diff --git a/hog/operator_generation/__init__.py b/hog/operator_generation/__init__.py
index 7de6b0e232ff9b89bccc8a525c7841951ce1c2ca..c4cab3c872f55c3312a8a9216b435f2daaf541dd 100644
--- a/hog/operator_generation/__init__.py
+++ b/hog/operator_generation/__init__.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 # along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 __all__ = [
-    "function_space_impls",
+    "function_space_implementations",
diff --git a/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/__init__.py b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b133d9c3e2a9fb91d0a0adb2c637c1069dc457c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# HyTeG Operator Generator
+# Copyright (C) 2024  HyTeG Team
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+__all__ = [
+    "function_space_impl_base",
+    "function_space_impl_factory",
+    "p0_space_impl",
+    "p1_space_impl",
+    "p2_space_impl",
+    "n1e1_space_impl",
diff --git a/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/function_space_impl_base.py b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/function_space_impl_base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d410fbc9de96af4b96d3e33ee855d78e8299068a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/function_space_impl_base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# HyTeG Operator Generator
+# Copyright (C) 2024  HyTeG Team
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+import itertools
+import numpy as np
+import sympy as sp
+from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Union, Dict
+import pystencils as ps
+from pystencils import Field, FieldType
+from pystencils.backends.cbackend import CustomCodeNode
+from hog.element_geometry import ElementGeometry
+from hog.exception import HOGException
+from hog.function_space import (
+    FunctionSpace,
+    LagrangianFunctionSpace,
+    TensorialVectorFunctionSpace,
+    N1E1Space,
+from hog.operator_generation.indexing import (
+    CellType,
+    FaceType,
+    VolumeDoFMemoryLayout,
+    micro_element_to_vertex_indices,
+    micro_vertex_to_edge_indices,
+    micro_element_to_volume_indices,
+    IndexingInfo,
+from hog.operator_generation.types import HOGType
+class FunctionSpaceImpl(ABC):
+    """A FunctionSpaceImpl is the counterpart of a Function in HyTeG.
+    An instance of this class represents an instance of one of HyTeG's Function
+    classes. It is associated with a mathematical function space, an identifier
+    (variable name) and can optionally be a pointer. This class is intended
+    to abstract printing code for e.g. communication in an FE space and C++
+    implementation agnostic way.
+    It is impossible to create an instance of this abstract base class directly.
+    Preferrably, use `function_space_impl_factory.create_impl` which selects
+    the correct derived class for the `FunctionSpace`.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
+        name: str,
+        type_descriptor: HOGType,
+        is_pointer: bool,
+    ):
+        """Records the passed parameters in member variables.
+        It is impossible to create an instance of this abstract base class
+        directly. This __init__ method is to be called by the derived classes.
+        Preferrably, use `function_space_impl_factory.create_impl` which
+        selects the correct derived class for the `FunctionSpace`.
+        """
+        self.fe_space = fe_space
+        self.name = name
+        self.type_descriptor = type_descriptor
+        self.is_pointer = is_pointer
+    def _create_field(self, name: str) -> Field:
+        """Creates a pystencils field with a given name and stride 1."""
+        f = Field.create_generic(
+            name,
+            1,
+            dtype=self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type,
+            field_type=FieldType.CUSTOM,
+        )
+        f.strides = tuple([1 for _ in f.strides])
+        return f
+    @abstractmethod
+    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        """C++ code for the function space communication prior to the macro-primitive loop."""
+        ...
+    @abstractmethod
+    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        """C++ code to zero the halos on a macro in HyTeG."""
+        ...
+    @abstractmethod
+    def post_communication(
+        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
+    ) -> str:
+        """C++ code for the function space communication after the macro-primitive loop."""
+        ...
+    @abstractmethod
+    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
+        ...
+    @abstractmethod
+    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        """C++ code for inverting each DoF of the linalg vector."""
+        ...
+    @abstractmethod
+    def local_dofs(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
+        """
+        Returns a list of local dof values on the current element.
+        The element_vertex_ordering is a list that specifies the ordering of the reference vertices.
+        The ordering in which the DoFs are returned depends on this list. The "default" ordering is
+        [0, 1, ..., num_vertices - 1].
+        """
+        ...
+    @abstractmethod
+    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
+        """Returns the C++ function class type as a string."""
+        ...
+    @abstractmethod
+    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
+        """Returns the import location for the function space in HyTeG."""
+        ...
+    @abstractmethod
+    def dof_transformation(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
+        """Returns HyTeG code that computes the basis/DoF transformation and a symbolic expression of the result.
+        In general FEM spaces, neighboring elements must agree on the
+        orientation of shared mesh entities. For example, in N1E1 the
+        orientations of edges define the sign of the DoFs, while in P3
+        reorienting an edge swaps the two DoFs located on this edge. Basis
+        transformations between these spaces allow us to view DoFs from
+        neighboring elements in our local orientation.
+        Recommended reading:
+          Scroggs et al., "Construction of Arbitrary Order Finite Element Degree-
+          of-Freedom Maps on Polygonal and Polyhedral Cell Meshes," 2022, doi:
+          https://doi.org/10.1145/3524456.
+        This function returns a matrix that, when applied to a local DoF vector,
+        transforms the DoFs from the owning primitives to the basis of the
+        current macro primitive.
+        For example:
+          - P1/P2: The identity.
+          - P3:    A permutation matrix.
+          - N1E1:  A diagonal matrix with |aᵢᵢ| = 1.
+        If the micro element is in the interior of the macro-cell, the
+        transformation is the identity. In matrix-free computations the
+        communication is responsible for the basis transformations. Only when
+        assembling operators into matrices, these transformations must be
+        "baked into" the matrix because vectors are assembled locally and our
+        communication routine is not performed during the operator application.
+        The element_vertex_ordering is a list that specifies the ordering of the reference vertices.
+        The ordering in which the DoFs are returned depends on this list. The "default" ordering is
+        [0, 1, ..., num_vertices - 1].
+        """
+        ...
+    def _deref(self) -> str:
+        if self.is_pointer:
+            return f"(*{self.name})"
+        else:
+            return self.name
diff --git a/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/function_space_impl_factory.py b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/function_space_impl_factory.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3762ee3c596c3279b34c93a2366528934cb81d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/function_space_impl_factory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# HyTeG Operator Generator
+# Copyright (C) 2024  HyTeG Team
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from hog.exception import HOGException
+from hog.function_space import (
+    FunctionSpace,
+    LagrangianFunctionSpace,
+    TensorialVectorFunctionSpace,
+    N1E1Space,
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.function_space_impl_base import (
+    FunctionSpaceImpl,
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.p0_space_impl import (
+    P0FunctionSpaceImpl,
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.p1_space_impl import (
+    P1FunctionSpaceImpl,
+    P1VectorFunctionSpaceImpl,
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.p2_space_impl import (
+    P2FunctionSpaceImpl,
+    P2VectorFunctionSpaceImpl,
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.n1e1_space_impl import (
+    N1E1FunctionSpaceImpl,
+from hog.operator_generation.types import HOGType
+def create_impl(
+    func_space: FunctionSpace,
+    name: str,
+    type_descriptor: HOGType,
+    is_pointer: bool = False,
+) -> FunctionSpaceImpl:
+    """Takes a mathematical function space and produces the corresponding function space implementation.
+    :param func_space:      The mathematical function space.
+    :param name:            The C++ variable name/identifier of this function.
+    :param type_descriptor: The value type of this function.
+    :param is_pointer:      Whether the C++ variable is of a pointer type. Used
+                            to print member accesses.
+    """
+    impl_class: type
+    if isinstance(func_space, LagrangianFunctionSpace):
+        if func_space.degree == 2:
+            impl_class = P2FunctionSpaceImpl
+        elif func_space.degree == 1:
+            impl_class = P1FunctionSpaceImpl
+        elif func_space.degree == 0:
+            impl_class = P0FunctionSpaceImpl
+        else:
+            raise HOGException("Lagrangian function space must be of order 1 or 2.")
+    elif isinstance(func_space, TensorialVectorFunctionSpace):
+        if isinstance(func_space.component_function_space, LagrangianFunctionSpace):
+            if func_space.component_function_space.degree == 1:
+                if func_space.single_component is None:
+                    impl_class = P1VectorFunctionSpaceImpl
+                else:
+                    impl_class = P1FunctionSpaceImpl
+            elif func_space.component_function_space.degree == 2:
+                if func_space.single_component is None:
+                    impl_class = P2VectorFunctionSpaceImpl
+                else:
+                    impl_class = P2FunctionSpaceImpl
+            else:
+                raise HOGException(
+                    "TensorialVectorFunctionSpaces not supported for the chosen components."
+                )
+        else:
+            raise HOGException(
+                "TensorialVectorFunctionSpaces are only supported with Lagrangian component spaces."
+            )
+    elif isinstance(func_space, N1E1Space):
+        impl_class = N1E1FunctionSpaceImpl
+    else:
+        raise HOGException("Unexpected function space")
+    return impl_class(func_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
diff --git a/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/n1e1_space_impl.py b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/n1e1_space_impl.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..16909cd489a0d04d10837b66c2f63b5faba0788b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/n1e1_space_impl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# HyTeG Operator Generator
+# Copyright (C) 2024  HyTeG Team
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import itertools
+import numpy as np
+import sympy as sp
+from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Union, Dict
+import pystencils as ps
+from pystencils import Field, FieldType
+from pystencils.backends.cbackend import CustomCodeNode
+from hog.element_geometry import ElementGeometry
+from hog.exception import HOGException
+from hog.function_space import (
+    FunctionSpace,
+    LagrangianFunctionSpace,
+    TensorialVectorFunctionSpace,
+    N1E1Space,
+from hog.operator_generation.indexing import (
+    CellType,
+    FaceType,
+    VolumeDoFMemoryLayout,
+    micro_element_to_vertex_indices,
+    micro_vertex_to_edge_indices,
+    micro_element_to_volume_indices,
+    IndexingInfo,
+from hog.operator_generation.types import HOGType
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.function_space_impl_base import (
+    FunctionSpaceImpl,
+class N1E1FunctionSpaceImpl(FunctionSpaceImpl):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
+        name: str,
+        type_descriptor: HOGType,
+        is_pointer: bool = False,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(fe_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
+        self.field = self._create_field(name)
+    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return ""
+        else:
+            return (
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Face, Cell >( level );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Edge, Cell >( level );"
+            )
+    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return ""
+        else:
+            return f"edgedof::macrocell::setBoundaryToZero( level, cell, {self._deref()}.getDoFs()->getCellDataID() );"
+    def post_communication(
+        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
+    ) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return ""
+        else:
+            dofs = ""
+            if not transform_basis:
+                dofs = "getDoFs()->"
+            return (
+                f"{self._deref()}.{dofs}communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.{dofs}communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );"
+            )
+    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
+        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[dim]
+        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[dim]
+        return f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* _data_{self.name} = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}.getDoFs()->get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );"
+    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        return f"{self._deref()}.getDoFs()->invertElementwise( level );"
+    def local_dofs(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
+        vertex_dof_indices = micro_element_to_vertex_indices(
+            geometry, element_type, element_index
+        )
+        vertex_dof_indices = [vertex_dof_indices[i] for i in element_vertex_ordering]
+        edge_dof_indices = micro_vertex_to_edge_indices(geometry, vertex_dof_indices)
+        edge_array_indices = [
+            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info) for dof_idx in edge_dof_indices
+        ]
+        return [self.field.absolute_access((idx,), (0,)) for idx in edge_array_indices]
+    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
+        return f"n1e1::N1E1VectorFunction< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >"
+    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
+        return {
+            "hyteg/n1e1functionspace/N1E1VectorFunction.hpp",
+            "hyteg/n1e1functionspace/N1E1MacroCell.hpp",
+        }
+    def dof_transformation(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
+        if element_vertex_ordering != [0, 1, 2, 3]:
+            raise HOGException(
+                "Element vertex re-ordering not supported for Nédélec elements (yet)."
+            )
+        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[geometry.dimensions]
+        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[geometry.dimensions]
+        name = "basisTransformation"
+        n_dofs = self.fe_space.num_dofs(geometry)
+        # NOTE: Types are added manually because pystencils won't add types to accessed/
+        #       defined symbols of custom code nodes. As a result the symbols
+        #       in the matrix will be typed but not their definition, leading to
+        #       undefined symbols.
+        # NOTE: The type is `real_t` (not `self._type_descriptor.pystencils_type`)
+        #       because this function is implemented manually in HyTeG with
+        #       this signature. Passing `np.float64` is not ideal (if `real_t !=
+        #       double`) but it makes sure that casts are inserted if necessary
+        #       (though some might be superfluous).
+        symbols = [
+            ps.TypedSymbol(f"{name}.diagonal()({i})", np.float64) for i in range(n_dofs)
+        ]
+        return (
+            CustomCodeNode(
+                f"const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix< real_t, {n_dofs} > {name} = "
+                f"n1e1::macro{macro}::basisTransformation( level, {macro}, {{{element_index[0]}, {element_index[1]}, {element_index[2]}}}, {macro}dof::{Macro}Type::{element_type.name} );",
+                [
+                    ps.TypedSymbol("level", "const uint_t"),
+                    ps.TypedSymbol(f"{macro}", f"const {Macro}&"),
+                ],
+                symbols,
+            ),
+            sp.diag(*symbols),
+        )
diff --git a/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/p0_space_impl.py b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/p0_space_impl.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..48987bb8bddb0fdb2ea2b4589c98750b7ebb3b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/p0_space_impl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# HyTeG Operator Generator
+# Copyright (C) 2024  HyTeG Team
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import itertools
+import numpy as np
+import sympy as sp
+from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Union, Dict
+import pystencils as ps
+from pystencils import Field, FieldType
+from pystencils.backends.cbackend import CustomCodeNode
+from hog.element_geometry import ElementGeometry
+from hog.exception import HOGException
+from hog.function_space import (
+    FunctionSpace,
+    LagrangianFunctionSpace,
+    TensorialVectorFunctionSpace,
+    N1E1Space,
+from hog.operator_generation.indexing import (
+    CellType,
+    FaceType,
+    VolumeDoFMemoryLayout,
+    micro_element_to_vertex_indices,
+    micro_vertex_to_edge_indices,
+    micro_element_to_volume_indices,
+    IndexingInfo,
+from hog.operator_generation.types import HOGType
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.function_space_impl_base import (
+    FunctionSpaceImpl,
+class P0FunctionSpaceImpl(FunctionSpaceImpl):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
+        name: str,
+        type_descriptor: HOGType,
+        is_pointer: bool = False,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(fe_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
+        self.field = self._create_field(name)
+    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        return ""
+    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        return ""
+    def post_communication(
+        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
+    ) -> str:
+        return ""
+    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
+        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[dim]
+        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[dim]
+        return f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* _data_{self.name} = {self._deref()}.getDGFunction()->volumeDoFFunction()->dofMemory( it.first, level );"
+    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        return f"{self._deref()}.invertElementwise( level );"
+    def local_dofs(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
+        volume_dof_indices = micro_element_to_volume_indices(
+            element_type, element_index, 1, VolumeDoFMemoryLayout.SoA
+        )
+        vertex_array_indices = [
+            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info)
+            for dof_idx in volume_dof_indices
+        ]
+        return [
+            self.field.absolute_access((idx,), (0,)) for idx in vertex_array_indices
+        ]
+    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
+        return f"P0Function< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >"
+    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
+        return {f"hyteg/p0functionspace/P0Function.hpp"}
+    def dof_transformation(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
+        return (
+            CustomCodeNode("", [], []),
+            sp.Identity(self.fe_space.num_dofs(geometry)),
+        )
diff --git a/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/p1_space_impl.py b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/p1_space_impl.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f993dce5f4820d6ab40de9f9bce4ea9d0d56ea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/p1_space_impl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+# HyTeG Operator Generator
+# Copyright (C) 2024  HyTeG Team
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import itertools
+import numpy as np
+import sympy as sp
+from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Union, Dict
+import pystencils as ps
+from pystencils import Field, FieldType
+from pystencils.backends.cbackend import CustomCodeNode
+from hog.element_geometry import ElementGeometry
+from hog.exception import HOGException
+from hog.function_space import (
+    FunctionSpace,
+    LagrangianFunctionSpace,
+    TensorialVectorFunctionSpace,
+    N1E1Space,
+from hog.operator_generation.indexing import (
+    CellType,
+    FaceType,
+    VolumeDoFMemoryLayout,
+    micro_element_to_vertex_indices,
+    micro_vertex_to_edge_indices,
+    micro_element_to_volume_indices,
+    IndexingInfo,
+from hog.operator_generation.types import HOGType
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.function_space_impl_base import (
+    FunctionSpaceImpl,
+class P1FunctionSpaceImpl(FunctionSpaceImpl):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
+        name: str,
+        type_descriptor: HOGType,
+        is_pointer: bool = False,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(fe_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
+        self.field = self._create_field(name)
+    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return f"communication::syncFunctionBetweenPrimitives( {self.name}, level, communication::syncDirection_t::LOW2HIGH );"
+        else:
+            return (
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Face, Cell >( level );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Edge, Cell >( level );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Vertex, Cell >( level );"
+            )
+    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return (
+                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macroface::Iterator( level ) ) {{\n"
+                f"    if ( vertexdof::macroface::isVertexOnBoundary( level, idx ) ) {{\n"
+                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macroface::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y() );\n"
+                f"        _data_{self.name}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
+                f"    }}\n"
+                f"}}"
+            )
+        else:
+            return (
+                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macrocell::Iterator( level ) ) {{\n"
+                f"    if ( !vertexdof::macrocell::isOnCellFace( idx, level ).empty() ) {{\n"
+                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macrocell::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y(), idx.z() );\n"
+                f"        _data_{self.name}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
+                f"    }}\n"
+                f"}}"
+            )
+    def post_communication(
+        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
+    ) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return (
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicateAdditively < Face, Edge > ( {params} );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicateAdditively < Face, Vertex > ( {params} );"
+            )
+        else:
+            return (
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicateAdditively< Cell, Vertex >( {params} );"
+            )
+    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
+        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[dim]
+        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[dim]
+        return f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* _data_{self.name} = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}.get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );"
+    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        return f"{self._deref()}.invertElementwise( level );"
+    def local_dofs(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
+        vertex_dof_indices = micro_element_to_vertex_indices(
+            geometry, element_type, element_index
+        )
+        vertex_dof_indices = [vertex_dof_indices[i] for i in element_vertex_ordering]
+        vertex_array_indices = [
+            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info)
+            for dof_idx in vertex_dof_indices
+        ]
+        return [
+            self.field.absolute_access((idx,), (0,)) for idx in vertex_array_indices
+        ]
+    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
+        return f"P1Function< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >"
+    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
+        return {f"hyteg/p1functionspace/P1Function.hpp"}
+    def dof_transformation(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
+        return (
+            CustomCodeNode("", [], []),
+            sp.Identity(self.fe_space.num_dofs(geometry)),
+        )
+class P1VectorFunctionSpaceImpl(FunctionSpaceImpl):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
+        name: str,
+        type_descriptor: HOGType,
+        is_pointer: bool = False,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(fe_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
+        self.fields: Dict[int, Field] = {}
+    def _field_name(self, component: int) -> str:
+        return self.name + f"_{component}"
+    def _raw_pointer_name(self, component: int) -> str:
+        return f"_data_" + self._field_name(component)
+    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return f"communication::syncVectorFunctionBetweenPrimitives( {self.name}, level, communication::syncDirection_t::LOW2HIGH );"
+        else:
+            ret_str = ""
+            for i in range(dim):
+                ret_str += (
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicate< Face, Cell >( level );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicate< Edge, Cell >( level );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicate< Vertex, Cell >( level );"
+                )
+            return ret_str
+    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return (
+                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macroface::Iterator( level ) ) {{\n"
+                f"    if ( vertexdof::macroface::isVertexOnBoundary( level, idx ) ) {{\n"
+                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macroface::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y() );\n"
+                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(0)}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
+                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(1)}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
+                f"    }}\n"
+                f"}}"
+            )
+        else:
+            return (
+                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macrocell::Iterator( level ) ) {{\n"
+                f"    if ( !vertexdof::macrocell::isOnCellFace( idx, level ).empty() ) {{\n"
+                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macrocell::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y(), idx.z() );\n"
+                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(0)}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
+                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(1)}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
+                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(2)}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
+                f"    }}\n"
+                f"}}"
+            )
+    def post_communication(
+        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
+    ) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            ret_str = ""
+            for i in range(dim):
+                ret_str += (
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicateAdditively < Face, Edge > ( {params} );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicateAdditively < Face, Vertex > ( {params} );\n"
+                )
+            return ret_str
+        else:
+            ret_str = ""
+            for i in range(dim):
+                ret_str += (
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicateAdditively< Cell, Vertex >( {params} );"
+                )
+            return ret_str
+    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
+        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[dim]
+        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[dim]
+        ret_str = ""
+        for i in range(dim):
+            ret_str += f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* {self._raw_pointer_name(i)} = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}[{i}].get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );\n"
+        return ret_str
+    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        ret_str = ""
+        for i in range(dim):
+            ret_str += f"{self._deref()}[{i}].invertElementwise( level );\n"
+        return ret_str
+    def local_dofs(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
+        """
+        Returns the element-local DoFs (field accesses) in a list (i.e., linearized).
+        The order here has to match that of the function space implementation.
+        TODO: This is a little concerning since that order has to match in two very different parts of this
+              implementation. Here, and in the TensorialVectorFunctionSpace. Maybe we can define this order in a single
+              location.
+        We return them in "SoA" order: first all DoFs corresponding to the function with the first component != 0,
+        then all DoFs corresponding to the function with the second component != 0 etc.
+        For instance, in 2D we get the DoFs corresponding to the 6 shape functions in the following order:
+        First component != 0
+        list[0]: ⎡-x_ref_0 - x_ref_1 + 1⎤
+                 ⎢                      ⎥
+                 ⎣          0           ⎦
+        list[1]: ⎡x_ref_0⎤
+                 ⎢       ⎥
+                 ⎣   0   ⎦
+        list[2]: ⎡x_ref_1⎤
+                 ⎢       ⎥
+                 ⎣   0   ⎦
+        Second component != 0
+        list[3]: ⎡          0           ⎤
+                 ⎢                      ⎥
+                 ⎣-x_ref_0 - x_ref_1 + 1⎦
+        list[4]: ⎡   0   ⎤
+                 ⎢       ⎥
+                 ⎣x_ref_0⎦
+        list[5]: ⎡   0   ⎤
+                 ⎢       ⎥
+                 ⎣x_ref_1⎦
+        """
+        for c in range(geometry.dimensions):
+            if c not in self.fields:
+                self.fields[c] = self._create_field(self._field_name(c))
+        vertex_dof_indices = micro_element_to_vertex_indices(
+            geometry, element_type, element_index
+        )
+        vertex_dof_indices = [vertex_dof_indices[i] for i in element_vertex_ordering]
+        vertex_array_indices = [
+            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info)
+            for dof_idx in vertex_dof_indices
+        ]
+        return [
+            self.fields[c].absolute_access((idx,), (0,))
+            for c in range(geometry.dimensions)
+            for idx in vertex_array_indices
+        ]
+    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
+        return f"P1VectorFunction< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >"
+    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
+        return {f"hyteg/p1functionspace/P1VectorFunction.hpp"}
+    def dof_transformation(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
+        return (
+            CustomCodeNode("", [], []),
+            sp.Identity(self.fe_space.num_dofs(geometry)),
+        )
diff --git a/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/p2_space_impl.py b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/p2_space_impl.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01eec61b8cca34a84bb54bf04f87cba9f34d5219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_implementations/p2_space_impl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+# HyTeG Operator Generator
+# Copyright (C) 2024  HyTeG Team
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import itertools
+import numpy as np
+import sympy as sp
+from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Union, Dict
+import pystencils as ps
+from pystencils import Field, FieldType
+from pystencils.backends.cbackend import CustomCodeNode
+from hog.element_geometry import ElementGeometry
+from hog.exception import HOGException
+from hog.function_space import (
+    FunctionSpace,
+    LagrangianFunctionSpace,
+    TensorialVectorFunctionSpace,
+    N1E1Space,
+from hog.operator_generation.indexing import (
+    CellType,
+    FaceType,
+    VolumeDoFMemoryLayout,
+    micro_element_to_vertex_indices,
+    micro_vertex_to_edge_indices,
+    micro_element_to_volume_indices,
+    IndexingInfo,
+from hog.operator_generation.types import HOGType
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.function_space_impl_base import (
+    FunctionSpaceImpl,
+class P2FunctionSpaceImpl(FunctionSpaceImpl):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
+        name: str,
+        type_descriptor: HOGType,
+        is_pointer: bool = False,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(fe_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
+        self.f_vertex = self._create_field(name + "Vertex")
+        self.f_edge = self._create_field(name + "Edge")
+    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return f"communication::syncFunctionBetweenPrimitives( {self.name}, level, communication::syncDirection_t::LOW2HIGH );"
+        else:
+            return (
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Face, Cell >( level );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Edge, Cell >( level );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Vertex, Cell >( level );"
+            )
+    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return (
+                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macroface::Iterator( level ) )\n"
+                f"{{\n"
+                f"    if ( vertexdof::macroface::isVertexOnBoundary( level, idx ) )\n"
+                f"    {{\n"
+                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macroface::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y() );\n"
+                f"        _data_{self.name }Vertex[arrayIdx] = walberla::numeric_cast< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >( 0 );\n"
+                f"    }}\n"
+                f"}}\n"
+                f"for ( const auto& idx : edgedof::macroface::Iterator( level ) )\n"
+                f"{{\n"
+                f"    for ( const auto& orientation : edgedof::faceLocalEdgeDoFOrientations )\n"
+                f"    {{\n"
+                f"        if ( !edgedof::macroface::isInnerEdgeDoF( level, idx, orientation ) )\n"
+                f"        {{\n"
+                f"            auto arrayIdx = edgedof::macroface::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y(), orientation );\n"
+                f"            _data_{self.name }Edge[arrayIdx] = walberla::numeric_cast< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >( 0 );\n"
+                f"        }}\n"
+                f"    }}\n"
+                f"}}"
+            )
+        else:
+            return (
+                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macrocell::Iterator( level ) )\n"
+                f"{{\n"
+                f"if ( !vertexdof::macrocell::isOnCellFace( idx, level ).empty() )\n"
+                f"    {{\n"
+                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macrocell::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y(), idx.z() );\n"
+                f"        _data_{self.name}Vertex[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
+                f"    }}\n"
+                f"}}\n"
+                f"edgedof::macrocell::setBoundaryToZero( level, cell, {self._deref()}.getEdgeDoFFunction().getCellDataID() );"
+            )
+    def post_communication(
+        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
+    ) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return (
+                f"{self._deref()}.getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Face, Edge >( {params} );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Face, Vertex >( {params} );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.getEdgeDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Face, Edge >( {params} );"
+            )
+        else:
+            return (
+                f"{self._deref()}.getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Vertex >( {params} );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.getEdgeDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
+                f"{self._deref()}.getEdgeDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );"
+            )
+    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
+        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[dim]
+        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[dim]
+        return (
+            f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* _data_{self.name}Vertex = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}.getVertexDoFFunction().get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );\n"
+            f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* _data_{self.name}Edge   = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}.getEdgeDoFFunction().get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );"
+        )
+    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        return f"{self._deref()}.invertElementwise( level );"
+    def local_dofs(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
+        vertex_dof_indices = micro_element_to_vertex_indices(
+            geometry, element_type, element_index
+        )
+        vertex_dof_indices = [vertex_dof_indices[i] for i in element_vertex_ordering]
+        edge_dof_indices = micro_vertex_to_edge_indices(geometry, vertex_dof_indices)
+        vrtx_array_idcs = [
+            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info)
+            for dof_idx in vertex_dof_indices
+        ]
+        edge_array_idcs = [
+            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info) for dof_idx in edge_dof_indices
+        ]
+        # NOTE: The order of DoFs must match the order of shape functions
+        #       defined in the FunctionSpace. Holds within the individual lists
+        #       and overall.
+        return [
+            self.f_vertex.absolute_access((idx,), (0,)) for idx in vrtx_array_idcs
+        ] + [self.f_edge.absolute_access((idx,), (0,)) for idx in edge_array_idcs]
+    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
+        return f"P2Function< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >"
+    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
+        return {f"hyteg/p2functionspace/P2Function.hpp"}
+    def dof_transformation(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
+        return (
+            CustomCodeNode("", [], []),
+            sp.Identity(self.fe_space.num_dofs(geometry)),
+        )
+class P2VectorFunctionSpaceImpl(FunctionSpaceImpl):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
+        name: str,
+        type_descriptor: HOGType,
+        is_pointer: bool = False,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(fe_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
+        self.fields: Dict[Tuple[str, int], Field] = {}
+    def _field_name(self, component: int, dof_type: str) -> str:
+        """dof_type should either be 'vertex' or 'edge'"""
+        return self.name + f"_{dof_type}_{component}"
+    def _raw_pointer_name(self, component: int, dof_type: str) -> str:
+        """dof_type should either be 'vertex' or 'edge'"""
+        return f"_data_" + self._field_name(component, dof_type)
+    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return f"communication::syncVectorFunctionBetweenPrimitives( {self.name}, level, communication::syncDirection_t::LOW2HIGH );"
+        else:
+            ret_str = ""
+            for i in range(dim):
+                ret_str += (
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicate< Face, Cell >( level );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicate< Edge, Cell >( level );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicate< Vertex, Cell >( level );"
+                )
+            return ret_str
+    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            return (
+                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macroface::Iterator( level ) )\n"
+                f"{{\n"
+                f"    if ( vertexdof::macroface::isVertexOnBoundary( level, idx ) )\n"
+                f"    {{\n"
+                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macroface::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y() );\n"
+                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(0, 'vertex')}[arrayIdx] = walberla::numeric_cast< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >( 0 );\n"
+                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(1, 'vertex')}[arrayIdx] = walberla::numeric_cast< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >( 0 );\n"
+                f"    }}\n"
+                f"}}\n"
+                f"for ( const auto& idx : edgedof::macroface::Iterator( level ) )\n"
+                f"{{\n"
+                f"    for ( const auto& orientation : edgedof::faceLocalEdgeDoFOrientations )\n"
+                f"    {{\n"
+                f"        if ( !edgedof::macroface::isInnerEdgeDoF( level, idx, orientation ) )\n"
+                f"        {{\n"
+                f"            auto arrayIdx = edgedof::macroface::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y(), orientation );\n"
+                f"            {self._raw_pointer_name(0, 'edge')}[arrayIdx] = walberla::numeric_cast< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >( 0 );\n"
+                f"            {self._raw_pointer_name(1, 'edge')}[arrayIdx] = walberla::numeric_cast< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >( 0 );\n"
+                f"        }}\n"
+                f"    }}\n"
+                f"}}"
+            )
+        else:
+            return (
+                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macrocell::Iterator( level ) )\n"
+                f"{{\n"
+                f"if ( !vertexdof::macrocell::isOnCellFace( idx, level ).empty() )\n"
+                f"    {{\n"
+                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macrocell::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y(), idx.z() );\n"
+                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(0, 'vertex')}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
+                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(1, 'vertex')}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
+                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(2, 'vertex')}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
+                f"    }}\n"
+                f"}}\n"
+                f"edgedof::macrocell::setBoundaryToZero( level, cell, {self._deref()}[0].getEdgeDoFFunction().getCellDataID() );\n"
+                f"edgedof::macrocell::setBoundaryToZero( level, cell, {self._deref()}[1].getEdgeDoFFunction().getCellDataID() );\n"
+                f"edgedof::macrocell::setBoundaryToZero( level, cell, {self._deref()}[2].getEdgeDoFFunction().getCellDataID() );\n"
+            )
+    def post_communication(
+        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
+    ) -> str:
+        if dim == 2:
+            ret_str = ""
+            for i in range(dim):
+                ret_str += (
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Face, Edge >( {params} );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Face, Vertex >( {params} );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getEdgeDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Face, Edge >( {params} );"
+                )
+            return ret_str
+        else:
+            ret_str = ""
+            for i in range(dim):
+                ret_str += (
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Vertex >( {params} );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getEdgeDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
+                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getEdgeDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );"
+                )
+            return ret_str
+    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
+        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[dim]
+        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[dim]
+        ret_str = ""
+        for i in range(dim):
+            ret_str += f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* {self._raw_pointer_name(i, 'vertex')} = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}[{i}].getVertexDoFFunction().get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );\n"
+            ret_str += f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* {self._raw_pointer_name(i, 'edge')} = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}[{i}].getEdgeDoFFunction().get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );\n"
+        return ret_str
+    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
+        ret_str = ""
+        for i in range(dim):
+            ret_str += f"{self._deref()}[{i}].invertElementwise( level );\n"
+        return ret_str
+    def local_dofs(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
+        """
+        Returns the element-local DoFs (field accesses) in a list (i.e., linearized).
+        See P1VectorFunctionSpaceImpl::local_dofs() for details.
+        """
+        for dt in ["vertex", "edge"]:
+            for c in range(geometry.dimensions):
+                if (dt, c) not in self.fields:
+                    self.fields[(dt, c)] = self._create_field(self._field_name(c, dt))
+        vertex_dof_indices = micro_element_to_vertex_indices(
+            geometry, element_type, element_index
+        )
+        vertex_dof_indices = [vertex_dof_indices[i] for i in element_vertex_ordering]
+        edge_dof_indices = micro_vertex_to_edge_indices(geometry, vertex_dof_indices)
+        vertex_array_indices = [
+            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info)
+            for dof_idx in vertex_dof_indices
+        ]
+        edge_array_indices = [
+            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info) for dof_idx in edge_dof_indices
+        ]
+        loc_dofs = []
+        for c in range(geometry.dimensions):
+            loc_dofs += [
+                self.fields[("vertex", c)].absolute_access((idx,), (0,))
+                for idx in vertex_array_indices
+            ]
+            loc_dofs += [
+                self.fields[("edge", c)].absolute_access((idx,), (0,))
+                for idx in edge_array_indices
+            ]
+        return loc_dofs
+    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
+        return f"P2VectorFunction< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >"
+    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
+        return {
+            f"hyteg/p2functionspace/P2VectorFunction.hpp",
+            f"hyteg/p2functionspace/P2Function.hpp",
+        }
+    def dof_transformation(
+        self,
+        geometry: ElementGeometry,
+        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
+        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
+        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
+    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
+        return (
+            CustomCodeNode("", [], []),
+            sp.Identity(self.fe_space.num_dofs(geometry)),
+        )
diff --git a/hog/operator_generation/function_space_impls.py b/hog/operator_generation/function_space_impls.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 956001b75dd2c2f62b33f1695891047f03c923ec..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/hog/operator_generation/function_space_impls.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1053 +0,0 @@
-# HyTeG Operator Generator
-# Copyright (C) 2024  HyTeG Team
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
-import itertools
-import numpy as np
-import sympy as sp
-from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Union, Dict
-import pystencils as ps
-from pystencils import Field, FieldType
-from pystencils.backends.cbackend import CustomCodeNode
-from hog.element_geometry import ElementGeometry
-from hog.exception import HOGException
-from hog.function_space import (
-    FunctionSpace,
-    LagrangianFunctionSpace,
-    TensorialVectorFunctionSpace,
-    N1E1Space,
-from hog.operator_generation.indexing import (
-    CellType,
-    FaceType,
-    VolumeDoFMemoryLayout,
-    micro_element_to_vertex_indices,
-    micro_vertex_to_edge_indices,
-    micro_element_to_volume_indices,
-    IndexingInfo,
-from hog.operator_generation.types import HOGType
-class FunctionSpaceImpl(ABC):
-    """A FunctionSpaceImpl is the counterpart of a Function in HyTeG.
-    An instance of this class represents an instance of one of HyTeG's Function
-    classes. It is associated with a mathematical function space, an identifier
-    (variable name) and can optionally be a pointer. This class is intended
-    to abstract printing code for e.g. communication in an FE space and C++
-    implementation agnostic way.
-    It is impossible to create an instance of this abstract base class directly.
-    Preferrably, use the static method `create_impl` which selects the correct
-    derived class for the `FunctionSpace`.
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
-        name: str,
-        type_descriptor: HOGType,
-        is_pointer: bool,
-    ):
-        """Records the passed parameters in member variables.
-        It is impossible to create an instance of this abstract base class
-        directly. This __init__ method is to be called by the derived classes.
-        Preferrably, use the static method `create_impl` which selects the
-        correct derived class for the `FunctionSpace`.
-        """
-        self.fe_space = fe_space
-        self.name = name
-        self.type_descriptor = type_descriptor
-        self.is_pointer = is_pointer
-    @staticmethod
-    def create_impl(  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] # returns Self but Self is kind of new
-        func_space: FunctionSpace,
-        name: str,
-        type_descriptor: HOGType,
-        is_pointer: bool = False,
-    ):
-        """Takes a mathematical function space and produces the corresponding function space implementation.
-        :param func_space:      The mathematical function space.
-        :param name:            The C++ variable name/identifier of this function.
-        :param type_descriptor: The value type of this function.
-        :param is_pointer:      Whether the C++ variable is of a pointer type. Used
-                                to print member accesses.
-        """
-        impl_class: type
-        if isinstance(func_space, LagrangianFunctionSpace):
-            if func_space.degree == 2:
-                impl_class = P2FunctionSpaceImpl
-            elif func_space.degree == 1:
-                impl_class = P1FunctionSpaceImpl
-            elif func_space.degree == 0:
-                impl_class = P0FunctionSpaceImpl
-            else:
-                raise HOGException("Lagrangian function space must be of order 1 or 2.")
-        elif isinstance(func_space, TensorialVectorFunctionSpace):
-            if isinstance(func_space.component_function_space, LagrangianFunctionSpace):
-                if func_space.component_function_space.degree == 1:
-                    if func_space.single_component is None:
-                        impl_class = P1VectorFunctionSpaceImpl
-                    else:
-                        impl_class = P1FunctionSpaceImpl
-                elif func_space.component_function_space.degree == 2:
-                    if func_space.single_component is None:
-                        impl_class = P2VectorFunctionSpaceImpl
-                    else:
-                        impl_class = P2FunctionSpaceImpl
-                else:
-                    raise HOGException(
-                        "TensorialVectorFunctionSpaces not supported for the chosen components."
-                    )
-            else:
-                raise HOGException(
-                    "TensorialVectorFunctionSpaces are only supported with Lagrangian component spaces."
-                )
-        elif isinstance(func_space, N1E1Space):
-            impl_class = N1E1FunctionSpaceImpl
-        else:
-            raise HOGException("Unexpected function space")
-        return impl_class(func_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
-    def _create_field(self, name: str) -> Field:
-        """Creates a pystencils field with a given name and stride 1."""
-        f = Field.create_generic(
-            name,
-            1,
-            dtype=self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type,
-            field_type=FieldType.CUSTOM,
-        )
-        f.strides = tuple([1 for _ in f.strides])
-        return f
-    @abstractmethod
-    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        """C++ code for the function space communication prior to the macro-primitive loop."""
-        ...
-    @abstractmethod
-    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        """C++ code to zero the halos on a macro in HyTeG."""
-        ...
-    @abstractmethod
-    def post_communication(
-        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
-    ) -> str:
-        """C++ code for the function space communication after the macro-primitive loop."""
-        ...
-    @abstractmethod
-    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
-        ...
-    @abstractmethod
-    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        """C++ code for inverting each DoF of the linalg vector."""
-        ...
-    @abstractmethod
-    def local_dofs(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
-        """
-        Returns a list of local dof values on the current element.
-        The element_vertex_ordering is a list that specifies the ordering of the reference vertices.
-        The ordering in which the DoFs are returned depends on this list. The "default" ordering is
-        [0, 1, ..., num_vertices - 1].
-        """
-        ...
-    @abstractmethod
-    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
-        """Returns the C++ function class type as a string."""
-        ...
-    @abstractmethod
-    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
-        """Returns the import location for the function space in HyTeG."""
-        ...
-    @abstractmethod
-    def dof_transformation(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
-        """Returns HyTeG code that computes the basis/DoF transformation and a symbolic expression of the result.
-        In general FEM spaces, neighboring elements must agree on the
-        orientation of shared mesh entities. For example, in N1E1 the
-        orientations of edges define the sign of the DoFs, while in P3
-        reorienting an edge swaps the two DoFs located on this edge. Basis
-        transformations between these spaces allow us to view DoFs from
-        neighboring elements in our local orientation.
-        Recommended reading:
-          Scroggs et al., "Construction of Arbitrary Order Finite Element Degree-
-          of-Freedom Maps on Polygonal and Polyhedral Cell Meshes," 2022, doi:
-          https://doi.org/10.1145/3524456.
-        This function returns a matrix that, when applied to a local DoF vector,
-        transforms the DoFs from the owning primitives to the basis of the
-        current macro primitive.
-        For example:
-          - P1/P2: The identity.
-          - P3:    A permutation matrix.
-          - N1E1:  A diagonal matrix with |aᵢᵢ| = 1.
-        If the micro element is in the interior of the macro-cell, the
-        transformation is the identity. In matrix-free computations the
-        communication is responsible for the basis transformations. Only when
-        assembling operators into matrices, these transformations must be
-        "baked into" the matrix because vectors are assembled locally and our
-        communication routine is not performed during the operator application.
-        The element_vertex_ordering is a list that specifies the ordering of the reference vertices.
-        The ordering in which the DoFs are returned depends on this list. The "default" ordering is
-        [0, 1, ..., num_vertices - 1].
-        """
-        ...
-    def _deref(self) -> str:
-        if self.is_pointer:
-            return f"(*{self.name})"
-        else:
-            return self.name
-class P0FunctionSpaceImpl(FunctionSpaceImpl):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
-        name: str,
-        type_descriptor: HOGType,
-        is_pointer: bool = False,
-    ):
-        super().__init__(fe_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
-        self.field = self._create_field(name)
-    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        return ""
-    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        return ""
-    def post_communication(
-        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
-    ) -> str:
-        return ""
-    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
-        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[dim]
-        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[dim]
-        return f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* _data_{self.name} = {self._deref()}.getDGFunction()->volumeDoFFunction()->dofMemory( it.first, level );"
-    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        return f"{self._deref()}.invertElementwise( level );"
-    def local_dofs(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
-        volume_dof_indices = micro_element_to_volume_indices(
-            element_type, element_index, 1, VolumeDoFMemoryLayout.SoA
-        )
-        vertex_array_indices = [
-            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info)
-            for dof_idx in volume_dof_indices
-        ]
-        return [
-            self.field.absolute_access((idx,), (0,)) for idx in vertex_array_indices
-        ]
-    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
-        return f"P0Function< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >"
-    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
-        return {f"hyteg/p0functionspace/P0Function.hpp"}
-    def dof_transformation(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
-        return (
-            CustomCodeNode("", [], []),
-            sp.Identity(self.fe_space.num_dofs(geometry)),
-        )
-class P1FunctionSpaceImpl(FunctionSpaceImpl):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
-        name: str,
-        type_descriptor: HOGType,
-        is_pointer: bool = False,
-    ):
-        super().__init__(fe_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
-        self.field = self._create_field(name)
-    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return f"communication::syncFunctionBetweenPrimitives( {self.name}, level, communication::syncDirection_t::LOW2HIGH );"
-        else:
-            return (
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Face, Cell >( level );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Edge, Cell >( level );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Vertex, Cell >( level );"
-            )
-    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return (
-                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macroface::Iterator( level ) ) {{\n"
-                f"    if ( vertexdof::macroface::isVertexOnBoundary( level, idx ) ) {{\n"
-                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macroface::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y() );\n"
-                f"        _data_{self.name}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
-                f"    }}\n"
-                f"}}"
-            )
-        else:
-            return (
-                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macrocell::Iterator( level ) ) {{\n"
-                f"    if ( !vertexdof::macrocell::isOnCellFace( idx, level ).empty() ) {{\n"
-                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macrocell::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y(), idx.z() );\n"
-                f"        _data_{self.name}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
-                f"    }}\n"
-                f"}}"
-            )
-    def post_communication(
-        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
-    ) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return (
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicateAdditively < Face, Edge > ( {params} );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicateAdditively < Face, Vertex > ( {params} );"
-            )
-        else:
-            return (
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicateAdditively< Cell, Vertex >( {params} );"
-            )
-    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
-        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[dim]
-        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[dim]
-        return f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* _data_{self.name} = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}.get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );"
-    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        return f"{self._deref()}.invertElementwise( level );"
-    def local_dofs(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
-        vertex_dof_indices = micro_element_to_vertex_indices(
-            geometry, element_type, element_index
-        )
-        vertex_dof_indices = [vertex_dof_indices[i] for i in element_vertex_ordering]
-        vertex_array_indices = [
-            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info)
-            for dof_idx in vertex_dof_indices
-        ]
-        return [
-            self.field.absolute_access((idx,), (0,)) for idx in vertex_array_indices
-        ]
-    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
-        return f"P1Function< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >"
-    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
-        return {f"hyteg/p1functionspace/P1Function.hpp"}
-    def dof_transformation(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
-        return (
-            CustomCodeNode("", [], []),
-            sp.Identity(self.fe_space.num_dofs(geometry)),
-        )
-class P2FunctionSpaceImpl(FunctionSpaceImpl):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
-        name: str,
-        type_descriptor: HOGType,
-        is_pointer: bool = False,
-    ):
-        super().__init__(fe_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
-        self.f_vertex = self._create_field(name + "Vertex")
-        self.f_edge = self._create_field(name + "Edge")
-    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return f"communication::syncFunctionBetweenPrimitives( {self.name}, level, communication::syncDirection_t::LOW2HIGH );"
-        else:
-            return (
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Face, Cell >( level );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Edge, Cell >( level );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Vertex, Cell >( level );"
-            )
-    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return (
-                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macroface::Iterator( level ) )\n"
-                f"{{\n"
-                f"    if ( vertexdof::macroface::isVertexOnBoundary( level, idx ) )\n"
-                f"    {{\n"
-                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macroface::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y() );\n"
-                f"        _data_{self.name }Vertex[arrayIdx] = walberla::numeric_cast< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >( 0 );\n"
-                f"    }}\n"
-                f"}}\n"
-                f"for ( const auto& idx : edgedof::macroface::Iterator( level ) )\n"
-                f"{{\n"
-                f"    for ( const auto& orientation : edgedof::faceLocalEdgeDoFOrientations )\n"
-                f"    {{\n"
-                f"        if ( !edgedof::macroface::isInnerEdgeDoF( level, idx, orientation ) )\n"
-                f"        {{\n"
-                f"            auto arrayIdx = edgedof::macroface::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y(), orientation );\n"
-                f"            _data_{self.name }Edge[arrayIdx] = walberla::numeric_cast< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >( 0 );\n"
-                f"        }}\n"
-                f"    }}\n"
-                f"}}"
-            )
-        else:
-            return (
-                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macrocell::Iterator( level ) )\n"
-                f"{{\n"
-                f"if ( !vertexdof::macrocell::isOnCellFace( idx, level ).empty() )\n"
-                f"    {{\n"
-                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macrocell::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y(), idx.z() );\n"
-                f"        _data_{self.name}Vertex[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
-                f"    }}\n"
-                f"}}\n"
-                f"edgedof::macrocell::setBoundaryToZero( level, cell, {self._deref()}.getEdgeDoFFunction().getCellDataID() );"
-            )
-    def post_communication(
-        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
-    ) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return (
-                f"{self._deref()}.getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Face, Edge >( {params} );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Face, Vertex >( {params} );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.getEdgeDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Face, Edge >( {params} );"
-            )
-        else:
-            return (
-                f"{self._deref()}.getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Vertex >( {params} );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.getEdgeDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.getEdgeDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );"
-            )
-    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
-        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[dim]
-        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[dim]
-        return (
-            f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* _data_{self.name}Vertex = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}.getVertexDoFFunction().get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );\n"
-            f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* _data_{self.name}Edge   = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}.getEdgeDoFFunction().get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );"
-        )
-    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        return f"{self._deref()}.invertElementwise( level );"
-    def local_dofs(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
-        vertex_dof_indices = micro_element_to_vertex_indices(
-            geometry, element_type, element_index
-        )
-        vertex_dof_indices = [vertex_dof_indices[i] for i in element_vertex_ordering]
-        edge_dof_indices = micro_vertex_to_edge_indices(geometry, vertex_dof_indices)
-        vrtx_array_idcs = [
-            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info)
-            for dof_idx in vertex_dof_indices
-        ]
-        edge_array_idcs = [
-            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info) for dof_idx in edge_dof_indices
-        ]
-        # NOTE: The order of DoFs must match the order of shape functions
-        #       defined in the FunctionSpace. Holds within the individual lists
-        #       and overall.
-        return [
-            self.f_vertex.absolute_access((idx,), (0,)) for idx in vrtx_array_idcs
-        ] + [self.f_edge.absolute_access((idx,), (0,)) for idx in edge_array_idcs]
-    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
-        return f"P2Function< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >"
-    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
-        return {f"hyteg/p2functionspace/P2Function.hpp"}
-    def dof_transformation(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
-        return (
-            CustomCodeNode("", [], []),
-            sp.Identity(self.fe_space.num_dofs(geometry)),
-        )
-class P1VectorFunctionSpaceImpl(FunctionSpaceImpl):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
-        name: str,
-        type_descriptor: HOGType,
-        is_pointer: bool = False,
-    ):
-        super().__init__(fe_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
-        self.fields: Dict[int, Field] = {}
-    def _field_name(self, component: int) -> str:
-        return self.name + f"_{component}"
-    def _raw_pointer_name(self, component: int) -> str:
-        return f"_data_" + self._field_name(component)
-    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return f"communication::syncVectorFunctionBetweenPrimitives( {self.name}, level, communication::syncDirection_t::LOW2HIGH );"
-        else:
-            ret_str = ""
-            for i in range(dim):
-                ret_str += (
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicate< Face, Cell >( level );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicate< Edge, Cell >( level );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicate< Vertex, Cell >( level );"
-                )
-            return ret_str
-    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return (
-                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macroface::Iterator( level ) ) {{\n"
-                f"    if ( vertexdof::macroface::isVertexOnBoundary( level, idx ) ) {{\n"
-                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macroface::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y() );\n"
-                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(0)}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
-                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(1)}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
-                f"    }}\n"
-                f"}}"
-            )
-        else:
-            return (
-                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macrocell::Iterator( level ) ) {{\n"
-                f"    if ( !vertexdof::macrocell::isOnCellFace( idx, level ).empty() ) {{\n"
-                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macrocell::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y(), idx.z() );\n"
-                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(0)}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
-                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(1)}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
-                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(2)}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
-                f"    }}\n"
-                f"}}"
-            )
-    def post_communication(
-        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
-    ) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            ret_str = ""
-            for i in range(dim):
-                ret_str += (
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicateAdditively < Face, Edge > ( {params} );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicateAdditively < Face, Vertex > ( {params} );\n"
-                )
-            return ret_str
-        else:
-            ret_str = ""
-            for i in range(dim):
-                ret_str += (
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicateAdditively< Cell, Vertex >( {params} );"
-                )
-            return ret_str
-    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
-        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[dim]
-        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[dim]
-        ret_str = ""
-        for i in range(dim):
-            ret_str += f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* {self._raw_pointer_name(i)} = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}[{i}].get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );\n"
-        return ret_str
-    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        ret_str = ""
-        for i in range(dim):
-            ret_str += f"{self._deref()}[{i}].invertElementwise( level );\n"
-        return ret_str
-    def local_dofs(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
-        """
-        Returns the element-local DoFs (field accesses) in a list (i.e., linearized).
-        The order here has to match that of the function space implementation.
-        TODO: This is a little concerning since that order has to match in two very different parts of this
-              implementation. Here, and in the TensorialVectorFunctionSpace. Maybe we can define this order in a single
-              location.
-        We return them in "SoA" order: first all DoFs corresponding to the function with the first component != 0,
-        then all DoFs corresponding to the function with the second component != 0 etc.
-        For instance, in 2D we get the DoFs corresponding to the 6 shape functions in the following order:
-        First component != 0
-        list[0]: ⎡-x_ref_0 - x_ref_1 + 1⎤
-                 ⎢                      ⎥
-                 ⎣          0           ⎦
-        list[1]: ⎡x_ref_0⎤
-                 ⎢       ⎥
-                 ⎣   0   ⎦
-        list[2]: ⎡x_ref_1⎤
-                 ⎢       ⎥
-                 ⎣   0   ⎦
-        Second component != 0
-        list[3]: ⎡          0           ⎤
-                 ⎢                      ⎥
-                 ⎣-x_ref_0 - x_ref_1 + 1⎦
-        list[4]: ⎡   0   ⎤
-                 ⎢       ⎥
-                 ⎣x_ref_0⎦
-        list[5]: ⎡   0   ⎤
-                 ⎢       ⎥
-                 ⎣x_ref_1⎦
-        """
-        for c in range(geometry.dimensions):
-            if c not in self.fields:
-                self.fields[c] = self._create_field(self._field_name(c))
-        vertex_dof_indices = micro_element_to_vertex_indices(
-            geometry, element_type, element_index
-        )
-        vertex_dof_indices = [vertex_dof_indices[i] for i in element_vertex_ordering]
-        vertex_array_indices = [
-            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info)
-            for dof_idx in vertex_dof_indices
-        ]
-        return [
-            self.fields[c].absolute_access((idx,), (0,))
-            for c in range(geometry.dimensions)
-            for idx in vertex_array_indices
-        ]
-    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
-        return f"P1VectorFunction< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >"
-    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
-        return {f"hyteg/p1functionspace/P1VectorFunction.hpp"}
-    def dof_transformation(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
-        return (
-            CustomCodeNode("", [], []),
-            sp.Identity(self.fe_space.num_dofs(geometry)),
-        )
-class P2VectorFunctionSpaceImpl(FunctionSpaceImpl):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
-        name: str,
-        type_descriptor: HOGType,
-        is_pointer: bool = False,
-    ):
-        super().__init__(fe_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
-        self.fields: Dict[Tuple[str, int], Field] = {}
-    def _field_name(self, component: int, dof_type: str) -> str:
-        """dof_type should either be 'vertex' or 'edge'"""
-        return self.name + f"_{dof_type}_{component}"
-    def _raw_pointer_name(self, component: int, dof_type: str) -> str:
-        """dof_type should either be 'vertex' or 'edge'"""
-        return f"_data_" + self._field_name(component, dof_type)
-    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return f"communication::syncVectorFunctionBetweenPrimitives( {self.name}, level, communication::syncDirection_t::LOW2HIGH );"
-        else:
-            ret_str = ""
-            for i in range(dim):
-                ret_str += (
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicate< Face, Cell >( level );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicate< Edge, Cell >( level );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].communicate< Vertex, Cell >( level );"
-                )
-            return ret_str
-    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return (
-                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macroface::Iterator( level ) )\n"
-                f"{{\n"
-                f"    if ( vertexdof::macroface::isVertexOnBoundary( level, idx ) )\n"
-                f"    {{\n"
-                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macroface::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y() );\n"
-                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(0, 'vertex')}[arrayIdx] = walberla::numeric_cast< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >( 0 );\n"
-                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(1, 'vertex')}[arrayIdx] = walberla::numeric_cast< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >( 0 );\n"
-                f"    }}\n"
-                f"}}\n"
-                f"for ( const auto& idx : edgedof::macroface::Iterator( level ) )\n"
-                f"{{\n"
-                f"    for ( const auto& orientation : edgedof::faceLocalEdgeDoFOrientations )\n"
-                f"    {{\n"
-                f"        if ( !edgedof::macroface::isInnerEdgeDoF( level, idx, orientation ) )\n"
-                f"        {{\n"
-                f"            auto arrayIdx = edgedof::macroface::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y(), orientation );\n"
-                f"            {self._raw_pointer_name(0, 'edge')}[arrayIdx] = walberla::numeric_cast< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >( 0 );\n"
-                f"            {self._raw_pointer_name(1, 'edge')}[arrayIdx] = walberla::numeric_cast< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >( 0 );\n"
-                f"        }}\n"
-                f"    }}\n"
-                f"}}"
-            )
-        else:
-            return (
-                f"for ( const auto& idx : vertexdof::macrocell::Iterator( level ) )\n"
-                f"{{\n"
-                f"if ( !vertexdof::macrocell::isOnCellFace( idx, level ).empty() )\n"
-                f"    {{\n"
-                f"        auto arrayIdx = vertexdof::macrocell::index( level, idx.x(), idx.y(), idx.z() );\n"
-                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(0, 'vertex')}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
-                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(1, 'vertex')}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
-                f"        {self._raw_pointer_name(2, 'vertex')}[arrayIdx] = {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}( 0 );\n"
-                f"    }}\n"
-                f"}}\n"
-                f"edgedof::macrocell::setBoundaryToZero( level, cell, {self._deref()}[0].getEdgeDoFFunction().getCellDataID() );\n"
-                f"edgedof::macrocell::setBoundaryToZero( level, cell, {self._deref()}[1].getEdgeDoFFunction().getCellDataID() );\n"
-                f"edgedof::macrocell::setBoundaryToZero( level, cell, {self._deref()}[2].getEdgeDoFFunction().getCellDataID() );\n"
-            )
-    def post_communication(
-        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
-    ) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            ret_str = ""
-            for i in range(dim):
-                ret_str += (
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Face, Edge >( {params} );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Face, Vertex >( {params} );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getEdgeDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Face, Edge >( {params} );"
-                )
-            return ret_str
-        else:
-            ret_str = ""
-            for i in range(dim):
-                ret_str += (
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getVertexDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Vertex >( {params} );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getEdgeDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
-                    f"{self._deref()}[{i}].getEdgeDoFFunction().communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );"
-                )
-            return ret_str
-    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
-        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[dim]
-        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[dim]
-        ret_str = ""
-        for i in range(dim):
-            ret_str += f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* {self._raw_pointer_name(i, 'vertex')} = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}[{i}].getVertexDoFFunction().get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );\n"
-            ret_str += f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* {self._raw_pointer_name(i, 'edge')} = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}[{i}].getEdgeDoFFunction().get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );\n"
-        return ret_str
-    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        ret_str = ""
-        for i in range(dim):
-            ret_str += f"{self._deref()}[{i}].invertElementwise( level );\n"
-        return ret_str
-    def local_dofs(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
-        """
-        Returns the element-local DoFs (field accesses) in a list (i.e., linearized).
-        See P1VectorFunctionSpaceImpl::local_dofs() for details.
-        """
-        for dt in ["vertex", "edge"]:
-            for c in range(geometry.dimensions):
-                if (dt, c) not in self.fields:
-                    self.fields[(dt, c)] = self._create_field(self._field_name(c, dt))
-        vertex_dof_indices = micro_element_to_vertex_indices(
-            geometry, element_type, element_index
-        )
-        vertex_dof_indices = [vertex_dof_indices[i] for i in element_vertex_ordering]
-        edge_dof_indices = micro_vertex_to_edge_indices(geometry, vertex_dof_indices)
-        vertex_array_indices = [
-            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info)
-            for dof_idx in vertex_dof_indices
-        ]
-        edge_array_indices = [
-            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info) for dof_idx in edge_dof_indices
-        ]
-        loc_dofs = []
-        for c in range(geometry.dimensions):
-            loc_dofs += [
-                self.fields[("vertex", c)].absolute_access((idx,), (0,))
-                for idx in vertex_array_indices
-            ]
-            loc_dofs += [
-                self.fields[("edge", c)].absolute_access((idx,), (0,))
-                for idx in edge_array_indices
-            ]
-        return loc_dofs
-    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
-        return f"P2VectorFunction< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >"
-    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
-        return {
-            f"hyteg/p2functionspace/P2VectorFunction.hpp",
-            f"hyteg/p2functionspace/P2Function.hpp",
-        }
-    def dof_transformation(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
-        return (
-            CustomCodeNode("", [], []),
-            sp.Identity(self.fe_space.num_dofs(geometry)),
-        )
-class N1E1FunctionSpaceImpl(FunctionSpaceImpl):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        fe_space: FunctionSpace,
-        name: str,
-        type_descriptor: HOGType,
-        is_pointer: bool = False,
-    ):
-        super().__init__(fe_space, name, type_descriptor, is_pointer)
-        self.field = self._create_field(name)
-    def pre_communication(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return ""
-        else:
-            return (
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Face, Cell >( level );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.communicate< Edge, Cell >( level );"
-            )
-    def zero_halos(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return ""
-        else:
-            return f"edgedof::macrocell::setBoundaryToZero( level, cell, {self._deref()}.getDoFs()->getCellDataID() );"
-    def post_communication(
-        self, dim: int, params: str, transform_basis: bool = True
-    ) -> str:
-        if dim == 2:
-            return ""
-        else:
-            dofs = ""
-            if not transform_basis:
-                dofs = "getDoFs()->"
-            return (
-                f"{self._deref()}.{dofs}communicateAdditively< Cell, Face >( {params} );\n"
-                f"{self._deref()}.{dofs}communicateAdditively< Cell, Edge >( {params} );"
-            )
-    def pointer_retrieval(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        """C++ code for retrieving pointers to the numerical data stored in the macro primitives `face` (2d) or `cell` (3d)."""
-        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[dim]
-        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[dim]
-        return f"{self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type}* _data_{self.name} = {macro}.getData( {self._deref()}.getDoFs()->get{Macro}DataID() )->getPointer( level );"
-    def invert_elementwise(self, dim: int) -> str:
-        return f"{self._deref()}.getDoFs()->invertElementwise( level );"
-    def local_dofs(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        indexing_info: IndexingInfo,
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> List[Field.Access]:
-        vertex_dof_indices = micro_element_to_vertex_indices(
-            geometry, element_type, element_index
-        )
-        vertex_dof_indices = [vertex_dof_indices[i] for i in element_vertex_ordering]
-        edge_dof_indices = micro_vertex_to_edge_indices(geometry, vertex_dof_indices)
-        edge_array_indices = [
-            dof_idx.array_index(geometry, indexing_info) for dof_idx in edge_dof_indices
-        ]
-        return [self.field.absolute_access((idx,), (0,)) for idx in edge_array_indices]
-    def func_type_string(self) -> str:
-        return f"n1e1::N1E1VectorFunction< {self.type_descriptor.pystencils_type} >"
-    def includes(self) -> Set[str]:
-        return {
-            "hyteg/n1e1functionspace/N1E1VectorFunction.hpp",
-            "hyteg/n1e1functionspace/N1E1MacroCell.hpp",
-        }
-    def dof_transformation(
-        self,
-        geometry: ElementGeometry,
-        element_index: Tuple[int, int, int],
-        element_type: Union[FaceType, CellType],
-        element_vertex_ordering: List[int],
-    ) -> Tuple[CustomCodeNode, sp.MatrixBase]:
-        if element_vertex_ordering != [0, 1, 2, 3]:
-            raise HOGException(
-                "Element vertex re-ordering not supported for Nédélec elements (yet)."
-            )
-        Macro = {2: "Face", 3: "Cell"}[geometry.dimensions]
-        macro = {2: "face", 3: "cell"}[geometry.dimensions]
-        name = "basisTransformation"
-        n_dofs = self.fe_space.num_dofs(geometry)
-        # NOTE: Types are added manually because pystencils won't add types to accessed/
-        #       defined symbols of custom code nodes. As a result the symbols
-        #       in the matrix will be typed but not their definition, leading to
-        #       undefined symbols.
-        # NOTE: The type is `real_t` (not `self._type_descriptor.pystencils_type`)
-        #       because this function is implemented manually in HyTeG with
-        #       this signature. Passing `np.float64` is not ideal (if `real_t !=
-        #       double`) but it makes sure that casts are inserted if necessary
-        #       (though some might be superfluous).
-        symbols = [
-            ps.TypedSymbol(f"{name}.diagonal()({i})", np.float64) for i in range(n_dofs)
-        ]
-        return (
-            CustomCodeNode(
-                f"const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix< real_t, {n_dofs} > {name} = "
-                f"n1e1::macro{macro}::basisTransformation( level, {macro}, {{{element_index[0]}, {element_index[1]}, {element_index[2]}}}, {macro}dof::{Macro}Type::{element_type.name} );",
-                [
-                    ps.TypedSymbol("level", "const uint_t"),
-                    ps.TypedSymbol(f"{macro}", f"const {Macro}&"),
-                ],
-                symbols,
-            ),
-            sp.diag(*symbols),
-        )
diff --git a/hog/operator_generation/kernel_types.py b/hog/operator_generation/kernel_types.py
index f0ba9f13523100cb3c2862dd1bcce32faea0644f..712dc0365b750c6bc6b95088e39133bcf71fde6b 100644
--- a/hog/operator_generation/kernel_types.py
+++ b/hog/operator_generation/kernel_types.py
@@ -38,7 +38,12 @@ from hog.cpp_printing import (
 from hog.element_geometry import ElementGeometry
 from hog.exception import HOGException
 from hog.function_space import FunctionSpace, TrialSpace, TestSpace
-from hog.operator_generation.function_space_impls import FunctionSpaceImpl
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.function_space_impl_base import (
+    FunctionSpaceImpl,
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.function_space_impl_factory import (
+    create_impl,
 from hog.operator_generation.indexing import FaceType, CellType
 from hog.operator_generation.pystencils_extensions import create_generic_fields
 from hog.operator_generation.types import HOGPrecision, HOGType, hyteg_type
@@ -377,12 +382,8 @@ class ApplyWrapper(KernelWrapperType):
         dims: List[int] = [2, 3],
         self.name = "apply"
-        self.src: FunctionSpaceImpl = FunctionSpaceImpl.create_impl(
-            src_space, "src", type_descriptor
-        )
-        self.dst: FunctionSpaceImpl = FunctionSpaceImpl.create_impl(
-            dst_space, "dst", type_descriptor
-        )
+        self.src: FunctionSpaceImpl = create_impl(src_space, "src", type_descriptor)
+        self.dst: FunctionSpaceImpl = create_impl(dst_space, "dst", type_descriptor)
         self.src_fields = [self.src]
         self.dst_fields = [self.dst]
         self.dims = dims
@@ -562,7 +563,7 @@ class AssembleDiagonalWrapper(KernelWrapperType):
         dims: List[int] = [2, 3],
         self.name = "computeInverseDiagonalOperatorValues"
-        self.dst: FunctionSpaceImpl = FunctionSpaceImpl.create_impl(
+        self.dst: FunctionSpaceImpl = create_impl(
             fe_space, dst_field, type_descriptor, is_pointer=True
         self.src_fields = []
@@ -690,12 +691,8 @@ class AssembleWrapper(KernelWrapperType):
         idx_t = HOGType("idx_t", np.int64)
         self.name = "toMatrix"
-        self.src: FunctionSpaceImpl = FunctionSpaceImpl.create_impl(
-            src_space, "src", idx_t
-        )
-        self.dst: FunctionSpaceImpl = FunctionSpaceImpl.create_impl(
-            dst_space, "dst", idx_t
-        )
+        self.src: FunctionSpaceImpl = create_impl(src_space, "src", idx_t)
+        self.dst: FunctionSpaceImpl = create_impl(dst_space, "dst", idx_t)
         # Treating both src and dst as dst_fields because src_fields are loaded
         # explicitly from memory prior to the kernel operation but we do not
diff --git a/hog/operator_generation/operators.py b/hog/operator_generation/operators.py
index b137074b28e9c55a3edc791822939857d48b306a..ff104c33a346c2c2f48e5a831f0d43c0d03106a2 100644
--- a/hog/operator_generation/operators.py
+++ b/hog/operator_generation/operators.py
@@ -45,7 +45,12 @@ from hog.hyteg_code_generation import (
 from hog.logger import TimedLogger
-from hog.operator_generation.function_space_impls import FunctionSpaceImpl
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.function_space_impl_base import (
+    FunctionSpaceImpl,
+from hog.operator_generation.function_space_implementations.function_space_impl_factory import (
+    create_impl,
 from hog.operator_generation.pystencils_extensions import create_generic_fields
 import pystencils as ps
@@ -219,7 +224,6 @@ def micro_vertex_permutation_for_facet(
     if volume_geometry == TriangleElement():
         if element_type == FaceType.BLUE:
             return [0, 1, 2]
@@ -232,7 +236,6 @@ def micro_vertex_permutation_for_facet(
         return shuffle_order_gray[facet_id]
     elif volume_geometry == TetrahedronElement():
         if element_type == CellType.WHITE_DOWN:
             return [0, 1, 2, 3]
@@ -557,7 +560,6 @@ class HyTeGElementwiseOperator:
         with TimedLogger(
             f"Generating kernels for operator {self.name}", level=logging.INFO
             # Generate each kernel type (apply, gemv, ...).
@@ -602,7 +604,6 @@ class HyTeGElementwiseOperator:
         with TimedLogger("Generating C code from kernel AST(s)"):
             # Add all kernels to the class.
             for operator_method in self.operator_methods:
                 num_integrals = len(operator_method.integration_infos)
                 if num_integrals != len(
@@ -798,7 +799,6 @@ class HyTeGElementwiseOperator:
         blending_includes = set()
         for dim, integration_infos in self.integration_infos.items():
             if not all(
@@ -1194,7 +1194,6 @@ class HyTeGElementwiseOperator:
             element_types = list(integration_info.loop_strategy.element_loops.keys())
         for element_type in element_types:
             # Re-ordering micro-element vertices for the handling of domain boundary integrals.
             # Boundary integrals are handled by looping over all (volume-)elements that have a facet at one of the
@@ -1283,7 +1282,7 @@ class HyTeGElementwiseOperator:
             coeffs = dict(
-                    FunctionSpaceImpl.create_impl(
+                    create_impl(
@@ -1299,7 +1298,7 @@ class HyTeGElementwiseOperator:
-                            element_index,
+                            element_index,  # type: ignore[arg-type] # list of sympy expressions also works
@@ -1530,7 +1529,6 @@ class HyTeGElementwiseOperator:
         for kernel_wrapper_type in self.kernel_wrapper_types:
             for dim, integration_infos in self.integration_infos.items():
                 kernel_functions = []
                 kernel_op_counts = []
                 platform_dep_kernels = []
@@ -1546,13 +1544,11 @@ class HyTeGElementwiseOperator:
                 for integration_info in integration_infos:
                     # generate AST of kernel loop
                     with TimedLogger(
                         f"Generating kernel {integration_info.name} ({kernel_wrapper_type.name}, {dim}D)",
@@ -1655,7 +1651,6 @@ class HyTeGElementwiseOperator:
                 for kernel_function, integration_info in zip(
                     kernel_functions, integration_infos
                     pre_call_code = ""
                     post_call_code = ""
@@ -1663,7 +1658,6 @@ class HyTeGElementwiseOperator:
                         == MacroIntegrationDomain.DOMAIN_BOUNDARY
                         if not isinstance(integration_info.loop_strategy, BOUNDARY):
                             raise HOGException(
                                 "The loop strategy should be BOUNDARY for boundary integrals."
diff --git a/hyteg_integration_tests/src/OperatorGenerationTest.hpp b/hyteg_integration_tests/src/OperatorGenerationTest.hpp
index 8719f6d5ef62fbed630bedb3fc89c39deb71f1d7..0e66c402acf55b0bfc0a6f673519981e03265c75 100644
--- a/hyteg_integration_tests/src/OperatorGenerationTest.hpp
+++ b/hyteg_integration_tests/src/OperatorGenerationTest.hpp
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ void compareApply( OperatorFactory< RefOpType > refOpFactory,
    real_t maxAbs = 1.0;
    if constexpr ( std::is_same< RefDstFncType, n1e1::N1E1VectorFunction< RefType > >::value )
-      maxAbs = err.getDoFs()->getMaxMagnitude( level );
+      maxAbs = err.getDoFs()->getMaxDoFMagnitude( level );
    else if constexpr ( std::is_same_v< RefDstFncType, P1VectorFunction< RefType > > || std::is_same_v< RefDstFncType, P2VectorFunction< RefType > > )
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ void compareApply( OperatorFactory< RefOpType > refOpFactory,
-      maxAbs = err.getMaxMagnitude( level );
+      maxAbs = err.getMaxDoFMagnitude( level );
    const real_t threshold = thresholdOverMachineEps * precisionDict::epsilon< TestType >();
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ void compareGEMV( const uint_t        level,
    real_t maxAbs = 1.0;
    if constexpr ( std::is_same< DstFncType, n1e1::N1E1VectorFunction< real_t > >::value )
-      maxAbs = err.getDoFs()->getMaxMagnitude( level );
+      maxAbs = err.getDoFs()->getMaxDoFMagnitude( level );
    else if constexpr ( std::is_same_v< DstFncType, P1VectorFunction< real_t > > || std::is_same_v< DstFncType, P2VectorFunction< real_t > > )
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ void compareGEMV( const uint_t        level,
-      maxAbs = err.getMaxMagnitude( level );
+      maxAbs = err.getMaxDoFMagnitude( level );
    const real_t threshold = thresholdOverMachineEps * precisionDict::epsilon< TestType >();
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ void compareInvDiag( OperatorFactory< RefOpType >  refOpFactory,
    real_t maxAbs = 1.0;
    if constexpr ( std::is_same< RefDiagType, n1e1::N1E1VectorFunction< RefType > >::value )
-      maxAbs = err.getDoFs()->getMaxMagnitude( level );
+      maxAbs = err.getDoFs()->getMaxDoFMagnitude( level );
    else if constexpr ( std::is_same_v< RefDiagType, P1VectorFunction< RefType > > || std::is_same_v< RefDiagType, P2VectorFunction< RefType > > )
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ void compareInvDiag( OperatorFactory< RefOpType >  refOpFactory,
-      maxAbs = err.getMaxMagnitude( level );
+      maxAbs = err.getMaxDoFMagnitude( level );
    const real_t threshold = thresholdOverMachineEps * precisionDict::epsilon< TestType >();