diff --git a/equationcollection/simplifications.py b/equationcollection/simplifications.py
index ebe3cc79c4a45d128cca8659271afa7fb7170f12..0e1e92f4872e58262d5b8667911d2392261d0819 100644
--- a/equationcollection/simplifications.py
+++ b/equationcollection/simplifications.py
@@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
 import sympy as sp
+from pystencils.equationcollection.equationcollection import EquationCollection
 from pystencils.sympyextensions import replaceAdditive
+def sympyCseOnEquationList(eqs):
+    ec = EquationCollection(eqs, [])
+    return sympyCSE(ec).allEquations
 def sympyCSE(equationCollection):
     Searches for common subexpressions inside the equation collection, in both the existing subexpressions as well
diff --git a/field.py b/field.py
index 97a5893a9cbe507a41181fcc0eafdc36cf12cc57..93915a37b1b6994c18e3491aeaf32c1cd51b2392 100644
--- a/field.py
+++ b/field.py
@@ -254,19 +254,18 @@ class Field(object):
             if constantOffsets:
                 offsetName = offsetToDirectionString(offsets)
                 if field.indexDimensions == 0:
-                    obj = super(Field.Access, self).__xnew__(self, fieldName + "_" + offsetName)
+                    symbolName = fieldName + "_" + offsetName
                 elif field.indexDimensions == 1:
-                    obj = super(Field.Access, self).__xnew__(self, fieldName + "_" + offsetName + "^" + str(idx[0]))
+                    symbolName = fieldName + "_" + offsetName + "^" + str(idx[0])
                     idxStr = ",".join([str(e) for e in idx])
-                    obj = super(Field.Access, self).__xnew__(self, fieldName + "_" + offsetName + "^" + idxStr)
+                    symbolName = fieldName + "_" + offsetName + "^" + idxStr
                 offsetName = "%0.10X" % (abs(hash(tuple(offsetsAndIndex))))
-                obj = super(Field.Access, self).__xnew__(self, fieldName + "_" + offsetName)
+                symbolName = fieldName + "_" + offsetName
+            obj = super(Field.Access, self).__xnew__(self, "{" + symbolName + "}")
             obj._field = field
             obj._offsets = []
             for o in offsets:
diff --git a/sympyextensions.py b/sympyextensions.py
index d14630b9dca638915d43d8363b88facddc3e52ff..37eb4c6167da82a69247ad761ff68206ba1ecfcc 100644
--- a/sympyextensions.py
+++ b/sympyextensions.py
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ def getSymmetricPart(term, vars):
     :returns: :math:`\frac{1}{2} [ f(x_0, x_1, ..) + f(-x_0, -x_1) ]`
     substitutionDict = {e: -e for e in vars}
-    return sp.Rational(1, 2) * (term + fastSubs(term, substitutionDict))
+    return sp.Rational(1, 2) * (term + term.subs(substitutionDict))
 def sortEquationsTopologically(equationSequence):
diff --git a/types.py b/types.py
index d88fd4289513bcb61afbfef945d021493260c76c..2fb1fcf9328789a7983ab3f2c00c1b5aa52d77aa 100644
--- a/types.py
+++ b/types.py
@@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ class TypedSymbol(sp.Symbol):
     def __new_stage2__(cls, name, dtype):
         obj = super(TypedSymbol, cls).__xnew__(cls, name)
-        obj._dtype = createType(dtype)
+        try:
+            obj._dtype = createType(dtype)
+        except TypeError:
+            # on error keep the string
+            obj._dtype = dtype
         return obj
     __xnew__ = staticmethod(__new_stage2__)