructor<LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T> Reconstructor_T;
-   Reconstructor_T reconstructor(blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID);
+   Reconstructor_T reconstructor(blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyFieldID);
-         << Sweep(pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction<LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T>(blocks,
+         << Sweep(pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction<LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T, true>(blocks,
+                                                                                                      pdfFieldID,