diff --git a/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongation.hpp b/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongation.hpp
index 80beceafc6a867e2a0dad0dc890006e9dff59b88..b8063ef661119532a7c77d3927ccffa43ea8d848 100644
--- a/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongation.hpp
+++ b/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongation.hpp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P1toP1LinearProlongation.hpp"
 #include "hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2toP2QuadraticProlongation.hpp"
 #include "hyteg/gridtransferoperators/ProlongationOperator.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/p2functionspace/P2ProjectNormalOperator.hpp"
 namespace hyteg {
 class P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongation : public ProlongationOperator< P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > >
@@ -59,4 +59,44 @@ class P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongation : public ProlongationOperator< P2P1Tayl
    P2toP2QuadraticProlongation quadraticProlongationOperator_;
    P1toP1LinearProlongation<>  linearProlongationOperator_;
+NOTE: This prolongates the FE function and calls the project function on it 
+      so that the normal components are set to zero on the FreeslipBoundary
+class P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongationWithFreeSlipProjection : public P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongation
+ public:
+   P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongationWithFreeSlipProjection( std::shared_ptr< P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > > temp,
+                                                     std::shared_ptr< P2ProjectNormalOperator >          projection )
+   : P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongation()
+   , temp_( temp )
+   , projection_( projection )
+   {}
+   void prolongate( const P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t >& function,
+                    const uint_t&                           sourceLevel,
+                    const DoFType&                          flag ) const override
+   {
+      P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongation::prolongate( function, sourceLevel, flag );
+      projection_->project( function, sourceLevel + 1, FreeslipBoundary );
+      vertexdof::projectMean( function.p(), sourceLevel + 1 );
+   }
+   // prolongateAndAdd has a different implementation than prolongate and seemingly needs internal projections
+   // as a quick fix we are using prolongate on a temporary function and add it manually
+   void prolongateAndAdd( const P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t >& function,
+                          const uint_t&                           sourceLevel,
+                          const DoFType&                          flag ) const override
+   {
+      temp_->assign( { 1.0 }, { function }, sourceLevel, All );
+      prolongate( *temp_, sourceLevel, flag );
+      function.assign( { 1.0, 1.0 }, { function, *temp_ }, sourceLevel + 1, flag );
+   }
+ private:
+   std::shared_ptr< P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > > temp_;
+   std::shared_ptr< P2ProjectNormalOperator >          projection_;
 } // namespace hyteg
diff --git a/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestriction.hpp b/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestriction.hpp
index 9c20b9239bf58711c7f3760000fdd6852a3ad176..535f95224ec2f76d04e7ff62b7a1ede9c34612ca 100644
--- a/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestriction.hpp
+++ b/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestriction.hpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include "hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P1toP1LinearRestriction.hpp"
 #include "hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2toP2QuadraticRestriction.hpp"
 #include "hyteg/gridtransferoperators/RestrictionOperator.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/p2functionspace/P2ProjectNormalOperator.hpp"
 namespace hyteg {
 class P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestriction : public RestrictionOperator< P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > >
@@ -61,4 +61,30 @@ class P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestriction : public RestrictionOperator< P2P1Taylor
    bool projectMeanAfterRestriction_;
+NOTE: This restricts the FE function and calls the project function on it 
+      so that the normal components are set to zero on the FreeslipBoundary
+class P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestrictionWithFreeSlipProjection : public P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestriction
+ public:
+   P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestrictionWithFreeSlipProjection( std::shared_ptr< P2ProjectNormalOperator > projection )
+   : P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestriction(false)
+   , projection_( projection )
+   {}
+   void restrict( const P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t >& function,
+                  const uint_t&                           sourceLevel,
+                  const DoFType&                          flag ) const override
+   {
+      P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestriction::restrict(function, sourceLevel, flag);
+      projection_->project( function, sourceLevel-1, FreeslipBoundary );
+      vertexdof::projectMean( function.p(), sourceLevel-1 );
+   }
+ private:
+   std::shared_ptr< P2ProjectNormalOperator > projection_;
 } // namespace hyteg
diff --git a/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongation.hpp b/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongation.hpp
index 2b03b9706086b56c23063958244425614f690320..1c396b9beb7240b11e7b0e3fbd5118ea49872c76 100644
--- a/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongation.hpp
+++ b/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongation.hpp
@@ -52,10 +52,14 @@ class P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongation : public ProlongationOperator< P2VectorF
    P2toP2QuadraticProlongation quadraticProlongationOperator_;
-class P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongationWithProjection : public P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongation
+NOTE: This prolongates the FE function and calls the project function on it 
+      so that the normal components are set to zero on the FreeslipBoundary
+class P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongationWithFreeSlipProjection : public P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongation
-   P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongationWithProjection( std::shared_ptr< P2VectorFunction< real_t > > temp,
+   P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongationWithFreeSlipProjection( std::shared_ptr< P2VectorFunction< real_t > > temp,
                                                     std::shared_ptr< P2ProjectNormalOperator >    projection )
    : P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongation()
    , temp_( temp )
diff --git a/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestriction.hpp b/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestriction.hpp
index 4a1081db45b9ff98f0eeba7079f29d6f6612d5de..e2290afaeb2ce80e78a16fb47cbe062e771c3678 100644
--- a/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestriction.hpp
+++ b/src/hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestriction.hpp
@@ -46,10 +46,14 @@ class P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestriction : public RestrictionOperator< P2VectorFun
    P2toP2QuadraticRestriction quadraticRestrictionOperator_;
-class P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestrictionWithProjection : public P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestriction
+NOTE: This restricts the FE function and calls the project function on it 
+      so that the normal components are set to zero on the FreeslipBoundary
+class P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestrictionWithFreeSlipProjection : public P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestriction
-   P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestrictionWithProjection( std::shared_ptr< P2ProjectNormalOperator > projection )
+   P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestrictionWithFreeSlipProjection( std::shared_ptr< P2ProjectNormalOperator > projection )
    : P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestriction()
    , projection_( projection )
diff --git a/src/hyteg/solvers/ChebyshevSmoother.hpp b/src/hyteg/solvers/ChebyshevSmoother.hpp
index 1fd3a6c18ba50dcab99377afe85664fed14fcc5b..01797e8c6e6c65abffe76bfb49f3bdf8840f2fef 100644
--- a/src/hyteg/solvers/ChebyshevSmoother.hpp
+++ b/src/hyteg/solvers/ChebyshevSmoother.hpp
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "hyteg/operators/Operator.hpp"
 #include "hyteg/primitivestorage/PrimitiveStorage.hpp"
 #include "hyteg/solvers/Smoothables.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/p2functionspace/P2ProjectNormalOperator.hpp"
 #include "Solver.hpp"
@@ -41,14 +42,14 @@ class ChebyshevSmoother : public Solver< OperatorType >
    : coefficients{}
    , tmp1_( "cheb_tmp1", storage, minLevel, maxLevel )
    , tmp2_( "cheb_tmp2", storage, minLevel, maxLevel )
-   , flag_( Inner | NeumannBoundary )
+   , flag_( Inner | NeumannBoundary | FreeslipBoundary )
    ChebyshevSmoother( const FunctionType& tmp1, const FunctionType& tmp2 )
    : coefficients{}
    , tmp1_( tmp1 )
    , tmp2_( tmp2 )
-   , flag_( Inner | NeumannBoundary )
+   , flag_( Inner | NeumannBoundary | FreeslipBoundary )
    /// Executes an iteration step of the smoother.
@@ -196,13 +197,95 @@ class ChebyshevSmoother : public Solver< OperatorType >
- private:
+ protected:
    std::vector< real_t > coefficients;
    FunctionType          tmp1_;
    FunctionType          tmp2_;
    DoFType               flag_;
+NOTE: This is similar to the Chebyshev smoother except that projection is 
+      applied to set normal components to zero at the FreeslipBoundary at 
+      every step of working
+template < typename OperatorType >
+class ChebyshevSmootherWithFreeSlipProjection : public ChebyshevSmoother< OperatorType >
+ public:
+   using FunctionType = typename OperatorType::srcType;
+   using ChebyshevSmoother< OperatorType >::tmp1_;
+   using ChebyshevSmoother< OperatorType >::tmp2_;
+   using ChebyshevSmoother< OperatorType >::flag_;
+   using ChebyshevSmoother< OperatorType >::coefficients;
+   ChebyshevSmootherWithFreeSlipProjection( const std::shared_ptr< PrimitiveStorage >& storage,
+                                    size_t                                     minLevel,
+                                    size_t                                     maxLevel,
+                                    std::shared_ptr< P2ProjectNormalOperator > projection )
+   : ChebyshevSmoother< OperatorType >( storage, minLevel, maxLevel )
+   , projection_( projection )
+   {}
+   /// Executes an iteration step of the smoother.
+   void solve( const OperatorType& A, const FunctionType& x, const FunctionType& b, const uint_t level ) override
+   {
+      std::shared_ptr< typename OperatorType::srcType > inverseDiagonalValues = nullptr;
+      if ( const auto* A_with_inv_diag =
+               dynamic_cast< const OperatorWithInverseDiagonal< typename OperatorType::srcType >* >( &(A.viscousOperator) ) )
+      {
+         inverseDiagonalValues = A_with_inv_diag->getInverseDiagonalValues();
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         throw std::runtime_error( "The Chebyshev-Smoother requires the OperatorWithInverseDiagonal interface." );
+      }
+      tmp1_.copyBoundaryConditionFromFunction( x );
+      tmp2_.copyBoundaryConditionFromFunction( x );
+      {
+         WALBERLA_ASSERT( coefficients.size() > 0, "coefficients must be setup" );
+         WALBERLA_ASSERT_NOT_NULLPTR( inverseDiagonalValues, "diagonal not initialized" );
+         const real_t localNormSqr = inverseDiagonalValues->dotLocal( *inverseDiagonalValues, level, flag_ );
+         WALBERLA_UNUSED( localNormSqr );
+         WALBERLA_ASSERT_GREATER( localNormSqr, 0.0, "diagonal not set" );
+      }
+      // tmp1_ := Ax
+      A.apply( x, tmp1_, level, flag_ );
+      // tmp1_ := b-Ax
+      tmp1_.assign( { real_t( 1. ), real_t( -1. ) }, { b, tmp1_ }, level, flag_ );
+      // tmp1_ := D^{-1} (b-Ax)
+      tmp1_.multElementwise( { *inverseDiagonalValues, tmp1_ }, level, flag_ );
+      projection_->project( tmp1_, level, FreeslipBoundary );
+      // x := x + omega_0 D^{-1} (b-Ax)
+      x.assign( { 1., coefficients[0] }, { x, tmp1_ }, level, flag_ );
+      // Loop preconditions before the kth iteration:
+      // 1.)  x := x + sum_{i<k} omega_i (D^{-1}A)^{i} D^{-1} (b-Ax)
+      // 2.) tmp1_ := (D^{-1}A)^{k-1} D^{-1} (b-Ax)
+      for ( uint_t k = 1; k < coefficients.size(); k += 1 )
+      {
+         // tmp2_ := A (D^{-1}A)^{k-1} D^{-1} (b-Ax)
+         A.apply( tmp1_, tmp2_, level, flag_ );
+         // tmp1_ := (D^{-1}A)^{k} D^{-1} (b-Ax)
+         tmp1_.multElementwise( { *inverseDiagonalValues, tmp2_ }, level, flag_ );
+         projection_->project( tmp1_, level, FreeslipBoundary );
+         // x := x + sum_{i<k+1} omega_i (D^{-1}A)^{i} D^{-1} (b-Ax)
+         x.assign( { 1, coefficients[k] }, { x, tmp1_ }, level, flag_ );
+      }
+      projection_->project( tmp1_, level, FreeslipBoundary );
+   }
+ private:
+   std::shared_ptr< P2ProjectNormalOperator > projection_;
 /// Namespace for utility functions of the Chebyshev-Smoother
 namespace chebyshev {
diff --git a/src/hyteg/solvers/solvertemplates/StokesFSGMGSolverTemplate.hpp b/src/hyteg/solvers/solvertemplates/StokesFSGMGSolverTemplate.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d974e37eadcddc95e39c51056ef944496cfeb4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hyteg/solvers/solvertemplates/StokesFSGMGSolverTemplate.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 Andreas Burkhart, Ponsuganth Ilangovan P.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HyTeG
+ * (see https://i10git.cs.fau.de/hyteg/hyteg).
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongation.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestriction.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongation.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/gridtransferoperators/P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestriction.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/solvers/CGSolver.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/solvers/ChebyshevSmoother.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/solvers/FGMRESSolver.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/solvers/GeometricMultigridSolver.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/solvers/Solver.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/solvers/preconditioners/stokes/StokesBlockPreconditioners.hpp"
+namespace hyteg {
+namespace solvertemplates {
+// clang-format off
+enum class StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey
+                ABLOCK_MG_PRESMOOTH,    
+                ABLOCK_MG_POSTSMOOTH,
+                    ABLOCK_COARSE_ITER,
+                    ABLOCK_COARSE_TOLERANCE,
+                SCHUR_MG_PRESMOOTH,    
+                SCHUR_MG_POSTSMOOTH,
+                    SCHUR_COARSE_GRID_CG_ITER,
+// clang-format on
+// Things are still restricted to P2-P1 space
+template < typename StokesOperatorType, typename ProjectionType >
+inline std::shared_ptr< Solver< StokesOperatorType > >
+    stokesGMGFSSolver( const std::shared_ptr< PrimitiveStorage >&    storage,
+                       const uint_t&                                 minLevel,
+                       const uint_t&                                 maxLevel,
+                       const std::shared_ptr< StokesOperatorType >&  stokesOperatorFSSelf,
+                       const std::shared_ptr< ProjectionType >&      projectionOperator,
+                       BoundaryCondition                             bcVelocity,
+                       bool                                          estimateUzawaOmegaValue = false,
+                       bool                                          verbose                 = false,
+                       std::map< StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey, real_t > extraParams             = {} )
+   std::map< StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey, real_t > defaultParams = {
+       { StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::NUM_POWER_ITERATIONS_SPECTRUM, 25.0 },
+       { StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::INEXACT_UZAWA_VELOCITY_ITER, 1.0 },
+       { StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::INEXACT_UZAWA_OMEGA, 1.0 },
+       { StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::ABLOCK_MG_PRESMOOTH, 3 },
+       { StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::ABLOCK_MG_POSTSMOOTH, 3 },
+       { StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::ABLOCK_COARSE_ITER, 10 },
+       { StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::ABLOCK_COARSE_TOLERANCE, 1e-8 },
+       { StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::SCHUR_MG_PRESMOOTH, 3 },
+       { StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::SCHUR_MG_POSTSMOOTH, 3 },
+       { StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::SCHUR_COARSE_GRID_CG_ITER, 1 },
+       { StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::SCHUR_COARSE_GRID_CG_TOLERANCE, 1e-6 },
+   };
+    for (auto const& param : extraParams)
+    {
+    if(defaultParams.find(param.first) == defaultParams.end())
+    {
+        WALBERLA_ABORT("Passed parameter key not found");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        defaultParams[param.first] = real_c(param.second);
+    }
+    }
+   uint_t numPowerIteration = uint_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::NUM_POWER_ITERATIONS_SPECTRUM]);
+   uint_t fGMRESOuterIter = uint_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::FGMRES_UZAWA_PRECONDITIONED_OUTER_ITER]);
+   real_t fGMRESTol = real_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::FGMRES_UZAWA_PRECONDITIONED_OUTER_TOLERANCE]);
+   uint_t uzawaVelocityIter = uint_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::INEXACT_UZAWA_VELOCITY_ITER]);
+   real_t uzawaSmootherOmega = real_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::INEXACT_UZAWA_OMEGA]);
+   uint_t ABlockCGOuterIter = uint_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::ABLOCK_CG_SOLVER_MG_PRECONDITIONED_ITER]);
+   real_t ABlockCGOuterTol = real_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::ABLOCK_CG_SOLVER_MG_PRECONDITIONED_TOLERANCE]);
+   uint_t ABlockCGPreSmooth = uint_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::ABLOCK_MG_PRESMOOTH]);
+   uint_t ABlockCGPostSmooth = uint_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::ABLOCK_MG_POSTSMOOTH]);
+   uint_t ABlockCGCoarseIter = uint_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::ABLOCK_COARSE_ITER]);
+   real_t ABlockCGCoarseTol = real_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::ABLOCK_COARSE_TOLERANCE]);
+   uint_t SchurCGOuterIter = uint_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::SCHUR_CG_SOLVER_MG_PRECONDITIONED_ITER]);
+   real_t SchurCGOuterTol = real_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::SCHUR_CG_SOLVER_MG_PRECONDITIONED_TOLERANCE]);
+   uint_t SchurCGPreSmooth = uint_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::SCHUR_MG_PRESMOOTH]);
+   uint_t SchurCGPostSmooth = uint_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::SCHUR_MG_POSTSMOOTH]);
+   uint_t SchurCGCoarseIter = uint_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::SCHUR_COARSE_GRID_CG_ITER]);
+   real_t SchurCGCoarseTol = real_c(defaultParams[StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::SCHUR_COARSE_GRID_CG_TOLERANCE]);
+   auto uTmp = std::make_shared< P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > >(
+       "uTmp_stokesGMGFSSolver_solvertemplate", storage, minLevel, maxLevel, bcVelocity );
+   auto tempFct = std::make_shared< P2VectorFunction< real_t > >(
+       "tempFct_stokesGMGFSSolver_solvertemplate", storage, minLevel, maxLevel, bcVelocity );
+   auto uSpec = std::make_shared< P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > >(
+       "uSpec_stokesGMGFSSolver_solvertemplate", storage, minLevel, maxLevel, bcVelocity );
+   auto uTmpSpec = std::make_shared< P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > >(
+       "uTmpSpec_stokesGMGFSSolver_solvertemplate", storage, minLevel, maxLevel, bcVelocity );
+   auto prolongationOperator = std::make_shared< P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesProlongationWithFreeSlipProjection >( uTmp, projectionOperator );
+   auto restrictionOperator  = std::make_shared< P2P1StokesToP2P1StokesRestrictionWithFreeSlipProjection >( projectionOperator );
+   // Multigridsolver for A
+   typedef typename StokesOperatorType::ViscousOperatorFS_T SubstAType;
+   typedef StokesOperatorType                               StokesOperatorFS;
+   auto APrecOperator = stokesOperatorFSSelf->getA();
+   APrecOperator.computeInverseDiagonalOperatorValues();
+   auto ABlockProlongationOperator =
+       std::make_shared< P2toP2QuadraticVectorProlongationWithFreeSlipProjection >( tempFct, projectionOperator );
+   auto ABlockRestrictionOperator = std::make_shared< P2toP2QuadraticVectorRestrictionWithFreeSlipProjection >( projectionOperator );
+   // auto Jacobi = std::make_shared< WeightedJacobiSmoother< SubstAType > >( storage, minLevel, maxLevel, 2.0 / 3.0 );
+   // auto ABlockCoarseGridSolver = std::make_shared< PETScLUSolver< SubstAType > >( storage, minLevel );
+   auto ABlockCoarseGridSolver = std::make_shared< hyteg::CGSolver< SubstAType > >( storage, minLevel, maxLevel, 10, 1e-8 );
+   // auto ABlockCoarseGridSolver =
+   //     std::make_shared< hyteg::MinResSolver< SubstAType > >( storage, minLevel, maxLevel, 100, 1e-8 );
+   ABlockCoarseGridSolver->setPrintInfo( verbose );
+   // ABlockCoarseGridSolver->setSolverName("ABlockCoarseGridSolver");
+   auto ABlockSmoother =
+       std::make_shared< ChebyshevSmootherWithFreeSlipProjection< SubstAType > >( storage, minLevel, maxLevel, projectionOperator );
+   std::function< real_t( const Point3D& ) > randFuncA = []( const Point3D& ) {
+      return walberla::math::realRandom( real_c( -1 ), real_c( 1 ) );
+   };
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Estimate spectral radius!" );
+   // avoid that the startpoint of our poweriteration is in the kernel of the operator
+   uSpec->uvw().interpolate( randFuncA, maxLevel, All );
+   auto spectralRadiusA = chebyshev::estimateRadius(
+       APrecOperator.viscousOperator, maxLevel, numPowerIteration, storage, uSpec->uvw(), uTmpSpec->uvw() );
+   uSpec->uvw().interpolate( 0, maxLevel, All );
+   uTmpSpec->interpolate( 0, maxLevel, All );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Estimated spectral radius: " << spectralRadiusA );
+   ABlockSmoother->setupCoefficients( 3, spectralRadiusA );
+   auto ABlockMultigridSolver = std::make_shared< GeometricMultigridSolver< SubstAType > >( storage,
+                                                                                            ABlockSmoother,
+                                                                                            ABlockCoarseGridSolver,
+                                                                                            ABlockRestrictionOperator,
+                                                                                            ABlockProlongationOperator,
+                                                                                            minLevel,
+                                                                                            maxLevel,
+                                                                                            3,
+                                                                                            3,
+                                                                                            0,
+                                                                                            CycleType::VCYCLE );
+   auto ABlockSolver =
+       std::make_shared< hyteg::CGSolver< SubstAType > >( storage, minLevel, maxLevel, 3, 1e-6, ABlockMultigridSolver );
+   ABlockSolver->setPrintInfo( verbose );
+   // ABlockSolver->setSolverName("ABlockSolverOuter");
+   // estimate sigma
+   real_t estimatedSigma = uzawaSmootherOmega;
+   if ( estimateUzawaOmegaValue )
+   {
+      estimatedSigma = estimateUzawaSigma< StokesOperatorFS, SubstAType >( storage,
+                                                                           minLevel,
+                                                                           maxLevel,
+                                                                           *stokesOperatorFSSelf,
+                                                                           ABlockSolver,
+                                                                           5,
+                                                                           1,
+                                                                           bcVelocity,
+                                                                           bcVelocity,
+                                                                           bcVelocity,
+                                                                           42,
+                                                                           projectionOperator );
+   }
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Estimated sigma: " << estimatedSigma );
+   // Multigridsolver for Schur
+   typedef typename StokesOperatorFS::SchurOperator_T SubstSType;
+   auto SchurProlongationOperator = std::make_shared< P1toP1LinearProlongation< real_t > >();
+   auto SchurRestrictionOperator  = std::make_shared< P1toP1LinearRestriction< real_t > >();
+   auto SchurCoarseGridSolver = std::make_shared< hyteg::CGSolver< SubstSType > >( storage, minLevel, maxLevel, 1, 1e-6 );
+   SchurCoarseGridSolver->setPrintInfo( verbose );
+   // SchurCoarseGridSolver->setSolverName("SchurCoarseGridSolver");
+   auto SchurSmoother = std::make_shared< ChebyshevSmoother< SubstSType > >( storage, minLevel, maxLevel );
+   std::function< real_t( const Point3D& ) > randFuncS = []( const Point3D& ) {
+      return walberla::math::realRandom( real_c( -1 ), real_c( 1 ) );
+   };
+   // avoid that the startpoint of our poweriteration is in the kernel of the operator
+   uSpec->p().interpolate( randFuncS, maxLevel, All );
+   auto spectralRadiusSchur = chebyshev::estimateRadius(
+       stokesOperatorFSSelf->getSchur(), maxLevel, numPowerIteration, storage, uSpec->p(), uTmpSpec->p() );
+   uSpec->p().interpolate( 0, maxLevel, All );
+   uTmpSpec->interpolate( 0, maxLevel, All );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Estimated spectral radius Schur: " << spectralRadiusSchur );
+   SchurSmoother->setupCoefficients( 2, spectralRadiusSchur );
+   auto SchurMultigridSolver_ = std::make_shared< GeometricMultigridSolver< SubstSType > >( storage,
+                                                                                            SchurSmoother,
+                                                                                            SchurCoarseGridSolver,
+                                                                                            SchurRestrictionOperator,
+                                                                                            SchurProlongationOperator,
+                                                                                            minLevel,
+                                                                                            maxLevel,
+                                                                                            3,
+                                                                                            3,
+                                                                                            0,
+                                                                                            CycleType::VCYCLE );
+   auto SchurSolver = std::make_shared< CGSolver< SubstSType > >( storage, minLevel, maxLevel, 10, 1e-8, SchurMultigridSolver_ );
+   SchurSolver->setPrintInfo( verbose );
+   // SchurSolver->setSolverName("SchurSolver");
+   real_t estimatedOmega = uzawaSmootherOmega;
+   if ( estimateUzawaOmegaValue )
+   {
+      ABlockCoarseGridSolver->setPrintInfo( verbose );
+      estimatedOmega = estimateUzawaOmega< StokesOperatorFS, SubstAType, SubstSType >( storage,
+                                                                                       minLevel,
+                                                                                       maxLevel,
+                                                                                       *stokesOperatorFSSelf,
+                                                                                       stokesOperatorFSSelf->getSchur(),
+                                                                                       ABlockCoarseGridSolver,
+                                                                                       SchurSolver,
+                                                                                       15,
+                                                                                       1,
+                                                                                       bcVelocity,
+                                                                                       bcVelocity,
+                                                                                       bcVelocity,
+                                                                                       42,
+                                                                                       projectionOperator );
+      ABlockCoarseGridSolver->setPrintInfo( false );
+   }
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Estimated omega: " << estimatedOmega );
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Sigma: " << estimatedSigma << " ; "
+                                        << "Omega: " << estimatedOmega );
+   auto uzawaSmoother = std::make_shared< InexactUzawaPreconditioner< StokesOperatorFS, SubstAType, SubstSType > >(
+       storage,
+       minLevel,
+       maxLevel,
+       stokesOperatorFSSelf->getSchur(),
+       ABlockSolver,
+       SchurSolver,
+       estimatedSigma,
+       estimatedOmega,
+       uzawaVelocityIter,
+       projectionOperator );
+   auto finalStokesSolver = std::make_shared< FGMRESSolver< StokesOperatorFS > >(
+       storage, minLevel, maxLevel, fGMRESOuterIter, 50, fGMRESTol, fGMRESTol, 0, uzawaSmoother );
+   finalStokesSolver->setPrintInfo( true );
+   return finalStokesSolver;
+} // namespace solvertemplates
+} // namespace hyteg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/hyteg_operators b/src/hyteg_operators
index fef1be8fc53894338764200ec277c3cb3f34b873..382dabbf1b7d13789fda1f688ec07ef02b380857 160000
--- a/src/hyteg_operators
+++ b/src/hyteg_operators
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit fef1be8fc53894338764200ec277c3cb3f34b873
+Subproject commit 382dabbf1b7d13789fda1f688ec07ef02b380857
diff --git a/src/terraneo/operators/P2P1StokesOperatorWithProjection.hpp b/src/terraneo/operators/P2P1StokesOperatorWithProjection.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..091ce7e05fb2b32170ffb1c560be0b1bc4b7bb01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/terraneo/operators/P2P1StokesOperatorWithProjection.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 Ponsuganth Ilangovan P, Andreas Burkhart.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HyTeG
+ * (see https://i10git.cs.fau.de/hyteg/hyteg).
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "hyteg/p2functionspace/P2ProjectNormalOperator.hpp"
+#include "hyteg_operators/operators/k_mass/P1ElementwiseKMassIcosahedralShellMap.hpp"
+#include "hyteg_operators_composites/stokes/P2P1StokesFullOperator.hpp"
+#include "terraneo/operators/P2StokesABlockWithProjection.hpp"
+namespace hyteg {
+NOTE: Here FS denotes FreeSlip, Normal Stokes operator is wrapped with a FreeSlip Projection Wrapper
+      Changes the linear system from $Ku    = f $
+                                  to $PKP^T = Pf$
+class P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperatorFS
+: public Operator< P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t >, P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > >
+ public:
+   typedef operatorgeneration::P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperator::ViscousOperator_T       ViscousOperator_T;
+   typedef P2ViscousIcosahedralShellMapOperatorFS                                                 ViscousOperatorFS_T;
+   typedef operatorgeneration::P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperator::DivergenceOperator_T    DivOperator_T;
+   typedef operatorgeneration::P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperator::GradientOperator_T      GradOperator_T;
+   typedef operatorgeneration::P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperator::StabilizationOperator_T StabOperator_T;
+   typedef operatorgeneration::P1ElementwiseKMassIcosahedralShellMap SchurOperator_T;
+   P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperatorFS( const std::shared_ptr< PrimitiveStorage >& storage,
+                                                uint_t                                     minLevel,
+                                                uint_t                                     maxLevel,
+                                                const P2Function< real_t >&                mu,
+                                                const P1Function< real_t >&                muInv,
+                                                P2ProjectNormalOperator&                   projectNormal,
+                                                BoundaryCondition                          bcVelocity )
+   : Operator< P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t >, P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > >( storage, minLevel, maxLevel )
+   , tmp_( "tmp__P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperatorFS", storage, minLevel, maxLevel, bcVelocity )
+   , tmp_Vec( "tmp_Vec_P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperatorFS", storage, minLevel, maxLevel )
+   , tmp_P2( "tmp_P2_P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperatorFS", storage, minLevel, maxLevel )
+   , StokesOp( storage, minLevel, maxLevel, mu )
+   , schurOperator( storage, minLevel, maxLevel, muInv )
+   , projectNormal_( projectNormal )
+   , viscousFSOp( storage, minLevel, maxLevel, mu, projectNormal_, bcVelocity )
+   , massOperator( storage, minLevel, maxLevel )
+   {
+      StokesOp.getA().computeInverseDiagonalOperatorValues();
+      viscousFSOp.computeInverseDiagonalOperatorValues();
+      schurOperator.computeInverseDiagonalOperatorValues();
+   }
+   void apply( const P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t >& src,
+               const P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t >& dst,
+               const uint_t                            level,
+               const DoFType                           flag,
+               const UpdateType                        updateType = Replace ) const
+   {
+      // hyteg::removeRotationalModes( massOperator, src.uvw(), tmp_Vec, tmp_P2, level );
+      // vertexdof::projectMean( src.p(), level );
+      tmp_.assign( { 1 }, { src }, level, All );
+      projectNormal_.project( tmp_, level, FreeslipBoundary );
+      StokesOp.apply( tmp_, dst, level, flag, updateType );
+      projectNormal_.project( dst, level, FreeslipBoundary );
+   }
+   P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > tmp_;
+   P2VectorFunction< real_t > tmp_Vec;
+   P2Function< real_t >       tmp_P2;
+   operatorgeneration::P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperator StokesOp;
+   SchurOperator_T                                               schurOperator;
+   P2ProjectNormalOperator&                                      projectNormal_;
+   ViscousOperatorFS_T                                           viscousFSOp;
+   P2ElementwiseBlendingMassOperator massOperator;
+   const ViscousOperatorFS_T& getA() const { return viscousFSOp; }
+   const DivOperator_T&       getB() const { return StokesOp.getB(); }
+   const GradOperator_T&      getBT() const { return StokesOp.getBT(); }
+   const SchurOperator_T&     getSchur() const { return schurOperator; }
+   const StabOperator_T&      getStab() const { return StokesOp.getStab(); }
+   ViscousOperatorFS_T& getA() { return viscousFSOp; }
+} // namespace hyteg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/terraneo/operators/P2StokesABlockWithProjection.hpp b/src/terraneo/operators/P2StokesABlockWithProjection.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11212317e447cfd539baa838574a85026aa972b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/terraneo/operators/P2StokesABlockWithProjection.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2024 Ponsuganth Ilangovan P, Andreas Burkhart.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HyTeG
+ * (see https://i10git.cs.fau.de/hyteg/hyteg).
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include "hyteg/p2functionspace/P2ProjectNormalOperator.hpp"
+#include "hyteg_operators/operators/k_mass/P1ElementwiseKMassIcosahedralShellMap.hpp"
+#include "hyteg_operators_composites/stokes/P2P1StokesFullOperator.hpp"
+namespace hyteg {
+NOTE: Here FS denotes FreeSlip, Stokes A block operator is wrapped with a FreeSlip Projection Wrapper
+      Changes the linear system from $Ku    = f $
+                                  to $PKP^T = Pf$
+class P2ViscousIcosahedralShellMapOperatorFS : public Operator< P2VectorFunction< real_t >, P2VectorFunction< real_t > >
+ public:
+   typedef operatorgeneration::P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperator::ViscousOperator_T ViscousOperator_T;
+   P2ViscousIcosahedralShellMapOperatorFS( const std::shared_ptr< PrimitiveStorage >& storage,
+                                           uint_t                                     minLevel,
+                                           uint_t                                     maxLevel,
+                                           const P2Function< real_t >&                mu,
+                                           P2ProjectNormalOperator&                   projectNormal,
+                                           BoundaryCondition                          bcVelocity )
+   : Operator< P2VectorFunction< real_t >, P2VectorFunction< real_t > >( storage, minLevel, maxLevel )
+   , tmp_( "tmp__P2ViscousIcosahedralShellMapOperatorFS", storage, minLevel, maxLevel, bcVelocity )
+   , viscousOperator( storage, minLevel, maxLevel, mu )
+   , projectNormal_( projectNormal )
+   {}
+   void apply( const P2VectorFunction< real_t >& src,
+               const P2VectorFunction< real_t >& dst,
+               const uint_t                      level,
+               const DoFType                     flag,
+               const UpdateType                  updateType = Replace ) const
+   {
+      tmp_.assign( { 1 }, { src }, level, All );
+      projectNormal_.project( tmp_, level, FreeslipBoundary );
+      viscousOperator.apply( tmp_, dst, level, flag, updateType );
+      projectNormal_.project( dst, level, FreeslipBoundary );
+   }
+   void computeInverseDiagonalOperatorValues() { viscousOperator.computeInverseDiagonalOperatorValues(); }
+   P2VectorFunction< real_t > tmp_;
+   ViscousOperator_T        viscousOperator;
+   P2ProjectNormalOperator& projectNormal_;
+} // namespace hyteg
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/terraneo/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/terraneo/CMakeLists.txt
index 4ffe92eeb1d3dab902078b0faefa0964eba6ef8b..e1351c4c375b6c9653da747adc2392247eaa46f4 100644
--- a/tests/terraneo/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/terraneo/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ waLBerla_execute_test(NAME InitialisationTest)
 waLBerla_compile_test(FILES parameter/TerraNeoParameterTest.cpp DEPENDS terraneo hyteg core )
 waLBerla_execute_test(NAME TerraNeoParameterTest)
+add_subdirectory( solvers )
diff --git a/tests/terraneo/solvers/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/terraneo/solvers/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..31aa5810a970cac24bbb25884d301a8c57fdd288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/terraneo/solvers/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+waLBerla_compile_test(FILES P2P1StokesFSGMGSolverTest.cpp DEPENDS hyteg terraneo core mixed_operator opgen-k_mass opgen-mass opgen-composites-stokes)
+waLBerla_execute_test(NAME P2P1StokesFSGMGSolverTest COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:P2P1StokesFSGMGSolverTest> LABELS longrun)
diff --git a/tests/terraneo/solvers/P2P1StokesFSGMGSolverTest.cpp b/tests/terraneo/solvers/P2P1StokesFSGMGSolverTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b4000801bab02e5e89edce0bd0670294f80c39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/terraneo/solvers/P2P1StokesFSGMGSolverTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Andreas Burkhart, Nils Kohl.
+* This file is part of HyTeG
+* (see https://i10git.cs.fau.de/hyteg/hyteg).
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <core/Environment.h>
+#include <core/config/Config.h>
+#include <core/math/Constants.h>
+#include <core/mpi/MPIManager.h>
+#include "hyteg/composites/P2P1TaylorHoodFunction.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/dataexport/ADIOS2/AdiosWriter.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/geometry/IcosahedralShellMap.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/mesh/MeshInfo.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/numerictools/L2Space.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/p1functionspace/P1Function.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/p2functionspace/P2Function.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/p2functionspace/P2ProjectNormalOperator.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/primitivestorage/PrimitiveStorage.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/primitivestorage/SetupPrimitiveStorage.hpp"
+#include "hyteg/solvers/solvertemplates/StokesFSGMGSolverTemplate.hpp"
+#include "mixed_operator/VectorMassOperator.hpp"
+#include "terraneo/operators/P2P1StokesOperatorWithProjection.hpp"
+#include "terraneo/operators/P2StokesABlockWithProjection.hpp"
+#include "terraneo/sphericalharmonics/SphericalHarmonicsTool.hpp"
+using namespace hyteg;
+using walberla::real_t;
+int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+   walberla::MPIManager::instance()->initializeMPI( &argc, &argv );
+   walberla::MPIManager::instance()->useWorldComm();
+   real_t   rMin = 0.5, rMax = 1.0;
+   MeshInfo meshInfo = MeshInfo::meshSphericalShell( 3, 2, 0.5, 1.0 );
+   SetupPrimitiveStorage setupStorage( meshInfo, walberla::uint_c( walberla::mpi::MPIManager::instance()->numProcesses() ) );
+   IcosahedralShellMap::setMap( setupStorage );
+   auto storage = std::make_shared< PrimitiveStorage >( setupStorage );
+   BoundaryCondition bcVelocity;
+   bcVelocity.createDirichletBC( "DirichletOuter", { MeshInfo::hollowFlag::flagOuterBoundary } );
+   // bcVelocity.createDirichletBC( "DirichletInner", {MeshInfo::hollowFlag::flagInnerBoundary} );
+   bcVelocity.createFreeslipBC( "FreeslipInner", { MeshInfo::hollowFlag::flagInnerBoundary } );
+   uint_t minLevel = 2U, maxLevel = 3U;
+   P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > u( "u", storage, minLevel, maxLevel, bcVelocity );
+   P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > fStrong( "fStrong", storage, minLevel, maxLevel, bcVelocity );
+   P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > f( "f", storage, minLevel, maxLevel, bcVelocity );
+   P2P1TaylorHoodFunction< real_t > res( "res", storage, minLevel, maxLevel, bcVelocity );
+   P2Function< real_t > mu( "mu", storage, minLevel, maxLevel );
+   P1Function< real_t > muInv( "muInv", storage, minLevel, maxLevel );
+   uint_t lMax = 5U;
+   terraneo::SphericalHarmonicsTool sphTool( lMax );
+   // Some coefficient and its inverse.
+   auto visc = [&]( const Point3D& x ) { return 2 + std::sin( x[0] ) * std::cos( x[1] ); };
+   // auto visc    = [&]( const Point3D& x ) { return 1.0; };
+   auto viscInv = [&]( const Point3D& x ) { return 1.0 / visc( x ); };
+   for ( uint_t level = minLevel; level <= maxLevel; level++ )
+   {
+      mu.interpolate( visc, level, All );
+      muInv.interpolate( viscInv, level, All );
+   }
+   std::function< void( const Point3D&, Point3D& ) > normalsFS = []( const Point3D& x, Point3D& n ) { n = -x / x.norm(); };
+   real_t                                    rhsScale = 1.0;
+   std::function< real_t( const Point3D& ) > fRHS     = [&]( const Point3D& x ) {
+      real_t r = x.norm();
+      return rhsScale * std::sin( walberla::math::pi * ( r - rMin ) / ( rMax - rMin ) ) *
+             sphTool.shconvert_eval( 4, 2, x[0], x[1], x[2] );
+   };
+   fStrong.uvw().interpolate( fRHS, maxLevel, All );
+   auto projectionOperator = std::make_shared< P2ProjectNormalOperator >( storage, minLevel, maxLevel, normalsFS );
+   auto stokesOperatorFS = std::make_shared< P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperatorFS >(
+       storage, minLevel, maxLevel, mu, muInv, *projectionOperator, bcVelocity );
+   P2ElementwiseBlendingVectorMassOperator vecMassOperator( storage, minLevel, maxLevel );
+   vecMassOperator.apply( fStrong.uvw(), f.uvw(), maxLevel, All );
+   auto stokesSolverTest =
+       solvertemplates::stokesGMGFSSolver< P2P1StokesFullIcosahedralShellMapOperatorFS, P2ProjectNormalOperator >(
+           storage,
+           minLevel,
+           maxLevel,
+           stokesOperatorFS,
+           projectionOperator,
+           bcVelocity,
+           false,
+           false,
+           { { solvertemplates::StokesGMGFSSolverParamKey::FGMRES_UZAWA_PRECONDITIONED_OUTER_ITER, 10 } } );
+   projectionOperator->project( f, maxLevel, FreeslipBoundary );
+   stokesSolverTest->solve( *stokesOperatorFS, u, f, maxLevel );
+   stokesOperatorFS->apply( u, res, maxLevel, Inner | NeumannBoundary | FreeslipBoundary );
+   res.assign( { 1.0, -1.0 }, { res, f }, maxLevel );
+   real_t unscaledFinalResiduum = std::sqrt( res.dotGlobal( res, maxLevel, Inner | FreeslipBoundary ) );
+   real_t unscaledResidualEpsilon = 2e-4;
+   WALBERLA_LOG_INFO_ON_ROOT( "Final residual: " << unscaledFinalResiduum );
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS( unscaledFinalResiduum, unscaledResidualEpsilon );
+   // AdiosWriter adiosWriter( "../../output", "solverTest", storage );
+   // adiosWriter.add( u );
+   // adiosWriter.add( f );
+   // adiosWriter.write( maxLevel, 0U );
+   return EXIT_SUCCESS;