diff --git a/src/lbm/refinement/RefinementFunctorWrapper.h b/src/lbm/refinement/RefinementFunctorWrapper.h
index a44dfd301f3a3f770868a3bebdfa0cb2dc446af1..92261857469ffe0297b4f9462daf978fe792cae9 100644
--- a/src/lbm/refinement/RefinementFunctorWrapper.h
+++ b/src/lbm/refinement/RefinementFunctorWrapper.h
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace refinement {
 class FunctorWrapper {
-   FunctorWrapper(boost::function<void()> fct)
+   FunctorWrapper( const boost::function<void()> & fct)
          : fct_(fct) {
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ private:
 class SweepAsFunctorWrapper {
-   SweepAsFunctorWrapper( boost::function<void(IBlock * )> fct, const shared_ptr <StructuredBlockStorage> &blockStorage )
+   SweepAsFunctorWrapper( const boost::function<void(IBlock * )> & fct,
+                          const shared_ptr <StructuredBlockStorage> & blockStorage )
          : fct_(fct), blockStorage_(blockStorage) {
diff --git a/src/pe_coupling/utility/ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler.h b/src/pe_coupling/utility/ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler.h
index 5f07300f3c68c43fb1ded26723cbddb69b225b60..ead115a69ea789ec629c600d396b7c2028d6fa7e 100644
--- a/src/pe_coupling/utility/ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler.h
+++ b/src/pe_coupling/utility/ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler.h
@@ -60,12 +60,16 @@ public:
+   void resetScalingFactor( const real_t newScalingFactor )
+   {
+      scalingFactor_ = newScalingFactor;
+   }
    shared_ptr<StructuredBlockStorage> blockStorage_;
    const BlockDataID bodyStorageID_;
-   const real_t scalingFactor_;
+   real_t scalingFactor_;
 } // namespace pe_coupling
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/pe_coupling/CMakeLists.txt
index 25caff061daee5159475793ddbf91d64d62250b3..b675cc52d12e8373b2efdabe75992d56d9ac27da 100644
--- a/tests/pe_coupling/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -117,6 +117,18 @@ waLBerla_execute_test( NAME SegreSilberbergMEMEanReconTest        COMMAND $<TARG
 waLBerla_execute_test( NAME SegreSilberbergMEMExtReconFuncTest    COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:SegreSilberbergMEM> --funcTest --extReconstructor PROCESSES 9 )
 waLBerla_execute_test( NAME SegreSilberbergMEMExtReconTest        COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:SegreSilberbergMEM> --MO_CLI --extReconstructor   PROCESSES 18 LABELS verylongrun CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDbgInfo )
+waLBerla_compile_test( FILES momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEM.cpp DEPENDS timeloop )
+waLBerla_execute_test( NAME SettlingSphereMEMFuncTestSerial      COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:SettlingSphereMEM> --funcTest PROCESSES 1 LABELS longrun CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDbgInfo )
+waLBerla_execute_test( NAME SettlingSphereMEMFuncTestParallel    COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:SettlingSphereMEM> --funcTest PROCESSES 8 CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDbgInfo)
+waLBerla_compile_test( FILES momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinement.cpp DEPENDS timeloop )
+waLBerla_execute_test( NAME SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinementFuncTestSerial      COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinement> --funcTest PROCESSES 1 LABELS longrun CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDbgInfo)
+waLBerla_execute_test( NAME SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinementFuncTestParallel    COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinement> --funcTest PROCESSES 8 CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDbgInfo)
+waLBerla_compile_test( FILES momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinement.cpp DEPENDS timeloop )
+waLBerla_execute_test( NAME SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinementFuncTestSerial      COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinement> --funcTest PROCESSES 1 LABELS longrun CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDbgInfo)
+waLBerla_execute_test( NAME SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinementFuncTestParallel    COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinement> --funcTest PROCESSES 8 CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDbgInfo)
 waLBerla_compile_test( FILES momentum_exchange_method/TorqueSphereMEM.cpp DEPENDS blockforest pe timeloop )
 waLBerla_execute_test( NAME TorqueSphereMEMFuncTest        COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:TorqueSphereMEM> --funcTest           PROCESSES 1 )
 waLBerla_execute_test( NAME TorqueSphereMEMSingleTest      COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:TorqueSphereMEM>                      PROCESSES 1 LABELS longrun     CONFIGURATIONS Release RelWithDbgInfo )
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEM.cpp b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEM.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e57d6fa60bc43efa112d3c66fbad58fa34f5fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEM.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file SettlingSphereMEM.cpp
+//! \ingroup pe_coupling
+//! \author Christoph Rettinger <christoph.rettinger@fau.de>
+#include "blockforest/Initialization.h"
+#include "blockforest/communication/UniformBufferedScheme.h"
+#include "boundary/all.h"
+#include "core/DataTypes.h"
+#include "core/Environment.h"
+#include "core/SharedFunctor.h"
+#include "core/debug/Debug.h"
+#include "core/debug/TestSubsystem.h"
+#include "core/math/all.h"
+#include "core/timing/RemainingTimeLogger.h"
+#include "core/logging/all.h"
+#include "domain_decomposition/SharedSweep.h"
+#include "field/AddToStorage.h"
+#include "field/StabilityChecker.h"
+#include "field/communication/PackInfo.h"
+#include "lbm/boundary/all.h"
+#include "lbm/communication/PdfFieldPackInfo.h"
+#include "lbm/field/AddToStorage.h"
+#include "lbm/field/PdfField.h"
+#include "lbm/lattice_model/D3Q19.h"
+#include "lbm/sweeps/CellwiseSweep.h"
+#include "lbm/sweeps/SweepWrappers.h"
+#include "pe/basic.h"
+#include "pe/vtk/BodyVtkOutput.h"
+#include "pe/vtk/SphereVtkOutput.h"
+#include "pe/cr/ICR.h"
+#include "pe/Types.h"
+#include "pe_coupling/mapping/all.h"
+#include "pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/all.h"
+#include "pe_coupling/utility/all.h"
+#include "timeloop/SweepTimeloop.h"
+#include "vtk/all.h"
+#include "field/vtk/all.h"
+#include "lbm/vtk/all.h"
+namespace settling_sphere_mem
+// USING //
+using namespace walberla;
+using walberla::uint_t;
+// PDF field, flag field & body field
+typedef lbm::D3Q19< lbm::collision_model::TRT, false >  LatticeModel_T;
+typedef LatticeModel_T::Stencil          Stencil_T;
+typedef lbm::PdfField< LatticeModel_T > PdfField_T;
+typedef walberla::uint8_t                 flag_t;
+typedef FlagField< flag_t >               FlagField_T;
+typedef GhostLayerField< pe::BodyID, 1 >  BodyField_T;
+const uint_t FieldGhostLayers = 1;
+// boundary handling
+typedef lbm::NoSlip< LatticeModel_T, flag_t > NoSlip_T;
+typedef pe_coupling::CurvedLinear< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T > MO_T;
+typedef boost::tuples::tuple< NoSlip_T, MO_T > BoundaryConditions_T;
+typedef BoundaryHandling< FlagField_T, Stencil_T, BoundaryConditions_T > BoundaryHandling_T;
+typedef boost::tuple< pe::Sphere, pe::Plane > BodyTypeTuple;
+// FLAGS //
+const FlagUID Fluid_Flag( "fluid" );
+const FlagUID NoSlip_Flag( "no slip" );
+const FlagUID MO_Flag( "moving obstacle" );
+const FlagUID FormerMO_Flag( "former moving obstacle" );
+class MyBoundaryHandling
+   MyBoundaryHandling( const BlockDataID & flagFieldID, const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID, const BlockDataID & bodyFieldID ) :
+      flagFieldID_( flagFieldID ), pdfFieldID_( pdfFieldID ), bodyFieldID_ ( bodyFieldID ) {}
+   BoundaryHandling_T * operator()( IBlock* const block, const StructuredBlockStorage* const storage ) const;
+   const BlockDataID flagFieldID_;
+   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
+   const BlockDataID bodyFieldID_;
+}; // class MyBoundaryHandling
+BoundaryHandling_T * MyBoundaryHandling::operator()( IBlock * const block, const StructuredBlockStorage * const storage ) const
+   FlagField_T * flagField       = block->getData< FlagField_T >( flagFieldID_ );
+   PdfField_T *  pdfField        = block->getData< PdfField_T > ( pdfFieldID_ );
+   BodyField_T * bodyField       = block->getData< BodyField_T >( bodyFieldID_ );
+   const auto fluid = flagField->flagExists( Fluid_Flag ) ? flagField->getFlag( Fluid_Flag ) : flagField->registerFlag( Fluid_Flag );
+   BoundaryHandling_T * handling = new BoundaryHandling_T( "moving obstacle boundary handling", flagField, fluid,
+         boost::tuples::make_tuple(    NoSlip_T( "NoSlip", NoSlip_Flag, pdfField ),
+                                       MO_T( "MO", MO_Flag, pdfField, flagField, bodyField, fluid, *storage, *block ) ) );
+   // boundary conditions (no-slip) are set by mapping the planes into the domain
+   handling->fillWithDomain( FieldGhostLayers );
+   return handling;
+/*!\brief Evaluating the position and velocity of the sphere
+ *
+ */
+class SpherePropertyLogger
+   SpherePropertyLogger( SweepTimeloop* timeloop, const shared_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage > & blocks,
+                         const BlockDataID & bodyStorageID, const std::string & fileName, bool fileIO,
+                         real_t dx_SI, real_t dt_SI, real_t diameter) :
+      timeloop_( timeloop ), blocks_( blocks ), bodyStorageID_( bodyStorageID ), fileName_( fileName ), fileIO_(fileIO),
+      dx_SI_( dx_SI ), dt_SI_( dt_SI ), diameter_( diameter ),
+      position_( real_t(0) ), maxVelocity_( real_t(0) )
+   {
+      if ( fileIO_ )
+      {
+         {
+            std::ofstream file;
+            file.open( fileName_.c_str() );
+            file << "#\t t\t posX\t posY\t gapZ\t velX\t velY\t velZ\n";
+            file.close();
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   void operator()()
+   {
+      const uint_t timestep (timeloop_->getCurrentTimeStep());
+      Vector3<real_t> pos(real_t(0));
+      Vector3<real_t> transVel(real_t(0));
+      for( auto blockIt = blocks_->begin(); blockIt != blocks_->end(); ++blockIt )
+      {
+         for( auto bodyIt = pe::LocalBodyIterator::begin( *blockIt, bodyStorageID_); bodyIt != pe::LocalBodyIterator::end(); ++bodyIt )
+         {
+            pos = bodyIt->getPosition();
+            transVel = bodyIt->getLinearVel();
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( pos[0], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( pos[1], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( pos[2], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( transVel[0], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( transVel[1], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( transVel[2], mpi::SUM );
+      }
+      position_ = pos[2];
+      maxVelocity_ = std::max(maxVelocity_, -transVel[2]);
+      if( fileIO_ )
+         writeToFile( timestep, pos, transVel);
+   }
+   real_t getPosition() const
+   {
+      return position_;
+   }
+   real_t getMaxVelocity() const
+   {
+      return maxVelocity_;
+   }
+   void writeToFile( uint_t timestep, const Vector3<real_t> & position, const Vector3<real_t> & velocity )
+   {
+      {
+         std::ofstream file;
+         file.open( fileName_.c_str(), std::ofstream::app );
+         auto scaledPosition = position / diameter_;
+         auto velocity_SI = velocity * dx_SI_ / dt_SI_;
+         file << timestep << "\t" << real_c(timestep) * dt_SI_ << "\t"
+              << "\t" << scaledPosition[0] << "\t" << scaledPosition[1] << "\t" << scaledPosition[2] - real_t(0.5)
+              << "\t" << velocity_SI[0] << "\t" << velocity_SI[1] << "\t" << velocity_SI[2]
+              << "\n";
+         file.close();
+      }
+   }
+   SweepTimeloop* timeloop_;
+   shared_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage > blocks_;
+   const BlockDataID bodyStorageID_;
+   std::string fileName_;
+   bool fileIO_;
+   real_t dx_SI_, dt_SI_, diameter_;
+   real_t position_;
+   real_t maxVelocity_;
+// MAIN //
+/*!\brief Testcase that simulates the settling of a sphere inside a rectangular column filled with viscous fluid
+ *
+ * see: ten Cate, Nieuwstad, Derksen, Van den Akker - "Particle imaging velocimetry experiments and lattice-Boltzmann
+ * simulations on a single sphere settling under gravity" (2002), Physics of Fluids, doi: 10.1063/1.1512918
+ */
+int main( int argc, char **argv )
+   debug::enterTestMode();
+   mpi::Environment env( argc, argv );
+   ///////////////////
+   // Customization //
+   ///////////////////
+   // simulation control
+   bool shortrun = false;
+   bool funcTest = false;
+   bool fileIO = false;
+   uint_t vtkIOFreq = 0;
+   std::string baseFolder = "vtk_out_SettlingSphere";
+   // physical setup
+   uint_t fluidType = 1;
+   //numerical parameters
+   uint_t numberOfCellsInHorizontalDirection = uint_t(100);
+   bool averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps = true;
+   for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
+   {
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--shortrun" )         == 0 ) { shortrun = true; continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--funcTest" )         == 0 ) { funcTest = true; continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--fileIO" )           == 0 ) { fileIO = true; continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--vtkIOFreq" )        == 0 ) { vtkIOFreq = uint_c( std::atof( argv[++i] ) ); continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--fluidType" )        == 0 ) { fluidType = uint_c( std::atof( argv[++i] ) ); continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--resolution" )       == 0 ) { numberOfCellsInHorizontalDirection = uint_c( std::atof( argv[++i] ) ); continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--noForceAveraging" ) == 0 ) { averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps = false; continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--baseFolder" )       == 0 ) { baseFolder = argv[++i]; continue; }
+      WALBERLA_ABORT("Unrecognized command line argument found: " << argv[i]);
+   }
+   if( funcTest )
+   {
+      walberla::logging::Logging::instance()->setLogLevel(logging::Logging::LogLevel::WARNING);
+   }
+   if( fileIO )
+   {
+      // create base directory if it does not yet exist
+      boost::filesystem::path tpath( baseFolder );
+      if( !boost::filesystem::exists( tpath ) )
+         boost::filesystem::create_directory( tpath );
+   }
+   //////////////////////////////////////
+   //////////////////////////////////////
+   // values are mainly taken from the reference paper
+   const real_t diameter_SI = real_t(15e-3);
+   const real_t densitySphere_SI = real_t(1120);
+   real_t densityFluid_SI, dynamicViscosityFluid_SI;
+   real_t expectedSettlingVelocity_SI;
+   switch( fluidType )
+   {
+      case 1:
+         // Re_p around 1.5
+         densityFluid_SI = real_t(970);
+         dynamicViscosityFluid_SI = real_t(373e-3);
+         expectedSettlingVelocity_SI = real_t(0.035986);
+         break;
+      case 2:
+         // Re_p around 4.1
+         densityFluid_SI = real_t(965);
+         dynamicViscosityFluid_SI = real_t(212e-3);
+         expectedSettlingVelocity_SI = real_t(0.05718);
+         break;
+      case 3:
+         // Re_p around 11.6
+         densityFluid_SI = real_t(962);
+         dynamicViscosityFluid_SI = real_t(113e-3);
+         expectedSettlingVelocity_SI = real_t(0.087269);
+         break;
+      case 4:
+         // Re_p around 31.9
+         densityFluid_SI = real_t(960);
+         dynamicViscosityFluid_SI = real_t(58e-3);
+         expectedSettlingVelocity_SI = real_t(0.12224);
+         break;
+      default:
+         WALBERLA_ABORT("Only four different fluids are supported! Choose type between 1 and 4.");
+   }
+   const real_t kinematicViscosityFluid_SI = dynamicViscosityFluid_SI / densityFluid_SI;
+   const real_t gravitationalAcceleration_SI = real_t(9.81);
+   Vector3<real_t> domainSize_SI(real_t(100e-3), real_t(100e-3), real_t(160e-3));
+   //shift starting gap a bit upwards to match the reported (plotted) values
+   const real_t startingGapSize_SI = real_t(120e-3) + real_t(0.25) * diameter_SI;
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Setup (in SI units):");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - domain size = " << domainSize_SI );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - sphere: diameter = " << diameter_SI << ", density = " << densitySphere_SI << ", starting gap size = " << startingGapSize_SI );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - fluid: density = " << densityFluid_SI << ", dyn. visc = " << dynamicViscosityFluid_SI << ", kin. visc = " << kinematicViscosityFluid_SI );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - expected settling velocity = " << expectedSettlingVelocity_SI << " --> Re_p = " << expectedSettlingVelocity_SI * diameter_SI / kinematicViscosityFluid_SI );
+   //////////////////////////
+   //////////////////////////
+   const real_t dx_SI = domainSize_SI[0] / real_c(numberOfCellsInHorizontalDirection);
+   const Vector3<uint_t> domainSize( uint_c(floor(domainSize_SI[0] / dx_SI + real_t(0.5)) ),
+                                     uint_c(floor(domainSize_SI[1] / dx_SI + real_t(0.5)) ),
+                                     uint_c(floor(domainSize_SI[2] / dx_SI + real_t(0.5)) ) );
+   const real_t diameter = diameter_SI / dx_SI;
+   const real_t sphereVolume = math::M_PI / real_t(6) * diameter * diameter * diameter;
+   const real_t expectedSettlingVelocity = real_t(0.01);
+   const real_t dt_SI = expectedSettlingVelocity / expectedSettlingVelocity_SI * dx_SI;
+   const real_t viscosity =  kinematicViscosityFluid_SI * dt_SI / ( dx_SI * dx_SI );
+   const real_t relaxationTime = real_t(1) / lbm::collision_model::omegaFromViscosity(viscosity);
+   const real_t gravitationalAcceleration = gravitationalAcceleration_SI * dt_SI * dt_SI / dx_SI;
+   const real_t densityFluid = real_t(1);
+   const real_t densitySphere = densityFluid * densitySphere_SI / densityFluid_SI;
+   const real_t dx = real_t(1);
+   const uint_t timesteps = funcTest ? 1 : ( shortrun ? uint_t(200) : uint_t( 250000 ) );
+   const uint_t numPeSubCycles = uint_t(1);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - dx_SI = " << dx_SI << ", dt_SI = " << dt_SI);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Setup (in simulation, i.e. lattice, units):");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - domain size = " << domainSize);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - sphere: diameter = " << diameter << ", density = " << densitySphere );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - fluid: density = " << densityFluid << ", relaxation time (tau) = " << relaxationTime << ", kin. visc = " << viscosity );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - gravitational acceleration = " << gravitationalAcceleration );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - expected settling velocity = " << expectedSettlingVelocity << " --> Re_p = " << expectedSettlingVelocity * diameter / viscosity );
+   if( vtkIOFreq > 0 )
+   {
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - writing vtk files to folder \"" << baseFolder << "\" with frequency " << vtkIOFreq);
+   }
+   ///////////////////////////
+   ///////////////////////////
+   Vector3<uint_t> numberOfBlocksPerDirection( uint_t(5), uint_t(5), uint_t(8) );
+   Vector3<uint_t> cellsPerBlockPerDirection( domainSize[0] / numberOfBlocksPerDirection[0],
+                                              domainSize[1] / numberOfBlocksPerDirection[1],
+                                              domainSize[2] / numberOfBlocksPerDirection[2] );
+   for( uint_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
+      WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(cellsPerBlockPerDirection[i] * numberOfBlocksPerDirection[i], domainSize[i],
+                           "Unmatching domain decomposition in direction " << i << "!");
+   }
+   auto blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGrid( numberOfBlocksPerDirection[0], numberOfBlocksPerDirection[1], numberOfBlocksPerDirection[2],
+                                                      cellsPerBlockPerDirection[0], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[1], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[2], dx,
+                                                      0, false, false,
+                                                      false, false, false, //periodicity
+                                                      false );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Domain decomposition:");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - blocks per direction = " << numberOfBlocksPerDirection );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - cells per block = " << cellsPerBlockPerDirection );
+   //write domain decomposition to file
+   if( vtkIOFreq > 0 )
+   {
+      vtk::writeDomainDecomposition( blocks, "initial_domain_decomposition", baseFolder );
+   }
+   /////////////////
+   // PE COUPLING //
+   /////////////////
+   // set up pe functionality
+   shared_ptr<pe::BodyStorage>  globalBodyStorage = make_shared<pe::BodyStorage>();
+   pe::SetBodyTypeIDs<BodyTypeTuple>::execute();
+   auto bodyStorageID  = blocks->addBlockData(pe::createStorageDataHandling<BodyTypeTuple>(), "pe Body Storage");
+   auto ccdID          = blocks->addBlockData(pe::ccd::createHashGridsDataHandling( globalBodyStorage, bodyStorageID ), "CCD");
+   auto fcdID          = blocks->addBlockData(pe::fcd::createGenericFCDDataHandling<BodyTypeTuple, pe::fcd::AnalyticCollideFunctor>(), "FCD");
+   // set up collision response, here DEM solver
+   pe::cr::DEM cr(globalBodyStorage, blocks->getBlockStoragePointer(), bodyStorageID, ccdID, fcdID, NULL);
+   // set up synchronization procedure
+   const real_t overlap = real_t( 1.5 ) * dx;
+   boost::function<void(void)> syncCall = boost::bind( pe::syncShadowOwners<BodyTypeTuple>, boost::ref(blocks->getBlockForest()), bodyStorageID, static_cast<WcTimingTree*>(NULL), overlap, false );
+   // create pe bodies
+   // bounding planes (global)
+   const auto planeMaterial = pe::createMaterial( "myPlaneMat", real_t(8920), real_t(0), real_t(1), real_t(1), real_t(0), real_t(1), real_t(1), real_t(0), real_t(0) );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(1,0,0), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(-1,0,0), Vector3<real_t>(real_c(domainSize[0]),0,0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,1,0), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,-1,0), Vector3<real_t>(0,real_c(domainSize[1]),0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,0,1), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,0,-1), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,real_c(domainSize[2])), planeMaterial );
+   // add the sphere
+   const auto sphereMaterial = pe::createMaterial( "mySphereMat", densitySphere , real_t(0.5), real_t(0.1), real_t(0.1), real_t(0.24), real_t(200), real_t(200), real_t(0), real_t(0) );
+   Vector3<real_t> initialPosition( real_t(0.5) * real_c(domainSize[0]), real_t(0.5) * real_c(domainSize[1]), startingGapSize_SI / dx_SI + real_t(0.5) * diameter);
+   pe::createSphere( *globalBodyStorage, blocks->getBlockStorage(), bodyStorageID, 0, initialPosition, real_t(0.5) * diameter, sphereMaterial );
+   syncCall();
+   ///////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////
+   // create the lattice model
+   LatticeModel_T latticeModel = LatticeModel_T( lbm::collision_model::TRT::constructWithMagicNumber( real_t(1) / relaxationTime ) );
+   // add PDF field
+   BlockDataID pdfFieldID = lbm::addPdfFieldToStorage< LatticeModel_T >( blocks, "pdf field (zyxf)", latticeModel,
+                                                                         Vector3< real_t >( real_t(0) ), real_t(1),
+                                                                         uint_t(1), field::zyxf );
+   // add flag field
+   BlockDataID flagFieldID = field::addFlagFieldToStorage<FlagField_T>( blocks, "flag field" );
+   // add body field
+   BlockDataID bodyFieldID = field::addToStorage<BodyField_T>( blocks, "body field", NULL, field::zyxf );
+   // add boundary handling
+   BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID = blocks->addStructuredBlockData< BoundaryHandling_T >( MyBoundaryHandling( flagFieldID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID ), "boundary handling" );
+   // map planes into the LBM simulation -> act as no-slip boundaries
+   pe_coupling::mapGlobalBodies< BoundaryHandling_T >( *blocks, boundaryHandlingID, *globalBodyStorage, NoSlip_Flag, false, true );
+   // map pe bodies into the LBM simulation
+   pe_coupling::mapMovingBodies< BoundaryHandling_T >( *blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag );
+   ///////////////
+   // TIME LOOP //
+   ///////////////
+   // setup of the LBM communication for synchronizing the pdf field between neighboring blocks
+   boost::function< void () > commFunction;
+   blockforest::communication::UniformBufferedScheme< Stencil_T > scheme( blocks );
+   scheme.addPackInfo( make_shared< lbm::PdfFieldPackInfo< LatticeModel_T > >( pdfFieldID ) );
+   commFunction = scheme;
+   // create the timeloop
+   SweepTimeloop timeloop( blocks->getBlockStorage(), timesteps );
+   // sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
+   timeloop.add()
+         << Sweep( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag ), "Body Mapping" );
+   // sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
+   pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder extrapolationFinder( blocks, bodyFieldID );
+   typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder > Reconstructor_T;
+   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder );
+   timeloop.add()
+      << Sweep( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T >
+                  ( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag  ), "PDF Restore" );
+   shared_ptr<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer> bodiesFTContainer1 = make_shared<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer>(blocks, bodyStorageID);
+   boost::function<void(void)> storeForceTorqueInCont1 = boost::bind(&pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer::store, bodiesFTContainer1);
+   shared_ptr<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer> bodiesFTContainer2 = make_shared<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer>(blocks, bodyStorageID);
+   boost::function<void(void)> setForceTorqueOnBodiesFromCont2 = boost::bind(&pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer::setOnBodies, bodiesFTContainer2);
+   shared_ptr<pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler> forceScaler = make_shared<pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler>(blocks, bodyStorageID, real_t(1));
+   boost::function<void(void)> setForceScalingFactorToHalf = boost::bind(&pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler::resetScalingFactor,forceScaler,real_t(0.5));
+   if( averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps ) {
+      bodiesFTContainer2->store();
+   }
+   // add LBM communication function and boundary handling sweep (does the hydro force calculations and the no-slip treatment)
+   timeloop.add() << BeforeFunction( commFunction, "LBM Communication" )
+                  << Sweep( BoundaryHandling_T::getBlockSweep( boundaryHandlingID ), "Boundary Handling" );
+   // stream + collide LBM step
+   timeloop.add()
+      << Sweep( makeSharedSweep( lbm::makeCellwiseSweep< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T >( pdfFieldID, flagFieldID, Fluid_Flag ) ), "cell-wise LB sweep" );
+   // Averaging the force/torque over two time steps is said to damp oscillations of the interaction force/torque.
+   // See Ladd - " Numerical simulations of particulate suspensions via a discretized Boltzmann equation. Part 1. Theoretical foundation", 1994, p. 302
+   if( averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps ) {
+      // store force/torque from hydrodynamic interactions in container1
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep(storeForceTorqueInCont1, "Force Storing");
+      // set force/torque from previous time step (in container2)
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep(setForceTorqueOnBodiesFromCont2, "Force setting");
+      // average the force/torque by scaling it with factor 1/2 (except in first timestep, there it is 1, which it is initially)
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler(blocks, bodyStorageID, real_t(0.5)),  "Force averaging");
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( setForceScalingFactorToHalf, "Force scaling adjustment" );
+      // swap containers
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( pe_coupling::BodyContainerSwapper( bodiesFTContainer1, bodiesFTContainer2 ), "Swap FT container" );
+   }
+   Vector3<real_t> gravitationalForce( real_t(0), real_t(0), -(densitySphere - densityFluid) * gravitationalAcceleration * sphereVolume );
+   timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( pe_coupling::ForceOnBodiesAdder( blocks, bodyStorageID, gravitationalForce ), "Gravitational force" );
+   // add pe timesteps
+   timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( pe_coupling::TimeStep( blocks, bodyStorageID, cr, syncCall, real_t(1), numPeSubCycles ), "pe Time Step" );
+   // check for convergence of the particle position
+   std::string loggingFileName( baseFolder + "/LoggingSettlingSphere_");
+   loggingFileName += std::to_string(fluidType);
+   loggingFileName += ".txt";
+   if( fileIO  )
+   {
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - writing logging output to file \"" << loggingFileName << "\"");
+   }
+   shared_ptr< SpherePropertyLogger > logger = walberla::make_shared< SpherePropertyLogger >( &timeloop, blocks, bodyStorageID,
+                                                                                              loggingFileName, fileIO, dx_SI, dt_SI, diameter );
+   timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( SharedFunctor< SpherePropertyLogger >( logger ), "Sphere property logger" );
+   if( vtkIOFreq != uint_t(0) )
+   {
+      // spheres
+      auto bodyVtkOutput   = make_shared<pe::SphereVtkOutput>( bodyStorageID, blocks->getBlockStorage() );
+      auto bodyVTK   = vtk::createVTKOutput_PointData( bodyVtkOutput, "bodies", vtkIOFreq, baseFolder );
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( vtk::writeFiles( bodyVTK ), "VTK (sphere data)" );
+      // flag field (written only once in the first time step, ghost layers are also written)
+      auto flagFieldVTK = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData( blocks, "flag_field", timesteps, FieldGhostLayers, false, baseFolder );
+      flagFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< field::VTKWriter< FlagField_T > >( flagFieldID, "FlagField" ) );
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( vtk::writeFiles( flagFieldVTK ), "VTK (flag field data)" );
+      // pdf field
+      auto pdfFieldVTK = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData( blocks, "fluid_field", vtkIOFreq, 0, false, baseFolder );
+      blockforest::communication::UniformBufferedScheme< stencil::D3Q27 > pdfGhostLayerSync( blocks );
+      pdfGhostLayerSync.addPackInfo( make_shared< field::communication::PackInfo< PdfField_T > >( pdfFieldID ) );
+      pdfFieldVTK->addBeforeFunction( pdfGhostLayerSync );
+      field::FlagFieldCellFilter< FlagField_T > fluidFilter( flagFieldID );
+      fluidFilter.addFlag( Fluid_Flag );
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellInclusionFilter( fluidFilter );
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< lbm::VelocityVTKWriter< LatticeModel_T, float > >( pdfFieldID, "VelocityFromPDF" ) );
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< lbm::DensityVTKWriter < LatticeModel_T, float > >( pdfFieldID, "DensityFromPDF" ) );
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( vtk::writeFiles( pdfFieldVTK ), "VTK (fluid field data)" );
+   }
+   timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( RemainingTimeLogger( timeloop.getNrOfTimeSteps() ), "Remaining Time Logger" );
+   ////////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////
+   WcTimingPool timeloopTiming;
+   real_t terminationPosition = real_t(0.51) * diameter; // right before sphere touches the bottom wall
+   // time loop
+   for (uint_t i = 0; i < timesteps; ++i )
+   {
+      // perform a single simulation step
+      timeloop.singleStep( timeloopTiming );
+      if ( logger->getPosition() < terminationPosition )
+      {
+         WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Sphere reached terminal position " << logger->getPosition() << " after " << i << " timesteps!");
+         break;
+      }
+   }
+   timeloopTiming.logResultOnRoot();
+   // check the result
+   if ( !funcTest && !shortrun )
+   {
+      real_t relErr = std::fabs( expectedSettlingVelocity - logger->getMaxVelocity()) / expectedSettlingVelocity;
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Expected maximum settling velocity: " << expectedSettlingVelocity );
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Simulated maximum settling velocity: " << logger->getMaxVelocity() );
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Relative error: " << relErr );
+      // the relative error has to be below 10%
+      WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS( relErr, real_t(0.1) );
+   }
+   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+} // namespace settling_sphere_mem
+int main( int argc, char **argv ){
+   settling_sphere_mem::main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinement.cpp b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinement.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38184ac3c3f7ca8202fd43c84bb9f7bc061753cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinement.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,932 @@
+//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file SettlingSphereMEMDynamicRefinement.cpp
+//! \ingroup pe_coupling
+//! \author Christoph Rettinger <christoph.rettinger@fau.de>
+#include "blockforest/Initialization.h"
+#include "blockforest/communication/UniformBufferedScheme.h"
+#include "boundary/all.h"
+#include "core/DataTypes.h"
+#include "core/Environment.h"
+#include "core/SharedFunctor.h"
+#include "core/debug/Debug.h"
+#include "core/debug/TestSubsystem.h"
+#include "core/math/all.h"
+#include "core/timing/RemainingTimeLogger.h"
+#include "domain_decomposition/SharedSweep.h"
+#include "field/AddToStorage.h"
+#include "field/StabilityChecker.h"
+#include "field/communication/PackInfo.h"
+#include "lbm/boundary/all.h"
+#include "lbm/communication/PdfFieldPackInfo.h"
+#include "lbm/field/AddToStorage.h"
+#include "lbm/field/PdfField.h"
+#include "lbm/lattice_model/D3Q19.h"
+#include "lbm/refinement/all.h"
+#include "lbm/sweeps/CellwiseSweep.h"
+#include "lbm/sweeps/SweepWrappers.h"
+#include "pe/amr/InfoCollection.h"
+#include "pe/basic.h"
+#include "pe/vtk/BodyVtkOutput.h"
+#include "pe/vtk/SphereVtkOutput.h"
+#include "pe/cr/ICR.h"
+#include "pe/Types.h"
+#include "pe/synchronization/ClearSynchronization.h"
+#include "pe_coupling/mapping/all.h"
+#include "pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/all.h"
+#include "pe_coupling/utility/all.h"
+#include "timeloop/SweepTimeloop.h"
+#include "vtk/all.h"
+#include "field/vtk/all.h"
+#include "lbm/vtk/all.h"
+namespace settling_sphere_mem_dynamic_refinement
+// USING //
+using namespace walberla;
+using walberla::uint_t;
+// PDF field, flag field & body field
+typedef lbm::D3Q19< lbm::collision_model::TRT, false >  LatticeModel_T;
+typedef LatticeModel_T::Stencil          Stencil_T;
+typedef lbm::PdfField< LatticeModel_T > PdfField_T;
+typedef walberla::uint8_t                 flag_t;
+typedef FlagField< flag_t >               FlagField_T;
+typedef GhostLayerField< pe::BodyID, 1 >  BodyField_T;
+const uint_t FieldGhostLayers = 4;
+// boundary handling
+typedef lbm::NoSlip< LatticeModel_T, flag_t > NoSlip_T;
+typedef pe_coupling::CurvedLinear< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T > MO_T;
+typedef boost::tuples::tuple< NoSlip_T, MO_T > BoundaryConditions_T;
+typedef BoundaryHandling< FlagField_T, Stencil_T, BoundaryConditions_T > BoundaryHandling_T;
+typedef boost::tuple< pe::Sphere, pe::Plane > BodyTypeTuple;
+// FLAGS //
+const FlagUID Fluid_Flag( "fluid" );
+const FlagUID NoSlip_Flag( "no slip" );
+const FlagUID MO_Flag( "moving obstacle" );
+const FlagUID FormerMO_Flag( "former moving obstacle" );
+ * Class to determine the minimum level a block can be.
+ * For coupled LBM-PE simulations the following rules apply:
+ *  - a moving body will always remain on the finest block
+ *  - a moving body is not allowed to extend into an area with a coarser block
+ *  - if no moving body is present, the level can be as coarse as possible (restricted by the 2:1 rule)
+ * Therefore, if a body, local or remote (due to bodies that are larger than a block), is present on any of the
+ * neighboring blocks of a certain block, this block's target level is the finest level.
+ * This, together with a refinement checking frequency that depends on the maximum translational body velocity,
+ * ensures the above given requirements.
+ */
+class LevelDeterminator
+   LevelDeterminator( const shared_ptr<pe::InfoCollection> & infoCollection, uint_t finestLevel) :
+         infoCollection_( infoCollection ), finestLevel_( finestLevel)
+   {}
+   void operator()( std::vector< std::pair< const Block *, uint_t > > & minTargetLevels,
+                    std::vector< const Block * > &, const BlockForest & /*forest*/ )
+   {
+      for( auto it = minTargetLevels.begin(); it != minTargetLevels.end(); ++it )
+      {
+         const uint_t numberOfParticlesInDirectNeighborhood = getNumberOfLocalAndShadowBodiesInNeighborhood(it->first);
+         uint_t currentLevelOfBlock = it->first->getLevel();
+         uint_t targetLevelOfBlock = currentLevelOfBlock; //keep everything as it is
+         if ( numberOfParticlesInDirectNeighborhood > uint_t(0) )
+         {
+            // set block to finest level if there are bodies nearby
+            targetLevelOfBlock = finestLevel_;
+            //WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL(currentLevelOfBlock << " -> " << targetLevelOfBlock << " (" << numberOfParticlesInDirectNeighborhood << ")" );
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            // block could coarsen sicne there are no bodies nearby
+            if( currentLevelOfBlock > uint_t(0) )
+               targetLevelOfBlock = currentLevelOfBlock - uint_t(1);
+            //WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL(currentLevelOfBlock << " -> " << targetLevelOfBlock << " (" << numberOfParticlesInDirectNeighborhood << ")" );
+         }
+         it->second = targetLevelOfBlock;
+      }
+   }
+   uint_t getNumberOfLocalAndShadowBodiesInNeighborhood(const Block * block)
+   {
+      uint_t numBodies = uint_t(0);
+      // add bodies of current block
+      const auto infoIt = infoCollection_->find(block->getId());
+      numBodies += infoIt->second.numberOfLocalBodies;
+      numBodies += infoIt->second.numberOfShadowBodies;
+      // add bodies of all neighboring blocks
+      for(uint_t i = 0; i < block->getNeighborhoodSize(); ++i)
+      {
+         BlockID neighborBlockID = block->getNeighborId(i);
+         const auto infoItNeighbor = infoCollection_->find(neighborBlockID);
+         numBodies += infoItNeighbor->second.numberOfLocalBodies;
+         numBodies += infoItNeighbor->second.numberOfShadowBodies;
+      }
+      return numBodies;
+   }
+   shared_ptr<pe::InfoCollection> infoCollection_;
+   uint_t finestLevel_;
+static void refinementSelection( SetupBlockForest& forest, uint_t levels, const AABB & refinementBox )
+   real_t dx = real_t(1); // dx on finest level
+   for( auto block = forest.begin(); block != forest.end(); ++block )
+   {
+      uint_t blockLevel = block->getLevel();
+      uint_t levelScalingFactor = ( uint_t(1) << (levels - uint_t(1) - blockLevel) );
+      real_t dxOnLevel = dx * real_c(levelScalingFactor);
+      AABB blockAABB = block->getAABB();
+      // extend block AABB by ghostlayers
+      AABB extendedBlockAABB = blockAABB.getExtended( dxOnLevel * real_c(FieldGhostLayers) );
+      if( extendedBlockAABB.intersects( refinementBox ) )
+         if( blockLevel < ( levels - uint_t(1) ) )
+            block->setMarker( true );
+   }
+static void workloadAndMemoryAssignment( SetupBlockForest& forest )
+   for( auto block = forest.begin(); block != forest.end(); ++block )
+   {
+      block->setWorkload( numeric_cast< workload_t >( uint_t(1) << block->getLevel() ) );
+      block->setMemory( numeric_cast< memory_t >(1) );
+   }
+static shared_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > createBlockStructure( const AABB & domainAABB, Vector3<uint_t> blockSizeInCells,
+                                                                 uint_t numberOfLevels, real_t diameter, Vector3<real_t> spherePosition,
+                                                                 bool keepGlobalBlockInformation = false )
+   SetupBlockForest sforest;
+   Vector3<uint_t> numberOfFineBlocksPerDirection( uint_c(domainAABB.size(0)) / blockSizeInCells[0],
+                                                   uint_c(domainAABB.size(1)) / blockSizeInCells[1],
+                                                   uint_c(domainAABB.size(2)) / blockSizeInCells[2] );
+   for(uint_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+   {
+      WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL( numberOfFineBlocksPerDirection[i] * blockSizeInCells[i], uint_c(domainAABB.size(i)),
+                            "Domain can not be decomposed in direction " << i << " into fine blocks of size " << blockSizeInCells[i] );
+   }
+   uint_t levelScalingFactor = ( uint_t(1) << ( numberOfLevels - uint_t(1) ) );
+   Vector3<uint_t> numberOfCoarseBlocksPerDirection( numberOfFineBlocksPerDirection / levelScalingFactor );
+   for(uint_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+   {
+      WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(numberOfCoarseBlocksPerDirection[i] * levelScalingFactor, numberOfFineBlocksPerDirection[i],
+                            "Domain can not be refined in direction " << i << " according to the specified number of levels!" );
+   }
+   AABB refinementBox( std::floor(spherePosition[0] - real_t(0.5) * diameter),
+                       std::floor(spherePosition[1] - real_t(0.5) * diameter),
+                       std::floor(spherePosition[2] - real_t(0.5) * diameter),
+                       std::ceil( spherePosition[0] + real_t(0.5) * diameter),
+                       std::ceil( spherePosition[1] + real_t(0.5) * diameter),
+                       std::ceil( spherePosition[2] + real_t(0.5) * diameter) );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - refinement box: " << refinementBox);
+   sforest.addRefinementSelectionFunction( boost::bind( refinementSelection, _1, numberOfLevels, refinementBox ) );
+   sforest.addWorkloadMemorySUIDAssignmentFunction( workloadAndMemoryAssignment );
+   sforest.init( domainAABB, numberOfCoarseBlocksPerDirection[0], numberOfCoarseBlocksPerDirection[1], numberOfCoarseBlocksPerDirection[2], false, false, false );
+   // calculate process distribution
+   const memory_t memoryLimit = math::Limits< memory_t >::inf();
+   sforest.balanceLoad( blockforest::StaticLevelwiseCurveBalance(true), uint_c( MPIManager::instance()->numProcesses() ), real_t(0), memoryLimit, true );
+   MPIManager::instance()->useWorldComm();
+   // create StructuredBlockForest (encapsulates a newly created BlockForest)
+   shared_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > sbf =
+         make_shared< StructuredBlockForest >( make_shared< BlockForest >( uint_c( MPIManager::instance()->rank() ), sforest, keepGlobalBlockInformation ),
+                                               blockSizeInCells[0], blockSizeInCells[1], blockSizeInCells[2]);
+   sbf->createCellBoundingBoxes();
+   return sbf;
+class MyBoundaryHandling : public blockforest::AlwaysInitializeBlockDataHandling< BoundaryHandling_T >
+   MyBoundaryHandling( const weak_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage > & blocks,
+                       const BlockDataID & flagFieldID, const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID, const BlockDataID & bodyFieldID ) :
+         blocks_( blocks ), flagFieldID_( flagFieldID ), pdfFieldID_( pdfFieldID ), bodyFieldID_ ( bodyFieldID )
+   {}
+   BoundaryHandling_T * initialize( IBlock * const block );
+   weak_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage > blocks_;
+   const BlockDataID flagFieldID_;
+   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
+   const BlockDataID bodyFieldID_;
+}; // class MyBoundaryHandling
+BoundaryHandling_T * MyBoundaryHandling::initialize( IBlock * const block )
+   FlagField_T * flagField       = block->getData< FlagField_T >( flagFieldID_ );
+   PdfField_T *  pdfField        = block->getData< PdfField_T > ( pdfFieldID_ );
+   BodyField_T * bodyField       = block->getData< BodyField_T >( bodyFieldID_ );
+   const auto fluid = flagField->flagExists( Fluid_Flag ) ? flagField->getFlag( Fluid_Flag ) : flagField->registerFlag( Fluid_Flag );
+   auto blocksPtr = blocks_.lock();
+   BoundaryHandling_T * handling = new BoundaryHandling_T( "moving obstacle boundary handling", flagField, fluid,
+                                                           boost::tuples::make_tuple( NoSlip_T( "NoSlip", NoSlip_Flag, pdfField ),
+                                                                                      MO_T( "MO", MO_Flag, pdfField, flagField, bodyField, fluid, *blocksPtr, *block ) ) );
+   handling->fillWithDomain( FieldGhostLayers );
+   return handling;
+/*!\brief Evaluating the position and velocity of the sphere
+ *
+ */
+class SpherePropertyLogger
+   SpherePropertyLogger( SweepTimeloop* timeloop, const shared_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage > & blocks,
+                         const BlockDataID & bodyStorageID, const std::string & fileName, bool fileIO,
+                         real_t dx_SI, real_t dt_SI, real_t diameter, uint_t lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration) :
+      timeloop_( timeloop ), blocks_( blocks ), bodyStorageID_( bodyStorageID ), fileName_( fileName ), fileIO_(fileIO),
+      dx_SI_( dx_SI ), dt_SI_( dt_SI ), diameter_( diameter ), lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration_( lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration ),
+      position_( real_t(0) ), maxVelocity_( real_t(0) )
+   {
+      if ( fileIO_ )
+      {
+         {
+            std::ofstream file;
+            file.open( fileName_.c_str() );
+            file << "#\t t\t posX\t posY\t gapZ\t velX\t velY\t velZ\n";
+            file.close();
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   void operator()()
+   {
+      const uint_t timestep (timeloop_->getCurrentTimeStep() * lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration_ );
+      Vector3<real_t> pos(real_t(0));
+      Vector3<real_t> transVel(real_t(0));
+      for( auto blockIt = blocks_->begin(); blockIt != blocks_->end(); ++blockIt )
+      {
+         for( auto bodyIt = pe::LocalBodyIterator::begin( *blockIt, bodyStorageID_); bodyIt != pe::LocalBodyIterator::end(); ++bodyIt )
+         {
+            pos = bodyIt->getPosition();
+            transVel = bodyIt->getLinearVel();
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( pos[0], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( pos[1], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( pos[2], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( transVel[0], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( transVel[1], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( transVel[2], mpi::SUM );
+      }
+      position_ = pos[2];
+      maxVelocity_ = std::max(maxVelocity_, -transVel[2]);
+      if( fileIO_ )
+         writeToFile( timestep, pos, transVel);
+   }
+   real_t getPosition() const
+   {
+      return position_;
+   }
+   real_t getMaxVelocity() const
+   {
+      return maxVelocity_;
+   }
+   void writeToFile( uint_t timestep, const Vector3<real_t> & position, const Vector3<real_t> & velocity )
+   {
+      {
+         std::ofstream file;
+         file.open( fileName_.c_str(), std::ofstream::app );
+         auto scaledPosition = position / diameter_;
+         auto velocity_SI = velocity * dx_SI_ / dt_SI_;
+         file << timestep << "\t" << real_c(timestep) * dt_SI_ << "\t"
+              << "\t" << scaledPosition[0] << "\t" << scaledPosition[1] << "\t" << scaledPosition[2] - real_t(0.5)
+              << "\t" << velocity_SI[0] << "\t" << velocity_SI[1] << "\t" << velocity_SI[2]
+              << "\n";
+         file.close();
+      }
+   }
+   SweepTimeloop* timeloop_;
+   shared_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage > blocks_;
+   const BlockDataID bodyStorageID_;
+   std::string fileName_;
+   bool fileIO_;
+   real_t dx_SI_, dt_SI_, diameter_;
+   uint_t lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration_;
+   real_t position_;
+   real_t maxVelocity_;
+void clearBoundaryHandling( BlockForest & forest, const BlockDataID & boundaryHandlingID )
+   for( auto blockIt = forest.begin(); blockIt != forest.end(); ++blockIt )
+   {
+      BoundaryHandling_T * boundaryHandling = blockIt->getData<BoundaryHandling_T>(boundaryHandlingID);
+      boundaryHandling->clear( FieldGhostLayers );
+   }
+void clearBodyField( BlockForest & forest, const BlockDataID & bodyFieldID )
+   for( auto blockIt = forest.begin(); blockIt != forest.end(); ++blockIt )
+   {
+      BodyField_T * bodyField = blockIt->getData<BodyField_T>(bodyFieldID);
+      bodyField->setWithGhostLayer( NULL );
+   }
+void recreateBoundaryHandling( BlockForest & forest, const BlockDataID & boundaryHandlingID )
+   for( auto blockIt = forest.begin(); blockIt != forest.end(); ++blockIt )
+   {
+      BoundaryHandling_T * boundaryHandling = blockIt->getData<BoundaryHandling_T>(boundaryHandlingID);
+      boundaryHandling->fillWithDomain( FieldGhostLayers );
+   }
+// MAIN //
+/*!\brief Testcase that simulates the settling of a sphere inside a rectangular column filled with viscous fluid
+ *
+ * see: ten Cate, Nieuwstad, Derksen, Van den Akker - "Particle imaging velocimetry experiments and lattice-Boltzmann
+ * simulations on a single sphere settling under gravity" (2002), Physics of Fluids, doi: 10.1063/1.1512918
+ *
+ * Instead of using static grid refinement (see SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinement.cpp), we dynamically refine the
+ * grid around the sphere.
+ */
+int main( int argc, char **argv )
+   debug::enterTestMode();
+   mpi::Environment env( argc, argv );
+   ///////////////////
+   // Customization //
+   ///////////////////
+   // simulation control
+   bool shortrun = false;
+   bool funcTest = false;
+   bool fileIO = false;
+   uint_t vtkIOFreq = 0;
+   std::string baseFolder = "vtk_out_SettlingSphereDR"; // folder for vtk and file output
+   // physical setup
+   uint_t fluidType = 1;
+   //numerical parameters
+   uint_t numberOfCellsInHorizontalDirection = uint_t(200);
+   bool averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps = true;
+   uint_t numberOfLevels = uint_t(3);
+   for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
+   {
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--shortrun" )         == 0 ) { shortrun = true; continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--funcTest" )         == 0 ) { funcTest = true; continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--fileIO" )           == 0 ) { fileIO = true; continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--vtkIOFreq" )        == 0 ) { vtkIOFreq = uint_c( std::atof( argv[++i] ) ); continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--fluidType" )        == 0 ) { fluidType = uint_c( std::atof( argv[++i] ) ); continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--resolution" )       == 0 ) { numberOfCellsInHorizontalDirection = uint_c( std::atof( argv[++i] ) ); continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--noForceAveraging" ) == 0 ) { averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps = false; continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--numLevels" )        == 0 ) { numberOfLevels = uint_c( std::atof( argv[++i] ) ); continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--baseFolder" )       == 0 ) { baseFolder = argv[++i]; continue; }
+      WALBERLA_ABORT("Unrecognized command line argument found: " << argv[i]);
+   }
+   if( funcTest )
+   {
+      walberla::logging::Logging::instance()->setLogLevel(logging::Logging::LogLevel::WARNING);
+   }
+   if( fileIO )
+   {
+      // create base directory if it does not yet exist
+      boost::filesystem::path tpath( baseFolder );
+      if( !boost::filesystem::exists( tpath ) )
+         boost::filesystem::create_directory( tpath );
+   }
+   //////////////////////////////////////
+   //////////////////////////////////////
+   // values are mainly taken from the reference paper
+   const real_t diameter_SI = real_t(15e-3);
+   const real_t densitySphere_SI = real_t(1120);
+   real_t densityFluid_SI, dynamicViscosityFluid_SI;
+   real_t expectedSettlingVelocity_SI;
+   switch( fluidType )
+   {
+      case 1:
+         // Re_p around 1.5
+         densityFluid_SI = real_t(970);
+         dynamicViscosityFluid_SI = real_t(373e-3);
+         expectedSettlingVelocity_SI = real_t(0.035986);
+         break;
+      case 2:
+         // Re_p around 4.1
+         densityFluid_SI = real_t(965);
+         dynamicViscosityFluid_SI = real_t(212e-3);
+         expectedSettlingVelocity_SI = real_t(0.05718);
+         break;
+      case 3:
+         // Re_p around 11.6
+         densityFluid_SI = real_t(962);
+         dynamicViscosityFluid_SI = real_t(113e-3);
+         expectedSettlingVelocity_SI = real_t(0.087269);
+         break;
+      case 4:
+         // Re_p around 31.9
+         densityFluid_SI = real_t(960);
+         dynamicViscosityFluid_SI = real_t(58e-3);
+         expectedSettlingVelocity_SI = real_t(0.12224);
+         break;
+      default:
+         WALBERLA_ABORT("Only four different fluids are supported! Choose type between 1 and 4.");
+   }
+   const real_t kinematicViscosityFluid_SI = dynamicViscosityFluid_SI / densityFluid_SI;
+   const real_t gravitationalAcceleration_SI = real_t(9.81);
+   Vector3<real_t> domainSize_SI(real_t(100e-3), real_t(100e-3), real_t(160e-3));
+   //shift starting gap a bit upwards to match the reported (plotted) values
+   const real_t startingGapSize_SI = real_t(120e-3) + real_t(0.25) * diameter_SI;
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Setup (in SI units):");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - domain size = " << domainSize_SI );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - sphere: diameter = " << diameter_SI << ", density = " << densitySphere_SI << ", starting gap size = " << startingGapSize_SI );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - fluid: density = " << densityFluid_SI << ", dyn. visc = " << dynamicViscosityFluid_SI << ", kin. visc = " << kinematicViscosityFluid_SI );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - expected settling velocity = " << expectedSettlingVelocity_SI << " --> Re_p = " << expectedSettlingVelocity_SI * diameter_SI / kinematicViscosityFluid_SI );
+   //////////////////////////
+   //////////////////////////
+   const real_t dx_SI = domainSize_SI[0] / real_c(numberOfCellsInHorizontalDirection);
+   const Vector3<uint_t> domainSize( uint_c(floor(domainSize_SI[0] / dx_SI + real_t(0.5)) ),
+                                     uint_c(floor(domainSize_SI[1] / dx_SI + real_t(0.5)) ),
+                                     uint_c(floor(domainSize_SI[2] / dx_SI + real_t(0.5)) ) );
+   const real_t diameter = diameter_SI / dx_SI;
+   const real_t sphereVolume = math::M_PI / real_t(6) * diameter * diameter * diameter;
+   const real_t expectedSettlingVelocity = real_t(0.01);
+   const real_t dt_SI = expectedSettlingVelocity / expectedSettlingVelocity_SI * dx_SI;
+   const real_t viscosity =  kinematicViscosityFluid_SI * dt_SI / ( dx_SI * dx_SI );
+   const real_t relaxationTime = real_t(1) / lbm::collision_model::omegaFromViscosity(viscosity);
+   const real_t gravitationalAcceleration = gravitationalAcceleration_SI * dt_SI * dt_SI / dx_SI;
+   const real_t densityFluid = real_t(1);
+   const real_t densitySphere = densityFluid * densitySphere_SI / densityFluid_SI;
+   const real_t dx = real_t(1);
+   const uint_t timesteps = funcTest ? 1 : ( shortrun ? uint_t(200) : uint_t( 250000 ) );
+   const uint_t numPeSubCycles = uint_t(1);
+   Vector3<real_t> initialSpherePosition( real_t(0.5) * real_c(domainSize[0]), real_t(0.5) * real_c(domainSize[1]), startingGapSize_SI / dx_SI + real_t(0.5) * diameter);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - dx_SI = " << dx_SI << ", dt_SI = " << dt_SI);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Setup (in simulation, i.e. lattice, units):");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - domain size = " << domainSize);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - sphere: diameter = " << diameter << ", density = " << densitySphere );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - fluid: density = " << densityFluid << ", relaxation time (tau) = " << relaxationTime << ", kin. visc = " << viscosity );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - gravitational acceleration = " << gravitationalAcceleration );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - expected settling velocity = " << expectedSettlingVelocity << " --> Re_p = " << expectedSettlingVelocity * diameter / viscosity );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - initial sphere position = " << initialSpherePosition );
+   if( vtkIOFreq > 0 )
+   {
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - writing vtk files to folder \"" << baseFolder << "\" with frequency " << vtkIOFreq);
+   }
+   ///////////////////////////
+   ///////////////////////////
+   const uint_t finestLevel = numberOfLevels - uint_t(1);
+   const uint_t levelScalingFactor = ( uint_t(1) << finestLevel );
+   const uint_t lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration = levelScalingFactor;
+   Vector3<uint_t> coarseBlocksPerDirection( uint_t(5), uint_t(5), uint_t(8) );
+   Vector3<uint_t> blockSizeInCells(domainSize[0] / ( coarseBlocksPerDirection[0] * levelScalingFactor ),
+                                    domainSize[1] / ( coarseBlocksPerDirection[1] * levelScalingFactor ),
+                                    domainSize[2] / ( coarseBlocksPerDirection[2] * levelScalingFactor ) );
+   AABB simulationDomain( real_t(0), real_t(0), real_t(0), real_c(domainSize[0]), real_c(domainSize[1]), real_c(domainSize[2]) );
+   auto blocks = createBlockStructure( simulationDomain, blockSizeInCells, numberOfLevels, diameter, initialSpherePosition );
+   //write domain decomposition to file
+   if( vtkIOFreq > 0 )
+   {
+      vtk::writeDomainDecomposition( blocks, "initial_domain_decomposition", baseFolder );
+   }
+   ////////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////
+   auto & blockforest = blocks->getBlockForest();
+   blockforest.recalculateBlockLevelsInRefresh( true );
+   blockforest.alwaysRebalanceInRefresh( false );
+   blockforest.reevaluateMinTargetLevelsAfterForcedRefinement( false );
+   blockforest.allowRefreshChangingDepth( false );
+   shared_ptr<pe::InfoCollection> peInfoCollection = walberla::make_shared<pe::InfoCollection>();
+   LevelDeterminator levelDet( peInfoCollection, finestLevel );
+   blockforest.setRefreshMinTargetLevelDeterminationFunction( levelDet );
+   bool curveHilbert = false;
+   bool curveAllGather = true;
+   blockforest.setRefreshPhantomBlockMigrationPreparationFunction( blockforest::DynamicLevelwiseCurveBalance< blockforest::NoPhantomData >( curveHilbert, curveAllGather ) );
+   /////////////////
+   // PE COUPLING //
+   /////////////////
+   // set up pe functionality
+   shared_ptr<pe::BodyStorage> globalBodyStorage = make_shared<pe::BodyStorage>();
+   pe::SetBodyTypeIDs<BodyTypeTuple>::execute();
+   auto bodyStorageID  = blocks->addBlockData(pe::createStorageDataHandling<BodyTypeTuple>(), "pe Body Storage");
+   auto ccdID          = blocks->addBlockData(pe::ccd::createHashGridsDataHandling( globalBodyStorage, bodyStorageID ), "CCD");
+   auto fcdID          = blocks->addBlockData(pe::fcd::createGenericFCDDataHandling<BodyTypeTuple, pe::fcd::AnalyticCollideFunctor>(), "FCD");
+   // set up collision response, here DEM solver
+   pe::cr::DEM cr(globalBodyStorage, blocks->getBlockStoragePointer(), bodyStorageID, ccdID, fcdID, NULL);
+   // set up synchronization procedure
+   const real_t overlap = real_t( 1.5 ) * dx;
+   boost::function<void(void)> syncCall = boost::bind( pe::syncShadowOwners<BodyTypeTuple>, boost::ref(blocks->getBlockForest()), bodyStorageID, static_cast<WcTimingTree*>(NULL), overlap, false );
+   // create pe bodies
+   // bounding planes (global)
+   const auto planeMaterial = pe::createMaterial( "myPlaneMat", real_t(8920), real_t(0), real_t(1), real_t(1), real_t(0), real_t(1), real_t(1), real_t(0), real_t(0) );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(1,0,0), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(-1,0,0), Vector3<real_t>(real_c(domainSize[0]),0,0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,1,0), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,-1,0), Vector3<real_t>(0,real_c(domainSize[1]),0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,0,1), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,0,-1), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,real_c(domainSize[2])), planeMaterial );
+   // add the sphere
+   const auto sphereMaterial = pe::createMaterial( "mySphereMat", densitySphere , real_t(0.5), real_t(0.1), real_t(0.1), real_t(0.24), real_t(200), real_t(200), real_t(0), real_t(0) );
+   pe::createSphere( *globalBodyStorage, blocks->getBlockStorage(), bodyStorageID, 0, initialSpherePosition, real_t(0.5) * diameter, sphereMaterial );
+   uint_t minBlockSizeInCells = blockSizeInCells.min();
+   for( uint_t i = 0; i < uint_c(diameter / real_c(minBlockSizeInCells)) + 1; ++i)
+      syncCall();
+   ///////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////
+   // create the lattice model
+   LatticeModel_T latticeModel = LatticeModel_T( lbm::collision_model::TRT::constructWithMagicNumber( real_t(1) / relaxationTime, lbm::collision_model::TRT::threeSixteenth, finestLevel ) );
+   // add PDF field
+   BlockDataID pdfFieldID = lbm::addPdfFieldToStorage< LatticeModel_T >( blocks, "pdf field (zyxf)", latticeModel,
+                                                                         Vector3< real_t >( real_t(0) ), real_t(1),
+                                                                         FieldGhostLayers, field::zyxf );
+   // add flag field
+   BlockDataID flagFieldID = field::addFlagFieldToStorage<FlagField_T>( blocks, "flag field", FieldGhostLayers );
+   // add body field
+   BlockDataID bodyFieldID = field::addToStorage<BodyField_T>( blocks, "body field", NULL, field::zyxf, FieldGhostLayers );
+   // add boundary handling & initialize outer domain boundaries
+   BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID = blocks->addBlockData( make_shared< MyBoundaryHandling >( blocks, flagFieldID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID ),
+                                                          "boundary handling" );
+   // map planes into the LBM simulation -> act as no-slip boundaries
+   pe_coupling::mapGlobalBodies< BoundaryHandling_T >( *blocks, boundaryHandlingID, *globalBodyStorage, NoSlip_Flag, false, true );
+   // map pe bodies into the LBM simulation
+   pe_coupling::mapMovingBodies< BoundaryHandling_T >( *blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag );
+   // force averaging functionality
+   shared_ptr<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer> bodiesFTContainer1 = make_shared<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer>(blocks, bodyStorageID);
+   boost::function<void(void)> storeForceTorqueInCont1 = boost::bind(&pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer::store, bodiesFTContainer1);
+   shared_ptr<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer> bodiesFTContainer2 = make_shared<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer>(blocks, bodyStorageID);
+   boost::function<void(void)> setForceTorqueOnBodiesFromCont2 = boost::bind(&pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer::setOnBodies, bodiesFTContainer2);
+   shared_ptr<pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler> forceScaler = make_shared<pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler>(blocks, bodyStorageID, real_t(0.5));
+   boost::function<void(void)> setForceScalingFactorToOne = boost::bind(&pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler::resetScalingFactor,forceScaler,real_t(1));
+   boost::function<void(void)> setForceScalingFactorToHalf = boost::bind(&pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler::resetScalingFactor,forceScaler,real_t(0.5));
+   if( averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps ) {
+      bodiesFTContainer2->store();
+      setForceScalingFactorToOne();
+   }
+   ///////////////
+   // TIME LOOP //
+   ///////////////
+   // setup of the LBM communication for synchronizing the pdf field between neighboring blocks
+   boost::function< void () > commFunction;
+   blockforest::communication::UniformBufferedScheme< Stencil_T > scheme( blocks );
+   scheme.addPackInfo( make_shared< lbm::PdfFieldPackInfo< LatticeModel_T > >( pdfFieldID ) );
+   commFunction = scheme;
+   // create the timeloop
+   SweepTimeloop timeloop( blocks->getBlockStorage(), timesteps );
+   auto sweep = lbm::makeCellwiseSweep< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T >( pdfFieldID, flagFieldID, Fluid_Flag );
+   auto refinementTimestep = lbm::refinement::makeTimeStep< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, sweep, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID );
+   // Averaging the force/torque over two time steps is said to damp oscillations of the interaction force/torque.
+   // See Ladd - " Numerical simulations of particulate suspensions via a discretized Boltzmann equation. Part 1. Theoretical foundation", 1994, p. 302
+   if( averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps ) {
+      // store force/torque from hydrodynamic interactions in container1
+      refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(storeForceTorqueInCont1), "Force Storing", finestLevel);
+      // set force/torque from previous time step (in container2)
+      refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(setForceTorqueOnBodiesFromCont2), "Force setting", finestLevel);
+      // average the force/torque by scaling it with factor 1/2 (except in first timestep and directly after refinement, there it is 1)
+      refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(SharedFunctor<pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler>(forceScaler)), "Force averaging", finestLevel);
+      refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(setForceScalingFactorToHalf), "Force scaling adjustment", finestLevel);
+      // swap containers
+      refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(pe_coupling::BodyContainerSwapper(bodiesFTContainer1, bodiesFTContainer2)), "Swap FT container", finestLevel);
+   }
+   Vector3<real_t> gravitationalForce( real_t(0), real_t(0), -(densitySphere - densityFluid) * gravitationalAcceleration * sphereVolume );
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(pe_coupling::ForceOnBodiesAdder( blocks, bodyStorageID, gravitationalForce )), "Gravitational force", finestLevel );
+   // add pe timesteps
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(pe_coupling::TimeStep( blocks, bodyStorageID, cr, syncCall, real_t(1), numPeSubCycles)),
+                                                  "pe Time Step", finestLevel );
+   // add sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, bodyFieldID,  MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag ), blocks ),
+                                                 "Body Mapping", finestLevel );
+   // add sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
+   pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder extrapolationFinder( blocks, bodyFieldID );
+   typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder > Reconstructor_T;
+   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder );
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T > ( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag  ), blocks ),
+                                                 "PDF Restore", finestLevel );
+   // add LBM sweep with refinement
+   timeloop.addFuncBeforeTimeStep( makeSharedFunctor( refinementTimestep ), "LBM refinement time step" );
+   // check for convergence of the particle position
+   std::string loggingFileName( baseFolder + "/LoggingSettlingSphere_");
+   loggingFileName += std::to_string(fluidType);
+   loggingFileName += ".txt";
+   if( fileIO  )
+   {
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - writing logging output to file \"" << loggingFileName << "\"");
+   }
+   shared_ptr< SpherePropertyLogger > logger = walberla::make_shared< SpherePropertyLogger >( &timeloop, blocks, bodyStorageID,
+                                                                                              loggingFileName, fileIO, dx_SI, dt_SI, diameter,
+                                                                                              lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration );
+   timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( SharedFunctor< SpherePropertyLogger >( logger ), "Sphere property logger" );
+   if( vtkIOFreq != uint_t(0) )
+   {
+      // spheres
+      auto bodyVtkOutput = make_shared<pe::SphereVtkOutput>( bodyStorageID, blocks->getBlockStorage() );
+      auto bodyVTK = vtk::createVTKOutput_PointData( bodyVtkOutput, "bodies", vtkIOFreq, baseFolder );
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( vtk::writeFiles( bodyVTK ), "VTK (sphere data)" );
+      // flag field
+      auto flagFieldVTK = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData( blocks, "flag_field", vtkIOFreq, 0, false, baseFolder );
+      flagFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< field::VTKWriter< FlagField_T > >( flagFieldID, "FlagField" ) );
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( vtk::writeFiles( flagFieldVTK ), "VTK (flag field data)" );
+      // pdf field
+      auto pdfFieldVTK = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData( blocks, "fluid_field", vtkIOFreq, 0, false, baseFolder );
+      field::FlagFieldCellFilter< FlagField_T > fluidFilter( flagFieldID );
+      fluidFilter.addFlag( Fluid_Flag );
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellInclusionFilter( fluidFilter );
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< lbm::VelocityVTKWriter< LatticeModel_T, float > >( pdfFieldID, "VelocityFromPDF" ) );
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< lbm::DensityVTKWriter < LatticeModel_T, float > >( pdfFieldID, "DensityFromPDF" ) );
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( vtk::writeFiles( pdfFieldVTK ), "VTK (fluid field data)" );
+      auto domainDecompVTK = vtk::createVTKOutput_DomainDecomposition(blocks, "domain_decomposition", vtkIOFreq, baseFolder );
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( vtk::writeFiles(domainDecompVTK), "VTK (domain decomposition)");
+   }
+   timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( RemainingTimeLogger( timeloop.getNrOfTimeSteps() ), "Remaining Time Logger" );
+   ////////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////
+   WcTimingPool timeloopTiming;
+   real_t terminationPosition = real_t(0.51) * diameter; // right before sphere touches the bottom wall
+   uint_t refinementCheckFrequency = uint_t(100);
+   // time loop
+   for (uint_t i = 0; i < timesteps; ++i )
+   {
+      // perform a single simulation step
+      timeloop.singleStep( timeloopTiming );
+      if ( logger->getPosition() < terminationPosition )
+      {
+         WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Sphere reached terminal position " << logger->getPosition() << " after " << i << " timesteps!");
+         break;
+      }
+      if( i % refinementCheckFrequency == 0)
+      {
+         auto & forest = blocks->getBlockForest();
+         pe::createWithNeighborhood(forest, bodyStorageID, *peInfoCollection);
+         pe::clearSynchronization( blockforest, bodyStorageID);
+         blocks->refresh();
+         for( uint_t syncStep = 0; syncStep < uint_c(diameter / real_c(minBlockSizeInCells)) + 1; ++syncStep)
+            syncCall();
+         for (auto blockIt = blocks->begin(); blockIt != blocks->end(); ++blockIt)
+         {
+            pe::ccd::ICCD* ccd = blockIt->getData< pe::ccd::ICCD >( ccdID );
+            ccd->reloadBodies();
+         }
+         clearBoundaryHandling(forest, boundaryHandlingID);
+         clearBodyField(forest, bodyFieldID);
+         if( averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps ) {
+            // clear containers from old values
+            bodiesFTContainer1->clear();
+            bodiesFTContainer2->clear();
+            // initialize FT container on all blocks anew, i.e. with the currently acting force/torque, which is zero after the refinement step
+            bodiesFTContainer2->store();
+            // set force scaling factor to one after refinement since force history is not present on blocks after refinement
+            // thus the usual averaging of 1/2 (over two time steps) can not be carried out, i.e. it would lead to 1/2 of the acting force
+            // the scaling factor is thus adapted for the next timestep to 1, and then changed back to 1/2 (in the timeloop)
+            setForceScalingFactorToOne();
+         }
+         recreateBoundaryHandling(forest, boundaryHandlingID);
+         // re-set the no-slip flags along the walls
+         pe_coupling::mapGlobalBodies< BoundaryHandling_T >( *blocks, boundaryHandlingID, *globalBodyStorage, NoSlip_Flag, false, true );
+         // re-map the body into the domain (initializing the bodyField as well)
+         pe_coupling::mapMovingBodies< BoundaryHandling_T >( *blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag );
+      }
+   }
+   timeloopTiming.logResultOnRoot();
+   // check the result
+   if ( !funcTest && !shortrun )
+   {
+      real_t relErr = std::fabs( expectedSettlingVelocity - logger->getMaxVelocity()) / expectedSettlingVelocity;
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Expected maximum settling velocity: " << expectedSettlingVelocity );
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Simulated maximum settling velocity: " << logger->getMaxVelocity() );
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Relative error: " << relErr );
+      // the relative error has to be below 10%
+      WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS( relErr, real_t(0.1) );
+   }
+   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+} // namespace settling_sphere_mem_dynamic_refinement
+int main( int argc, char **argv ){
+   settling_sphere_mem_dynamic_refinement::main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinement.cpp b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinement.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..988aff9e955c01932f2321f0338275fe27cc97c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinement.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file SettlingSphereMEMStaticRefinement.cpp
+//! \ingroup pe_coupling
+//! \author Christoph Rettinger <christoph.rettinger@fau.de>
+#include "blockforest/Initialization.h"
+#include "blockforest/communication/UniformBufferedScheme.h"
+#include "boundary/all.h"
+#include "core/DataTypes.h"
+#include "core/Environment.h"
+#include "core/SharedFunctor.h"
+#include "core/debug/Debug.h"
+#include "core/debug/TestSubsystem.h"
+#include "core/math/all.h"
+#include "core/timing/RemainingTimeLogger.h"
+#include "domain_decomposition/SharedSweep.h"
+#include "field/AddToStorage.h"
+#include "field/StabilityChecker.h"
+#include "field/communication/PackInfo.h"
+#include "lbm/boundary/all.h"
+#include "lbm/communication/PdfFieldPackInfo.h"
+#include "lbm/field/AddToStorage.h"
+#include "lbm/field/PdfField.h"
+#include "lbm/lattice_model/D3Q19.h"
+#include "lbm/refinement/all.h"
+#include "lbm/sweeps/CellwiseSweep.h"
+#include "lbm/sweeps/SweepWrappers.h"
+#include "pe/basic.h"
+#include "pe/vtk/BodyVtkOutput.h"
+#include "pe/vtk/SphereVtkOutput.h"
+#include "pe/cr/ICR.h"
+#include "pe/Types.h"
+#include "pe_coupling/mapping/all.h"
+#include "pe_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/all.h"
+#include "pe_coupling/utility/all.h"
+#include "timeloop/SweepTimeloop.h"
+#include "vtk/all.h"
+#include "field/vtk/all.h"
+#include "lbm/vtk/all.h"
+namespace settling_sphere_mem_static_refinement
+// USING //
+using namespace walberla;
+using walberla::uint_t;
+// PDF field, flag field & body field
+typedef lbm::D3Q19< lbm::collision_model::TRT, false >  LatticeModel_T;
+typedef LatticeModel_T::Stencil          Stencil_T;
+typedef lbm::PdfField< LatticeModel_T > PdfField_T;
+typedef walberla::uint8_t                 flag_t;
+typedef FlagField< flag_t >               FlagField_T;
+typedef GhostLayerField< pe::BodyID, 1 >  BodyField_T;
+const uint_t FieldGhostLayers = 4;
+// boundary handling
+typedef lbm::NoSlip< LatticeModel_T, flag_t > NoSlip_T;
+typedef pe_coupling::CurvedLinear< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T > MO_T;
+typedef boost::tuples::tuple< NoSlip_T, MO_T > BoundaryConditions_T;
+typedef BoundaryHandling< FlagField_T, Stencil_T, BoundaryConditions_T > BoundaryHandling_T;
+typedef boost::tuple< pe::Sphere, pe::Plane > BodyTypeTuple;
+// FLAGS //
+const FlagUID Fluid_Flag( "fluid" );
+const FlagUID NoSlip_Flag( "no slip" );
+const FlagUID MO_Flag( "moving obstacle" );
+const FlagUID FormerMO_Flag( "former moving obstacle" );
+static void refinementSelection( SetupBlockForest& forest, uint_t levels, AABB refinementBox )
+   real_t dx = real_t(1); // dx on finest level
+   for( auto block = forest.begin(); block != forest.end(); ++block )
+   {
+      uint_t blockLevel = block->getLevel();
+      uint_t levelScalingFactor = ( uint_t(1) << (levels - uint_t(1) - blockLevel) );
+      real_t dxOnLevel = dx * real_c(levelScalingFactor);
+      AABB blockAABB = block->getAABB();
+      // extend block AABB by ghostlayers
+      AABB extendedBlockAABB = blockAABB.getExtended( dxOnLevel * real_c(FieldGhostLayers) );
+      if( extendedBlockAABB.intersects( refinementBox ) )
+         if( blockLevel < ( levels - uint_t(1) ) )
+            block->setMarker( true );
+   }
+static void workloadAndMemoryAssignment( SetupBlockForest& forest )
+   for( auto block = forest.begin(); block != forest.end(); ++block )
+   {
+      block->setWorkload( numeric_cast< workload_t >( uint_t(1) << block->getLevel() ) );
+      block->setMemory( numeric_cast< memory_t >(1) );
+   }
+static shared_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > createBlockStructure( const AABB & domainAABB, Vector3<uint_t> blockSizeInCells,
+                                                                 uint_t numberOfLevels, real_t diameter,
+                                                                 bool keepGlobalBlockInformation = false )
+   SetupBlockForest sforest;
+   Vector3<uint_t> numberOfFineBlocksPerDirection( uint_c(domainAABB.size(0)) / blockSizeInCells[0],
+                                                   uint_c(domainAABB.size(1)) / blockSizeInCells[1],
+                                                   uint_c(domainAABB.size(2)) / blockSizeInCells[2] );
+   for(uint_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+   {
+      WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL( numberOfFineBlocksPerDirection[i] * blockSizeInCells[i], uint_c(domainAABB.size(i)),
+                            "Domain can not be decomposed in direction " << i << " into fine blocks of size " << blockSizeInCells[i] );
+   }
+   uint_t levelScalingFactor = ( uint_t(1) << ( numberOfLevels - uint_t(1) ) );
+   Vector3<uint_t> numberOfCoarseBlocksPerDirection( numberOfFineBlocksPerDirection / levelScalingFactor );
+   for(uint_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
+   {
+      WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(numberOfCoarseBlocksPerDirection[i] * levelScalingFactor, numberOfFineBlocksPerDirection[i],
+                            "Domain can not be refined in direction " << i << " according to the specified number of levels!" );
+   }
+   AABB refinementBox( std::floor(real_t(0.5) * (domainAABB.size(0)-diameter)), std::floor(real_t(0.5) * (domainAABB.size(1)-diameter)), real_t(0),
+                       std::ceil( real_t(0.5) * (domainAABB.size(0)+diameter)), std::ceil( real_t(0.5) * (domainAABB.size(1)+diameter)), domainAABB.size(2) );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - refinement box: " << refinementBox);
+   sforest.addRefinementSelectionFunction( boost::bind( refinementSelection, _1, numberOfLevels, refinementBox ) );
+   sforest.addWorkloadMemorySUIDAssignmentFunction( workloadAndMemoryAssignment );
+   sforest.init( domainAABB, numberOfCoarseBlocksPerDirection[0], numberOfCoarseBlocksPerDirection[1], numberOfCoarseBlocksPerDirection[2], false, false, false );
+   // calculate process distribution
+   const memory_t memoryLimit = math::Limits< memory_t >::inf();
+   sforest.balanceLoad( blockforest::StaticLevelwiseCurveBalance(true), uint_c( MPIManager::instance()->numProcesses() ), real_t(0), memoryLimit, true );
+   MPIManager::instance()->useWorldComm();
+   // create StructuredBlockForest (encapsulates a newly created BlockForest)
+   shared_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > sbf =
+         make_shared< StructuredBlockForest >( make_shared< BlockForest >( uint_c( MPIManager::instance()->rank() ), sforest, keepGlobalBlockInformation ),
+                                               blockSizeInCells[0], blockSizeInCells[1], blockSizeInCells[2]);
+   sbf->createCellBoundingBoxes();
+   return sbf;
+class MyBoundaryHandling
+   MyBoundaryHandling( const BlockDataID & flagFieldID, const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID, const BlockDataID & bodyFieldID ) :
+      flagFieldID_( flagFieldID ), pdfFieldID_( pdfFieldID ), bodyFieldID_ ( bodyFieldID ) {}
+   BoundaryHandling_T * operator()( IBlock* const block, const StructuredBlockStorage* const storage ) const;
+   const BlockDataID flagFieldID_;
+   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
+   const BlockDataID bodyFieldID_;
+}; // class MyBoundaryHandling
+BoundaryHandling_T * MyBoundaryHandling::operator()( IBlock * const block, const StructuredBlockStorage * const storage ) const
+   FlagField_T * flagField       = block->getData< FlagField_T >( flagFieldID_ );
+   PdfField_T *  pdfField        = block->getData< PdfField_T > ( pdfFieldID_ );
+   BodyField_T * bodyField       = block->getData< BodyField_T >( bodyFieldID_ );
+   const auto fluid = flagField->flagExists( Fluid_Flag ) ? flagField->getFlag( Fluid_Flag ) : flagField->registerFlag( Fluid_Flag );
+   BoundaryHandling_T * handling = new BoundaryHandling_T( "moving obstacle boundary handling", flagField, fluid,
+         boost::tuples::make_tuple(    NoSlip_T( "NoSlip", NoSlip_Flag, pdfField ),
+                                       MO_T( "MO", MO_Flag, pdfField, flagField, bodyField, fluid, *storage, *block ) ) );
+   // boundary conditions (no-slip) are set by mapping the planes into the domain
+   handling->fillWithDomain( FieldGhostLayers );
+   return handling;
+/*!\brief Evaluating the position and velocity of the sphere
+ *
+ */
+class SpherePropertyLogger
+   SpherePropertyLogger( SweepTimeloop* timeloop, const shared_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage > & blocks,
+                         const BlockDataID & bodyStorageID, const std::string & fileName, bool fileIO,
+                         real_t dx_SI, real_t dt_SI, real_t diameter, uint_t lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration) :
+      timeloop_( timeloop ), blocks_( blocks ), bodyStorageID_( bodyStorageID ), fileName_( fileName ), fileIO_(fileIO),
+      dx_SI_( dx_SI ), dt_SI_( dt_SI ), diameter_( diameter ), lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration_( lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration ),
+      position_( real_t(0) ), maxVelocity_( real_t(0) )
+   {
+      if ( fileIO_ )
+      {
+         {
+            std::ofstream file;
+            file.open( fileName_.c_str() );
+            file << "#\t t\t posX\t posY\t gapZ\t velX\t velY\t velZ\n";
+            file.close();
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   void operator()()
+   {
+      const uint_t timestep (timeloop_->getCurrentTimeStep() * lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration_ );
+      Vector3<real_t> pos(real_t(0));
+      Vector3<real_t> transVel(real_t(0));
+      for( auto blockIt = blocks_->begin(); blockIt != blocks_->end(); ++blockIt )
+      {
+         for( auto bodyIt = pe::LocalBodyIterator::begin( *blockIt, bodyStorageID_); bodyIt != pe::LocalBodyIterator::end(); ++bodyIt )
+         {
+            pos = bodyIt->getPosition();
+            transVel = bodyIt->getLinearVel();
+         }
+      }
+      {
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( pos[0], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( pos[1], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( pos[2], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( transVel[0], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( transVel[1], mpi::SUM );
+         mpi::allReduceInplace( transVel[2], mpi::SUM );
+      }
+      position_ = pos[2];
+      maxVelocity_ = std::max(maxVelocity_, -transVel[2]);
+      if( fileIO_ )
+         writeToFile( timestep, pos, transVel);
+   }
+   real_t getPosition() const
+   {
+      return position_;
+   }
+   real_t getMaxVelocity() const
+   {
+      return maxVelocity_;
+   }
+   void writeToFile( uint_t timestep, const Vector3<real_t> & position, const Vector3<real_t> & velocity )
+   {
+      {
+         std::ofstream file;
+         file.open( fileName_.c_str(), std::ofstream::app );
+         auto scaledPosition = position / diameter_;
+         auto velocity_SI = velocity * dx_SI_ / dt_SI_;
+         file << timestep << "\t" << real_c(timestep) * dt_SI_ << "\t"
+              << "\t" << scaledPosition[0] << "\t" << scaledPosition[1] << "\t" << scaledPosition[2] - real_t(0.5)
+              << "\t" << velocity_SI[0] << "\t" << velocity_SI[1] << "\t" << velocity_SI[2]
+              << "\n";
+         file.close();
+      }
+   }
+   SweepTimeloop* timeloop_;
+   shared_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage > blocks_;
+   const BlockDataID bodyStorageID_;
+   std::string fileName_;
+   bool fileIO_;
+   real_t dx_SI_, dt_SI_, diameter_;
+   uint_t lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration_;
+   real_t position_;
+   real_t maxVelocity_;
+// MAIN //
+/*!\brief Testcase that simulates the settling of a sphere inside a rectangular column filled with viscous fluid
+ *
+ * see: ten Cate, Nieuwstad, Derksen, Van den Akker - "Particle imaging velocimetry experiments and lattice-Boltzmann
+ * simulations on a single sphere settling under gravity" (2002), Physics of Fluids, doi: 10.1063/1.1512918
+ *
+ * Since the path of the sphere is known (straight vertically towards the bottom plane), we use static grid refinement
+ * for the whole region which the sphere will traverse. This is necessary, because the coupling algorithm only works
+ * when the sphere resides on the same, i.e. the finest, grid level throughout the whole simulation.
+ *
+ */
+int main( int argc, char **argv )
+   debug::enterTestMode();
+   mpi::Environment env( argc, argv );
+   ///////////////////
+   // Customization //
+   ///////////////////
+   // simulation control
+   bool shortrun = false;
+   bool funcTest = false;
+   bool fileIO = false;
+   uint_t vtkIOFreq = 0;
+   std::string baseFolder = "vtk_out_SettlingSphereSR";
+   // physical setup
+   uint_t fluidType = 1;
+   //numerical parameters
+   uint_t numberOfCellsInHorizontalDirection = uint_t(200);
+   bool averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps = true;
+   uint_t numberOfLevels = uint_t(3);
+   for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
+   {
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--shortrun" )         == 0 ) { shortrun = true; continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--funcTest" )         == 0 ) { funcTest = true; continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--fileIO" )           == 0 ) { fileIO = true; continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--vtkIOFreq" )        == 0 ) { vtkIOFreq = uint_c( std::atof( argv[++i] ) ); continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--fluidType" )        == 0 ) { fluidType = uint_c( std::atof( argv[++i] ) ); continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--resolution" )       == 0 ) { numberOfCellsInHorizontalDirection = uint_c( std::atof( argv[++i] ) ); continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--noForceAveraging" ) == 0 ) { averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps = false; continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--numLevels" )        == 0 ) { numberOfLevels = uint_c( std::atof( argv[++i] ) ); continue; }
+      if( std::strcmp( argv[i], "--baseFolder" )       == 0 ) { baseFolder = argv[++i]; continue; }
+      WALBERLA_ABORT("Unrecognized command line argument found: " << argv[i]);
+   }
+   if( funcTest )
+   {
+      walberla::logging::Logging::instance()->setLogLevel(logging::Logging::LogLevel::WARNING);
+   }
+   if( fileIO )
+   {
+      // create base directory if it does not yet exist
+      boost::filesystem::path tpath( baseFolder );
+      if( !boost::filesystem::exists( tpath ) )
+         boost::filesystem::create_directory( tpath );
+   }
+   //////////////////////////////////////
+   //////////////////////////////////////
+   // values are mainly taken from the reference paper
+   const real_t diameter_SI = real_t(15e-3);
+   const real_t densitySphere_SI = real_t(1120);
+   real_t densityFluid_SI, dynamicViscosityFluid_SI;
+   real_t expectedSettlingVelocity_SI;
+   switch( fluidType )
+   {
+      case 1:
+         // Re_p around 1.5
+         densityFluid_SI = real_t(970);
+         dynamicViscosityFluid_SI = real_t(373e-3);
+         expectedSettlingVelocity_SI = real_t(0.035986);
+         break;
+      case 2:
+         // Re_p around 4.1
+         densityFluid_SI = real_t(965);
+         dynamicViscosityFluid_SI = real_t(212e-3);
+         expectedSettlingVelocity_SI = real_t(0.05718);
+         break;
+      case 3:
+         // Re_p around 11.6
+         densityFluid_SI = real_t(962);
+         dynamicViscosityFluid_SI = real_t(113e-3);
+         expectedSettlingVelocity_SI = real_t(0.087269);
+         break;
+      case 4:
+         // Re_p around 31.9
+         densityFluid_SI = real_t(960);
+         dynamicViscosityFluid_SI = real_t(58e-3);
+         expectedSettlingVelocity_SI = real_t(0.12224);
+         break;
+      default:
+         WALBERLA_ABORT("Only four different fluids are supported! Choose type between 1 and 4.");
+   }
+   const real_t kinematicViscosityFluid_SI = dynamicViscosityFluid_SI / densityFluid_SI;
+   const real_t gravitationalAcceleration_SI = real_t(9.81);
+   Vector3<real_t> domainSize_SI(real_t(100e-3), real_t(100e-3), real_t(160e-3));
+   //shift starting gap a bit upwards to match the reported (plotted) values
+   const real_t startingGapSize_SI = real_t(120e-3) + real_t(0.25) * diameter_SI;
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Setup (in SI units):");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - domain size = " << domainSize_SI );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - sphere: diameter = " << diameter_SI << ", density = " << densitySphere_SI << ", starting gap size = " << startingGapSize_SI );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - fluid: density = " << densityFluid_SI << ", dyn. visc = " << dynamicViscosityFluid_SI << ", kin. visc = " << kinematicViscosityFluid_SI );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - expected settling velocity = " << expectedSettlingVelocity_SI << " --> Re_p = " << expectedSettlingVelocity_SI * diameter_SI / kinematicViscosityFluid_SI );
+   //////////////////////////
+   //////////////////////////
+   const real_t dx_SI = domainSize_SI[0] / real_c(numberOfCellsInHorizontalDirection);
+   const Vector3<uint_t> domainSize( uint_c(floor(domainSize_SI[0] / dx_SI + real_t(0.5)) ),
+                                     uint_c(floor(domainSize_SI[1] / dx_SI + real_t(0.5)) ),
+                                     uint_c(floor(domainSize_SI[2] / dx_SI + real_t(0.5)) ) );
+   const real_t diameter = diameter_SI / dx_SI;
+   const real_t sphereVolume = math::M_PI / real_t(6) * diameter * diameter * diameter;
+   const real_t expectedSettlingVelocity = real_t(0.01);
+   const real_t dt_SI = expectedSettlingVelocity / expectedSettlingVelocity_SI * dx_SI;
+   const real_t viscosity =  kinematicViscosityFluid_SI * dt_SI / ( dx_SI * dx_SI );
+   const real_t relaxationTime = real_t(1) / lbm::collision_model::omegaFromViscosity(viscosity);
+   const real_t gravitationalAcceleration = gravitationalAcceleration_SI * dt_SI * dt_SI / dx_SI;
+   const real_t densityFluid = real_t(1);
+   const real_t densitySphere = densityFluid * densitySphere_SI / densityFluid_SI;
+   const real_t dx = real_t(1);
+   const uint_t timesteps = funcTest ? 1 : ( shortrun ? uint_t(200) : uint_t( 250000 ) );
+   const uint_t numPeSubCycles = uint_t(1);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - dx_SI = " << dx_SI << ", dt_SI = " << dt_SI);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Setup (in simulation, i.e. lattice, units):");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - domain size = " << domainSize);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - sphere: diameter = " << diameter << ", density = " << densitySphere );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - fluid: density = " << densityFluid << ", relaxation time (tau) = " << relaxationTime << ", kin. visc = " << viscosity );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - gravitational acceleration = " << gravitationalAcceleration );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - expected settling velocity = " << expectedSettlingVelocity << " --> Re_p = " << expectedSettlingVelocity * diameter / viscosity );
+   if( vtkIOFreq > 0 )
+   {
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - writing vtk files to folder \"" << baseFolder << "\" with frequency " << vtkIOFreq);
+   }
+   ///////////////////////////
+   ///////////////////////////
+   const uint_t finestLevel = numberOfLevels - uint_t(1);
+   const uint_t levelScalingFactor = ( uint_t(1) << finestLevel );
+   const uint_t lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration = levelScalingFactor;
+   Vector3<uint_t> coarseBlocksPerDirection( uint_t(5), uint_t(5), uint_t(8) );
+   Vector3<uint_t> blockSizeInCells(domainSize[0] / ( coarseBlocksPerDirection[0] * levelScalingFactor ),
+                                    domainSize[1] / ( coarseBlocksPerDirection[1] * levelScalingFactor ),
+                                    domainSize[2] / ( coarseBlocksPerDirection[2] * levelScalingFactor ) );
+   AABB simulationDomain( real_t(0), real_t(0), real_t(0), real_c(domainSize[0]), real_c(domainSize[1]), real_c(domainSize[2]) );
+   auto blocks = createBlockStructure( simulationDomain, blockSizeInCells, numberOfLevels, diameter );
+   //write domain decomposition to file
+   if( vtkIOFreq > 0 )
+   {
+      vtk::writeDomainDecomposition( blocks, "initial_domain_decomposition", baseFolder );
+   }
+   /////////////////
+   // PE COUPLING //
+   /////////////////
+   // set up pe functionality
+   shared_ptr<pe::BodyStorage>  globalBodyStorage = make_shared<pe::BodyStorage>();
+   pe::SetBodyTypeIDs<BodyTypeTuple>::execute();
+   auto bodyStorageID  = blocks->addBlockData(pe::createStorageDataHandling<BodyTypeTuple>(), "pe Body Storage");
+   auto ccdID          = blocks->addBlockData(pe::ccd::createHashGridsDataHandling( globalBodyStorage, bodyStorageID ), "CCD");
+   auto fcdID          = blocks->addBlockData(pe::fcd::createGenericFCDDataHandling<BodyTypeTuple, pe::fcd::AnalyticCollideFunctor>(), "FCD");
+   // set up collision response, here DEM solver
+   pe::cr::DEM cr(globalBodyStorage, blocks->getBlockStoragePointer(), bodyStorageID, ccdID, fcdID, NULL);
+   // set up synchronization procedure
+   const real_t overlap = real_t( 1.5 ) * dx;
+   boost::function<void(void)> syncCall = boost::bind( pe::syncShadowOwners<BodyTypeTuple>, boost::ref(blocks->getBlockForest()), bodyStorageID, static_cast<WcTimingTree*>(NULL), overlap, false );
+   // create pe bodies
+   // bounding planes (global)
+   const auto planeMaterial = pe::createMaterial( "myPlaneMat", real_t(8920), real_t(0), real_t(1), real_t(1), real_t(0), real_t(1), real_t(1), real_t(0), real_t(0) );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(1,0,0), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(-1,0,0), Vector3<real_t>(real_c(domainSize[0]),0,0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,1,0), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,-1,0), Vector3<real_t>(0,real_c(domainSize[1]),0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,0,1), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,0), planeMaterial );
+   pe::createPlane( *globalBodyStorage, 0, Vector3<real_t>(0,0,-1), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,real_c(domainSize[2])), planeMaterial );
+   // add the sphere
+   const auto sphereMaterial = pe::createMaterial( "mySphereMat", densitySphere , real_t(0.5), real_t(0.1), real_t(0.1), real_t(0.24), real_t(200), real_t(200), real_t(0), real_t(0) );
+   Vector3<real_t> initialPosition( real_t(0.5) * real_c(domainSize[0]), real_t(0.5) * real_c(domainSize[1]), startingGapSize_SI / dx_SI + real_t(0.5) * diameter);
+   pe::createSphere( *globalBodyStorage, blocks->getBlockStorage(), bodyStorageID, 0, initialPosition, real_t(0.5) * diameter, sphereMaterial );
+   uint_t minBlockSizeInCells = blockSizeInCells.min();
+   for( uint_t i = 0; i < uint_c(diameter / real_c(minBlockSizeInCells)) + 1; ++i)
+      syncCall();
+   ///////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////
+   // create the lattice model
+   LatticeModel_T latticeModel = LatticeModel_T( lbm::collision_model::TRT::constructWithMagicNumber( real_t(1) / relaxationTime, lbm::collision_model::TRT::threeSixteenth, finestLevel ) );
+   // add PDF field
+   BlockDataID pdfFieldID = lbm::addPdfFieldToStorage< LatticeModel_T >( blocks, "pdf field (zyxf)", latticeModel,
+                                                                         Vector3< real_t >( real_t(0) ), real_t(1),
+                                                                         FieldGhostLayers, field::zyxf );
+   // add flag field
+   BlockDataID flagFieldID = field::addFlagFieldToStorage<FlagField_T>( blocks, "flag field", FieldGhostLayers );
+   // add body field
+   BlockDataID bodyFieldID = field::addToStorage<BodyField_T>( blocks, "body field", NULL, field::zyxf, FieldGhostLayers );
+   // add boundary handling
+   BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID = blocks->addStructuredBlockData< BoundaryHandling_T >( MyBoundaryHandling( flagFieldID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID ), "boundary handling" );
+   // map planes into the LBM simulation -> act as no-slip boundaries
+   pe_coupling::mapGlobalBodies< BoundaryHandling_T >( *blocks, boundaryHandlingID, *globalBodyStorage, NoSlip_Flag, false, true );
+   // map pe bodies into the LBM simulation
+   pe_coupling::mapMovingBodies< BoundaryHandling_T >( *blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, bodyFieldID, MO_Flag );
+   // force averaging functionality
+   shared_ptr<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer> bodiesFTContainer1 = make_shared<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer>(blocks, bodyStorageID);
+   boost::function<void(void)> storeForceTorqueInCont1 = boost::bind(&pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer::store, bodiesFTContainer1);
+   shared_ptr<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer> bodiesFTContainer2 = make_shared<pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer>(blocks, bodyStorageID);
+   boost::function<void(void)> setForceTorqueOnBodiesFromCont2 = boost::bind(&pe_coupling::BodiesForceTorqueContainer::setOnBodies, bodiesFTContainer2);
+   shared_ptr<pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler> forceScaler = make_shared<pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler>(blocks, bodyStorageID, real_t(1));
+   boost::function<void(void)> setForceScalingFactorToHalf = boost::bind(&pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler::resetScalingFactor,forceScaler,real_t(0.5));
+   if( averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps ) {
+      bodiesFTContainer2->store();
+   }
+   ///////////////
+   // TIME LOOP //
+   ///////////////
+   // setup of the LBM communication for synchronizing the pdf field between neighboring blocks
+   boost::function< void () > commFunction;
+   blockforest::communication::UniformBufferedScheme< Stencil_T > scheme( blocks );
+   scheme.addPackInfo( make_shared< lbm::PdfFieldPackInfo< LatticeModel_T > >( pdfFieldID ) );
+   commFunction = scheme;
+   // create the timeloop
+   SweepTimeloop timeloop( blocks->getBlockStorage(), timesteps );
+   auto sweep = lbm::makeCellwiseSweep< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T >( pdfFieldID, flagFieldID, Fluid_Flag );
+   auto refinementTimestep = lbm::refinement::makeTimeStep< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, sweep, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID );
+   // Averaging the force/torque over two time steps is said to damp oscillations of the interaction force/torque.
+   // See Ladd - " Numerical simulations of particulate suspensions via a discretized Boltzmann equation. Part 1. Theoretical foundation", 1994, p. 302
+   if( averageForceTorqueOverTwoTimSteps ) {
+      // store force/torque from hydrodynamic interactions in container1
+      refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(storeForceTorqueInCont1), "Force Storing", finestLevel);
+      // set force/torque from previous time step (in container2)
+      refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(setForceTorqueOnBodiesFromCont2), "Force setting", finestLevel);
+      // average the force/torque by scaling it with factor 1/2 (except in first timestep, there it is 1, which it is initially)
+      refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(pe_coupling::ForceTorqueOnBodiesScaler(blocks, bodyStorageID, real_t(0.5))), "Force averaging", finestLevel);
+      refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(setForceScalingFactorToHalf), "Force scaling adjustment", finestLevel);
+      // swap containers
+      refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(pe_coupling::BodyContainerSwapper(bodiesFTContainer1, bodiesFTContainer2)), "Swap FT container", finestLevel);
+   }
+   Vector3<real_t> gravitationalForce( real_t(0), real_t(0), -(densitySphere - densityFluid) * gravitationalAcceleration * sphereVolume );
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(pe_coupling::ForceOnBodiesAdder( blocks, bodyStorageID, gravitationalForce )), "Gravitational force", finestLevel );
+   // add pe timesteps
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::FunctorWrapper(pe_coupling::TimeStep( blocks, bodyStorageID, cr, syncCall, real_t(1), numPeSubCycles)),
+                                                 "pe Time Step", finestLevel );
+   // add sweep for updating the pe body mapping into the LBM simulation
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::BodyMapping< BoundaryHandling_T >( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, bodyFieldID,  MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag ), blocks ),
+                                                 "Body Mapping", finestLevel );
+   // add sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by pe bodies
+   pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder extrapolationFinder( blocks, bodyFieldID );
+   typedef pe_coupling::EquilibriumAndNonEquilibriumReconstructor< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, pe_coupling::SphereNormalExtrapolationDirectionFinder > Reconstructor_T;
+   Reconstructor_T reconstructor( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, pdfFieldID, bodyFieldID, extrapolationFinder );
+   refinementTimestep->addPostStreamVoidFunction(lbm::refinement::SweepAsFunctorWrapper( pe_coupling::PDFReconstruction< LatticeModel_T, BoundaryHandling_T, Reconstructor_T > ( blocks, boundaryHandlingID, bodyStorageID, bodyFieldID, reconstructor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag  ), blocks ),
+                                                 "PDF Restore", finestLevel );
+   // add LBM sweep with refinement
+   timeloop.addFuncBeforeTimeStep( makeSharedFunctor( refinementTimestep ), "LBM refinement time step" );
+   // check for convergence of the particle position
+   std::string loggingFileName( baseFolder + "/LoggingSettlingSphere_");
+   loggingFileName += std::to_string(fluidType);
+   loggingFileName += ".txt";
+   if( fileIO  )
+   {
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - writing logging output to file \"" << loggingFileName << "\"");
+   }
+   shared_ptr< SpherePropertyLogger > logger = walberla::make_shared< SpherePropertyLogger >( &timeloop, blocks, bodyStorageID,
+                                                                                              loggingFileName, fileIO, dx_SI, dt_SI, diameter,
+                                                                                              lbmTimeStepsPerTimeLoopIteration );
+   timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( SharedFunctor< SpherePropertyLogger >( logger ), "Sphere property logger" );
+   if( vtkIOFreq != uint_t(0) )
+   {
+      // spheres
+      auto bodyVtkOutput = make_shared<pe::SphereVtkOutput>( bodyStorageID, blocks->getBlockStorage() );
+      auto bodyVTK = vtk::createVTKOutput_PointData( bodyVtkOutput, "bodies", vtkIOFreq, baseFolder );
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( vtk::writeFiles( bodyVTK ), "VTK (sphere data)" );
+      // flag field (written only once in the first time step, ghost layers are also written)
+      auto flagFieldVTK = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData( blocks, "flag_field", timesteps, FieldGhostLayers, false, baseFolder );
+      flagFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< field::VTKWriter< FlagField_T > >( flagFieldID, "FlagField" ) );
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( vtk::writeFiles( flagFieldVTK ), "VTK (flag field data)" );
+      // pdf field
+      auto pdfFieldVTK = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData( blocks, "fluid_field", vtkIOFreq, 0, false, baseFolder );
+      field::FlagFieldCellFilter< FlagField_T > fluidFilter( flagFieldID );
+      fluidFilter.addFlag( Fluid_Flag );
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellInclusionFilter( fluidFilter );
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< lbm::VelocityVTKWriter< LatticeModel_T, float > >( pdfFieldID, "VelocityFromPDF" ) );
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< lbm::DensityVTKWriter < LatticeModel_T, float > >( pdfFieldID, "DensityFromPDF" ) );
+      timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( vtk::writeFiles( pdfFieldVTK ), "VTK (fluid field data)" );
+   }
+   timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( RemainingTimeLogger( timeloop.getNrOfTimeSteps() ), "Remaining Time Logger" );
+   ////////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////
+   WcTimingPool timeloopTiming;
+   real_t terminationPosition = real_t(0.51) * diameter; // right before sphere touches the bottom wall
+   // time loop
+   for (uint_t i = 0; i < timesteps; ++i )
+   {
+      // perform a single simulation step
+      timeloop.singleStep( timeloopTiming );
+      if ( logger->getPosition() < terminationPosition )
+      {
+         WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Sphere reached terminal position " << logger->getPosition() << " after " << i << " timesteps!");
+         break;
+      }
+   }
+   timeloopTiming.logResultOnRoot();
+   // check the result
+   if ( !funcTest && !shortrun )
+   {
+      real_t relErr = std::fabs( expectedSettlingVelocity - logger->getMaxVelocity()) / expectedSettlingVelocity;
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Expected maximum settling velocity: " << expectedSettlingVelocity );
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Simulated maximum settling velocity: " << logger->getMaxVelocity() );
+      WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Relative error: " << relErr );
+      // the relative error has to be below 10%
+      WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS( relErr, real_t(0.1) );
+   }
+   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+} // namespace settling_sphere_mem_static_refinement
+int main( int argc, char **argv ){
+   settling_sphere_mem_static_refinement::main(argc, argv);