//====================================================================================================================== // // This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // //! \file Config.cpp //! \ingroup core //! \author Klaus Iglberger //! \brief Implementation of a parameter file parser. // //====================================================================================================================== #include "Config.h" #include "core/mpi/MPIManager.h" #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> #include <boost/algorithm/string/trim.hpp> namespace walberla { namespace config { //====================================================================================================================== // // CONSTRUCTORS // //====================================================================================================================== //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn Config::Config() // \brief Default constructor for the Config class. */ Config::Config() : stateFlag_(true) // Internal status flag , error_() // Container for all error messages , block_() // Global parameter block {} //********************************************************************************************************************** //====================================================================================================================== // // DESTRUCTOR // //====================================================================================================================== //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn Config::~Config() // \brief Destructor for the Config class. */ Config::~Config() = default; //********************************************************************************************************************** //====================================================================================================================== // // OPERATORS // //====================================================================================================================== //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn Config& Config::operator=( const Config& c ) // \brief Copy assignment operator for the Config class. // // \param c The Config object to be copied. */ Config& Config::operator=( const Config& c ) { if( &c == this ) return *this; stateFlag_ = c.stateFlag_; error_.str() = c.error_.str(); block_ = c.block_; valueReplacements_ = c.valueReplacements_; return *this; } //********************************************************************************************************************** //====================================================================================================================== // // UTILITY FUNCTIONS // //====================================================================================================================== //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn void Config::readParameterFile( const char* const filename ) // \brief Extraction of the parameter file \p filename. // // \param filename Name of the parameter file. // \return void */ void Config::readParameterFile( const char* const filename ) { WALBERLA_ROOT_SECTION(){ parseFromFile( filename, block_, 1 ); } WALBERLA_MPI_SECTION() { std::string fileContent=""; int size=0; WALBERLA_ROOT_SECTION() { fileContent=block_.getString(); size=int(fileContent.size()); //std::cout<<"Sending contents of parameter file to other processes... ("<<size<<" bytes)"<<std::endl; } MPI_Bcast(&size,1,MPITrait<int>::type(),0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); char* buffer = new char[uint_c(size)]; WALBERLA_ROOT_SECTION() { fileContent.copy(buffer,uint_c(size)); } MPI_Bcast(buffer,size,MPITrait<char>::type(),0,MPI_COMM_WORLD); WALBERLA_NON_ROOT_SECTION() { std::string content(buffer,uint_c(size)); parseFromString(content,block_,1); } delete[] buffer; } } //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn void Config::parseFromFile( const char* filename, Block& block, unsigned int level ) // \brief Parses the given file and extracts the parameters to the given block. // // \param filename Name of the parameter file. // \param block Parameter block for the found parameters. // \param level The current inclusion level. */ void Config::parseFromFile( const char* filename, Block& block, unsigned int level ) { std::stringstream input; LineVector lineNumbers; std::string line, key, value; std::string::size_type pos1, pos2; unsigned int lineCounter(0); bool comment(false); ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Preprocessing the parameter file stream std::ifstream in( filename, std::ifstream::in ); if( !in.is_open() ) { error_ << " Error opening parameter input file '" << filename << "' !\n"; stateFlag_ = false; return; } line.reserve( 100 ); key.reserve( 100 ); value.reserve( 100 ); while( std::getline( in, line ) ) { ++lineCounter; // Filtering comments if( comment ) { if( ( pos1 = line.find( "*/", 0 ) ) != std::string::npos ) { line.erase( line.begin(), line.begin()+ numeric_cast< std::string::difference_type >( pos1+2 ) ); comment = false; } else continue; } if( ( pos1 = line.find( "//", 0 ) ) != std::string::npos ) { line.erase( line.begin() + numeric_cast< std::string::difference_type >( pos1 ), line.end() ); } if( ( pos1 = line.find( "/*", 0 ) ) != std::string::npos ) { if( ( pos2 = line.find( "*/", pos1+2 ) ) != std::string::npos ) { line.replace( line.begin() + numeric_cast< std::string::difference_type >( pos1 ), line.begin() + numeric_cast< std::string::difference_type >( pos2+2 ), " " ); } else { line.erase( line.begin() + numeric_cast< std::string::difference_type >( pos1 ), line.end() ); comment = true; } } //Adding whitespaces for( pos1=0; ; ++pos1 ) { if( pos1 >= line.size() ) break; if( line[pos1] == '{' ) { line.replace( pos1, 1, " { " ); pos1 += 2; } else if( line[pos1] == '}' ) { line.replace( pos1, 1, " } " ); pos1 += 2; } else if( line[pos1] == ';' ) { line.replace( pos1, 1, " ; " ); pos1 += 2; } } //Adding the line to the input string lineNumbers.push_back( Pair( input.tellp(), lineCounter ) ); input << line << "\n"; } in.close(); ////////////////////////// // Parameter extraction while( input >> key ) { unsigned int commandLine = getLineNumber( lineNumbers, input.tellg() ); if( input >> std::ws && input.eof() ) break; //Extraction of a parameter block else if( input.peek() == '{' ) { input.ignore( 1 ); Block& newBlock = block.createBlock( key ); extractBlock( filename, input, newBlock, lineNumbers, getLineNumber( lineNumbers, input.tellg() ), level ); } else if( boost::algorithm::iequals( key, "include" ) ) { if( std::getline( input, value, ';' ) && !input.eof() ) { input.ignore( 1 ); if( level == maxInclusionLevel ) { error_ << " " << filename << ", line " << commandLine << ": Include limit reached! Include directives are limited to " << maxInclusionLevel << " levels!\n" << " Inclusion of file '" << value << "' is skipped!\n"; stateFlag_ = false; } else { removeTrailingWhiteSpaces( value ); std::string file( (filesystem::path( getDirectory( filename ) ) / value).string() ); parseFromFile( file.c_str(), block, level+1 ); } } } //Extraction of a single parameter else if( std::getline( input, value, ';' ) && !input.eof() ) { input.ignore( 1 ); while( (value.find("$(") != value.npos) && (value.find(')') != value.npos) ) { size_t s = value.find("$("); size_t e = value.find(")"); ValueReplacementMap::iterator mkey = valueReplacements_.find( value.substr( s+2, e-s+1-3 ) ); if(mkey != valueReplacements_.end()) { value.replace( s,e-s+1, mkey->second ); } else { if(e!=value.npos) value.erase(e,1); if(s!=value.npos) value.erase(s,2); } } if( !block.addParameter( key, value.substr( 0, value.size()-1 ) ) ) { error_ << " " << filename << ", line " << commandLine << ": Duplicate parameter '" << key << "' in"; if( block.getKey().empty() ) error_ << " global section!\n"; else error_ << " block '" << block.getKey() << "'\n"; stateFlag_ = false; } } } } //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn void Config::parseFromString( const std::string str, Block& block, unsigned int level ) // \brief Parses the given file and extracts the parameters to the given block. // // \param str Config-generated input string. // \param block Parameter block for the found parameters. // \param level The current inclusion level. // // By internal convention, each block first contains all parameter, and then all sub-blocks */ void Config::parseFromString( const std::string & str, Block& block, unsigned int level ) { std::string input = str; while (!input.empty()) { std::string::size_type f=input.find_first_of(" {"); if (input[f]==' ') { std::string::size_type posSemicolon = input.substr(f+1).find(";"); block.addParameter(input.substr(0,f),input.substr(f+1,posSemicolon)); input = input.substr(f+1+posSemicolon+1); } else { int lev=1; bool inParam=false; std::string::size_type curly2=std::string::npos; for (std::string::size_type pos = f+1; pos<input.size(); ++pos) { if (input[pos]==' ' && !inParam) inParam=true; if (input[pos]==';' && inParam) inParam=false; if (input[pos]=='{' && !inParam) ++lev; if (input[pos]=='}' && !inParam) --lev; if (lev==0) { curly2=pos; break; } } Block& newBlock = block.createBlock( input.substr(0,f) ); parseFromString(input.substr(f+1,curly2-f-1),newBlock,level+1); input=input.substr(curly2+1); } } } //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn void Config::extractBlock( const char* filename, std::stringstream& input, Block& block, // const LineVector& lineNumbers, unsigned int lineNumber, // unsigned int level ) // \brief Extracting a parameter block from the preprocessed input stream. // // \param filename Name of the parameter file // \param input The preprocessed input stream. // \param block The block whose parameters are extracted. // \param lineNumbers The line numbers belonging to the preprocessed input stream. // \param lineNumber Starting line of the block in the parameter file. // \param level The current inclusion level. */ void Config::extractBlock( const char* filename, std::stringstream& input, Block& block, const LineVector& lineNumbers, unsigned int lineNumber, unsigned int level ) { std::string key, value; while( input >> key ) { if( boost::algorithm::iequals( key, "}" ) ) { return; } else if( input >> std::ws && input.eof() ) { break; } unsigned int commandLine = getLineNumber( lineNumbers, input.tellg() ); //Extraction of a parameter block if( input.peek() == '{' ) { input.ignore( 1 ); Block& newBlock = block.createBlock( key ); extractBlock( filename, input, newBlock, lineNumbers, getLineNumber( lineNumbers, input.tellg() ), level ); } else if( boost::algorithm::iequals( key, "include" ) ) { if( std::getline( input, value, ';' ) && !input.eof() ) { input.ignore( 1 ); if( level == maxInclusionLevel ) { error_ << " " << filename << ", line " << commandLine << ": Include limit reached! Include directives are limited to " << maxInclusionLevel << " levels!\n" << " Inclusion of file '" << value << "' is skipped!\n"; stateFlag_ = false; } else { removeTrailingWhiteSpaces( value ); std::string file( (filesystem::path( getDirectory( filename ) ) / value).string() ); parseFromFile( file.c_str(), block, level+1 ); } } } //Extraction of a single parameter else if( std::getline( input, value, ';' ) && !input.eof() ) { input.ignore( 1 ); while( (value.find("$(") != value.npos) && (value.find(')') != value.npos) ) { size_t s = value.find("$("); size_t e = value.find(")"); ValueReplacementMap::iterator mkey = valueReplacements_.find( value.substr( s+2, e-s+1-3 ) ); if(mkey != valueReplacements_.end()) { value.replace( s,e-s+1, mkey->second ); } else { if(e!=value.npos) value.erase(e,1); if(s!=value.npos) value.erase(s,2); } } if( !block.addParameter( key, value.substr( 0, value.size()-1 ) ) ) { error_ << " " << filename << ", line " << commandLine << ": Duplicate parameter '" << key << "' in block '" << block.getKey() << "'!\n"; stateFlag_ = false; } } } error_ << " Missing '}' for " << block.getKey() << " block starting in line " << lineNumber << "\n"; stateFlag_ = false; return; } //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn unsigned int Config::getLineNumber( const LineVector& lineNumbers, sstreamPos pos ) const // \brief Calculation of the line number of a command. // // \param lineNumbers ? // \param pos Position in the preprocessed input stream. */ unsigned int Config::getLineNumber( const LineVector& lineNumbers, sstreamPos pos ) const { LineVector::const_iterator it=lineNumbers.begin(); for( ; it!=lineNumbers.end()-1; ++it ) { if( (it+1)->first > pos ) return it->second; } return it->second; } //********************************************************************************************************************** //====================================================================================================================== // // CLASS FILEREADER::BLOCK // //====================================================================================================================== //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn Config::Block::Block( const std::string& key ) // \brief Standard constructor for the Block class. // // \param key The key of the block (default argument = ""). */ Config::Block::Block( const std::string& key ) :key_(key),blocks_(),params_() {} //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn Config::Block& Config::Block::operator=( const Block& b ) // \brief The copy assignment operator for the Block class. // // \param b The Block object to be copied. // \return Reference to the Config object. */ Config::Block& Config::Block::operator=( const Block& b ) { if( &b == this ) return *this; key_ = b.key_; blocks_ = b.blocks_; params_ = b.params_; return *this; } //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn Config::Block::~Block() // \brief Default destructor of the Block class. */ Config::Block::~Block() = default; //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn Config::size_type Config::Block::getNumBlocks( const std::string& key ) const // \brief Returns the number of contained parameter blocks corresponding to given key. // // \param key The key of the blocks to count. // // \return The number of contained parameter blocks corresponding to given key. */ Config::size_type Config::Block::getNumBlocks( const std::string& key ) const { size_type c = 0; for( List::const_iterator it=blocks_.begin(); it!=blocks_.end(); ++it ) { if( boost::algorithm::iequals( key, it->getKey() ) ) { ++c; } } return c; } //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn Config::BlockHandle Config::Block::getBlock( const std::string& key ) const // \brief Returns one or none block that matches with \p key. // // \param key The key of the extracted block. // \return One or none block that matches with \p key. */ Config::BlockHandle Config::Block::getBlock( const std::string& key ) const { Blocks blocks; getBlocks( key, blocks, 0, 1 ); if( blocks.empty() ) return BlockHandle(); return blocks[0]; } //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn Config::BlockHandle Config::Block::getOneBlock( const std::string& key ) const // \brief Returns exactly one block that matches with \p key. // // \param key The key of the extracted block. // \return One block that matches with \p key. */ Config::BlockHandle Config::Block::getOneBlock( const std::string& key ) const { Blocks blocks; getBlocks( key, blocks, 1, 1 ); return blocks[0]; } //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn void Config::Block::getBlocks( const std::string& key, Blocks& blocks, // size_t min, size_t max ) const // \brief Adds to the given \p blocks all extracted blocks with key \p key. // // \param key The key of the extracted blocks. // \param[out] blocks Reference to the vector of blocks // \param min minimum number of blocks the caller expects // \param max maximum number of blocks the caller can handle // \return void. */ void Config::Block::getBlocks( const std::string& key, Blocks& blocks, size_t min, size_t max ) const { size_t c = 0; for( List::const_iterator it=blocks_.begin(); it!=blocks_.end(); ++it ) { if( boost::algorithm::iequals( key, it->getKey() ) ) { blocks.push_back( BlockHandle( &*it ) ); ++c; } } if( c < min || c > max ) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "You requested at least " << min << " and at most " << max << " Config::Blocks with key " << key << " - but there are " << c << "."; throw std::range_error( oss.str() ); } } //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn void Config::Block::getBlocks( Blocks& blocks ) const // \brief Adds to the given \p blocks all blocks contained in this block. // // \param[out] blocks Reference to the vector of blocks // \return void. */ void Config::Block::getBlocks( Blocks& blocks ) const { for( List::const_iterator it=blocks_.begin(); it!=blocks_.end(); ++it ) { blocks.push_back( BlockHandle( &*it ) ); } } //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn void Config::Block::getWritableBlocks( std::vector<Block*>& blocks ) // \brief Adds to the given \p blocks all blocks contained in this block. // // \param[out] blocks Reference to the vector of blocks // \return void. */ void Config::Block::getWritableBlocks( std::vector<Block*> & blocks ) { for( List::iterator it=blocks_.begin(); it!=blocks_.end(); ++it ) { blocks.push_back( &*it ); } } //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn void Config::Block::getWritableBlocks( const std::string& key,std::vector<Block*>& blocks,size_t min,size_t max ) // \brief Adds to the given \p blocks all extracted blocks with key \p key. // // \param key The key of the extracted blocks. // \param[out] blocks Reference to the vector of blocks // \param min minimum number of blocks the caller expects // \param max maximum number of blocks the caller can handle // \return void. */ void Config::Block::getWritableBlocks( const std::string & key, std::vector<Block*> & blocks, size_t min, size_t max ) { size_t c = 0; for( List::iterator it=blocks_.begin(); it!=blocks_.end(); ++it ) { if( boost::algorithm::iequals( key, it->getKey() ) ) { blocks.push_back( &*it ); ++c; } } if( c < min || c > max ) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "You requested at least " << min << " and at most " << max << " Config::Blocks with key " << key << " - but there are " << c << "."; throw std::range_error( oss.str() ); } } //********************************************************************************************************************** //====================================================================================================================== // // GET FUNCTIONS // //====================================================================================================================== //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn bool Config::Block::addParameter( std::string key, const std::string& value ) // \brief Adding a parameter to a parameter block. // // \param key The key of the new parameter. // \param value The value of the new parameter. // \return \a true if a new parameter was added, \a false if duplicate key is present. */ bool Config::Block::addParameter( std::string key, const std::string& value ) { return params_.insert( std::pair<Key,Value>(key,value) ).second; } //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn Config::Block& Config::Block::createBlock( std::string key ) // \brief Adding a new block within the parameter block. // // \param key The key of the new block. // \return Reference to the new block. */ Config::Block& Config::Block::createBlock( std::string key ) { blocks_.push_back( Block( key ) ); return *blocks_.rbegin(); } //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn void Config::Block::listParameters() const // \brief Output function for the contained parameters. // // \return void */ void Config::Block::listParameters() const { for( Map::const_iterator it=params_.begin(); it!=params_.end(); ++it ) { std::cout << " Key = '" << it->first << "' , Value = '" << it->second << "'\n"; } } //********************************************************************************************************************** //********************************************************************************************************************** /*!\fn std::string Config::Block::getString() const // \brief Returns Config-internal string to use for communication. // // \return void */ std::string Config::Block::getString() const { std::string ret=""; for( Map::const_iterator it=params_.begin(); it!=params_.end(); ++it ) { ret += it->first + " " + it->second + ";"; } for( List::const_iterator it=blocks_.begin(); it!=blocks_.end(); ++it ) { ret += it->key_ + "{" + it->getString() + "}"; } return ret; } //********************************************************************************************************************** //====================================================================================================================== // // OUTPUT // //====================================================================================================================== static void printConfig( std::ostream & os, const Config::BlockHandle & block, int depth = 0 ) { std::vector< Config::BlockHandle > subBlocks; block.getBlocks( subBlocks ); std::stringstream prefix; for( int i=0; i < depth; ++i ) prefix << " "; if ( depth >=0 ) { std::string blockName = block.getKey(); boost::algorithm::trim( blockName ); os << prefix.str() << blockName << "\n"; os << prefix.str() << "{\n"; } for( auto subBlock = subBlocks.begin(); subBlock != subBlocks.end(); ++subBlock ) printConfig( os, *subBlock, depth+1); for( auto paramIt = block.begin(); paramIt != block.end(); ++paramIt ) { std::string key = paramIt->first; std::string value = paramIt->second; boost::algorithm::trim( key ); boost::algorithm::trim( value ); os << prefix.str() << " " << key << " " << value << ";\n"; } if ( depth >=0 ) os << prefix.str() << "}\n"; } std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & os, const Config & config ) { printConfig( os, config.getGlobalBlock(), -1 ); return os; } std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & os, const Config::BlockHandle & block ) { printConfig( os, block ); return os; } } // namespace config } // namespace walberla