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  • Marcus Mohr's avatar
    Implements a DiagonalNonConstantOperator class · ec186627
    Marcus Mohr authored
    The new class constitutes an operator that is, in a matrix sense, diagonal
    and where the diagonal values may change from DoF to DoF. An example would
    be a lumped mass matrix on a blended domain.
    The operator wraps itself around an ElementwiseOperator and uses the latter
    to assemble and obtain the diagonal values. The DiagonalNonConstantOperator
    is intended to work together with RowSumForms, but will work for any other
    form, too, by just disregarding the non-diagonal matrix entries.
    While currently combined with an underlying ElementwiseOperator the
    DiagonalNonConstantOperator could also be combined with any other operator,
    as long as that provides access to the diagonal matrix entries in the form
    of a HyTeG function.