From a54792053bbe26dad3b26172868a51ca646ec450 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christoph Rettinger <>
Date: Fri, 6 May 2022 10:35:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Changed mesa_pd integrators back to original variant,
 allowing generaiton of extended angular momentum part

 python/mesa_pd/kernel/        |  3 +-
 python/mesa_pd/kernel/    |  3 +-
 python/mesa_pd/kernel/       |  6 +-
 .../templates/kernel/ExplicitEuler.templ.h    |  6 ++
 .../kernel/SemiImplicitEuler.templ.h          |  7 ++
 .../templates/kernel/VelocityVerlet.templ.h   | 69 ++++++++------
 src/mesa_pd/kernel/ExplicitEuler.h            |  9 +-
 src/mesa_pd/kernel/ExplicitEulerWithShape.h   |  6 ++
 src/mesa_pd/kernel/SemiImplicitEuler.h        | 10 +-
 src/mesa_pd/kernel/VelocityVerlet.h           | 95 +++++++++----------
 10 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/python/mesa_pd/kernel/ b/python/mesa_pd/kernel/
index 6d7b39fe1..a41fbd733 100644
--- a/python/mesa_pd/kernel/
+++ b/python/mesa_pd/kernel/
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ from mesa_pd.utility import generate_file
 class ExplicitEuler:
-    def __init__(self, integrate_rotation=True):
+    def __init__(self, integrate_rotation=True, use_full_angular_momentum_equation=False):
         self.context = {'bIntegrateRotation': integrate_rotation,
+                        'bUseFullAngularMomentumEquation': use_full_angular_momentum_equation,
                         'interface': [
                             create_access("position", "walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3", access="gs"),
                             create_access("linearVelocity", "walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3", access="gs"),
diff --git a/python/mesa_pd/kernel/ b/python/mesa_pd/kernel/
index 6732a78cf..ce14ca022 100644
--- a/python/mesa_pd/kernel/
+++ b/python/mesa_pd/kernel/
@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ from mesa_pd.utility import generate_file
 class SemiImplicitEuler:
-    def __init__(self, integrate_rotation=True):
+    def __init__(self, integrate_rotation=True, use_full_angular_momentum_equation=False):
         self.context = {'bIntegrateRotation': integrate_rotation,
+                    'bUseFullAngularMomentumEquation': use_full_angular_momentum_equation,
                         'interface': [
                             create_access("position", "walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3", access="gs"),
                             create_access("linearVelocity", "walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3", access="gs"),
diff --git a/python/mesa_pd/kernel/ b/python/mesa_pd/kernel/
index 1bb4ff445..ebcaccd69 100644
--- a/python/mesa_pd/kernel/
+++ b/python/mesa_pd/kernel/
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ from mesa_pd.utility import generate_file
 class VelocityVerlet:
-    def __init__(self, integrate_rotation=True):
-        self.context = {'bIntegrateRotation': integrate_rotation, 'interface': []}
+    def __init__(self, integrate_rotation=True, use_full_angular_momentum_equation=False):
+        self.context = {'bIntegrateRotation': integrate_rotation,
+                        'bUseFullAngularMomentumEquation': use_full_angular_momentum_equation,
+                        'interface': []}
         self.context['interface'].append(create_access("position", "walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3", access="gs"))
         self.context['interface'].append(create_access("linearVelocity", "walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3", access="gs"))
         self.context['interface'].append(create_access("invMass", "walberla::real_t", access="g"))
diff --git a/python/mesa_pd/templates/kernel/ExplicitEuler.templ.h b/python/mesa_pd/templates/kernel/ExplicitEuler.templ.h
index 4cb293517..0519fe186 100644
--- a/python/mesa_pd/templates/kernel/ExplicitEuler.templ.h
+++ b/python/mesa_pd/templates/kernel/ExplicitEuler.templ.h
@@ -90,12 +90,18 @@ inline void ExplicitEuler::operator()(const size_t idx,
       {%- if bIntegrateRotation %}
+      {%- if bUseFullAngularMomentumEquation %}
       // computation done in body frame: d(omega)/ dt = J^-1 ((J*omega) x omega + T), update in world frame
       // see Wachs, 2019, doi:10.1007/s00707-019-02389-9, Eq. 27
       const auto omegaBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getAngularVelocity(idx));
       const auto torqueBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getTorque(idx));
       const Vec3 wdotBF = ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx) * ( ( ac.getInertiaBF(idx) * omegaBF ) % omegaBF + torqueBF );
       const Vec3 wdot = transformVectorFromBFtoWF(idx, ac, wdotBF);
+      {%- else %}
+      // note: contribution (J*omega) x omega is ignored here -> see template for other variant
+      const Vec3 wdot = math::transformMatrixRART(ac.getRotation(idx).getMatrix(),
+                                                  ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx)) * ac.getTorque(idx);
+      {%- endif %}
       // Calculating the rotation angle
       const Vec3 phi( 0.5_r * wdot * dt_ * dt_ +
diff --git a/python/mesa_pd/templates/kernel/SemiImplicitEuler.templ.h b/python/mesa_pd/templates/kernel/SemiImplicitEuler.templ.h
index 528139501..c7f586ea4 100644
--- a/python/mesa_pd/templates/kernel/SemiImplicitEuler.templ.h
+++ b/python/mesa_pd/templates/kernel/SemiImplicitEuler.templ.h
@@ -84,12 +84,19 @@ inline void SemiImplicitEuler::operator()(const size_t idx,
       {%- if bIntegrateRotation %}
+      {%- if bUseFullAngularMomentumEquation %}
       // computation done in body frame: d(omega)/ dt = J^-1 ((J*omega) x omega + T), update in world frame
       // see Wachs, 2019, doi:10.1007/s00707-019-02389-9, Eq. 27
       const auto omegaBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getAngularVelocity(idx));
       const auto torqueBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getTorque(idx));
       const Vec3 wdotBF = ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx) * ( ( ac.getInertiaBF(idx) * omegaBF ) % omegaBF + torqueBF );
       const Vec3 wdot = transformVectorFromBFtoWF(idx, ac, wdotBF);
+      {%- else %}
+      // note: contribution (J*omega) x omega is ignored here -> see template for other variant
+      const Vec3 wdot = math::transformMatrixRART(ac.getRotation(idx).getMatrix(),
+                                                  ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx)) * ac.getTorque(idx);
+      {%- endif %}
       ac.setAngularVelocity(idx, wdot * dt_ +
diff --git a/python/mesa_pd/templates/kernel/VelocityVerlet.templ.h b/python/mesa_pd/templates/kernel/VelocityVerlet.templ.h
index 9d37ed22e..05fffd945 100644
--- a/python/mesa_pd/templates/kernel/VelocityVerlet.templ.h
+++ b/python/mesa_pd/templates/kernel/VelocityVerlet.templ.h
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ namespace kernel {
  * \code
    {%- for prop in interface %}
    {%- if 'g' in prop.access %}
- * const {{prop.type}}& get{{ | capFirst}}(const size_t p_idx) const;
+ * const {{prop.type}}& get{{ | capFirst}}(const size_t idx) const;
    {%- endif %}
    {%- if 's' in prop.access %}
- * void set{{ | capFirst}}(const size_t p_idx, const {{prop.type}}& v);
+ * void set{{ | capFirst}}(const size_t idx, const {{prop.type}}& v);
    {%- endif %}
    {%- if 'r' in prop.access %}
- * {{prop.type}}& get{{ | capFirst}}Ref(const size_t p_idx);
+ * {{prop.type}}& get{{ | capFirst}}Ref(const size_t idx);
    {%- endif %}
    {%- endfor %}
@@ -87,64 +87,77 @@ public:
 template <typename Accessor>
-inline void VelocityVerletPreForceUpdate::operator()(const size_t p_idx, Accessor& ac) const
+inline void VelocityVerletPreForceUpdate::operator()(const size_t idx, Accessor& ac) const
    static_assert(std::is_base_of<data::IAccessor, Accessor>::value, "please provide a valid accessor");
-   if (!data::particle_flags::isSet( ac.getFlags(p_idx), data::particle_flags::FIXED))
+   if (!data::particle_flags::isSet( ac.getFlags(idx), data::particle_flags::FIXED))
-      ac.setPosition(p_idx, ac.getPosition(p_idx) +
-                            ac.getLinearVelocity(p_idx) * dt_ +
-                            real_t(0.5) * ac.getInvMass(p_idx) * ac.getOldForce(p_idx) * dt_ * dt_);
+      ac.setPosition(idx, ac.getPosition(idx) +
+                            ac.getLinearVelocity(idx) * dt_ +
+                            real_t(0.5) * ac.getInvMass(idx) * ac.getOldForce(idx) * dt_ * dt_);
       {%- if bIntegrateRotation %}
+      {%- if bUseFullAngularMomentumEquation %}
       // computation done in body frame: d(omega)/ dt = J^-1 ((J*omega) x omega + T), update in world frame
       // see Wachs, 2019, doi:10.1007/s00707-019-02389-9, Eq. 27
       // note: this implementation (pre and post) is experimental as it is in principle unclear in which order
       //       angular velocities and rotations (affect again the transformations WF - BF) have to be carried out
-      const auto omegaBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(p_idx, ac, ac.getAngularVelocity(p_idx));
-      const auto torqueBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(p_idx, ac, ac.getOldTorque(p_idx));
-      const Vec3 wdotBF = ac.getInvInertiaBF(p_idx) * ( ( ac.getInertiaBF(p_idx) * omegaBF ) % omegaBF + torqueBF );
-      const Vec3 wdot = transformVectorFromBFtoWF(p_idx, ac, wdotBF);
+      const auto omegaBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getAngularVelocity(idx));
+      const auto torqueBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getOldTorque(idx));
+      const Vec3 wdotBF = ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx) * ( ( ac.getInertiaBF(idx) * omegaBF ) % omegaBF + torqueBF );
+      const Vec3 wdot = transformVectorFromBFtoWF(idx, ac, wdotBF);
+      {%- else %}
+      // note: contribution (J*omega) x omega is ignored here -> see template for other variant
+      const Vec3 wdot = math::transformMatrixRART(ac.getRotation(idx).getMatrix(),
+                                                  ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx)) * ac.getOldTorque(idx);
+      {%- endif %}
       // Calculating the rotation angle
-      const Vec3 phi( ac.getAngularVelocity(p_idx) * dt_ + real_t(0.5) * wdot * dt_ * dt_);
+      const Vec3 phi( ac.getAngularVelocity(idx) * dt_ + real_t(0.5) * wdot * dt_ * dt_);
       // Calculating the new orientation
-      auto rotation = ac.getRotation(p_idx);
+      auto rotation = ac.getRotation(idx);
       rotation.rotate( phi );
-      ac.setRotation(p_idx, rotation);
+      ac.setRotation(idx, rotation);
       {%- endif %}
 template <typename Accessor>
-inline void VelocityVerletPostForceUpdate::operator()(const size_t p_idx, Accessor& ac) const
+inline void VelocityVerletPostForceUpdate::operator()(const size_t idx, Accessor& ac) const
    static_assert(std::is_base_of<data::IAccessor, Accessor>::value, "please provide a valid accessor");
-   if (!data::particle_flags::isSet( ac.getFlags(p_idx), data::particle_flags::FIXED))
+   if (!data::particle_flags::isSet( ac.getFlags(idx), data::particle_flags::FIXED))
-      ac.setLinearVelocity(p_idx, ac.getLinearVelocity(p_idx) +
-                                  real_t(0.5) * ac.getInvMass(p_idx) * (ac.getOldForce(p_idx) + ac.getForce(p_idx)) * dt_);
+      ac.setLinearVelocity(idx, ac.getLinearVelocity(idx) +
+                                  real_t(0.5) * ac.getInvMass(idx) * (ac.getOldForce(idx) + ac.getForce(idx)) * dt_);
       {%- if bIntegrateRotation %}
-      const auto omegaBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(p_idx, ac, ac.getAngularVelocity(p_idx));
-      const auto torqueBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(p_idx, ac, 0.5_r * (ac.getOldTorque(p_idx) + ac.getTorque(p_idx)));
-      const Vec3 wdotBF = ac.getInvInertiaBF(p_idx) * ( ( ac.getInertiaBF(p_idx) * omegaBF ) % omegaBF + torqueBF );
-      const Vec3 wdot = transformVectorFromBFtoWF(p_idx, ac, wdotBF);
+      {%- if bUseFullAngularMomentumEquation %}
+      const auto omegaBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getAngularVelocity(idx));
+      const auto torqueBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, 0.5_r * (ac.getOldTorque(idx) + ac.getTorque(idx)));
+      const Vec3 wdotBF = ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx) * ( ( ac.getInertiaBF(idx) * omegaBF ) % omegaBF + torqueBF );
+      const Vec3 wdot = transformVectorFromBFtoWF(idx, ac, wdotBF);
+      {%- else %}
+      const auto torque = 0.5_r * (ac.getOldTorque(idx) + ac.getTorque(idx));
+      const Vec3 wdot = math::transformMatrixRART(ac.getRotation(idx).getMatrix(),
+                                                  ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx)) * torque;
+      {%- endif %}
-      ac.setAngularVelocity(p_idx, ac.getAngularVelocity(p_idx) +
+      ac.setAngularVelocity(idx, ac.getAngularVelocity(idx) +
                                    wdot * dt_ );
       {%- endif %}
-   ac.setOldForce(p_idx,       ac.getForce(p_idx));
-   ac.setForce(p_idx,          Vec3(real_t(0), real_t(0), real_t(0)));
+   ac.setOldForce(idx,       ac.getForce(idx));
+   ac.setForce(idx,          Vec3(real_t(0), real_t(0), real_t(0)));
    {%- if bIntegrateRotation %}
-   ac.setOldTorque(p_idx,      ac.getTorque(p_idx));
-   ac.setTorque(p_idx,         Vec3(real_t(0), real_t(0), real_t(0)));
+   ac.setOldTorque(idx,      ac.getTorque(idx));
+   ac.setTorque(idx,         Vec3(real_t(0), real_t(0), real_t(0)));
    {%- endif %}
diff --git a/src/mesa_pd/kernel/ExplicitEuler.h b/src/mesa_pd/kernel/ExplicitEuler.h
index 44afb7b9c..923cf28bc 100644
--- a/src/mesa_pd/kernel/ExplicitEuler.h
+++ b/src/mesa_pd/kernel/ExplicitEuler.h
@@ -100,12 +100,9 @@ inline void ExplicitEuler::operator()(const size_t idx,
       ac.setLinearVelocity(idx, ac.getInvMass(idx) * ac.getForce(idx) * dt_ +
-      // computation done in body frame: d(omega)/ dt = J^-1 ((J*omega) x omega + T), update in world frame
-      // see Wachs, 2019, doi:10.1007/s00707-019-02389-9, Eq. 27
-      const auto omegaBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getAngularVelocity(idx));
-      const auto torqueBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getTorque(idx));
-      const Vec3 wdotBF = ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx) * ( ( ac.getInertiaBF(idx) * omegaBF ) % omegaBF + torqueBF );
-      const Vec3 wdot = transformVectorFromBFtoWF(idx, ac, wdotBF);
+      // note: contribution (J*omega) x omega is ignored here -> see template for other variant
+      const Vec3 wdot = math::transformMatrixRART(ac.getRotation(idx).getMatrix(),
+                                                  ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx)) * ac.getTorque(idx);
       // Calculating the rotation angle
       const Vec3 phi( 0.5_r * wdot * dt_ * dt_ +
diff --git a/src/mesa_pd/kernel/ExplicitEulerWithShape.h b/src/mesa_pd/kernel/ExplicitEulerWithShape.h
index 982511b8c..a61646ff0 100644
--- a/src/mesa_pd/kernel/ExplicitEulerWithShape.h
+++ b/src/mesa_pd/kernel/ExplicitEulerWithShape.h
@@ -91,12 +91,18 @@ inline void ExplicitEuler::operator()(const size_t idx,
       ac.setPosition      (idx, ac.getInvMass(idx) * ac.getForce(idx) * dt_ * dt_ + ac.getLinearVelocity(idx) * dt_ + ac.getPosition(idx));
       ac.setLinearVelocity(idx, ac.getInvMass(idx) * ac.getForce(idx) * dt_ + ac.getLinearVelocity(idx));
+      /*
       // computation done in body frame: d(omega)/ dt = J^-1 ((J*omega) x omega + T), update in world frame
       // see Wachs, 2019, doi:10.1007/s00707-019-02389-9, Eq. 27
       const auto omegaBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getAngularVelocity(idx));
       const auto torqueBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getTorque(idx));
       const Vec3 wdotBF = ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx) * ( ( ac.getInertiaBF(idx) * omegaBF ) % omegaBF + torqueBF );
       const Vec3 wdot = transformVectorFromBFtoWF(idx, ac, wdotBF);
+       */
+      // note: contribution (J*omega) x omega is ignored here -> see comment for other variant
+      const Vec3 wdot = math::transformMatrixRART(ac.getRotation(idx).getMatrix(),
+                                                  ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx)) * ac.getTorque(idx);
       // Calculating the rotation angle
       const Vec3 phi( ac.getAngularVelocity(idx) * dt_ + wdot * dt_ * dt_);
diff --git a/src/mesa_pd/kernel/SemiImplicitEuler.h b/src/mesa_pd/kernel/SemiImplicitEuler.h
index bf8cec461..57ac8abd6 100644
--- a/src/mesa_pd/kernel/SemiImplicitEuler.h
+++ b/src/mesa_pd/kernel/SemiImplicitEuler.h
@@ -94,12 +94,10 @@ inline void SemiImplicitEuler::operator()(const size_t idx,
       ac.setPosition      ( idx, ac.getLinearVelocity(idx) * dt_ +
-      // computation done in body frame: d(omega)/ dt = J^-1 ((J*omega) x omega + T), update in world frame
-      // see Wachs, 2019, doi:10.1007/s00707-019-02389-9, Eq. 27
-      const auto omegaBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getAngularVelocity(idx));
-      const auto torqueBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(idx, ac, ac.getTorque(idx));
-      const Vec3 wdotBF = ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx) * ( ( ac.getInertiaBF(idx) * omegaBF ) % omegaBF + torqueBF );
-      const Vec3 wdot = transformVectorFromBFtoWF(idx, ac, wdotBF);
+      // note: contribution (J*omega) x omega is ignored here -> see template for other variant
+      const Vec3 wdot = math::transformMatrixRART(ac.getRotation(idx).getMatrix(),
+                                                  ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx)) * ac.getTorque(idx);
       ac.setAngularVelocity(idx, wdot * dt_ +
diff --git a/src/mesa_pd/kernel/VelocityVerlet.h b/src/mesa_pd/kernel/VelocityVerlet.h
index 93d64239d..0edcc2b54 100644
--- a/src/mesa_pd/kernel/VelocityVerlet.h
+++ b/src/mesa_pd/kernel/VelocityVerlet.h
@@ -46,37 +46,37 @@ namespace kernel {
  * This kernel requires the following particle accessor interface
  * \code
- * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getPosition(const size_t p_idx) const;
- * void setPosition(const size_t p_idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
+ * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getPosition(const size_t idx) const;
+ * void setPosition(const size_t idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
- * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getLinearVelocity(const size_t p_idx) const;
- * void setLinearVelocity(const size_t p_idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
+ * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getLinearVelocity(const size_t idx) const;
+ * void setLinearVelocity(const size_t idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
- * const walberla::real_t& getInvMass(const size_t p_idx) const;
+ * const walberla::real_t& getInvMass(const size_t idx) const;
- * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getForce(const size_t p_idx) const;
- * void setForce(const size_t p_idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
+ * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getForce(const size_t idx) const;
+ * void setForce(const size_t idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
- * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getOldForce(const size_t p_idx) const;
- * void setOldForce(const size_t p_idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
+ * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getOldForce(const size_t idx) const;
+ * void setOldForce(const size_t idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
- * const walberla::mesa_pd::Rot3& getRotation(const size_t p_idx) const;
- * void setRotation(const size_t p_idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Rot3& v);
+ * const walberla::mesa_pd::Rot3& getRotation(const size_t idx) const;
+ * void setRotation(const size_t idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Rot3& v);
- * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getAngularVelocity(const size_t p_idx) const;
- * void setAngularVelocity(const size_t p_idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
+ * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getAngularVelocity(const size_t idx) const;
+ * void setAngularVelocity(const size_t idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
- * const walberla::mesa_pd::Mat3& getInvInertiaBF(const size_t p_idx) const;
+ * const walberla::mesa_pd::Mat3& getInvInertiaBF(const size_t idx) const;
- * const walberla::mesa_pd::Mat3& getInertiaBF(const size_t p_idx) const;
+ * const walberla::mesa_pd::Mat3& getInertiaBF(const size_t idx) const;
- * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getTorque(const size_t p_idx) const;
- * void setTorque(const size_t p_idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
+ * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getTorque(const size_t idx) const;
+ * void setTorque(const size_t idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
- * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getOldTorque(const size_t p_idx) const;
- * void setOldTorque(const size_t p_idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
+ * const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& getOldTorque(const size_t idx) const;
+ * void setOldTorque(const size_t idx, const walberla::mesa_pd::Vec3& v);
- * const walberla::mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::FlagT& getFlags(const size_t p_idx) const;
+ * const walberla::mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::FlagT& getFlags(const size_t idx) const;
  * \endcode
  * \ingroup mesa_pd_kernel
@@ -105,56 +105,51 @@ public:
 template <typename Accessor>
-inline void VelocityVerletPreForceUpdate::operator()(const size_t p_idx, Accessor& ac) const
+inline void VelocityVerletPreForceUpdate::operator()(const size_t idx, Accessor& ac) const
    static_assert(std::is_base_of<data::IAccessor, Accessor>::value, "please provide a valid accessor");
-   if (!data::particle_flags::isSet( ac.getFlags(p_idx), data::particle_flags::FIXED))
+   if (!data::particle_flags::isSet( ac.getFlags(idx), data::particle_flags::FIXED))
-      ac.setPosition(p_idx, ac.getPosition(p_idx) +
-                            ac.getLinearVelocity(p_idx) * dt_ +
-                            real_t(0.5) * ac.getInvMass(p_idx) * ac.getOldForce(p_idx) * dt_ * dt_);
-      // computation done in body frame: d(omega)/ dt = J^-1 ((J*omega) x omega + T), update in world frame
-      // see Wachs, 2019, doi:10.1007/s00707-019-02389-9, Eq. 27
-      // note: this implementation (pre and post) is experimental as it is in principle unclear in which order
-      //       angular velocities and rotations (affect again the transformations WF - BF) have to be carried out
-      const auto omegaBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(p_idx, ac, ac.getAngularVelocity(p_idx));
-      const auto torqueBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(p_idx, ac, ac.getOldTorque(p_idx));
-      const Vec3 wdotBF = ac.getInvInertiaBF(p_idx) * ( ( ac.getInertiaBF(p_idx) * omegaBF ) % omegaBF + torqueBF );
-      const Vec3 wdot = transformVectorFromBFtoWF(p_idx, ac, wdotBF);
+      ac.setPosition(idx, ac.getPosition(idx) +
+                            ac.getLinearVelocity(idx) * dt_ +
+                            real_t(0.5) * ac.getInvMass(idx) * ac.getOldForce(idx) * dt_ * dt_);
+      // note: contribution (J*omega) x omega is ignored here -> see template for other variant
+      const Vec3 wdot = math::transformMatrixRART(ac.getRotation(idx).getMatrix(),
+                                                  ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx)) * ac.getOldTorque(idx);
       // Calculating the rotation angle
-      const Vec3 phi( ac.getAngularVelocity(p_idx) * dt_ + real_t(0.5) * wdot * dt_ * dt_);
+      const Vec3 phi( ac.getAngularVelocity(idx) * dt_ + real_t(0.5) * wdot * dt_ * dt_);
       // Calculating the new orientation
-      auto rotation = ac.getRotation(p_idx);
+      auto rotation = ac.getRotation(idx);
       rotation.rotate( phi );
-      ac.setRotation(p_idx, rotation);
+      ac.setRotation(idx, rotation);
 template <typename Accessor>
-inline void VelocityVerletPostForceUpdate::operator()(const size_t p_idx, Accessor& ac) const
+inline void VelocityVerletPostForceUpdate::operator()(const size_t idx, Accessor& ac) const
    static_assert(std::is_base_of<data::IAccessor, Accessor>::value, "please provide a valid accessor");
-   if (!data::particle_flags::isSet( ac.getFlags(p_idx), data::particle_flags::FIXED))
+   if (!data::particle_flags::isSet( ac.getFlags(idx), data::particle_flags::FIXED))
-      ac.setLinearVelocity(p_idx, ac.getLinearVelocity(p_idx) +
-                                  real_t(0.5) * ac.getInvMass(p_idx) * (ac.getOldForce(p_idx) + ac.getForce(p_idx)) * dt_);
-      const auto omegaBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(p_idx, ac, ac.getAngularVelocity(p_idx));
-      const auto torqueBF = transformVectorFromWFtoBF(p_idx, ac, 0.5_r * (ac.getOldTorque(p_idx) + ac.getTorque(p_idx)));
-      const Vec3 wdotBF = ac.getInvInertiaBF(p_idx) * ( ( ac.getInertiaBF(p_idx) * omegaBF ) % omegaBF + torqueBF );
-      const Vec3 wdot = transformVectorFromBFtoWF(p_idx, ac, wdotBF);
-      ac.setAngularVelocity(p_idx, ac.getAngularVelocity(p_idx) +
+      ac.setLinearVelocity(idx, ac.getLinearVelocity(idx) +
+                                  real_t(0.5) * ac.getInvMass(idx) * (ac.getOldForce(idx) + ac.getForce(idx)) * dt_);
+      const auto torque = 0.5_r * (ac.getOldTorque(idx) + ac.getTorque(idx));
+      const Vec3 wdot = math::transformMatrixRART(ac.getRotation(idx).getMatrix(),
+                                                  ac.getInvInertiaBF(idx)) * torque;
+      ac.setAngularVelocity(idx, ac.getAngularVelocity(idx) +
                                    wdot * dt_ );
-   ac.setOldForce(p_idx,       ac.getForce(p_idx));
-   ac.setForce(p_idx,          Vec3(real_t(0), real_t(0), real_t(0)));
-   ac.setOldTorque(p_idx,      ac.getTorque(p_idx));
-   ac.setTorque(p_idx,         Vec3(real_t(0), real_t(0), real_t(0)));
+   ac.setOldForce(idx,       ac.getForce(idx));
+   ac.setForce(idx,          Vec3(real_t(0), real_t(0), real_t(0)));
+   ac.setOldTorque(idx,      ac.getTorque(idx));
+   ac.setTorque(idx,         Vec3(real_t(0), real_t(0), real_t(0)));
 } //namespace kernel