From cd4d49da51a9315ce00f3e5d61fd8bdb5a1d4bf4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Bauer <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 16:25:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Separated checkpoint functionality into multiple functions

- More flexibility for the user to implement custom checkpointing
 src/core/mpi/MPIIO.cpp                        | 196 +++++++++++++++++
 src/core/mpi/MPIIO.h                          |  49 +++++
 src/domain_decomposition/BlockStorage.cpp     | 202 ++++--------------
 src/domain_decomposition/BlockStorage.h       |   5 +-
 .../StructuredBlockStorage.h                  |   4 +-
 5 files changed, 298 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/core/mpi/MPIIO.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/core/mpi/MPIIO.h

diff --git a/src/core/mpi/MPIIO.cpp b/src/core/mpi/MPIIO.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8d85cd6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/mpi/MPIIO.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
+//! \file MPIIO.cppp
+//! \ingroup core
+//! \author Florian Schornbaum <>
+//! \author Martin Bauer <>
+#include "core/DataTypes.h"
+#include "core/mpi/RecvBuffer.h"
+#include "core/mpi/SendBuffer.h"
+#include "core/mpi/MPIManager.h"
+#include "core/mpi/Reduce.h"
+#include <fstream>
+namespace walberla {
+namespace mpi  {
+   void writeMPIIO(const std::string & file, SendBuffer & buffer)
+   {
+      uint_t dataSize = sizeof( mpi::SendBuffer::ElementType ) * buffer.size();
+      {
+         std::ofstream ofile( file.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary );
+         ofile.write( reinterpret_cast< const char* >( buffer.ptr() ), numeric_cast< std::streamsize >( dataSize ) );
+         ofile.close();
+      }
+      {
+         MPI_File mpiFile = MPI_FILE_NULL;
+         int result = MPI_SUCCESS;
+         result = MPI_File_open( MPIManager::instance()->comm(), const_cast<char*>( file.c_str() ), MPI_MODE_WRONLY | MPI_MODE_CREATE, MPI_INFO_NULL, &mpiFile );
+         if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
+            WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while opening file \"" << file << "\" for writing. MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
+         int uintSize;
+         MPI_Type_size( MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), &uintSize );
+         const MPI_Offset filesize = numeric_cast<MPI_Offset>( mpi::MPIManager::instance()->numProcesses() * 2 * uintSize ) +
+                                     numeric_cast<MPI_Offset>( mpi::allReduce( dataSize, mpi::SUM, MPIManager::instance()->comm() ) );
+         MPI_File_set_size( mpiFile, filesize );
+         uint_t exscanResult;
+         MPI_Exscan( &dataSize, &exscanResult, 1, MPITrait<uint_t>::type(), MPI_SUM, MPIManager::instance()->comm() );
+         if( MPIManager::instance()->rank() == 0 )
+            exscanResult = uint_t( 0 );
+         const uint_t offset = uint_c( mpi::MPIManager::instance()->numProcesses() * 2 * uintSize ) + exscanResult;
+         MPI_Datatype offsettype;
+         MPI_Type_contiguous( 2, MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), &offsettype );
+         MPI_Type_commit( &offsettype );
+         MPI_Datatype arraytype;
+         MPI_Type_contiguous( int_c( buffer.size() ), MPITrait< mpi::SendBuffer::ElementType >::type(), &arraytype );
+         MPI_Type_commit( &arraytype );
+         // offsets to processes data (+ buffer size)
+         result = MPI_File_set_view( mpiFile, numeric_cast<MPI_Offset>( mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank() * 2 * uintSize ),
+                                     MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), offsettype, const_cast<char*>( "native" ), MPI_INFO_NULL );
+         if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
+            WALBERLA_ABORT( "Internal MPI-IO error! MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
+         uint_t offsetData[2];
+         offsetData[0] = offset;
+         offsetData[1] = uint_c( buffer.size() );
+         result = MPI_File_write_all( mpiFile, reinterpret_cast<char*>( offsetData ), 2, MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
+         if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
+            WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while writing to file \"" << file << "\". MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
+         // the data
+         result = MPI_File_set_view( mpiFile, numeric_cast<MPI_Offset>( offset ), MPITrait< mpi::SendBuffer::ElementType >::type(), arraytype,
+                                     const_cast<char*>( "native" ), MPI_INFO_NULL );
+         if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
+            WALBERLA_ABORT( "Internal MPI-IO error! MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
+         result = MPI_File_write_all( mpiFile, reinterpret_cast<char*>( buffer.ptr() ), int_c( buffer.size() ), MPITrait< mpi::SendBuffer::ElementType >::type(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
+         if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
+            WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while writing to file \"" << file << "\". MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
+         result = MPI_File_close( &mpiFile );
+         if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
+            WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while closing file \"" << file << "\". MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
+         MPI_Type_free( &arraytype );
+         MPI_Type_free( &offsettype );
+      }
+   }
+   void readMPIIO(const std::string & file, RecvBuffer & buffer)
+   {
+      {
+         std::ifstream ifile( file.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary );
+         ifile.seekg( 0, std::ios::end );
+         const uint_t length = uint_c( static_cast< std::streamoff >( ifile.tellg() ) );
+         ifile.seekg( 0, std::ios::beg );
+         buffer.resize( length / sizeof( mpi::RecvBuffer::ElementType ) );
+ reinterpret_cast< char* >( buffer.ptr() ), numeric_cast< std::streamsize >( length ) );
+         ifile.close();
+      }
+      {
+         MPI_File mpiFile = MPI_FILE_NULL;
+         int result = MPI_SUCCESS;
+         result = MPI_File_open( MPIManager::instance()->comm(), const_cast<char*>( file.c_str() ), MPI_MODE_RDONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &mpiFile );
+         if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
+            WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while opening file \"" << file << "\" for writing. MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
+         int uintSize;
+         MPI_Type_size( MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), &uintSize );
+         MPI_Datatype offsettype;
+         MPI_Type_contiguous( 2, MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), &offsettype );
+         MPI_Type_commit( &offsettype );
+         // offsets to processes data (+ buffer size)
+         result = MPI_File_set_view( mpiFile, numeric_cast<MPI_Offset>( mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank() * 2 * uintSize ),
+                                     MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), offsettype, const_cast<char*>( "native" ), MPI_INFO_NULL );
+         if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
+            WALBERLA_ABORT( "Internal MPI-IO error! MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
+         uint_t offsetData[2];
+         result = MPI_File_read_all( mpiFile, reinterpret_cast<char*>( offsetData ), 2, MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
+         if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
+            WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while writing to file \"" << file << "\". MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
+         // the data
+         MPI_Datatype arraytype;
+         MPI_Type_contiguous( int_c( offsetData[1] ), MPITrait< mpi::RecvBuffer::ElementType >::type(), &arraytype );
+         MPI_Type_commit( &arraytype );
+         result = MPI_File_set_view( mpiFile, numeric_cast<MPI_Offset>( offsetData[0] ), MPITrait< mpi::RecvBuffer::ElementType >::type(), arraytype,
+                                     const_cast<char*>( "native" ), MPI_INFO_NULL );
+         if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
+            WALBERLA_ABORT( "Internal MPI-IO error! MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
+         buffer.resize( offsetData[1] );
+         result = MPI_File_read_all( mpiFile, reinterpret_cast<char*>( buffer.ptr() ), int_c( buffer.size() ), MPITrait< mpi::SendBuffer::ElementType >::type(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
+         if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
+            WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while writing to file \"" << file << "\". MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
+         result = MPI_File_close( &mpiFile );
+         if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
+            WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while closing file \"" << file << "\". MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
+         MPI_Type_free( &arraytype );
+         MPI_Type_free( &offsettype );
+      }
+   }
+} // namespace mpi
+} // namespace walberla
diff --git a/src/core/mpi/MPIIO.h b/src/core/mpi/MPIIO.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e63f5df64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/mpi/MPIIO.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
+//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
+//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+//  for more details.
+//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
+//! \file MPIIO.h
+//! \ingroup core
+//! \author Florian Schornbaum <>
+//! \author Martin Bauer <>
+#pragma once
+#include "core/mpi/RecvBuffer.h"
+#include "core/mpi/SendBuffer.h"
+namespace walberla {
+namespace mpi  {
+    /*! Writes contents of local buffer to a single binary file via MPIIO
+     *
+     * Has to be called by all processes
+     */
+   void writeMPIIO(const std::string & file, SendBuffer & buffer);
+   /*! Counterpart to writeMPIIO - has to be called with exactly the same process distribution
+    *
+    * Reads local part of the data into a buffer
+    */
+   void readMPIIO(const std::string & file, RecvBuffer & buffer);
+} // namespace mpi
+} // namespace walberla
diff --git a/src/domain_decomposition/BlockStorage.cpp b/src/domain_decomposition/BlockStorage.cpp
index 407756295..edf5092af 100644
--- a/src/domain_decomposition/BlockStorage.cpp
+++ b/src/domain_decomposition/BlockStorage.cpp
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
 #include "core/debug/CheckFunctions.h"
 #include "core/debug/Debug.h"
 #include "core/logging/Logging.h"
-#include "core/mpi/Gather.h"
-#include "core/mpi/Reduce.h"
+#include "core/mpi/MPIIO.h"
 #include "core/uid/GlobalState.h"
+#include "core/mpi/Gather.h"
 namespace walberla {
@@ -140,80 +140,8 @@ BlockDataID BlockStorage::loadBlockData( const std::string & file, const interna
    blockDataItem_.push_back( item );
    mpi::RecvBuffer buffer;
+   mpi::readMPIIO(file, buffer);
-   {
-      std::ifstream ifile( file.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary );
-      ifile.seekg( 0, std::ios::end );
-      const uint_t length = uint_c( static_cast< std::streamoff >( ifile.tellg() ) );
-      ifile.seekg( 0, std::ios::beg );
-      buffer.resize( length / sizeof( mpi::RecvBuffer::ElementType ) );
- reinterpret_cast< char* >( buffer.ptr() ), numeric_cast< std::streamsize >( length ) );
-      ifile.close();
-   }
-   {
-      MPI_File mpiFile = MPI_FILE_NULL;
-      int result = MPI_SUCCESS;
-      result = MPI_File_open( MPIManager::instance()->comm(), const_cast<char*>( file.c_str() ), MPI_MODE_RDONLY, MPI_INFO_NULL, &mpiFile );
-      if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
-         WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while opening file \"" << file << "\" for writing. MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
-      int uintSize;
-      MPI_Type_size( MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), &uintSize );
-      MPI_Datatype offsettype;
-      MPI_Type_contiguous( 2, MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), &offsettype );
-      MPI_Type_commit( &offsettype );
-      // offsets to processes data (+ buffer size)
-      result = MPI_File_set_view( mpiFile, numeric_cast<MPI_Offset>( mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank() * 2 * uintSize ),
-                                  MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), offsettype, const_cast<char*>( "native" ), MPI_INFO_NULL );
-      if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
-         WALBERLA_ABORT( "Internal MPI-IO error! MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
-      uint_t offsetData[2];
-      result = MPI_File_read_all( mpiFile, reinterpret_cast<char*>( offsetData ), 2, MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
-      if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
-         WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while writing to file \"" << file << "\". MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
-      // the data
-      MPI_Datatype arraytype;
-      MPI_Type_contiguous( int_c( offsetData[1] ), MPITrait< mpi::RecvBuffer::ElementType >::type(), &arraytype );
-      MPI_Type_commit( &arraytype );
-      result = MPI_File_set_view( mpiFile, numeric_cast<MPI_Offset>( offsetData[0] ), MPITrait< mpi::RecvBuffer::ElementType >::type(), arraytype,
-                                  const_cast<char*>( "native" ), MPI_INFO_NULL );
-      if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
-         WALBERLA_ABORT( "Internal MPI-IO error! MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
-      buffer.resize( offsetData[1] );
-      result = MPI_File_read_all( mpiFile, reinterpret_cast<char*>( buffer.ptr() ), int_c( buffer.size() ), MPITrait< mpi::SendBuffer::ElementType >::type(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
-      if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
-         WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while writing to file \"" << file << "\". MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
-      result = MPI_File_close( &mpiFile );
-      if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
-         WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while closing file \"" << file << "\". MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
-      MPI_Type_free( &arraytype );
-      MPI_Type_free( &offsettype );
-   }
    std::vector< IBlock * > blocks;
    for( auto block = begin(); block != end(); ++block )
       blocks.push_back( block.get() );
@@ -246,15 +174,29 @@ BlockDataID BlockStorage::loadBlockData( const std::string & file, const interna
 void BlockStorage::saveBlockData( const std::string & file, const BlockDataID & id )
    WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS( uint_t(id), blockDataItem_.size() );
+   mpi::SendBuffer buffer;
+   serializeBlockData(id, buffer);
+   mpi::writeMPIIO(file, buffer);
+*   This function serializes the block data into a sendbuffer
+void BlockStorage::serializeBlockData( const BlockDataID & id, mpi::SendBuffer & buffer )
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS( uint_t(id), blockDataItem_.size() );
    std::vector< IBlock * > blocks;
    for( auto block = begin(); block != end(); ++block )
       blocks.push_back( block.get() );
    std::sort( blocks.begin(), blocks.end(), internal::sortBlocksByID );
    auto & item = blockDataItem_[ uint_t(id) ];
-   mpi::SendBuffer buffer;
    for( auto it = blocks.begin(); it != blocks.end(); ++it )
       IBlock * block = *it;
@@ -262,88 +204,36 @@ void BlockStorage::saveBlockData( const std::string & file, const BlockDataID &
       if( dh )
          dh->serialize( block, id, buffer );
-   uint_t dataSize = sizeof( mpi::SendBuffer::ElementType ) * buffer.size();
-   {
-      std::ofstream ofile( file.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary );
-      ofile.write( reinterpret_cast< const char* >( buffer.ptr() ), numeric_cast< std::streamsize >( dataSize ) );
-      ofile.close();
-   }
+*   Deserializes data form a recv buffer into existing block data
+ *  Only deserialize data, that has be serialized with serializeBlockData
+void BlockStorage::deserializeBlockData( const BlockDataID & id, mpi::RecvBuffer & buffer )
+   WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS( uint_t(id), blockDataItem_.size() );
+   std::vector< IBlock * > blocks;
+   for( auto block = begin(); block != end(); ++block )
+      blocks.push_back( block.get() );
+   std::sort( blocks.begin(), blocks.end(), internal::sortBlocksByID );
+   auto & item = blockDataItem_[ uint_t(id) ];
+   for( auto it = blocks.begin(); it != blocks.end(); ++it )
-      MPI_File mpiFile = MPI_FILE_NULL;
-      int result = MPI_SUCCESS;
-      result = MPI_File_open( MPIManager::instance()->comm(), const_cast<char*>( file.c_str() ), MPI_MODE_WRONLY | MPI_MODE_CREATE, MPI_INFO_NULL, &mpiFile );
-      if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
-         WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while opening file \"" << file << "\" for writing. MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
-      int uintSize;
-      MPI_Type_size( MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), &uintSize );
-      const MPI_Offset filesize = numeric_cast<MPI_Offset>( mpi::MPIManager::instance()->numProcesses() * 2 * uintSize ) +
-                                  numeric_cast<MPI_Offset>( mpi::allReduce( dataSize, mpi::SUM, MPIManager::instance()->comm() ) );
-      MPI_File_set_size( mpiFile, filesize );
-      uint_t exscanResult;
-      MPI_Exscan( &dataSize, &exscanResult, 1, MPITrait<uint_t>::type(), MPI_SUM, MPIManager::instance()->comm() );
-      if( MPIManager::instance()->rank() == 0 )
-         exscanResult = uint_t( 0 );
-      const uint_t offset = uint_c( mpi::MPIManager::instance()->numProcesses() * 2 * uintSize ) + exscanResult;
-      MPI_Datatype offsettype;
-      MPI_Type_contiguous( 2, MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), &offsettype );
-      MPI_Type_commit( &offsettype );
-      MPI_Datatype arraytype;
-      MPI_Type_contiguous( int_c( buffer.size() ), MPITrait< mpi::SendBuffer::ElementType >::type(), &arraytype );
-      MPI_Type_commit( &arraytype );
-      // offsets to processes data (+ buffer size)
-      result = MPI_File_set_view( mpiFile, numeric_cast<MPI_Offset>( mpi::MPIManager::instance()->rank() * 2 * uintSize ),
-                                  MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), offsettype, const_cast<char*>( "native" ), MPI_INFO_NULL );
-      if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
-         WALBERLA_ABORT( "Internal MPI-IO error! MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
-      uint_t offsetData[2];
-      offsetData[0] = offset;
-      offsetData[1] = uint_c( buffer.size() );
-      result = MPI_File_write_all( mpiFile, reinterpret_cast<char*>( offsetData ), 2, MPITrait< uint_t >::type(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
-      if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
-         WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while writing to file \"" << file << "\". MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
-      // the data
-      result = MPI_File_set_view( mpiFile, numeric_cast<MPI_Offset>( offset ), MPITrait< mpi::SendBuffer::ElementType >::type(), arraytype,
-                                  const_cast<char*>( "native" ), MPI_INFO_NULL );
-      if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
-         WALBERLA_ABORT( "Internal MPI-IO error! MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
-      result = MPI_File_write_all( mpiFile, reinterpret_cast<char*>( buffer.ptr() ), int_c( buffer.size() ), MPITrait< mpi::SendBuffer::ElementType >::type(), MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
-      if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
-         WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while writing to file \"" << file << "\". MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
-      result = MPI_File_close( &mpiFile );
-      if( result != MPI_SUCCESS )
-         WALBERLA_ABORT( "Error while closing file \"" << file << "\". MPI Error is \"" << MPIManager::instance()->getMPIErrorString( result ) << "\"" );
-      MPI_Type_free( &arraytype );
-      MPI_Type_free( &offsettype );
+      IBlock * block = *it;
+      auto dh = item.getDataHandling( block );
+      if( dh )
+         dh->deserialize( block, id, buffer );
 *   Returns a MPI communicator that only contains processes that possess blocks
diff --git a/src/domain_decomposition/BlockStorage.h b/src/domain_decomposition/BlockStorage.h
index fb778309a..b0662742e 100644
--- a/src/domain_decomposition/BlockStorage.h
+++ b/src/domain_decomposition/BlockStorage.h
@@ -489,7 +489,10 @@ public:
                               const internal::SelectableBlockDataHandlingWrapper & dataHandling, const std::string & identifier = std::string() );
    void saveBlockData( const std::string & file, const BlockDataID & id );
+   void serializeBlockData( const BlockDataID & id, mpi::SendBuffer & buffer );
+   void deserializeBlockData( const BlockDataID & id, mpi::RecvBuffer & buffer );
    inline void clearBlockData( const BlockDataID & id );
    uint_t numberOfBlockDataItems() const { return blockDataItem_.size(); }
diff --git a/src/domain_decomposition/StructuredBlockStorage.h b/src/domain_decomposition/StructuredBlockStorage.h
index 2d398ca3d..752107f47 100644
--- a/src/domain_decomposition/StructuredBlockStorage.h
+++ b/src/domain_decomposition/StructuredBlockStorage.h
@@ -257,7 +257,9 @@ public:
    { return blockStorage_->loadBlockData( file, dataHandling, identifier, requiredSelectors, incompatibleSelectors ); }
    void saveBlockData( const std::string & file, const BlockDataID & id ) { blockStorage_->saveBlockData( file, id ); }
+   void serializeBlockData( const BlockDataID & id, mpi::SendBuffer & buffer ) { blockStorage_->serializeBlockData(id, buffer); }
+   void deserializeBlockData( const BlockDataID & id, mpi::RecvBuffer & buffer )  { blockStorage_->deserializeBlockData(id, buffer); }
    void clearBlockData( const BlockDataID & id ) { blockStorage_->clearBlockData(id); }
    uint_t numberOfBlockDataItems() const { return blockStorage_->numberOfBlockDataItems(); }