stages: - test - deploy # -------------------------- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Normal test - runs on every commit all but "long run" tests tests-and-coverage: stage: test except: variables: - $ENABLE_NIGHTLY_BUILDS image: script: - export NUM_CORES=$(nproc --all) - mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib - echo "backend:template" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc - mkdir public - py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES --cov-report html --cov-report term --cov=. -m "not longrun" --html test-report/index.html tags: - docker - cuda - AVX artifacts: when: always paths: - coverage_report - test-report # Nightly test - runs "long run" jobs only test-longrun: stage: test only: variables: - $ENABLE_NIGHTLY_BUILDS image: script: - export NUM_CORES=$(nproc --all) - mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib - echo "backend:template" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc - py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES --cov-report html --cov-report term --cov=. --html test-report/index.html tags: - docker - cuda - AVX artifacts: paths: - coverage_report - test-report # Minimal tests in windows environment minimal-windows: stage: test except: variables: - $ENABLE_NIGHTLY_BUILDS tags: - win script: - source /cygdrive/c/Users/build/Miniconda3/Scripts/activate - source activate pystencils_dev - env - conda env list - python -c "import numpy" - python quicktest minimal-ubuntu: stage: test except: variables: - $ENABLE_NIGHTLY_BUILDS image: script: - python3 quicktest tags: - docker minimal-conda: stage: test except: variables: - $ENABLE_NIGHTLY_BUILDS image: script: - python quicktest tags: - docker minimal-sympy-master: stage: test except: variables: - $ENABLE_NIGHTLY_BUILDS image: script: - python -m pip install --upgrade git+ - python quicktest allow_failure: true tags: - docker pycodegen-integration: image: stage: test when: manual script: - git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN} - cd pycodegen - git submodule sync --recursive - git submodule update --init --recursive - git submodule foreach git fetch origin # compare the latest master version! - git submodule foreach git reset --hard origin/master - cd pystencils - git remote add test $CI_REPOSITORY_URL - git fetch test - git reset --hard $CI_COMMIT_SHA - cd .. - export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/pystencils:`pwd`/lbmpy:`pwd`/pygrandchem:`pwd`/pystencils_walberla:`pwd`/lbmpy_walberla - ./ - export NUM_CORES=$(nproc --all) - mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib - echo "backend:template" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc - cd pystencils - py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES . - cd ../lbmpy - py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES . - cd ../pygrandchem - py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES . - cd ../walberla/build/ - make CodegenJacobiCPU CodegenJacobiGPU MicroBenchmarkGpuLbm LbCodeGenerationExample tags: - docker - cuda - AVX # -------------------- Linter & Documentation -------------------------------------------------------------------------- flake8-lint: stage: test except: variables: - $ENABLE_NIGHTLY_BUILDS image: script: - flake8 pystencils tags: - docker - cuda build-documentation: stage: test image: script: - export PYTHONPATH=`pwd` - mkdir html_doc - sphinx-build -W -b html doc html_doc tags: - docker - cuda artifacts: paths: - html_doc pages: image: stage: deploy script: - ls -l - mv coverage_report html_doc - mv html_doc public # folder has to be named "public" for gitlab to publish it artifacts: paths: - public tags: - docker only: - master@pycodegen/pystencils