diff --git a/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/context.py b/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/context.py
index 9ebc913d5a60e956c9f4af2a64cb3c5cd78f7aa6..ffa400a16dcadb4e91de55fbfb54b627a0dfd57e 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/context.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/context.py
@@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ from types import EllipsisType
 from ...defaults import DEFAULTS
 from ...field import Field, FieldType
-from ...sympyextensions.typed_sympy import TypedSymbol, BasicType, StructType
+from ...sympyextensions.typed_sympy import TypedSymbol
 from ..symbols import PsSymbol
 from ..arrays import PsLinearizedArray
-from ...types import PsAbstractType, PsIntegerType, PsNumericType
-from ...types.quick import make_type
+from ...types import PsAbstractType, PsIntegerType, PsNumericType, PsScalarType, PsStructType
 from ..constraints import PsKernelParamsConstraint
 from ..exceptions import PsInternalCompilerError, KernelConstraintsError
@@ -216,8 +215,8 @@ class KernelCreationContext:
         #   Add array
         assert arr_strides is not None
-        assert isinstance(field.dtype, (BasicType, StructType))
-        element_type = make_type(field.dtype.numpy_dtype)
+        assert isinstance(field.dtype, (PsScalarType, PsStructType))
+        element_type = field.dtype
         arr = PsLinearizedArray(
             field.name, element_type, arr_shape, arr_strides, self.index_dtype
diff --git a/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/freeze.py b/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/freeze.py
index d0bca50a0bd44ebe1f9d914d33efc8a280080fa6..2d10b0c0ce6ab7bc0b154d370ba04d14cd9f0149 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/freeze.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/freeze.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from operator import add, mul
 import sympy as sp
 from ...sympyextensions import Assignment, AssignmentCollection
-from ...sympyextensions.typed_sympy import BasicType
+from ...sympyextensions.typed_sympy import TypedSymbol
 from ...field import Field, FieldType
 from .context import KernelCreationContext
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from ..ast.expressions import (
 from ..constants import PsConstant
-from ...types import constify, make_type, PsAbstractType, PsStructType
+from ...types import PsStructType
 from ..exceptions import PsInputError
 from ..functions import PsMathFunction, MathFunctions
@@ -118,16 +118,8 @@ class FreezeExpressions:
         denom = PsConstantExpr(PsConstant(expr.denominator))
         return num / denom
-    def map_type(self, expr: BasicType) -> PsAbstractType:
-        #   TODO: This should not be necessary; the frontend should use the new type system.
-        dtype = make_type(expr.numpy_dtype.type)
-        if expr.const:
-            return constify(dtype)
-        else:
-            return dtype
-    def map_TypedSymbol(self, expr):
-        dtype = self.map_type(expr.dtype)
+    def map_TypedSymbol(self, expr: TypedSymbol):
+        dtype = expr.dtype
         symb = self._ctx.get_symbol(expr.name, dtype)
         return PsSymbolExpr(symb)
diff --git a/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/typification.py b/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/typification.py
index 5c041fb2a74dde777002c8f3fea18db85bd4d704..2f6b5b33b3fdc6fcdc1f2f253bae1818d0dd3b06 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/typification.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/typification.py
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ class Typifier:
                         "Aggregate type of lookup was not a struct type."
-                member = aggr_type.get_member(member_name)
+                member = aggr_type.find_member(member_name)
                 if member is None:
                     raise TypificationError(
                         f"Aggregate of type {aggr_type} does not have a member {member}."
diff --git a/src/pystencils/backend/transformations/erase_anonymous_structs.py b/src/pystencils/backend/transformations/erase_anonymous_structs.py
index ecca07aea426f0b4455f258c36616861385bf7a2..c946ae7bb1e30b8ad80cf41b9e4425c1ba4eb2ad 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/backend/transformations/erase_anonymous_structs.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/backend/transformations/erase_anonymous_structs.py
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class EraseAnonymousStructTypes:
         member_name = lookup.member_name
-        member = struct_type.get_member(member_name)
+        member = struct_type.find_member(member_name)
         assert member is not None
         np_struct = struct_type.numpy_dtype
diff --git a/src/pystencils/field.py b/src/pystencils/field.py
index 389413f2530a791ba923e5eac5cff5f0b4352982..253c94fc0f4a209fcf59d434f9cb78881e8370ab 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/field.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/field.py
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ from sympy.core.cache import cacheit
 from pystencils.alignedarray import aligned_empty
 from pystencils.spatial_coordinates import x_staggered_vector, x_vector
 from pystencils.stencil import direction_string_to_offset, inverse_direction, offset_to_direction_string
-from pystencils.sympyextensions.typed_sympy import (FieldShapeSymbol, FieldStrideSymbol, StructType,
-                                                    TypedSymbol, BasicType, create_type)
+from pystencils.types import PsAbstractType, PsStructType, create_type
+from pystencils.sympyextensions.typed_sympy import (FieldShapeSymbol, FieldStrideSymbol, TypedSymbol)
 from pystencils.sympyextensions.math import is_integer_sequence
@@ -315,12 +315,12 @@ class Field:
         return self.strides[self.spatial_dimensions:]
-    def dtype(self):
+    def dtype(self) -> PsAbstractType:
         return self._dtype
     def itemsize(self):
-        return self.dtype.numpy_dtype.itemsize
+        return self.dtype.itemsize
     def __repr__(self):
         if any(isinstance(s, sp.Symbol) for s in self.spatial_shape):
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ class Field:
                     idx_str = ",".join([str(e) for e in idx])
                     superscript = idx_str
-                if field.has_fixed_index_shape and not isinstance(field.dtype, StructType):
+                if field.has_fixed_index_shape and not isinstance(field.dtype, PsStructType):
                     for i, bound in zip(idx, field.index_shape):
                         if i >= bound:
                             raise ValueError("Field index out of bounds")
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ class Field:
             if superscript is not None:
                 symbol_name += "^" + superscript
-            if dtype:
+            if dtype is not None:
                 obj = super(Field.Access, self).__xnew__(self, symbol_name, dtype)
                 obj = super(Field.Access, self).__xnew__(self, symbol_name, field.dtype)
@@ -652,7 +652,9 @@ class Field:
             if len(idx) != self.field.index_dimensions:
                 raise ValueError(f"Wrong number of indices: Got {len(idx)}, expected {self.field.index_dimensions}")
             if len(idx) == 1 and isinstance(idx[0], str):
-                dtype = BasicType(self.field.dtype.numpy_dtype[idx[0]])
+                struct_type = self.field.dtype
+                assert isinstance(struct_type, PsStructType)
+                dtype = struct_type.get_member(idx[0]).dtype
                 return Field.Access(self.field, self._offsets, idx,
                                     is_absolute_access=self.is_absolute_access, dtype=dtype)
diff --git a/src/pystencils/functions.py b/src/pystencils/functions.py
index 550a2724f1f3366d8fe3bb583f177d62a2616d22..df8d0ef6f611285d80a94ed08de8b72d41f2322f 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/functions.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/functions.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import sympy as sp
-from .sympyextensions.typed_sympy import PointerType
+from .types import PsPointerType
 class DivFunc(sp.Function):
@@ -52,6 +52,6 @@ class AddressOf(sp.Function):
     def dtype(self):
         if hasattr(self.args[0], 'dtype'):
-            return PointerType(self.args[0].dtype, restrict=True)
+            return PsPointerType(self.args[0].dtype, const=True, restrict=True)
             raise ValueError(f'pystencils supports only non void pointers. Current address_of type: {self.args[0]}')
diff --git a/src/pystencils/runhelper/db.py b/src/pystencils/runhelper/db.py
index 1c8d3aa66c0e47681b942dd06f0a1805e244e930..53d65b2ea16fb90a72ae1f418802404b45842767 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/runhelper/db.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/runhelper/db.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from pystencils import CreateKernelConfig, Target, Backend, Field
 import json
 import sympy as sp
-from pystencils.typing import BasicType
+from pystencils.types import PsAbstractType
 class PystencilsJsonEncoder(JsonEncoder):
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class PystencilsJsonEncoder(JsonEncoder):
             return float(obj)
         if isinstance(obj, sp.Integer):
             return int(obj)
-        if isinstance(obj, (BasicType, MappingProxyType)):
+        if isinstance(obj, (PsAbstractType, MappingProxyType)):
             return str(obj)
         if isinstance(obj, (Target, Backend, sp.Symbol)):
             return obj.name
diff --git a/src/pystencils/spatial_coordinates.py b/src/pystencils/spatial_coordinates.py
index cc244b11c2f633fe920abfa7ce654028a3fcc8e9..794bb713f7d7c4f79251a38b480a09b841408c89 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/spatial_coordinates.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/spatial_coordinates.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 import sympy
-from pystencils.sympyextensions.typed_sympy import get_loop_counter_symbol
+from .defaults import DEFAULTS
-x_, y_, z_ = tuple(get_loop_counter_symbol(i) for i in range(3))
+x_, y_, z_ = DEFAULTS.spatial_counters
 x_staggered, y_staggered, z_staggered = x_ + 0.5, y_ + 0.5, z_ + 0.5
 def x_vector(ndim):
-    return sympy.Matrix(tuple(get_loop_counter_symbol(i) for i in range(ndim)))
+    return sympy.Matrix(DEFAULTS.spatial_counters)
 def x_staggered_vector(ndim):
-    return sympy.Matrix(tuple(get_loop_counter_symbol(i) + 0.5 for i in range(ndim)))
+    return sympy.Matrix(tuple(DEFAULTS.spatial_counters[i] + 0.5 for i in range(ndim)))
diff --git a/src/pystencils/sympyextensions/math.py b/src/pystencils/sympyextensions/math.py
index 00974809fe11c2de6e4b72d896821d1eacb8b443..3e7eeaabcc070eb28bce99a998051ad7963dad9d 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/sympyextensions/math.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/sympyextensions/math.py
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ from sympy.core.numbers import Zero
 from .astnodes import Assignment
 from pystencils.functions import DivFunc
-from .typed_sympy import CastFunc, PointerType, VectorType, FieldPointerSymbol
+from .typed_sympy import CastFunc, FieldPointerSymbol
+from ..types import PsPointerType, PsVectorType
 T = TypeVar('T')
@@ -572,9 +573,9 @@ def count_operations(term: Union[sp.Expr, List[sp.Expr], List[Assignment]],
             base_type = get_type_of_expression(e)
         except ValueError:
             return False
-        if isinstance(base_type, VectorType):
+        if isinstance(base_type, PsVectorType):
             return False
-        if isinstance(base_type, PointerType):
+        if isinstance(base_type, PsPointerType):
             return only_type == 'int'
         if only_type == 'int' and (base_type.is_int() or base_type.is_uint()):
             return True
diff --git a/src/pystencils/sympyextensions/typed_sympy.py b/src/pystencils/sympyextensions/typed_sympy.py
index 1f20624cedd46dde661c61fd7d26745fc58b7e09..c437afd92cec0925bf772495038228cac33932a1 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/sympyextensions/typed_sympy.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/sympyextensions/typed_sympy.py
@@ -1,429 +1,37 @@
-from abc import abstractmethod
-from itertools import groupby
-from typing import Sequence, Union
-import numpy as np
 import sympy as sp
+from ..types import PsAbstractType, PsNumericType, PsPointerType, PsBoolType
+from ..types.quick import create_type
-class AbstractType(sp.Atom):
-    # TODO: Is it necessary to ineherit from sp.Atom?
-    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
-        return sp.Basic.__new__(cls)
-    def _sympystr(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        return str(self)
-    @property
-    @abstractmethod
-    def base_type(self) -> Union[None, 'BasicType']:
-        """
-        Returns: Returns BasicType of a Vector or Pointer type, None otherwise
-        """
-        pass
-    @property
-    @abstractmethod
-    def item_size(self) -> int:
-        """
-        Returns: Number of items.
-        E.g. width * item_size(basic_type) in vector's case, or simple numpy itemsize in Struct's case.
-        """
-        pass
-def is_supported_type(dtype: np.dtype):
-    scalar = dtype.type
-    c = np.issctype(dtype)
-    subclass = issubclass(scalar, np.floating) or issubclass(scalar, np.integer) or issubclass(scalar, np.bool_)
-    additional_checks = dtype.fields is None and dtype.hasobject is False and dtype.subdtype is None
-    return c and subclass and additional_checks
-def numpy_name_to_c(name: str) -> str:
-    """
-    Converts a np.dtype.name into a C type
-    Args:
-        name: np.dtype.name string
-    Returns:
-        type as a C string
-    """
-    if name == 'float64':
-        return 'double'
-    elif name == 'float32':
-        return 'float'
-    elif name == 'float16' or name == 'half':
-        return 'half'
-    elif name.startswith('int'):
-        width = int(name[len("int"):])
-        return f"int{width}_t"
-    elif name.startswith('uint'):
-        width = int(name[len("uint"):])
-        return f"uint{width}_t"
-    elif name == 'bool':
-        return 'bool'
-    else:
-        raise NotImplementedError(f"Can't map numpy to C name for {name}")
-def create_type(specification: Union[type, AbstractType, str]) -> AbstractType:
-    # TODO: Deprecated Use the constructor of BasicType or StructType instead
-    """Creates a subclass of Type according to a string or an object of subclass Type.
+def assumptions_from_dtype(dtype: PsAbstractType):
+    """Derives SymPy assumptions from :class:`PsAbstractType`
-        specification: Type object, or a string
-    Returns:
-        Type object, or a new Type object parsed from the string
-    """
-    if isinstance(specification, AbstractType):
-        return specification
-    else:
-        numpy_dtype = np.dtype(specification)
-        if numpy_dtype.fields is None:
-            return BasicType(numpy_dtype, const=False)
-        else:
-            return StructType(numpy_dtype, const=False)
-def get_base_type(data_type):
-    """
-    Returns the BasicType of a Pointer or a Vector
-    """
-    while data_type.base_type is not None:
-        data_type = data_type.base_type
-    return data_type
-class BasicType(AbstractType):
-    """
-    BasicType is defined with a const qualifier and a np.dtype.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, dtype: Union[type, 'BasicType', str], const: bool = False):
-        if isinstance(dtype, BasicType):
-            self.numpy_dtype = dtype.numpy_dtype
-            self.const = dtype.const
-        else:
-            self.numpy_dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
-            self.const = const
-        assert is_supported_type(self.numpy_dtype), f'Type {self.numpy_dtype} is currently not supported!'
-    def __getnewargs__(self):
-        return self.numpy_dtype, self.const
-    def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
-        return (self.numpy_dtype, self.const), {}
-    @property
-    def base_type(self):
-        return None
-    @property
-    def item_size(self):  # TODO: Do we want self.numpy_type.itemsize????
-        return 1
-    def is_float(self):
-        return issubclass(self.numpy_dtype.type, np.floating)
-    def is_half(self):
-        return issubclass(self.numpy_dtype.type, np.half)
-    def is_int(self):
-        return issubclass(self.numpy_dtype.type, np.integer)
-    def is_uint(self):
-        return issubclass(self.numpy_dtype.type, np.unsignedinteger)
-    def is_sint(self):
-        return issubclass(self.numpy_dtype.type, np.signedinteger)
-    def is_bool(self):
-        return issubclass(self.numpy_dtype.type, np.bool_)
-    def dtype_eq(self, other):
-        if not isinstance(other, BasicType):
-            return False
-        else:
-            return self.numpy_dtype == other.numpy_dtype
-    @property
-    def c_name(self) -> str:
-        return numpy_name_to_c(self.numpy_dtype.name)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return f'{self.c_name}{" const" if self.const else ""}'
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return f'BasicType( {str(self)} )'
-    def _repr_html_(self):
-        return f'BasicType( {str(self)} )'
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.dtype_eq(other) and self.const == other.const
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash(str(self))
-class VectorType(AbstractType):
-    """
-    VectorType consists of a BasicType and a width.
-    """
-    instruction_set = None
-    def __init__(self, base_type: BasicType, width: int):
-        self._base_type = base_type
-        self.width = width
-    @property
-    def base_type(self):
-        return self._base_type
-    @property
-    def item_size(self):
-        return self.width * self.base_type.item_size
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        if not isinstance(other, VectorType):
-            return False
-        else:
-            return (self.base_type, self.width) == (other.base_type, other.width)
-    def __str__(self):
-        if self.instruction_set is None:
-            return f"{self.base_type}[{self.width}]"
-        else:
-            # TODO VectorizationRevamp: this seems super weird. the instruction_set should know how to print a type out!
-            # TODO VectorizationRevamp: this is error prone. base_type could be cons=True. Use dtype instead
-            if self.base_type == create_type("int64") or self.base_type == create_type("int32"):
-                return self.instruction_set['int']
-            elif self.base_type == create_type("float64"):
-                return self.instruction_set['double']
-            elif self.base_type == create_type("float32"):
-                return self.instruction_set['float']
-            elif self.base_type == create_type("bool"):
-                return self.instruction_set['bool']
-            else:
-                raise NotImplementedError()
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash((self.base_type, self.width))
-    def __getnewargs__(self):
-        return self._base_type, self.width
-    def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
-        return (self._base_type, self.width), {}
-class PointerType(AbstractType):
-    def __init__(self, base_type: BasicType, const: bool = False, restrict: bool = True, double_pointer: bool = False):
-        self._base_type = base_type
-        self.const = const
-        self.restrict = restrict
-        self.double_pointer = double_pointer
-    def __getnewargs__(self):
-        return self.base_type, self.const, self.restrict, self.double_pointer
-    def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
-        return (self.base_type, self.const, self.restrict, self.double_pointer), {}
-    @property
-    def alias(self):
-        return not self.restrict
-    @property
-    def base_type(self):
-        return self._base_type
-    @property
-    def item_size(self):
-        if self.double_pointer:
-            raise NotImplementedError("The item_size for double_pointer is not implemented")
-        else:
-            return self.base_type.item_size
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        if not isinstance(other, PointerType):
-            return False
-        else:
-            own = (self.base_type, self.const, self.restrict, self.double_pointer)
-            return own == (other.base_type, other.const, other.restrict, other.double_pointer)
-    def __str__(self):
-        restrict_str = "RESTRICT" if self.restrict else ""
-        const_str = "const" if self.const else ""
-        if self.double_pointer:
-            return f'{str(self.base_type)} ** {restrict_str} {const_str}'
-        else:
-            return f'{str(self.base_type)} * {restrict_str} {const_str}'
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return str(self)
-    def _repr_html_(self):
-        return str(self)
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash((self._base_type, self.const, self.restrict, self.double_pointer))
-class StructType(AbstractType):
-    """
-    A list of types (with C offsets).
-    It is implemented with uint8_t and casts to the correct datatype.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, numpy_type, const=False):
-        self.const = const
-        self._dtype = np.dtype(numpy_type)
-    def __getnewargs__(self):
-        return self.numpy_dtype, self.const
-    def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
-        return (self.numpy_dtype, self.const), {}
-    @property
-    def base_type(self):
-        return None
-    @property
-    def numpy_dtype(self):
-        return self._dtype
-    @property
-    def item_size(self):
-        return self.numpy_dtype.itemsize
-    def get_element_offset(self, element_name):
-        return self.numpy_dtype.fields[element_name][1]
-    def get_element_type(self, element_name):
-        np_element_type = self.numpy_dtype.fields[element_name][0]
-        return BasicType(np_element_type, self.const)
-    def has_element(self, element_name):
-        return element_name in self.numpy_dtype.fields
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        if not isinstance(other, StructType):
-            return False
-        else:
-            return (self.numpy_dtype, self.const) == (other.numpy_dtype, other.const)
-    def __str__(self):
-        # structs are handled byte-wise
-        result = "uint8_t"
-        if self.const:
-            result += " const"
-        return result
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return str(self)
-    def _repr_html_(self):
-        return str(self)
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash((self.numpy_dtype, self.const))
-def result_type(*args: np.dtype):
-    """Returns the type of the result if the np.dtype arguments would be collated.
-    We can't use numpy functionality, because numpy casts don't behave exactly like C casts"""
-    s = sorted(args, key=lambda x: x.itemsize)
-    def kind_to_value(kind: str) -> int:
-        if kind == 'f':
-            return 3
-        elif kind == 'i':
-            return 2
-        elif kind == 'u':
-            return 1
-        elif kind == 'b':
-            return 0
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError(f'{kind=} is not a supported kind of a type. See "numpy.dtype.kind" for options')
-    s = sorted(s, key=lambda x: kind_to_value(x.kind))
-    return s[-1]
-def all_equal(iterable):
-    """
-    Returns ``True`` if all the elements are equal to each other.
-    Copied from: more-itertools 8.12.0
-    """
-    g = groupby(iterable)
-    return next(g, True) and not next(g, False)
-def collate_types(types: Sequence[Union[BasicType, VectorType]]):
-    """
-    Takes a sequence of types and returns their "common type" e.g. (float, double, float) -> double
-    Uses the collation rules from numpy.
-    """
-    # Pointer arithmetic case i.e. pointer + [int, uint] is allowed
-    if any(isinstance(t, PointerType) for t in types):
-        pointer_type = None
-        for t in types:
-            if isinstance(t, PointerType):
-                if pointer_type is not None:
-                    raise ValueError(f'Cannot collate the combination of two pointer types "{pointer_type}" and "{t}"')
-                pointer_type = t
-            elif isinstance(t, BasicType):
-                if not (t.is_int() or t.is_uint()):
-                    raise ValueError("Invalid pointer arithmetic")
-            else:
-                raise ValueError("Invalid pointer arithmetic")
-        return pointer_type
-    # # peel of vector types, if at least one vector type occurred the result will also be the vector type
-    vector_type = [t for t in types if isinstance(t, VectorType)]
-    if not all_equal(t.width for t in vector_type):
-        raise ValueError("Collation failed because of vector types with different width")
-    types = [t.base_type if isinstance(t, VectorType) else t for t in types]
-    # now we should have a list of basic types - struct types are not yet supported
-    assert all(type(t) is BasicType for t in types)
-    result_numpy_type = result_type(*(t.numpy_dtype for t in types))
-    result = BasicType(result_numpy_type)
-    if vector_type:
-        result = VectorType(result, vector_type[0].width)
-    return result
-def assumptions_from_dtype(dtype: Union[BasicType, np.dtype]):
-    """Derives SymPy assumptions from :class:`BasicType` or a Numpy dtype
-    Args:
-        dtype (BasicType, np.dtype): a Numpy data type
+        dtype (PsAbstractType): a pystencils data type
         A dict of SymPy assumptions
-    if hasattr(dtype, 'numpy_dtype'):
-        dtype = dtype.numpy_dtype
     assumptions = dict()
-    try:
-        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):
-            assumptions.update({'integer': True})
+    if isinstance(dtype, PsNumericType):
+        if dtype.is_int:
+            assumptions.update({"integer": True})
+        if dtype.is_uint:
+            assumptions.update({"negative": False})
+        if dtype.is_int or dtype.is_float:
+            assumptions.update({"real": True})
-        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.unsignedinteger):
-            assumptions.update({'negative': False})
+    return assumptions
-        if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer) or \
-                np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
-            assumptions.update({'real': True})
-    except Exception:  # TODO this is dirty
-        pass
-    return assumptions
+def is_loop_counter_symbol(symbol):
+    from ..defaults import DEFAULTS
+    try:
+        return DEFAULTS.spatial_counters.index(symbol)
+    except ValueError:
+        return None
 class TypedSymbol(sp.Symbol):
@@ -431,27 +39,30 @@ class TypedSymbol(sp.Symbol):
         obj = TypedSymbol.__xnew_cached_(cls, *args, **kwds)
         return obj
-    def __new_stage2__(cls, name, dtype, **kwargs):  # TODO does not match signature of sp.Symbol???
+    def __new_stage2__(
+        cls, name, dtype, **kwargs
+    ):  # TODO does not match signature of sp.Symbol???
         # TODO: also Symbol should be allowed  ---> see sympy Variable
+        dtype = create_type(dtype)
         assumptions = assumptions_from_dtype(dtype)
         obj = super(TypedSymbol, cls).__xnew__(cls, name, **assumptions)
-        try:
-            obj.numpy_dtype = create_type(dtype)
-        except (TypeError, ValueError):
-            # on error keep the string
-            obj.numpy_dtype = dtype
+        obj._dtype = create_type(dtype)
         return obj
     __xnew__ = staticmethod(__new_stage2__)
     __xnew_cached_ = staticmethod(sp.core.cacheit(__new_stage2__))
-    def dtype(self):
-        return self.numpy_dtype
+    def dtype(self) -> PsAbstractType:
+        #   mypy: ignore
+        return self._dtype
     def _hashable_content(self):
-        return super()._hashable_content(), hash(self.numpy_dtype)
+        #   mypy: ignore
+        return super()._hashable_content(), hash(self._dtype)
     def __getnewargs__(self):
         return self.name, self.dtype
@@ -468,38 +79,24 @@ class TypedSymbol(sp.Symbol):
         return self
-    def headers(self):
-        headers = []
-        try:
-            if np.issubdtype(self.dtype.numpy_dtype, np.complexfloating):
-                headers.append('"cuda_complex.hpp"')
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-        try:
-            if np.issubdtype(self.dtype.base_type.numpy_dtype, np.complexfloating):
-                headers.append('"cuda_complex.hpp"')
-        except Exception:
-            pass
-        return headers
-SHAPE_DTYPE = BasicType('int64', const=True)
-STRIDE_DTYPE = BasicType('int64', const=True)
-LOOP_COUNTER_DTYPE = BasicType('int64', const=True)
+    def headers(self) -> set[str]:
+        return self.dtype.required_headers
 class FieldStrideSymbol(TypedSymbol):
     """Sympy symbol representing the stride value of a field in a specific coordinate."""
     def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
         obj = FieldStrideSymbol.__xnew_cached_(cls, *args, **kwds)
         return obj
     def __new_stage2__(cls, field_name, coordinate):
+        from ..defaults import DEFAULTS
         name = f"_stride_{field_name}_{coordinate}"
-        obj = super(FieldStrideSymbol, cls).__xnew__(cls, name, STRIDE_DTYPE, positive=True)
+        obj = super(FieldStrideSymbol, cls).__xnew__(
+            cls, name, DEFAULTS.index_dtype, positive=True
+        )
         obj.field_name = field_name
         obj.coordinate = coordinate
         return obj
@@ -519,15 +116,21 @@ class FieldStrideSymbol(TypedSymbol):
 class FieldShapeSymbol(TypedSymbol):
     """Sympy symbol representing the shape value of a sequence of fields. In a kernel iterating over multiple fields
-    there is only one set of `FieldShapeSymbol`s since all the fields have to be of equal size."""
+    there is only one set of `FieldShapeSymbol`s since all the fields have to be of equal size.
+    """
     def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
         obj = FieldShapeSymbol.__xnew_cached_(cls, *args, **kwds)
         return obj
     def __new_stage2__(cls, field_names, coordinate):
+        from ..defaults import DEFAULTS
         names = "_".join([field_name for field_name in field_names])
         name = f"_size_{names}_{coordinate}"
-        obj = super(FieldShapeSymbol, cls).__xnew__(cls, name, SHAPE_DTYPE, positive=True)
+        obj = super(FieldShapeSymbol, cls).__xnew__(
+            cls, name, DEFAULTS.index_dtype, positive=True
+        )
         obj.field_names = tuple(field_names)
         obj.coordinate = coordinate
         return obj
@@ -547,13 +150,14 @@ class FieldShapeSymbol(TypedSymbol):
 class FieldPointerSymbol(TypedSymbol):
     """Sympy symbol representing the pointer to the beginning of the field data."""
     def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
         obj = FieldPointerSymbol.__xnew_cached_(cls, *args, **kwds)
         return obj
-    def __new_stage2__(cls, field_name, field_dtype, const):
+    def __new_stage2__(cls, field_name, field_dtype: PsAbstractType, const: bool):
         name = f"_data_{field_name}"
-        dtype = PointerType(get_base_type(field_dtype), const=const, restrict=True)
+        dtype = PsPointerType(field_dtype, const=const, restrict=True)
         obj = super(FieldPointerSymbol, cls).__xnew__(cls, name, dtype)
         obj.field_name = field_name
         return obj
@@ -571,30 +175,12 @@ class FieldPointerSymbol(TypedSymbol):
     __xnew_cached_ = staticmethod(sp.core.cacheit(__new_stage2__))
-def get_loop_counter_symbol(coordinate_to_loop_over):
-    return TypedSymbol(f"{LOOP_COUNTER_NAME_PREFIX}_{coordinate_to_loop_over}",
-                       LOOP_COUNTER_DTYPE, nonnegative=True)
-def get_block_loop_counter_symbol(coordinate_to_loop_over):
-    return TypedSymbol(f"{BLOCK_LOOP_COUNTER_NAME_PREFIX}_{coordinate_to_loop_over}",
-                       LOOP_COUNTER_DTYPE, nonnegative=True)
-def is_loop_counter_symbol(symbol):
-    if not symbol.name.startswith(LOOP_COUNTER_NAME_PREFIX):
-        return None
-    if symbol.dtype != LOOP_COUNTER_DTYPE:
-        return None
-    coordinate = int(symbol.name[len(LOOP_COUNTER_NAME_PREFIX) + 1:])
-    return coordinate
 class CastFunc(sp.Function):
     CastFunc is used in order to introduce static casts. They are especially useful as a way to signal what type
     a certain node should have, if it is impossible to add a type to a node, e.g. a sp.Number.
     is_Atom = True
     def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -606,8 +192,7 @@ class CastFunc(sp.Function):
         # This optimisation is only available for simple casts. Thus the == is intended here!
         if expr.__class__ == CastFunc:
             expr = expr.args[0]
-        if not isinstance(dtype, AbstractType):
-            dtype = BasicType(dtype)
+        dtype = create_type(dtype)
         # to work in conditions of sp.Piecewise cast_func has to be of type Boolean as well
         # however, a cast_function should only be a boolean if its argument is a boolean, otherwise this leads
         # to problems when for example comparing cast_func's for equality
@@ -616,15 +201,16 @@ class CastFunc(sp.Function):
         # rhs = cast_func(0, 'int')
         # print( sp.Ne(lhs, rhs) ) # would give true if all cast_funcs are booleans
         # -> thus a separate class boolean_cast_func is introduced
-        if (isinstance(expr, sp.logic.boolalg.Boolean) and
-                (not isinstance(expr, TypedSymbol) or expr.dtype == BasicType('bool'))):
+        if isinstance(expr, sp.logic.boolalg.Boolean) and (
+            not isinstance(expr, TypedSymbol) or isinstance(expr.dtype, PsBoolType)
+        ):
             cls = BooleanCastFunc
         return sp.Function.__new__(cls, expr, dtype, *other_args, **kwargs)
     def canonical(self):
-        if hasattr(self.args[0], 'canonical'):
+        if hasattr(self.args[0], "canonical"):
             return self.args[0].canonical
             raise NotImplementedError()
@@ -643,13 +229,8 @@ class CastFunc(sp.Function):
     def is_integer(self):
-        """
-        Uses Numpy type hierarchy to determine :func:`sympy.Expr.is_integer` predicate
-        For reference: Numpy type hierarchy https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/reference/arrays.scalars.html
-        """
-        if hasattr(self.dtype, 'numpy_dtype'):
-            return np.issubdtype(self.dtype.numpy_dtype, np.integer) or super().is_integer
+        if isinstance(self.dtype, PsNumericType):
+            return self.dtype.is_int() or super().is_integer
             return super().is_integer
@@ -658,8 +239,8 @@ class CastFunc(sp.Function):
         See :func:`.TypedSymbol.is_integer`
-        if hasattr(self.dtype, 'numpy_dtype'):
-            if np.issubdtype(self.dtype.numpy_dtype, np.unsignedinteger):
+        if isinstance(self.dtype, PsNumericType):
+            if self.dtype.is_uint():
                 return False
         return super().is_negative
@@ -679,9 +260,8 @@ class CastFunc(sp.Function):
         See :func:`.TypedSymbol.is_integer`
-        if hasattr(self.dtype, 'numpy_dtype'):
-            return np.issubdtype(self.dtype.numpy_dtype, np.integer) or np.issubdtype(self.dtype.numpy_dtype,
-                                                                                      np.floating) or super().is_real
+        if isinstance(self.dtype, PsNumericType):
+            return self.dtype.is_int() or self.dtype.is_float() or super().is_real
             return super().is_real
@@ -696,6 +276,7 @@ class VectorMemoryAccess(CastFunc):
     Special memory access for vectorized kernel.
     Arguments: read/write expression, type, aligned, non-temporal, mask (or none), stride
     nargs = (6,)
@@ -703,6 +284,7 @@ class ReinterpretCastFunc(CastFunc):
     Reinterpret cast is necessary for the StructType
@@ -710,10 +292,7 @@ class PointerArithmeticFunc(sp.Function, sp.logic.boolalg.Boolean):
     # TODO: documentation, or deprecate!
     def canonical(self):
-        if hasattr(self.args[0], 'canonical'):
+        if hasattr(self.args[0], "canonical"):
             return self.args[0].canonical
             raise NotImplementedError()
diff --git a/src/pystencils/types/__init__.py b/src/pystencils/types/__init__.py
index 4aee28086fe043f6e6dd5c8ee80caf86958d3811..f33d8a1f7eb51b1e230c20f55d3d61c36da3de42 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/types/__init__.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/types/__init__.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from .basic_types import (
+    PsBoolType,
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ from .basic_types import (
-from .quick import make_type, make_numeric_type
+from .quick import create_type, create_numeric_type
 from .exception import PsTypeError
@@ -27,12 +28,13 @@ __all__ = [
+    "PsBoolType",
-    "make_type",
-    "make_numeric_type",
+    "create_type",
+    "create_numeric_type",
diff --git a/src/pystencils/types/basic_types.py b/src/pystencils/types/basic_types.py
index 947895e2cccaad34592984e189f32efb13346a51..749a4d34ccc30ad66049ae2d52d7ff896ab5f626 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/types/basic_types.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/types/basic_types.py
@@ -187,12 +187,18 @@ class PsStructType(PsAbstractType):
     def members(self) -> tuple[PsStructType.Member, ...]:
         return self._members
-    def get_member(self, member_name: str) -> PsStructType.Member | None:
+    def find_member(self, member_name: str) -> PsStructType.Member | None:
         """Find a member by name"""
         for m in self._members:
             if m.name == member_name:
                 return m
         return None
+    def get_member(self, member_name: str) -> PsStructType.Member:
+        m = self.find_member(member_name)
+        if m is None:
+            raise KeyError(f"No struct member with name {member_name}")
+        return m
     def name(self) -> str:
@@ -289,6 +295,10 @@ class PsNumericType(PsAbstractType, ABC):
     def is_float(self) -> bool:
+    @abstractmethod
+    def is_bool(self) -> bool:
+        pass
 class PsScalarType(PsNumericType, ABC):
     """Class to model scalar numeric types."""
@@ -317,6 +327,9 @@ class PsScalarType(PsNumericType, ABC):
     def is_float(self) -> bool:
         return isinstance(self, PsIeeeFloatType)
+    def is_bool(self) -> bool:
+        return isinstance(self, PsBoolType)
 class PsVectorType(PsNumericType):
@@ -357,6 +370,9 @@ class PsVectorType(PsNumericType):
     def is_float(self) -> bool:
         return self._scalar_type.is_float()
+    def is_bool(self) -> bool:
+        return self._scalar_type.is_bool()
     def itemsize(self) -> int | None:
@@ -412,6 +428,43 @@ class PsVectorType(PsNumericType):
+class PsBoolType(PsScalarType):
+    """Class to model the boolean type."""    
+    NUMPY_TYPE = np.bool_
+    def __init__(self, const: bool = False):
+        super().__init__(const)
+    @property
+    def width(self) -> int:
+        return 8
+    @property
+    def itemsize(self) -> int:
+        return self.width // 8
+    @property
+    def numpy_dtype(self) -> np.dtype | None:
+        return np.dtype(PsBoolType.NUMPY_TYPE)
+    def create_literal(self, value: Any) -> str:
+        if value in (1, True, np.True_):
+            return "true"
+        elif value in (0, False, np.False_):
+            return "false"
+        else:
+            raise PsTypeError(f"Cannot create boolean literal from {value}")
+    def create_constant(self, value: Any) -> Any:
+        if value in (1, True, np.True_):
+            return np.True_
+        elif value in (0, False, np.False_):
+            return np.False_
+        else:
+            raise PsTypeError(f"Cannot create boolean constant from value {value}")
 class PsIntegerType(PsScalarType, ABC):
     """Class to model signed and unsigned integer types.
diff --git a/src/pystencils/types/quick.py b/src/pystencils/types/quick.py
index 65683c80abe25185282b8cc1f7949a110a469047..0268e9a791f50581ead5b0c2a3b3e64619d4165c 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/types/quick.py
+++ b/src/pystencils/types/quick.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ from .basic_types import (
+    PsBoolType,
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ from .basic_types import (
 UserTypeSpec = str | type | np.dtype | PsAbstractType
-def make_type(type_spec: UserTypeSpec) -> PsAbstractType:
+def create_type(type_spec: UserTypeSpec) -> PsAbstractType:
     """Create a pystencils type object from a variety of specifications.
     Possible arguments are:
@@ -53,9 +54,9 @@ def make_type(type_spec: UserTypeSpec) -> PsAbstractType:
     raise ValueError(f"{type_spec} is not a valid type specification.")
-def make_numeric_type(type_spec: UserTypeSpec) -> PsNumericType:
+def create_numeric_type(type_spec: UserTypeSpec) -> PsNumericType:
     """Like `make_type`, but only for numeric types."""
-    dtype = make_type(type_spec)
+    dtype = create_type(type_spec)
     if not isinstance(dtype, PsNumericType):
         raise ValueError(
             f"Given type {type_spec} does not translate to a numeric type."
@@ -72,6 +73,9 @@ Scalar = PsScalarType
 Ptr = PsPointerType
 """`Ptr(t)` matches `PsPointerType(base_type=t)`"""
+Bool = PsBoolType
+"""Bool() matches PsBoolType()"""
 AnyInt = PsIntegerType
 """`AnyInt(width)` matches both `PsUnsignedIntegerType(width)` and `PsSignedIntegerType(width)`"""
diff --git a/tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/test_typification.py b/tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/test_typification.py
index 9f49b2ed08dcc87b0071e9539caf1ead5c4725b4..7625e22e3ce25b2467110d91dd951c775e9dbdb2 100644
--- a/tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/test_typification.py
+++ b/tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/test_typification.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from pystencils import Assignment, TypedSymbol, Field, FieldType
 from pystencils.backend.ast.structural import PsDeclaration
 from pystencils.backend.ast.expressions import PsConstantExpr, PsSymbolExpr, PsBinOp
 from pystencils.types import constify
-from pystencils.types.quick import Fp, make_numeric_type
+from pystencils.types.quick import Fp, create_numeric_type
 from pystencils.backend.kernelcreation.context import KernelCreationContext
 from pystencils.backend.kernelcreation.freeze import FreezeExpressions
 from pystencils.backend.kernelcreation.typification import Typifier, TypificationError
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def test_contextual_typing():
 def test_erronous_typing():
-    ctx = KernelCreationContext(default_dtype=make_numeric_type(np.float64))
+    ctx = KernelCreationContext(default_dtype=create_numeric_type(np.float64))
     freeze = FreezeExpressions(ctx)
     typify = Typifier(ctx)
diff --git a/tests/nbackend/types/test_types.py b/tests/nbackend/types/test_types.py
index 5f11cd0815f8865172036b381b3b1e87d16275eb..487f777835ee347507504b4b6ed765f912fdd639 100644
--- a/tests/nbackend/types/test_types.py
+++ b/tests/nbackend/types/test_types.py
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ def test_widths(Type):
 def test_parsing_positive():
-    assert make_type("const uint32_t * restrict") == Ptr(
+    assert create_type("const uint32_t * restrict") == Ptr(
         UInt(32, const=True), restrict=True
-    assert make_type("float * * const") == Ptr(Ptr(Fp(32)), const=True)
-    assert make_type("uint16 * const") == Ptr(UInt(16), const=True)
-    assert make_type("uint64 const * const") == Ptr(UInt(64, const=True), const=True)
+    assert create_type("float * * const") == Ptr(Ptr(Fp(32)), const=True)
+    assert create_type("uint16 * const") == Ptr(UInt(16), const=True)
+    assert create_type("uint64 const * const") == Ptr(UInt(64, const=True), const=True)
 def test_parsing_negative():
@@ -40,20 +40,20 @@ def test_parsing_negative():
     for spec in bad_specs:
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
-            make_type(spec)
+            create_type(spec)
 def test_numpy():
     import numpy as np
-    assert make_type(np.single) == make_type(np.float32) == PsIeeeFloatType(32)
+    assert create_type(np.single) == create_type(np.float32) == PsIeeeFloatType(32)
     assert (
-        make_type(float)
-        == make_type(np.double)
-        == make_type(np.float64)
+        create_type(float)
+        == create_type(np.double)
+        == create_type(np.float64)
         == PsIeeeFloatType(64)
-    assert make_type(int) == make_type(np.int64) == PsSignedIntegerType(64)
+    assert create_type(int) == create_type(np.int64) == PsSignedIntegerType(64)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def test_numpy():
 def test_numpy_translation(numpy_type):
     dtype_obj = np.dtype(numpy_type)
-    ps_type = make_type(numpy_type)
+    ps_type = create_type(numpy_type)
     assert isinstance(ps_type, PsNumericType)
     assert ps_type.numpy_dtype == dtype_obj