diff --git a/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/CMakeLists.txt b/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/CMakeLists.txt
index e19bf49814f2979efb21258c37dcf49294b14016..fd529a75126ac0aee42e7ef4175808ea43fe4c44 100644
--- a/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
 waLBerla_link_files_to_builddir( "*.prm" )
-waLBerla_add_executable ( NAME FluidizedBed FILES FluidizedBed.cpp
-                          DEPENDS blockforest boundary core domain_decomposition field lbm lbm_mesapd_coupling mesa_pd postprocessing timeloop vtk )
+waLBerla_add_executable ( NAME FluidizedBedMEM FILES FluidizedBedMEM.cpp
+                          DEPENDS blockforest boundary core domain_decomposition field lbm lbm_mesapd_coupling mesa_pd timeloop vtk )
+waLBerla_add_executable ( NAME FluidizedBedPSM FILES FluidizedBedPSM.cpp
+        DEPENDS blockforest boundary core domain_decomposition field lbm lbm_mesapd_coupling mesa_pd timeloop vtk )
diff --git a/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/FluidizedBed.cpp b/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/FluidizedBed.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4795d48563cb283a5e2d2ad5ea89034e1a8be65b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/FluidizedBed.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,814 +0,0 @@
-//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
-//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-//  for more details.
-//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-//! \file FluidizedBed.cpp
-//! \ingroup lbm_mesapd_coupling
-//! \author Christoph Rettinger <christoph.rettinger@fau.de>
-#include "blockforest/Initialization.h"
-#include "blockforest/communication/UniformBufferedScheme.h"
-#include "boundary/all.h"
-#include "core/DataTypes.h"
-#include "core/Environment.h"
-#include "core/debug/Debug.h"
-#include "core/math/all.h"
-#include "core/timing/RemainingTimeLogger.h"
-#include "core/logging/all.h"
-#include "core/mpi/Broadcast.h"
-#include "core/grid_generator/SCIterator.h"
-#include "domain_decomposition/SharedSweep.h"
-#include "field/AddToStorage.h"
-#include "field/communication/PackInfo.h"
-#include "lbm/boundary/all.h"
-#include "lbm/communication/PdfFieldPackInfo.h"
-#include "lbm/field/AddToStorage.h"
-#include "lbm/field/PdfField.h"
-#include "lbm/lattice_model/D3Q19.h"
-#include "lbm/sweeps/CellwiseSweep.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/mapping/ParticleMapping.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/MovingParticleMapping.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/boundary/CurvedLinear.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/reconstruction/Reconstructor.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/reconstruction/PdfReconstructionManager.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/AddForceOnParticlesKernel.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/ParticleSelector.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/DataTypes.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/AverageHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/AddHydrodynamicInteractionKernel.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/ResetHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/LubricationCorrectionKernel.h"
-#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/InitializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/collision_detection/AnalyticContactDetection.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/data/ParticleAccessorWithShape.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/data/ParticleStorage.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/data/ShapeStorage.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/data/DataTypes.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/data/shape/HalfSpace.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/data/shape/Sphere.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/domain/BlockForestDomain.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/domain/BlockForestDataHandling.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/kernel/DoubleCast.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/kernel/LinearSpringDashpot.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/kernel/ParticleSelector.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/kernel/VelocityVerlet.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/mpi/SyncNextNeighbors.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/mpi/ReduceProperty.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/mpi/ReduceContactHistory.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/mpi/ContactFilter.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/mpi/notifications/ForceTorqueNotification.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/mpi/notifications/HydrodynamicForceTorqueNotification.h"
-#include "mesa_pd/vtk/ParticleVtkOutput.h"
-#include "timeloop/SweepTimeloop.h"
-#include "vtk/all.h"
-#include "field/vtk/all.h"
-#include "lbm/vtk/all.h"
-namespace fluidized_bed
-// USING //
-using namespace walberla;
-using walberla::uint_t;
-using LatticeModel_T = lbm::D3Q19< lbm::collision_model::SRT>;
-using Stencil_T = LatticeModel_T::Stencil;
-using PdfField_T = lbm::PdfField<LatticeModel_T>;
-using flag_t = walberla::uint8_t;
-using FlagField_T = FlagField<flag_t>;
-using ScalarField_T = GhostLayerField< real_t, 1>;
-const uint_t FieldGhostLayers = 1;
-// FLAGS //
-const FlagUID Fluid_Flag( "fluid" );
-const FlagUID NoSlip_Flag( "no slip" );
-const FlagUID MO_Flag( "moving obstacle" );
-const FlagUID FormerMO_Flag( "former moving obstacle" );
-const FlagUID Inflow_Flag("inflow");
-const FlagUID Outflow_Flag("outflow");
-template <typename ParticleAccessor_T>
-class MyBoundaryHandling
-   using NoSlip_T = lbm::NoSlip< LatticeModel_T, flag_t >;
-   using MO_T = lbm_mesapd_coupling::CurvedLinear< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T, ParticleAccessor_T >;
-   using Inflow_T = lbm::SimpleUBB< LatticeModel_T, flag_t >;
-   using Outflow_T = lbm::SimplePressure< LatticeModel_T, flag_t >;
-   using Type = BoundaryHandling< FlagField_T, Stencil_T, NoSlip_T, MO_T, Inflow_T, Outflow_T >;
-   MyBoundaryHandling( const BlockDataID & flagFieldID, const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID,
-                       const BlockDataID & particleFieldID, const shared_ptr<ParticleAccessor_T>& ac,
-                       Vector3<real_t> inflowVelocity, bool periodicInX, bool periodicInY) :
-         flagFieldID_( flagFieldID ), pdfFieldID_( pdfFieldID ), particleFieldID_( particleFieldID ), ac_( ac ),
-         inflowVelocity_(inflowVelocity), periodicInX_(periodicInX), periodicInY_(periodicInY) {}
-   Type * operator()( IBlock* const block, const StructuredBlockStorage* const storage ) const
-   {
-      auto * flagField     = block->getData< FlagField_T >( flagFieldID_ );
-      auto *  pdfField     = block->getData< PdfField_T > ( pdfFieldID_ );
-      auto * particleField = block->getData< lbm_mesapd_coupling::ParticleField_T > ( particleFieldID_ );
-      const auto fluid = flagField->flagExists( Fluid_Flag ) ? flagField->getFlag( Fluid_Flag ) : flagField->registerFlag( Fluid_Flag );
-      Type * handling = new Type( "moving obstacle boundary handling", flagField, fluid,
-                                  NoSlip_T( "NoSlip", NoSlip_Flag, pdfField ),
-                                  MO_T( "MO", MO_Flag, pdfField, flagField, particleField, ac_, fluid, *storage, *block ),
-                                  Inflow_T( "Inflow", Inflow_Flag, pdfField, inflowVelocity_),
-                                  Outflow_T( "Outflow", Outflow_Flag, pdfField, real_t(1) ) );
-      const auto inflow  = flagField->getFlag( Inflow_Flag );
-      const auto outflow = flagField->getFlag( Outflow_Flag );
-      const auto noslip = flagField->getFlag( NoSlip_Flag );
-      CellInterval domainBB = storage->getDomainCellBB();
-      domainBB.xMin() -= cell_idx_c( FieldGhostLayers );
-      domainBB.xMax() += cell_idx_c( FieldGhostLayers );
-      domainBB.zMin() -= cell_idx_c( FieldGhostLayers );
-      domainBB.zMax() += cell_idx_c( FieldGhostLayers );
-      domainBB.yMin() -= cell_idx_c( FieldGhostLayers );
-      domainBB.yMax() += cell_idx_c( FieldGhostLayers );
-      // inflow at bottom
-      CellInterval bottom( domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(), domainBB.zMin() );
-      storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval( bottom, *block );
-      handling->forceBoundary( inflow, bottom );
-      // outflow at top
-      CellInterval top( domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMax(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(), domainBB.zMax() );
-      storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval( top, *block );
-      handling->forceBoundary( outflow, top );
-      if (!periodicInX_) {
-         // left
-         CellInterval left(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMax(), domainBB.zMax());
-         storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(left, *block);
-         handling->forceBoundary(noslip, left);
-         // right
-         CellInterval right(domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(), domainBB.zMax());
-         storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(right, *block);
-         handling->forceBoundary(noslip, right);
-      }
-      if (!periodicInY_) {
-         // front
-         CellInterval front(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMax());
-         storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(front, *block);
-         handling->forceBoundary(noslip, front);
-         // back
-         CellInterval back(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMax(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(), domainBB.zMax());
-         storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(back, *block);
-         handling->forceBoundary(noslip, back);
-      }
-      handling->fillWithDomain( FieldGhostLayers );
-      return handling;
-   }
-   const BlockDataID flagFieldID_;
-   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
-   const BlockDataID particleFieldID_;
-   shared_ptr<ParticleAccessor_T> ac_;
-   Vector3<real_t> inflowVelocity_;
-   bool periodicInX_;
-   bool periodicInY_;
-void createPlane(const shared_ptr<mesa_pd::data::ParticleStorage> & ps, const shared_ptr<mesa_pd::data::ShapeStorage> & ss,
-                 Vector3<real_t> position, Vector3<real_t> normal) {
-   mesa_pd::data::Particle&& p0 = *ps->create(true);
-   p0.setPosition(position);
-   p0.setInteractionRadius(std::numeric_limits<real_t>::infinity());
-   p0.setShapeID(ss->create<mesa_pd::data::HalfSpace>( normal ));
-   p0.setOwner(mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank());
-   p0.setType(0);
-   mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::set(p0.getFlagsRef(), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::INFINITE);
-   mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::set(p0.getFlagsRef(), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::FIXED);
-void createPlaneSetup(const shared_ptr<mesa_pd::data::ParticleStorage> & ps, const shared_ptr<mesa_pd::data::ShapeStorage> & ss,
-                      const math::AABB & simulationDomain, bool periodicInX, bool periodicInY, real_t offsetAtInflow, real_t offsetAtOutflow )
-   createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.minCorner() + Vector3<real_t>(0,0,offsetAtInflow), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,1));
-   createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.maxCorner() + Vector3<real_t>(0,0,offsetAtOutflow), Vector3<real_t>(0,0,-1));
-   if(!periodicInX)
-   {
-      createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.minCorner(), Vector3<real_t>(1,0,0));
-      createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.maxCorner(), Vector3<real_t>(-1,0,0));
-   }
-   if(!periodicInY)
-   {
-      createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.minCorner(), Vector3<real_t>(0,1,0));
-      createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.maxCorner(), Vector3<real_t>(0,-1,0));
-   }
-struct ParticleInfo
-   real_t averageVelocity = 0_r;
-   real_t maximumVelocity = 0_r;
-   uint_t numParticles = 0;
-   real_t maximumHeight = 0_r;
-   real_t particleVolume = 0_r;
-   real_t heightOfMass = 0_r;
-   void allReduce()
-   {
-      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(numParticles, walberla::mpi::SUM);
-      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(averageVelocity, walberla::mpi::SUM);
-      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(maximumVelocity, walberla::mpi::MAX);
-      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(maximumHeight, walberla::mpi::MAX);
-      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(particleVolume, walberla::mpi::SUM);
-      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(heightOfMass, walberla::mpi::SUM);
-      averageVelocity /= real_c(numParticles);
-      heightOfMass /= particleVolume;
-   }
-std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, ParticleInfo const &m) {
-   return os << "Particle Info: uAvg = " << m.averageVelocity << ", uMax = " << m.maximumVelocity
-             << ", numParticles = " << m.numParticles << ", zMax = " << m.maximumHeight << ", Vp = "
-             << m.particleVolume << ", zMass = " << m.heightOfMass;
-template< typename Accessor_T>
-ParticleInfo evaluateParticleInfo(const Accessor_T & ac)
-   static_assert (std::is_base_of<mesa_pd::data::IAccessor, Accessor_T>::value, "Provide a valid accessor" );
-   ParticleInfo info;
-   for(uint_t i = 0; i < ac.size(); ++i)
-   {
-      if (isSet(ac.getFlags(i), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::GHOST)) continue;
-      if (isSet(ac.getFlags(i), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::GLOBAL)) continue;
-      ++info.numParticles;
-      real_t velMagnitude = ac.getLinearVelocity(i).length();
-      real_t particleVolume = ac.getShape(i)->getVolume();
-      real_t height = ac.getPosition(i)[2];
-      info.averageVelocity += velMagnitude;
-      info.maximumVelocity = std::max(info.maximumVelocity, velMagnitude);
-      info.maximumHeight = std::max(info.maximumHeight, height);
-      info.particleVolume += particleVolume;
-      info.heightOfMass += particleVolume*height;
-   }
-   info.allReduce();
-   return info;
-struct FluidInfo
-   uint_t numFluidCells = 0;
-   real_t averageVelocity = 0_r;
-   real_t maximumVelocity = 0_r;
-   real_t averageDensity = 0_r;
-   real_t maximumDensity = 0_r;
-   void allReduce()
-   {
-      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(numFluidCells, walberla::mpi::SUM);
-      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(averageVelocity, walberla::mpi::SUM);
-      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(maximumVelocity, walberla::mpi::MAX);;
-      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(averageDensity, walberla::mpi::SUM);
-      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(maximumDensity, walberla::mpi::MAX);
-      averageVelocity /= real_c(numFluidCells);
-      averageDensity /= real_c(numFluidCells);
-   }
-std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, FluidInfo const &m) {
-   return os << "Fluid Info: numFluidCells = " << m.numFluidCells
-             << ", uAvg = " << m.averageVelocity << ", uMax = " << m.maximumVelocity
-             << ", densityAvg = " << m.averageDensity << ", densityMax = " << m.maximumDensity;
-template <typename BoundaryHandling_T>
-FluidInfo evaluateFluidInfo( const shared_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage > & blocks, const BlockDataID & pdfFieldID, const BlockDataID & boundaryHandlingID )
-   FluidInfo info;
-   for( auto blockIt = blocks->begin(); blockIt != blocks->end(); ++blockIt )
-   {
-      auto pdfField = blockIt->getData< PdfField_T > ( pdfFieldID );
-      auto boundaryHandling = blockIt->getData< BoundaryHandling_T >( boundaryHandlingID );
-                                 if( !boundaryHandling->isDomain(x,y,z) ) continue;
-                                 ++info.numFluidCells;
-                                 Vector3<real_t> velocity(0_r);
-                                 real_t density = pdfField->getDensityAndVelocity(velocity, x, y, z);
-                                 real_t velMagnitude = velocity.length();
-                                 info.averageVelocity += velMagnitude;
-                                 info.maximumVelocity = std::max(info.maximumVelocity, velMagnitude);
-                                 info.averageDensity += density;
-                                 info.maximumDensity = std::max(info.maximumDensity, density);
-      )
-   }
-   info.allReduce();
-   return info;
-// MAIN //
-/*!\brief Basic simulation of a fluidization setup
- *
- * Initially, the mono-sized sphere are created on a structured grid inside the domain.
- * The domain is either periodic or bounded by walls in the horizontal directions (x and y).
- * In z-direction, a constant inflow from below is provided
- * and a pressure boundary condition is set at the top, resembling an outflow boundary.
- *
- * The simulation is run for the given number of seconds (runtime).
- *
- * All parameters should be set via the input file.
- *
- * For the overall algorithm and the different model parameters, see
- * Rettinger, Rüde - An efficient four-way coupled lattice Boltzmann - discrete element method for
- * fully resolved simulations of particle-laden flows (2020, preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.01490)
- *
- */
-int main( int argc, char **argv )
-   Environment env( argc, argv );
-   auto cfgFile = env.config();
-   if( !cfgFile )
-   {
-      WALBERLA_ABORT("Usage: " << argv[0] << " path-to-configuration-file \n");
-   }
-   // read all parameters from the config file
-   Config::BlockHandle physicalSetup = cfgFile->getBlock( "PhysicalSetup" );
-   const real_t xSize_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("xSize");
-   const real_t ySize_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("ySize");
-   const real_t zSize_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("zSize");
-   const bool periodicInX = physicalSetup.getParameter<bool>("periodicInX");
-   const bool periodicInY = physicalSetup.getParameter<bool>("periodicInY");
-   const real_t runtime_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("runtime");
-   const real_t uInflow_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("uInflow");
-   const real_t gravitationalAcceleration_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("gravitationalAcceleration");
-   const real_t kinematicViscosityFluid_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("kinematicViscosityFluid");
-   const real_t densityFluid_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("densityFluid");
-   const real_t particleDiameter_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("particleDiameter");
-   const real_t densityParticle_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("densityParticle");
-   const real_t dynamicFrictionCoefficient = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("dynamicFrictionCoefficient");
-   const real_t coefficientOfRestitution = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("coefficientOfRestitution");
-   const real_t particleGenerationSpacing_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("particleGenerationSpacing");
-   Config::BlockHandle numericalSetup = cfgFile->getBlock( "NumericalSetup" );
-   const real_t dx_SI = numericalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("dx");
-   const real_t uInflow = numericalSetup.getParameter<real_t>("uInflow");
-   const uint_t numXBlocks = numericalSetup.getParameter<uint_t>("numXBlocks");
-   const uint_t numYBlocks = numericalSetup.getParameter<uint_t>("numYBlocks");
-   const uint_t numZBlocks = numericalSetup.getParameter<uint_t>("numZBlocks");
-   const bool useLubricationForces = numericalSetup.getParameter<bool>("useLubricationForces");
-   const uint_t numberOfParticleSubCycles = numericalSetup.getParameter<uint_t>("numberOfParticleSubCycles");
-   Config::BlockHandle outputSetup = cfgFile->getBlock( "Output" );
-   const real_t infoSpacing_SI = outputSetup.getParameter<real_t>("infoSpacing");
-   const real_t vtkSpacingParticles_SI = outputSetup.getParameter<real_t>("vtkSpacingParticles");
-   const real_t vtkSpacingFluid_SI = outputSetup.getParameter<real_t>("vtkSpacingFluid");
-   const std::string vtkFolder = outputSetup.getParameter<std::string>("vtkFolder");
-   // convert SI units to simulation (LBM) units and check setup
-   Vector3<uint_t> domainSize(uint_c(std::ceil(xSize_SI / dx_SI)),
-                              uint_c(std::ceil(ySize_SI / dx_SI)),
-                              uint_c(std::ceil(zSize_SI / dx_SI)));
-   WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL(real_t(domainSize[0]) * dx_SI, xSize_SI, "domain size in x is not divisible by given dx");
-   WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL(real_t(domainSize[1]) * dx_SI, ySize_SI, "domain size in y is not divisible by given dx");
-   WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL(real_t(domainSize[2]) * dx_SI, zSize_SI, "domain size in z is not divisible by given dx");
-   Vector3<uint_t> cellsPerBlockPerDirection( domainSize[0] / numXBlocks,
-                                              domainSize[1] / numYBlocks,
-                                              domainSize[2] / numZBlocks );
-   WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(domainSize[0], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[0] * numXBlocks, "number of cells in x of " << domainSize[0] << " is not divisible by given number of blocks in x direction");
-   WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(domainSize[1], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[1] * numYBlocks, "number of cells in y of " << domainSize[1] << " is not divisible by given number of blocks in y direction");
-   WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(domainSize[2], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[2] * numZBlocks, "number of cells in z of " << domainSize[2] << " is not divisible by given number of blocks in z direction");
-   WALBERLA_CHECK_GREATER(particleDiameter_SI / dx_SI, 5_r, "Your numerical resolution is below 5 cells per diameter and thus too small for such simulations!");
-   const real_t densityRatio = densityParticle_SI / densityFluid_SI;
-   const real_t ReynoldsNumberParticle = uInflow_SI * particleDiameter_SI / kinematicViscosityFluid_SI;
-   const real_t GalileiNumber = std::sqrt((densityRatio-1_r)*particleDiameter_SI*gravitationalAcceleration_SI) * particleDiameter_SI / kinematicViscosityFluid_SI;
-   // in simulation units: dt = 1, dx = 1, densityFluid = 1
-   const real_t dt_SI = uInflow / uInflow_SI * dx_SI;
-   const real_t diameter = particleDiameter_SI / dx_SI;
-   const real_t particleGenerationSpacing = particleGenerationSpacing_SI / dx_SI;
-   const real_t viscosity =  kinematicViscosityFluid_SI * dt_SI / ( dx_SI * dx_SI );
-   const real_t omega = lbm::collision_model::omegaFromViscosity(viscosity);
-   const real_t gravitationalAcceleration = gravitationalAcceleration_SI * dt_SI * dt_SI / dx_SI;
-   const real_t particleVolume = math::pi / 6_r * diameter * diameter * diameter;
-   const real_t densityFluid = real_t(1);
-   const real_t densityParticle = densityRatio;
-   const real_t dx = real_t(1);
-   const uint_t numTimeSteps = uint_c(std::ceil(runtime_SI / dt_SI));
-   const uint_t infoSpacing = uint_c(std::ceil(infoSpacing_SI / dt_SI));
-   const uint_t vtkSpacingParticles = uint_c(std::ceil(vtkSpacingParticles_SI / dt_SI));
-   const uint_t vtkSpacingFluid = uint_c(std::ceil(vtkSpacingFluid_SI / dt_SI));
-   const Vector3<real_t> inflowVec(0_r, 0_r, uInflow);
-   const real_t poissonsRatio = real_t(0.22);
-   const real_t kappa = real_t(2) * ( real_t(1) - poissonsRatio ) / ( real_t(2) - poissonsRatio ) ;
-   const real_t particleCollisionTime = 4_r * diameter;
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Simulation setup:");
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - particles: diameter = " << diameter << ", densityRatio = " << densityRatio);
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - fluid: kin. visc = " << viscosity << ", relaxation rate = " << omega );
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - grav. acceleration = " << gravitationalAcceleration );
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - Galileo number = " << GalileiNumber );
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - particle Reynolds number = " << ReynoldsNumberParticle );
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - domain size = " << domainSize);
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - cells per blocks per direction = " << cellsPerBlockPerDirection);
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - dx = " << dx_SI << " m");
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - dt = " << dt_SI << " s");
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - total time steps = " << numTimeSteps);
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - particle generation spacing = " << particleGenerationSpacing);
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - info spacing = " << infoSpacing );
-   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - vtk spacing particles = " << vtkSpacingParticles << ", fluid slice = " << vtkSpacingFluid);
-   ///////////////////////////
-   ///////////////////////////
-   const bool periodicInZ = false;
-   shared_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > blocks  = blockforest::createUniformBlockGrid( numXBlocks, numYBlocks, numZBlocks,
-                                                                                      cellsPerBlockPerDirection[0], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[1], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[2], dx,
-                                                                                      0, false, false,
-                                                                                      periodicInX, periodicInY, periodicInZ, //periodicity
-                                                                                      false );
-   auto simulationDomain = blocks->getDomain();
-   //////////////////
-   // RPD COUPLING //
-   //////////////////
-   auto rpdDomain = std::make_shared<mesa_pd::domain::BlockForestDomain>(blocks->getBlockForestPointer());
-   //init data structures
-   auto ps = walberla::make_shared<mesa_pd::data::ParticleStorage>(1);
-   auto ss = walberla::make_shared<mesa_pd::data::ShapeStorage>();
-   using ParticleAccessor_T = mesa_pd::data::ParticleAccessorWithShape;
-   auto accessor = walberla::make_shared<ParticleAccessor_T >(ps, ss);
-   // prevent particles from interfering with inflow and outflow by putting the bounding planes slightly in front
-   const real_t planeOffsetFromInflow = dx;
-   const real_t planeOffsetFromOutflow = dx;
-   createPlaneSetup(ps, ss, simulationDomain, periodicInX, periodicInY, planeOffsetFromInflow, planeOffsetFromOutflow);
-   auto sphereShape = ss->create<mesa_pd::data::Sphere>( diameter * real_t(0.5) );
-   ss->shapes[sphereShape]->updateMassAndInertia(densityParticle);
-   // create spheres
-   auto generationDomain = simulationDomain.getExtended(-particleGenerationSpacing*0.5_r);
-   for (auto pt : grid_generator::SCGrid( generationDomain, generationDomain.center(), particleGenerationSpacing))
-   {
-      if (rpdDomain->isContainedInProcessSubdomain(uint_c(mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank()), pt)) {
-         mesa_pd::data::Particle &&p = *ps->create();
-         p.setPosition(pt);
-         p.setInteractionRadius(diameter * real_t(0.5));
-         p.setOwner(mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank());
-         p.setShapeID(sphereShape);
-         p.setType(0);
-         p.setLinearVelocity(0.1_r * Vector3<real_t>(math::realRandom(-uInflow, uInflow))); // set small initial velocity to break symmetries
-      }
-   }
-   ///////////////////////
-   ////////////////////////
-   LatticeModel_T latticeModel = LatticeModel_T(omega);
-   // add PDF field
-   BlockDataID pdfFieldID = lbm::addPdfFieldToStorage< LatticeModel_T >( blocks, "pdf field", latticeModel,
-                                                                         inflowVec, densityFluid,
-                                                                uint_t(1), field::zyxf );
-   // add flag field
-   BlockDataID flagFieldID = field::addFlagFieldToStorage<FlagField_T>( blocks, "flag field" );
-   // add particle field
-   BlockDataID particleFieldID = field::addToStorage<lbm_mesapd_coupling::ParticleField_T>( blocks, "particle field", accessor->getInvalidUid(), field::zyxf, FieldGhostLayers );
-   // add boundary handling
-   using BoundaryHandling_T = MyBoundaryHandling<ParticleAccessor_T>::Type;
-   BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID = blocks->addStructuredBlockData< BoundaryHandling_T >(MyBoundaryHandling<ParticleAccessor_T>( flagFieldID, pdfFieldID, particleFieldID, accessor, inflowVec, periodicInX, periodicInY), "boundary handling" );
-   // set up RPD functionality
-   std::function<void(void)> syncCall = [&ps,&rpdDomain](){
-      const real_t overlap = real_t( 1.5 );
-      mesa_pd::mpi::SyncNextNeighbors syncNextNeighborFunc;
-      syncNextNeighborFunc(*ps, *rpdDomain, overlap);
-   };
-   syncCall();
-   real_t timeStepSizeRPD = real_t(1)/real_t(numberOfParticleSubCycles);
-   mesa_pd::kernel::VelocityVerletPreForceUpdate  vvIntegratorPreForce(timeStepSizeRPD);
-   mesa_pd::kernel::VelocityVerletPostForceUpdate vvIntegratorPostForce(timeStepSizeRPD);
-   mesa_pd::kernel::LinearSpringDashpot collisionResponse(1);
-   collisionResponse.setFrictionCoefficientDynamic(0,0,dynamicFrictionCoefficient);
-   mesa_pd::mpi::ReduceProperty reduceProperty;
-   mesa_pd::mpi::ReduceContactHistory reduceAndSwapContactHistory;
-   // set up coupling functionality
-   Vector3<real_t> gravitationalForce( real_t(0), real_t(0), -(densityParticle - densityFluid) * gravitationalAcceleration * particleVolume );
-   lbm_mesapd_coupling::AddForceOnParticlesKernel addGravitationalForce(gravitationalForce);
-   lbm_mesapd_coupling::ResetHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel resetHydrodynamicForceTorque;
-   lbm_mesapd_coupling::AverageHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel averageHydrodynamicForceTorque;
-   lbm_mesapd_coupling::LubricationCorrectionKernel lubricationCorrectionKernel(viscosity, [](real_t r){return (real_t(0.001 + real_t(0.00007)*r))*r;});
-   lbm_mesapd_coupling::ParticleMappingKernel<BoundaryHandling_T> particleMappingKernel(blocks, boundaryHandlingID);
-   lbm_mesapd_coupling::MovingParticleMappingKernel<BoundaryHandling_T> movingParticleMappingKernel(blocks, boundaryHandlingID, particleFieldID);
-   ///////////////
-   // TIME LOOP //
-   ///////////////
-   // map particles into the LBM simulation
-   // note: planes are not mapped and are thus only visible to the particles, not to the fluid
-   // instead, the respective boundary conditions for the fluid are explicitly set, see the boundary handling
-   ps->forEachParticle(false, lbm_mesapd_coupling::RegularParticlesSelector(), *accessor, movingParticleMappingKernel, *accessor, MO_Flag);
-   // setup of the LBM communication for synchronizing the pdf field between neighboring blocks
-   blockforest::communication::UniformBufferedScheme< Stencil_T > optimizedPDFCommunicationScheme( blocks );
-   optimizedPDFCommunicationScheme.addPackInfo( make_shared< lbm::PdfFieldPackInfo< LatticeModel_T > >( pdfFieldID ) ); // optimized sync
-   blockforest::communication::UniformBufferedScheme< Stencil_T > fullPDFCommunicationScheme( blocks );
-   fullPDFCommunicationScheme.addPackInfo( make_shared< field::communication::PackInfo< PdfField_T > >( pdfFieldID ) ); // full sync
-   // create the timeloop
-   SweepTimeloop timeloop( blocks->getBlockStorage(), numTimeSteps );
-   timeloop.addFuncBeforeTimeStep( RemainingTimeLogger( timeloop.getNrOfTimeSteps() ), "Remaining Time Logger" );
-   // vtk output
-   if( vtkSpacingParticles != uint_t(0) ) {
-      // sphere
-      auto particleVtkOutput = make_shared<mesa_pd::vtk::ParticleVtkOutput>(ps);
-      particleVtkOutput->addOutput<mesa_pd::data::SelectParticleUid>("uid");
-      particleVtkOutput->addOutput<mesa_pd::data::SelectParticleLinearVelocity>("velocity");
-      particleVtkOutput->addOutput<mesa_pd::data::SelectParticleInteractionRadius>("radius");
-      //limit output to process-local spheres
-      particleVtkOutput->setParticleSelector([sphereShape](const mesa_pd::data::ParticleStorage::iterator &pIt) { return pIt->getShapeID() == sphereShape &&
-                                                                                                                         !(mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::isSet(pIt->getFlags(), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::GHOST)); });
-      auto particleVtkWriter = vtk::createVTKOutput_PointData( particleVtkOutput, "particles", vtkSpacingParticles, vtkFolder );
-      timeloop.addFuncBeforeTimeStep(vtk::writeFiles(particleVtkWriter), "VTK (sphere data)");
-   }
-   if( vtkSpacingFluid != uint_t(0) )
-   {
-      // velocity field, only a slice
-      auto pdfFieldVTK = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData( blocks, "fluid", vtkSpacingFluid, 0, false, vtkFolder );
-      pdfFieldVTK->addBeforeFunction( fullPDFCommunicationScheme );
-      AABB sliceAABB( real_t(0), real_c(domainSize[1])*real_t(0.5)-real_t(1), real_t(0),
-                      real_c(domainSize[0]), real_c(domainSize[1])*real_t(0.5)+real_t(1), real_c(domainSize[2]) );
-      vtk::AABBCellFilter aabbSliceFilter( sliceAABB );
-      field::FlagFieldCellFilter< FlagField_T > fluidFilter( flagFieldID );
-      fluidFilter.addFlag( Fluid_Flag );
-      vtk::ChainedFilter combinedSliceFilter;
-      combinedSliceFilter.addFilter( fluidFilter );
-      combinedSliceFilter.addFilter( aabbSliceFilter );
-      pdfFieldVTK->addCellInclusionFilter( combinedSliceFilter );
-      pdfFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< lbm::VelocityVTKWriter< LatticeModel_T, float > >( pdfFieldID, "Velocity" ) );
-      pdfFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter( make_shared< lbm::DensityVTKWriter < LatticeModel_T, float > >( pdfFieldID, "Density" ) );
-      timeloop.addFuncBeforeTimeStep( vtk::writeFiles( pdfFieldVTK ), "VTK (fluid field data)" );
-   }
-   if( vtkSpacingFluid != uint_t(0) || vtkSpacingParticles != uint_t(0) )
-   {
-      vtk::writeDomainDecomposition( blocks, "domain_decomposition", vtkFolder );
-   }
-   // add LBM communication function and boundary handling sweep (does the hydro force calculations and the no-slip treatment)
-   timeloop.add() << BeforeFunction( optimizedPDFCommunicationScheme, "LBM Communication" )
-                  << Sweep( BoundaryHandling_T::getBlockSweep( boundaryHandlingID ), "Boundary Handling" );
-   // stream + collide LBM step
-   auto lbmSweep = lbm::makeCellwiseSweep< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T >( pdfFieldID, flagFieldID, Fluid_Flag );
-   timeloop.add() << Sweep( makeSharedSweep( lbmSweep ), "LBM stream / collide" );
-   // this is carried out after the particle integration, it corrects the flag field and restores missing PDF information
-   // then, the checkpointing file can be written, as otherwise some cells are invalid and can not be recovered
-   SweepTimeloop timeloopAfterParticles( blocks->getBlockStorage(), numTimeSteps );
-   // sweep for updating the particle mapping into the LBM simulation
-   bool strictlyConserveMomentum = false;
-   timeloopAfterParticles.add() << Sweep( lbm_mesapd_coupling::makeMovingParticleMapping<PdfField_T,BoundaryHandling_T>(blocks, pdfFieldID,boundaryHandlingID, particleFieldID, accessor, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag, lbm_mesapd_coupling::RegularParticlesSelector(), strictlyConserveMomentum), "Particle Mapping" );
-   // sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by particles
-   bool reconstruction_recomputeTargetDensity = false;
-   bool reconstruction_useCentralDifferences = true;
-   auto gradReconstructor = lbm_mesapd_coupling::makeGradsMomentApproximationReconstructor<BoundaryHandling_T>(blocks, boundaryHandlingID, omega, reconstruction_recomputeTargetDensity,reconstruction_useCentralDifferences);
-   timeloopAfterParticles.add() << BeforeFunction( fullPDFCommunicationScheme, "PDF Communication" )
-                                << Sweep( makeSharedSweep(lbm_mesapd_coupling::makePdfReconstructionManager<PdfField_T,BoundaryHandling_T>(blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, particleFieldID, accessor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag, gradReconstructor, strictlyConserveMomentum) ), "PDF Restore" );
-   ////////////////////////
-   ////////////////////////
-   WcTimingPool timeloopTiming;
-   const bool useOpenMP = false;
-   // time loop
-   for (uint_t timeStep = 0; timeStep < numTimeSteps; ++timeStep )
-   {
-      // perform a single simulation step -> this contains LBM and setting of the hydrodynamic interactions
-      timeloop.singleStep( timeloopTiming );
-      reduceProperty.operator()<mesa_pd::HydrodynamicForceTorqueNotification>(*ps);
-      if( timeStep == 0 )
-      {
-         lbm_mesapd_coupling::InitializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel initializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel;
-         ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, initializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel, *accessor );
-      }
-      ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, averageHydrodynamicForceTorque, *accessor );
-      for(auto subCycle = uint_t(0); subCycle < numberOfParticleSubCycles; ++subCycle )
-      {
-         timeloopTiming["RPD"].start();
-         ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, vvIntegratorPreForce, *accessor);
-         syncCall();
-         if(useLubricationForces)
-         {
-            // lubrication correction
-            ps->forEachParticlePairHalf(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::ExcludeInfiniteInfinite(), *accessor,
-                                        [&lubricationCorrectionKernel,&rpdDomain](const size_t idx1, const size_t idx2, auto& ac)
-                                        {
-                                           mesa_pd::collision_detection::AnalyticContactDetection acd;
-                                           acd.getContactThreshold() = lubricationCorrectionKernel.getNormalCutOffDistance();
-                                           mesa_pd::kernel::DoubleCast double_cast;
-                                           mesa_pd::mpi::ContactFilter contact_filter;
-                                           if (double_cast(idx1, idx2, ac, acd, ac ))
-                                           {
-                                              if (contact_filter(acd.getIdx1(), acd.getIdx2(), ac, acd.getContactPoint(), *rpdDomain))
-                                              {
-                                                 double_cast(acd.getIdx1(), acd.getIdx2(), ac, lubricationCorrectionKernel, ac, acd.getContactNormal(), acd.getPenetrationDepth());
-                                              }
-                                           }
-                                        },
-                                        *accessor );
-         }
-         // collision response
-         ps->forEachParticlePairHalf(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::ExcludeInfiniteInfinite(), *accessor,
-                                     [&collisionResponse, &rpdDomain, timeStepSizeRPD, coefficientOfRestitution, particleCollisionTime, kappa]
-                                     (const size_t idx1, const size_t idx2, auto& ac)
-                                     {
-                                        mesa_pd::collision_detection::AnalyticContactDetection acd;
-                                        mesa_pd::kernel::DoubleCast double_cast;
-                                        mesa_pd::mpi::ContactFilter contact_filter;
-                                        if (double_cast(idx1, idx2, ac, acd, ac ))
-                                        {
-                                           if (contact_filter(acd.getIdx1(), acd.getIdx2(), ac, acd.getContactPoint(), *rpdDomain))
-                                           {
-                                              auto meff = real_t(1) / (ac.getInvMass(idx1) + ac.getInvMass(idx2));
-                                              collisionResponse.setStiffnessAndDamping(0,0,coefficientOfRestitution, particleCollisionTime, kappa, meff);
-                                              collisionResponse(acd.getIdx1(), acd.getIdx2(), ac, acd.getContactPoint(), acd.getContactNormal(), acd.getPenetrationDepth(), timeStepSizeRPD);
-                                           }
-                                        }
-                                     },
-                                     *accessor );
-         reduceAndSwapContactHistory(*ps);
-         // add hydrodynamic force
-         lbm_mesapd_coupling::AddHydrodynamicInteractionKernel addHydrodynamicInteraction;
-         ps->forEachParticle( useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, addHydrodynamicInteraction, *accessor );
-         ps->forEachParticle( useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, addGravitationalForce, *accessor );
-         reduceProperty.operator()<mesa_pd::ForceTorqueNotification>(*ps);
-         ps->forEachParticle( useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, vvIntegratorPostForce, *accessor);
-         syncCall();
-         timeloopTiming["RPD"].end();
-      }
-      ps->forEachParticle( useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectAll(), *accessor, resetHydrodynamicForceTorque, *accessor );
-      // update particle mapping
-      timeloopAfterParticles.singleStep(timeloopTiming);
-      if(timeStep % infoSpacing == 0)
-      {
-         timeloopTiming["Evaluate infos"].start();
-         auto particleInfo = evaluateParticleInfo(*accessor);
-         WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(particleInfo);
-         auto fluidInfo = evaluateFluidInfo<BoundaryHandling_T>(blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID);
-         WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(fluidInfo);
-         timeloopTiming["Evaluate infos"].end();
-      }
-   }
-   timeloopTiming.logResultOnRoot();
-   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-} // namespace fluidized_bed
-int main( int argc, char **argv ){
-   fluidized_bed::main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/FluidizedBedMEM.cpp b/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/FluidizedBedMEM.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d9d3bc20d9fca057136e56a836087ed44aca96e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/FluidizedBedMEM.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,848 @@
+//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file FluidizedBedMEM.cpp
+//! \ingroup lbm_mesapd_coupling
+//! \author Christoph Rettinger <christoph.rettinger@fau.de>
+#include "blockforest/Initialization.h"
+#include "blockforest/communication/UniformBufferedScheme.h"
+#include "boundary/all.h"
+#include "core/DataTypes.h"
+#include "core/Environment.h"
+#include "core/debug/Debug.h"
+#include "core/grid_generator/SCIterator.h"
+#include "core/logging/all.h"
+#include "core/math/all.h"
+#include "core/mpi/Broadcast.h"
+#include "core/timing/RemainingTimeLogger.h"
+#include "core/waLBerlaBuildInfo.h"
+#include "domain_decomposition/SharedSweep.h"
+#include "field/AddToStorage.h"
+#include "field/communication/PackInfo.h"
+#include "field/vtk/all.h"
+#include "lbm/boundary/all.h"
+#include "lbm/communication/PdfFieldPackInfo.h"
+#include "lbm/field/AddToStorage.h"
+#include "lbm/field/PdfField.h"
+#include "lbm/lattice_model/D3Q19.h"
+#include "lbm/sweeps/CellwiseSweep.h"
+#include "lbm/vtk/all.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/DataTypes.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/mapping/ParticleMapping.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/MovingParticleMapping.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/boundary/CurvedLinear.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/reconstruction/PdfReconstructionManager.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/momentum_exchange_method/reconstruction/Reconstructor.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/AddForceOnParticlesKernel.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/AddHydrodynamicInteractionKernel.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/AverageHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/InitializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/LubricationCorrectionKernel.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/ParticleSelector.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/ResetHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/collision_detection/AnalyticContactDetection.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/data/DataTypes.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/data/ParticleAccessorWithShape.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/data/ParticleStorage.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/data/ShapeStorage.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/data/shape/HalfSpace.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/data/shape/Sphere.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/domain/BlockForestDataHandling.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/domain/BlockForestDomain.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/kernel/DoubleCast.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/kernel/LinearSpringDashpot.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/kernel/ParticleSelector.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/kernel/VelocityVerlet.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/mpi/ContactFilter.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/mpi/ReduceContactHistory.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/mpi/ReduceProperty.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/mpi/SyncNextNeighbors.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/mpi/notifications/ForceTorqueNotification.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/mpi/notifications/HydrodynamicForceTorqueNotification.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/vtk/ParticleVtkOutput.h"
+#include "timeloop/SweepTimeloop.h"
+#include "vtk/all.h"
+namespace fluidized_bed
+// USING //
+using namespace walberla;
+using walberla::uint_t;
+using LatticeModel_T = lbm::D3Q19< lbm::collision_model::SRT >;
+using Stencil_T  = LatticeModel_T::Stencil;
+using PdfField_T = lbm::PdfField< LatticeModel_T >;
+using flag_t      = walberla::uint8_t;
+using FlagField_T = FlagField< flag_t >;
+using ScalarField_T = GhostLayerField< real_t, 1 >;
+const uint_t FieldGhostLayers = 1;
+// FLAGS //
+const FlagUID Fluid_Flag("fluid");
+const FlagUID NoSlip_Flag("no slip");
+const FlagUID MO_Flag("moving obstacle");
+const FlagUID FormerMO_Flag("former moving obstacle");
+const FlagUID Inflow_Flag("inflow");
+const FlagUID Outflow_Flag("outflow");
+template< typename ParticleAccessor_T >
+class MyBoundaryHandling
+ public:
+   using NoSlip_T  = lbm::NoSlip< LatticeModel_T, flag_t >;
+   using MO_T      = lbm_mesapd_coupling::CurvedLinear< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T, ParticleAccessor_T >;
+   using Inflow_T  = lbm::SimpleUBB< LatticeModel_T, flag_t >;
+   using Outflow_T = lbm::SimplePressure< LatticeModel_T, flag_t >;
+   using Type      = BoundaryHandling< FlagField_T, Stencil_T, NoSlip_T, MO_T, Inflow_T, Outflow_T >;
+   MyBoundaryHandling(const BlockDataID& flagFieldID, const BlockDataID& pdfFieldID, const BlockDataID& particleFieldID,
+                      const shared_ptr< ParticleAccessor_T >& ac, Vector3< real_t > inflowVelocity, bool periodicInX,
+                      bool periodicInY)
+      : flagFieldID_(flagFieldID), pdfFieldID_(pdfFieldID), particleFieldID_(particleFieldID), ac_(ac),
+        inflowVelocity_(inflowVelocity), periodicInX_(periodicInX), periodicInY_(periodicInY)
+   {}
+   Type* operator()(IBlock* const block, const StructuredBlockStorage* const storage) const
+   {
+      auto* flagField     = block->getData< FlagField_T >(flagFieldID_);
+      auto* pdfField      = block->getData< PdfField_T >(pdfFieldID_);
+      auto* particleField = block->getData< lbm_mesapd_coupling::ParticleField_T >(particleFieldID_);
+      const auto fluid =
+         flagField->flagExists(Fluid_Flag) ? flagField->getFlag(Fluid_Flag) : flagField->registerFlag(Fluid_Flag);
+      Type* handling =
+         new Type("moving obstacle boundary handling", flagField, fluid, NoSlip_T("NoSlip", NoSlip_Flag, pdfField),
+                  MO_T("MO", MO_Flag, pdfField, flagField, particleField, ac_, fluid, *storage, *block),
+                  Inflow_T("Inflow", Inflow_Flag, pdfField, inflowVelocity_),
+                  Outflow_T("Outflow", Outflow_Flag, pdfField, real_t(1)));
+      const auto inflow  = flagField->getFlag(Inflow_Flag);
+      const auto outflow = flagField->getFlag(Outflow_Flag);
+      const auto noslip  = flagField->getFlag(NoSlip_Flag);
+      CellInterval domainBB = storage->getDomainCellBB();
+      domainBB.xMin() -= cell_idx_c(FieldGhostLayers);
+      domainBB.xMax() += cell_idx_c(FieldGhostLayers);
+      domainBB.zMin() -= cell_idx_c(FieldGhostLayers);
+      domainBB.zMax() += cell_idx_c(FieldGhostLayers);
+      domainBB.yMin() -= cell_idx_c(FieldGhostLayers);
+      domainBB.yMax() += cell_idx_c(FieldGhostLayers);
+      // inflow at bottom
+      CellInterval bottom(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(),
+                          domainBB.zMin());
+      storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(bottom, *block);
+      handling->forceBoundary(inflow, bottom);
+      // outflow at top
+      CellInterval top(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMax(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(),
+                       domainBB.zMax());
+      storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(top, *block);
+      handling->forceBoundary(outflow, top);
+      if (!periodicInX_)
+      {
+         // left
+         CellInterval left(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMax(),
+                           domainBB.zMax());
+         storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(left, *block);
+         handling->forceBoundary(noslip, left);
+         // right
+         CellInterval right(domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(),
+                            domainBB.zMax());
+         storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(right, *block);
+         handling->forceBoundary(noslip, right);
+      }
+      if (!periodicInY_)
+      {
+         // front
+         CellInterval front(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMin(),
+                            domainBB.zMax());
+         storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(front, *block);
+         handling->forceBoundary(noslip, front);
+         // back
+         CellInterval back(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMax(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(),
+                           domainBB.zMax());
+         storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(back, *block);
+         handling->forceBoundary(noslip, back);
+      }
+      handling->fillWithDomain(FieldGhostLayers);
+      return handling;
+   }
+ private:
+   const BlockDataID flagFieldID_;
+   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
+   const BlockDataID particleFieldID_;
+   shared_ptr< ParticleAccessor_T > ac_;
+   Vector3< real_t > inflowVelocity_;
+   bool periodicInX_;
+   bool periodicInY_;
+void createPlane(const shared_ptr< mesa_pd::data::ParticleStorage >& ps,
+                 const shared_ptr< mesa_pd::data::ShapeStorage >& ss, Vector3< real_t > position,
+                 Vector3< real_t > normal)
+   mesa_pd::data::Particle&& p0 = *ps->create(true);
+   p0.setPosition(position);
+   p0.setInteractionRadius(std::numeric_limits< real_t >::infinity());
+   p0.setShapeID(ss->create< mesa_pd::data::HalfSpace >(normal));
+   p0.setOwner(mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank());
+   p0.setType(0);
+   mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::set(p0.getFlagsRef(), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::INFINITE);
+   mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::set(p0.getFlagsRef(), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::FIXED);
+void createPlaneSetup(const shared_ptr< mesa_pd::data::ParticleStorage >& ps,
+                      const shared_ptr< mesa_pd::data::ShapeStorage >& ss, const math::AABB& simulationDomain,
+                      bool periodicInX, bool periodicInY, real_t offsetAtInflow, real_t offsetAtOutflow)
+   createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.minCorner() + Vector3< real_t >(0, 0, offsetAtInflow),
+               Vector3< real_t >(0, 0, 1));
+   createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.maxCorner() + Vector3< real_t >(0, 0, offsetAtOutflow),
+               Vector3< real_t >(0, 0, -1));
+   if (!periodicInX)
+   {
+      createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.minCorner(), Vector3< real_t >(1, 0, 0));
+      createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.maxCorner(), Vector3< real_t >(-1, 0, 0));
+   }
+   if (!periodicInY)
+   {
+      createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.minCorner(), Vector3< real_t >(0, 1, 0));
+      createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.maxCorner(), Vector3< real_t >(0, -1, 0));
+   }
+struct ParticleInfo
+   real_t averageVelocity = 0_r;
+   real_t maximumVelocity = 0_r;
+   uint_t numParticles    = 0;
+   real_t maximumHeight   = 0_r;
+   real_t particleVolume  = 0_r;
+   real_t heightOfMass    = 0_r;
+   void allReduce()
+   {
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(numParticles, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(averageVelocity, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(maximumVelocity, walberla::mpi::MAX);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(maximumHeight, walberla::mpi::MAX);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(particleVolume, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(heightOfMass, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      averageVelocity /= real_c(numParticles);
+      heightOfMass /= particleVolume;
+   }
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ParticleInfo const& m)
+   return os << "Particle Info: uAvg = " << m.averageVelocity << ", uMax = " << m.maximumVelocity
+             << ", numParticles = " << m.numParticles << ", zMax = " << m.maximumHeight << ", Vp = " << m.particleVolume
+             << ", zMass = " << m.heightOfMass;
+template< typename Accessor_T >
+ParticleInfo evaluateParticleInfo(const Accessor_T& ac)
+   static_assert(std::is_base_of< mesa_pd::data::IAccessor, Accessor_T >::value, "Provide a valid accessor");
+   ParticleInfo info;
+   for (uint_t i = 0; i < ac.size(); ++i)
+   {
+      if (isSet(ac.getFlags(i), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::GHOST)) continue;
+      if (isSet(ac.getFlags(i), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::GLOBAL)) continue;
+      ++info.numParticles;
+      real_t velMagnitude   = ac.getLinearVelocity(i).length();
+      real_t particleVolume = ac.getShape(i)->getVolume();
+      real_t height         = ac.getPosition(i)[2];
+      info.averageVelocity += velMagnitude;
+      info.maximumVelocity = std::max(info.maximumVelocity, velMagnitude);
+      info.maximumHeight   = std::max(info.maximumHeight, height);
+      info.particleVolume += particleVolume;
+      info.heightOfMass += particleVolume * height;
+   }
+   info.allReduce();
+   return info;
+struct FluidInfo
+   uint_t numFluidCells   = 0;
+   real_t averageVelocity = 0_r;
+   real_t maximumVelocity = 0_r;
+   real_t averageDensity  = 0_r;
+   real_t maximumDensity  = 0_r;
+   void allReduce()
+   {
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(numFluidCells, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(averageVelocity, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(maximumVelocity, walberla::mpi::MAX);
+      ;
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(averageDensity, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(maximumDensity, walberla::mpi::MAX);
+      averageVelocity /= real_c(numFluidCells);
+      averageDensity /= real_c(numFluidCells);
+   }
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, FluidInfo const& m)
+   return os << "Fluid Info: numFluidCells = " << m.numFluidCells << ", uAvg = " << m.averageVelocity
+             << ", uMax = " << m.maximumVelocity << ", densityAvg = " << m.averageDensity
+             << ", densityMax = " << m.maximumDensity;
+template< typename BoundaryHandling_T >
+FluidInfo evaluateFluidInfo(const shared_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage >& blocks, const BlockDataID& pdfFieldID,
+                            const BlockDataID& boundaryHandlingID)
+   FluidInfo info;
+   for (auto blockIt = blocks->begin(); blockIt != blocks->end(); ++blockIt)
+   {
+      auto pdfField         = blockIt->getData< PdfField_T >(pdfFieldID);
+      auto boundaryHandling = blockIt->getData< BoundaryHandling_T >(boundaryHandlingID);
+         pdfField, if (!boundaryHandling->isDomain(x, y, z)) continue; ++info.numFluidCells;
+         Vector3< real_t > velocity(0_r); real_t density = pdfField->getDensityAndVelocity(velocity, x, y, z);
+         real_t velMagnitude                             = velocity.length(); info.averageVelocity += velMagnitude;
+         info.maximumVelocity = std::max(info.maximumVelocity, velMagnitude); info.averageDensity += density;
+         info.maximumDensity  = std::max(info.maximumDensity, density);)
+   }
+   info.allReduce();
+   return info;
+// MAIN //
+/*!\brief Basic simulation of a fluidization setup
+ *
+ * Initially, the mono-sized sphere are created on a structured grid inside the domain.
+ * The domain is either periodic or bounded by walls in the horizontal directions (x and y).
+ * In z-direction, a constant inflow from below is provided
+ * and a pressure boundary condition is set at the top, resembling an outflow boundary.
+ *
+ * The simulation is run for the given number of seconds (runtime).
+ *
+ * All parameters should be set via the input file.
+ *
+ * For the overall algorithm and the different model parameters, see
+ * Rettinger, Rüde - An efficient four-way coupled lattice Boltzmann - discrete element method for
+ * fully resolved simulations of particle-laden flows (2020, preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.01490)
+ *
+ */
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+   Environment env(argc, argv);
+   auto cfgFile = env.config();
+   if (!cfgFile) { WALBERLA_ABORT("Usage: " << argv[0] << " path-to-configuration-file \n"); }
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("waLBerla revision: " << std::string(WALBERLA_GIT_SHA1).substr(0, 8));
+   // read all parameters from the config file
+   Config::BlockHandle physicalSetup         = cfgFile->getBlock("PhysicalSetup");
+   const real_t xSize_SI                     = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("xSize");
+   const real_t ySize_SI                     = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("ySize");
+   const real_t zSize_SI                     = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("zSize");
+   const bool periodicInX                    = physicalSetup.getParameter< bool >("periodicInX");
+   const bool periodicInY                    = physicalSetup.getParameter< bool >("periodicInY");
+   const real_t runtime_SI                   = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("runtime");
+   const real_t uInflow_SI                   = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("uInflow");
+   const real_t gravitationalAcceleration_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("gravitationalAcceleration");
+   const real_t kinematicViscosityFluid_SI   = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("kinematicViscosityFluid");
+   const real_t densityFluid_SI              = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("densityFluid");
+   const real_t particleDiameter_SI          = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("particleDiameter");
+   const real_t densityParticle_SI           = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("densityParticle");
+   const real_t dynamicFrictionCoefficient   = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("dynamicFrictionCoefficient");
+   const real_t coefficientOfRestitution     = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("coefficientOfRestitution");
+   const real_t particleGenerationSpacing_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("particleGenerationSpacing");
+   Config::BlockHandle numericalSetup     = cfgFile->getBlock("NumericalSetup");
+   const real_t dx_SI                     = numericalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("dx");
+   const real_t uInflow                   = numericalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("uInflow");
+   const uint_t numXBlocks                = numericalSetup.getParameter< uint_t >("numXBlocks");
+   const uint_t numYBlocks                = numericalSetup.getParameter< uint_t >("numYBlocks");
+   const uint_t numZBlocks                = numericalSetup.getParameter< uint_t >("numZBlocks");
+   const bool useLubricationForces        = numericalSetup.getParameter< bool >("useLubricationForces");
+   const uint_t numberOfParticleSubCycles = numericalSetup.getParameter< uint_t >("numberOfParticleSubCycles");
+   Config::BlockHandle outputSetup     = cfgFile->getBlock("Output");
+   const real_t infoSpacing_SI         = outputSetup.getParameter< real_t >("infoSpacing");
+   const real_t vtkSpacingParticles_SI = outputSetup.getParameter< real_t >("vtkSpacingParticles");
+   const real_t vtkSpacingFluid_SI     = outputSetup.getParameter< real_t >("vtkSpacingFluid");
+   const std::string vtkFolder         = outputSetup.getParameter< std::string >("vtkFolder");
+   // convert SI units to simulation (LBM) units and check setup
+   Vector3< uint_t > domainSize(uint_c(std::ceil(xSize_SI / dx_SI)), uint_c(std::ceil(ySize_SI / dx_SI)),
+                                uint_c(std::ceil(zSize_SI / dx_SI)));
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL(real_t(domainSize[0]) * dx_SI, xSize_SI, "domain size in x is not divisible by given dx");
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL(real_t(domainSize[1]) * dx_SI, ySize_SI, "domain size in y is not divisible by given dx");
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL(real_t(domainSize[2]) * dx_SI, zSize_SI, "domain size in z is not divisible by given dx");
+   Vector3< uint_t > cellsPerBlockPerDirection(domainSize[0] / numXBlocks, domainSize[1] / numYBlocks,
+                                               domainSize[2] / numZBlocks);
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(domainSize[0], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[0] * numXBlocks,
+                        "number of cells in x of " << domainSize[0]
+                                                   << " is not divisible by given number of blocks in x direction");
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(domainSize[1], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[1] * numYBlocks,
+                        "number of cells in y of " << domainSize[1]
+                                                   << " is not divisible by given number of blocks in y direction");
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(domainSize[2], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[2] * numZBlocks,
+                        "number of cells in z of " << domainSize[2]
+                                                   << " is not divisible by given number of blocks in z direction");
+      particleDiameter_SI / dx_SI, 5_r,
+      "Your numerical resolution is below 5 cells per diameter and thus too small for such simulations!");
+   const real_t densityRatio           = densityParticle_SI / densityFluid_SI;
+   const real_t ReynoldsNumberParticle = uInflow_SI * particleDiameter_SI / kinematicViscosityFluid_SI;
+   const real_t GalileiNumber = std::sqrt((densityRatio - 1_r) * particleDiameter_SI * gravitationalAcceleration_SI) *
+                                particleDiameter_SI / kinematicViscosityFluid_SI;
+   // in simulation units: dt = 1, dx = 1, densityFluid = 1
+   const real_t dt_SI                     = uInflow / uInflow_SI * dx_SI;
+   const real_t diameter                  = particleDiameter_SI / dx_SI;
+   const real_t particleGenerationSpacing = particleGenerationSpacing_SI / dx_SI;
+   const real_t viscosity                 = kinematicViscosityFluid_SI * dt_SI / (dx_SI * dx_SI);
+   const real_t omega                     = lbm::collision_model::omegaFromViscosity(viscosity);
+   const real_t gravitationalAcceleration = gravitationalAcceleration_SI * dt_SI * dt_SI / dx_SI;
+   const real_t particleVolume            = math::pi / 6_r * diameter * diameter * diameter;
+   const real_t densityFluid    = real_t(1);
+   const real_t densityParticle = densityRatio;
+   const real_t dx              = real_t(1);
+   const uint_t numTimeSteps        = uint_c(std::ceil(runtime_SI / dt_SI));
+   const uint_t infoSpacing         = uint_c(std::ceil(infoSpacing_SI / dt_SI));
+   const uint_t vtkSpacingParticles = uint_c(std::ceil(vtkSpacingParticles_SI / dt_SI));
+   const uint_t vtkSpacingFluid     = uint_c(std::ceil(vtkSpacingFluid_SI / dt_SI));
+   const Vector3< real_t > inflowVec(0_r, 0_r, uInflow);
+   const real_t poissonsRatio         = real_t(0.22);
+   const real_t kappa                 = real_t(2) * (real_t(1) - poissonsRatio) / (real_t(2) - poissonsRatio);
+   const real_t particleCollisionTime = 4_r * diameter;
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Simulation setup:");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - particles: diameter = " << diameter << ", densityRatio = " << densityRatio);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - fluid: kin. visc = " << viscosity << ", relaxation rate = " << omega);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - grav. acceleration = " << gravitationalAcceleration);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - Galileo number = " << GalileiNumber);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - particle Reynolds number = " << ReynoldsNumberParticle);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - domain size = " << domainSize);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - cells per blocks per direction = " << cellsPerBlockPerDirection);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - dx = " << dx_SI << " m");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - dt = " << dt_SI << " s");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - total time steps = " << numTimeSteps);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - particle generation spacing = " << particleGenerationSpacing);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - info spacing = " << infoSpacing);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - vtk spacing particles = " << vtkSpacingParticles
+                                                           << ", fluid slice = " << vtkSpacingFluid);
+   ///////////////////////////
+   ///////////////////////////
+   const bool periodicInZ                     = false;
+   shared_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGrid(
+      numXBlocks, numYBlocks, numZBlocks, cellsPerBlockPerDirection[0], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[1],
+      cellsPerBlockPerDirection[2], dx, 0, false, false, periodicInX, periodicInY, periodicInZ, // periodicity
+      false);
+   auto simulationDomain = blocks->getDomain();
+   //////////////////
+   // RPD COUPLING //
+   //////////////////
+   auto rpdDomain = std::make_shared< mesa_pd::domain::BlockForestDomain >(blocks->getBlockForestPointer());
+   // init data structures
+   auto ps                  = walberla::make_shared< mesa_pd::data::ParticleStorage >(1);
+   auto ss                  = walberla::make_shared< mesa_pd::data::ShapeStorage >();
+   using ParticleAccessor_T = mesa_pd::data::ParticleAccessorWithShape;
+   auto accessor            = walberla::make_shared< ParticleAccessor_T >(ps, ss);
+   // prevent particles from interfering with inflow and outflow by putting the bounding planes slightly in front
+   const real_t planeOffsetFromInflow  = dx;
+   const real_t planeOffsetFromOutflow = dx;
+   createPlaneSetup(ps, ss, simulationDomain, periodicInX, periodicInY, planeOffsetFromInflow, planeOffsetFromOutflow);
+   auto sphereShape = ss->create< mesa_pd::data::Sphere >(diameter * real_t(0.5));
+   ss->shapes[sphereShape]->updateMassAndInertia(densityParticle);
+   // create spheres
+   auto generationDomain = simulationDomain.getExtended(-particleGenerationSpacing * 0.5_r);
+   for (auto pt : grid_generator::SCGrid(generationDomain, generationDomain.center(), particleGenerationSpacing))
+   {
+      if (rpdDomain->isContainedInProcessSubdomain(uint_c(mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank()), pt))
+      {
+         mesa_pd::data::Particle&& p = *ps->create();
+         p.setPosition(pt);
+         p.setInteractionRadius(diameter * real_t(0.5));
+         p.setOwner(mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank());
+         p.setShapeID(sphereShape);
+         p.setType(0);
+         p.setLinearVelocity(0.1_r * Vector3< real_t >(math::realRandom(
+                                        -uInflow, uInflow))); // set small initial velocity to break symmetries
+      }
+   }
+   ///////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////
+   LatticeModel_T latticeModel = LatticeModel_T(omega);
+   // add PDF field
+   BlockDataID pdfFieldID = lbm::addPdfFieldToStorage< LatticeModel_T >(blocks, "pdf field", latticeModel, inflowVec,
+                                                                        densityFluid, uint_t(1), field::zyxf);
+   // add flag field
+   BlockDataID flagFieldID = field::addFlagFieldToStorage< FlagField_T >(blocks, "flag field");
+   // add particle field
+   BlockDataID particleFieldID = field::addToStorage< lbm_mesapd_coupling::ParticleField_T >(
+      blocks, "particle field", accessor->getInvalidUid(), field::zyxf, FieldGhostLayers);
+   // add boundary handling
+   using BoundaryHandling_T       = MyBoundaryHandling< ParticleAccessor_T >::Type;
+   BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID = blocks->addStructuredBlockData< BoundaryHandling_T >(
+      MyBoundaryHandling< ParticleAccessor_T >(flagFieldID, pdfFieldID, particleFieldID, accessor, inflowVec,
+                                               periodicInX, periodicInY),
+      "boundary handling");
+   // set up RPD functionality
+   std::function< void(void) > syncCall = [&ps, &rpdDomain]() {
+      const real_t overlap = real_t(1.5);
+      mesa_pd::mpi::SyncNextNeighbors syncNextNeighborFunc;
+      syncNextNeighborFunc(*ps, *rpdDomain, overlap);
+   };
+   syncCall();
+   real_t timeStepSizeRPD = real_t(1) / real_t(numberOfParticleSubCycles);
+   mesa_pd::kernel::VelocityVerletPreForceUpdate vvIntegratorPreForce(timeStepSizeRPD);
+   mesa_pd::kernel::VelocityVerletPostForceUpdate vvIntegratorPostForce(timeStepSizeRPD);
+   mesa_pd::kernel::LinearSpringDashpot collisionResponse(1);
+   collisionResponse.setFrictionCoefficientDynamic(0, 0, dynamicFrictionCoefficient);
+   mesa_pd::mpi::ReduceProperty reduceProperty;
+   mesa_pd::mpi::ReduceContactHistory reduceAndSwapContactHistory;
+   // set up coupling functionality
+   Vector3< real_t > gravitationalForce(real_t(0), real_t(0),
+                                        -(densityParticle - densityFluid) * gravitationalAcceleration * particleVolume);
+   lbm_mesapd_coupling::AddForceOnParticlesKernel addGravitationalForce(gravitationalForce);
+   lbm_mesapd_coupling::ResetHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel resetHydrodynamicForceTorque;
+   lbm_mesapd_coupling::AverageHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel averageHydrodynamicForceTorque;
+   lbm_mesapd_coupling::LubricationCorrectionKernel lubricationCorrectionKernel(
+      viscosity, [](real_t r) { return (real_t(0.001 + real_t(0.00007) * r)) * r; });
+   lbm_mesapd_coupling::ParticleMappingKernel< BoundaryHandling_T > particleMappingKernel(blocks, boundaryHandlingID);
+   lbm_mesapd_coupling::MovingParticleMappingKernel< BoundaryHandling_T > movingParticleMappingKernel(
+      blocks, boundaryHandlingID, particleFieldID);
+   ///////////////
+   // TIME LOOP //
+   ///////////////
+   // map particles into the LBM simulation
+   // note: planes are not mapped and are thus only visible to the particles, not to the fluid
+   // instead, the respective boundary conditions for the fluid are explicitly set, see the boundary handling
+   ps->forEachParticle(false, lbm_mesapd_coupling::RegularParticlesSelector(), *accessor, movingParticleMappingKernel,
+                       *accessor, MO_Flag);
+   // setup of the LBM communication for synchronizing the pdf field between neighboring blocks
+   blockforest::communication::UniformBufferedScheme< Stencil_T > optimizedPDFCommunicationScheme(blocks);
+   optimizedPDFCommunicationScheme.addPackInfo(
+      make_shared< lbm::PdfFieldPackInfo< LatticeModel_T > >(pdfFieldID)); // optimized sync
+   blockforest::communication::UniformBufferedScheme< Stencil_T > fullPDFCommunicationScheme(blocks);
+   fullPDFCommunicationScheme.addPackInfo(
+      make_shared< field::communication::PackInfo< PdfField_T > >(pdfFieldID)); // full sync
+   // create the timeloop
+   SweepTimeloop timeloop(blocks->getBlockStorage(), numTimeSteps);
+   timeloop.addFuncBeforeTimeStep(RemainingTimeLogger(timeloop.getNrOfTimeSteps()), "Remaining Time Logger");
+   // vtk output
+   if (vtkSpacingParticles != uint_t(0))
+   {
+      // sphere
+      auto particleVtkOutput = make_shared< mesa_pd::vtk::ParticleVtkOutput >(ps);
+      particleVtkOutput->addOutput< mesa_pd::data::SelectParticleUid >("uid");
+      particleVtkOutput->addOutput< mesa_pd::data::SelectParticleLinearVelocity >("velocity");
+      particleVtkOutput->addOutput< mesa_pd::data::SelectParticleInteractionRadius >("radius");
+      // limit output to process-local spheres
+      particleVtkOutput->setParticleSelector([sphereShape](const mesa_pd::data::ParticleStorage::iterator& pIt) {
+         return pIt->getShapeID() == sphereShape &&
+                !(mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::isSet(pIt->getFlags(), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::GHOST));
+      });
+      auto particleVtkWriter =
+         vtk::createVTKOutput_PointData(particleVtkOutput, "particles", vtkSpacingParticles, vtkFolder);
+      timeloop.addFuncBeforeTimeStep(vtk::writeFiles(particleVtkWriter), "VTK (sphere data)");
+   }
+   if (vtkSpacingFluid != uint_t(0))
+   {
+      // velocity field, only a slice
+      auto pdfFieldVTK = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData(blocks, "fluid", vtkSpacingFluid, 0, false, vtkFolder);
+      pdfFieldVTK->addBeforeFunction(fullPDFCommunicationScheme);
+      AABB sliceAABB(real_t(0), real_c(domainSize[1]) * real_t(0.5) - real_t(1), real_t(0), real_c(domainSize[0]),
+                     real_c(domainSize[1]) * real_t(0.5) + real_t(1), real_c(domainSize[2]));
+      vtk::AABBCellFilter aabbSliceFilter(sliceAABB);
+      field::FlagFieldCellFilter< FlagField_T > fluidFilter(flagFieldID);
+      fluidFilter.addFlag(Fluid_Flag);
+      vtk::ChainedFilter combinedSliceFilter;
+      combinedSliceFilter.addFilter(fluidFilter);
+      combinedSliceFilter.addFilter(aabbSliceFilter);
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellInclusionFilter(combinedSliceFilter);
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter(
+         make_shared< lbm::VelocityVTKWriter< LatticeModel_T, float > >(pdfFieldID, "Velocity"));
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter(
+         make_shared< lbm::DensityVTKWriter< LatticeModel_T, float > >(pdfFieldID, "Density"));
+      timeloop.addFuncBeforeTimeStep(vtk::writeFiles(pdfFieldVTK), "VTK (fluid field data)");
+   }
+   if (vtkSpacingFluid != uint_t(0) || vtkSpacingParticles != uint_t(0))
+   {
+      vtk::writeDomainDecomposition(blocks, "domain_decomposition", vtkFolder);
+   }
+   // add LBM communication function and boundary handling sweep (does the hydro force calculations and the no-slip
+   // treatment)
+   timeloop.add() << BeforeFunction(optimizedPDFCommunicationScheme, "LBM Communication")
+                  << Sweep(BoundaryHandling_T::getBlockSweep(boundaryHandlingID), "Boundary Handling");
+   // stream + collide LBM step
+   auto lbmSweep = lbm::makeCellwiseSweep< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T >(pdfFieldID, flagFieldID, Fluid_Flag);
+   timeloop.add() << Sweep(makeSharedSweep(lbmSweep), "LBM stream / collide");
+   // this is carried out after the particle integration, it corrects the flag field and restores missing PDF
+   // information then, the checkpointing file can be written, as otherwise some cells are invalid and can not be
+   // recovered
+   SweepTimeloop timeloopAfterParticles(blocks->getBlockStorage(), numTimeSteps);
+   // sweep for updating the particle mapping into the LBM simulation
+   bool strictlyConserveMomentum = false;
+   timeloopAfterParticles.add() << Sweep(
+      lbm_mesapd_coupling::makeMovingParticleMapping< PdfField_T, BoundaryHandling_T >(
+         blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, particleFieldID, accessor, MO_Flag, FormerMO_Flag,
+         lbm_mesapd_coupling::RegularParticlesSelector(), strictlyConserveMomentum),
+      "Particle Mapping");
+   // sweep for restoring PDFs in cells previously occupied by particles
+   bool reconstruction_recomputeTargetDensity = false;
+   bool reconstruction_useCentralDifferences  = true;
+   auto gradReconstructor = lbm_mesapd_coupling::makeGradsMomentApproximationReconstructor< BoundaryHandling_T >(
+      blocks, boundaryHandlingID, omega, reconstruction_recomputeTargetDensity, reconstruction_useCentralDifferences);
+   timeloopAfterParticles.add()
+      << BeforeFunction(fullPDFCommunicationScheme, "PDF Communication")
+      << Sweep(makeSharedSweep(lbm_mesapd_coupling::makePdfReconstructionManager< PdfField_T, BoundaryHandling_T >(
+                  blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID, particleFieldID, accessor, FormerMO_Flag, Fluid_Flag,
+                  gradReconstructor, strictlyConserveMomentum)),
+               "PDF Restore");
+   ////////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////
+   WcTimingPool timeloopTiming;
+   const bool useOpenMP = false;
+   // time loop
+   for (uint_t timeStep = 0; timeStep < numTimeSteps; ++timeStep)
+   {
+      // perform a single simulation step -> this contains LBM and setting of the hydrodynamic interactions
+      timeloop.singleStep(timeloopTiming);
+      reduceProperty.operator()< mesa_pd::HydrodynamicForceTorqueNotification >(*ps);
+      if (timeStep == 0)
+      {
+         lbm_mesapd_coupling::InitializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel
+            initializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel;
+         ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor,
+                             initializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel, *accessor);
+      }
+      ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, averageHydrodynamicForceTorque,
+                          *accessor);
+      for (auto subCycle = uint_t(0); subCycle < numberOfParticleSubCycles; ++subCycle)
+      {
+         timeloopTiming["RPD"].start();
+         ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, vvIntegratorPreForce, *accessor);
+         syncCall();
+         if (useLubricationForces)
+         {
+            // lubrication correction
+            ps->forEachParticlePairHalf(
+               useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::ExcludeInfiniteInfinite(), *accessor,
+               [&lubricationCorrectionKernel, &rpdDomain](const size_t idx1, const size_t idx2, auto& ac) {
+                  mesa_pd::collision_detection::AnalyticContactDetection acd;
+                  acd.getContactThreshold() = lubricationCorrectionKernel.getNormalCutOffDistance();
+                  mesa_pd::kernel::DoubleCast double_cast;
+                  mesa_pd::mpi::ContactFilter contact_filter;
+                  if (double_cast(idx1, idx2, ac, acd, ac))
+                  {
+                     if (contact_filter(acd.getIdx1(), acd.getIdx2(), ac, acd.getContactPoint(), *rpdDomain))
+                     {
+                        double_cast(acd.getIdx1(), acd.getIdx2(), ac, lubricationCorrectionKernel, ac,
+                                    acd.getContactNormal(), acd.getPenetrationDepth());
+                     }
+                  }
+               },
+               *accessor);
+         }
+         // collision response
+         ps->forEachParticlePairHalf(
+            useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::ExcludeInfiniteInfinite(), *accessor,
+            [&collisionResponse, &rpdDomain, timeStepSizeRPD, coefficientOfRestitution, particleCollisionTime,
+             kappa](const size_t idx1, const size_t idx2, auto& ac) {
+               mesa_pd::collision_detection::AnalyticContactDetection acd;
+               mesa_pd::kernel::DoubleCast double_cast;
+               mesa_pd::mpi::ContactFilter contact_filter;
+               if (double_cast(idx1, idx2, ac, acd, ac))
+               {
+                  if (contact_filter(acd.getIdx1(), acd.getIdx2(), ac, acd.getContactPoint(), *rpdDomain))
+                  {
+                     auto meff = real_t(1) / (ac.getInvMass(idx1) + ac.getInvMass(idx2));
+                     collisionResponse.setStiffnessAndDamping(0, 0, coefficientOfRestitution, particleCollisionTime,
+                                                              kappa, meff);
+                     collisionResponse(acd.getIdx1(), acd.getIdx2(), ac, acd.getContactPoint(), acd.getContactNormal(),
+                                       acd.getPenetrationDepth(), timeStepSizeRPD);
+                  }
+               }
+            },
+            *accessor);
+         reduceAndSwapContactHistory(*ps);
+         // add hydrodynamic force
+         lbm_mesapd_coupling::AddHydrodynamicInteractionKernel addHydrodynamicInteraction;
+         ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, addHydrodynamicInteraction,
+                             *accessor);
+         ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, addGravitationalForce, *accessor);
+         reduceProperty.operator()< mesa_pd::ForceTorqueNotification >(*ps);
+         ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, vvIntegratorPostForce, *accessor);
+         syncCall();
+         timeloopTiming["RPD"].end();
+      }
+      ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectAll(), *accessor, resetHydrodynamicForceTorque, *accessor);
+      // update particle mapping
+      timeloopAfterParticles.singleStep(timeloopTiming);
+      if (timeStep % infoSpacing == 0)
+      {
+         timeloopTiming["Evaluate infos"].start();
+         auto particleInfo = evaluateParticleInfo(*accessor);
+         WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(particleInfo);
+         auto fluidInfo = evaluateFluidInfo< BoundaryHandling_T >(blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID);
+         WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(fluidInfo);
+         timeloopTiming["Evaluate infos"].end();
+      }
+   }
+   timeloopTiming.logResultOnRoot();
+   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+} // namespace fluidized_bed
+int main(int argc, char** argv) { fluidized_bed::main(argc, argv); }
diff --git a/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/FluidizedBedPSM.cpp b/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/FluidizedBedPSM.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b35bca1bb18e2e9ef92df8ae0f7b5520d6c9fec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/showcases/FluidizedBed/FluidizedBedPSM.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
+//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+//! \file FluidizedBedPSM.cpp
+//! \ingroup lbm_mesapd_coupling
+//! \author Samuel Kemmler <samuel.kemmler@fau.de>
+//! \author Christoph Rettinger <christoph.rettinger@fau.de>
+//! \brief Modification of showcases/FluidizedBed/FluidizedBedMEM.cpp
+#include "blockforest/Initialization.h"
+#include "blockforest/communication/UniformBufferedScheme.h"
+#include "boundary/all.h"
+#include "core/DataTypes.h"
+#include "core/Environment.h"
+#include "core/debug/Debug.h"
+#include "core/grid_generator/SCIterator.h"
+#include "core/logging/all.h"
+#include "core/math/all.h"
+#include "core/mpi/Broadcast.h"
+#include "core/timing/RemainingTimeLogger.h"
+#include "core/waLBerlaBuildInfo.h"
+#include "domain_decomposition/SharedSweep.h"
+#include "field/AddToStorage.h"
+#include "field/vtk/all.h"
+#include "lbm/boundary/all.h"
+#include "lbm/communication/PdfFieldPackInfo.h"
+#include "lbm/field/AddToStorage.h"
+#include "lbm/field/PdfField.h"
+#include "lbm/lattice_model/D3Q19.h"
+#include "lbm/vtk/all.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/DataTypes.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/mapping/ParticleMapping.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/partially_saturated_cells_method/PSMSweep.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/partially_saturated_cells_method/PSMUtility.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/partially_saturated_cells_method/ParticleAndVolumeFractionMapping.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/AddForceOnParticlesKernel.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/AddHydrodynamicInteractionKernel.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/AverageHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/InitializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/LubricationCorrectionKernel.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/ParticleSelector.h"
+#include "lbm_mesapd_coupling/utility/ResetHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/collision_detection/AnalyticContactDetection.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/data/DataTypes.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/data/ParticleAccessorWithShape.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/data/ParticleStorage.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/data/ShapeStorage.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/data/shape/HalfSpace.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/data/shape/Sphere.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/domain/BlockForestDataHandling.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/domain/BlockForestDomain.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/kernel/DoubleCast.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/kernel/LinearSpringDashpot.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/kernel/ParticleSelector.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/kernel/VelocityVerlet.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/mpi/ContactFilter.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/mpi/ReduceContactHistory.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/mpi/ReduceProperty.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/mpi/SyncNextNeighbors.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/mpi/notifications/ForceTorqueNotification.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/mpi/notifications/HydrodynamicForceTorqueNotification.h"
+#include "mesa_pd/vtk/ParticleVtkOutput.h"
+#include "timeloop/SweepTimeloop.h"
+#include "vtk/all.h"
+namespace fluidized_bed
+// USING //
+using namespace walberla;
+using walberla::uint_t;
+using LatticeModel_T = lbm::D3Q19< lbm::collision_model::SRT >;
+using Stencil_T  = LatticeModel_T::Stencil;
+using PdfField_T = lbm::PdfField< LatticeModel_T >;
+using flag_t      = walberla::uint8_t;
+using FlagField_T = FlagField< flag_t >;
+using ScalarField_T = GhostLayerField< real_t, 1 >;
+const uint_t FieldGhostLayers = 1;
+// FLAGS //
+const FlagUID Fluid_Flag("fluid");
+const FlagUID NoSlip_Flag("no slip");
+const FlagUID Inflow_Flag("inflow");
+const FlagUID Outflow_Flag("outflow");
+template< typename ParticleAccessor_T >
+class MyBoundaryHandling
+ public:
+   using NoSlip_T  = lbm::NoSlip< LatticeModel_T, flag_t >;
+   using Inflow_T  = lbm::SimpleUBB< LatticeModel_T, flag_t >;
+   using Outflow_T = lbm::SimplePressure< LatticeModel_T, flag_t >;
+   using Type      = BoundaryHandling< FlagField_T, Stencil_T, NoSlip_T, Inflow_T, Outflow_T >;
+   MyBoundaryHandling(const BlockDataID& flagFieldID, const BlockDataID& pdfFieldID,
+                      const shared_ptr< ParticleAccessor_T >& ac, Vector3< real_t > inflowVelocity, bool periodicInX,
+                      bool periodicInY)
+      : flagFieldID_(flagFieldID), pdfFieldID_(pdfFieldID), ac_(ac), inflowVelocity_(inflowVelocity),
+        periodicInX_(periodicInX), periodicInY_(periodicInY)
+   {}
+   Type* operator()(IBlock* const block, const StructuredBlockStorage* const storage) const
+   {
+      auto* flagField = block->getData< FlagField_T >(flagFieldID_);
+      auto* pdfField  = block->getData< PdfField_T >(pdfFieldID_);
+      const auto fluid =
+         flagField->flagExists(Fluid_Flag) ? flagField->getFlag(Fluid_Flag) : flagField->registerFlag(Fluid_Flag);
+      Type* handling =
+         new Type("moving obstacle boundary handling", flagField, fluid, NoSlip_T("NoSlip", NoSlip_Flag, pdfField),
+                  Inflow_T("Inflow", Inflow_Flag, pdfField, inflowVelocity_),
+                  Outflow_T("Outflow", Outflow_Flag, pdfField, real_t(1)));
+      const auto inflow  = flagField->getFlag(Inflow_Flag);
+      const auto outflow = flagField->getFlag(Outflow_Flag);
+      const auto noslip  = flagField->getFlag(NoSlip_Flag);
+      CellInterval domainBB = storage->getDomainCellBB();
+      domainBB.xMin() -= cell_idx_c(FieldGhostLayers);
+      domainBB.xMax() += cell_idx_c(FieldGhostLayers);
+      domainBB.zMin() -= cell_idx_c(FieldGhostLayers);
+      domainBB.zMax() += cell_idx_c(FieldGhostLayers);
+      domainBB.yMin() -= cell_idx_c(FieldGhostLayers);
+      domainBB.yMax() += cell_idx_c(FieldGhostLayers);
+      // inflow at bottom
+      CellInterval bottom(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(),
+                          domainBB.zMin());
+      storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(bottom, *block);
+      handling->forceBoundary(inflow, bottom);
+      // outflow at top
+      CellInterval top(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMax(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(),
+                       domainBB.zMax());
+      storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(top, *block);
+      handling->forceBoundary(outflow, top);
+      if (!periodicInX_)
+      {
+         // left
+         CellInterval left(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMax(),
+                           domainBB.zMax());
+         storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(left, *block);
+         handling->forceBoundary(noslip, left);
+         // right
+         CellInterval right(domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(),
+                            domainBB.zMax());
+         storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(right, *block);
+         handling->forceBoundary(noslip, right);
+      }
+      if (!periodicInY_)
+      {
+         // front
+         CellInterval front(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMin(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMin(),
+                            domainBB.zMax());
+         storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(front, *block);
+         handling->forceBoundary(noslip, front);
+         // back
+         CellInterval back(domainBB.xMin(), domainBB.yMax(), domainBB.zMin(), domainBB.xMax(), domainBB.yMax(),
+                           domainBB.zMax());
+         storage->transformGlobalToBlockLocalCellInterval(back, *block);
+         handling->forceBoundary(noslip, back);
+      }
+      handling->fillWithDomain(FieldGhostLayers);
+      return handling;
+   }
+ private:
+   const BlockDataID flagFieldID_;
+   const BlockDataID pdfFieldID_;
+   shared_ptr< ParticleAccessor_T > ac_;
+   Vector3< real_t > inflowVelocity_;
+   bool periodicInX_;
+   bool periodicInY_;
+void createPlane(const shared_ptr< mesa_pd::data::ParticleStorage >& ps,
+                 const shared_ptr< mesa_pd::data::ShapeStorage >& ss, Vector3< real_t > position,
+                 Vector3< real_t > normal)
+   mesa_pd::data::Particle&& p0 = *ps->create(true);
+   p0.setPosition(position);
+   p0.setInteractionRadius(std::numeric_limits< real_t >::infinity());
+   p0.setShapeID(ss->create< mesa_pd::data::HalfSpace >(normal));
+   p0.setOwner(mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank());
+   p0.setType(0);
+   mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::set(p0.getFlagsRef(), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::INFINITE);
+   mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::set(p0.getFlagsRef(), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::FIXED);
+void createPlaneSetup(const shared_ptr< mesa_pd::data::ParticleStorage >& ps,
+                      const shared_ptr< mesa_pd::data::ShapeStorage >& ss, const math::AABB& simulationDomain,
+                      bool periodicInX, bool periodicInY, real_t offsetAtInflow, real_t offsetAtOutflow)
+   createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.minCorner() + Vector3< real_t >(0, 0, offsetAtInflow),
+               Vector3< real_t >(0, 0, 1));
+   createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.maxCorner() + Vector3< real_t >(0, 0, offsetAtOutflow),
+               Vector3< real_t >(0, 0, -1));
+   if (!periodicInX)
+   {
+      createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.minCorner(), Vector3< real_t >(1, 0, 0));
+      createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.maxCorner(), Vector3< real_t >(-1, 0, 0));
+   }
+   if (!periodicInY)
+   {
+      createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.minCorner(), Vector3< real_t >(0, 1, 0));
+      createPlane(ps, ss, simulationDomain.maxCorner(), Vector3< real_t >(0, -1, 0));
+   }
+struct ParticleInfo
+   real_t averageVelocity = 0_r;
+   real_t maximumVelocity = 0_r;
+   uint_t numParticles    = 0;
+   real_t maximumHeight   = 0_r;
+   real_t particleVolume  = 0_r;
+   real_t heightOfMass    = 0_r;
+   void allReduce()
+   {
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(numParticles, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(averageVelocity, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(maximumVelocity, walberla::mpi::MAX);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(maximumHeight, walberla::mpi::MAX);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(particleVolume, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(heightOfMass, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      averageVelocity /= real_c(numParticles);
+      heightOfMass /= particleVolume;
+   }
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ParticleInfo const& m)
+   return os << "Particle Info: uAvg = " << m.averageVelocity << ", uMax = " << m.maximumVelocity
+             << ", numParticles = " << m.numParticles << ", zMax = " << m.maximumHeight << ", Vp = " << m.particleVolume
+             << ", zMass = " << m.heightOfMass;
+template< typename Accessor_T >
+ParticleInfo evaluateParticleInfo(const Accessor_T& ac)
+   static_assert(std::is_base_of< mesa_pd::data::IAccessor, Accessor_T >::value, "Provide a valid accessor");
+   ParticleInfo info;
+   for (uint_t i = 0; i < ac.size(); ++i)
+   {
+      if (isSet(ac.getFlags(i), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::GHOST)) continue;
+      if (isSet(ac.getFlags(i), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::GLOBAL)) continue;
+      ++info.numParticles;
+      real_t velMagnitude   = ac.getLinearVelocity(i).length();
+      real_t particleVolume = ac.getShape(i)->getVolume();
+      real_t height         = ac.getPosition(i)[2];
+      info.averageVelocity += velMagnitude;
+      info.maximumVelocity = std::max(info.maximumVelocity, velMagnitude);
+      info.maximumHeight   = std::max(info.maximumHeight, height);
+      info.particleVolume += particleVolume;
+      info.heightOfMass += particleVolume * height;
+   }
+   info.allReduce();
+   return info;
+struct FluidInfo
+   uint_t numFluidCells   = 0;
+   real_t averageVelocity = 0_r;
+   real_t maximumVelocity = 0_r;
+   real_t averageDensity  = 0_r;
+   real_t maximumDensity  = 0_r;
+   void allReduce()
+   {
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(numFluidCells, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(averageVelocity, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(maximumVelocity, walberla::mpi::MAX);
+      ;
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(averageDensity, walberla::mpi::SUM);
+      walberla::mpi::allReduceInplace(maximumDensity, walberla::mpi::MAX);
+      averageVelocity /= real_c(numFluidCells);
+      averageDensity /= real_c(numFluidCells);
+   }
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, FluidInfo const& m)
+   return os << "Fluid Info: numFluidCells = " << m.numFluidCells << ", uAvg = " << m.averageVelocity
+             << ", uMax = " << m.maximumVelocity << ", densityAvg = " << m.averageDensity
+             << ", densityMax = " << m.maximumDensity;
+template< typename BoundaryHandling_T >
+FluidInfo evaluateFluidInfo(const shared_ptr< StructuredBlockStorage >& blocks, const BlockDataID& pdfFieldID,
+                            const BlockDataID& boundaryHandlingID)
+   FluidInfo info;
+   for (auto blockIt = blocks->begin(); blockIt != blocks->end(); ++blockIt)
+   {
+      auto pdfField         = blockIt->getData< PdfField_T >(pdfFieldID);
+      auto boundaryHandling = blockIt->getData< BoundaryHandling_T >(boundaryHandlingID);
+         pdfField, if (!boundaryHandling->isDomain(x, y, z)) continue; ++info.numFluidCells;
+         Vector3< real_t > velocity(0_r); real_t density = pdfField->getDensityAndVelocity(velocity, x, y, z);
+         real_t velMagnitude                             = velocity.length(); info.averageVelocity += velMagnitude;
+         info.maximumVelocity = std::max(info.maximumVelocity, velMagnitude); info.averageDensity += density;
+         info.maximumDensity  = std::max(info.maximumDensity, density);)
+   }
+   info.allReduce();
+   return info;
+// MAIN //
+/*!\brief Basic simulation of a fluidization setup
+ *
+ * Initially, the mono-sized sphere are created on a structured grid inside the domain.
+ * The domain is either periodic or bounded by walls in the horizontal directions (x and y).
+ * In z-direction, a constant inflow from below is provided
+ * and a pressure boundary condition is set at the top, resembling an outflow boundary.
+ *
+ * The simulation is run for the given number of seconds (runtime).
+ *
+ * All parameters should be set via the input file.
+ *
+ * For the overall algorithm and the different model parameters, see
+ * Rettinger, Rüde - An efficient four-way coupled lattice Boltzmann - discrete element method for
+ * fully resolved simulations of particle-laden flows (2020, preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.01490)
+ *
+ */
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+   Environment env(argc, argv);
+   auto cfgFile = env.config();
+   if (!cfgFile) { WALBERLA_ABORT("Usage: " << argv[0] << " path-to-configuration-file \n"); }
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("waLBerla revision: " << std::string(WALBERLA_GIT_SHA1).substr(0, 8));
+   // read all parameters from the config file
+   Config::BlockHandle physicalSetup         = cfgFile->getBlock("PhysicalSetup");
+   const real_t xSize_SI                     = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("xSize");
+   const real_t ySize_SI                     = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("ySize");
+   const real_t zSize_SI                     = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("zSize");
+   const bool periodicInX                    = physicalSetup.getParameter< bool >("periodicInX");
+   const bool periodicInY                    = physicalSetup.getParameter< bool >("periodicInY");
+   const real_t runtime_SI                   = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("runtime");
+   const real_t uInflow_SI                   = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("uInflow");
+   const real_t gravitationalAcceleration_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("gravitationalAcceleration");
+   const real_t kinematicViscosityFluid_SI   = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("kinematicViscosityFluid");
+   const real_t densityFluid_SI              = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("densityFluid");
+   const real_t particleDiameter_SI          = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("particleDiameter");
+   const real_t densityParticle_SI           = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("densityParticle");
+   const real_t dynamicFrictionCoefficient   = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("dynamicFrictionCoefficient");
+   const real_t coefficientOfRestitution     = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("coefficientOfRestitution");
+   const real_t particleGenerationSpacing_SI = physicalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("particleGenerationSpacing");
+   Config::BlockHandle numericalSetup     = cfgFile->getBlock("NumericalSetup");
+   const real_t dx_SI                     = numericalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("dx");
+   const real_t uInflow                   = numericalSetup.getParameter< real_t >("uInflow");
+   const uint_t numXBlocks                = numericalSetup.getParameter< uint_t >("numXBlocks");
+   const uint_t numYBlocks                = numericalSetup.getParameter< uint_t >("numYBlocks");
+   const uint_t numZBlocks                = numericalSetup.getParameter< uint_t >("numZBlocks");
+   const bool useLubricationForces        = numericalSetup.getParameter< bool >("useLubricationForces");
+   const uint_t numberOfParticleSubCycles = numericalSetup.getParameter< uint_t >("numberOfParticleSubCycles");
+   Config::BlockHandle outputSetup     = cfgFile->getBlock("Output");
+   const real_t infoSpacing_SI         = outputSetup.getParameter< real_t >("infoSpacing");
+   const real_t vtkSpacingParticles_SI = outputSetup.getParameter< real_t >("vtkSpacingParticles");
+   const real_t vtkSpacingFluid_SI     = outputSetup.getParameter< real_t >("vtkSpacingFluid");
+   const std::string vtkFolder         = outputSetup.getParameter< std::string >("vtkFolder");
+   // convert SI units to simulation (LBM) units and check setup
+   Vector3< uint_t > domainSize(uint_c(std::ceil(xSize_SI / dx_SI)), uint_c(std::ceil(ySize_SI / dx_SI)),
+                                uint_c(std::ceil(zSize_SI / dx_SI)));
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL(real_t(domainSize[0]) * dx_SI, xSize_SI, "domain size in x is not divisible by given dx");
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL(real_t(domainSize[1]) * dx_SI, ySize_SI, "domain size in y is not divisible by given dx");
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_FLOAT_EQUAL(real_t(domainSize[2]) * dx_SI, zSize_SI, "domain size in z is not divisible by given dx");
+   Vector3< uint_t > cellsPerBlockPerDirection(domainSize[0] / numXBlocks, domainSize[1] / numYBlocks,
+                                               domainSize[2] / numZBlocks);
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(domainSize[0], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[0] * numXBlocks,
+                        "number of cells in x of " << domainSize[0]
+                                                   << " is not divisible by given number of blocks in x direction");
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(domainSize[1], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[1] * numYBlocks,
+                        "number of cells in y of " << domainSize[1]
+                                                   << " is not divisible by given number of blocks in y direction");
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_EQUAL(domainSize[2], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[2] * numZBlocks,
+                        "number of cells in z of " << domainSize[2]
+                                                   << " is not divisible by given number of blocks in z direction");
+      particleDiameter_SI / dx_SI, 5_r,
+      "Your numerical resolution is below 5 cells per diameter and thus too small for such simulations!");
+   const real_t densityRatio           = densityParticle_SI / densityFluid_SI;
+   const real_t ReynoldsNumberParticle = uInflow_SI * particleDiameter_SI / kinematicViscosityFluid_SI;
+   const real_t GalileiNumber = std::sqrt((densityRatio - 1_r) * particleDiameter_SI * gravitationalAcceleration_SI) *
+                                particleDiameter_SI / kinematicViscosityFluid_SI;
+   // in simulation units: dt = 1, dx = 1, densityFluid = 1
+   const real_t dt_SI                     = uInflow / uInflow_SI * dx_SI;
+   const real_t diameter                  = particleDiameter_SI / dx_SI;
+   const real_t particleGenerationSpacing = particleGenerationSpacing_SI / dx_SI;
+   const real_t viscosity                 = kinematicViscosityFluid_SI * dt_SI / (dx_SI * dx_SI);
+   const real_t omega                     = lbm::collision_model::omegaFromViscosity(viscosity);
+   const real_t gravitationalAcceleration = gravitationalAcceleration_SI * dt_SI * dt_SI / dx_SI;
+   const real_t particleVolume            = math::pi / 6_r * diameter * diameter * diameter;
+   const real_t densityFluid    = real_t(1);
+   const real_t densityParticle = densityRatio;
+   const real_t dx              = real_t(1);
+   const uint_t numTimeSteps        = uint_c(std::ceil(runtime_SI / dt_SI));
+   const uint_t infoSpacing         = uint_c(std::ceil(infoSpacing_SI / dt_SI));
+   const uint_t vtkSpacingParticles = uint_c(std::ceil(vtkSpacingParticles_SI / dt_SI));
+   const uint_t vtkSpacingFluid     = uint_c(std::ceil(vtkSpacingFluid_SI / dt_SI));
+   const Vector3< real_t > inflowVec(0_r, 0_r, uInflow);
+   const real_t poissonsRatio         = real_t(0.22);
+   const real_t kappa                 = real_t(2) * (real_t(1) - poissonsRatio) / (real_t(2) - poissonsRatio);
+   const real_t particleCollisionTime = 4_r * diameter;
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT("Simulation setup:");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - particles: diameter = " << diameter << ", densityRatio = " << densityRatio);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - fluid: kin. visc = " << viscosity << ", relaxation rate = " << omega);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - grav. acceleration = " << gravitationalAcceleration);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - Galileo number = " << GalileiNumber);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - particle Reynolds number = " << ReynoldsNumberParticle);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - domain size = " << domainSize);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - cells per blocks per direction = " << cellsPerBlockPerDirection);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - dx = " << dx_SI << " m");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - dt = " << dt_SI << " s");
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - total time steps = " << numTimeSteps);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - particle generation spacing = " << particleGenerationSpacing);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - info spacing = " << infoSpacing);
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(" - vtk spacing particles = " << vtkSpacingParticles
+                                                           << ", fluid slice = " << vtkSpacingFluid);
+   ///////////////////////////
+   ///////////////////////////
+   const bool periodicInZ                     = false;
+   shared_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGrid(
+      numXBlocks, numYBlocks, numZBlocks, cellsPerBlockPerDirection[0], cellsPerBlockPerDirection[1],
+      cellsPerBlockPerDirection[2], dx, 0, false, false, periodicInX, periodicInY, periodicInZ, // periodicity
+      false);
+   auto simulationDomain = blocks->getDomain();
+   //////////////////
+   // RPD COUPLING //
+   //////////////////
+   auto rpdDomain = std::make_shared< mesa_pd::domain::BlockForestDomain >(blocks->getBlockForestPointer());
+   // init data structures
+   auto ps                  = walberla::make_shared< mesa_pd::data::ParticleStorage >(1);
+   auto ss                  = walberla::make_shared< mesa_pd::data::ShapeStorage >();
+   using ParticleAccessor_T = mesa_pd::data::ParticleAccessorWithShape;
+   auto accessor            = walberla::make_shared< ParticleAccessor_T >(ps, ss);
+   // prevent particles from interfering with inflow and outflow by putting the bounding planes slightly in front
+   const real_t planeOffsetFromInflow  = dx;
+   const real_t planeOffsetFromOutflow = dx;
+   createPlaneSetup(ps, ss, simulationDomain, periodicInX, periodicInY, planeOffsetFromInflow, planeOffsetFromOutflow);
+   auto sphereShape = ss->create< mesa_pd::data::Sphere >(diameter * real_t(0.5));
+   ss->shapes[sphereShape]->updateMassAndInertia(densityParticle);
+   // create spheres
+   auto generationDomain = simulationDomain.getExtended(-particleGenerationSpacing * 0.5_r);
+   for (auto pt : grid_generator::SCGrid(generationDomain, generationDomain.center(), particleGenerationSpacing))
+   {
+      if (rpdDomain->isContainedInProcessSubdomain(uint_c(mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank()), pt))
+      {
+         mesa_pd::data::Particle&& p = *ps->create();
+         p.setPosition(pt);
+         p.setInteractionRadius(diameter * real_t(0.5));
+         p.setOwner(mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank());
+         p.setShapeID(sphereShape);
+         p.setType(0);
+         p.setLinearVelocity(0.1_r * Vector3< real_t >(math::realRandom(
+                                        -uInflow, uInflow))); // set small initial velocity to break symmetries
+      }
+   }
+   ///////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////
+   LatticeModel_T latticeModel = LatticeModel_T(omega);
+   // add PDF field
+   BlockDataID pdfFieldID = lbm::addPdfFieldToStorage< LatticeModel_T >(blocks, "pdf field", latticeModel, inflowVec,
+                                                                        densityFluid, uint_t(1), field::fzyx);
+   // add flag field
+   BlockDataID flagFieldID = field::addFlagFieldToStorage< FlagField_T >(blocks, "flag field");
+   // add boundary handling
+   using BoundaryHandling_T       = MyBoundaryHandling< ParticleAccessor_T >::Type;
+   BlockDataID boundaryHandlingID = blocks->addStructuredBlockData< BoundaryHandling_T >(
+      MyBoundaryHandling< ParticleAccessor_T >(flagFieldID, pdfFieldID, accessor, inflowVec, periodicInX, periodicInY),
+      "boundary handling");
+   // set up RPD functionality
+   std::function< void(void) > syncCall = [&ps, &rpdDomain]() {
+      // keep overlap for lubrication
+      const real_t overlap = real_t(1.5);
+      mesa_pd::mpi::SyncNextNeighbors syncNextNeighborFunc;
+      syncNextNeighborFunc(*ps, *rpdDomain, overlap);
+   };
+   syncCall();
+   real_t timeStepSizeRPD = real_t(1) / real_t(numberOfParticleSubCycles);
+   mesa_pd::kernel::VelocityVerletPreForceUpdate vvIntegratorPreForce(timeStepSizeRPD);
+   mesa_pd::kernel::VelocityVerletPostForceUpdate vvIntegratorPostForce(timeStepSizeRPD);
+   mesa_pd::kernel::LinearSpringDashpot collisionResponse(1);
+   collisionResponse.setFrictionCoefficientDynamic(0, 0, dynamicFrictionCoefficient);
+   mesa_pd::mpi::ReduceProperty reduceProperty;
+   mesa_pd::mpi::ReduceContactHistory reduceAndSwapContactHistory;
+   // set up coupling functionality
+   Vector3< real_t > gravitationalForce(real_t(0), real_t(0),
+                                        -(densityParticle - densityFluid) * gravitationalAcceleration * particleVolume);
+   lbm_mesapd_coupling::AddForceOnParticlesKernel addGravitationalForce(gravitationalForce);
+   lbm_mesapd_coupling::ResetHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel resetHydrodynamicForceTorque;
+   lbm_mesapd_coupling::AverageHydrodynamicForceTorqueKernel averageHydrodynamicForceTorque;
+   lbm_mesapd_coupling::LubricationCorrectionKernel lubricationCorrectionKernel(
+      viscosity, [](real_t r) { return (real_t(0.001 + real_t(0.00007) * r)) * r; });
+   ///////////////
+   // TIME LOOP //
+   ///////////////
+   // map particles into the LBM simulation
+   // note: planes are not mapped and are thus only visible to the particles, not to the fluid
+   // instead, the respective boundary conditions for the fluid are explicitly set, see the boundary handling
+   BlockDataID particleAndVolumeFractionFieldID =
+      field::addToStorage< lbm_mesapd_coupling::psm::ParticleAndVolumeFractionField_T >(
+         blocks, "particle and volume fraction field",
+         std::vector< lbm_mesapd_coupling::psm::ParticleAndVolumeFraction_T >(), field::fzyx, 0);
+   lbm_mesapd_coupling::psm::ParticleAndVolumeFractionMapping particleMapping(
+      blocks, accessor, lbm_mesapd_coupling::RegularParticlesSelector(), particleAndVolumeFractionFieldID, 2);
+   particleMapping();
+   lbm_mesapd_coupling::psm::initializeDomainForPSM< LatticeModel_T, 1 >(*blocks, pdfFieldID,
+                                                                         particleAndVolumeFractionFieldID, *accessor);
+   // setup of the LBM communication for synchronizing the pdf field between neighboring blocks
+   blockforest::communication::UniformBufferedScheme< Stencil_T > optimizedPDFCommunicationScheme(blocks);
+   optimizedPDFCommunicationScheme.addPackInfo(
+      make_shared< lbm::PdfFieldPackInfo< LatticeModel_T > >(pdfFieldID)); // optimized sync
+   // create the timeloop
+   SweepTimeloop timeloop(blocks->getBlockStorage(), numTimeSteps);
+   timeloop.addFuncBeforeTimeStep(RemainingTimeLogger(timeloop.getNrOfTimeSteps()), "Remaining Time Logger");
+   // vtk output
+   if (vtkSpacingParticles != uint_t(0))
+   {
+      // sphere
+      auto particleVtkOutput = make_shared< mesa_pd::vtk::ParticleVtkOutput >(ps);
+      particleVtkOutput->addOutput< mesa_pd::data::SelectParticleUid >("uid");
+      particleVtkOutput->addOutput< mesa_pd::data::SelectParticleLinearVelocity >("velocity");
+      particleVtkOutput->addOutput< mesa_pd::data::SelectParticleInteractionRadius >("radius");
+      // limit output to process-local spheres
+      particleVtkOutput->setParticleSelector([sphereShape](const mesa_pd::data::ParticleStorage::iterator& pIt) {
+         return pIt->getShapeID() == sphereShape &&
+                !(mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::isSet(pIt->getFlags(), mesa_pd::data::particle_flags::GHOST));
+      });
+      auto particleVtkWriter =
+         vtk::createVTKOutput_PointData(particleVtkOutput, "particles", vtkSpacingParticles, vtkFolder);
+      timeloop.addFuncBeforeTimeStep(vtk::writeFiles(particleVtkWriter), "VTK (sphere data)");
+   }
+   if (vtkSpacingFluid != uint_t(0))
+   {
+      // velocity field, only a slice
+      auto pdfFieldVTK = vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData(blocks, "fluid", vtkSpacingFluid, 0, false, vtkFolder);
+      pdfFieldVTK->addBeforeFunction(optimizedPDFCommunicationScheme);
+      AABB sliceAABB(real_t(0), real_c(domainSize[1]) * real_t(0.5) - real_t(1), real_t(0), real_c(domainSize[0]),
+                     real_c(domainSize[1]) * real_t(0.5) + real_t(1), real_c(domainSize[2]));
+      vtk::AABBCellFilter aabbSliceFilter(sliceAABB);
+      field::FlagFieldCellFilter< FlagField_T > fluidFilter(flagFieldID);
+      fluidFilter.addFlag(Fluid_Flag);
+      vtk::ChainedFilter combinedSliceFilter;
+      combinedSliceFilter.addFilter(fluidFilter);
+      combinedSliceFilter.addFilter(aabbSliceFilter);
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellInclusionFilter(combinedSliceFilter);
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter(
+         make_shared< lbm::VelocityVTKWriter< LatticeModel_T, float > >(pdfFieldID, "Velocity"));
+      pdfFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter(
+         make_shared< lbm::DensityVTKWriter< LatticeModel_T, float > >(pdfFieldID, "Density"));
+      timeloop.addFuncBeforeTimeStep(vtk::writeFiles(pdfFieldVTK), "VTK (fluid field data)");
+      // fraction mapping field, only a slice
+      auto fractionFieldVTK =
+         vtk::createVTKOutput_BlockData(blocks, "fraction_field", vtkSpacingFluid, 0, false, vtkFolder);
+      BlockDataID BFieldID = field::addToStorage< GhostLayerField< real_t, 1 > >(blocks, "B field", 0, field::fzyx, 1);
+      fractionFieldVTK->addBeforeFunction([&]() {
+         for (auto blockIt = blocks->begin(); blockIt != blocks->end(); ++blockIt)
+         {
+            lbm_mesapd_coupling::psm::ParticleAndVolumeFractionField_T* particleAndVolumeFractionField =
+               blockIt->getData< lbm_mesapd_coupling::psm::ParticleAndVolumeFractionField_T >(
+                  particleAndVolumeFractionFieldID);
+            GhostLayerField< real_t, 1 >* BField = blockIt->getData< GhostLayerField< real_t, 1 > >(BFieldID);
+            WALBERLA_FOR_ALL_CELLS_XYZ(particleAndVolumeFractionField, BField->get(x, y, z) = 0.0;
+                                       for (auto& e
+                                            : particleAndVolumeFractionField->get(x, y, z)) BField->get(x, y, z) +=
+                                       e.second;)
+         }
+      });
+      fractionFieldVTK->addCellInclusionFilter(combinedSliceFilter);
+      fractionFieldVTK->addCellDataWriter(
+         make_shared< field::VTKWriter< GhostLayerField< real_t, 1 > > >(BFieldID, "Fraction mapping field B"));
+      timeloop.addFuncBeforeTimeStep(vtk::writeFiles(fractionFieldVTK), "VTK (fraction field data");
+   }
+   if (vtkSpacingFluid != uint_t(0) || vtkSpacingParticles != uint_t(0))
+   {
+      vtk::writeDomainDecomposition(blocks, "domain_decomposition", vtkFolder);
+   }
+   // add LBM communication function and boundary handling sweep (does the hydro force calculations and the no-slip
+   // treatment)
+   timeloop.add() << BeforeFunction(optimizedPDFCommunicationScheme, "LBM Communication")
+                  << Sweep(BoundaryHandling_T::getBlockSweep(boundaryHandlingID), "Boundary Handling");
+   // stream + collide LBM step
+   auto lbmSweep = lbm_mesapd_coupling::psm::makePSMSweep< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T, 1, 1 >(
+      pdfFieldID, particleAndVolumeFractionFieldID, blocks, accessor, flagFieldID, Fluid_Flag);
+   // update particle mapping before PSM sweep
+   timeloop.add() << BeforeFunction(particleMapping, "particle mapping")
+                  << Sweep(makeSharedSweep(lbmSweep), "LBM stream / collide");
+   ////////////////////////
+   ////////////////////////
+   WcTimingPool timeloopTiming;
+   const bool useOpenMP = false;
+   // time loop
+   for (uint_t timeStep = 0; timeStep < numTimeSteps; ++timeStep)
+   {
+      // perform a single simulation step -> this contains LBM and setting of the hydrodynamic interactions
+      timeloop.singleStep(timeloopTiming);
+      reduceProperty.operator()< mesa_pd::HydrodynamicForceTorqueNotification >(*ps);
+      if (timeStep == 0)
+      {
+         lbm_mesapd_coupling::InitializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel
+            initializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel;
+         ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor,
+                             initializeHydrodynamicForceTorqueForAveragingKernel, *accessor);
+      }
+      ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, averageHydrodynamicForceTorque,
+                          *accessor);
+      for (auto subCycle = uint_t(0); subCycle < numberOfParticleSubCycles; ++subCycle)
+      {
+         timeloopTiming["RPD"].start();
+         ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, vvIntegratorPreForce, *accessor);
+         syncCall();
+         if (useLubricationForces)
+         {
+            // lubrication correction
+            ps->forEachParticlePairHalf(
+               useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::ExcludeInfiniteInfinite(), *accessor,
+               [&lubricationCorrectionKernel, &rpdDomain](const size_t idx1, const size_t idx2, auto& ac) {
+                  mesa_pd::collision_detection::AnalyticContactDetection acd;
+                  acd.getContactThreshold() = lubricationCorrectionKernel.getNormalCutOffDistance();
+                  mesa_pd::kernel::DoubleCast double_cast;
+                  mesa_pd::mpi::ContactFilter contact_filter;
+                  if (double_cast(idx1, idx2, ac, acd, ac))
+                  {
+                     if (contact_filter(acd.getIdx1(), acd.getIdx2(), ac, acd.getContactPoint(), *rpdDomain))
+                     {
+                        double_cast(acd.getIdx1(), acd.getIdx2(), ac, lubricationCorrectionKernel, ac,
+                                    acd.getContactNormal(), acd.getPenetrationDepth());
+                     }
+                  }
+               },
+               *accessor);
+         }
+         // collision response
+         ps->forEachParticlePairHalf(
+            useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::ExcludeInfiniteInfinite(), *accessor,
+            [&collisionResponse, &rpdDomain, timeStepSizeRPD, coefficientOfRestitution, particleCollisionTime,
+             kappa](const size_t idx1, const size_t idx2, auto& ac) {
+               mesa_pd::collision_detection::AnalyticContactDetection acd;
+               mesa_pd::kernel::DoubleCast double_cast;
+               mesa_pd::mpi::ContactFilter contact_filter;
+               if (double_cast(idx1, idx2, ac, acd, ac))
+               {
+                  if (contact_filter(acd.getIdx1(), acd.getIdx2(), ac, acd.getContactPoint(), *rpdDomain))
+                  {
+                     auto meff = real_t(1) / (ac.getInvMass(idx1) + ac.getInvMass(idx2));
+                     collisionResponse.setStiffnessAndDamping(0, 0, coefficientOfRestitution, particleCollisionTime,
+                                                              kappa, meff);
+                     collisionResponse(acd.getIdx1(), acd.getIdx2(), ac, acd.getContactPoint(), acd.getContactNormal(),
+                                       acd.getPenetrationDepth(), timeStepSizeRPD);
+                  }
+               }
+            },
+            *accessor);
+         reduceAndSwapContactHistory(*ps);
+         // add hydrodynamic force
+         lbm_mesapd_coupling::AddHydrodynamicInteractionKernel addHydrodynamicInteraction;
+         ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, addHydrodynamicInteraction,
+                             *accessor);
+         ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, addGravitationalForce, *accessor);
+         reduceProperty.operator()< mesa_pd::ForceTorqueNotification >(*ps);
+         ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectLocal(), *accessor, vvIntegratorPostForce, *accessor);
+         syncCall();
+         timeloopTiming["RPD"].end();
+      }
+      ps->forEachParticle(useOpenMP, mesa_pd::kernel::SelectAll(), *accessor, resetHydrodynamicForceTorque, *accessor);
+      if (timeStep % infoSpacing == 0)
+      {
+         timeloopTiming["Evaluate infos"].start();
+         auto particleInfo = evaluateParticleInfo(*accessor);
+         WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(particleInfo);
+         auto fluidInfo = evaluateFluidInfo< BoundaryHandling_T >(blocks, pdfFieldID, boundaryHandlingID);
+         WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT(fluidInfo);
+         timeloopTiming["Evaluate infos"].end();
+      }
+   }
+   timeloopTiming.logResultOnRoot();
+   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+} // namespace fluidized_bed
+int main(int argc, char** argv) { fluidized_bed::main(argc, argv); }
diff --git a/src/lbm_mesapd_coupling/partially_saturated_cells_method/ParticleAndVolumeFractionMapping.h b/src/lbm_mesapd_coupling/partially_saturated_cells_method/ParticleAndVolumeFractionMapping.h
index 021d3d17614bc988540924f480ff3358e70e27ba..e85a9ef259e8e4e68519c79f4db25d1317bd6ca2 100644
--- a/src/lbm_mesapd_coupling/partially_saturated_cells_method/ParticleAndVolumeFractionMapping.h
+++ b/src/lbm_mesapd_coupling/partially_saturated_cells_method/ParticleAndVolumeFractionMapping.h
@@ -77,6 +77,22 @@ class ParticleAndVolumeFractionMapping
          if (mappingParticleSelector_(idx, *ac_)) { update(idx); }
+      // normalize the sum of all overlap fractions of a cell to 1
+      for (auto blockIt = blockStorage_->begin(); blockIt != blockStorage_->end(); ++blockIt)
+      {
+         ParticleAndVolumeFractionField_T* particleAndVolumeFractionField =
+            blockIt->getData< ParticleAndVolumeFractionField_T >(particleAndVolumeFractionFieldID_);
+            particleAndVolumeFractionField, real_t fractionSum = 0.0;
+            for (auto& e
+                 : particleAndVolumeFractionField->get(x, y, z)) fractionSum += e.second;
+            if (fractionSum > 1.0) {
+               for (auto& e : particleAndVolumeFractionField->get(x, y, z))
+                  e.second /= fractionSum;
+            })
+      }