From 9169b4a2c832651678434e88507bd6015a89e19b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Markus Holzer <>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2022 08:52:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] New Initialisation function for Complex Geometry

 .../blockforest/BlockForestInitialization.cpp | 82 +++++++++++++------
 .../blockforest/BlockForestInitialization.h   |  2 +
 src/mesh/blockforest/CMakeLists.txt           |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesh/blockforest/BlockForestInitialization.cpp b/src/mesh/blockforest/BlockForestInitialization.cpp
index 134aef9c5..93556f7aa 100644
--- a/src/mesh/blockforest/BlockForestInitialization.cpp
+++ b/src/mesh/blockforest/BlockForestInitialization.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,16 @@ static inline uint_t uintAbsDiff( const uint_t x, const uint_t y )
    return x > y ? x - y : y - x;
+static inline void compareAABB( const AABB & oldAABB, const AABB & newAABB )
+   if(oldAABB != newAABB)
+   {
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Domain AABB has been adapted to requested block size:\n" \
+                                 "Old AABB: " << oldAABB   << "\n" \
+                                 "New AABB: " << newAABB << "\n" )
+   }
 ComplexGeometryBlockforestCreator::ComplexGeometryBlockforestCreator( const AABB & aabb, const blockforest::SetupBlockForest::RootBlockExclusionFunction & rootBlockExclusionFunction )
    : aabb_(aabb), maxIterations_(25), acceptableRelativeError_( real_t(0.1) ), maxBlockSkewness_(2.0),
      processMemoryLimit_( real_t( 0.0 ) ), periodicity_( false, false, false ), rootBlockExclusionFunction_ ( rootBlockExclusionFunction ),
@@ -128,7 +138,7 @@ shared_ptr<SetupBlockForest> ComplexGeometryBlockforestCreator::createSetupBlock
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Using a block grid of size " << bestSizeBlockGrid3D << " (" << bestSizeBlockGrid << ") resulting in " << bestNumRootBlocks << " root blocks." );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Using a block grid of size " << bestSizeBlockGrid3D << " (" << bestSizeBlockGrid << ") resulting in " << bestNumRootBlocks << " root blocks." )
    auto setupBlockForest = make_shared<SetupBlockForest>();
    setupBlockForest->addRootBlockExclusionFunction( rootBlockExclusionFunction_ );
@@ -154,10 +164,7 @@ shared_ptr<SetupBlockForest> ComplexGeometryBlockforestCreator::createSetupBlock
                  real_c( numBlocks[0] ) * blockSize[0], real_c( numBlocks[1] ) * blockSize[1], real_c( numBlocks[2] ) * blockSize[2] );
    newAABB.translate( - );
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Domain AABB may have been adapted to requested block size:\n" \
-                              "Old AABB: " << aabb_   << "\n" \
-                              "New AABB: " << newAABB << "\n" );
+   compareAABB(aabb_, newAABB);
    auto setupBlockForest = make_shared<SetupBlockForest>();
    setupBlockForest->addRootBlockExclusionFunction( rootBlockExclusionFunction_ );
@@ -190,14 +197,14 @@ shared_ptr<BlockForest> ComplexGeometryBlockforestCreator::createBlockForest( co
 uint_t ComplexGeometryBlockforestCreator::findNumBlocks( const Vector3<uint_t> & numRootBlocks3D ) const
-   WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL_ON_ROOT( "Testing block grid " << numRootBlocks3D );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL_ON_ROOT( "Testing block grid " << numRootBlocks3D )
    SetupBlockForest setupBlockForest;
    setupBlockForest.addRootBlockExclusionFunction( rootBlockExclusionFunction_ );
    setupBlockForest.init( aabb_, numRootBlocks3D[0], numRootBlocks3D[1], numRootBlocks3D[2], periodicity_[0], periodicity_[1], periodicity_[2] );
-   WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL_ON_ROOT( "Testing block grid " << numRootBlocks3D << " resulted in " << setupBlockForest.getNumberOfBlocks() );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL_ON_ROOT( "Testing block grid " << numRootBlocks3D << " resulted in " << setupBlockForest.getNumberOfBlocks() )
    return uint_c( setupBlockForest.getNumberOfBlocks() );
@@ -300,7 +307,7 @@ shared_ptr<SetupBlockForest> ComplexGeometryStructuredBlockforestCreator::create
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Using a block of size " << bestBlockSize << " resulting in " << bestNumRootBlocks << " root blocks." );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Using a block of size " << bestBlockSize << " resulting in " << bestNumRootBlocks << " root blocks." )
    Vector3<uint_t> numBlocks( uint_c( std::ceil( real_c( numCells[0] ) / real_c( bestBlockSize ) ) ),
                               uint_c( std::ceil( real_c( numCells[1] ) / real_c( bestBlockSize ) ) ),
@@ -312,10 +319,7 @@ shared_ptr<SetupBlockForest> ComplexGeometryStructuredBlockforestCreator::create
                  real_c( numBlocks[2] * bestBlockSize ) * cellSize_[2] );
    newAABB.translate( - );
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Domain AABB may have been adapted to block size:\n" \
-                              "Old AABB: " << aabb_   << "\n" \
-                              "New AABB: " << newAABB << "\n" );
+   compareAABB(aabb_, newAABB);
    auto setupBlockForest = make_shared<SetupBlockForest>();
    setupBlockForest->addRootBlockExclusionFunction( rootBlockExclusionFunction_ );
@@ -329,9 +333,6 @@ shared_ptr<SetupBlockForest> ComplexGeometryStructuredBlockforestCreator::create
    setupBlockForest->balanceLoad( targetProcessAssignmentFunction_, numProcesses, uint_t(0), processMemoryLimit_, true, false );
    return setupBlockForest;
-   return make_shared<SetupBlockForest>();
@@ -350,10 +351,32 @@ shared_ptr<SetupBlockForest> ComplexGeometryStructuredBlockforestCreator::create
                  real_c( numBlocks[2] * blockSize[2] ) * cellSize_[2] );
    newAABB.translate( - );
+   compareAABB(aabb_, newAABB);
+   auto setupBlockForest = make_shared<SetupBlockForest>();
+   setupBlockForest->addRootBlockExclusionFunction( rootBlockExclusionFunction_ );
+   setupBlockForest->addWorkloadMemorySUIDAssignmentFunction( workloadMemorySUIDAssignmentFunction_ );
+   if( refinementSelectionFunction_ )
+      setupBlockForest->addRefinementSelectionFunction( refinementSelectionFunction_ );
+   setupBlockForest->init( newAABB, numBlocks[0], numBlocks[1], numBlocks[2], periodicity_[0], periodicity_[1], periodicity_[2] );
+   setupBlockForest->balanceLoad( targetProcessAssignmentFunction_, numProcesses, uint_t(0), processMemoryLimit_, true, false );
+   return setupBlockForest;
+shared_ptr<SetupBlockForest> ComplexGeometryStructuredBlockforestCreator::createSetupBlockForest( const Vector3<uint_t> & cellsPerBlock, const Vector3<uint_t> & numBlocks ) const
+   uint_t numProcesses = numBlocks[0] * numBlocks[1] * numBlocks[2];
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Domain AABB may have been adapted to requested block size:\n" \
-                              "Old AABB: " << aabb_   << "\n" \
-                              "New AABB: " << newAABB << "\n" );
+   AABB newAABB(real_t(0), real_t(0), real_t(0), real_c(numBlocks[0] * cellsPerBlock[0]) * cellSize_[0],
+                real_c(numBlocks[1] * cellsPerBlock[1]) * cellSize_[1], real_c(numBlocks[2] * cellsPerBlock[2]) * cellSize_[2]);
+   newAABB.translate( - );
+   compareAABB(aabb_, newAABB);
    auto setupBlockForest = make_shared<SetupBlockForest>();
    setupBlockForest->addRootBlockExclusionFunction( rootBlockExclusionFunction_ );
@@ -379,9 +402,9 @@ shared_ptr<StructuredBlockForest> ComplexGeometryStructuredBlockforestCreator::c
    Vector3<uint_t> blockSizeCells( uint_c( blockSize[0] / cellSize_[0] + real_t(0.5) ), uint_c( blockSize[1] / cellSize_[1] + real_t(0.5) ), uint_c( blockSize[2] / cellSize_[2] + real_t(0.5) ) );
-   WALBERLA_ASSERT_FLOAT_EQUAL( blockSize[0] / cellSize_[0], real_c( blockSizeCells[0] ) );
-   WALBERLA_ASSERT_FLOAT_EQUAL( blockSize[1] / cellSize_[1], real_c( blockSizeCells[1] ) );
-   WALBERLA_ASSERT_FLOAT_EQUAL( blockSize[2] / cellSize_[2], real_c( blockSizeCells[2] ) );
+   WALBERLA_ASSERT_FLOAT_EQUAL( blockSize[0] / cellSize_[0], real_c( blockSizeCells[0] ) )
+   WALBERLA_ASSERT_FLOAT_EQUAL( blockSize[1] / cellSize_[1], real_c( blockSizeCells[1] ) )
+   WALBERLA_ASSERT_FLOAT_EQUAL( blockSize[2] / cellSize_[2], real_c( blockSizeCells[2] ) )
    auto blockForest = make_shared< blockforest::BlockForest >( MPIManager::instance()->rank(), *setupBlockForest );
@@ -405,9 +428,22 @@ shared_ptr<StructuredBlockForest> ComplexGeometryStructuredBlockforestCreator::c
    return structuredBlockForest;
+shared_ptr<StructuredBlockForest> ComplexGeometryStructuredBlockforestCreator::createStructuredBlockForest( const Vector3<uint_t> & cellsPerBlock, const Vector3<uint_t> & numBlocks ) const
+   shared_ptr< blockforest::SetupBlockForest> setupBlockForest = createSetupBlockForest( cellsPerBlock, numBlocks );
+   auto blockForest = make_shared< blockforest::BlockForest >( MPIManager::instance()->rank(), *setupBlockForest );
+   auto structuredBlockForest = make_shared< blockforest::StructuredBlockForest >( blockForest, cellsPerBlock[0], cellsPerBlock[1], cellsPerBlock[2] );
+   structuredBlockForest->createCellBoundingBoxes();
+   return structuredBlockForest;
 uint_t ComplexGeometryStructuredBlockforestCreator::findNumBlocks( const Vector3<uint_t> & blockSize ) const
-   WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL_ON_ROOT( "Testing block size " << blockSize );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL_ON_ROOT( "Testing block size " << blockSize )
    Vector3<uint_t> numCells( uint_c( std::ceil( aabb_.xSize() / cellSize_[0] ) ),
                              uint_c( std::ceil( aabb_.ySize() / cellSize_[1] ) ),
@@ -433,7 +469,7 @@ uint_t ComplexGeometryStructuredBlockforestCreator::findNumBlocks( const Vector3
    setupBlockForest.init( newAABB, numBlocks[0], numBlocks[1], numBlocks[2], periodicity_[0], periodicity_[1], periodicity_[2] );
-   WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL_ON_ROOT( "Testing block size " << blockSize << " resulted in " << setupBlockForest.getNumberOfBlocks() );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL_ON_ROOT( "Testing block size " << blockSize << " resulted in " << setupBlockForest.getNumberOfBlocks() )
    return setupBlockForest.getNumberOfBlocks();
diff --git a/src/mesh/blockforest/BlockForestInitialization.h b/src/mesh/blockforest/BlockForestInitialization.h
index d196f4fba..7c6eac13e 100644
--- a/src/mesh/blockforest/BlockForestInitialization.h
+++ b/src/mesh/blockforest/BlockForestInitialization.h
@@ -88,9 +88,11 @@ public:
    shared_ptr<SetupBlockForest>      createSetupBlockForest     ( const uint_t targetNumRootBlocks, const uint_t numProcesses = uint_c( MPIManager::instance()->numProcesses() ) ) const;
    shared_ptr<SetupBlockForest>      createSetupBlockForest     ( const Vector3<uint_t> & blockSize, const uint_t numProcesses = uint_c( MPIManager::instance()->numProcesses() ) ) const;
+   shared_ptr<SetupBlockForest>      createSetupBlockForest     ( const Vector3<uint_t> & cellsPerBlock, const Vector3<uint_t> & numBlocks ) const;
    shared_ptr<StructuredBlockForest> createStructuredBlockForest( const uint_t targetNumRootBlocks ) const;
    shared_ptr<StructuredBlockForest> createStructuredBlockForest( const Vector3<uint_t> & blockSize ) const;
+   shared_ptr<StructuredBlockForest> createStructuredBlockForest( const Vector3<uint_t> & cellsPerBlock, const Vector3<uint_t> & numBlocks ) const;
diff --git a/src/mesh/blockforest/CMakeLists.txt b/src/mesh/blockforest/CMakeLists.txt
index 166d1ee94..d7cf9894a 100644
--- a/src/mesh/blockforest/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/mesh/blockforest/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ target_sources( mesh
-    BlockForestInitialization.h     
+    BlockForestInitialization.h