from typing import Generator, Sequence from .configuration import SfgCodeStyle from .visitors import CollectIncludes from .source_components import ( SfgHeaderInclude, SfgKernelNamespace, SfgFunction, SfgClass, ) from .exceptions import SfgException class SfgContext: def __init__( self, outer_namespace: str | None = None, codestyle: SfgCodeStyle = SfgCodeStyle(), argv: Sequence[str] | None = None, ): self._argv = argv self._default_kernel_namespace = SfgKernelNamespace(self, "kernels") self._outer_namespace = outer_namespace self._inner_namespace: str | None = None self._codestyle = codestyle # Source Components self._prelude: str = "" self._includes: set[SfgHeaderInclude] = set() self._definitions: list[str] = [] self._kernel_namespaces = { self._default_kernel_namespace } self._functions: dict[str, SfgFunction] = dict() self._classes: dict[str, SfgClass] = dict() # Standard stuff self.add_include(SfgHeaderInclude("cstdint", system_header=True)) self.add_definition("#define RESTRICT __restrict__") @property def argv(self) -> Sequence[str]: """If this context was created by a `pystencilssfg.SourceFileGenerator`, provides the command line arguments given to the generator script, with configuration arguments for the code generator stripped away. Otherwise, throws an exception.""" if self._argv is None: raise SfgException("This context provides no command-line arguments.") return self._argv @property def outer_namespace(self) -> str | None: return self._outer_namespace @property def inner_namespace(self) -> str | None: return self._inner_namespace @property def fully_qualified_namespace(self) -> str | None: match (self.outer_namespace, self.inner_namespace): case None, None: return None case outer, None: return outer case None, inner: return inner case outer, inner: return f"{outer}::{inner}" case _: assert False @property def codestyle(self) -> SfgCodeStyle: return self._codestyle # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prelude, Includes, Definitions, Namespace # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def prelude_comment(self) -> str: """The prelude is a comment block printed at the top of both generated files.""" return self._prelude def append_to_prelude(self, code_str: str): if self._prelude: self._prelude += "\n" self._prelude += code_str if not code_str.endswith("\n"): self._prelude += "\n" def includes(self) -> Generator[SfgHeaderInclude, None, None]: """Includes of headers. Public includes are added to the header file, private includes are added to the implementation file.""" yield from self._includes def add_include(self, include: SfgHeaderInclude): self._includes.add(include) def definitions(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Definitions are code lines printed at the top of the header file, after the includes.""" yield from self._definitions def add_definition(self, definition: str): self._definitions.append(definition) def set_namespace(self, namespace: str): if self._inner_namespace is not None: raise SfgException("The code namespace was already set.") self._inner_namespace = namespace # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Kernel Namespaces # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def default_kernel_namespace(self) -> SfgKernelNamespace: return self._default_kernel_namespace def kernel_namespaces(self) -> Generator[SfgKernelNamespace, None, None]: yield from self._kernel_namespaces.values() def get_kernel_namespace(self, str) -> SfgKernelNamespace | None: return self._kernel_namespaces.get(str) def add_kernel_namespace(self, namespace: SfgKernelNamespace): if in self._kernel_namespaces: raise ValueError(f"Duplicate kernel namespace: {}") self._kernel_namespaces[] = namespace # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def functions(self) -> Generator[SfgFunction, None, None]: yield from self._functions.values() def get_function(self, name: str) -> SfgFunction | None: return self._functions.get(name, None) def add_function(self, func: SfgFunction): if in self._functions: raise SfgException(f"Duplicate function: {}") self._functions[] = func for incl in CollectIncludes().visit(func): self.add_include(incl) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Classes # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def classes(self) -> Generator[SfgClass, None, None]: yield from self._classes.values() def get_class(self, name: str) -> SfgClass | None: return self._classes.get(name, None) def add_class(self, cls: SfgClass): if cls.class_name in self._classes: raise SfgException(f"Duplicate class: {cls.class_name}") self._classes[cls.class_name] = cls for incl in CollectIncludes().visit(cls): self.add_include(incl)