//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can 
//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
//  for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! \file SweepTimeloop.cpp
//! \ingroup timeloop
//! \author Martin Bauer <martin.bauer@fau.de>

#include "SweepTimeloop.h"
#include "core/Abort.h"

namespace walberla {
namespace timeloop {

//////////////////////////   Execution of Timeloop  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void SweepTimeloop::doTimeStep(const Set<SUID> &selectors)
   //iterate over all registered sweeps
   for( auto sweepIt = sweeps_.begin(); sweepIt != sweeps_.end(); ++sweepIt )
      SweepAdder & s = * ( sweepIt->second );

      //select and execute before functions
      for( size_t j=0; j < s.beforeFuncs.size(); ++j )
         executeSelectable(s.beforeFuncs[j].selectableFunc_,selectors,"Pre-Sweep Function");

      // Loop over all blocks
      for( BlockStorage::iterator bi = blockStorage_.begin(); bi != blockStorage_.end(); ++bi )
         if( s.sweep.empty() )
            WALBERLA_ABORT("Selecting Sweep " << sweepIt->first << ": " <<
                           "No sweep has been registered! Did you only register a BeforeFunction or AfterFunction?" );

         Sweep * selectedSweep = s.sweep.getUnique( selectors + bi->getState() );
         if (!selectedSweep)

            std::string sweepName;
            s.sweep.getUnique( selectors + bi->getState(), sweepName );
            WALBERLA_LOG_PROGRESS("Running sweep \"" << sweepName << "\" on block " << bi->getId() );

         (selectedSweep->function_)( bi.get() );

      // select and execute after functions
      for( size_t j=0; j < s.afterFuncs.size(); ++j )
         executeSelectable(s.afterFuncs[j].selectableFunc_,selectors,"Post-Sweep Function");

void SweepTimeloop::doTimeStep(const Set<SUID> &selectors, WcTimingPool &timing)
   // On first run we extract all possible names of sweeps, independent of selectors
   // to register timer for them. Since all timingPools have to have the same entries on
   // all processes otherwise a timingPool.reduce() does not work
   // see test SweepTimeloopTimerReduction.cpp
   if ( firstRun_ || timing.empty() )

      for( auto sweepIt = sweeps_.begin(); sweepIt != sweeps_.end(); ++sweepIt )
         SweepAdder & s = * ( sweepIt->second );
         // loop over all possibilites in selectable object
         for( auto it = s.sweep.begin(); it != s.sweep.end(); ++it )
            timing.registerTimer( it.identifier() );
      firstRun_ = false;

   //iterate over all registered sweeps
   for( auto sweepIt = sweeps_.begin(); sweepIt != sweeps_.end(); ++sweepIt )
      SweepAdder & s = * ( sweepIt->second );

      //select and execute before functions
      for( size_t j=0; j < s.beforeFuncs.size(); ++j )
         executeSelectable( s.beforeFuncs[j].selectableFunc_, selectors, "Pre-Sweep Function", timing );

      for( BlockStorage::iterator bi = blockStorage_.begin(); bi != blockStorage_.end(); ++bi )
         std::string sweepName;
         Sweep * selectedSweep = s.sweep.getUnique( selectors + bi->getState(), sweepName );

         if( !selectedSweep )

         WALBERLA_LOG_PROGRESS("Running sweep \"" << sweepName << "\" on block " << bi->getId() );

         // loop over all blocks
            (selectedSweep->function_)( bi.get() );

      // select and execute after functions
      for( size_t j=0; j < s.afterFuncs.size(); ++j )
         executeSelectable(s.afterFuncs[j].selectableFunc_,selectors,"Post-Sweep Function", timing );

} // namespace timeloop
} // namespace walberla