diff --git a/astnodes.py b/astnodes.py
index 66d4ae8d0e4eaf1a394a03f43a3a0957e40d42b8..89d3a85449f86b3bd77986661e0a1a37e80b6712 100644
--- a/astnodes.py
+++ b/astnodes.py
@@ -20,6 +20,13 @@ class ResolvedFieldAccess(sp.Indexed):
                                    self.args[1].subs(old, new),
                                    self.field, self.offsets, self.idxCoordinateValues)
+    def fastSubs(self, subsDict):
+        if self in subsDict:
+            return subsDict[self]
+        return ResolvedFieldAccess(self.args[0].subs(subsDict),
+                                   self.args[1].subs(subsDict),
+                                   self.field, self.offsets, self.idxCoordinateValues)
     def _hashable_content(self):
         superClassContents = super(ResolvedFieldAccess, self)._hashable_content()
         return superClassContents + tuple(self.offsets) + (repr(self.idxCoordinateValues), hash(self.field))
@@ -89,8 +96,23 @@ class Conditional(Node):
         assert conditionExpr.is_Boolean or conditionExpr.is_Relational
         self.conditionExpr = conditionExpr
-        self.trueBlock = trueBlock
-        self.falseBlock = falseBlock
+        def handleChild(c):
+            if c is None:
+                return None
+            if not isinstance(c, Block):
+                c = Block([c])
+            c.parent = self
+            return c
+        self.trueBlock = handleChild(trueBlock)
+        self.falseBlock = handleChild(falseBlock)
+    def subs(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.trueBlock.subs(*args, **kwargs)
+        if self.falseBlock:
+            self.falseBlock.subs(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.conditionExpr = self.conditionExpr.subs(*args, **kwargs)
     def args(self):
@@ -107,7 +129,7 @@ class Conditional(Node):
     def undefinedSymbols(self):
         result = self.trueBlock.undefinedSymbols
         if self.falseBlock:
-            result = result.update(self.falseBlock.undefinedSymbols)
+            result.update(self.falseBlock.undefinedSymbols)
         return result
@@ -243,11 +265,21 @@ class Block(Node):
     def insertBefore(self, newNode, insertBefore):
         newNode.parent = self
         idx = self._nodes.index(insertBefore)
+        # move all assignment (definitions to the top)
+        if isinstance(newNode, SympyAssignment) and newNode.isDeclaration:
+            while idx > 0 and not (isinstance(self._nodes[idx-1], SympyAssignment) and self._nodes[idx-1].isDeclaration):
+                idx -= 1
         self._nodes.insert(idx, newNode)
     def append(self, node):
-        node.parent = self
-        self._nodes.append(node)
+        if isinstance(node, list) or isinstance(node, tuple):
+            for n in node:
+                n.parent = self
+                self._nodes.append(n)
+        else:
+            node.parent = self
+            self._nodes.append(node)
     def takeChildNodes(self):
         tmp = self._nodes
@@ -339,7 +371,6 @@ class LoopOverCoordinate(Node):
         elif child == self.stop:
             self.stop = replacement
     def symbolsDefined(self):
         return set([self.loopCounterSymbol])
@@ -389,14 +420,14 @@ class LoopOverCoordinate(Node):
     def __str__(self):
         return 'for({!s}={!s}; {!s}<{!s}; {!s}+={!s})\n{!s}'.format(self.loopCounterName, self.start,
-                                                                     self.loopCounterName, self.stop,
-                                                                     self.loopCounterName, self.step,
-                                                                     ("\t" + "\t".join(str(self.body).splitlines(True))))
+                                                                    self.loopCounterName, self.stop,
+                                                                    self.loopCounterName, self.step,
+                                                                    ("\t" + "\t".join(str(self.body).splitlines(True))))
     def __repr__(self):
         return 'for({!s}={!s}; {!s}<{!s}; {!s}+={!s})'.format(self.loopCounterName, self.start,
-                                                               self.loopCounterName, self.stop,
-                                                               self.loopCounterName, self.step)
+                                                              self.loopCounterName, self.stop,
+                                                              self.loopCounterName, self.step)
 class SympyAssignment(Node):
diff --git a/backends/cbackend.py b/backends/cbackend.py
index f19dec05f806a8b3c2b93c0e7b14d026fd889817..00d69957fe301feed21162cc8e9f9c57f139eca7 100644
--- a/backends/cbackend.py
+++ b/backends/cbackend.py
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class CBackend(object):
     def _print_Conditional(self, node):
         conditionExpr = self.sympyPrinter.doprint(node.conditionExpr)
         trueBlock = self._print_Block(node.trueBlock)
-        result = "if (%s) \n %s " % (conditionExpr, trueBlock)
+        result = "if (%s)\n%s " % (conditionExpr, trueBlock)
         if node.falseBlock:
             falseBlock = self._print_Block(node.falseBlock)
             result += "else " + falseBlock
diff --git a/cpu/cpujit.py b/cpu/cpujit.py
index 37229a9769704f7afe0d0fcec02daa11380e2032..69c3d8cd84b991ba86719733dfc44e80b813771f 100644
--- a/cpu/cpujit.py
+++ b/cpu/cpujit.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 *pystencils* looks for a configuration file in JSON format at the following locations in the listed order.
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ compiled into the shared library. Then, the same script can be run from the comp
 - **'objectCache'**: path to a folder where intermediate files are stored
 - **'clearCacheOnStart'**: when true the cache is cleared on each start of a *pystencils* script
 - **'sharedLibrary'**: path to a shared library file, which is created if `readFromSharedLibrary=false`
 from __future__ import print_function
 import os
@@ -197,7 +196,8 @@ def readConfig():
     configPath, configExists = getConfigurationFilePath()
     config = defaultConfig.copy()
     if configExists:
-        loadedConfig = json.load(open(configPath, 'r'))
+        with open(configPath, 'r') as jsonConfigFile:
+            loadedConfig = json.load(jsonConfigFile)
         config = _recursiveDictUpdate(config, loadedConfig)
         createFolder(configPath, True)
diff --git a/sympyextensions.py b/sympyextensions.py
index 4abeb7b66097843ab1d7fdc8348d97a39acdb38c..a45ede9f89428e17c073a09bcc1e3422b07cea61 100644
--- a/sympyextensions.py
+++ b/sympyextensions.py
@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ def fastSubs(term, subsDict, skip=None):
     def visit(expr):
         if skip and skip(expr):
             return expr
+        if hasattr(expr, "fastSubs"):
+            return expr.fastSubs(subsDict)
         if expr in subsDict:
             return subsDict[expr]
         if not hasattr(expr, 'args'):
diff --git a/transformations/transformations.py b/transformations/transformations.py
index 7cc41daf13d30b3fd9c0873d1e867f841bf32ea8..1a8b797f613181b97bd482b482c4e3070e733ff4 100644
--- a/transformations/transformations.py
+++ b/transformations/transformations.py
@@ -390,7 +390,12 @@ def moveConstantsBeforeLoop(astNode):
             if isinstance(element, ast.Block):
                 lastBlock = element
                 lastBlockChild = prevElement
-            if node.undefinedSymbols.intersection(element.symbolsDefined):
+            if isinstance(element, ast.Conditional):
+                criticalSymbols = element.conditionExpr.atoms(sp.Symbol)
+            else:
+                criticalSymbols = element.symbolsDefined
+            if node.undefinedSymbols.intersection(criticalSymbols):
             prevElement = element
             element = element.parent
@@ -496,6 +501,120 @@ def splitInnerLoop(astNode, symbolGroups):
+def cutLoop(loopNode, cuttingPoints):
+    """Cuts loop at given cutting points, that means one loop is transformed into len(cuttingPoints)+1 new loops
+    that range from  oldBegin to cuttingPoint[1], ..., cuttingPoint[-1] to oldEnd"""
+    if loopNode.step != 1:
+        raise NotImplementedError("Can only split loops that have a step of 1")
+    newLoops = []
+    newStart = loopNode.start
+    cuttingPoints = list(cuttingPoints) + [loopNode.stop]
+    for newEnd in cuttingPoints:
+        if newEnd - newStart == 1:
+            newBody = deepcopy(loopNode.body)
+            newBody.subs({loopNode.loopCounterSymbol: newStart})
+            newLoops.append(newBody)
+        else:
+            newLoop = ast.LoopOverCoordinate(deepcopy(loopNode.body), loopNode.coordinateToLoopOver,
+                                             newStart, newEnd, loopNode.step)
+            newLoops.append(newLoop)
+        newStart = newEnd
+    loopNode.parent.replace(loopNode, newLoops)
+def isConditionNecessary(condition, preCondition, symbol):
+    """
+    Determines if a logical condition of a single variable is already contained in a stronger preCondition
+    so if from preCondition follows that condition is always true, then this condition is not necessary
+    :param condition: sympy relational of one variable
+    :param preCondition: logical expression that is known to be true
+    :param symbol: the single symbol of interest
+    :return: returns  not (preCondition => condition) where "=>" is logical implication
+    """
+    from sympy.solvers.inequalities import reduce_rational_inequalities
+    from sympy.logic.boolalg import to_dnf
+    def toDnfList(expr):
+        result = to_dnf(expr)
+        if isinstance(result, sp.Or):
+            return [orTerm.args for orTerm in result.args]
+        elif isinstance(result, sp.And):
+            return [result.args]
+        else:
+            return result
+    t1 = reduce_rational_inequalities(toDnfList(sp.And(condition, preCondition)), symbol)
+    t2 = reduce_rational_inequalities(toDnfList(preCondition), symbol)
+    return t1 != t2
+def simplifyBooleanExpression(expr, singleVariableRanges):
+    """Simplification of boolean expression using known ranges of variables
+    The singleVariableRanges parameter is a dict mapping a variable name to a sympy logical expression that
+    contains only this variable and defines a range for it. For example with a being a symbol
+    { a: sp.And(a >=0, a < 10) }
+    """
+    from sympy.core.relational import Relational
+    from sympy.logic.boolalg import to_dnf
+    expr = to_dnf(expr)
+    def visit(e):
+        if isinstance(e, Relational):
+            symbols = e.atoms(sp.Symbol)
+            if len(symbols) == 1:
+                symbol = symbols.pop()
+                if symbol in singleVariableRanges:
+                    if not isConditionNecessary(e, singleVariableRanges[symbol], symbol):
+                        return sp.true
+            return e
+        else:
+            newArgs = [visit(a) for a in e.args]
+            return e.func(*newArgs) if newArgs else e
+    return visit(expr)
+def simplifyConditionals(node, loopConditionals={}):
+    """Simplifies/Removes conditions inside loops that depend on the loop counter."""
+    if isinstance(node, ast.LoopOverCoordinate):
+        ctrSym = node.loopCounterSymbol
+        loopConditionals[ctrSym] = sp.And(ctrSym >= node.start, ctrSym < node.stop)
+        simplifyConditionals(node.body)
+        del loopConditionals[ctrSym]
+    elif isinstance(node, ast.Conditional):
+        node.conditionExpr = simplifyBooleanExpression(node.conditionExpr, loopConditionals)
+        simplifyConditionals(node.trueBlock)
+        if node.falseBlock:
+            simplifyConditionals(node.falseBlock)
+        if node.conditionExpr == sp.true:
+            node.parent.replace(node, [node.trueBlock])
+        if node.conditionExpr == sp.false:
+            node.parent.replace(node, [node.falseBlock] if node.falseBlock else [])
+    elif isinstance(node, ast.Block):
+        for a in list(node.args):
+            simplifyConditionals(a)
+    elif isinstance(node, ast.SympyAssignment):
+        return node
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Can not handle node", type(node))
+def cleanupBlocks(node):
+    """Curly Brace Removal: Removes empty blocks, and replaces blocks with a single child by its child """
+    if isinstance(node, ast.SympyAssignment):
+        return
+    elif isinstance(node, ast.Block):
+        for a in list(node.args):
+            cleanupBlocks(a)
+        if len(node.args) <= 1 and isinstance(node.parent, ast.Block):
+            node.parent.replace(node, node.args)
+            return
+    else:
+        for a in node.args:
+            cleanupBlocks(a)
 def symbolNameToVariableName(symbolName):
     """Replaces characters which are allowed in sympy symbol names but not in C/C++ variable names"""
     return symbolName.replace("^", "_")
@@ -546,17 +665,23 @@ def typeAllEquations(eqs, typeForSymbol):
             assert False, "Expected a symbol as left-hand-side"
-    typedEquations = []
-    for eq in eqs:
-        if isinstance(eq, sp.Eq) or isinstance(eq, ast.SympyAssignment):
-            newLhs = processLhs(eq.lhs)
-            newRhs = processRhs(eq.rhs)
-            typedEquations.append(ast.SympyAssignment(newLhs, newRhs))
+    def visit(object):
+        if isinstance(object, list) or isinstance(object, tuple):
+            return [visit(e) for e in object]
+        if isinstance(object, sp.Eq) or isinstance(object, ast.SympyAssignment):
+            newLhs = processLhs(object.lhs)
+            newRhs = processRhs(object.rhs)
+            return ast.SympyAssignment(newLhs, newRhs)
+        elif isinstance(object, ast.Conditional):
+            falseBlock = None if object.falseBlock is None else visit(object.falseBlock)
+            return ast.Conditional(processRhs(object.conditionExpr),
+                                   trueBlock=visit(object.trueBlock), falseBlock=falseBlock)
+        elif isinstance(object, ast.Block):
+            return ast.Block([visit(e) for e in object.args])
-            assert isinstance(eq, ast.Node), "Only equations and ast nodes are allowed in input"
-            typedEquations.append(eq)
+            return object
-    typedEquations = typedEquations
+    typedEquations = visit(eqs)
     return fieldsRead, fieldsWritten, typedEquations