diff --git a/astnodes.py b/astnodes.py
index 9a36744db7145b45e941decda8b1c90f436cbe03..91f2e494f6aefdbf48649859cfd30b55fc9a85c0 100644
--- a/astnodes.py
+++ b/astnodes.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import sympy as sp
 from sympy.tensor import IndexedBase
 from pystencils.field import Field
-from pystencils.types import TypedSymbol
+from pystencils.types import TypedSymbol, createType, get_type_from_sympy
 class Node(object):
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ class SympyAssignment(Node):
         self._lhsSymbol = lhsSymbol
         self.rhs = rhsTerm
         self._isDeclaration = True
-        isCast = str(self._lhsSymbol.func).lower() == 'cast'
+        isCast = str(self._lhsSymbol.func).lower() == 'cast' if hasattr(self._lhsSymbol, "func") else False
         if isinstance(self._lhsSymbol, Field.Access) or isinstance(self._lhsSymbol, IndexedBase) or isCast:
             self._isDeclaration = False
         self._isConst = isConst
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ class SympyAssignment(Node):
     def lhs(self, newValue):
         self._lhsSymbol = newValue
         self._isDeclaration = True
-        isCast = str(self._lhsSymbol.func).lower() == 'cast'
+        isCast = str(self._lhsSymbol.func).lower() == 'cast' if hasattr(self._lhsSymbol, "func") else False
         if isinstance(self._lhsSymbol, Field.Access) or isinstance(self._lhsSymbol, sp.Indexed) or isCast:
             self._isDeclaration = False
@@ -344,7 +344,8 @@ class SympyAssignment(Node):
     def replace(self, child, replacement):
         if child == self.lhs:
-            self.lhs = child
+            replacement.parent = self
+            self.lhs = replacement
         elif child == self.rhs:
             replacement.parent = self
             self.rhs = replacement
@@ -394,8 +395,6 @@ class TemporaryMemoryFree(Node):
 # TODO implement defined & undefinedSymbols
 class Conversion(Node):
     def __init__(self, child, dtype, parent=None):
         super(Conversion, self).__init__(parent)
@@ -422,9 +421,9 @@ class Conversion(Node):
         raise set()
     def __repr__(self):
-        return '(%s)' % (self.dtype,) + repr(self.args)
+        return '(%s(%s))' % (repr(self.dtype), repr(self.args[0].dtype)) + repr(self.args)
-# TODO everything which is not Atomic expression: Pow)
+# TODO Pow
 _expr_dict = {'Add': ' + ', 'Mul': ' * ', 'Pow': '**'}
@@ -480,15 +479,33 @@ class Pow(Expr):
 class Indexed(Expr):
+    def __init__(self, args, base, parent=None):
+        super(Indexed, self).__init__(args, parent)
+        self.base = base
+        # Get dtype from label, and unpointer it
+        self.dtype = createType(base.label.dtype.baseType)
     def __repr__(self):
         return '%s[%s]' % (self.args[0], self.args[1])
-class Number(Node):
+class PointerArithmetic(Expr):
+    def __init__(self, args, pointer, parent=None):
+        super(PointerArithmetic, self).__init__([args] + [pointer], parent)
+        self.pointer = pointer
+        self.offset = args
+        self.dtype = pointer.dtype
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '*(%s + %s)' % (self.pointer, self.args)
+class Number(Node, sp.AtomicExpr):
     def __init__(self, number, parent=None):
         super(Number, self).__init__(parent)
-        self._args = None
-        self.dtype = dtype
+        self.dtype, self.value = get_type_from_sympy(number)
+        self._args = tuple()
     def args(self):
@@ -506,6 +523,12 @@ class Number(Node):
         raise set()
     def __repr__(self):
-        return '(%s)' % (self.dtype,) + repr(self.args)
+        return repr(self.value)
+    def __float__(self):
+        return float(self.value)
+    def __int__(self):
+        return int(self.value)
diff --git a/backends/__init__.py b/backends/__init__.py
index 3b23aca7af30894625ab210ec25a9eeb6d14d50b..bd2b52ecba0ee4f95806bf29e6e28c23407a288f 100644
--- a/backends/__init__.py
+++ b/backends/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-    from .llvm import generateLLVM
-except ImportError:
-    pass
+from .llvm import generateLLVM
 from .cbackend import generateC
+from .dot import dotprint
diff --git a/backends/dot.py b/backends/dot.py
index b90ffc40a8434f16b8beac04495b5731d78d73c7..aac41d02de940ae80fe1ddb43a563eec8aba4e5f 100644
--- a/backends/dot.py
+++ b/backends/dot.py
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ class DotPrinter(Printer):
     A printer which converts ast to DOT (graph description language).
-    def __init__(self, nodeToStrFunction, **kwargs):
+    def __init__(self, nodeToStrFunction, full, **kwargs):
         super(DotPrinter, self).__init__()
         self._nodeToStrFunction = nodeToStrFunction
+        self.full = full
         self.dot = Digraph(**kwargs)
         self.dot.quote_edge = lang.quote
@@ -30,6 +31,21 @@ class DotPrinter(Printer):
     def _print_SympyAssignment(self, assignment):
+        if self.full:
+            for node in assignment.args:
+                self._print(node)
+            for node in assignment.args:
+                self.dot.edge(self._nodeToStrFunction(assignment), self._nodeToStrFunction(node))
+    def emptyPrinter(self, expr):
+        if self.full:
+            self.dot.node(self._nodeToStrFunction(expr))
+            for node in expr.args:
+                self._print(node)
+            for node in expr.args:
+                self.dot.edge(self._nodeToStrFunction(expr), self._nodeToStrFunction(node))
+        else:
+            raise NotImplemented('Dotprinter cannot print', expr)
     def doprint(self, expr):
@@ -48,17 +64,20 @@ def __shortened(node):
         return "Assignment: " + repr(node.lhs)
-def dotprint(ast, view=False, short=False, **kwargs):
+def dotprint(node, view=False, short=False, full=False, **kwargs):
     Returns a string which can be used to generate a DOT-graph
-    :param ast: The ast which should be generated
+    :param node: The ast which should be generated
     :param view: Boolen, if rendering of the image directly should occur.
+    :param short: Uses the __shortened output
+    :param full: Prints the whole tree with type information
     :param kwargs: is directly passed to the DotPrinter class: http://graphviz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#digraph
     :return: string in DOT format
     nodeToStrFunction = __shortened if short else repr
-    printer = DotPrinter(nodeToStrFunction, **kwargs)
-    dot = printer.doprint(ast)
+    nodeToStrFunction = lambda expr: repr(type(expr)) + repr(expr) if full else nodeToStrFunction
+    printer = DotPrinter(nodeToStrFunction, full, **kwargs)
+    dot = printer.doprint(node)
     if view:
     return dot
@@ -80,4 +99,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     from pystencils.cpu import createKernel
     ast = createKernel([updateRule])
-    print(dotprint(ast, short=True))
\ No newline at end of file
+    print(dotprint(ast, short=True))
diff --git a/backends/llvm.py b/backends/llvm.py
index fe11e77a46291a336e9c984ed741b9641de2c577..3a7e3f1940383062bfdd83f0e1bf4b8e65a9e2ca 100644
--- a/backends/llvm.py
+++ b/backends/llvm.py
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
 import llvmlite.ir as ir
+import functools
 from sympy.printing.printer import Printer
 from sympy import S
 # S is numbers?
 from pystencils.llvm.control_flow import Loop
+from ..types import createType
+from ..astnodes import Indexed
-def generateLLVM(ast_node):
+def generateLLVM(ast_node, module=ir.Module(), builder=ir.IRBuilder()):
     Prints the ast as llvm code
-    module = ir.Module()
-    builder = ir.IRBuilder()
     printer = LLVMPrinter(module, builder)
     return printer._print(ast_node)
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ class LLVMPrinter(Printer):
         self.fp_type = ir.DoubleType()
         self.fp_pointer = self.fp_type.as_pointer()
         self.integer = ir.IntType(64)
+        self.integer_pointer = self.integer.as_pointer()
         self.void = ir.VoidType()
         self.module = module
         self.builder = builder
@@ -35,11 +37,16 @@ class LLVMPrinter(Printer):
     def _add_tmp_var(self, name, value):
         self.tmp_var[name] = value
-    def _print_Number(self, n, **kwargs):
-        return ir.Constant(self.fp_type, float(n))
+    def _print_Number(self, n):
+        if n.dtype == createType("int"):
+            return ir.Constant(self.integer, int(n))
+        elif n.dtype == createType("double"):
+            return ir.Constant(self.fp_type, float(n))
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError("Numbers can only have int and double", n)
     def _print_Float(self, expr):
-        return ir.Constant(self.fp_type, float(expr.p))
+        return ir.Constant(self.fp_type, expr.p)
     def _print_Integer(self, expr):
         return ir.Constant(self.integer, expr.p)
@@ -81,24 +88,31 @@ class LLVMPrinter(Printer):
     def _print_Mul(self, expr):
         nodes = [self._print(a) for a in expr.args]
         e = nodes[0]
+        if expr.dtype == createType('double'):
+            mul = self.builder.fmul
+        else: # int TODO others?
+            mul = self.builder.mul
         for node in nodes[1:]:
-            e = self.builder.fmul(e, node)
+            e = mul(e, node)
         return e
     def _print_Add(self, expr):
         nodes = [self._print(a) for a in expr.args]
         e = nodes[0]
+        if expr.dtype == createType('double'):
+            add = self.builder.fadd
+        else: # int TODO others?
+            add = self.builder.add
         for node in nodes[1:]:
-            print(e, node)
-            e = self.builder.fadd(e, node)
+            e = add(e, node)
         return e
     def _print_KernelFunction(self, function):
         return_type = self.void
-        # TODO argument in their own call?
+        # TODO argument in their own call? -> nope
         parameter_type = []
         for parameter in function.parameters:
-            # TODO what bout ptr shape and stride argument?
+            # TODO what about ptr shape and stride argument?
             if parameter.isFieldArgument:
@@ -118,6 +132,7 @@ class LLVMPrinter(Printer):
         block = fn.append_basic_block(name="entry")
         self.builder = ir.IRBuilder(block)
+        self.builder.ret_void()
         self.fn = fn
         return fn
@@ -129,16 +144,57 @@ class LLVMPrinter(Printer):
         with Loop(self.builder, self._print(loop.start), self._print(loop.stop), self._print(loop.step),
                   loop.loopCounterName, loop.loopCounterSymbol.name) as i:
             self._add_tmp_var(loop.loopCounterSymbol, i)
+            # TODO remove tmp var
     def _print_SympyAssignment(self, assignment):
         expr = self._print(assignment.rhs)
-        #  Should have a list of math library functions to validate this.
-    # TODO delete this -> NO this should be a function call
+        lhs = assignment.lhs
+        if isinstance(lhs, Indexed):
+            ptr = self._print(lhs.base.label)
+            index = self._print(lhs.args[1])
+            gep = self.builder.gep(ptr, [index])
+            return self.builder.store(expr, gep)
+        self.func_arg_map[assignment.lhs.name] = expr
+        return expr
+    def _print_Conversion(self, conversion):
+        node = self._print(conversion.args[0])
+        to_dtype = conversion.dtype
+        from_dtype = conversion.args[0].dtype
+        # (From, to)
+        decision = {
+            (createType("int"), createType("double")): functools.partial(self.builder.sitofp, node, self.fp_type),
+            (createType("double"), createType("int")): functools.partial(self.builder.fptosi, node, self.integer),
+            (createType("double *"), createType("int")): functools.partial(self.builder.ptrtoint, node, self.integer),
+            (createType("int"), createType("double *")): functools.partial(self.builder.inttoptr, node, self.fp_pointer),
+            (createType("double * restrict"), createType("int")): functools.partial(self.builder.ptrtoint, node, self.integer),
+            (createType("int"), createType("double * restrict")): functools.partial(self.builder.inttoptr, node, self.fp_pointer),
+            (createType("double * restrict const"), createType("int")): functools.partial(self.builder.ptrtoint, node, self.integer),
+            (createType("int"), createType("double * restrict const")): functools.partial(self.builder.inttoptr, node, self.fp_pointer),
+            }
+        # TODO float, const, restrict
+        # TODO bitcast, addrspacecast
+        # print([x for x in decision.keys()])
+        # print("Types:")
+        # print([(type(x), type(y)) for (x, y) in decision.keys()])
+        # print("Cast:")
+        # print((from_dtype, to_dtype))
+        return decision[(from_dtype, to_dtype)]()
+    def _print_Indexed(self, indexed):
+        ptr = self._print(indexed.base.label)
+        index = self._print(indexed.args[1])
+        gep = self.builder.gep(ptr, [index])
+        return self.builder.load(gep, name=indexed.base.label.name)
+    def _print_PointerArithmetic(self, pointer):
+        ptr = self._print(pointer.pointer)
+        index = self._print(pointer.offset)
+        return self.builder.gep(ptr, [index])
+    # Should have a list of math library functions to validate this.
+    # TODO function calls
     def _print_Function(self, expr):
         name = expr.func.__name__
         e0 = self._print(expr.args[0])
@@ -150,5 +206,5 @@ class LLVMPrinter(Printer):
         return self.builder.call(fn, [e0], name)
     def emptyPrinter(self, expr):
-        raise TypeError("Unsupported type for LLVM JIT conversion: %s"
-                        % type(expr))
+        raise TypeError("Unsupported type for LLVM JIT conversion: %s %s"
+                        % (type(expr), expr))
diff --git a/llvm/__init__.py b/llvm/__init__.py
index da5dfa39db26286f274c84e10aa38dd635b75465..f34532f8bea8ee95dd295cde4f521fb8902cb3d0 100644
--- a/llvm/__init__.py
+++ b/llvm/__init__.py
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 from .kernelcreation import createKernel
+from .jit import compileLLVM
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/llvm/jit.py b/llvm/jit.py
index 8e6fdb56f947ce6a98ba93aad5f8bb2ef9006014..aa53eb285859dee7807f4d839e6191ec26a108fc 100644
--- a/llvm/jit.py
+++ b/llvm/jit.py
@@ -1,71 +1,81 @@
+import llvmlite.ir as ir
 import llvmlite.binding as llvm
-import logging.config
+from ..types import toCtypes, createType
+import ctypes as ct
-class Eval(object):
+def compileLLVM(module):
+    jit = Jit()
+    jit.parse(module)
+    jit.optimize()
+    jit.compile()
+    return jit
+class Jit(object):
     def __init__(self):
+        self.module = None
+        self.llvmmod = None
         self.target = llvm.Target.from_default_triple()
+        self.cpu = llvm.get_host_cpu_name()
+        self.cpu_features = llvm.get_host_cpu_features()
+        self.target_machine = self.target.create_target_machine(cpu=self.cpu, features=self.cpu_features.flatten(), opt=2)
+        self.ee = None
+        self.fptr = None
-    def compile(self, module):
-        logger.debug('=============Preparse')
-        logger.debug(str(module))
+    def parse(self, module):
+        self.module = module
         llvmmod = llvm.parse_assembly(str(module))
-        logger.debug('=============Function in IR')
-        logger.debug(str(llvmmod))
-        # TODO cpu, features, opt
-        cpu = llvm.get_host_cpu_name()
-        features = llvm.get_host_cpu_features()
-        logger.debug('=======Things')
-        logger.debug(cpu)
-        logger.debug(features.flatten())
-        target_machine = self.target.create_target_machine(cpu=cpu, features=features.flatten(), opt=2)
-        logger.debug('Machine = ' + str(target_machine.target_data))
+        self.llvmmod = llvmmod
-        with open('gen.ll', 'w') as f:
-            f.write(str(llvmmod))
-        optimize = True
-        if optimize:
-            pmb = llvm.create_pass_manager_builder()
-            pmb.opt_level = 2
-            pmb.disable_unit_at_a_time = False
-            pmb.loop_vectorize = True
-            pmb.slp_vectorize = True
-            # TODO possible to pass for functions
-            pm = llvm.create_module_pass_manager()
-            pm.add_instruction_combining_pass()
-            pm.add_function_attrs_pass()
-            pm.add_constant_merge_pass()
-            pm.add_licm_pass()
-            pmb.populate(pm)
-            pm.run(llvmmod)
-            logger.debug("==========Opt")
-            logger.debug(str(llvmmod))
-            with open('gen_opt.ll', 'w') as f:
-                f.write(str(llvmmod))
+    def write_ll(self, file):
+        with open(file, 'w') as f:
+            f.write(str(self.llvmmod))
-        with llvm.create_mcjit_compiler(llvmmod, target_machine) as ee:
-            ee.finalize_object()
+    def optimize(self):
+        pmb = llvm.create_pass_manager_builder()
+        pmb.opt_level = 2
+        pmb.disable_unit_at_a_time = False
+        pmb.loop_vectorize = True
+        pmb.slp_vectorize = True
+        # TODO possible to pass for functions
+        pm = llvm.create_module_pass_manager()
+        pm.add_instruction_combining_pass()
+        pm.add_function_attrs_pass()
+        pm.add_constant_merge_pass()
+        pm.add_licm_pass()
+        pmb.populate(pm)
+        pm.run(self.llvmmod)
-            logger.debug('==========Machine code')
-            logger.debug(target_machine.emit_assembly(llvmmod))
-            with open('gen.S', 'w') as f:
-                f.write(target_machine.emit_assembly(llvmmod))
-            with open('gen.o', 'wb') as f:
-                f.write(target_machine.emit_object(llvmmod))
+    def compile(self, assembly_file=None, object_file=None):
+        ee = llvm.create_mcjit_compiler(self.llvmmod, self.target_machine)
+        ee.finalize_object()
-            # fptr = CFUNCTYPE(c_double, c_double, c_double)(ee.get_function_address('add2'))
-            # result = fptr(2, 3)
-            # print(result)
-            return 0
+        if assembly_file is not None:
+            with open(assembly_file, 'w') as f:
+                f.write(self.target_machine.emit_assembly(self.llvmmod))
+        if object_file is not None:
+            with open(object_file, 'wb') as f:
+                f.write(self.target_machine.emit_object(self.llvmmod))
+        fptr = {}
+        for function in self.module.functions:
+            if not function.is_declaration:
+                return_type = None
+                if function.ftype.return_type != ir.VoidType():
+                    return_type = toCtypes(createType(str(function.ftype.return_type)))
+                args = [toCtypes(createType(str(arg))) for arg in function.ftype.args]
+                function_address = ee.get_function_address(function.name)
+                fptr[function.name] = ct.CFUNCTYPE(return_type, *args)(function_address)
+        self.ee = ee
+        self.fptr = fptr
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+    def __call__(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.fptr[function](*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/llvm/kernelcreation.py b/llvm/kernelcreation.py
index 75bac76cc3c57534e51b0ffb6a2bd6d128edcb2a..5473b9ce7ed5034de38fb748affd176a2a17b05f 100644
--- a/llvm/kernelcreation.py
+++ b/llvm/kernelcreation.py
@@ -60,9 +60,11 @@ def createKernel(listOfEquations, functionName="kernel", typeForSymbol=None, spl
     resolveFieldAccesses(code, readOnlyFields, fieldToBasePointerInfo=basePointerInfos)
+    print('Ast:')
+    print(code)
+    print('Desympied ast:')
+    print(code)
-    return code
\ No newline at end of file
+    return code
diff --git a/transformations.py b/transformations.py
index 870904b54740532068f8084952ba273767dbf41d..73b684a3c3d91b8c7dc6af51d0cdb60cf15fc4a9 100644
--- a/transformations.py
+++ b/transformations.py
@@ -566,23 +566,45 @@ def get_type(node):
 def insert_casts(node):
-    Inserts casts where needed
+    Inserts casts and dtype where needed
     :param node: ast which should be traversed
     :return: node
-    def add_conversion(node, dtype):
-        return node
+    def conversion(args):
+        target = args[0]
+        if isinstance(target.dtype, PointerType):
+            # Pointer arithmetic
+            for arg in args[1:]:
+                # Check validness
+                if not arg.dtype.is_int() and not arg.dtype.is_uint():
+                    raise ValueError("Impossible pointer arithmetic", target, arg)
+            pointer = ast.PointerArithmetic(ast.Add(args[1:]), target)
+            return [pointer]
+        else:
+            for i in range(len(args)):
+                if args[i].dtype != target.dtype:
+                    args[i] = ast.Conversion(args[i], target.dtype, node)
+            return args
     for arg in node.args:
     if isinstance(node, ast.Indexed):
+        #TODO revmove this
     elif isinstance(node, ast.Expr):
-        args = sorted((arg.dtype for arg in node.args), key=attrgetter('ptr', 'dtype'))
+        #print(node, node.args)
+        #print([type(arg) for arg in node.args])
+        #print([arg.dtype for arg in node.args])
+        args = sorted((arg for arg in node.args), key=attrgetter('dtype'))
         target = args[0]
-        for i in range(len(args)):
-            args[i] = add_conversion(args[i], target.dtype)
-        node.args = args
+        node.args = conversion(args)
+        node.dtype = target.dtype
+        #print(node.dtype)
+        #print(node)
+    elif isinstance(node, ast.SympyAssignment):
+        if node.lhs.dtype != node.rhs.dtype:
+            node.replace(node.rhs, ast.Conversion(node.rhs, node.lhs.dtype))
     elif isinstance(node, ast.LoopOverCoordinate):
     return node
@@ -595,16 +617,45 @@ def desympy_ast(node):
     :param node: ast which should be traversed. Only node's children will be modified.
     :return: (modified) node
+    if node.args is None:
+        return node
     for i in range(len(node.args)):
         arg = node.args[i]
         if isinstance(arg, sp.Add):
             node.replace(arg, ast.Add(arg.args, node))
+        elif isinstance(arg, sp.Number):
+            node.replace(arg, ast.Number(arg, node))
         elif isinstance(arg, sp.Mul):
             node.replace(arg, ast.Mul(arg.args, node))
         elif isinstance(arg, sp.Pow):
             node.replace(arg, ast.Pow(arg.args, node))
-        elif isinstance(arg, sp.tensor.Indexed):
-            node.replace(arg, ast.Indexed(arg.args, node))
+        elif isinstance(arg, sp.tensor.Indexed) or isinstance(arg, sp.tensor.indexed.Indexed):
+            node.replace(arg, ast.Indexed(arg.args, arg.base, node))
+        elif isinstance(arg,  sp.tensor.IndexedBase):
+            node.replace(arg, arg.label)
+        #elif isinstance(arg, sp.containers.Tuple):
+        #
+        else:
+            #print('Not transforming:', type(arg), arg)
+            pass
     for arg in node.args:
     return node
+def check_dtype(node):
+    if isinstance(node, ast.KernelFunction):
+        pass
+    elif isinstance(node, ast.Block):
+        pass
+    elif isinstance(node, ast.LoopOverCoordinate):
+        pass
+    elif isinstance(node, ast.SympyAssignment):
+        pass
+    else:
+        #print(node)
+        #print(node.dtype)
+        pass
+    for arg in node.args:
+        check_dtype(arg)
diff --git a/types.py b/types.py
index 251688ce873fff3a8b0eaf5edc300ad8b7bf4e77..61f2fc63aa7555a530dd3c19fead33a24ba63e78 100644
--- a/types.py
+++ b/types.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import ctypes
 import sympy as sp
 import numpy as np
+# import llvmlite.ir as ir
 from sympy.core.cache import cacheit
@@ -50,6 +51,11 @@ class TypedSymbol(sp.Symbol):
 def createType(specification):
+    """
+    Create a subclass of Type according to a string or an object of subclass Type
+    :param specification: Type object, or a string
+    :return: Type object, or a new Type object parsed from the string
+    """
     if isinstance(specification, Type):
         return specification
     elif isinstance(specification, str):
@@ -63,6 +69,11 @@ def createType(specification):
 def createTypeFromString(specification):
+    """
+    Creates a new Type object from a c-like string specification
+    :param specification: Specification string
+    :return: Type object
+    """
     specification = specification.lower().split()
     parts = []
     current = []
@@ -74,16 +85,17 @@ def createTypeFromString(specification):
     if len(current) > 0:
-    # Parse native part
+        # Parse native part
     basePart = parts.pop(0)
     const = False
     if 'const' in basePart:
         const = True
     assert len(basePart) == 1
+    if basePart[0][-1] == "*":
+        basePart[0] = basePart[0][:-1]
+        parts.append('*')
     baseType = BasicType(basePart[0], const)
     currentType = baseType
     # Parse pointer parts
     for part in parts:
@@ -107,6 +119,11 @@ def getBaseType(type):
 def toCtypes(dataType):
+    """
+    Transforms a given Type into ctypes
+    :param dataType: Subclass of Type
+    :return: ctypes type object
+    """
     if isinstance(dataType, PointerType):
         return ctypes.POINTER(toCtypes(dataType.baseType))
     elif isinstance(dataType, StructType):
@@ -114,6 +131,7 @@ def toCtypes(dataType):
         return toCtypes.map[dataType.numpyDtype]
 toCtypes.map = {
     np.dtype(np.int8): ctypes.c_int8,
     np.dtype(np.int16): ctypes.c_int16,
@@ -130,16 +148,66 @@ toCtypes.map = {
+#def to_llvmlite_type(data_type):
+#    """
+#    Transforms a given type into ctypes
+#    :param data_type: Subclass of Type
+#    :return: llvmlite type object
+#    """
+#    if isinstance(data_type, PointerType):
+#        return to_llvmlite_type.map[data_type.baseType].as_pointer()
+#    else:
+#        return to_llvmlite_type.map[data_type.numpyDType]
+#to_llvmlite_type.map = {
+#    np.dtype(np.int8): ir.IntType(8),
+#    np.dtype(np.int16): ir.IntType(16),
+#    np.dtype(np.int32): ir.IntType(32),
+#    np.dtype(np.int64): ir.IntType(64),
+#    # TODO llvmlite doesn't seem to differentiate between Int types
+#    np.dtype(np.uint8): ir.IntType(8),
+#    np.dtype(np.uint16): ir.IntType(16),
+#    np.dtype(np.uint32): ir.IntType(32),
+#    np.dtype(np.uint64): ir.IntType(64),
+#    np.dtype(np.float32): ir.FloatType(),
+#    np.dtype(np.float64): ir.DoubleType(),
+#    # TODO const, restrict, void
 class Type(sp.Basic):
     def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
         return sp.Basic.__new__(cls)
+    def __lt__(self, other):
+        # Needed for sorting the types inside an expression
+        if isinstance(self, BasicType):
+            if isinstance(other, BasicType):
+                return self.numpyDtype < other.numpyDtype  # TODO const
+            if isinstance(other, PointerType):
+                return False
+            if isinstance(other, StructType):
+                raise NotImplementedError("Struct type comparison is not yet implemented")
+        if isinstance(self, PointerType):
+            if isinstance(other, BasicType):
+                return True
+            if isinstance(other, PointerType):
+                return self.baseType < other.baseType  # TODO const, restrict
+            if isinstance(other, StructType):
+                raise NotImplementedError("Struct type comparison is not yet implemented")
+        if isinstance(self, StructType):
+            raise NotImplementedError("Struct type comparison is not yet implemented")
 class BasicType(Type):
     def numpyNameToC(name):
-        if name == 'float64': return 'double'
-        elif name == 'float32': return 'float'
+        if name == 'float64':
+            return 'double'
+        elif name == 'float32':
+            return 'float'
         elif name.startswith('int'):
             width = int(name[len("int"):])
             return "int%d_t" % (width,)
@@ -176,7 +244,22 @@ class BasicType(Type):
     def itemSize(self):
         return 1
-    def __str__(self):
+    def is_int(self):
+        return self.numpyDtype in np.sctypes['int']
+    def is_float(self):
+        return self.numpyDtype in np.sctypes['float']
+    def is_uint(self):
+        return self.numpyDtype in np.sctypes['uint']
+    def is_comlex(self):
+        return self.numpyDtype in np.sctypes['complex']
+    def is_other(self):
+        return self.numpyDtype in np.sctypes['others']
+    def __repr__(self):
         result = BasicType.numpyNameToC(str(self._dtype))
         if self.const:
             result += " const"
@@ -219,8 +302,8 @@ class PointerType(Type):
             return (self.baseType, self.const, self.restrict) == (other.baseType, other.const, other.restrict)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "%s *%s%s" % (self.baseType, " RESTRICT" if self.restrict else "", " const" if self.const else "")
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%s * %s%s" % (self.baseType, "RESTRICT " if self.restrict else "", "const " if self.const else "")
     def __hash__(self):
         return hash(str(self))
@@ -271,3 +354,35 @@ class StructType(object):
     def __hash__(self):
         return hash((self.numpyDtype, self.const))
+    # TODO this should not work at all!!!
+    def __gt__(self, other):
+        if self.ptr and not other.ptr:
+            return True
+        if self.dtype > other.dtype:
+            return True
+def get_type_from_sympy(node):
+    """
+    Creates a Type object from a Sympy object
+    :param node: Sympy object
+    :return: Type object
+    """
+    # Rational, NumberSymbol?
+    # Zero, One, NegativeOne )= Integer
+    # Half )= Rational
+    # NAN, Infinity, Negative Inifinity,
+    # Exp1, Imaginary Unit, Pi, EulerGamma, Catalan, Golden Ratio
+    # Pow, Mul, Add, Mod, Relational
+    if not isinstance(node, sp.Number):
+        raise TypeError(node, 'is not a sp.Number')
+    if isinstance(node, sp.Float) or isinstance(node, sp.RealNumber):
+        return createType('double'), float(node)
+    elif isinstance(node, sp.Integer):
+        return createType('int'), int(node)
+    elif isinstance(node, sp.Rational):
+        raise NotImplementedError('Rationals are not supported yet')
+    else:
+        raise TypeError(node, ' is not a supported type (yet)!')