Draft: Started implementing a small app to load checkpoints from unaligned spherical...
Started implementing a small app to load checkpoints from unaligned spherical shell meshes, evaluate that checkpoint at the nodes of an aligned mesh, and write a new checkpoint.
The figure below shows what happens:
- Left top/bottom: unaligned shell, some test function was interpolated into the P2 space
- Center top/bottom: aligned shell, the function from the left image was written to a checkpoint and loaded directly into the new mesh - you see artifacts since the mesh is different but the function is still just interpolated into the same nodes (which are now translated)
- Right top/bottom: aligned shell, the checkpoint was instead loaded into an unaligned mesh and the function was evaluated on the unaligned shell at the node positions of the aligned shell, the resulting values were written into the nodes of the aligned mesh
We are looking for the result on the right. This app shall (when finished) load TN checkpoints and create new "fixed" checkpoints with the aligned mesh just as in the images on the right.