diff --git a/pystencils/cpu/__init__.py b/pystencils/cpu/__init__.py
index e15bc8cf0b2a33eaa486c8e95e3cb50404cfa5e6..ba0b57da21322f36f91cdd4cf6d2a64ad485ee41 100644
--- a/pystencils/cpu/__init__.py
+++ b/pystencils/cpu/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 from pystencils.cpu.cpujit import make_python_function
-from pystencils.cpu.kernelcreation import add_openmp, create_indexed_kernel, create_kernel
+from pystencils.cpu.kernelcreation import add_openmp, create_indexed_kernel, create_kernel, add_pragmas
-__all__ = ['create_kernel', 'create_indexed_kernel', 'add_openmp', 'make_python_function']
+__all__ = ['create_kernel', 'create_indexed_kernel', 'add_openmp', 'add_pragmas', 'make_python_function']
diff --git a/pystencils/cpu/kernelcreation.py b/pystencils/cpu/kernelcreation.py
index c99332ff0f5f4b181ec6f46ec0cf404c5d85359f..608f6bc9ab03c90f527a998a488a6358953df74d 100644
--- a/pystencils/cpu/kernelcreation.py
+++ b/pystencils/cpu/kernelcreation.py
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ from pystencils.typing.transformations import add_types
 from pystencils.field import Field, FieldType
 from pystencils.node_collection import NodeCollection
 from pystencils.transformations import (
-    filtered_tree_iteration, get_base_buffer_index, get_optimal_loop_ordering, make_loop_over_domain,
-    move_constants_before_loop, parse_base_pointer_info, resolve_buffer_accesses,
+    filtered_tree_iteration, iterate_loops_by_depth, get_base_buffer_index, get_optimal_loop_ordering,
+    make_loop_over_domain, move_constants_before_loop, parse_base_pointer_info, resolve_buffer_accesses,
     resolve_field_accesses, split_inner_loop)
@@ -213,3 +213,18 @@ def add_openmp(ast_node, schedule="static", num_threads=True, collapse=None, ass
         if collapse:
             prefix += f" collapse({collapse})"
+def add_pragmas(ast_node, pragma_lines, nesting_depth=-1):
+    """Prepends given pragma lines to all loops of specified nesting depth.
+    Args:
+        ast: pystencils abstract syntax tree
+        pragma_lines: Iterable of strings containing the pragma lines
+        nesting_depth: Nesting depth of the loops the pragmas should be applied to.
+                       Outermost loop has depth 0.
+                       A depth of -1 indicates the innermost loops.
+    """
+    loop_nodes = iterate_loops_by_depth(ast_node, nesting_depth)
+    for n in loop_nodes:
+        n.prefix_lines += list(pragma_lines)
diff --git a/pystencils/transformations.py b/pystencils/transformations.py
index 5cde907b553dcdcf639e1a6362548eb346f81376..d29a342fd66306ac32fe7139879bea48c95508a8 100644
--- a/pystencils/transformations.py
+++ b/pystencils/transformations.py
@@ -100,6 +100,45 @@ def generic_visit(term, visitor):
         return visitor(term)
+def iterate_loops_by_depth(node, nesting_depth):
+    """Iterate all LoopOverCoordinate nodes in the given AST of the specified nesting depth.
+    Args:
+        node: Root node of the abstract syntax tree
+        nesting_depth: Nesting depth of the loops the pragmas should be applied to.
+                       Outermost loop has depth 0.
+                       A depth of -1 indicates the innermost loops.
+    Returns: Iterable listing all loop nodes of given nesting depth.
+    """
+    from pystencils.astnodes import LoopOverCoordinate
+    def _internal_default(node, nesting_depth):
+        isloop = isinstance(node, LoopOverCoordinate)
+        if nesting_depth < 0:  # here, a negative value indicates end of descent
+            return
+        elif nesting_depth == 0 and isloop:
+            yield node
+        else: 
+            next_depth = nesting_depth - 1 if isloop else nesting_depth
+            for arg in node.args:
+                yield from _internal_default(arg, next_depth)
+    def _internal_innermost(node):
+        if isinstance(node, LoopOverCoordinate) and node.is_innermost_loop:
+            yield node
+        else:
+            for arg in node.args:
+                yield from _internal_innermost(arg)
+    if nesting_depth >= 0:
+        yield from _internal_default(node, nesting_depth)
+    elif nesting_depth == -1:
+        yield from _internal_innermost(node)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Invalid nesting depth: {nesting_depth}. Choose a nonnegative number, or -1.")
 def unify_shape_symbols(body, common_shape, fields):
     """Replaces symbols for array sizes to ensure they are represented by the same unique symbol.
diff --git a/pystencils_tests/test_transformations.py b/pystencils_tests/test_transformations.py
index d6e6888b5027a4d403b1158d1204be97cc35455f..ba660a115d6438da31b7bf653730c751da9920a7 100644
--- a/pystencils_tests/test_transformations.py
+++ b/pystencils_tests/test_transformations.py
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
 import sympy as sp
+import numpy as np
 import pystencils as ps
 from pystencils import fields, TypedSymbol
 from pystencils.astnodes import LoopOverCoordinate, SympyAssignment
 from pystencils.typing import create_type
-from pystencils.transformations import filtered_tree_iteration, get_loop_hierarchy, get_loop_counter_symbol_hierarchy
+from pystencils.transformations import (
+    filtered_tree_iteration, get_loop_hierarchy, get_loop_counter_symbol_hierarchy,
+    iterate_loops_by_depth, split_inner_loop, loop_blocking
+from pystencils.cpu import add_pragmas
 def test_loop_information():
     f, g = ps.fields("f, g: double[2D]")
@@ -27,6 +32,38 @@ def test_loop_information():
                             TypedSymbol("ctr_0", create_type("int"), nonnegative=True)]
+def test_iterate_loops_by_depth():
+    f, g = ps.fields("f, g: double[3D]", layout="fzyx")
+    x = ps.TypedSymbol('x', np.float64)
+    subs = [ps.Assignment(x, f[0, 0, 0])]
+    mains = [ps.Assignment(g[0, 0, 0], x)]
+    ac = ps.AssignmentCollection(mains, subexpressions=subs)
+    config = ps.CreateKernelConfig(cpu_blocking=(0, 16, 0))
+    ast = ps.create_kernel(ac, config=config)
+    split_inner_loop(ast, [[x], [g[0,0,0]]])
+    loops = list(iterate_loops_by_depth(ast, 0))
+    assert len(loops) == 1
+    assert loops[0].loop_counter_symbol.name == "_blockctr_1"
+    loops = list(iterate_loops_by_depth(ast, 1))
+    assert len(loops) == 1
+    assert loops[0].loop_counter_symbol.name == "ctr_2"
+    loops = list(iterate_loops_by_depth(ast, 2))
+    assert len(loops) == 1
+    assert loops[0].loop_counter_symbol.name == "ctr_1"
+    loops = list(iterate_loops_by_depth(ast, 3))
+    assert len(loops) == 2
+    assert loops[0].loop_counter_symbol.name == "ctr_0"
+    assert loops[1].loop_counter_symbol.name == "ctr_0"
+    innermost = list(iterate_loops_by_depth(ast, -1))
+    assert loops == innermost
 def test_split_optimisation():
     src, dst = fields(f"src(9), dst(9): [2D]", layout='fzyx')
@@ -80,3 +117,31 @@ def test_split_optimisation():
     assert code.count("for") == 6
+def test_pragmas():
+    f, g = ps.fields("f, g: double[3D]", layout="fzyx")
+    x = ps.TypedSymbol('x', np.float64)
+    subs = [ps.Assignment(x, f[0, 0, 0])]
+    mains = [ps.Assignment(g[0, 0, 0], x)]
+    ac = ps.AssignmentCollection(mains, subexpressions=subs)
+    def prepend_omp_pragmas(ast):
+        add_pragmas(ast, ["#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)"], nesting_depth=0)
+        add_pragmas(ast, ["#pragma omp simd simdlen(8)"], nesting_depth=-1)
+    ast_passes = [prepend_omp_pragmas]
+    config = ps.CreateKernelConfig(target=ps.Target.CPU, cpu_prepend_optimizations=ast_passes)
+    ast = ps.create_kernel(ac, config=config)
+    code = ps.get_code_str(ast)
+    assert code.find("#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)") != -1
+    assert code.find("#pragma omp simd simdlen(8)") != -1
+    loops = [loop for loop in filtered_tree_iteration(ast, LoopOverCoordinate, stop_type=SympyAssignment)]
+    innermost = list(filter(lambda n: n.is_innermost_loop, loops))
+    assert innermost[0].prefix_lines == ["#pragma omp simd simdlen(8)"]
+    outermost = list(filter(lambda n: n.is_outermost_loop, loops))
+    assert outermost[0].prefix_lines == ["#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic)"]