Generator scripts are the primary way *pystencils-sfg* is meant to be used. A generator script is a single Python script, say ``, which contains *pystencils-sfg* code at the top level such that, when executed, it emits source code to a pair of files `kernels.h` and `kernels.cpp`. This guide describes how to write such a generator script, its structure, and how it can be used to generate code. This page gives a general overview over the code generation process, but introduces only the convenient high-level interface provided by the [SourceFileGenerator][pystencilssfg.SourceFileGenerator] and [SfgComposer][pystencilssfg.SfgComposer] classes. For a more in-depth look into building source files, and about using *pystencils-sfg* outside of a generator script, please take a look at the [In-Depth Guide]( ## Anatomy The code generation process in a generator script is controlled by the [SourceFileGenerator][pystencilssfg.SourceFileGenerator] context manager. It configures the code generator by combining configuration options from the environment (e.g. a CMake build system) with options specified in the script, and infers the names of the output files from the script's name. It then prepares and returns a code generation [context][pystencilssfg.SfgContext]. This context may then be passed to a [composer][pystencilssfg.SfgComposer], which provides a convenient interface for constructing the source files. To start, place the following code in a Python script, e.g. ``: ```Python from pystencilssfg import SourceFileGenerator, SfgConfiguration, SfgComposer sfg_config = SfgConfiguration() with SourceFileGenerator(sfg_config) as ctx: sfg = SfgComposer(ctx) ``` The source file is constructed within the context manager's managed region. During execution of the script, when the region ends, a header/source file pair `kernels.h` and `kernels.cpp` will be written to the file system next to your script. Execute the script as-is and inspect the generated files, which will of course still be empty. A few notes on configuration: - The [SourceFileGenerator][pystencilssfg.SourceFileGenerator] parses the script's command line arguments for configuration options (refer to [CLI and Build System Integration]( If you intend to use command-line parameters in your generation script, use [`sfg.context.argv`][pystencilssfg.SfgContext.argv] instead of `sys.argv`. There, all arguments meant for the code generator are already removed. - The code generator's configuration is consolidated from a global project configuration which may be provided by the build system; a number of command line arguments; and the [SfgConfiguration][pystencilssfg.SfgConfiguration] provided in the script. The project configuration may safely be overridden by the latter two; however, conflicts between command-line arguments and the configuration defined in the script will cause an exception to be thrown. ## Using the Composer The object `sfg` constructed in above snippet is an instance of [SfgComposer][pystencilssfg.SfgComposer]. The composer is the central part of the user front-end of *pystencils-sfg*. It provides an interface for constructing source files that attempts to closely mimic C++ syntactic structures within Python. Here is an overview of its various functions: ### Includes and Definitions With [`SfgComposer.include`][pystencilssfg.SfgComposer.include], the code generator can be instructed to include header files. ```Python with SourceFileGenerator(sfg_config) as ctx: sfg = SfgComposer(ctx) # ... sfg.include("<vector>") sfg.incldue("custom_header.h") ``` ### Adding Kernels `pystencils`-generated kernels are managed in [kernel namespaces][pystencilssfg.source_components.SfgKernelNamespace]. The default kernel namespace is called `kernels` and is available via [`SfgComposer.kernels`][pystencilssfg.SfgComposer.kernels]. Adding an existing `pystencils` AST, or creating one from a list of assignments, is possible through [`add`][pystencilssfg.source_components.SfgKernelNamespace.add] and [`create`][pystencilssfg.source_components.SfgKernelNamespace.create]. The latter is a wrapper around [`pystencils.create_kernel`]( ). Both functions return a [kernel handle][pystencilssfg.source_components.SfgKernelHandle] through which the kernel can be accessed, e.g. for calling it in a function. If required, use [`SfgComposer.kernel_namespace`][pystencilssfg.SfgComposer.kernel_namespace] to access other kernel namespaces than the default one. ```Python with SourceFileGenerator(sfg_config) as ctx: sfg = SfgComposer(ctx) # ... ast = ps.create_kernel(assignments, config) khandle = sfg.kernels.add(ast, "kernel_a") # is equivalent to khandle = sfg.kernels.create(assignments, "kernel_a", config) # You may use a different namespace nspace = sfg.kernel_namespace("group_of_kernels") nspace.create(assignments, "kernel_a", config) ``` ### Building Functions [Functions][pystencilssfg.source_components.SfgFunction] form the link between your `pystencils` kernels and your C++ framework. A function in *pystencils-sfg* translates to a simple C++ function, and should fulfill just the following tasks: - Extract kernel parameters (pointers, sizes, strides, numerical coefficients) from C++ objects (like fields, vectors, other data containers) - Call one or more kernels in sequence or in conditional branches It is the philosophy of this project that anything more complicated than this should happen in handwritten code; these generated functions are merely meant to close the remaining gap. The composer provides an interface for constructing functions that tries to mimic the look of the generated C++ code. Use [`SfgComposer.function`][pystencilssfg.SfgComposer.function] to create a function, and [``][] to call a kernel by its handle: ```Python with SourceFileGenerator(sfg_config) as ctx: sfg = SfgComposer(ctx) # ... sfg.function("MyFunction")( ) ``` Note the special syntax: To mimic the look of a C++ function, the composer uses a sequence of two calls to construct the function. The function body may further be populated with the following things: #### Parameter Mappings Extract kernel parameters from C++ objects: - [`map_param`][pystencilssfg.SfgComposer.map_param]: Add a single line of code to define one parameter depending on one other. - [`map_field`][pystencilssfg.SfgComposer.map_field] maps a pystencils [`Field`]( to a field data structure providing the necessary pointers, sizes and stride information. The field data structure must be provided as an instance of a subclass of [`SrcField`][pystencilssfg.source_concepts.SrcField]. Currently, *pystencils-sfg* provides mappings to [`std::vector`]( (via [`std_vector_ref`][pystencilssfg.source_concepts.cpp.std_vector_ref]) and [`std::mdspan`]( (via [`mdspan_ref`][pystencilssfg.source_concepts.cpp.mdspan_ref]) from the C++ standard library. - [`map_vector`][pystencilssfg.SfgComposer.map_vector] maps a sequence of scalar numerical values (given as `pystencils.TypedSymbol`s) to a vector data type. Currently, only `std::vector` is provided. #### Conditional Branches A conditonal branch may be added with [`SfgComposer.branch`][pystencilssfg.SfgComposer.branch] using a special syntax: ```Python with SourceFileGenerator(sfg_config) as ctx: sfg = SfgComposer(ctx) # ... sfg.function("myFunction")( # ... sfg.branch("condition")( # then-body )( # else-body (may be omitted) ) ) ```