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  • Marcus Mohr's avatar
    Adds PETScSparseMatrixInfo class and overloads stream operator << · 32760cda
    Marcus Mohr authored
    The PETScSparseMatrixInfo provides access to the MatInfo struct of a
    matrix from PETSc. It is a child of the SparseMatrixInfo class. Maybe
    we want to implement a similar object for Trilinos?
    The PETScSparseMatrix class has a corresponding new getInfo() method
    and we can insert a PETScSparseMatrixInfo into the output stream.
    ElementwiseOperatoPetscTest now uses this new approach for its reporting.
    Further changes in PETScSparseMatrix:
    * renames assemble to assemble_
    * make constructor set assemble_ to false
    * relocates setting assemble_ to true from createMatrixFromOperatorOnce()
      to createMatrixFromOperator(), so that we can sensibly query it in