diff --git a/src/pe/fcd/IterativeCollideFunctor.h b/src/pe/fcd/GJKEPACollideFunctor.h
similarity index 85%
rename from src/pe/fcd/IterativeCollideFunctor.h
rename to src/pe/fcd/GJKEPACollideFunctor.h
index afdccd914acbeba8a25b893606647e4dce2d8d4d..84b6d62e4bf58386aae3e2f4b94484647511854c 100644
--- a/src/pe/fcd/IterativeCollideFunctor.h
+++ b/src/pe/fcd/GJKEPACollideFunctor.h
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 //  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file IterativeCollideFunctor.h
+//! \file GJKEPACollideFunctor.h
 //! \author Tobias Leemann
 //! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 namespace walberla{
 namespace pe{
 namespace fcd {
-namespace iterative{
+namespace gjkepa{
    //function for all single rigid bodies.
    template<typename Container>
@@ -67,41 +67,41 @@ namespace iterative{
    inline bool generateContacts(Plane *a, Union<BodyTupleB> *b, Container& contacts_);
-/* Iterative Collide Functor for contact Generation with iterative collision detection.
- * Usage: fcd::GenericFCD<BodyTuple, fcd::IterativeCollideFunctor> testFCD;
+/* Iterative Collide Functor for contact Generation with iterative collision detection (GJK and EPA algorithms).
+ * Usage: fcd::GenericFCD<BodyTuple, fcd::GJKEPACollideFunctor> testFCD;
  * testFCD.generateContacts(...);
 template <typename Container>
-struct IterativeCollideFunctor
+struct GJKEPACollideFunctor
    Container& contacts_;
-   IterativeCollideFunctor(Container& contacts) : contacts_(contacts) {}
+   GJKEPACollideFunctor(Container& contacts) : contacts_(contacts) {}
    template< typename BodyType1, typename BodyType2 >
    bool operator()( BodyType1* bd1, BodyType2* bd2) {
-      using namespace iterative;
+      using namespace gjkepa;
       return generateContacts(bd1, bd2, contacts_);
 template <typename BodyType1, typename Container>
-struct IterativeSingleCollideFunctor
+struct GJKEPASingleCollideFunctor
    BodyType1* bd1_;
    Container& contacts_;
-   IterativeSingleCollideFunctor(BodyType1* bd1, Container& contacts) : bd1_(bd1), contacts_(contacts) {}
+   GJKEPASingleCollideFunctor(BodyType1* bd1, Container& contacts) : bd1_(bd1), contacts_(contacts) {}
    template< typename BodyType2 >
    bool operator()( BodyType2* bd2) {
-      using namespace iterative;
+      using namespace gjkepa;
       return generateContacts( bd1_, bd2, contacts_);
-namespace iterative{
+namespace gjkepa{
    //function for all single rigid bodies.
    template<typename Container>
@@ -164,11 +164,11 @@ namespace iterative{
    template<typename BodyTupleA, typename BodyB, typename Container>
    inline bool generateContacts(Union<BodyTupleA> *a, BodyB *b, Container& contacts_){
-      IterativeSingleCollideFunctor<BodyB, Container> func(b, contacts_);
+      GJKEPASingleCollideFunctor<BodyB, Container> func(b, contacts_);
       bool collision = false;
       for( auto it=a->begin(); it!=a->end(); ++it )
-         collision |= SingleCast<BodyTupleA, IterativeSingleCollideFunctor<BodyB, Container>, bool>::execute(*it, func);
+         collision |= SingleCast<BodyTupleA, GJKEPASingleCollideFunctor<BodyB, Container>, bool>::execute(*it, func);
       return collision;
@@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ namespace iterative{
    template<typename BodyTupleA, typename BodyTupleB, typename Container>
    inline bool generateContacts(Union<BodyTupleA> *a, Union<BodyTupleB>  *b, Container& contacts_){
-      IterativeCollideFunctor<Container> func(contacts_);
+      GJKEPACollideFunctor<Container> func(contacts_);
       bool collision = false;
       for( auto it1=a->begin(); it1!=a->end(); ++it1 )
          for( auto it2=b->begin(); it2!=b->end(); ++it2 )
-            collision |= DoubleCast<BodyTupleA, BodyTupleB, IterativeCollideFunctor<Container>, bool>::execute(*it1, *it2, func);
+            collision |= DoubleCast<BodyTupleA, BodyTupleB, GJKEPACollideFunctor<Container>, bool>::execute(*it1, *it2, func);
       return collision;
@@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ namespace iterative{
    //Union and Plane (these calls are ambigous if not implemented seperatly)
    template<typename BodyTupleA, typename Container>
    inline bool generateContacts(Union<BodyTupleA> *a, Plane *b, Container& contacts_){
-      IterativeSingleCollideFunctor<Plane, Container> func(b, contacts_);
+      GJKEPASingleCollideFunctor<Plane, Container> func(b, contacts_);
       bool collision = false;
       for( auto it=a->begin(); it!=a->end(); ++it )
-         collision |= SingleCast<BodyTupleA, IterativeSingleCollideFunctor<Plane, Container>, bool>::execute(*it, func);
+         collision |= SingleCast<BodyTupleA, GJKEPASingleCollideFunctor<Plane, Container>, bool>::execute(*it, func);
       return collision;
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ namespace iterative{
-} //namespace iterative
+} //namespace gjkepa
 } //fcd
diff --git a/src/pe/fcd/IterativeFCD.h b/src/pe/fcd/IterativeFCD.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 61c2195c30107d928dceafc578d43ec98a226ef3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/pe/fcd/IterativeFCD.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file IterativeFCD.h
-//! \author Tobias Leemann <tobias.leemann@fau.de>
-#pragma once
-#include "IFCD.h"
-#include "pe/Types.h"
-#include "pe/collision/EPA.h"
-#include "pe/collision/GJK.h"
-#include "pe/rigidbody/Plane.h"
-#include "pe/rigidbody/Plane.h"
-#include <pe/Thresholds.h>
-#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
-namespace walberla{
-namespace pe{
-namespace fcd {
- * \ingroup pe
- * \brief Implementation of the IFCD Interface with an iterative detection.
- *
- * This Class implements a collision detection compatible with the
- * IFCD interface. It detects collisions using an iterative technique which employs
- * the GJK and EPA algorithms.
- */
-template <typename BodyTypeTuple>
-class IterativeFCD : public IFCD {
-   typedef Union< boost::tuple<BodyTypeTuple>> UnionGenericType;
-   /*!\brief This computes a collision between two rigid bodies.
-   *
-   * \param a The first body (must not be a Plane or Union).
-   * \param b The second body (must not be a Plane or Union).
-   * \param normal Returns the normal vector of the collision.
-   * \param contactPoint Returns a point of contact btw. the bodies.
-   * \param penetrationDepth Returns the depth.
-   * \return True, if the bodies collide.
-   *
-   * The Return parameters remain untouched if there is no collision.
-   * This function performes collision detection with bodies enlarged by a margin for numerical reasons.
-   * See "Collision detection in interactive 3D environments" by Gino van den Bergen
-   * for a detailed explanation of the algorithm used.
-   */
-   bool performIterativeDetection(GeomPrimitive &a, GeomPrimitive &b, Vec3& normal, Vec3& contactPoint, real_t& penetrationDepth){
-      real_t margin = real_t(1e-4);
-      GJK gjk;
-      if(gjk.doGJKmargin(a, b, margin)){
-         //2. If collision is possible perform EPA.
-         EPA epa;
-         return epa.doEPAmargin(a, b, gjk, normal, contactPoint, penetrationDepth, margin);
-      }else{
-         return false;
-      }
-   }
-   /*!\brief This computes a collision between a Plane and another body.
-   *
-   * \param pl The Plane.
-   * \param b The second body (must not be a Plane or Union).
-   * \param normal Returns the normal vector of the collision.
-   * \param contactPoint Returns a point of contact btw. the bodies.
-   * \param penetrationDepth Returns the depth.
-   * \return True, if the Plane and the body collide.
-   *
-   * The Return parameters remain untouched if there is no collision.
-   */
-   bool performPlaneDetection(Plane &pl, GeomPrimitive &b, Vec3& normal, Vec3& contactPoint, real_t& penetrationDepth){
-      Vec3 support_dir = -pl.getNormal();
-      // We now have a direction facing to the "wall".
-      // Compute support point of body b in this direction. This will be the furthest point overlapping.
-      Vec3 contactp = b.support(support_dir);
-      //std::cerr << contactp << std::endl;
-      //std::cerr << pl.getDisplacement() <<std::endl;
-      real_t pdepth = contactp * pl.getNormal() - pl.getDisplacement();
-      if(pdepth < contactThreshold){ //We have a collision
-         normal = support_dir;
-         penetrationDepth = pdepth;
-         contactPoint = contactp + real_t(0.5) * penetrationDepth * normal;
-         return true;
-      }else{ //No collision
-         return false;
-      }
-   }
-   /*!\brief This function adds contacts for single bodies (not unions)
-   *
-   * \param bd1 The first body.
-   * \param bd2 The second body.
-   *
-   * This function is called by generateContactsPair() on all normal (single)
-   * body pairs and on each single bodys of the union.
-   * It checks if one of the bodies is a plane and calls the corresponding
-   * detection function. If collision is detected a Contact is generated and
-   * added to the vector.
-   */
-   void generateContactsSingle(BodyID bd1, BodyID bd2){
-      //Temporary Storage for data
-      Vec3 normal;
-      Vec3 contactPoint;
-      real_t penetrationDepth;
-      //Check if one primitive is a plane
-      if(bd1->getTypeID() == Plane::getStaticTypeID()){
-         if(!(bd2->getTypeID() == Plane::getStaticTypeID())){
-            //First object is a plane, second is not
-            Plane* pl = static_cast<Plane*>(bd1);
-            GeomPrimitive *gb = static_cast<GeomPrimitive*>(bd2);
-            if (performPlaneDetection(*pl, *gb, normal, contactPoint, penetrationDepth)){
-               contacts_.push_back( Contact(pl, gb, contactPoint, normal, penetrationDepth) );
-            }
-         }else{
-            return; //Plane plane collisions cannot be handled here.
-         }
-      }else if(bd2->getTypeID() == Plane::getStaticTypeID()){
-         if(!(bd1->getTypeID() == Plane::getStaticTypeID())){
-            //Second object is a plane, first is not
-            Plane* pl = static_cast<Plane*>(bd2);
-            GeomPrimitive *ga = static_cast<GeomPrimitive*>(bd1);
-            if (performPlaneDetection(*pl, *ga, normal, contactPoint, penetrationDepth)){
-               contacts_.push_back( Contact(ga, pl, contactPoint, -normal, penetrationDepth) );
-            }
-         }
-      }else{ // Both objects are geometries.
-         GeomPrimitive *ga = static_cast<GeomPrimitive*>(bd1);
-         GeomPrimitive *gb = static_cast<GeomPrimitive*>(bd2);
-         if (performIterativeDetection(*ga, *gb, normal, contactPoint, penetrationDepth)){
-            contacts_.push_back( Contact(ga, gb, contactPoint, normal, penetrationDepth) );
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   /* Resolve pairs with unions and call generateContacts single for each pair of non-united
-    * particles.
-    */
-   void generateContactsPair(BodyID bd1, BodyID bd2){
-      bool hasSubbodies1 = bd1->hasSubBodies();
-      if( hasSubbodies1 ){
-         UnionGenericType* u1 = nullptr;
-         u1= static_cast<UnionGenericType*>(bd1);
-         //Loop over possible subbodies of first rigid body
-         auto it1 = u1->begin();
-         while(it1 != u1->end()){
-            generateContactsPair(*it1, bd2);
-            it1++;
-         }
-      }else{
-         //bd1 is a single body
-         bool hasSubbodies2 = bd2->hasSubBodies();
-         if( hasSubbodies2 ){
-            UnionGenericType* u2 = nullptr;
-            u2= static_cast<UnionGenericType*>(bd2);
-            auto it2 = u2->begin();
-            while(it2 != u2->end()){
-               generateContactsPair(bd1, *it2);
-               it2++;
-            }
-         }else{
-            //bd1 and bd2 are single bodies
-            generateContactsSingle(bd1, bd2);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   /*!\brief Checks each body pair in the given vector and generates
-   * a vector of contacts.
-   *
-   * \param possibleContacts Vector of body pairs thay may collide.
-   * \return Vector of contacts with information of all contacts generated.
-   */
-   virtual Contacts& generateContacts(PossibleContacts& possibleContacts)
-   {
-      contacts_.clear();
-      for (auto it = possibleContacts.begin(); it != possibleContacts.end(); ++it)
-      {
-         generateContactsPair(it->first, it->second);
-      }
-      return contacts_;
-   }
diff --git a/src/pe/fcd/IterativeFCDDataHandling.h b/src/pe/fcd/IterativeFCDDataHandling.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c4bb3e2515f69a0525b493a3c349979e308e3fcd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/pe/fcd/IterativeFCDDataHandling.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file IterativeFCDDataHandling.h
-//! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
-//! \author Tobias Leemann <tobias.leemann@fau.de>
-#pragma once
-#include "IterativeFCD.h"
-#include "blockforest/BlockDataHandling.h"
-namespace walberla{
-namespace pe{
-namespace fcd {
-template <typename BodyTypeTuple>
-class IterativeFCDDataHandling : public blockforest::AlwaysInitializeBlockDataHandling<IterativeFCD<BodyTypeTuple>>{
-   IterativeFCD<BodyTypeTuple> * initialize( IBlock * const /*block*/ ) {return new IterativeFCD<BodyTypeTuple>();}
-template <typename BodyTypeTuple>
-shared_ptr<IterativeFCDDataHandling<BodyTypeTuple>> createIterativeFCDDataHandling()
-   return make_shared<IterativeFCDDataHandling<BodyTypeTuple>>( );
diff --git a/tests/pe/CollisionTobiasGJK.cpp b/tests/pe/CollisionTobiasGJK.cpp
index af02c7f7a877b46bd32c7fe6b81718630a50aa9b..d4fd8c1f2e6757a223d3ed868a54b893a51b72b5 100644
--- a/tests/pe/CollisionTobiasGJK.cpp
+++ b/tests/pe/CollisionTobiasGJK.cpp
@@ -21,11 +21,10 @@
 #include "pe/contact/Contact.h"
-#include "pe/fcd/IFCD.h"
+//#include "pe/fcd/IFCD.h"
 #include "pe/fcd/GenericFCD.h"
-#include "pe/fcd/IterativeFCD.h"
 #include "pe/fcd/AnalyticCollisionDetection.h"
-#include "pe/fcd/IterativeCollideFunctor.h"
+#include "pe/fcd/GJKEPACollideFunctor.h"
 #include "pe/Materials.h"
 #include "pe/rigidbody/Box.h"
@@ -288,7 +287,7 @@ void PlaneTest()
    MaterialID iron = Material::find("iron");
-   fcd::GenericFCD<BodyTuple, fcd::IterativeCollideFunctor> testFCD;
+   fcd::GenericFCD<BodyTuple, fcd::GJKEPACollideFunctor> testFCD;
    Plane pl(1, 1, Vec3(0, 1, 0), Vec3(0, 1, 0), real_t(1.0), iron );
    Sphere sphere(2, 2, Vec3(0, real_t(1.9), 0), Vec3(0,0,0), Quat(), 1, iron, false, true, false);
@@ -349,7 +348,7 @@ void PlaneTest()
 void UnionTest(){
    MaterialID iron = Material::find("iron");
-   fcd::GenericFCD<BodyTuple, fcd::IterativeCollideFunctor> testFCD;
+   fcd::GenericFCD<BodyTuple, fcd::GJKEPACollideFunctor> testFCD;
    //A recursive union of three spheres is dropped on a box.
    Box box(179, 179, Vec3(0,0,0), Vec3(0,0,0), Quat(), Vec3(real_t(10),real_t(2), real_t(10)), iron, false, true, false);