diff --git a/src/core/ptrvector/Algorithm.h b/src/core/ptrvector/Algorithm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c00063d702e55c804b1b02ceadf44845a1ff1069..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/core/ptrvector/Algorithm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file Algorithm.h
-//! \ingroup core
-//! \author Klaus Iglberger
-//! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
-#pragma once
-// Includes
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>
-namespace walberla {
-/*!\brief Counts the pointer to objects with dynamic type \a D.
- *
- * \param first Iterator to the first pointer of the pointer range.
- * \param last Iterator to the pointer one past the last pointer of the pointer range.
- * \return The number of objects with dynamic type \a D.
- *
- * This function traverses the range \f$ [first,last) \f$ of pointers to objects with static
- * type \a S and counts all polymorphic pointers to objects of dynamic type \a D. Note that
- * in case \a D is not a type derived from \a S, a compile time error is created!
- */
-template< typename D    // Dynamic type of the objects
-        , typename S >  // Static type of the objects
-inline size_t polymorphicCount( S *const * first, S *const * last )
-   static_assert(boost::is_base_of<S, D>::value && !boost::is_base_of<D, S>::value, "D has to be strictly derived from S");
-   size_t count( 0 );
-   for( S *const * it=first; it!=last; ++it )
-      if( dynamic_cast<D*>( *it ) ) ++count;
-   return count;
-/*!\brief Finds the next pointer to an object with dynamic type \a D.
- *
- * \param first Iterator to the first pointer of the pointer range.
- * \param last Iterator to the pointer one past the last pointer of the pointer range.
- * \return The next pointer to an object with dynamic type \a D.
- *
- * This function traverses the range \f$ [first,last) \f$ of pointers to objects with static
- * type \a S until it finds the next polymorphic pointer to an object of dynamic type \a D.
- * Note that in case \a D is not a type derived from \a S, a compile time error is created!
- */
-template< typename D    // Dynamic type of the objects
-        , typename S >  // Static type of the objects
-inline S *const * polymorphicFind( S *const * first, S *const * last )
-   static_assert(boost::is_base_of<S, D>::value && !boost::is_base_of<D, S>::value, "D has to be strictly derived from S");
-   while( first != last && !dynamic_cast<D*>( *first ) ) ++first;
-   return first;
-} // namespace
diff --git a/src/core/ptrvector/Null.h b/src/core/ptrvector/Null.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f08813a0244eacfe1f82e9f9249308e924c932c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/core/ptrvector/Null.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file Null.h
-//! \ingroup core
-//! \author Klaus Iglberger
-//! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
-#pragma once
-namespace walberla {
-/*!\brief Safe C++ NULL pointer implementation.
- * \ingroup util
- *
- * This implementation offers a remedy for the use of the NULL pointer in C++. For this, the
- * NULL macro is replaced by an instance of the Null class, which can only be assigned and
- * compared with pointers and pointers-to-member. Therefore the use of NULL regains the type
- * safety it lost in C++ due to the strict C++ type system.\n
- * The NULL pointer is used exactly as before:
-   \code
-   int* pi = NULL;
-   if( pi == NULL ) {...}
-   \endcode
- */
-class Null
-   //**Constructor*********************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Constructor */
-   //@{
-   inline Null();
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Destructor**********************************************************************************
-   // No explicitly declared destructor.
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Conversion operators************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Conversion operators */
-   //@{
-   template< typename T >
-   inline operator T*() const;
-   template< typename T, typename C >
-   inline operator T C::*() const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Utility functions***************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Utility functions */
-   //@{
-   template< typename T >
-   inline bool equal( const T* rhs ) const;
-   template< typename T, typename C >
-   inline bool equal( const T C::* rhs ) const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Forbidden operations************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Forbidden operations */
-   //@{
-   Null( const Null& n );             //!< Copy constructor (private & undefined)
-   Null& operator=( const Null& n );  //!< Copy assignment operator (private & undefined)
-   void* operator&() const;           //!< Address operator (private & undefined)
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-/*!\brief The default constructor of the Null class.
- */
-inline Null::Null()
-/*!\brief Conversion operator to a pointer.
- *
- * This conversion operator offers a type safe conversion of zero to a pointer of any kind.
- */
-template< typename T >
-inline Null::operator T*() const
-   return 0;
-/*!\brief Conversion operator to a pointer-to-member.
- *
- * This conversion operator offers the type safe conversion of zero to a pointer-to-member of
- * any kind.
- */
-template< typename T, typename C >
-inline Null::operator T C::*() const
-   return 0;
-/*!\brief Comparison between Null and a pointer.
- *
- * The function offers a type safe comparison between zero and an arbitrary pointer.
- */
-template< typename T >
-inline bool Null::equal( const T* rhs ) const
-   return rhs == 0;
-/*!\brief Comparison between Null and a pointer-to-member.
- *
- * The function offers a type safe comparison between zero and an arbitrary pointer-to-member.
- */
-template< typename T, typename C >
-inline bool Null::equal( const T C::* rhs ) const
-   return rhs == 0;
-/*!\name Null operators */
-template< typename T >
-inline bool operator==( const Null& lhs, const T& rhs );
-template< typename T >
-inline bool operator==( const T& lhs, const Null& rhs );
-template< typename T >
-inline bool operator!=( const Null& lhs, const T& rhs );
-template< typename T >
-inline bool operator!=( const T& lhs, const Null& rhs );
-/*!\brief Equality comparison between Null and a pointer or pointer-to-member.
- *
- * This operator takes a reference to an object of type T instead of a pointer of a pointer-
- * to-member to avoid the ambiguity with the built-in pointer comparison operators. However,
- * only pointers and pointers-to-member can be compared to Null.
- */
-template< typename T >
-inline bool operator==( const Null& lhs, const T& rhs )
-   return lhs.equal( rhs );
-/*!\brief Equality comparison between a pointer or pointer-to-member and Null.
- *
- * This operator takes a reference to an object of type T instead of a pointer of a pointer-
- * to-member to avoid the ambiguity with the built-in pointer comparison operators. However,
- * only pointers and pointers-to-member can be compared to Null.
- */
-template< typename T >
-inline bool operator==( const T& lhs, const Null& rhs )
-   return rhs.equal( lhs );
-/*!\brief Inequality comparison between Null and a pointer or pointer-to-member.
- *
- * This operator takes a reference to an object of type T instead of a pointer of a pointer-
- * to-member to avoid the ambiguity with the built-in pointer comparison operators. However,
- * only pointers and pointers-to-member can be compared to Null.
- */
-template< typename T >
-inline bool operator!=( const Null& lhs, const T& rhs )
-   return !lhs.equal( rhs );
-/*!\brief Inequality comparison between a pointer or pointer-to-member and Null.
- *
- * This operator takes a reference to an object of type T instead of a pointer of a pointer-
- * to-member to avoid the ambiguity with the built-in pointer comparison operators. However,
- * only pointers and pointers-to-member can be compared to Null.
- */
-template< typename T >
-inline bool operator!=( const T& lhs, const Null& rhs )
-   return !rhs.equal( lhs );
-} // namespace
-//#ifdef NULL
-//#  undef NULL
-///*!\brief Global NULL pointer.
-// * \ingroup util
-// *
-// * This instance of the Null class replaces the NULL macro to ensure a type-safe NULL pointer.
-// */
-//const walberla::Null NULL;
diff --git a/src/core/ptrvector/PtrIterator.h b/src/core/ptrvector/PtrIterator.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a6ecef7f3b6194ead74e78f2b52e030dd3c9b704..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/core/ptrvector/PtrIterator.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file PtrIterator.h
-//! \ingroup core
-//! \author Klaus Iglberger
-//! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
-#pragma once
-// Includes
-#include <iterator>
-#include <core/ptrvector/Null.h>
-namespace walberla {
-/*!\brief Implementation of an iterator for pointer vectors.
- * \ingroup util
- *
- * The PtrIterator class follows the example of the random-access iterator classes of the STL.
- * However, the focus of this iterator implementation is the use with (polymorphic) pointers.
- * Since the physics engine makes heavy use of polymorphic pointers, this implementation eases
- * the use of iterators over a range of pointers and improves the semantics on these pointers.\n
- *
- * In contrast to the STL iterators, the PtrIterator class slightly changes the meaning of the
- * access operators. Consider the following example:
-   \code
-   // Definition of class A
-   class A
-   {
-    public:
-      A( int i=0 ):i_(i) {}
-      void set( int i )       { i_ = i; }
-      int  get()        const { return i_; }
-    private:
-      int i_;
-   };
-   // Definition of a pointer vector for class A
-   typedef PtrVector<A>  AVector;
-   AVector vector;
-   AVector::Iterator it = vector.begin();
-   // The subscript operator returns a handle to the underlying object
-   A* a1 = it[0];
-   // The dereference operator returns a handle to the underlying object
-   A* a2 = *it;
-   // The member access operator offers direct access to the underlying object
-   it->set( 2 );
-   \endcode
- * The constant iterators (iterator over constant objects) prohibit the access to non-const
- * member functions. Therefore the following operation results in a compile-time error:
-   \code
-   AVector vector;
-   AVector::ConstIterator it = vector.begin();
-   it->set( 2 );  // Compile-time error!
-   \endcode
- */
-template< typename Type >
-class PtrIterator
-   //**Type definitions****************************************************************************
-   // pe naming convention
-   typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag  IteratorCategory;   //!< The iterator category.
-   typedef Type*                            ValueType;          //!< Type of the underlying pointers.
-   typedef Type* const                      PointerType;        //!< Pointer return type.
-   typedef ValueType const&                 ReferenceType;      //!< Reference return type.
-   typedef ValueType const*                 IteratorType;       //!< Type of the internal pointer.
-   typedef std::ptrdiff_t                   DifferenceType;     //!< Difference between two iterators.
-   // STL iterator requirements
-   typedef IteratorCategory                 iterator_category;  //!< The iterator category.
-   typedef ValueType                        value_type;         //!< Type of the underlying pointers.
-   typedef PointerType                      pointer;            //!< Pointer return type.
-   typedef ReferenceType                    reference;          //!< Reference return type.
-   typedef DifferenceType                   difference_type;    //!< Difference between two iterators.
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Constructors********************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Constructors */
-   //@{
-            inline PtrIterator();
-   explicit inline PtrIterator( const IteratorType& it );
-   template< typename Other >
-   inline PtrIterator( const PtrIterator<Other>& it );
-   // No explicitly declared copy constructor.
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Destructor**********************************************************************************
-   // No explicitly declared destructor.
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Copy assignment operator********************************************************************
-   // No explicitly declared copy assignment operator.
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Operators***********************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Operators */
-   //@{
-   inline PtrIterator&   operator++();
-   inline PtrIterator    operator++( int );
-   inline PtrIterator&   operator--();
-   inline PtrIterator    operator--( int );
-   inline PtrIterator&   operator+=( DifferenceType n );
-   inline PtrIterator    operator+ ( DifferenceType n )      const;
-   inline PtrIterator&   operator-=( DifferenceType n );
-   inline PtrIterator    operator- ( DifferenceType n )      const;
-   inline DifferenceType operator- ( const PtrIterator& it ) const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Access operators****************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Access operators */
-   //@{
-   inline PointerType& operator[]( DifferenceType n ) const;
-   inline PointerType& operator*()                    const;
-   inline PointerType& operator->()                   const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Utility functions***************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Utility functions */
-   //@{
-   inline const IteratorType& base() const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Member variables****************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Member variables */
-   //@{
-   IteratorType it_;  //!< Pointer to the current memory location.
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-/*!\brief Default constructor for PtrIterator.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline PtrIterator<Type>::PtrIterator()
-   : it_(NULL)  // Pointer to the current memory location
-/*!\brief Standard constructor for PtrIterator.
- *
- * \param it The value of the iterator.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline PtrIterator<Type>::PtrIterator( const IteratorType& it )
-   : it_(it)  // Pointer to the current memory location
-/*!\brief Conversion constructor from different PtrIterator instances.
- *
- * \param it The foreign PtrIterator instance to be copied.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-template< typename Other >
-inline PtrIterator<Type>::PtrIterator( const PtrIterator<Other>& it )
-   : it_( it.base() )  // Pointer to the current memory location
-/*!\brief Pre-increment operator.
- *
- * \return Reference to the incremented pointer iterator.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline PtrIterator<Type>& PtrIterator<Type>::operator++()
-   ++it_;
-   return *this;
-/*!\brief Post-increment operator.
- *
- * \return The incremented pointer iterator.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline PtrIterator<Type> PtrIterator<Type>::operator++( int )
-   PtrIterator tmp( *this );
-   ++it_;
-   return tmp;
-/*!\brief Pre-decrement operator.
- *
- * \return Reference to the decremented pointer iterator.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline PtrIterator<Type>& PtrIterator<Type>::operator--()
-   --it_;
-   return *this;
-/*!\brief Post-decrement operator.
- *
- * \return The decremented pointer iterator.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline PtrIterator<Type> PtrIterator<Type>::operator--( int )
-   PtrIterator tmp( *this );
-   --it_;
-   return tmp;
-/*!\brief Shifting the iterator by \a n elements to the higher elements.
- *
- * \param n The number of elements.
- * \return Reference to the shifted pointer iterator.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline PtrIterator<Type>& PtrIterator<Type>::operator+=( DifferenceType n )
-   it_ += n;
-   return *this;
-/*!\brief Shifting the iterator by \a n elements to the higher elements.
- *
- * \param n The number of elements.
- * \return The shifted pointer iterator.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline PtrIterator<Type> PtrIterator<Type>::operator+( DifferenceType n ) const
-   return PtrIterator( it_ + n );
-/*!\brief Shifting the iterator by \a n elements to the lower elements.
- *
- * \param n The number of elements.
- * \return Reference to the shifted pointer iterator.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline PtrIterator<Type>& PtrIterator<Type>::operator-=( DifferenceType n )
-   it_ -= n;
-   return *this;
-/*!\brief Shifting the iterator by \a n elements to the lower elements.
- *
- * \param n The number of elements.
- * \return The shifted pointer iterator.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline PtrIterator<Type> PtrIterator<Type>::operator-( DifferenceType n ) const
-   return PtrIterator( it_ - n );
-/*!\brief Calculating the number of elements between two pointer iterators.
- *
- * \param it The right hand side iterator.
- * \return The number of elements between the two pointer iterators.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline typename PtrIterator<Type>::DifferenceType PtrIterator<Type>::operator-( const PtrIterator& it ) const
-   return it_ - it.it_;
-/*!\brief Subscript operator for the direct element access.
- *
- * \param index Access index. Accesses the element \a index elements away from the current iterator position.
- * \return Handle to the accessed element.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline typename PtrIterator<Type>::PointerType& PtrIterator<Type>::operator[]( DifferenceType index ) const
-   return it_[index];
-/*!\brief Returns a handle to the element at the current iterator position.
- *
- * \return Handle to the element at the current iterator position.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline typename PtrIterator<Type>::PointerType& PtrIterator<Type>::operator*() const
-   return *it_;
-/*!\brief Direct access to the element at the current iterator position.
- *
- * \return Reference to the element at the current iterator position.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline typename PtrIterator<Type>::PointerType& PtrIterator<Type>::operator->() const
-   return *it_;
-/*!\brief Access to the underlying member of the pointer iterator.
- *
- * \return Pointer to the current memory location.
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline const typename PtrIterator<Type>::IteratorType& PtrIterator<Type>::base() const
-   return it_;
-/*!\name PtrIterator operators */
-template< typename TypeL, typename TypeR >
-inline bool operator==( const PtrIterator<TypeL>& lhs, const PtrIterator<TypeR>& rhs );
-template< typename TypeL, typename TypeR >
-inline bool operator!=( const PtrIterator<TypeL>& lhs, const PtrIterator<TypeR>& rhs );
-template< typename TypeL, typename TypeR >
-inline bool operator<( const PtrIterator<TypeL>& lhs, const PtrIterator<TypeR>& rhs );
-template< typename TypeL, typename TypeR >
-inline bool operator>( const PtrIterator<TypeL>& lhs, const PtrIterator<TypeR>& rhs );
-template< typename TypeL, typename TypeR >
-inline bool operator<=( const PtrIterator<TypeL>& lhs, const PtrIterator<TypeR>& rhs );
-template< typename TypeL, typename TypeR >
-inline bool operator>=( const PtrIterator<TypeL>& lhs, const PtrIterator<TypeR>& rhs );
-/*!\brief Equality comparison between two PtrIterator objects.
- *
- * \param lhs The left-hand side pointer iterator.
- * \param rhs The right-hand side pointer iterator.
- * \return \a true if the iterators point to the same element, \a false if not.
- */
-template< typename TypeL, typename TypeR >
-inline bool operator==( const PtrIterator<TypeL>& lhs, const PtrIterator<TypeR>& rhs )
-   return lhs.base() == rhs.base();
-/*!\brief Inequality comparison between two PtrIterator objects.
- *
- * \param lhs The left-hand side pointer iterator.
- * \param rhs The right-hand side pointer iterator.
- * \return \a true if the iterators don't point to the same element, \a false if they do.
- */
-template< typename TypeL, typename TypeR >
-inline bool operator!=( const PtrIterator<TypeL>& lhs, const PtrIterator<TypeR>& rhs )
-   return lhs.base() != rhs.base();
-/*!\brief Less-than comparison between two PtrIterator objects.
- *
- * \param lhs The left-hand side pointer iterator.
- * \param rhs The right-hand side pointer iterator.
- * \return \a true if the left-hand side iterator points to a lower element, \a false if not.
- */
-template< typename TypeL, typename TypeR >
-inline bool operator<( const PtrIterator<TypeL>& lhs, const PtrIterator<TypeR>& rhs )
-   return lhs.base() < rhs.base();
-/*!\brief Greater-than comparison between two PtrIterator objects.
- *
- * \param lhs The left-hand side pointer iterator.
- * \param rhs The right-hand side pointer iterator.
- * \return \a true if the left-hand side iterator points to a higher element, \a false if not.
- */
-template< typename TypeL, typename TypeR >
-inline bool operator>( const PtrIterator<TypeL>& lhs, const PtrIterator<TypeR>& rhs )
-   return lhs.base() > rhs.base();
-/*!\brief Less-or-equal-than comparison between two PtrIterator objects.
- *
- * \param lhs The left-hand side pointer iterator.
- * \param rhs The right-hand side pointer iterator.
- * \return \a true if the left-hand side iterator points to a lower or the same element, \a false if not.
- */
-template< typename TypeL, typename TypeR >
-inline bool operator<=( const PtrIterator<TypeL>& lhs, const PtrIterator<TypeR>& rhs )
-   return lhs.base() <= rhs.base();
-/*!\brief Greater-or-equal-than comparison between two PtrIterator objects.
- *
- * \param lhs The left-hand side pointer iterator.
- * \param rhs The right-hand side pointer iterator.
- * \return \a true if the left-hand side iterator points to a higher or the same element, \a false if not.
- */
-template< typename TypeL, typename TypeR >
-inline bool operator>=( const PtrIterator<TypeL>& lhs, const PtrIterator<TypeR>& rhs )
-   return lhs.base() >= rhs.base();
-} // namespace
diff --git a/src/core/ptrvector/PtrVector.h b/src/core/ptrvector/PtrVector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e62290407295ed080e6b619f7242e709ee952fe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/core/ptrvector/PtrVector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2604 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file PtrVector.h
-//! \ingroup core
-//! \author Klaus Iglberger
-//! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
-#pragma once
-// Includes
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <core/debug/Debug.h>
-#include <core/ptrvector/Algorithm.h>
-#include <core/ptrvector/Null.h>
-#include <core/ptrvector/policies/PtrDelete.h>
-#include <core/ptrvector/policies/OptimalGrowth.h>
-#include <core/ptrvector/PtrIterator.h>
-#include <core/Template.h>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>
-#include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>
-namespace walberla {
-/*!\brief Implementation of a vector for (polymorphic) pointers.
- * \ingroup util
- *
- * \section basics Basic usage
- *
- * The \a std::vector is one of the standard libraries most useful tools. It is the standard
- * solution for a dynamically allocated, automatically growing, and memory managed array. It
- * provides fast random access to its elements, since a vector guarantees that the elements
- * lie adjacent in memory and manages the dynamically allocated memory according to the RAII
- * idiom.\n
- * Yet there are some situations, where users of \a std::vector experience several drawbacks,
- * especially when \a std::vector is used in combination with pointers. For instance, a
- * \a const_iterator over a range of pointers will not allow the stored pointers to change,
- * but the objects behind the pointers remain changeable. The following example illustrates
- * that it is possible to change the values of \a double values through an iterator-to-const:
-   \code
-   typedef std::vector<double*>  Doubles;
-   Doubles doubles;  // Creating a vector for pointers to double values
-   // Filling the vector with pointers to double values. All values are initialized with 1.
-   for( size_t i=0; i<10; ++i )
-      doubles.push_back( new double( 1.0 ) );
-   // Accessing the first rigid body
-   Doubles::const_iterator first = doubles.begin();
-   **first = 2.0;  // Changes the double value through an iterator-to-const
-   \endcode
- * The basic reason for this behavior is that \a std::vector is unaware of the fact that it
- * stores pointers instead of objects and therefore the pointer are considered constant, not
- * the objects behind the pointer.\n
- * Another drawback of \a std::vector is the fact that during destruction of a vector object
- * the dynamically allocated bodies are not deleted. Again, \a std::vector is unaware of the
- * special property of pointers and therefore does not apply any kind of deletion policy. It
- * basically calls the default destructor for pointers, which in turn does nothing and
- * especially does not destroy the attached objects.\n
- * A different approach is taken by the Boost \a ptr_vector. A \a ptr_vector is perfectly
- * aware of the fact that is stores pointers to dynamically objects (and in consequence may
- * only be used with pointers to dynamically allocated objects) and takes full responsibility
- * for these resources. However, in order to accomplish this task, \a ptr_vector completely
- * abstracts from the fact that it stores pointers and provides a view as if it would contain
- * objects instead of pointers. However, unfortunately this strict memory management creates
- * problems in the context of \b walberla, where vectors to pointers are used both internally
- * (including proper resource management) and outside by the user (without any resource
- * management).\n
- * \b walberla provides a special vector container for pointers, which is
- * a cross of the functionalities of the \a std::vector and \a ptr_vector. The \b walberla PtrVector
- * is not a RAII class in the classical sense (as for instance the Boost \a ptr_vector) since
- * it does not strictly encapsule the resource management. As in the case of \a std::vector,
- * it still is the responsibility of a user of PtrVector to manage the resources accordingly.
- * However, it perfectly fits the requirements of \b walberla: PtrVector can be used internally
- * to store pointers to dynamically allocated objects and resources within RAII classes, and
- * outside of \b walberla by a user as storage for handles to resources that are managed elsewhere.
- * In contrast to the \a boost::ptr_vector, the PtrVector provides full access to the contained
- * pointers, but its iterators work similar to the \a ptr_vector
- * iterator and only provide access to the objects behind the pointers, creating the illusion
- * that objects are stored instead of pointers:
-   \code
-   typedef walberla::PtrVector<double>  Doubles;
-   Doubles doubles;  // Creating an empty PtrVector for pointers to double values
-   doubles.pushBack( new double(1.0) ); // A new pointer-to-double is added to the vector
-   double_vector::iterator first = doubles.begin();
-   *first = 2.0;  // No indirection needed
-   Doubles::ConstIterator second( first+1 );
-   *second = 3.0;  // Compile time error! It is not possible to change double
-                   // values via an iterator-to-const
-   \endcode
- * Notice the differences in the usage of the iterator in contrast to the \a std::vector and
- * \a boost::ptr_vector. In contrast to them the functions of PtrVector follow the naming
- * convention of the \b walberla physics engine (i.e. pushBack instead of push_back). In addition,
- * the underlying iterator adds an additional dereference to all access operators, which eases
- * the access to the underlying objects:
-   \code
-   // STL style:
-   **first = 2.0;
-   // walberla style:
-   *first = 2.0;
-   \endcode
- * A noteworthy difference between the STL vector and the pointer vector is the used template
- * argument: instead of the pointer type, the \b walberla pointer vector is only provided with the
- * type of the underlying objects:
-   \code
-   // STL style:
-   std::vector<double*> vector;
-   // walberla style:
-   walberla::PtrVector<double> vector;
-   \endcode
- * Additionally, the \b walberla pointer vector offers some limited possibilities to configure the
- * memory management and the growth of the internal storage, and implements special features
- * for polymorphic pointers, as for instance a convenient way to iterate over a subset of
- * polymorphic objects contained in the pointer vector.\n\n
- *
- *
- * \section polymorphic Polymorphic pointers
- *
- * For polymorphic pointers, the PtrVector class additionally offers two special iterators to
- * iterate over all objects of a specific type: the CastIterator and ConstCastIterator.
-   \code
-   // Definition of class A and the derived type B
-   class A { ... };
-   class B : public A { ... };
-   // Definition of function f for non-const pointer vectors
-   void f( PtrVector<A>& vector )
-   {
-      PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> begin = vector.begin<B>();
-      PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> end   = vector.end<B>();
-      // Loop over all objects of type B contained in the vector
-      for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-         ...
-   }
-   // Definition of function f for const pointer vectors
-   void f( const PtrVector<A>& vector )
-   {
-      PtrVector<A>::ConstCastIterator<B> begin = vector.begin<B>();
-      PtrVector<A>::ConstCastIterator<B> end   = vector.end<B>();
-      // Loop over all objects of type B contained in the vector
-      for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-   }
-   \endcode
- * In the example, the cast iterators are used to iterate over all objects of type \a B within
- * the pointer vector, where \a B must be a type derived from \a A. The attempt to use these
- * iterators for types that are not derived from \a A results in a compile time error. Note that
- * the usage of the cast iterators is computationally more expensive than the use of the standard
- * iterators. Therefore these iterators should not be used unless a down-cast is really necessary,
- * e.g. in order to access a type specific function.\n\n
- *
- *
- * \section container Using a pointer vector within other container classes
- *
- * If a pointer vector is used within an other container and is used to store polymorphic pointers,
- * you might face the problem of not being able to create type definitions for the cast iterators.
- * Whereas it is possible to create typedefs for the standard iterators, it is unfortunately not
- * possible (yet) to create type definitions for template classes. In order to create a new return
- * type within the container, the following approach could be taken:
-   \code
-   template< typename A >
-   class Container
-   {
-    public:
-      template< typename C >
-      struct CastIterator : public PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<C>
-      {
-         CastIterator( const PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<C>& it )
-            : PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<C>( it )  // Initializing the base class
-         {}
-      };
-      template< typename C >
-      CastIterator<C> begin();
-      template< typename C >
-      CastIterator<C> end();
-    private:
-      PtrVector<A> vector_;
-   };
-   \endcode
- * Instead of a typedef within the Container class, a new class CastIterator is derived from the
- * PtrVector::CastIterator class. This approach acts similar as the typedef as a user can now
- * use the Container as follows:
-   \code
-   class A { ... };
-   class B : public A { ... };
-   Container<A>::CastIterator<B> begin;
-   \endcode
- * This provides the same abstraction from the internal implementation as the desired typedef. The
- * same approach could be taken for a ConstCastIterator definition. However, to keep the code
- * footprint small you should consider using the original type instead.\n\n
- *
- *
- * \section adaptions Adapting a pointer vector
- *
- * The growth and deletion behavior of the PtrVector class can be adapted to any specific task. The
- * second template argument of the PtrVector specifies the growth rate. The following growth rates
- * can be selected:
- *
- *  - ConstantGrowth
- *  - LinearGrowth
- *  - OptimalGrowth (the default behavior)
- *
- * The third template argument of the PtrVector specifies the deletion behavior for the case that
- * the pointer vector is destroyed. Note that the deletion behavior has only limited effect on
- * the memory management of the contained resources. For instance, copying a PtrVector always
- * results in a shallow copy, i.e., the contained resources are not copied/cloned. Therefore the
- * deletion policy should be considered a convenience functionality in the context of a resource
- * managing class. The following policies can be selected:
- *
- *  - NoDelete : No deletion of the contained pointers (the default behavior).
- *  - PtrDelete : Applies \a delete to all contained pointers.
- *  - ArrayDelete : Applies \a delete[] to all contained pointers.\n\n
- */
-template< typename T                    // Type
-        , typename D = PtrDelete        // Deletion policy
-        , typename G = OptimalGrowth >  // Growth policy
-class PtrVector
-   //**Friend declarations*************************************************************************
-   /*! \cond internal */
-   template< typename T2, typename D2, typename G2 > friend class PtrVector;
-   /*! \endcond */
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Type definitions****************************************************************************
-   typedef T*                    ValueType;           //!< Type of the underlying values.
-   typedef T*                    PointerType;         //!< Pointer to a non-const object.
-   typedef const T*              ConstPointerType;    //!< Pointer to a const object.
-   typedef T*&                   ReferenceType;       //!< Reference to a non-const object.
-   typedef T*const&              ConstReferenceType;  //!< Reference to a const object.
-   typedef size_t                SizeType;            //!< Size type of the pointer vector.
-   typedef PtrIterator<T>        Iterator;            //!< Iterator over non-const objects.
-   typedef PtrIterator<const T>  ConstIterator;       //!< Iterator over const objects.
-   typedef D                     DeletionPolicy;      //!< Type of the deletion policy.
-   typedef G                     GrowthPolicy;        //!< Type of the growth policy.
-   // STL iterator requirements
-   typedef ValueType             value_type;          //!< Type of the underlying values.
-   typedef PointerType           pointer;             //!< Pointer to a non-const object.
-   typedef ConstPointerType      const_pointer;       //!< Pointer to a const object.
-   typedef ReferenceType         reference;           //!< Reference to a non-const object.
-   typedef ConstReferenceType    const_reference;     //!< Reference to a const object.
-   typedef SizeType              size_type;           //!< Size type of the pointer vector.
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Forward declarations for nested classes*****************************************************
-   template< typename C > class CastIterator;
-   template< typename C > class ConstCastIterator;
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Constructors********************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Constructors */
-   //@{
-   explicit inline PtrVector( SizeType initCapacity = 0 );
-            inline PtrVector( const PtrVector& pv );
-   template< typename T2, typename D2, typename G2 >
-            inline PtrVector( const PtrVector<T2,D2,G2>& pv );
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Destructor**********************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Destructor */
-   //@{
-   inline ~PtrVector();
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Assignment operators************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Assignment operators */
-   //@{
-   PtrVector& operator=( const PtrVector& pv );
-   template< typename T2, typename D2, typename G2 >
-   PtrVector& operator=( const PtrVector<T2,D2,G2>& pv );
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Get functions*******************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Get functions */
-   //@{
-                          inline SizeType maxSize()  const;
-                          inline SizeType size()     const;
-   template< typename C > inline SizeType size()     const;
-                          inline SizeType capacity() const;
-                          inline bool     isEmpty()  const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Access functions****************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Access functions */
-   //@{
-   inline ReferenceType      operator[]( SizeType index );
-   inline ConstReferenceType operator[]( SizeType index ) const;
-   inline ReferenceType      front();
-   inline ConstReferenceType front() const;
-   inline ReferenceType      back();
-   inline ConstReferenceType back()  const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Iterator functions**************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Iterator functions */
-   //@{
-                          inline Iterator             begin();
-                          inline ConstIterator        begin() const;
-   template< typename C > inline CastIterator<C>      begin();
-   template< typename C > inline ConstCastIterator<C> begin() const;
-                          inline Iterator             end();
-                          inline ConstIterator        end()   const;
-   template< typename C > inline CastIterator<C>      end();
-   template< typename C > inline ConstCastIterator<C> end()   const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Element functions***************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Element functions */
-   //@{
-   inline void     pushBack   ( PointerType p );
-   inline void     popBack    ();
-   inline void     releaseBack();
-   template< typename IteratorType >
-   inline void     assign( IteratorType first, IteratorType last );
-   inline Iterator insert( Iterator pos, PointerType p );
-   template< typename IteratorType >
-   inline void     insert( Iterator pos, IteratorType first, IteratorType last );
-   /*! \cond internal */
-   template< typename IteratorType >
-   inline void     insert( Iterator pos, IteratorType* first, IteratorType* last );
-   /*! \endcond */
-                          inline Iterator        erase  ( Iterator pos );
-   template< typename C > inline CastIterator<C> erase  ( CastIterator<C> pos );
-                          inline Iterator        release( Iterator pos );
-   template< typename C > inline CastIterator<C> release( CastIterator<C> pos );
-                          inline void            clear  ();
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Utility functions***************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Utility functions */
-   //@{
-          void reserve( SizeType newCapacity );
-   inline void swap( PtrVector& pv ) /* throw() */;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Helper functions****************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Helper functions */
-   //@{
-   inline size_t calcCapacity ( size_t minCapacity ) const;
-   inline void   deleteElement( PointerType ptr )    const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Insertion helper functions******************************************************************
-   /*!\name Insertion helper functions */
-   //@{
-          void insert( T**const pos, PointerType p );
-   /*! \cond internal */
-   template< typename IteratorType >
-   inline void insert( Iterator pos, IteratorType first, IteratorType last, std::input_iterator_tag );
-   template< typename IteratorType >
-   inline void insert( Iterator pos, IteratorType first, IteratorType last, std::random_access_iterator_tag );
-   /*! \endcond */
-   template< typename IteratorType >
-          void insert( T** pos, IteratorType first, IteratorType last, SizeType n );
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Member variables****************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Member variables */
-   //@{
-   SizeType size_;       //!< The current size of the pointer vector.
-   SizeType capacity_;   //!< The capacity of the pointer vector.
-   PointerType* begin_;  //!< Pointer to the first element of the pointer vector.
-   PointerType* end_;    //!< Pointer to the last element of the pointer vector.
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**CastIterator/ConstCastIterator comparison operators*****************************************
-   // The following comparison operators cannot be defined as namespace or member functions
-   // but have to be injected into the surrounding scope via the Barton-Nackman trick since
-   // the template arguments of nested templates cannot be deduced (C++ standard
-   /*!\name CastIterator/ConstCastIterator comparison operators */
-   //@{
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   /*!\brief Equality comparison between two CastIterator objects.
-   //
-   // \param lhs The left hand side cast iterator.
-   // \param rhs The right hand side cast iterator.
-   // \return \a true if the iterators point to the same element, \a false if not.
-   */
-   template< typename L, typename R >
-   friend inline bool operator==( const CastIterator<L>& lhs, const CastIterator<R>& rhs )
-   {
-      return lhs.base() == rhs.base();
-   }
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   /*!\brief Equality comparison between a CastIterator and a ConstCastIterator.
-   //
-   // \param lhs The left hand side cast iterator.
-   // \param rhs The right hand side constant cast iterator.
-   // \return \a true if the iterators point to the same element, \a false if not.
-   */
-   template< typename L, typename R >
-   friend inline bool operator==( const CastIterator<L>& lhs, const ConstCastIterator<R>& rhs )
-   {
-      return lhs.base() == rhs.base();
-   }
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   /*!\brief Equality comparison between a ConstCastIterator and a CastIterator.
-   //
-   // \param lhs The left hand side constant cast iterator.
-   // \param rhs The right hand side cast iterator.
-   // \return \a true if the iterators point to the same element, \a false if not.
-   */
-   template< typename L, typename R >
-   friend inline bool operator==( const ConstCastIterator<L>& lhs, const CastIterator<R>& rhs )
-   {
-      return lhs.base() == rhs.base();
-   }
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   /*!\brief Equality comparison between two ConstCastIterator objects.
-   //
-   // \param lhs The left hand side constant cast iterator.
-   // \param rhs The right hand side constant cast iterator.
-   // \return \a true if the iterators point to the same element, \a false if not.
-   */
-   template< typename L, typename R >
-   friend inline bool operator==( const ConstCastIterator<L>& lhs, const ConstCastIterator<R>& rhs )
-   {
-      return lhs.base() == rhs.base();
-   }
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   /*!\brief Inequality comparison between two CastIterator objects.
-   //
-   // \param lhs The left hand side cast iterator.
-   // \param rhs The right hand side cast iterator.
-   // \return \a true if the iterators don't point to the same element, \a false if they do.
-   */
-   template< typename L, typename R >
-   friend inline bool operator!=( const CastIterator<L>& lhs, const CastIterator<R>& rhs )
-   {
-      return lhs.base() != rhs.base();
-   }
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   /*!\brief Inequality comparison between a CastIterator and a ConstCastIterator.
-   //
-   // \param lhs The left hand side cast iterator.
-   // \param rhs The right hand side constant cast iterator.
-   // \return \a true if the iterators don't point to the same element, \a false if they do.
-   */
-   template< typename L, typename R >
-   friend inline bool operator!=( const CastIterator<L>& lhs, const ConstCastIterator<R>& rhs )
-   {
-      return lhs.base() != rhs.base();
-   }
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   /*!\brief Inequality comparison between a ConstCastIterator and a CastIterator.
-   //
-   // \param lhs The left hand side constant cast iterator.
-   // \param rhs The right hand side cast iterator.
-   // \return \a true if the iterators don't point to the same element, \a false if they do.
-   */
-   template< typename L, typename R >
-   friend inline bool operator!=( const ConstCastIterator<L>& lhs, const CastIterator<R>& rhs )
-   {
-      return lhs.base() != rhs.base();
-   }
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   /*!\brief Inequality comparison between two ConstCastIterator objects.
-   //
-   // \param lhs The left hand side constant cast iterator.
-   // \param rhs The right hand side constant cast iterator.
-   // \return \a true if the iterators don't point to the same element, \a false if they do.
-   */
-   template< typename L, typename R >
-   friend inline bool operator!=( const ConstCastIterator<L>& lhs, const ConstCastIterator<R>& rhs )
-   {
-      return lhs.base() != rhs.base();
-   }
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-/*!\brief Standard constructor for PtrVector.
- *
- * \param initCapacity The initial capacity of the pointer vector.
- *
- * The default initial capacity of the pointer vector is specified by the selected growth policy.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline PtrVector<T,D,G>::PtrVector( SizeType initCapacity )
-   : size_( 0 )                               // Current size of the pointer vector
-   , capacity_( initCapacity )                // Capacity of the pointer vector
-   , begin_( new PointerType[initCapacity] )  // Pointer to the first element
-   , end_( begin_ )                           // Pointer to the last element
-/*!\brief Copy constructor for PtrVector.
- *
- * \param pv The pointer vector to be copied.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline PtrVector<T,D,G>::PtrVector( const PtrVector& pv )
-   : size_( pv.size_ )                     // Current size of the pointer vector
-   , capacity_( pv.size_ )                 // Capacity of the pointer vector
-   , begin_( new PointerType[capacity_] )  // Pointer to the first element
-   , end_( begin_+size_ )                  // Pointer to the last element
-   for( SizeType i=0; i<size_; ++i )
-      begin_[i] = pv.begin_[i];
-/*!\brief Conversion constructor from different PtrVector instances.
- *
- * \param pv The pointer vector to be copied.
- */
-template< typename T     // Type of the pointer vector
-        , typename D     // Deletion policy of the pointer vector
-        , typename G >   // Growth policy of the pointer vector
-template< typename T2    // Type of the foreign pointer vector
-        , typename D2    // Deletion policy of the foreign pointer vector
-        , typename G2 >  // Growth policy of the foreign pointer vector
-inline PtrVector<T,D,G>::PtrVector( const PtrVector<T2,D2,G2>& pv )
-   : size_( pv.size_ )                     // Current size of the pointer vector
-   , capacity_( pv.size_ )                 // Capacity of the pointer vector
-   , begin_( new PointerType[capacity_] )  // Pointer to the first element
-   , end_( begin_+size_ )                  // Pointer to the last element
-   for( SizeType i=0; i<size_; ++i )
-      begin_[i] = pv.begin_[i];
-/*!\brief Destructor for PtrVector.
- *
- * In the destructor, the selected deletion policy is applied to all elements of the pointer
- * vector.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline PtrVector<T,D,G>::~PtrVector()
-   for( PointerType* it=begin_; it!=end_; ++it )
-      deleteElement( *it );
-   delete [] begin_;
-/*!\brief Copy assignment operator for PtrVector.
- *
- * \param pv The pointer vector to be copied.
- * \return Reference to the assigned pointer vector.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-PtrVector<T,D,G>& PtrVector<T,D,G>::operator=( const PtrVector& pv )
-   if( &pv == this ) return *this;
-   if( pv.size_ > capacity_ ) {
-      PointerType* newBegin( new PointerType[pv.size_] );
-      end_ = std::copy( pv.begin_, pv.end_, newBegin );
-      std::swap( begin_, newBegin );
-      delete [] newBegin;
-      size_ = pv.size_;
-      capacity_ = pv.size_;
-   }
-   else {
-      end_ = std::copy( pv.begin_, pv.end_, begin_ );
-      size_ = pv.size_;
-   }
-   return *this;
-/*!\brief Assignment operator for different PtrVector instances.
- *
- * \param pv The pointer vector to be copied.
- * \return Reference to the assigned pointer vector.
- */
-template< typename T     // Type of the pointer vector
-        , typename D     // Deletion policy of the pointer vector
-        , typename G >   // Growth policy of the pointer vector
-template< typename T2    // Type of the foreign pointer vector
-        , typename D2    // Deletion policy of the foreign pointer vector
-        , typename G2 >  // Growth policy of the foreign pointer vector
-PtrVector<T,D,G>& PtrVector<T,D,G>::operator=( const PtrVector<T2,D2,G2>& pv )
-   if( pv.size_ > capacity_ ) {
-      PointerType* newBegin( new PointerType[pv.size_] );
-      end_ = std::copy( pv.begin_, pv.end_, newBegin );
-      std::swap( begin_, newBegin );
-      delete [] newBegin;
-      size_ = pv.size_;
-      capacity_ = pv.size_;
-   }
-   else {
-      end_ = std::copy( pv.begin_, pv.end_, begin_ );
-      size_ = pv.size_;
-   }
-   return *this;
-/*!\brief Returns the maximum possible size of a pointer vector.
- *
- * \return The maximum possible size.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::SizeType PtrVector<T,D,G>::maxSize() const
-   return SizeType(-1) / sizeof(PointerType);
-/*!\brief Returns the current size of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return The current size.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::SizeType PtrVector<T,D,G>::size() const
-   return size_;
-/*!\brief Returns the total number of objects of type \a C contained in the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return The total number of objects of type \a C.
- *
- * This function calculates the total number of objects of type \a C within the pointer vector,
- * where \a C is a type derived from the type \a T of objects contained in the pointer vector.
- * The attempt to use this function for types that are not derived from \a T results in a
- * compile time error.
-   \code
-   // Definition of class A and the derived type B
-   class A { ... };
-   class B : public A { ... };
-   // Definition of a pointer vector for class A
-   typedef PtrVector<A> AVector;
-   AVector vector;
-   AVector::SizeType total = vector.size();     // Calculating the total number of pointers
-   AVector::SizeType numB  = vector.size<B>();  // Calculating the total number of B objects
-   \endcode
- * \b Note: The total number of objects of type \a C is not cached inside the pointer vector
- * but is calculated each time the function is called. Using the templated version of size()
- * to calculate the total number objects of type \a C is therefore more expensive than using
- * the non-template version of size() to get the total number of pointers in the vector!
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::SizeType PtrVector<T,D,G>::size() const
-   // The polymorphicCount() function returns the number of objects with dynamic type 'C'
-   // contained in the range [begin,end). An equivalent code might look like this:
-   //
-   // SizeType count( 0 );
-   // for( PointerType* it=begin_; it!=end_; ++it )
-   //    if( dynamic_cast<C*>( *it ) ) ++count;
-   // return count;
-   //
-   // However, the specialization of polymorphicCount() for special type combinations is
-   // much more efficient (and easier) than the specialization of this function!
-   return polymorphicCount<C>( begin_, end_ );
-/*!\brief Returns the capacity of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return The capacity.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::SizeType PtrVector<T,D,G>::capacity() const
-   return capacity_;
-/*!\brief Returns \a true if the pointer vector has no elements.
- *
- * \return \a true if the pointer vector is empty, \a false if it is not.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline bool PtrVector<T,D,G>::isEmpty() const
-   return size_ == 0;
-/*!\brief Subscript operator for the direct access to the pointer vector elements.
- *
- * \param index Access index. The index has to be in the range \f$[0..size-1]\f$.
- * \return Handle to the accessed element.
- *
- * \b Note: No runtime check is performed to insure the validity of the access index.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::ReferenceType PtrVector<T,D,G>::operator[]( SizeType index )
-   return *(begin_+index);
-/*!\brief Subscript operator for the direct access to the pointer vector elements.
- *
- * \param index Access index. The index has to be in the range \f$[0..size-1]\f$.
- * \return Handle to the accessed element.
- *
- * \b Note: No runtime check is performed to insure the validity of the access index.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstReferenceType PtrVector<T,D,G>::operator[]( SizeType index ) const
-   return *(begin_+index);
-/*!\brief Returns a reference to the first element of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return Handle to the first element.
- *
- * \b Note: No runtime check is performed if the first element exists!
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::ReferenceType PtrVector<T,D,G>::front()
-   WALBERLA_ASSERT( size_ > 0, "Pointer vector is empty, invalid access to the front element" );
-   return *begin_;
-/*!\brief Returns a reference to the first element of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return Handle to the first element.
- *
- * \b Note: No runtime check is performed if the first element exists!
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstReferenceType PtrVector<T,D,G>::front() const
-   WALBERLA_ASSERT( size_ > 0, "Pointer vector is empty, invalid access to the front element" );
-   return *begin_;
-/*!\brief Returns a reference to the last element of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return Handle to the last element.
- *
- * \b Note: No runtime check is performed if the last element exists!
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::ReferenceType PtrVector<T,D,G>::back()
-   WALBERLA_ASSERT( size_ > 0, "Pointer vector is empty, invalid access to the back element" );
-   return *(end_-1);
-/*!\brief Returns a reference to the last element of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return Handle to the last element.
- *
- * \b Note: No runtime check is performed if the last element exists!
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstReferenceType PtrVector<T,D,G>::back() const
-   WALBERLA_ASSERT( size_ > 0, "Pointer vector is empty, invalid access to the back element" );
-   return *(end_-1);
-/*!\brief Returns an iterator to the beginning of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return Iterator to the beginning of the pointer vector.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::Iterator PtrVector<T,D,G>::begin()
-   return Iterator( begin_ );
-/*!\brief Returns an iterator to the beginning of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return Iterator to the beginning of the pointer vector.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstIterator PtrVector<T,D,G>::begin() const
-   return ConstIterator( begin_ );
-/*!\brief Returns an iterator to the first element of type \a C within the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return Iterator to the first element of type \a C.
- *
- * This function returns an iterator to the first element of type \a C within in the pointer
- * vector, where \a C is a type derived from the type \a T of objects contained in the pointer
- * vector. In case there is no element of type \a C contained in the vector, an iterator just
- * past the last element of the pointer vector is returned. In combination with the according
- * end function (see example), this iterator allows to iterate over all objects of type \a C
- * in the range of the pointer vector. The attempt to use this function for types that are not
- * derived from \a T results in a compile time error.
-   \code
-   // Definition of class A and the derived type B
-   class A { ... };
-   class B : public A { ... };
-   // Definition of function f for non-const pointer vectors
-   void f( PtrVector<A>& vector )
-   {
-      PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> begin = vector.begin<B>();
-      PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> end   = vector.end<B>();
-      // Loop over all objects of type B contained in the vector
-      for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-         ...
-   }
-   // Definition of function f for const pointer vectors
-   void f( const PtrVector<A>& vector )
-   {
-      PtrVector<A>::ConstCastIterator<B> begin = vector.begin<B>();
-      PtrVector<A>::ConstCastIterator<B> end   = vector.end<B>();
-      // Loop over all objects of type B contained in the vector
-      for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-   }
-   \endcode
- * \b Note: Using the templated versions of begin() and end() to traverse all elements of type
- * \a C in the element range of the pointer vector is more expensive than using the non-template
- * versions to traverse the entire range of elements. Use this function only if you require a
- * type-specific member of type \a C.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE CastIterator<C> PtrVector<T,D,G>::begin()
-   return CastIterator<C>( begin_, end_ );
-/*!\brief Returns an iterator to the first element of type \a C within the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return Iterator to the first element of type \a C.
- *
- * This function returns an iterator to the first element of type \a C within in the pointer
- * vector, where \a C is a type derived from the type \a T of objects contained in the pointer
- * vector. In case there is no element of type \a C contained in the vector, an iterator just
- * past the last element of the pointer vector is returned. In combination with the according
- * end function (see example), this iterator allows to iterate over all objects of type \a C
- * in the range of the pointer vector. The attempt to use this function for types that are not
- * derived from \a T results in a compile time error.
-   \code
-   // Definition of class A and the derived type B
-   class A { ... };
-   class B : public A { ... };
-   // Definition of function f for non-const pointer vectors
-   void f( PtrVector<A>& vector )
-   {
-      PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> begin = vector.begin<B>();
-      PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> end   = vector.end<B>();
-      // Loop over all objects of type B contained in the vector
-      for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-         ...
-   }
-   // Definition of function f for const pointer vectors
-   void f( const PtrVector<A>& vector )
-   {
-      PtrVector<A>::ConstCastIterator<B> begin = vector.begin<B>();
-      PtrVector<A>::ConstCastIterator<B> end   = vector.end<B>();
-      // Loop over all objects of type B contained in the vector
-      for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-   }
-   \endcode
- * \b Note: Using the templated versions of begin() and end() to traverse all elements of type
- * \a C in the element range of the pointer vector is more expensive than using the non-template
- * version to traverse the entire range of elements. Use this function only if you require a
- * type-specific member of type \a C.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE ConstCastIterator<C> PtrVector<T,D,G>::begin() const
-   return ConstCastIterator<C>( begin_, end_ );
-/*!\brief Returns an iterator just past the last element of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return Iterator just past the last element of the pointer vector.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::Iterator PtrVector<T,D,G>::end()
-   return Iterator( end_ );
-/*!\brief Returns an iterator just past the last element of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return Iterator just past the last element of the pointer vector.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstIterator PtrVector<T,D,G>::end() const
-   return ConstIterator( end_ );
-/*!\brief Returns an iterator just past the last element of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return Iterator just past the last element of the pointer vector.
- *
- * This function returns an iterator just past the last element of the pointer vector. In
- * combination with the according begin function (see example), this iterator allows to iterate
- * over all objects of type \a C in the range of the pointer vector. The attempt to use this
- * function for types that are not derived from \a T results in a compile time error.
-   \code
-   // Definition of class A and the derived type B
-   class A { ... };
-   class B : public A { ... };
-   // Definition of function f for non-const pointer vectors
-   void f( PtrVector<A>& vector )
-   {
-      PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> begin = vector.begin<B>();
-      PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> end   = vector.end<B>();
-      // Loop over all objects of type B contained in the vector
-      for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-         ...
-   }
-   // Definition of function f for const pointer vectors
-   void f( const PtrVector<A>& vector )
-   {
-      PtrVector<A>::ConstCastIterator<B> begin = vector.begin<B>();
-      PtrVector<A>::ConstCastIterator<B> end   = vector.end<B>();
-      // Loop over all objects of type B contained in the vector
-      for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-   }
-   \endcode
- * \b Note: Using the templated versions of begin() and end() to traverse all elements of type
- * \a C in the element range of the pointer vector is more expensive than using the non-template
- * versions to traverse the entire range of elements. Use this function only if you require a
- * type-specific member of type \a C.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE CastIterator<C> PtrVector<T,D,G>::end()
-   return CastIterator<C>( end_, end_ );
-/*!\brief Returns an iterator just past the last element of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return Iterator just past the last element of the pointer vector.
- *
- * This function returns an iterator just past the last element of the pointer vector. In
- * combination with the according begin function (see example), this iterator allows to iterate
- * over all objects of type \a C in the range of the pointer vector. The attempt to use this
- * function for types that are not derived from \a T results in a compile time error.
-   \code
-   // Definition of class A and the derived type B
-   class A { ... };
-   class B : public A { ... };
-   // Definition of function f for non-const pointer vectors
-   void f( PtrVector<A>& vector )
-   {
-      PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> begin = vector.begin<B>();
-      PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> end   = vector.end<B>();
-      // Loop over all objects of type B contained in the vector
-      for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-         ...
-   }
-   // Definition of function f for const pointer vectors
-   void f( const PtrVector<A>& vector )
-   {
-      PtrVector<A>::ConstCastIterator<B> begin = vector.begin<B>();
-      PtrVector<A>::ConstCastIterator<B> end   = vector.end<B>();
-      // Loop over all objects of type B contained in the vector
-      for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-   }
-   \endcode
- * \b Note: Using the templated versions of begin() and end() to traverse all elements of type
- * \a C in the element range of the pointer vector is more expensive than using the non-template
- * version to traverse the entire range of elements. Use this function only if you require a
- * type-specific member of type \a C.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE ConstCastIterator<C> PtrVector<T,D,G>::end() const
-   return ConstCastIterator<C>( end_, end_ );
-/*!\brief Adding an element to the end of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param p The pointer to be added to the end of the pointer vector.
- * \return void
- * \exception std::length_error Maximum pointer vector length exceeded.
- *
- * The pushBack function runs in constant time.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline void PtrVector<T,D,G>::pushBack( PointerType p )
-   if( size_ != capacity_ ) {
-      *end_ = p;
-      ++end_;
-      ++size_;
-   }
-   else {
-      insert( end_, p );
-   }
-/*!\brief Removing an element from the end of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return void
- *
- * This function removes the element at the end of the pointer vector, i.e. the element
- * is deleted according to the deletion policy and removed from the vector. Note that in
- * case the deletion policy is NoDelete, this function is identical to the releaseBack()
- * function.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline void PtrVector<T,D,G>::popBack()
-   deleteElement( *--end_ );
-   --size_;
-/*!\brief Releasing the element at the end of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return void
- *
- * This function releases the element at the end of the pointer vector, i.e. the element is
- * removed without applying the deletion policy. Therefore the responsibility to delete the
- * element is passed to the function caller. Note that in case the deletion policy is NoDelete,
- * this function is identical to the popBack() function.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline void PtrVector<T,D,G>::releaseBack()
-   --end_;
-   --size_;
-/*!\brief Assigning a range of elements to the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param first Iterator to the first element of the element range.
- * \param last Iterator to the element one past the last element of the element range.
- * \return void
- * \exception std::length_error Maximum pointer vector length exceeded.
- *
- * This functions assigns the elements in the range \f$ [first,last) \f$ to the pointer vector.
- * All elements previously contained in the pointer vector are removed. The assign function runs
- * in linear time.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename IteratorType >
-inline void PtrVector<T,D,G>::assign( IteratorType first, IteratorType last )
-   clear();
-   insert( end(), first, last );
-/*!\brief Inserting an element into the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param pos The position before which the element is inserted.
- * \param p The pointer to be inserted into the pointer vector.
- * \return Iterator to the inserted element.
- * \exception std::length_error Maximum pointer vector length exceeded.
- *
- * The insert function runs in linear time. Note however that inserting elements into a pointer
- * vector can be a relatively time-intensive operation.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::Iterator PtrVector<T,D,G>::insert( Iterator pos, PointerType p )
-   T** const base = const_cast<T**>( pos.base() );
-   const auto diff( base - begin_ );
-   if( size_ != capacity_ && base == end_ ) {
-      *end_ = p;
-      ++end_;
-      ++size_;
-   }
-   else {
-      insert( base, p );
-   }
-   return Iterator( begin_+diff );
-/*!\brief Inserting a range of elements into the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param pos The position before which the elements are inserted.
- * \param first Iterator to the first element of the element range.
- * \param last Iterator to the element one past the last element of the element range.
- * \return void
- * \exception std::length_error Maximum pointer vector length exceeded.
- *
- * This functions inserts the elements in the range \f$ [first,last) \f$ into the pointer vector.
- * The insert function runs in linear time. Note however that inserting elements into a pointer
- * vector can be a relatively time-intensive operation.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename IteratorType >
-inline void PtrVector<T,D,G>::insert( Iterator pos, IteratorType first, IteratorType last )
-   insert( pos, first, last, typename IteratorType::iterator_category() );
-/*! \cond internal */
-/*!\brief Inserting a range of elements into the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param pos The position before which the elements are inserted.
- * \param first Pointer to the first element of the element range.
- * \param last Pointer to the element one past the last element of the element range.
- * \return void
- * \exception std::length_error Maximum pointer vector length exceeded.
- *
- * This functions inserts the elements in the range \f$ [first,last) \f$ into the pointer vector.
- * The insert function runs in linear time. Note however that inserting elements into a pointer
- * vector can be a relatively time-intensive operation.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename IteratorType >
-inline void PtrVector<T,D,G>::insert( Iterator pos, IteratorType* first, IteratorType* last )
-   insert( pos, first, last, std::random_access_iterator_tag() );
-/*! \endcond */
-/*!\brief Removing an element from the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param pos The position of the element to be removed.
- * \return Iterator to the element after the erased element.
- *
- * This function erases an element from the pointer vector, i.e. the element is deleted
- * according to the deletion policy of the pointer vector and removed from the vector.
- * Note that in case the deletion policy is NoDelete, this function is identical to the
- * release() function.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::Iterator PtrVector<T,D,G>::erase( Iterator pos )
-   T** const base = const_cast<T**>( pos.base() );
-   deleteElement( *base );
-   std::copy( base+1, end_, base );
-   --size_;
-   --end_;
-   return pos;
-/*!\brief Removing an element from the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param pos The position of the element to be removed.
- * \return Iterator to the element after the erased element.
- *
- * This function erases an element from the pointer vector, i.e. the element is deleted
- * according to the deletion policy of the pointer vector and removed from the vector.
- * Note that in case the deletion policy is NoDelete, this function is identical to the
- * release() function.
- *
- * Note: The cast iterator \a pos is not invalidated but every other cast iterators including those
- * returned by end<C>() are.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE CastIterator<C>
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::erase( CastIterator<C> pos )
-   T** const base = const_cast<T**>( pos.base() );
-   deleteElement( *base );
-   std::copy( base+1, end_, base );
-   --size_;
-   --end_;
-   return CastIterator<C>( base, end_ );
-/*!\brief Releasing an element from the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param pos The position of the element to be released.
- * \return Iterator to the element after the released element.
- *
- * This function releases an element from the pointer vector, i.e. the element is removed
- * without applying the deletion policy. Therefore the responsibility to delete the element
- * is passed to the function caller.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::Iterator PtrVector<T,D,G>::release( Iterator pos )
-   T** const base = const_cast<T**>( pos.base() );
-   std::copy( base+1, end_, base );
-   --size_;
-   --end_;
-   return pos;
-/*!\brief Releasing an element from the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param pos The position of the element to be released.
- * \return Iterator to the element after the released element.
- *
- * This function releases an element from the pointer vector, i.e. the element is removed
- * without applying the deletion policy. Therefore the responsibility to delete the element
- * is passed to the function caller.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE CastIterator<C>
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::release( CastIterator<C> pos )
-   T** const base = const_cast<T**>( pos.base() );
-   std::copy( base+1, end_, base );
-   --size_;
-   --end_;
-   return CastIterator<C>( base, end_ );
-/*!\brief Removing all elements from the pointer vector.
- *
- * \return void
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline void PtrVector<T,D,G>::clear()
-   for( PointerType* it=begin_; it!=end_; ++it )
-      deleteElement( *it );
-   end_  = begin_;
-   size_ = 0;
-/*!\brief Setting the minimum capacity of the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param newCapacity The new minimum capacity of the pointer vector.
- * \return void
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-void PtrVector<T,D,G>::reserve( SizeType newCapacity )
-   if( newCapacity > capacity_ )
-   {
-      // Calculating the new capacity
-      newCapacity = calcCapacity( newCapacity );
-      // Allocating a new array
-      PointerType* tmp = new PointerType[newCapacity];
-      // Replacing the old array
-      std::copy( begin_, end_, tmp );
-      std::swap( tmp, begin_ );
-      capacity_ = newCapacity;
-      end_ = begin_ + size_;
-      delete [] tmp;
-   }
-/*!\brief Swapping the contents of two pointer vectors.
- *
- * \param pv The pointer vector to be swapped.
- * \return void
- * \exception no-throw guarantee.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline void PtrVector<T,D,G>::swap( PtrVector& pv ) /* throw() */
-   // By using the 'std::swap' function to swap all member variables,
-   // the function can give the nothrow guarantee.
-   std::swap( size_, pv.size_ );
-   std::swap( capacity_, pv.capacity_ );
-   std::swap( begin_, pv.begin_ );
-   std::swap( end_, pv.end_ );
-/*!\brief Calculating the new capacity of the vector based on its growth policy.
- *
- * \param minCapacity The minimum necessary capacity.
- * \return The new capacity.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline size_t PtrVector<T,D,G>::calcCapacity( size_t minCapacity ) const
-   WALBERLA_ASSERT( minCapacity > capacity_, "Invalid new vector capacity" );
-   const size_t newCapacity( GrowthPolicy()( capacity_, minCapacity ) );
-   WALBERLA_ASSERT( newCapacity > capacity_, "Invalid new vector capacity" );
-   return newCapacity;
-/*!\brief Deleting an element of the pointer vector according to the deletion policy.
- *
- * \param ptr The element to be deleted.
- * \return void
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline void PtrVector<T,D,G>::deleteElement( PointerType ptr ) const
-   DeletionPolicy()( ptr );
-/*!\brief Inserting an element into the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param pos The position before which the element is inserted.
- * \param p The pointer to be inserted into the pointer vector.
- * \return void
- * \exception std::length_error Maximum pointer vector length exceeded.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-void PtrVector<T,D,G>::insert( T**const pos, PointerType p )
-   if( size_ != capacity_ ) {
-      std::copy_backward( pos, end_, end_+1 );
-      *pos = p;
-      ++end_;
-      ++size_;
-   }
-   else if( size_ == maxSize() ) {
-      throw std::length_error( "Maximum pointer vector length exceeded!" );
-   }
-   else {
-      SizeType newCapacity( calcCapacity( capacity_+1 ) );
-      if( newCapacity > maxSize() || newCapacity < capacity_ ) newCapacity = maxSize();
-      PointerType* newBegin = new PointerType[newCapacity];
-      PointerType* newEnd = std::copy( begin_, pos, newBegin );
-      *newEnd = p;
-      ++newEnd;
-      end_ = std::copy( pos, end_, newEnd );
-      std::swap( newBegin, begin_ );
-      delete [] newBegin;
-      capacity_ = newCapacity;
-      ++size_;
-   }
-/*! \cond internal */
-/*!\brief Inserting a range of elements into the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param pos The position before which the elements are inserted.
- * \param first Iterator to the first element of the element range.
- * \param last Iterator to the element one past the last element of the element range.
- * \return void
- * \exception std::length_error Maximum pointer vector length exceeded.
- *
- * This functions inserts the elements in the range \f$ [first,last) \f$ into the pointer vector.
- * The iterators are treated as input iterators.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename IteratorType >
-inline void PtrVector<T,D,G>::insert( Iterator pos, IteratorType first, IteratorType last,
-                                      std::input_iterator_tag )
-   for( ; first!=last; ++first ) {
-      pos = insert( pos, *first );
-      ++pos;
-   }
-/*! \endcond */
-/*! \cond internal */
-/*!\brief Inserting a range of elements into the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param pos The position before which the elements are inserted.
- * \param first Iterator to the first element of the element range.
- * \param last Iterator to the element one past the last element of the element range.
- * \return void
- * \exception std::length_error Maximum pointer vector length exceeded.
- *
- * This functions inserts the elements in the range \f$ [first,last) \f$ into the pointer vector.
- * The iterators are treated as random access iterators.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename IteratorType >
-inline void PtrVector<T,D,G>::insert( Iterator pos, IteratorType first, IteratorType last,
-                                      std::random_access_iterator_tag )
-   T** const base = const_cast<T**>( pos.base() );
-   const SizeType diff( last - first );
-   if( size_+diff <= capacity_ && base == end_ ) {
-      for( ; first!=last; ++first, ++end_ ) {
-         *end_ = *first;
-      }
-      size_ += diff;
-   }
-   else {
-      insert( base, first, last, diff );
-   }
-/*! \endcond */
-/*!\brief Inserting a range of elements into the pointer vector.
- *
- * \param pos The position before which the elements are inserted.
- * \param first Iterator to the first element of the element range.
- * \param last Iterator to the element one past the last element of the element range.
- * \param n The number of elements to be inserted.
- * \return void
- * \exception std::length_error Maximum pointer vector length exceeded.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename IteratorType >
-void PtrVector<T,D,G>::insert( T** pos, IteratorType first, IteratorType last, SizeType n )
-   const SizeType newSize( size_ + n );
-   if( newSize <= capacity_ ) {
-      std::copy_backward( pos, end_, end_+n );
-      for( ; first!=last; ++first, ++pos ) {
-         *pos = *first;
-      }
-      end_ += n;
-      size_ = newSize;
-   }
-   else if( newSize > maxSize() || newSize < size_ ) {
-      throw std::length_error( "Maximum pointer vector length exceeded!" );
-   }
-   else {
-      PointerType* newBegin = new PointerType[newSize];
-      PointerType* newEnd = std::copy( begin_, pos, newBegin );
-      for( ; first!=last; ++first, ++newEnd ) {
-         *newEnd = *first;
-      }
-      end_ = std::copy( pos, end_, newEnd );
-      std::swap( newBegin, begin_ );
-      delete [] newBegin;
-      capacity_ = newSize;
-      size_ = newSize;
-   }
-/*!\name PtrVector operators */
-template< typename T, typename D, typename G >
-inline bool operator==( const PtrVector<T,D,G>& lhs, const PtrVector<T,D,G>& rhs );
-template< typename T, typename D, typename G >
-inline bool operator!=( const PtrVector<T,D,G>& lhs, const PtrVector<T,D,G>& rhs );
-template< typename T, typename D, typename G >
-inline void swap( PtrVector<T,D,G>& a, PtrVector<T,D,G>& b ) /* throw() */;
-/*!\brief Equality comparison between two pointer vectors.
- *
- * \param lhs The left hand side pointer vector.
- * \param rhs The right hand side pointer vector.
- * \return \a true if the two pointer vectors are equal, \a false if they are not.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline bool operator==( const PtrVector<T,D,G>& lhs, const PtrVector<T,D,G>& rhs )
-   return lhs.size() == rhs.size() && std::equal( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin() );
-/*!\brief Inequality comparison between two pointer vectors.
- *
- * \param lhs The left hand side pointer vector.
- * \param rhs The right hand side pointer vector.
- * \return \a true if the two pointer vectors are inequal, \a false if they are not.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline bool operator!=( const PtrVector<T,D,G>& lhs, const PtrVector<T,D,G>& rhs )
-   return lhs.size() != rhs.size() || !std::equal( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin() );
-/*!\brief Swapping the contents of two pointer vectors.
- *
- * \param a The first pointer vector to be swapped.
- * \param b The second pointer vector to be swapped.
- * \return void
- * \exception no-throw guarantee.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-inline void swap( PtrVector<T,D,G>& a, PtrVector<T,D,G>& b ) /* throw() */
-   a.swap( b );
-/*!\brief Dynamic cast iterator for polymorphic pointer vectors.
- * \ingroup util
- *
- * The CastIterator class is part of the PtrVector class and represent a forward iterator
- * over all elements of type \a C contained in a range of elements of type \a T, where \a C
- * is a type derived from \a T.
-   \code
-   class A { ... };
-   class B : public class A { ... };
-   PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> begin;
-   PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> end;
-   // Loop over all elements of type B within the range [begin..end)
-   for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-      ...
-   \endcode
- * \b Note: Using a CastIterator is computationally more expensive than using a standard
- * iterator over all elements contained in the vector.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-class PtrVector<T,D,G>::CastIterator
-   //**Type definitions****************************************************************************
-   // pe naming convention
-   typedef std::forward_iterator_tag  IteratorCategory;   //!< The iterator category.
-   typedef C*                         ValueType;          //!< Type of the underlying pointers.
-   typedef C*                         PointerType;        //!< Pointer return type.
-   typedef C* const&                  ReferenceType;      //!< Reference return type.
-   typedef ptrdiff_t                  DifferenceType;     //!< Difference between two iterators.
-   typedef T* const*                  IteratorType;       //!< Type of the internal pointer.
-   // STL iterator requirements
-   typedef IteratorCategory           iterator_category;  //!< The iterator category.
-   typedef ValueType                  value_type;         //!< Type of the underlying pointers.
-   typedef PointerType                pointer;            //!< Pointer return type.
-   typedef ReferenceType              reference;          //!< Reference return type.
-   typedef DifferenceType             difference_type;    //!< Difference between two iterators.
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Constructors********************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Constructors */
-   //@{
-   inline CastIterator();
-   inline CastIterator( IteratorType begin, IteratorType end );
-   template< typename Other >
-   inline CastIterator( const CastIterator<Other>& it );
-   // No explicitly declared copy constructor.
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Destructor**********************************************************************************
-   // No explicitly declared destructor.
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Copy assignment operator********************************************************************
-   // No explicitly declared copy assignment operator.
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Operators***********************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Operators */
-   //@{
-   inline CastIterator& operator++();
-   inline CastIterator  operator++( int );
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Access operators****************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Access operators */
-   //@{
-   inline PointerType operator*()  const;
-   inline PointerType operator->() const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Utility functions***************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Utility functions */
-   //@{
-   inline const IteratorType& base() const;
-   inline const IteratorType& stop() const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Member variables****************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Member variables */
-   //@{
-   IteratorType cur_;  //!< Pointer to the current memory location.
-   IteratorType end_;  //!< Pointer to the element one past the last element in the element range.
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-/*!\brief Default constructor for CastIterator.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline PtrVector<T,D,G>::CastIterator<C>::CastIterator()
-   : cur_(NULL)  // Pointer to the current memory location
-   , end_(NULL)  // Pointer to the element one past the last element in the element range
-   static_assert(boost::is_base_of<T, C>::value && !boost::is_base_of<C, T>::value, "C has to be strictly derived from T");
-/*!\brief Standard constructor for CastIterator.
- *
- * \param begin The beginning of the element range.
- * \param end The end of the element range.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline PtrVector<T,D,G>::CastIterator<C>::CastIterator( IteratorType begin, IteratorType end )
-   : cur_(begin)  // Pointer to the current memory location
-   , end_(end)    // Pointer to the element one past the last element in the element range
-   static_assert(boost::is_base_of<T, C>::value && !boost::is_base_of<C, T>::value, "C has to be strictly derived from T");
-   // The polymorphicFind() function finds the next pointer to an object with dynamic type 'C'
-   // contained in the range [cur_,end). An equivalent code might look like this:
-   //
-   // while( cur_ != end_ && !dynamic_cast<C*>( *cur_ ) ) ++cur_;
-   //
-   // However, the specialization of polymorphicFind() for special type combinations is much
-   // more efficient (and way easier!) than the specialization of this function!
-   cur_ = polymorphicFind<C>( cur_, end_ );
-/*!\brief Conversion constructor from different CastIterator instances.
- *
- * \param it The foreign CastIterator instance to be copied.
- */
-template< typename T        // Type
-        , typename D        // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >      // Growth policy
-template< typename C >      // Cast type
-template< typename Other >  // The foreign cast iterator type
-inline PtrVector<T,D,G>::CastIterator<C>::CastIterator( const CastIterator<Other>& it )
-   : cur_( it.base() )  // Pointer to the current memory location
-   , end_( it.stop() )  // Pointer to the element one past the last element in the element range
-   static_assert(boost::is_base_of<C, T>::value && !boost::is_base_of<C, T>::value, "C has to be strictly derived from T");
-   static_assert(boost::is_convertible<Other*, C*>::value,  "Other must be convertible to C" );
-/*!\brief Pre-increment operator.
- *
- * \return Reference to the incremented cast iterator.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE CastIterator<C>&
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::CastIterator<C>::operator++()
-   // The polymorphicFind() function finds the next pointer to an object with dynamic type 'C'
-   // contained in the range [cur_+1,end). An equivalent code might look like this:
-   //
-   // while( ++cur_ != end_ && !dynamic_cast<C*>( *cur_ ) ) {}
-   //
-   // However, the specialization of polymorphicFind() for special type combinations is much
-   // more efficient (and way easier!) than the specialization of this function!
-   cur_ = polymorphicFind<C>( ++cur_, end_ );
-   return *this;
-/*!\brief Post-increment operator.
- *
- * \return The incremented cast iterator.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE CastIterator<C>
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::CastIterator<C>::operator++( int )
-   CastIterator tmp( *this );
-   // The polymorphicFind() function finds the next pointer to an object with dynamic type 'C'
-   // contained in the range [cur_+1,end). An equivalent code might look like this:
-   //
-   // while( ++cur_ != end_ && !dynamic_cast<C*>( *cur_ ) ) {}
-   //
-   // However, the specialization of polymorphicFind() for special type combinations is much
-   // more efficient (and way easier!) than the specialization of this function!
-   cur_ = polymorphicFind<C>( ++cur_, end_ );
-   return tmp;
-/*!\brief Returns a handle to the element at the current iterator position.
- *
- * \return Handle to the element at the current iterator position.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE CastIterator<C>::PointerType
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::CastIterator<C>::operator*() const
-   return static_cast<C*>( *cur_ );
-/*!\brief Direct access to the element at the current iterator position.
- *
- * \return Reference to the element at the current iterator position.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE CastIterator<C>::PointerType
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::CastIterator<C>::operator->() const
-   return static_cast<C*>( *cur_ );
-/*!\brief Direct access to the current memory location of the cast iterator.
- *
- * \return Pointer to the current memory location.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline const typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE CastIterator<C>::IteratorType&
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::CastIterator<C>::base() const
-   return cur_;
-/*!\brief Direct access to the final memory location of the cast iterator.
- *
- * \return Pointer to the final memory location.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline const typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE CastIterator<C>::IteratorType&
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::CastIterator<C>::stop() const
-   return end_;
-/*!\brief Dynamic cast iterator for polymorphic pointer vectors.
- * \ingroup util
- *
- * The ConstCastIterator class is part of the PtrVector class and represent a forward iterator
- * over all elements of type \a C contained in a range of elements of type \a T, where \a C
- * is a type derived from \a T. The ConstCastIterator is the counterpart of CastIterator for
- * constant vectors.
-   \code
-   class A { ... };
-   class B : public class A { ... };
-   PtrVector<A>::ConstCastIterator<B> begin;
-   PtrVector<A>::ConstCastIterator<B> end;
-   // Loop over all elements of type B within the range [begin..end)
-   for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-      ...
-   \endcode
- * \b Note: Using a ConstCastIterator is computationally more expensive than using a standard
- * iterator over all elements contained in the vector.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-class PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstCastIterator
-   //**Type definitions****************************************************************************
-   // pe naming convention
-   typedef std::forward_iterator_tag  IteratorCategory;   //!< The iterator category.
-   typedef const C*                   ValueType;          //!< Type of the underlying pointers.
-   typedef const C*                   PointerType;        //!< Pointer return type.
-   typedef const C* const&            ReferenceType;      //!< Reference return type.
-   typedef ptrdiff_t                  DifferenceType;     //!< Difference between two iterators.
-   typedef const T* const*            IteratorType;       //!< Type of the internal pointer.
-   // STL iterator requirements
-   typedef IteratorCategory           iterator_category;  //!< The iterator category.
-   typedef ValueType                  value_type;         //!< Type of the underlying pointers.
-   typedef PointerType                pointer;            //!< Pointer return type.
-   typedef ReferenceType              reference;          //!< Reference return type.
-   typedef DifferenceType             difference_type;    //!< Difference between two iterators.
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Constructors********************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Constructors */
-   //@{
-   inline ConstCastIterator();
-   inline ConstCastIterator( IteratorType begin, IteratorType end );
-   template< typename Other >
-   inline ConstCastIterator( const ConstCastIterator<Other>& it );
-   template< typename Other >
-   inline ConstCastIterator( const typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE CastIterator<Other>& it );
-   // No explicitly declared copy constructor.
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Destructor**********************************************************************************
-   // No explicitly declared destructor.
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Copy assignment operator********************************************************************
-   // No explicitly declared copy assignment operator.
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Operators***********************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Operators */
-   //@{
-   inline ConstCastIterator& operator++();
-   inline ConstCastIterator  operator++( int );
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Access operators****************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Access operators */
-   //@{
-   inline PointerType operator*()  const;
-   inline PointerType operator->() const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Utility functions***************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Utility functions */
-   //@{
-   inline const IteratorType& base() const;
-   inline const IteratorType& stop() const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-   //**Member variables****************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Member variables */
-   //@{
-   IteratorType cur_;  //!< Pointer to the current memory location.
-   IteratorType end_;  //!< Pointer to the element one past the last element in the element range.
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-/*!\brief Default constructor for ConstCastIterator.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstCastIterator<C>::ConstCastIterator()
-   : cur_(NULL)  // Pointer to the current memory location
-   , end_(NULL)  // Pointer to the element one past the last element in the element range
-   static_assert(boost::is_base_of<C, T>::value && !boost::is_base_of<C, T>::value, "C has to be strictly derived from T");
-/*!\brief Standard constructor for ConstCastIterator.
- *
- * \param begin The beginning of the element range.
- * \param end The end of the element range.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstCastIterator<C>::ConstCastIterator( IteratorType begin, IteratorType end )
-   : cur_(begin)  // Pointer to the current memory location
-   , end_(end)    // Pointer to the element one past the last element in the element range
-   // The polymorphicFind() function finds the next pointer to an object with dynamic type 'C'
-   // contained in the range [cur_,end). An equivalent code might look like this:
-   //
-   // while( cur_ != end_ && !dynamic_cast<C*>( *cur_ ) ) ++cur_;
-   //
-   // However, the specialization of polymorphicFind() for special type combinations is much
-   // more efficient (and way easier!) than the specialization of this function!
-   cur_ = polymorphicFind<C>( cur_, end_ );
-/*!\brief Conversion constructor from different ConstCastIterator instances.
- *
- * \param it The foreign ConstCastIterator instance to be copied.
- */
-template< typename T        // Type
-        , typename D        // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >      // Growth policy
-template< typename C >      // Cast type
-template< typename Other >  // The foreign constant cast iterator type
-inline PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstCastIterator<C>::ConstCastIterator( const ConstCastIterator<Other>& it )
-   : cur_( it.base() )  // Pointer to the current memory location
-   , end_( it.stop() )  // Pointer to the element one past the last element in the element range
-    static_assert(boost::is_base_of<C, T>::value && !boost::is_base_of<C, T>::value, "C has to be strictly derived from T");
-    static_assert(boost::is_convertible<Other*, C*>::value,  "Other must be convertible to C" );
-/*!\brief Conversion constructor from CastIterator instances.
- *
- * \param it The foreign CastIterator instance to be copied.
- */
-template< typename T        // Type
-        , typename D        // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >      // Growth policy
-template< typename C >      // Cast type
-template< typename Other >  // The foreign cast iterator type
-inline PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstCastIterator<C>::ConstCastIterator( const typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE CastIterator<Other>& it )
-   : cur_( it.base() )  // Pointer to the current memory location
-   , end_( it.stop() )  // Pointer to the element one past the last element in the element range
-    static_assert(boost::is_base_of<C, T>::value && !boost::is_base_of<C, T>::value, "C has to be strictly derived from T");
-    static_assert(boost::is_convertible<Other*, C*>::value,  "Other must be convertible to C" );
-/*!\brief Pre-increment operator.
- *
- * \return Reference to the incremented cast iterator.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE ConstCastIterator<C>&
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstCastIterator<C>::operator++()
-   // The polymorphicFind() function finds the next pointer to an object with dynamic type 'C'
-   // contained in the range [cur_+1,end). An equivalent code might look like this:
-   //
-   // while( ++cur_ != end_ && !dynamic_cast<const C*>( *cur_ ) ) {}
-   //
-   // However, the specialization of polymorphicFind() for special type combinations is much
-   // more efficient (and way easier!) than the specialization of this function!
-   cur_ = polymorphicFind<const C>( ++cur_, end_ );
-   return *this;
-/*!\brief Post-increment operator.
- *
- * \return The incremented cast iterator.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE ConstCastIterator<C>
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstCastIterator<C>::operator++( int )
-   ConstCastIterator tmp( *this );
-   // The polymorphicFind() function finds the next pointer to an object with dynamic type 'C'
-   // contained in the range [cur_+1,end). An equivalent code might look like this:
-   //
-   // while( ++cur_ != end_ && !dynamic_cast<const C*>( *cur_ ) ) {}
-   //
-   // However, the specialization of polymorphicFind() for special type combinations is much
-   // more efficient (and way easier!) than the specialization of this function!
-   cur_ = polymorphicFind<const C>( ++cur_, end_ );
-   return tmp;
-/*!\brief Returns a handle to the element at the current iterator position.
- *
- * \return Handle to the element at the current iterator position.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE ConstCastIterator<C>::PointerType
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstCastIterator<C>::operator*() const
-   return static_cast<const C*>( *cur_ );
-/*!\brief Direct access to the element at the current iterator position.
- *
- * \return Reference to the element at the current iterator position.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE ConstCastIterator<C>::PointerType
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstCastIterator<C>::operator->() const
-   return static_cast<const C*>( *cur_ );
-/*!\brief Direct access to the current memory location of the constant cast iterator.
- *
- * \return Pointer to the current memory location.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline const typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE ConstCastIterator<C>::IteratorType&
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstCastIterator<C>::base() const
-   return cur_;
-/*!\brief Direct access to the final memory location of the constant cast iterator.
- *
- * \return Pointer to the final memory location.
- */
-template< typename T    // Type
-        , typename D    // Deletion policy
-        , typename G >  // Growth policy
-template< typename C >  // Cast type
-inline const typename PtrVector<T,D,G>::WALBERLA_TEMPLATE ConstCastIterator<C>::IteratorType&
-   PtrVector<T,D,G>::ConstCastIterator<C>::stop() const
-   return end_;
diff --git a/src/core/ptrvector/policies/ArrayDelete.h b/src/core/ptrvector/policies/ArrayDelete.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bf6b605abc8d82a6612b9943aa596ba4fbb2bae6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/core/ptrvector/policies/ArrayDelete.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file ArrayDelete.h
-//! \ingroup core
-//! \author Klaus Iglberger
-//! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
-#pragma once
-// Includes
-#include <boost/checked_delete.hpp>
-namespace walberla {
-/*!\brief Array-delete policy class.
- * \ingroup util
- *
- * The ArrayDelete policy functor class applies an array delete operation to the given argument.
- * Note that the array delete operation is NOT permitted for inclomplete types (i.e. declared
- * but undefined data types). The attempt to apply an ArrayDelete functor to a pointer to an
- * array of objects of incomplete type results in a compile time error!
- */
-struct ArrayDelete
-   //**Utility functions***************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Utility functions */
-   //@{
-   template< typename Type >
-   inline void operator()( Type ptr ) const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-/*!\brief Implementation of the array-delete policy.
- *
- * \param ptr The pointer to the array to be deleted.
- * \return void
- *
- * This function applies an array delete operation to the given argument. Note that the array
- * delete operation is NOT permitted for inclomplete types (i.e. declared but undefined data
- * types). The attempt to use this function for a pointer to an array of objects of incomplete
- * type results in a compile time error!
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline void ArrayDelete::operator()( Type ptr ) const
-   boost::checked_array_delete( ptr );
-} // namespace
diff --git a/src/core/ptrvector/policies/ConstantGrowth.h b/src/core/ptrvector/policies/ConstantGrowth.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d20250ca78ac865eac5a1d362c35258f28ddaf2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/core/ptrvector/policies/ConstantGrowth.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file ConstantGrowth.h
-//! \ingroup core
-//! \author Klaus Iglberger
-//! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
-#pragma once
-#include <core/DataTypes.h>
-// Includes
-namespace walberla {
-/*!\brief Constant growth policy class.
- * \ingroup util
- *
- * The ConstantGrowth policy class implements a constant growth strategy. It can be customized
- * for any purpose: the \a Growth template argument specifies the constant increase of the given
- * size.
- */
-template< size_t Growth >
-struct ConstantGrowth
-   //**Utility functions***************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Utility functions */
-   //@{
-   inline size_t operator()( size_t oldSize, size_t minSize ) const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-/*! \cond internal */
-/*!\brief Specialization of the constant growth policy for 0 growth.
- * \ingroup util
- */
-struct ConstantGrowth<0>;
-/*! \endcond */
-/*!\brief Returns a new size depending on the given old size and the required minimum size.
- *
- * \param old The old size.
- * \param minimum The required minimum size.
- * \return The new size (at least the required minimum size).
- */
-template< size_t Growth >
-inline size_t ConstantGrowth<Growth>::operator()( size_t old, size_t minimum ) const
-   const size_t needed( math::max<size_t>( old+Growth, minimum ) );
-   return ( ( needed )?( 4 * ( (needed-1)/4+1 ) ):( 0 ) );
-} // namespace
diff --git a/src/core/ptrvector/policies/LinearGrowth.h b/src/core/ptrvector/policies/LinearGrowth.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 314b79380525dda287747d986be18a28a15010c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/core/ptrvector/policies/LinearGrowth.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file LinearGrowth.h
-//! \ingroup core
-//! \author Klaus Iglberger
-//! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
-#pragma once
-// Includes
-#include <core/math/Utility.h>
-#include <core/DataTypes.h>
-namespace walberla {
-/*!\brief Linear growth policy class.
- * \ingroup util
- *
- * The LinearGrowth policy class implements a linear growth strategy. It can be customized for
- * any purpose: the \a Growth template argument specifies the factor of the size growth.
- */
-template< size_t Growth >
-struct LinearGrowth
-   //**Utility functions***************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Utility functions */
-   //@{
-   inline size_t operator()( size_t oldSize, size_t minSize ) const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-/*! \cond internal */
-/*!\brief Specialization of the linear growth policy for 0 growth.
- * \ingroup util
- */
-struct LinearGrowth<0>;
-/*! \endcond */
-/*! \cond internal */
-/*!\brief Specialization of the linear growth policy for 1 growth.
- * \ingroup util
- */
-struct LinearGrowth<1>;
-/*! \endcond */
-/*!\brief Returns a new size depending on the given old size and the required minimum size.
- *
- * \param old The old size.
- * \param minimum The required minimum size.
- * \return The new size (at least the required minimum size).
- */
-template< size_t Growth >
-inline size_t LinearGrowth<Growth>::operator()( size_t old, size_t minimum ) const
-   const size_t needed( math::max<size_t>( old*Growth, minimum ) );
-   return ( ( needed )?( 4 * ( (needed-1)/4+1 ) ):( 0 ) );
-} // namespace
diff --git a/src/core/ptrvector/policies/NoDelete.h b/src/core/ptrvector/policies/NoDelete.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 14b24aae3c1b48891a0b39ed02be7366b7d6a978..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/core/ptrvector/policies/NoDelete.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file NoDelete.h
-//! \ingroup core
-//! \author Klaus Iglberger
-//! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
-#pragma once
-namespace walberla {
-/*!\brief No-delete policy class.
- * \ingroup util
- */
-struct NoDelete
-   //**Utility functions***************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Utility functions */
-   //@{
-   template< typename Type >
-   inline void operator()( const Type& ptr ) const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-/*!\brief Implementation of the no-delete policy.
- *
- * \param ptr The pointer to delete.
- * \return void
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline void NoDelete::operator()( const Type& /*ptr*/ ) const
-} // namespace
diff --git a/src/core/ptrvector/policies/OptimalGrowth.h b/src/core/ptrvector/policies/OptimalGrowth.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 59abed396b4ac6dccb2a35077f49f085e465c3c7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/core/ptrvector/policies/OptimalGrowth.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file OptimalGrowth.h
-//! \ingroup core
-//! \author Klaus Iglberger
-//! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
-#pragma once
-// Includes
-#include <core/math/Utility.h>
-#include <core/DataTypes.h>
-namespace walberla {
-/*!\brief Optimal growth policy class.
- * \ingroup util
- *
- * The OptimalGrowth policy class implements the optimal growth strategy suggested by Andrew
- * Koenig for the std::vector class (see Andrew Koenig's column in the September 1998 issue of
- * JOOP (Journal of Object-Oriented Programming), or the Dr. Dobb's article 'C++ Made Easier:
- * How Vectors Grow', 2001). It applies an exponential growth strategy using a factor of 1.5
- * and additionally ensures that the sizes returns are always multiples of four.
- */
-struct OptimalGrowth
-   //**Utility functions***************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Utility functions */
-   //@{
-   inline size_t operator()( size_t oldSize, size_t minSize ) const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-/*!\brief Returns a new size depending on the given old size and the required minimum size.
- *
- * \param old The old size.
- * \param minimum The required minimum size.
- * \return The new size (at least the required minimum size).
- */
-inline size_t OptimalGrowth::operator()( size_t old, size_t minimum ) const
-   const size_t needed( math::max( static_cast<size_t>( real_c(old)*1.5 ), minimum ) );
-   return ( ( needed )?( 4 * ( (needed-1)/4 + 1 ) ):( 0 ) );
-} // namespace
diff --git a/src/core/ptrvector/policies/PtrDelete.h b/src/core/ptrvector/policies/PtrDelete.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1940275e2ece96848af8982873160b8bb41c7cd8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/core/ptrvector/policies/PtrDelete.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file PtrDelete.h
-//! \ingroup core
-//! \author Klaus Iglberger
-//! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
-#pragma once
-// Includes
-#include <boost/checked_delete.hpp>
-namespace walberla {
-/*!\brief Pointer-delete policy class.
- * \ingroup util
- *
- * The PtrDelete policy functor class applies a delete operation to the given argument. Note that
- * the delete operation is NOT permitted for inclomplete types (i.e. declared but undefined data
- * types). The attempt to apply a PtrDelete functor to a pointer to an object of incomplete type
- * results in a compile time error!
- */
-struct PtrDelete
-   //**Utility functions***************************************************************************
-   /*!\name Utility functions */
-   //@{
-   template< typename Type >
-   inline void operator()( Type ptr ) const;
-   //@}
-   //**********************************************************************************************
-/*!\brief Implementation of the pointer-delete policy.
- *
- * \param ptr The pointer to delete.
- * \return void
- *
- * This function applies a standard delete operation to the given argument. Note that the delete
- * operation is NOT permitted for inclomplete types (i.e. declared but undefined data types). The
- * attempt to use this function for a pointer to an object of incomplete type results in a compile
- * time error!
- */
-template< typename Type >
-inline void PtrDelete::operator()( Type ptr ) const
-   boost::checked_delete( ptr );
-} // namespace
diff --git a/src/pe/rigidbody/RigidBody.h b/src/pe/rigidbody/RigidBody.h
index c457cb88ff4c9b289a854f5ef3f0dd1fad368271..fdebc3ff61424cbbdcc213d45bb2d473b6d07014 100644
--- a/src/pe/rigidbody/RigidBody.h
+++ b/src/pe/rigidbody/RigidBody.h
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
 #include "core/NonCopyable.h"
 #include "core/DataTypes.h"
-#include "core/ptrvector/PtrVector.h"
-#include "core/ptrvector/policies/NoDelete.h"
 #include "core/debug/Debug.h"
 #include "core/logging/Logging.h"
 #include "core/math/AABB.h"
diff --git a/src/pe/rigidbody/RigidBodyCastIterator.h b/src/pe/rigidbody/RigidBodyCastIterator.h
index 22b148efff5627917b5516e5eaeb10c75b2541c2..7241baa63ce3b6eac5bafb20be5571016f992526 100644
--- a/src/pe/rigidbody/RigidBodyCastIterator.h
+++ b/src/pe/rigidbody/RigidBodyCastIterator.h
@@ -32,26 +32,9 @@ namespace pe {
 /*!\brief Dynamic cast iterator for polymorphic pointer vectors.
- * \ingroup util
- * The CastIterator class is part of the PtrVector class and represent a forward iterator
- * over all elements of type \a C contained in a range of elements of type \a T, where \a C
- * is a type derived from \a T.
-   \code
-   class A { ... };
-   class B : public class A { ... };
-   PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> begin;
-   PtrVector<A>::CastIterator<B> end;
-   // Loop over all elements of type B within the range [begin..end)
-   for( ; begin!=end; ++begin )
-      ...
-   \endcode
- * \b Note: Using a CastIterator is computationally more expensive than using a standard
- * iterator over all elements contained in the vector.
+ * The RigidBodyCastIterator is a forward iterator which only selects elements of type C.
+ * Dereferencing this iterator will implicitly cast to C.
 template <typename C>
 class RigidBodyCastIterator
diff --git a/src/pe/rigidbody/RigidBodyIterator.h b/src/pe/rigidbody/RigidBodyIterator.h
index a5401e3ba966d939c5f3cefba6cddf09f47bd20c..8e2be67d2f299dde26ebb313b4a17e4c22642301 100644
--- a/src/pe/rigidbody/RigidBodyIterator.h
+++ b/src/pe/rigidbody/RigidBodyIterator.h
@@ -32,55 +32,9 @@ namespace pe {
 /*!\brief Implementation of an iterator for pointer vectors.
- * \ingroup util
- * The PtrIterator class follows the example of the random-access iterator classes of the STL.
- * However, the focus of this iterator implementation is the use with (polymorphic) pointers.
- * Since the physics engine makes heavy use of polymorphic pointers, this implementation eases
- * the use of iterators over a range of pointers and improves the semantics on these pointers.\n
- *
- * In contrast to the STL iterators, the PtrIterator class slightly changes the meaning of the
- * access operators. Consider the following example:
-   \code
-   // Definition of class A
-   class A
-   {
-    public:
-      A( int i=0 ):i_(i) {}
-      void set( int i )       { i_ = i; }
-      int  get()        const { return i_; }
-    private:
-      int i_;
-   };
-   // Definition of a pointer vector for class A
-   typedef PtrVector<A>  AVector;
-   AVector vector;
-   AVector::Iterator it = vector.begin();
-   // The subscript operator returns a handle to the underlying object
-   A* a1 = it[0];
-   // The dereference operator returns a handle to the underlying object
-   A* a2 = *it;
-   // The member access operator offers direct access to the underlying object
-   it->set( 2 );
-   \endcode
- * The constant iterators (iterator over constant objects) prohibit the access to non-const
- * member functions. Therefore the following operation results in a compile-time error:
-   \code
-   AVector vector;
-   AVector::ConstIterator it = vector.begin();
-   it->set( 2 );  // Compile-time error!
-   \endcode
+ * This iterator implementation will automatically dereference twice at dereference calls!
+ * Therefore the return types are not unique_ptrs but RigidBodys.
 class RigidBodyIterator
diff --git a/tests/core/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/core/CMakeLists.txt
index 6885cf97661fa507cc240a45207b63a62aec4a43..ddb9907147e78dbba1d6a9d5fd07be6f2dc033e6 100644
--- a/tests/core/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/core/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -143,13 +143,6 @@ waLBerla_execute_test( NAME SetReductionTest27 COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:SetReductio
 waLBerla_compile_test( FILES mpi/ProbeVsExtraMessage.cpp DEPENDS postprocessing)
-# ptrvector #
-waLBerla_compile_test( NAME PtrVector FILES ptrvector/PtrVector.cpp )
-waLBerla_execute_test( NAME PtrVector )
 # selectable #
diff --git a/tests/core/ptrvector/PtrVector.cpp b/tests/core/ptrvector/PtrVector.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ae38bdeaff93a71ac5187d7c223f87670de0b7f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/core/ptrvector/PtrVector.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can 
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file PtrVector.cpp
-//! \ingroup field
-//! \author Sebastian Eibl <sebastian.eibl@fau.de>
-#include "core/ptrvector/PtrVector.h"
-#include "core/ptrvector/policies/NoDelete.h"
-#include "core/debug/TestSubsystem.h"
-using namespace walberla;
-struct A{
-    int c;
-    int val;
-    static int refCount;
-    explicit A(int v = 0) : c(0), val(v) { ++refCount; }
-    virtual ~A(){ --refCount; }
-struct B : public A {
-    B() : A(1) {}
-struct C : public A {
-    C() : A(2) {}
-int A::refCount = 0;
-int main( int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/ )
-    debug::enterTestMode();
-    {
-        auto a = new A();
-        auto b = new B();
-        auto c = new C();
-        WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(A::refCount, 3);
-        PtrVector<A, PtrDelete> vec;
-        vec.pushBack(a);
-        vec.pushBack(b);
-        vec.pushBack(c);
-        WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(A::refCount, 3);
-        for (auto it = vec.begin(); it!=vec.end(); ++it){
-            ++(it->c);
-        }
-        for (auto it = vec.begin<B>(); it!=vec.end<B>(); ++it){
-            ++(it->c);
-        }
-        WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(a->c, 1);
-        WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(b->c, 2);
-        vec.erase(++vec.begin());
-        int sum = 0;
-        for (auto it = vec.begin(); it!=vec.end(); ++it){
-            sum += it->val;
-        }
-        WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(sum, 2);
-    }
-    WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(A::refCount, 0);
-    auto a = new A();
-    auto b = new B();
-    WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(A::refCount, 2);
-    {
-        PtrVector<A, NoDelete> vec;
-        vec.pushBack(a);
-        vec.pushBack(b);
-        WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(A::refCount, 2);
-    }
-    WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(A::refCount, 2);
-    delete a;
-    delete b;