From adf98ef6833d23251ade77a2f6ba691ebb0a6fd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Bauer <>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 12:24:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] equation collection into pystencils

 equationcollection/           |   1 +
 equationcollection/ | 206 +++++++++++++++
 equationcollection/    |  62 +++++                       | 319 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 588 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 equationcollection/
 create mode 100644 equationcollection/
 create mode 100644 equationcollection/
 create mode 100644

diff --git a/equationcollection/ b/equationcollection/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..295aa35bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/equationcollection/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from pystencils.equationcollection.equationcollection import EquationCollection
diff --git a/equationcollection/ b/equationcollection/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc29cbf98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/equationcollection/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+import sympy as sp
+from pystencils.transformations import fastSubs
+class EquationCollection:
+    """
+    A collection of equations with subexpression definitions, also represented as equations,
+    that are used in the main equations. EquationCollections can be passed to simplification methods.
+    These simplification methods can change the subexpressions, but the number and
+    left hand side of the main equations themselves is not altered.
+    Additionally a dictionary of simplification hints is stored, which are set by the functions that create
+    equation collections to transport information to the simplification system.
+    :ivar mainEquations: list of sympy equations
+    :ivar subexpressions: list of sympy equations defining subexpressions used in main equations
+    :ivar simplificationHints: dictionary that is used to annotate the equation collection with hints that are
+                               used by the simplification system. See documentation of the simplification rules for
+                               potentially required hints and their meaning.
+    """
+    # ----------------------------------------- Creation ---------------------------------------------------------------
+    def __init__(self, equations, subExpressions, simplificationHints={}):
+        self.mainEquations = equations
+        self.subexpressions = subExpressions
+        self.simplificationHints = simplificationHints
+        def symbolGen():
+            """Use this generator to create new unused symbols for subexpressions"""
+            counter = 0
+            while True:
+                counter += 1
+                newSymbol = sp.Symbol("xi_" + str(counter))
+                if newSymbol in self.boundSymbols:
+                    continue
+                yield newSymbol
+        self.subexpressionSymbolNameGenerator = symbolGen()
+    def createNewWithAdditionalSubexpressions(self, newEquations, additionalSubExpressions):
+        assert len(self.mainEquations) == len(newEquations), "Number of update equations cannot be changed"
+        return EquationCollection(newEquations,
+                                  self.subexpressions + additionalSubExpressions,
+                                  self.simplificationHints)
+    def createNewWithSubstitutionsApplied(self, substitutionDict):
+        newSubexpressions = [fastSubs(eq, substitutionDict) for eq in self.subexpressions]
+        newEquations = [fastSubs(eq, substitutionDict) for eq in self.mainEquations]
+        return EquationCollection(newEquations, newSubexpressions, self.simplificationHints)
+    def addSimplificationHint(self, key, value):
+        assert key not in self.simplificationHints, "This hint already exists"
+        self.simplificationHints[key] = value
+    # ---------------------------------------------- Properties  -------------------------------------------------------
+    @property
+    def allEquations(self):
+        return self.subexpressions + self.mainEquations
+    @property
+    def freeSymbols(self):
+        """All symbols used in the equation collection, which have not been defined inside the equation system"""
+        freeSymbols = set()
+        for eq in self.allEquations:
+            freeSymbols.update(eq.rhs.atoms(sp.Symbol))
+        return freeSymbols - self.boundSymbols
+    @property
+    def boundSymbols(self):
+        """Set of all symbols which occur on left-hand-sides i.e. all symbols which are defined."""
+        boundSymbolsSet = set([eq.lhs for eq in self.allEquations])
+        assert len(boundSymbolsSet) == len(self.subexpressions) + len(self.mainEquations), \
+            "Not in SSA form - same symbol assigned multiple times"
+        return boundSymbolsSet
+    @property
+    def definedSymbols(self):
+        """All symbols that occur as left-hand-sides of the main equations"""
+        return set([eq.lhs for eq in self.mainEquations])
+    # ----------------------------------------- Display and Printing   -------------------------------------------------
+    def _repr_html_(self):
+        def makeHtmlEquationTable(equations):
+            noBorder = 'style="border:none"'
+            htmlTable = '<table style="border:none; width: 100%; ">'
+            line = '<tr {nb}> <td {nb}>${lhs}$</td> <td {nb}>$=$</td> ' \
+                   '<td style="border:none; width: 100%;">${rhs}$</td> </tr>'
+            for eq in equations:
+                formatDict = {'lhs': sp.latex(eq.lhs),
+                              'rhs': sp.latex(eq.rhs),
+                              'nb': noBorder, }
+                htmlTable += line.format(**formatDict)
+            htmlTable += "</table>"
+            return htmlTable
+        result = ""
+        if len(self.subexpressions) > 0:
+            result += "<div>Subexpressions:<div>"
+            result += makeHtmlEquationTable(self.subexpressions)
+        result += "<div>Main Equations:<div>"
+        result += makeHtmlEquationTable(self.mainEquations)
+        return result
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "Equation Collection for " + ",".join([str(eq.lhs) for eq in self.mainEquations])
+    # -------------------------------------   Manipulation  ------------------------------------------------------------
+    def merge(self, other):
+        """Returns a new collection which contains self and other. Subexpressions are renamed if they clash."""
+        ownDefs = set([e.lhs for e in self.mainEquations])
+        otherDefs = set([e.lhs for e in other.mainEquations])
+        assert len(ownDefs.intersection(otherDefs)) == 0, "Cannot merge, since both collection define the same symbols"
+        ownSubexpressionSymbols = {e.lhs: e.rhs for e in self.subexpressions}
+        substitutionDict = {}
+        processedOtherSubexpressionEquations = []
+        for otherSubexpressionEq in other.subexpressions:
+            if otherSubexpressionEq.lhs in ownSubexpressionSymbols:
+                if otherSubexpressionEq.rhs == ownSubexpressionSymbols[otherSubexpressionEq.lhs]:
+                    continue  # exact the same subexpression equation exists already
+                else:
+                    # different definition - a new name has to be introduced
+                    newLhs = self.subexpressionSymbolNameGenerator()
+                    newEq = sp.Eq(newLhs, fastSubs(otherSubexpressionEq.rhs, substitutionDict))
+                    processedOtherSubexpressionEquations.append(newEq)
+                    substitutionDict[otherSubexpressionEq.lhs] = newLhs
+            else:
+                processedOtherSubexpressionEquations.append(fastSubs(otherSubexpressionEq, substitutionDict))
+        return EquationCollection(self.mainEquations + other.mainEquations,
+                                  self.subexpressions + processedOtherSubexpressionEquations)
+    def extract(self, symbolsToExtract):
+        """
+        Creates a new equation collection with equations that have symbolsToExtract as left-hand-sides and
+        only the necessary subexpressions that are used in these equations
+        """
+        symbolsToExtract = set(symbolsToExtract)
+        newEquations = []
+        subexprMap = {e.lhs: e.rhs for e in self.subexpressions}
+        handledSymbols = set()
+        queue = []
+        def addSymbolsFromExpr(expr):
+            dependentSymbols = expr.atoms(sp.Symbol)
+            for ds in dependentSymbols:
+                if ds not in handledSymbols:
+                    queue.append(ds)
+                    handledSymbols.add(ds)
+        for eq in self.mainEquations:
+            if eq.lhs in symbolsToExtract:
+                newEquations.append(eq)
+                addSymbolsFromExpr(eq.rhs)
+        while len(queue) > 0:
+            e = queue.pop(0)
+            if e not in subexprMap:
+                continue
+            else:
+                addSymbolsFromExpr(subexprMap[e])
+        newSubExpr = [eq for eq in self.subexpressions if eq.lhs in handledSymbols]
+        return EquationCollection(newEquations, newSubExpr)
+    def newWithoutUnusedSubexpressions(self):
+        """Returns a new equation collection containing only the subexpressions that
+        are used/referenced in the equations"""
+        allLhs = [eq.lhs for eq in self.mainEquations]
+        return self.extract(allLhs)
+    def insertSubexpressions(self):
+        """Returns a new equation collection by inserting all subexpressions into the main equations"""
+        if len(self.subexpressions) == 0:
+            return EquationCollection(self.mainEquations, self.subexpressions, self.simplificationHints)
+        subsDict = {self.subexpressions[0].lhs: self.subexpressions[0].rhs}
+        subExpr = [e for e in self.subexpressions]
+        for i in range(1, len(subExpr)):
+            subExpr[i] = fastSubs(subExpr[i], subsDict)
+            subsDict[subExpr[i].lhs] = subExpr[i].rhs
+        newEq = [fastSubs(eq, subsDict) for eq in self.mainEquations]
+        return EquationCollection(newEq, [], self.simplificationHints)
+    def lambdify(self, symbols, module=None, fixedSymbols={}):
+        """
+        Returns a function to evaluate this equation collection
+        :param symbols: symbol(s) which are the parameter for the created function
+        :param module: same as sympy.lambdify paramter of same same, i.e. which module to use e.g. 'numpy'
+        :param fixedSymbols: dictionary with substitutions, that are applied before lambdification
+        """
+        eqs = self.createNewWithSubstitutionsApplied(fixedSymbols).insertSubexpressions().mainEquations
+        print('abc')
+        for eq in eqs:
+            print(eq)
+            sp.lambdify(eq.rhs, symbols, module)
+        lambdas = {eq.lhs: sp.lambdify(eq.rhs, symbols, module) for eq in eqs}
+        def f(*args, **kwargs):
+            return {s: f(*args, **kwargs) for s, f in lambdas.items()}
+        return f
diff --git a/equationcollection/ b/equationcollection/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd5912994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/equationcollection/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import sympy as sp
+from pystencils.equationcollection import EquationCollection
+from pystencils.sympyextensions import replaceAdditive
+def sympyCSE(equationCollection):
+    """
+    Searches for common subexpressions inside the equation collection, in both the existing subexpressions as well
+    as the equations themselves. It uses the sympy subexpression detection to do this. Return a new equation collection
+    with the additional subexpressions found
+    """
+    symbolGen = equationCollection.subexpressionSymbolNameGenerator
+    replacements, newEq = sp.cse(equationCollection.subexpressions + equationCollection.mainEquations, symbols=symbolGen)
+    replacementEqs = [sp.Eq(*r) for r in replacements]
+    modifiedSubexpressions = newEq[:len(equationCollection.subexpressions)]
+    modifiedUpdateEquations = newEq[len(equationCollection.subexpressions):]
+    newSubexpressions = replacementEqs + modifiedSubexpressions
+    topologicallySortedPairs = sp.cse_main.reps_toposort([[e.lhs, e.rhs] for e in newSubexpressions])
+    newSubexpressions = [sp.Eq(a[0], a[1]) for a in topologicallySortedPairs]
+    return EquationCollection(modifiedUpdateEquations, newSubexpressions, equationCollection.simplificationHints)
+def applyOnAllEquations(equationCollection, operation):
+    """Applies sympy expand operation to all equations in collection"""
+    result = [operation(s) for s in equationCollection.mainEquations]
+    return equationCollection.createNewWithAdditionalSubexpressions(result, [])
+def applyOnAllSubexpressions(equationCollection, operation):
+    return EquationCollection(equationCollection.mainEquations,
+                              [operation(s) for s in equationCollection.subexpressions],
+                              equationCollection.simplificationHints)
+def subexpressionSubstitutionInExistingSubexpressions(equationCollection):
+    """Goes through the subexpressions list and replaces the term in the following subexpressions"""
+    result = []
+    for outerCtr, s in enumerate(equationCollection.subexpressions):
+        newRhs = s.rhs
+        for innerCtr in range(outerCtr):
+            subExpr = equationCollection.subexpressions[innerCtr]
+            newRhs = replaceAdditive(newRhs, subExpr.lhs, subExpr.rhs, requiredMatchReplacement=1.0)
+            newRhs = newRhs.subs(subExpr.rhs, subExpr.lhs)
+        result.append(sp.Eq(s.lhs, newRhs))
+    return EquationCollection(equationCollection.mainEquations, result, equationCollection.simplificationHints)
+def subexpressionSubstitutionInUpdateEquations(equationCollection):
+    """Replaces already existing subexpressions in the equations of the equationCollection"""
+    result = []
+    for s in equationCollection.mainEquations:
+        newRhs = s.rhs
+        for subExpr in equationCollection.subexpressions:
+            newRhs = replaceAdditive(newRhs, subExpr.lhs, subExpr.rhs, requiredMatchReplacement=1.0)
+        result.append(sp.Eq(s.lhs, newRhs))
+    return equationCollection.createNewWithAdditionalSubexpressions(result, [])
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e89cf1374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+import sympy as sp
+import operator
+from collections import defaultdict, Sequence
+import warnings
+def fastSubs(term, subsDict):
+    """Similar to sympy subs function.
+    This version is much faster for big substitution dictionaries than sympy version"""
+    def visit(expr):
+        if expr in subsDict:
+            return subsDict[expr]
+        if not hasattr(expr, 'args'):
+            return expr
+        paramList = [visit(a) for a in expr.args]
+        return expr if not paramList else expr.func(*paramList)
+    return visit(term)
+def replaceAdditive(expr, replacement, subExpression, requiredMatchReplacement=0.5, requiredMatchOriginal=None):
+    """
+    Transformation for replacing a given subexpression inside a sum
+    Example 1:
+        expr = 3*x + 3 * y
+        replacement = k
+        subExpression = x+y
+        return = 3*k
+    Example 2:
+        expr = 3*x + 3 * y + z
+        replacement = k
+        subExpression = x+y+z
+        return:
+            if minimalMatchingTerms >=3 the expression would not be altered
+            if smaller than 3 the result is 3*k - 2*z
+    :param expr: input expression
+    :param replacement: expression that is inserted for subExpression (if found)
+    :param subExpression: expression to replace
+    :param requiredMatchReplacement:
+        - if float: the percentage of terms of the subExpression that has to be matched in order to replace
+        - if integer: the total number of terms that has to be matched in order to replace
+        - None: is equal to integer 1
+        - if both match parameters are given, both restrictions have to be fulfilled (i.e. logical AND)
+    :param requiredMatchOriginal:
+        - if float: the percentage of terms of the original addition expression that has to be matched
+        - if integer: the total number of terms that has to be matched in order to replace
+        - None: is equal to integer 1
+    :return: new expression with replacement
+    """
+    def normalizeMatchParameter(matchParameter, expressingLength):
+        if matchParameter is None:
+            return 1
+        elif isinstance(matchParameter, float):
+            assert 0 <= matchParameter <= 1
+            res = int(matchParameter * expressingLength)
+            return max(res, 1)
+        elif isinstance(matchParameter, int):
+            assert matchParameter > 0
+            return matchParameter
+        raise ValueError("Invalid parameter")
+    normalizedReplacementMatch = normalizeMatchParameter(requiredMatchReplacement, len(subExpression.args))
+    def visit(currentExpr):
+        if currentExpr.is_Add:
+            exprMaxLength = max(len(currentExpr.args), len(subExpression.args))
+            normalizedCurrentExprMatch = normalizeMatchParameter(requiredMatchOriginal, exprMaxLength)
+            exprCoeffs = currentExpr.as_coefficients_dict()
+            subexprCoeffDict = subExpression.as_coefficients_dict()
+            intersection = set(subexprCoeffDict.keys()).intersection(set(exprCoeffs))
+            if len(intersection) >= max(normalizedReplacementMatch, normalizedCurrentExprMatch):
+                # find common factor
+                factors = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+                skips = 0
+                for commonSymbol in subexprCoeffDict.keys():
+                    if commonSymbol not in exprCoeffs:
+                        skips += 1
+                        continue
+                    factor = exprCoeffs[commonSymbol] / subexprCoeffDict[commonSymbol]
+                    factors[sp.simplify(factor)] += 1
+                commonFactor = max(factors.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
+                if factors[commonFactor] >= max(normalizedCurrentExprMatch, normalizedReplacementMatch):
+                    return currentExpr - commonFactor * subExpression + commonFactor * replacement
+        # if no subexpression was found
+        paramList = [visit(a) for a in currentExpr.args]
+        if not paramList:
+            return currentExpr
+        else:
+            return currentExpr.func(*paramList, evaluate=False)
+    return visit(expr)
+def replaceSecondOrderProducts(expr, searchSymbols, positive=None, replaceMixed=None):
+    """
+    Replaces second order mixed terms like x*y by 2* ( (x+y)**2 - x**2 - y**2 )
+    This makes the term longer - simplify usually is undoing these - however this
+    transformation can be done to find more common sub-expressions
+    :param expr: input expression
+    :param searchSymbols: list of symbols that are searched for
+                            Example: given [ x,y,z] terms like x*y, x*z, z*y are replaced
+    :param positive: there are two ways to do this substitution, either with term
+                    (x+y)**2 or (x-y)**2 . if positive=True the first version is done,
+                    if positive=False the second version is done, if positive=None the
+                    sign is determined by the sign of the mixed term that is replaced
+    :param replaceMixed: if a list is passed here the expr x+y or x-y is replaced by a special new symbol
+                         the replacement equation is added to the list
+    :return:
+    """
+    if replaceMixed is not None:
+        mixedSymbolsReplaced = set([e.lhs for e in replaceMixed])
+    if expr.is_Mul:
+        distinctVelTerms = set()
+        nrOfVelTerms = 0
+        otherFactors = 1
+        for t in expr.args:
+            if t in searchSymbols:
+                nrOfVelTerms += 1
+                distinctVelTerms.add(t)
+            else:
+                otherFactors *= t
+        if len(distinctVelTerms) == 2 and nrOfVelTerms == 2:
+            u, v = list(distinctVelTerms)
+            if positive is None:
+                otherFactorsWithoutSymbols = otherFactors
+                for s in otherFactors.atoms(sp.Symbol):
+                    otherFactorsWithoutSymbols = otherFactorsWithoutSymbols.subs(s, 1)
+                positive = otherFactorsWithoutSymbols.is_positive
+                assert positive is not None
+            sign = 1 if positive else -1
+            if replaceMixed is not None:
+                newSymbolStr = 'P' if positive else 'M'
+                mixedSymbolName = + newSymbolStr +
+                mixedSymbol = sp.Symbol(mixedSymbolName.replace("_", ""))
+                if mixedSymbol not in mixedSymbolsReplaced:
+                    mixedSymbolsReplaced.add(mixedSymbol)
+                    replaceMixed.append(sp.Eq(mixedSymbol, u + sign * v))
+            else:
+                mixedSymbol = u + sign * v
+            return sp.Rational(1, 2) * sign * otherFactors * (mixedSymbol ** 2 - u ** 2 - v ** 2)
+    paramList = [replaceSecondOrderProducts(a, searchSymbols, positive, replaceMixed) for a in expr.args]
+    result = expr.func(*paramList, evaluate=False) if paramList else expr
+    return result
+def removeHigherOrderTerms(term, order=3, symbols=None):
+    """
+    Remove all terms from a sum that contain 'order' or more factors of given 'symbols'
+    Example: symbols = ['u_x', 'u_y'] and order =2
+             removes terms u_x**2, u_x*u_y, u_y**2, u_x**3, ....
+    """
+    from sympy.core.power import Pow
+    from sympy.core.add import Add, Mul
+    result = 0
+    term = term.expand()
+    if not symbols:
+        symbols = sp.symbols(" ".join(["u_%d" % (i,) for i in range(3)]))
+        symbols += sp.symbols(" ".join(["u_%d" % (i,) for i in range(3)]), real=True)
+    def velocityFactorsInProduct(product):
+        uFactorCount = 0
+        for factor in product.args:
+            if type(factor) == Pow:
+                if factor.args[0] in symbols:
+                    uFactorCount += factor.args[1]
+            if factor in symbols:
+                uFactorCount += 1
+        return uFactorCount
+    if type(term) == Mul:
+        if velocityFactorsInProduct(term) <= order:
+            return term
+        else:
+            return sp.Rational(0, 1)
+    if type(term) != Add:
+        return term
+    for sumTerm in term.args:
+        if velocityFactorsInProduct(sumTerm) <= order:
+            result += sumTerm
+    return result
+def completeTheSquare(expr, symbolToComplete, newVariable):
+    """
+    Transforms second order polynomial into only squared part i.e.
+        a*symbolToComplete**2 + b*symbolToComplete + c
+          is transformed into
+        newVariable**2 + d
+    returns replacedExpr, "a tuple to to replace newVariable such that old expr comes out again"
+    if given expr is not a second order polynomial:
+        return expr, None
+    """
+    p = sp.Poly(expr, symbolToComplete)
+    coeffs = p.all_coeffs()
+    if len(coeffs) != 3:
+        return expr, None
+    a, b, _ = coeffs
+    expr = expr.subs(symbolToComplete, newVariable - b / (2 * a))
+    return sp.simplify(expr), (newVariable, symbolToComplete + b / (2 * a))
+def makeExponentialFuncArgumentSquares(expr, variablesToCompleteSquares):
+    """Completes squares in arguments of exponential which makes them simpler to integrate
+    Very useful for integrating Maxwell-Boltzmann and its moment generating function"""
+    expr = sp.simplify(expr)
+    dim = len(variablesToCompleteSquares)
+    dummies = [sp.Dummy() for i in range(dim)]
+    def visit(term):
+        if term.func == sp.exp:
+            expArg = term.args[0]
+            for i in range(dim):
+                expArg, substitution = completeTheSquare(expArg, variablesToCompleteSquares[i], dummies[i])
+            return sp.exp(sp.simplify(expArg))
+        else:
+            paramList = [visit(a) for a in term.args]
+            if not paramList:
+                return term
+            else:
+                return term.func(*paramList)
+    result = visit(expr)
+    for i in range(dim):
+        result = result.subs(dummies[i], variablesToCompleteSquares[i])
+    return result
+def pow2mul(expr):
+    """
+    Convert integer powers in an expression to Muls, like a**2 => a*a.
+    """
+    pows = list(expr.atoms(sp.Pow))
+    if any(not e.is_Integer for b, e in (i.as_base_exp() for i in pows)):
+        raise ValueError("A power contains a non-integer exponent")
+    repl = zip(pows, (sp.Mul(*[b]*e, evaluate=False) for b, e in (i.as_base_exp() for i in pows)))
+    return expr.subs(repl)
+def extractMostCommonFactor(term):
+    """Processes a sum of fractions: determines the most common factor and splits term in common factor and rest"""
+    import operator
+    from collections import Counter
+    from sympy.functions import Abs
+    coeffDict = term.as_coefficients_dict()
+    counter = Counter([Abs(v) for v in coeffDict.values()])
+    commonFactor, occurances = max(counter.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+    if occurances == 1 and (1 in counter):
+        commonFactor = 1
+    return commonFactor, term / commonFactor
+def countNumberOfOperations(term):
+    """
+    Counts the number of additions, multiplications and division
+    :param term: a sympy term, equation or sequence of terms/equations
+    :return: a dictionary with 'adds', 'muls' and 'divs' keys
+    """
+    result = {'adds': 0, 'muls': 0, 'divs': 0}
+    if isinstance(term, Sequence):
+        for element in term:
+            r = countNumberOfOperations(element)
+            for operationName in result.keys():
+                result[operationName] += r[operationName]
+        return result
+    elif isinstance(term, sp.Eq):
+        term = term.rhs
+    term = term.evalf()
+    def visit(t):
+        visitChildren = True
+        if t.func is sp.Add:
+            result['adds'] += len(t.args) - 1
+        elif t.func is sp.Mul:
+            result['muls'] += len(t.args) - 1
+            for a in t.args:
+                if a == 1 or a == -1:
+                    result['muls'] -= 1
+        elif t.func is sp.Float:
+            pass
+        elif isinstance(t, sp.Symbol):
+            pass
+        elif t.is_integer:
+            pass
+        elif t.func is sp.Pow:
+            visitChildren = False
+            if t.exp.is_integer and t.exp.is_number:
+                if t.exp >= 0:
+                    result['muls'] += int(t.exp) - 1
+                else:
+                    result['muls'] -= 1
+                    result['divs'] += 1
+                    result['muls'] += (-int(t.exp)) - 1
+            else:
+                warnings.warn("Counting operations: only integer exponents are supported in Pow, "
+                              "counting will be inaccurate")
+        else:
+            warnings.warn("Unknown sympy node of type " + str(t.func) + " counting will be inaccurate")
+        if visitChildren:
+            for a in t.args:
+                visit(a)
+    visit(term)
+    return result