From 7568c463e4a897a2645f095352a62741caab2001 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Bauer <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 16:42:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add support for bitwise operators and integer division

 src/pystencils/backend/ast/     | 38 +++++++++
 src/pystencils/backend/            | 77 +++++++++++------
 .../backend/kernelcreation/          | 56 +++++++++----
 .../backend/kernelcreation/    | 48 +++++++++--
 .../sympyextensions/      |  2 +
 tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/  | 82 ++++++++++++++++++-
 .../kernelcreation/       | 70 ++++++++++++++++
 tests/nbackend/          | 24 ++++++
 8 files changed, 347 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/pystencils/backend/ast/ b/src/pystencils/backend/ast/
index 73f34a1fd..a8384a014 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/backend/ast/
+++ b/src/pystencils/backend/ast/
@@ -485,6 +485,44 @@ class PsDiv(PsBinOp):
+class PsIntDiv(PsBinOp):
+    """C-like integer division (round to zero)."""
+    #  python_operator not implemented because both floordiv and truediv have
+    #  different semantics.
+    pass
+class PsLeftShift(PsBinOp):
+    @property
+    def python_operator(self) -> Callable[[Any, Any], Any] | None:
+        return operator.lshift
+class PsRightShift(PsBinOp):
+    @property
+    def python_operator(self) -> Callable[[Any, Any], Any] | None:
+        return operator.rshift
+class PsBitwiseAnd(PsBinOp):
+    @property
+    def python_operator(self) -> Callable[[Any, Any], Any] | None:
+        return operator.and_
+class PsBitwiseXor(PsBinOp):
+    @property
+    def python_operator(self) -> Callable[[Any, Any], Any] | None:
+        return operator.xor
+class PsBitwiseOr(PsBinOp):
+    @property
+    def python_operator(self) -> Callable[[Any, Any], Any] | None:
+        return operator.or_
 class PsArrayInitList(PsExpression):
     __match_args__ = ("items",)
diff --git a/src/pystencils/backend/ b/src/pystencils/backend/
index 190f4f001..b742c598d 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/backend/
+++ b/src/pystencils/backend/
@@ -13,22 +13,28 @@ from .ast.structural import (
 from .ast.expressions import (
-    PsSymbolExpr,
+    PsAdd,
+    PsAddressOf,
+    PsArrayInitList,
+    PsBinOp,
+    PsBitwiseAnd,
+    PsBitwiseOr,
+    PsBitwiseXor,
+    PsCall,
+    PsCast,
-    PsSubscript,
-    PsVectorArrayAccess,
+    PsDeref,
+    PsDiv,
+    PsIntDiv,
+    PsLeftShift,
-    PsCall,
-    PsBinOp,
-    PsAdd,
-    PsSub,
-    PsDiv,
-    PsDeref,
-    PsAddressOf,
-    PsCast,
-    PsArrayInitList,
+    PsRightShift,
+    PsSub,
+    PsSubscript,
+    PsSymbolExpr,
+    PsVectorArrayAccess,
 from .symbols import PsSymbol
@@ -61,23 +67,32 @@ class Ops(Enum):
     See also
-    Weakest = (0, LR.Middle)
+    Weakest = (17 - 17, LR.Middle)
+    BitwiseOr = (17 - 13, LR.Left)
+    BitwiseXor = (17 - 12, LR.Left)
+    BitwiseAnd = (17 - 11, LR.Left)
+    LeftShift = (17 - 7, LR.Left)
+    RightShift = (17 - 7, LR.Left)
-    Add = (1, LR.Left)
-    Sub = (1, LR.Left)
+    Add = (17 - 6, LR.Left)
+    Sub = (17 - 6, LR.Left)
-    Mul = (2, LR.Left)
-    Div = (2, LR.Left)
-    Rem = (2, LR.Left)
+    Mul = (17 - 5, LR.Left)
+    Div = (17 - 5, LR.Left)
+    Rem = (17 - 5, LR.Left)
-    Neg = (3, LR.Right)
-    AddressOf = (3, LR.Right)
-    Deref = (3, LR.Right)
-    Cast = (3, LR.Right)
+    Neg = (17 - 3, LR.Right)
+    AddressOf = (17 - 3, LR.Right)
+    Deref = (17 - 3, LR.Right)
+    Cast = (17 - 3, LR.Right)
-    Call = (4, LR.Left)
-    Subscript = (4, LR.Left)
-    Lookup = (4, LR.Left)
+    Call = (17 - 2, LR.Left)
+    Subscript = (17 - 2, LR.Left)
+    Lookup = (17 - 2, LR.Left)
     def __init__(self, pred: int, assoc: LR) -> None:
         self.precedence = pred
@@ -312,7 +327,17 @@ class CAstPrinter:
                 return ("-", Ops.Sub)
             case PsMul():
                 return ("*", Ops.Mul)
-            case PsDiv():
+            case PsDiv() | PsIntDiv():
                 return ("/", Ops.Div)
+            case PsLeftShift():
+                return ("<<", Ops.LeftShift)
+            case PsRightShift():
+                return (">>", Ops.RightShift)
+            case PsBitwiseAnd():
+                return ("&", Ops.BitwiseAnd)
+            case PsBitwiseXor():
+                return ("^", Ops.BitwiseXor)
+            case PsBitwiseOr():
+                return ("|", Ops.BitwiseOr)
             case _:
                 assert False
diff --git a/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/ b/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/
index 2e571111f..6ce0264e2 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/
+++ b/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from operator import add, mul, sub
 import sympy as sp
-from ...sympyextensions import Assignment, AssignmentCollection
+from ...sympyextensions import Assignment, AssignmentCollection, integer_functions
 from ...sympyextensions.typed_sympy import TypedSymbol, CastFunc
 from ...field import Field, FieldType
@@ -20,13 +20,19 @@ from ..ast.structural import (
 from ..ast.expressions import (
-    PsVectorArrayAccess,
-    PsLookup,
+    PsArrayInitList,
+    PsBitwiseAnd,
+    PsBitwiseOr,
+    PsBitwiseXor,
+    PsCast,
-    PsArrayInitList,
+    PsIntDiv,
+    PsLeftShift,
+    PsLookup,
+    PsRightShift,
-    PsCast,
+    PsVectorArrayAccess,
 from ..constants import PsConstant
@@ -293,28 +299,48 @@ class FreezeExpressions:
             return PsArrayAccess(ptr, index)
-    def map_Function(self, func: sp.Function) -> PsCall:
+    def map_Function(self, func: sp.Function) -> PsExpression:
         """Map SymPy function calls by mapping sympy function classes to backend-supported function symbols.
-        SymPy functions are frozen to an instance of `nbackend.functions.PsFunction`.
+        If applicable, functions are mapped to binary operators, e.g. `backend.ast.expressions.PsBitwiseXor`.
+        Other SymPy functions are frozen to an instance of `nbackend.functions.PsFunction`.
+        args = tuple(self.visit_expr(arg) for arg in func.args)
         match func:
             case sp.Abs():
-                func_symbol = PsMathFunction(MathFunctions.Abs)
+                return PsCall(PsMathFunction(MathFunctions.Abs), args)
             case sp.exp():
-                func_symbol = PsMathFunction(MathFunctions.Exp)
+                return PsCall(PsMathFunction(MathFunctions.Exp), args)
             case sp.sin():
-                func_symbol = PsMathFunction(MathFunctions.Sin)
+                return PsCall(PsMathFunction(MathFunctions.Sin), args)
             case sp.cos():
-                func_symbol = PsMathFunction(MathFunctions.Cos)
+                return PsCall(PsMathFunction(MathFunctions.Cos), args)
             case sp.tan():
-                func_symbol = PsMathFunction(MathFunctions.Tan)
+                return PsCall(PsMathFunction(MathFunctions.Tan), args)
+            case integer_functions.int_div():
+                return PsIntDiv(*args)
+            case integer_functions.bit_shift_left():
+                return PsLeftShift(*args)
+            case integer_functions.bit_shift_right():
+                return PsRightShift(*args)
+            case integer_functions.bitwise_and():
+                return PsBitwiseAnd(*args)
+            case integer_functions.bitwise_xor():
+                return PsBitwiseXor(*args)
+            case integer_functions.bitwise_or():
+                return PsBitwiseOr(*args)
+            case integer_functions.int_power_of_2():
+                return PsLeftShift(PsExpression.make(PsConstant(1)), args[0])
+            # TODO: what exactly are the semantics?
+            # case integer_functions.modulo_floor():
+            # case integer_functions.div_floor()
+            # TODO: requires if *expression*
+            # case integer_functions.modulo_ceil():
+            # case integer_functions.div_ceil():
             case _:
                 raise FreezeError(f"Unsupported function: {func}")
-        args = tuple(self.visit_expr(arg) for arg in func.args)
-        return PsCall(func_symbol, args)
     def map_Min(self, expr: sp.Min) -> PsCall:
         args = tuple(self.visit_expr(arg) for arg in expr.args)
         return PsCall(PsMathFunction(MathFunctions.Min), args)
diff --git a/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/ b/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/
index af9a81d0a..3fbb9c1a8 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/
+++ b/src/pystencils/backend/kernelcreation/
@@ -22,15 +22,21 @@ from ..ast.structural import (
 from ..ast.expressions import (
-    PsSymbolExpr,
-    PsConstantExpr,
-    PsBinOp,
-    PsSubscript,
-    PsLookup,
-    PsCall,
+    PsBinOp,
+    PsBitwiseAnd,
+    PsBitwiseOr,
+    PsBitwiseXor,
+    PsCall,
+    PsConstantExpr,
+    PsIntDiv,
+    PsLeftShift,
+    PsLookup,
+    PsRightShift,
+    PsSubscript,
+    PsSymbolExpr,
 from ..functions import PsMathFunction
@@ -258,6 +264,36 @@ class Typifier:
                 tc.apply_and_check(expr, member.dtype)
+            # integer operations
+            case (
+                PsIntDiv(op1, op2)
+                | PsLeftShift(op1, op2)
+                | PsRightShift(op1, op2)
+                | PsBitwiseAnd(op1, op2)
+                | PsBitwiseXor(op1, op2)
+                | PsBitwiseOr(op1, op2)
+            ):
+                if tc.target_type is not None and not isinstance(
+                    tc.target_type, PsIntegerType
+                ):
+                    raise TypificationError(
+                        f"Integer expression used in non-integer context.\n"
+                        f"  Integer expression: {expr}\n"
+                        f"        Context type: {tc.target_type}"
+                    )
+                self.visit_expr(op1, tc)
+                self.visit_expr(op2, tc)
+                if tc.target_type is None:
+                    raise TypificationError(
+                        f"Unable to infer type of integer expression {expr}."
+                    )
+                elif not isinstance(tc.target_type, PsIntegerType):
+                    raise TypificationError(
+                        f"Argument(s) to integer function are non-integer in expression {expr}."
+                    )
             case PsBinOp(op1, op2):
                 self.visit_expr(op1, tc)
                 self.visit_expr(op2, tc)
diff --git a/src/pystencils/sympyextensions/ b/src/pystencils/sympyextensions/
index f9c156971..c3dd18108 100644
--- a/src/pystencils/sympyextensions/
+++ b/src/pystencils/sympyextensions/
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ class int_div(IntegerFunctionTwoArgsMixIn):
 # noinspection PyPep8Naming
+# TODO: What do the *two* arguments mean?
+#       Apparently, the second is required but ignored?
 class int_power_of_2(IntegerFunctionTwoArgsMixIn):
diff --git a/tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/ b/tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/
index c8f39ffc8..269435257 100644
--- a/tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/
+++ b/tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/
@@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ from pystencils import Assignment, fields
 from pystencils.backend.ast.structural import (
+    PsBlock,
 from pystencils.backend.ast.expressions import (
+    PsArrayAccess,
+    PsBitwiseAnd,
+    PsBitwiseOr,
+    PsBitwiseXor,
-    PsArrayAccess
+    PsIntDiv,
+    PsLeftShift,
+    PsMul,
+    PsRightShift,
 from pystencils.backend.constants import PsConstant
 from pystencils.backend.kernelcreation import (
@@ -17,6 +25,17 @@ from pystencils.backend.kernelcreation import (
+from pystencils.sympyextensions.integer_functions import (
+    bit_shift_left,
+    bit_shift_right,
+    bitwise_and,
+    bitwise_or,
+    bitwise_xor,
+    int_div,
+    int_power_of_2,
+    modulo_floor,
 def test_freeze_simple():
     ctx = KernelCreationContext()
@@ -63,9 +82,66 @@ def test_freeze_fields():
     zero = PsExpression.make(PsConstant(0))
-    lhs = PsArrayAccess(f_arr.base_pointer, (PsExpression.make(counter) + zero) * PsExpression.make(f_arr.strides[0]) + zero * one)
-    rhs = PsArrayAccess(g_arr.base_pointer, (PsExpression.make(counter) + zero) * PsExpression.make(g_arr.strides[0]) + zero * one)
+    lhs = PsArrayAccess(
+        f_arr.base_pointer,
+        (PsExpression.make(counter) + zero) * PsExpression.make(f_arr.strides[0])
+        + zero * one,
+    )
+    rhs = PsArrayAccess(
+        g_arr.base_pointer,
+        (PsExpression.make(counter) + zero) * PsExpression.make(g_arr.strides[0])
+        + zero * one,
+    )
     should = PsAssignment(lhs, rhs)
     assert fasm.structurally_equal(should)
+def test_freeze_integer_binops():
+    ctx = KernelCreationContext()
+    freeze = FreezeExpressions(ctx)
+    x, y, z = sp.symbols("x, y, z")
+    expr = bit_shift_left(
+        bit_shift_right(bitwise_and(x, y), bitwise_or(y, z)), bitwise_xor(x, z)
+    )
+    fexpr = freeze(expr)
+    x2 = PsExpression.make(ctx.get_symbol("x"))
+    y2 = PsExpression.make(ctx.get_symbol("y"))
+    z2 = PsExpression.make(ctx.get_symbol("z"))
+    should = PsLeftShift(
+        PsRightShift(PsBitwiseAnd(x2, y2), PsBitwiseOr(y2, z2)), PsBitwiseXor(x2, z2)
+    )
+    assert fexpr.structurally_equal(should)
+def test_freeze_integer_functions():
+    ctx = KernelCreationContext()
+    freeze = FreezeExpressions(ctx)
+    x2 = PsExpression.make(ctx.get_symbol("x", ctx.index_dtype))
+    y2 = PsExpression.make(ctx.get_symbol("y", ctx.index_dtype))
+    z2 = PsExpression.make(ctx.get_symbol("z", ctx.index_dtype))
+    x, y, z = sp.symbols("x, y, z")
+    asms = [
+        Assignment(z, int_div(x, y)),
+        Assignment(z, int_power_of_2(x, y)),
+        # Assignment(z, modulo_floor(x, y)),
+    ]
+    fasms = [freeze(asm) for asm in asms]
+    should = [
+        PsDeclaration(z2, PsIntDiv(x2, y2)),
+        PsDeclaration(z2, PsLeftShift(PsExpression.make(PsConstant(1)), x2)),
+        # PsDeclaration(z2, PsMul(PsIntDiv(x2, y2), y2)),
+    ]
+    for fasm, correct in zip(fasms, should):
+        assert fasm.structurally_equal(correct)
diff --git a/tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/ b/tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/
index 7625e22e3..9ff18623e 100644
--- a/tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/
+++ b/tests/nbackend/kernelcreation/
@@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ from pystencils.backend.kernelcreation.context import KernelCreationContext
 from pystencils.backend.kernelcreation.freeze import FreezeExpressions
 from pystencils.backend.kernelcreation.typification import Typifier, TypificationError
+from pystencils.sympyextensions.integer_functions import (
+    bit_shift_left,
+    bit_shift_right,
+    bitwise_and,
+    bitwise_xor,
+    bitwise_or,
 def test_typify_simple():
     ctx = KernelCreationContext()
@@ -114,3 +122,65 @@ def test_erronous_typing():
     fasm = freeze(asm)
     with pytest.raises(TypificationError):
+def test_typify_integer_binops():
+    ctx = KernelCreationContext()
+    freeze = FreezeExpressions(ctx)
+    typify = Typifier(ctx)
+    ctx.get_symbol("x", ctx.index_dtype)
+    ctx.get_symbol("y", ctx.index_dtype)
+    ctx.get_symbol("z", ctx.index_dtype)
+    x, y, z = sp.symbols("x, y, z")
+    expr = bit_shift_left(
+        bit_shift_right(bitwise_and(x, 2), bitwise_or(y, z)), bitwise_xor(2, 2)
+    )  #                            ^
+    # TODO: x can not be a constant here, because then the typifier can not check that the arguments are integer.
+    expr = freeze(expr)
+    expr = typify(expr)
+    def check(expr):
+        match expr:
+            case PsConstantExpr(cs):
+                assert cs.value == 2
+                assert cs.dtype == constify(ctx.index_dtype)
+            case PsSymbolExpr(symb):
+                assert in "xyz"
+                assert symb.dtype == ctx.index_dtype
+            case PsBinOp(op1, op2):
+                check(op1)
+                check(op2)
+            case _:
+      "Unexpected expression: {expr}")
+    check(expr)
+def test_typify_integer_binops_floating_arg():
+    ctx = KernelCreationContext()
+    freeze = FreezeExpressions(ctx)
+    typify = Typifier(ctx)
+    x = sp.Symbol("x")
+    expr = bit_shift_left(x, 2)
+    expr = freeze(expr)
+    with pytest.raises(TypificationError):
+        expr = typify(expr)
+def test_typify_integer_binops_in_floating_context():
+    ctx = KernelCreationContext()
+    freeze = FreezeExpressions(ctx)
+    typify = Typifier(ctx)
+    ctx.get_symbol("i", ctx.index_dtype)
+    x, i = sp.symbols("x, i")
+    expr = x + bit_shift_left(i, 2)
+    expr = freeze(expr)
+    with pytest.raises(TypificationError):
+        expr = typify(expr)
diff --git a/tests/nbackend/ b/tests/nbackend/
index 5e80cae22..c8294c6dd 100644
--- a/tests/nbackend/
+++ b/tests/nbackend/
@@ -75,3 +75,27 @@ def test_arithmetic_precedence():
     expr = (a / b) + (c / (d + e) * f)
     code = cprint(expr)
     assert code == "a / b + c / (d + e) * f"
+def test_printing_integer_functions():
+    (i, j, k) = [PsExpression.make(PsSymbol(x, UInt(64))) for x in "ijk"]
+    cprint = CAstPrinter()
+    from pystencils.backend.ast.expressions import (
+        PsLeftShift,
+        PsRightShift,
+        PsBitwiseAnd,
+        PsBitwiseOr,
+        PsBitwiseXor,
+        PsIntDiv,
+    )
+    expr = PsBitwiseAnd(
+        PsBitwiseXor(
+            PsBitwiseXor(j, k),
+            PsBitwiseOr(PsLeftShift(i, PsRightShift(j, k)), PsIntDiv(i, k)),
+        ),
+        i,
+    )
+    code = cprint(expr)
+    assert code == "(j ^ k ^ (i << (j >> k) | i / k)) & i"