diff --git a/field.py b/field.py
index b9b6648cf7a4de325314ab397828a91ae7d6378f..3d646077643067e317422489a2b1e98f9e024030 100644
--- a/field.py
+++ b/field.py
@@ -10,6 +10,73 @@ from pystencils.data_types import TypedSymbol, create_type, create_composite_typ
 from pystencils.sympyextensions import is_integer_sequence
+def fields(description=None, index_dimensions=0, layout=None, **kwargs):
+    """Creates pystencils fields from a string description.
+    Examples:
+        Create a 2D scalar and vector field
+        >>> s, v = fields("s, v(2): double[2D]")
+        >>> assert s.spatial_dimensions == 2 and s.index_dimensions == 0
+        >>> assert v.spatial_dimensions == 2 and v.index_dimensions == 1 and v.index_shape == (2,)
+        Create an integer field of shape (10, 20)
+        >>> f = fields("f : int32[10, 20]")
+        >>> f.has_fixed_shape, f.shape
+        (True, (10, 20))
+        Numpy arrays can be used as template for shape and data type of field
+        >>> arr_s, arr_v = np.zeros([20, 20]), np.zeros([20, 20, 2])
+        >>> s, v = fields("s, v(2)", s=arr_s, v=arr_v)
+        >>> assert s.index_dimensions == 0 and v.index_shape == (2,) and s.dtype.numpy_dtype == arr_s.dtype
+        Format string can be left out, field names are taken from keyword arguments.
+        >>> fields(f1=arr_s, f2=arr_s)
+        [f1, f2]
+        The keyword names 'index_dimension' and 'layout' have special meaning and thus can not be used to pass
+        numpy arrays:
+        >>> f = fields(f=arr_v, index_dimensions=1)
+        >>> assert f.index_dimensions == 1
+        >>> f = fields("pdfs(19) : float32[3D]", layout='fzyx')
+        >>> f.layout
+        (2, 1, 0)
+    """
+    result = []
+    if description:
+        field_descriptions, dtype, shape = _parse_description(description)
+        layout = 'numpy' if layout is None else layout
+        for field_name, idx_shape in field_descriptions:
+            if field_name in kwargs:
+                arr = kwargs[field_name]
+                idx_shape_of_arr = () if not len(idx_shape) else arr.shape[-len(idx_shape):]
+                assert idx_shape_of_arr == idx_shape
+                f = Field.create_from_numpy_array(field_name, kwargs[field_name], index_dimensions=len(idx_shape))
+            elif isinstance(shape, tuple):
+                f = Field.create_fixed_size(field_name, shape + idx_shape, dtype=dtype,
+                                            index_dimensions=len(idx_shape), layout=layout)
+            elif isinstance(shape, int):
+                f = Field.create_generic(field_name, spatial_dimensions=shape, dtype=dtype,
+                                         index_shape=idx_shape, layout=layout)
+            elif shape is None:
+                f = Field.create_generic(field_name, spatial_dimensions=2, dtype=dtype,
+                                         index_shape=idx_shape, layout=layout)
+            else:
+                assert False
+            result.append(f)
+    else:
+        assert layout is None, "Layout can not be specified when creating Field from numpy array"
+        for field_name, arr in kwargs.items():
+            result.append(Field.create_from_numpy_array(field_name, arr, index_dimensions=index_dimensions))
+    if len(result) == 0:
+        return None
+    elif len(result) == 1:
+        return result[0]
+    else:
+        return result
 class FieldType(Enum):
     # generic fields
     GENERIC = 0
@@ -418,6 +485,9 @@ class Field:
         def get_shifted(self, *shift)-> 'Field.Access':
             return Field.Access(self.field, tuple(a + b for a, b in zip(shift, self.offsets)), self.index)
+        def at_index(self, *idx_tuple):
+            return Field.Access(self.field, self.offsets, idx_tuple)
         def _hashable_content(self):
             super_class_contents = list(super(Field.Access, self)._hashable_content())
             t = tuple(super_class_contents + [hash(self._field), self._index] + self._offsets)
@@ -654,3 +724,55 @@ def direction_string_to_offset(direction: str, dim: int = 3):
         offset += factor * cur_offset
         direction = direction[1:]
     return offset[:dim]
+def _parse_type_description(type_description):
+    if not type_description:
+        return np.float64, None
+    elif '[' in type_description:
+        assert type_description[-1] == ']'
+        splitted = type_description[:-1].split("[", )
+        type_part, size_part = type_description[:-1].split("[", )
+        if not type_part:
+            type_part = "float64"
+        if size_part.lower()[-1] == 'd':
+            size_part = int(size_part[:-1])
+        else:
+            size_part = tuple(int(i) for i in size_part.split(','))
+    else:
+        type_part, size_part = type_description, None
+    dtype = np.dtype(type_part).type
+    return dtype, size_part
+def _parse_field_description(description):
+    if '(' not in description:
+        return description, ()
+    assert description[-1] == ')'
+    name, index_shape = description[:-1].split('(')
+    index_shape = tuple(int(i) for i in index_shape.split(','))
+    return name, index_shape
+def _parse_description(description):
+    description = description.replace(' ', '')
+    if ':' in description:
+        name_descr, type_descr = description.split(':')
+    else:
+        name_descr, type_descr = description, ''
+    # correct ',' splits inside brackets
+    field_names = name_descr.split(',')
+    cleaned_field_names = []
+    prefix = ''
+    for field_name in field_names:
+        full_field_name = prefix + field_name
+        if '(' in full_field_name and ')' not in full_field_name:
+            prefix += field_name + ','
+        else:
+            prefix = ''
+            cleaned_field_names.append(full_field_name)
+    dtype, size = _parse_type_description(type_descr)
+    fields_info = tuple(_parse_field_description(fd) for fd in cleaned_field_names)
+    return fields_info, dtype, size