from __future__ import annotations from argparse import ArgumentParser from types import ModuleType from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Callable, Any, Sequence from abc import ABC from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, field from enum import Enum, auto from os import path from importlib import util as iutil class SfgConfigException(Exception): ... # noqa: E701 Option_T = TypeVar("Option_T") class Option(Generic[Option_T]): """Option descriptor. This descriptor is used to model configuration options. It maintains a default value for the option that is used when no value was specified by the user. In configuration options, the value `None` stands for `unset`. It can therefore not be used to set an option to the meaning "not any", or "empty" - for these, special values need to be used. """ def __init__( self, default: Option_T | None = None, validator: Callable[[Any, Option_T | None], Option_T | None] | None = None, ) -> None: self._default = default self._validator = validator self._name: str self._lookup: str def validate(self, validator: Callable[[Any, Any], Any] | None): self._validator = validator return validator @property def default(self) -> Option_T | None: return self._default def get(self, obj) -> Option_T | None: val = getattr(obj, self._lookup, None) if val is None: return self._default else: return val def __set_name__(self, owner, name: str): self._name = name self._lookup = f"_{name}" def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None) -> Option_T | None: if obj is None: return None return getattr(obj, self._lookup, None) def __set__(self, obj, value: Option_T | None): if self._validator is not None: value = self._validator(obj, value) setattr(obj, self._lookup, value) def __delete__(self, obj): delattr(obj, self._lookup) class ConfigBase(ABC): def get_option(self, name: str) -> Any: """Get the value set for the specified option, or the option's default value if none has been set.""" descr: Option = type(self).__dict__[name] return descr.get(self) def override(self, other: ConfigBase): for f in fields(self): # type: ignore fvalue = getattr(self, if isinstance(fvalue, ConfigBase): # type: ignore fvalue.override(getattr(other, else: new_val = getattr(other, if new_val is not None: setattr(self,, new_val) @dataclass class FileExtensions(ConfigBase): """Option category containing output file extensions.""" header: Option[str] = Option("hpp") """File extension for generated header file.""" impl: Option[str] = Option() """File extension for generated implementation file.""" @header.validate @impl.validate def _validate_extension(self, ext: str | None) -> str | None: if ext is not None and ext[0] == ".": return ext[1:] return ext class OutputMode(Enum): """Output mode of the source file generator.""" STANDALONE = auto() """Generate a header/implementation file pair (e.g. ``.hpp/.cpp``) where the implementation file will be compiled to a standalone object.""" INLINE = auto() """Generate a header/inline implementation file pair (e.g. ``.hpp/.ipp``) where all implementations are inlined by including the implementation file at the end of the header file.""" HEADER_ONLY = auto() """Generate only a header file. At the moment, header-only mode does not support generation of kernels and requires that all functions and methods are marked `inline`. """ @dataclass class CodeStyle(ConfigBase): """Options affecting the code style used by the source file generator.""" indent_width: Option[int] = Option(2) """The number of spaces successively nested blocks should be indented with""" # TODO possible future options: # - newline before opening { # - trailing return types def indent(self, s: str): from textwrap import indent prefix = " " * self.get_option("indent_width") return indent(s, prefix) @dataclass class ClangFormatOptions(ConfigBase): """Options affecting the invocation of ``clang-format`` for automatic code formatting.""" code_style: Option[str] = Option("file") """Code style to be used by clang-format. Passed verbatim to `--style` argument of the clang-format CLI. Similar to clang-format itself, the default value is `file`, such that a `.clang-format` file found in the build tree will automatically be used. """ force: Option[bool] = Option(False) """If set to ``True``, abort code generation if ``clang-format`` binary cannot be found.""" skip: Option[bool] = Option(False) """If set to ``True``, skip formatting using ``clang-format``.""" binary: Option[str] = Option("clang-format") """Path to the clang-format executable""" @force.validate def _validate_force(self, val: bool) -> bool: if val and self.skip: raise SfgConfigException( "Cannot set both `clang_format.force` and `clang_format.skip` at the same time" ) return val @skip.validate def _validate_skip(self, val: bool) -> bool: if val and self.force: raise SfgConfigException( "Cannot set both `clang_format.force` and `clang_format.skip` at the same time" ) return val class _GlobalNamespace: ... # noqa: E701 GLOBAL_NAMESPACE = _GlobalNamespace() """Indicates the C++ global namespace.""" @dataclass class SfgConfig(ConfigBase): """Configuration options for the `SourceFileGenerator`.""" extensions: FileExtensions = field(default_factory=FileExtensions) """File extensions of the generated files Options in this category: .. autosummary:: FileExtensions.header FileExtensions.impl """ output_mode: Option[OutputMode] = Option(OutputMode.STANDALONE) """The generator's output mode; defines which files to generate, and the set of legal file extensions. Possible parameters: .. autosummary:: OutputMode.STANDALONE OutputMode.INLINE OutputMode.HEADER_ONLY """ outer_namespace: Option[str | _GlobalNamespace] = Option(GLOBAL_NAMESPACE) """The outermost namespace in the generated file. May be a valid C++ nested namespace qualifier (like ``a::b::c``) or `GLOBAL_NAMESPACE` if no outer namespace should be generated. .. autosummary:: GLOBAL_NAMESPACE """ codestyle: CodeStyle = field(default_factory=CodeStyle) """Options affecting the code style emitted by pystencils-sfg. Options in this category: .. autosummary:: CodeStyle.indent_width """ clang_format: ClangFormatOptions = field(default_factory=ClangFormatOptions) """Options governing the code style used by the code generator Options in this category: .. autosummary:: ClangFormatOptions.code_style ClangFormatOptions.force ClangFormatOptions.skip ClangFormatOptions.binary """ output_directory: Option[str] = Option(".") """Directory to which the generated files should be written.""" class CommandLineParameters: @staticmethod def add_args_to_parser(parser: ArgumentParser): config_group = parser.add_argument_group("Configuration") config_group.add_argument( "--sfg-output-dir", type=str, default=None, dest="output_directory" ) config_group.add_argument( "--sfg-file-extensions", type=str, default=None, dest="file_extensions", help="Comma-separated list of file extensions", ) config_group.add_argument( "--sfg-output-mode", type=str, default=None, choices=("standalone", "inline", "header-only"), dest="output_mode", ) config_group.add_argument( "--sfg-config-module", type=str, default=None, dest="config_module_path" ) return parser def __init__(self, args) -> None: self._cl_config_module_path: str | None = args.config_module_path if args.output_mode is not None: match args.output_mode.lower(): case "standalone": output_mode = OutputMode.STANDALONE case "inline": output_mode = OutputMode.INLINE case "header-only": output_mode = OutputMode.HEADER_ONLY case _: assert False, "invalid output mode" else: output_mode = None self._cl_output_mode = output_mode self._cl_output_dir: str | None = args.output_directory if args.file_extensions is not None: file_extentions = list(args.file_extensions.split(",")) h_ext, impl_ext = self._get_file_extensions(file_extentions) self._cl_header_ext = h_ext self._cl_impl_ext = impl_ext else: self._cl_header_ext = None self._cl_impl_ext = None self._config_module: ModuleType | None if self._cl_config_module_path is not None: self._config_module = self._import_config_module( self._cl_config_module_path ) else: self._config_module = None @property def configuration_module(self) -> ModuleType | None: return self._config_module def get_config(self) -> SfgConfig: cfg = SfgConfig() if self._config_module is not None and hasattr( self._config_module, "configure_sfg" ): self._config_module.configure_sfg(cfg) if self._cl_output_mode is not None: cfg.output_mode = self._cl_output_mode if self._cl_header_ext is not None: cfg.extensions.header = self._cl_header_ext if self._cl_impl_ext is not None: cfg.extensions.impl = self._cl_impl_ext if self._cl_output_dir is not None: cfg.output_directory = self._cl_output_dir return cfg def find_conflicts(self, cfg: SfgConfig): for name, mine, theirs in ( ("output_mode", self._cl_output_mode, cfg.output_mode), ("extensions.header", self._cl_header_ext, cfg.extensions.header), ("extensions.impl", self._cl_impl_ext, cfg.extensions.impl), ("output_directory", self._cl_output_dir, cfg.output_directory), ): if mine is not None and theirs is not None and mine != theirs: raise SfgConfigException( f"Conflicting values given for option {name} on command line and inside generator script.\n" f" Value on command-line: {name}", f" Value in script: {name}", ) def get_project_info(self) -> Any: if self._config_module is not None and hasattr( self._config_module, "project_info" ): return self._config_module.project_info() else: return None def _get_file_extensions(self, extensions: Sequence[str]): h_ext = None src_ext = None extensions = tuple(ext.strip() for ext in extensions) extensions = tuple((ext[1:] if ext[0] == "." else ext) for ext in extensions) HEADER_FILE_EXTENSIONS = {"h", "hpp", "hxx", "h++", "cuh"} IMPL_FILE_EXTENSIONS = {"c", "cpp", "cxx", "c++", "cu", ".impl.h", "ipp"} for ext in extensions: if ext in HEADER_FILE_EXTENSIONS: if h_ext is not None: raise SfgConfigException( "Multiple header file extensions specified." ) h_ext = ext elif ext in IMPL_FILE_EXTENSIONS: if src_ext is not None: raise SfgConfigException( "Multiple source file extensions specified." ) src_ext = ext else: raise SfgConfigException( f"Invalid file extension: Don't know what to do with '.{ext}'" ) return h_ext, src_ext def _import_config_module(self, module_path: str) -> ModuleType: cfg_modulename = path.splitext(path.split(module_path)[1])[0] cfg_spec = iutil.spec_from_file_location(cfg_modulename, module_path) if cfg_spec is None: raise SfgConfigException( f"Unable to import configuration module {module_path}", ) config_module = iutil.module_from_spec(cfg_spec) cfg_spec.loader.exec_module(config_module) # type: ignore return config_module