From 4651c191bc366300c025d35e98427f57019fa3e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Bauer <>
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2018 19:17:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Documentation overhaul Part2

---         |   5 +-
 cpu/       |   6 ++    |   2 +-            | 147 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 gpucuda/ |   5 +-
 gpucuda/ |   2 +-   |  76 ++++++++++++++++++-----           |  30 +++++++++  |   1 +
 9 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 20db8d6b9..5dd9cd572 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from . import sympy_gmpy_bug_workaround  # NOQA
 from .field import Field, FieldType, fields
 from .data_types import TypedSymbol
 from .slicing import make_slice
-from .kernelcreation import create_kernel, create_indexed_kernel
+from .kernelcreation import create_kernel, create_indexed_kernel, create_staggered_kernel
 from .display_utils import show_code, to_dot
 from .simp import AssignmentCollection
 from .assignment import Assignment
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from . import fd
 __all__ = ['Field', 'FieldType', 'fields',
-           'create_kernel', 'create_indexed_kernel',
+           'create_kernel', 'create_indexed_kernel', 'create_staggered_kernel',
            'show_code', 'to_dot',
@@ -23,4 +23,3 @@ __all__ = ['Field', 'FieldType', 'fields',
diff --git a/cpu/ b/cpu/
index b793302e2..ca915d38b 100644
--- a/cpu/
+++ b/cpu/
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
+*pystencils* automatically searches for a compiler, so in most cases no explicit configuration is required.
+On Linux make sure that 'gcc' and 'g++' are installed and in your path.
+On Windows a recent Visual Studio installation is required.
+In case anything does not work as expected or a special compiler should be used, changes can be specified
+in a configuration file.
 *pystencils* looks for a configuration file in JSON format at the following locations in the listed order.
 1. at the path specified in the environment variable ``PYSTENCILS_CONFIG``
diff --git a/ b/
index 612d69aa3..2d0fa87f7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def highlight_cpp(code: str):
 def show_code(ast: KernelFunction):
-    """Returns an object to display C code.
+    """Returns an object to display generated code (C/C++ or CUDA)
     Can either  be displayed as HTML in Jupyter notebooks or printed as normal string.
diff --git a/ b/
index 87b4785a2..69513a3ab 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,38 +9,40 @@ from pystencils.alignedarray import aligned_empty
 from pystencils.data_types import TypedSymbol, create_type, create_composite_type_from_string, StructType
 from pystencils.sympyextensions import is_integer_sequence
+__all__ = ['Field', 'fields', 'FieldType']
 def fields(description=None, index_dimensions=0, layout=None, **kwargs):
     """Creates pystencils fields from a string description.
-        Create a 2D scalar and vector field
-        >>> s, v = fields("s, v(2): double[2D]")
-        >>> assert s.spatial_dimensions == 2 and s.index_dimensions == 0
-        >>> assert v.spatial_dimensions == 2 and v.index_dimensions == 1 and v.index_shape == (2,)
-        Create an integer field of shape (10, 20)
-        >>> f = fields("f : int32[10, 20]")
-        >>> f.has_fixed_shape, f.shape
-        (True, (10, 20))
+        Create a 2D scalar and vector field:
+            >>> s, v = fields("s, v(2): double[2D]")
+            >>> assert s.spatial_dimensions == 2 and s.index_dimensions == 0
+            >>> assert (v.spatial_dimensions, v.index_dimensions, v.index_shape) == (2, 1, (2,))
-        Numpy arrays can be used as template for shape and data type of field
-        >>> arr_s, arr_v = np.zeros([20, 20]), np.zeros([20, 20, 2])
-        >>> s, v = fields("s, v(2)", s=arr_s, v=arr_v)
-        >>> assert s.index_dimensions == 0 and v.index_shape == (2,) and s.dtype.numpy_dtype == arr_s.dtype
+        Create an integer field of shape (10, 20):
+            >>> f = fields("f : int32[10, 20]")
+            >>> f.has_fixed_shape, f.shape
+            (True, (10, 20))
-        Format string can be left out, field names are taken from keyword arguments.
-        >>> fields(f1=arr_s, f2=arr_s)
-        [f1, f2]
+        Numpy arrays can be used as template for shape and data type of field:
+            >>> arr_s, arr_v = np.zeros([20, 20]), np.zeros([20, 20, 2])
+            >>> s, v = fields("s, v(2)", s=arr_s, v=arr_v)
+            >>> assert s.index_dimensions == 0 and s.dtype.numpy_dtype == arr_s.dtype
+            >>> assert v.index_shape == (2,)
-        The keyword names 'index_dimension' and 'layout' have special meaning and thus can not be used to pass
-        numpy arrays:
-        >>> f = fields(f=arr_v, index_dimensions=1)
-        >>> assert f.index_dimensions == 1
-        >>> f = fields("pdfs(19) : float32[3D]", layout='fzyx')
-        >>> f.layout
-        (2, 1, 0)
+        Format string can be left out, field names are taken from keyword arguments.
+            >>> fields(f1=arr_s, f2=arr_s)
+            [f1, f2]
+        The keyword names ``index_dimension`` and ``layout`` have special meaning, don't use them for field names
+            >>> f = fields(f=arr_v, index_dimensions=1)
+            >>> assert f.index_dimensions == 1
+            >>> f = fields("pdfs(19) : float32[3D]", layout='fzyx')
+            >>> f.layout
+            (2, 1, 0)
     result = []
     if description:
@@ -108,36 +110,41 @@ class Field:
     This Field class knows about the dimension, memory layout (strides) and optionally about the size of an array.
     Creating Fields:
-        To create a field use one of the static create* members. There are two options:
-        1. create a kernel with fixed loop sizes i.e. the shape of the array is already known. This is usually the
-           case if just-in-time compilation directly from Python is done. (see :func:`Field.create_from_numpy_array`)
+        The preferred method to create fields is the `fields` function.
+        Alternatively one can use one of the static functions `Field.create_generic`, `Field.create_from_numpy_array`
+         and `Field.create_fixed_size`. Don't instantiate the Field directly!
+        Fields can be created with known or unknown shapes:
+        1. If you want to create a kernel with fixed loop sizes i.e. the shape of the array is already known.
+           This is usually the case if just-in-time compilation directly from Python is done.
+           (see `Field.create_from_numpy_array`
         2. create a more general kernel that works for variable array sizes. This can be used to create kernels
-           beforehand for a library. (see :func:`Field.create_generic`)
+           beforehand for a library. (see `Field.create_generic`)
-    Dimensions:
+    Dimensions and Indexing:
         A field has spatial and index dimensions, where the spatial dimensions come first.
         The interpretation is that the field has multiple cells in (usually) two or three dimensional space which are
-        looped over. Additionally  N values are stored per cell. In this case spatial_dimensions is two or three,
+        looped over. Additionally N values are stored per cell. In this case spatial_dimensions is two or three,
         and index_dimensions equals N. If you want to store a matrix on each point in a two dimensional grid, there
         are four dimensions, two spatial and two index dimensions: ``len(arr.shape) == spatial_dims + index_dims``
-    Indexing:
-        When accessing (indexing) a field the result is a FieldAccess which is derived from sympy Symbol.
+        The shape of the index dimension does not have to be specified. Just use the 'index_dimensions' parameter.
+        However, it is good practice to define the shape, since out of bounds accesses can be directly detected in this
+        case. The shape can be passed with the 'index_shape' parameter of the field creation functions.
+        When accessing (indexing) a field the result is a `Field.Access` which is derived from sympy Symbol.
         First specify the spatial offsets in [], then in case index_dimension>0 the indices in ()
         e.g. ``f[-1,0,0](7)``
-    Example without index dimensions:
+    Example using no index dimensions:
         >>> a = np.zeros([10, 10])
         >>> f = Field.create_from_numpy_array("f", a, index_dimensions=0)
-        >>> jacobi = ( f[-1,0] + f[1,0] + f[0,-1] + f[0,1] ) / 4
+        >>> jacobi = (f[-1,0] + f[1,0] + f[0,-1] + f[0,1]) / 4
-    Example with index dimensions: LBM D2Q9 stream pull
+    Examples for index dimensions to create LB field and implement stream pull:
         >>> from pystencils import Assignment
         >>> stencil = np.array([[0,0], [0,1], [0,-1]])
-        >>> src = Field.create_generic("src", spatial_dimensions=2, index_dimensions=1)
-        >>> dst = Field.create_generic("dst", spatial_dimensions=2, index_dimensions=1)
+        >>> src, dst = fields("src(3), dst(3) : double[2D]")
         >>> for i, offset in enumerate(stencil):
         ...     Assignment(dst[0,0](i), src[-offset](i))
         Assignment(dst_C^0, src_C^0)
@@ -380,6 +387,24 @@ class Field:
     # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit,PyUnresolvedReferences
     class Access(sp.Symbol):
+        """Class representing a relative access into a `Field`.
+        This class behaves like a normal sympy Symbol, it is actually derived from it. One can built up
+        sympy expressions using field accesses, solve for them, etc.
+        Examples:
+            >>> vector_field_2d = fields("v(2): double[2D]")  # create a 2D vector field
+            >>> northern_neighbor_y_component = vector_field_2d[0, 1](1)
+            >>> northern_neighbor_y_component
+            v_N^1
+            >>> central_y_component = vector_field_2d(1)
+            >>> central_y_component
+            v_C^1
+            >>> central_y_component.get_shifted(1, 0)  # move the existing access
+            v_E^1
+            >>> central_y_component.at_index(0)  # change component
+            v_C^0
+        """
         def __new__(cls, name, *args, **kwargs):
             obj = Field.Access.__xnew_cached_(cls, name, *args, **kwargs)
             return obj
@@ -458,15 +483,18 @@ class Field:
             raise TypeError("Field access is not iterable")
-        def field(self):
+        def field(self) -> 'Field':
+            """Field that the Access points to"""
             return self._field
-        def offsets(self):
+        def offsets(self) -> Tuple:
+            """Spatial offset as tuple"""
             return tuple(self._offsets)
-        def required_ghost_layers(self):
+        def required_ghost_layers(self) -> int:
+            """Largest spatial distance that is accessed."""
             return int(np.max(np.abs(self._offsets)))
@@ -475,21 +503,54 @@ class Field:
         def offset_name(self) -> str:
+            """Spatial offset as string, East-West for x, North-South for y and Top-Bottom for z coordinate.
+            Example:
+                >>> f = fields("f: double[2D]")
+                >>> f[1, 1].offset_name  # north-east
+                'NE'
+            """
             return self._offsetName
         def index(self):
+            """Value of index coordinates as tuple."""
             return self._index
         def neighbor(self, coord_id: int, offset: Sequence[int]) -> 'Field.Access':
+            """Returns a new Access with changed spatial coordinates.
+            Args:
+                coord_id: index of the coordinate to change (0 for x, 1 for y,...)
+                offset: incremental change of this coordinate
+            Example:
+                >>> f = fields('f: [2D]')
+                >>> f[0,0].neighbor(coord_id=1, offset=-1)
+                f_S
+            """
             offset_list = list(self.offsets)
             offset_list[coord_id] += offset
             return Field.Access(self.field, tuple(offset_list), self.index)
         def get_shifted(self, *shift)-> 'Field.Access':
+            """Returns a new Access with changed spatial coordinates
+            Example:
+                >>> f = fields("f: [2D]")
+                >>> f[0,0].get_shifted(1, 1)
+                f_NE
+            """
             return Field.Access(self.field, tuple(a + b for a, b in zip(shift, self.offsets)), self.index)
-        def at_index(self, *idx_tuple):
+        def at_index(self, *idx_tuple) -> 'Field.Access':
+            """Returns new Access with changed index.
+            Example:
+                >>> f = fields("f(9): [2D]")
+                >>> f(0).at_index(8)
+                f_C^8
+            """
             return Field.Access(self.field, self.offsets, idx_tuple)
         def _hashable_content(self):
@@ -729,12 +790,12 @@ def direction_string_to_offset(direction: str, dim: int = 3):
         direction = direction[1:]
     return offset[:dim]
 def _parse_type_description(type_description):
     if not type_description:
         return np.float64, None
     elif '[' in type_description:
         assert type_description[-1] == ']'
-        splitted = type_description[:-1].split("[", )
         type_part, size_part = type_description[:-1].split("[", )
         if not type_part:
             type_part = "float64"
diff --git a/gpucuda/ b/gpucuda/
index f360794ee..9b178c470 100644
--- a/gpucuda/
+++ b/gpucuda/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from pystencils.gpucuda.kernelcreation import create_cuda_kernel, created_indexed_cuda_kernel
 from pystencils.gpucuda.cudajit import make_python_function
-__all__ = ['create_cuda_kernel', 'created_indexed_cuda_kernel', 'make_python_function']
+from .indexing import AbstractIndexing, BlockIndexing, LineIndexing
+__all__ = ['create_cuda_kernel', 'created_indexed_cuda_kernel', 'make_python_function',
+           'AbstractIndexing', 'BlockIndexing', 'LineIndexing']
diff --git a/gpucuda/ b/gpucuda/
index 862143abb..d39a54688 100644
--- a/gpucuda/
+++ b/gpucuda/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import abc
-from typing import Tuple
+from typing import Tuple  # noqa
 import sympy as sp
 from pystencils.astnodes import Conditional, Block
 from pystencils.slicing import normalize_slice
diff --git a/ b/
index 17d804b2d..87bcf5d49 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 from types import MappingProxyType
 import sympy as sp
-from .assignment import Assignment
-from .astnodes import LoopOverCoordinate, Conditional, Block, SympyAssignment
-from .simp.assignment_collection import AssignmentCollection
-from .gpucuda.indexing import indexing_creator_from_params
-from .transformations import remove_conditionals_in_staggered_kernel
+from pystencils.assignment import Assignment
+from pystencils.astnodes import LoopOverCoordinate, Conditional, Block, SympyAssignment
+from pystencils.simp.assignment_collection import AssignmentCollection
+from pystencils.gpucuda.indexing import indexing_creator_from_params
+from pystencils.transformations import remove_conditionals_in_staggered_kernel
 def create_kernel(assignments, target='cpu', data_type="double", iteration_slice=None, ghost_layers=None,
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ def create_kernel(assignments, target='cpu', data_type="double", iteration_slice
     Creates abstract syntax tree (AST) of kernel, using a list of update equations.
-        assignments: either be a plain list of equations or a AssignmentCollection object
+        assignments: can be a single assignment, sequence of assignments or an `AssignmentCollection`
         target: 'cpu', 'llvm' or 'gpu'
         data_type: data type used for all untyped symbols (i.e. non-fields), can also be a dict from symbol name
                   to type
@@ -22,18 +22,34 @@ def create_kernel(assignments, target='cpu', data_type="double", iteration_slice
                          part of the field is iterated over
         ghost_layers: if left to default, the number of necessary ghost layers is determined automatically
                      a single integer specifies the ghost layer count at all borders, can also be a sequence of
-                     pairs [(x_lower_gl, x_upper_gl), .... ]
+                     pairs ``[(x_lower_gl, x_upper_gl), .... ]``
         cpu_openmp: True or number of threads for OpenMP parallelization, False for no OpenMP
-        cpu_vectorize_info: pair of instruction set name ('sse, 'avx', 'avx512') and data type ('float', 'double')
-        gpu_indexing: either 'block' or 'line' , or custom indexing class (see gpucuda/
+        cpu_vectorize_info: pair of instruction set name, i.e. one of 'sse, 'avx' or 'avx512'
+                            and data type 'float' or 'double'. For example ``('avx', 'double')``
+        gpu_indexing: either 'block' or 'line' , or custom indexing class, see `pystencils.gpucuda.AbstractIndexing`
         gpu_indexing_params: dict with indexing parameters (constructor parameters of indexing class)
-                           e.g. for 'block' one can specify {'block_size': (20, 20, 10) }
+                             e.g. for 'block' one can specify '{'block_size': (20, 20, 10) }'
-        abstract syntax tree object, that can either be printed as source code with `show_code` or can be compiled with
-        through its `compile()` member
+        abstract syntax tree (AST) object, that can either be printed as source code with `show_code` or
+        can be compiled with through its `compile()` member
+    Example:
+        >>> import pystencils as ps
+        >>> import numpy as np
+        >>> s, d = ps.fields('s, d: [2D]')
+        >>> assignment = ps.Assignment(d[0,0], s[0, 1] + s[0, -1] + s[1, 0] + s[-1, 0])
+        >>> ast = ps.create_kernel(assignment, target='cpu', cpu_openmp=True)
+        >>> kernel = ast.compile()
+        >>> d_arr = np.zeros([5, 5])
+        >>> kernel(d=d_arr, s=np.ones([5, 5]))
+        >>> d_arr
+        array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
+               [0., 4., 4., 4., 0.],
+               [0., 4., 4., 4., 0.],
+               [0., 4., 4., 4., 0.],
+               [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]])
     # ----  Normalizing parameters
@@ -89,9 +105,33 @@ def create_indexed_kernel(assignments, index_fields, target='cpu', data_type="do
     index_fields: list of index fields, i.e. 1D fields with struct data type
     coordinate_names: name of the coordinate fields in the struct data type
-    """
-    if isinstance(assignments, AssignmentCollection):
+    Example:
+        >>> import pystencils as ps
+        >>> import numpy as np
+        >>>
+        >>> # Index field stores the indices of the cell to visit together with optional values
+        >>> index_arr_dtype = np.dtype([('x', np.int32), ('y', np.int32), ('val', np.double)])
+        >>> index_arr = np.array([(1, 1, 0.1), (2, 2, 0.2), (3, 3, 0.3)], dtype=index_arr_dtype)
+        >>> idx_field = ps.fields(idx=index_arr)
+        >>>
+        >>> # Additional values  stored in index field can be accessed in the kernel as well
+        >>> s, d = ps.fields('s, d: [2D]')
+        >>> assignment = ps.Assignment(d[0,0], 2 * s[0, 1] + 2 * s[1, 0] + idx_field('val'))
+        >>> ast = create_indexed_kernel(assignment, [idx_field], coordinate_names=('x', 'y'))
+        >>> kernel = ast.compile()
+        >>> d_arr = np.zeros([5, 5])
+        >>> kernel(s=np.ones([5, 5]), d=d_arr, idx=index_arr)
+        >>> d_arr
+        array([[0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
+               [0. , 4.1, 0. , 0. , 0. ],
+               [0. , 0. , 4.2, 0. , 0. ],
+               [0. , 0. , 0. , 4.3, 0. ],
+               [0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ]])
+    """
+    if isinstance(assignments, Assignment):
+        assignments = [assignments]
+    elif isinstance(assignments, AssignmentCollection):
         assignments = assignments.all_assignments
     if target == 'cpu':
         from pystencils.cpu import create_indexed_kernel
@@ -116,10 +156,12 @@ def create_indexed_kernel(assignments, index_fields, target='cpu', data_type="do
 def create_staggered_kernel(staggered_field, expressions, subexpressions=(), target='cpu', **kwargs):
     """Kernel that updates a staggered field.
+    .. image:: /img/staggered_grid.svg
         staggered_field: field that has one index coordinate and
-                where e.g. f[0,0](0) is interpreted as value at the left cell boundary, f[1,0](0) the right cell
-                boundary and f[0,0](1) the southern cell boundary etc.
+                where e.g. ``f[0,0](0)`` is interpreted as value at the left cell boundary, ``f[1,0](0)`` the right cell
+                boundary and ``f[0,0](1)`` the southern cell boundary etc.
         expressions: sequence of expressions of length dim, defining how the east, southern, (bottom) cell boundary
                      should be update
         subexpressions: optional sequence of Assignments, that define subexpressions used in the main expressions
diff --git a/ b/
index 6157f9314..68cc8d729 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -253,6 +253,36 @@ def vector_field_magnitude_animation(run_function, plot_setup_function=lambda *_
     return animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_figure, interval=interval, frames=frames)
+def scalar_field_animation(run_function, plot_setup_function=lambda *_: None, rescale=True,
+                           plot_update_function=lambda *_: None, interval=30, frames=180, **kwargs):
+    import matplotlib.animation as animation
+    fig = gcf()
+    im = None
+    field = run_function()
+    if rescale:
+        f_min, f_max = np.min(field), np.max(field)
+        field = (field - f_min) / (f_max - f_min)
+        im = scalar_field(field, vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0, **kwargs)
+    else:
+        im = scalar_field(field, **kwargs)
+    plot_setup_function(im)
+    def update_figure(*_):
+        f = run_function()
+        if rescale:
+            f_min, f_max = np.min(f), np.max(f)
+            f = (f - f_min) / (f_max - f_min)
+        if hasattr(f, 'mask'):
+            f =, mask=f.mask[:, :, 0])
+        f = np.swapaxes(f, 0, 1)
+        im.set_array(f)
+        plot_update_function(im)
+        return im,
+    return animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_figure, interval=interval, frames=frames)
 def surface_plot_animation(run_function, frames=90, interval=30):
     from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
     import matplotlib.animation as animation
diff --git a/ b/
index 62b78258d..727aae027 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -687,6 +687,7 @@ class KernelConstraintsCheck:
     def process_expression(self, rhs):
         if isinstance(rhs, Field.Access):
+            self.fields_read.add(rhs.field)
             return rhs
         elif isinstance(rhs, TypedSymbol):
             return rhs