import os import subprocess from ctypes import cdll, c_double, c_float, sizeof from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from pystencils.backends.cbackend import generateC import numpy as np CONFIG_GCC = { 'compiler': 'g++', 'flags': '-Ofast -DNDEBUG -fPIC -shared -march=native -fopenmp', } CONFIG_INTEL = { 'compiler': '/software/intel/2017/bin/icpc', 'flags': '-Ofast -DNDEBUG -fPIC -shared -march=native -fopenmp -Wl,-rpath=/software/intel/2017/lib/intel64', 'env': { 'INTEL_LICENSE_FILE': '', 'LM_PROJECT': 'iwia', } } CONFIG_CLANG = { 'compiler': 'clang++', 'flags': '-Ofast -DNDEBUG -fPIC -shared -march=native -fopenmp', } CONFIG = CONFIG_GCC def ctypeFromString(typename, includePointers=True): import ctypes as ct typename = typename.replace("*", " * ") typeComponents = typename.split() basicTypeMap = { 'double': ct.c_double, 'float': ct.c_float, 'int': ct.c_int, 'long': ct.c_long, } resultType = None for typeComponent in typeComponents: typeComponent = typeComponent.strip() if typeComponent == "const" or typeComponent == "restrict" or typeComponent == "volatile": continue if typeComponent in basicTypeMap: resultType = basicTypeMap[typeComponent] elif typeComponent == "*" and includePointers: assert resultType is not None resultType = ct.POINTER(resultType) return resultType def ctypeFromNumpyType(numpyType): typeMap = { np.dtype('float64'): c_double, np.dtype('float32'): c_float, } return typeMap[numpyType] def compileAndLoad(kernelFunctionNode): with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpDir: srcFile = os.path.join(tmpDir, 'source.cpp') with open(srcFile, 'w') as sourceFile: print('#include <iostream>', file=sourceFile) print("#include <cmath>", file=sourceFile) print('extern "C" { ', file=sourceFile) print(generateC(kernelFunctionNode), file=sourceFile) print('}', file=sourceFile) compilerCmd = [CONFIG['compiler']] + CONFIG['flags'].split() libFile = os.path.join(tmpDir, "") compilerCmd += [srcFile, '-o', libFile] configEnv = CONFIG['env'] if 'env' in CONFIG else {} env = os.environ.copy() env.update(configEnv), env=env) showAssembly = True if showAssembly: assemblyFile = os.path.join(tmpDir, "assembly.s") compilerCmd = [CONFIG['compiler'], '-S', '-o', assemblyFile, srcFile] + CONFIG['flags'].split(), env=env) assembly = open(assemblyFile, 'r').read() kernelFunctionNode.assembly = assembly loadedJitLib = cdll.LoadLibrary(libFile) return loadedJitLib def buildCTypeArgumentList(kernelFunctionNode, argumentDict): ctArguments = [] for arg in kernelFunctionNode.parameters: if arg.isFieldArgument: field = argumentDict[arg.fieldName] if arg.isFieldPtrArgument: ctArguments.append(field.ctypes.data_as(ctypeFromString(arg.dtype))) elif arg.isFieldShapeArgument: dataType = ctypeFromString(arg.dtype, includePointers=False) ctArguments.append(field.ctypes.shape_as(dataType)) elif arg.isFieldStrideArgument: dataType = ctypeFromString(arg.dtype, includePointers=False) baseFieldType = ctypeFromNumpyType(field.dtype) strides = field.ctypes.strides_as(dataType) for i in range(len(field.shape)): assert strides[i] % sizeof(baseFieldType) == 0 strides[i] //= sizeof(baseFieldType) ctArguments.append(strides) else: assert False else: param = argumentDict[] expectedType = ctypeFromString(arg.dtype) ctArguments.append(expectedType(param)) return ctArguments def makePythonFunctionIncompleteParams(kernelFunctionNode, argumentDict): func = compileAndLoad(kernelFunctionNode)[kernelFunctionNode.functionName] func.restype = None def wrapper(**kwargs): from copy import copy fullArguments = copy(argumentDict) fullArguments.update(kwargs) args = buildCTypeArgumentList(kernelFunctionNode, fullArguments) func(*args) return wrapper def makePythonFunction(kernelFunctionNode, argumentDict={}): """ Creates C code from the abstract syntax tree, compiles it and makes it accessible as Python function The parameters of the kernel are: - numpy arrays for each field used in the kernel. The keyword argument name is the name of the field - all symbols which are not defined in the kernel itself are expected as parameters :param kernelFunctionNode: the abstract syntax tree :param argumentDict: parameters passed here are already fixed. Remaining parameters have to be passed to the returned kernel functor. :return: kernel functor """ # build up list of CType arguments try: args = buildCTypeArgumentList(kernelFunctionNode, argumentDict) except KeyError: # not all parameters specified yet return makePythonFunctionIncompleteParams(kernelFunctionNode, argumentDict) func = compileAndLoad(kernelFunctionNode)[kernelFunctionNode.functionName] func.restype = None return lambda: func(*args)