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# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
def get_vector_instruction_set(data_type='double', instruction_set='avx'):
comparisons = {
'==': '_CMP_EQ_UQ',
'!=': '_CMP_NEQ_UQ',
'>=': '_CMP_GE_OQ',
'<=': '_CMP_LE_OQ',
'<': '_CMP_NGE_UQ',
'>': '_CMP_NLE_UQ',
base_names = {
'+': 'add[0, 1]',
'-': 'sub[0, 1]',
'*': 'mul[0, 1]',
'/': 'div[0, 1]',
'&': 'and[0, 1]',
'|': 'or[0, 1]',
'blendv': 'blendv[0, 1, 2]',
'sqrt': 'sqrt[0]',
'makeVec': 'set[]',
'makeZero': 'setzero[]',
'loadU': 'loadu[0]',
'loadA': 'load[0]',
'storeU': 'storeu[0,1]',
'storeA': 'store[0,1]',
'stream': 'stream[0,1]',
for comparison_op, constant in comparisons.items():
base_names[comparison_op] = 'cmp[0, 1, %s]' % (constant,)
headers = {
'avx512': ['<immintrin.h>'],
'avx': ['<immintrin.h>'],
'sse': ['<immintrin.h>', '<xmmintrin.h>', '<emmintrin.h>', '<pmmintrin.h>',
'<tmmintrin.h>', '<smmintrin.h>', '<nmmintrin.h>']
suffix = {
'double': 'pd',
'float': 'ps',
prefix = {
'sse': '_mm',
'avx': '_mm256',
'avx512': '_mm512',
width = {
("double", "sse"): 2,
("float", "sse"): 4,
("double", "avx"): 4,
("float", "avx"): 8,
("double", "avx512"): 8,
("float", "avx512"): 16,
result = {
'width': width[(data_type, instruction_set)],
pre = prefix[instruction_set]
suf = suffix[data_type]
for intrinsic_id, function_shortcut in base_names.items():
function_shortcut = function_shortcut.strip()
name = function_shortcut[:function_shortcut.index('[')]
if intrinsic_id == 'makeVec':
arg_string = "({})".format(",".join(["{0}"] * result['width']))
args = function_shortcut[function_shortcut.index('[') + 1: -1]
arg_string = "("
for arg in args.split(","):
arg = arg.strip()
if not arg:
if arg in ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'):
arg_string += "{" + arg + "},"
arg_string += arg + ","
arg_string = arg_string[:-1] + ")"
mask_suffix = '_mask' if instruction_set == 'avx512' and intrinsic_id in comparisons.keys() else ''
result[intrinsic_id] = pre + "_" + name + "_" + suf + mask_suffix + arg_string
result['dataTypePrefix'] = {
'double': "_" + pre + 'd',
'float': "_" + pre,
result['rsqrt'] = None
bit_width = result['width'] * (64 if data_type == 'double' else 32)
result['double'] = "__m%dd" % (bit_width,)
result['float'] = "__m%d" % (bit_width,)
result['int'] = "__m%di" % (bit_width,)
result['bool'] = "__m%dd" % (bit_width,)
result['headers'] = headers[instruction_set]
if instruction_set == 'avx512':
size = 8 if data_type == 'double' else 16
result['&'] = '_kand_mask%d({0}, {1})' % (size,)
result['|'] = '_kor_mask%d({0}, {1})' % (size,)
result['blendv'] = '%s_mask_blend_%s({2}, {0}, {1})' % (pre, suf)
result['rsqrt'] = "_mm512_rsqrt14_%s({0})" % (suf,)
result['bool'] = "__mmask%d" % (size,)
if instruction_set == 'avx' and data_type == 'float':
result['rsqrt'] = "_mm256_rsqrt_ps({0})"
return result
def get_supported_instruction_sets():
"""List of supported instruction sets on current hardware, or None if query failed."""
from cpuinfo import get_cpu_info
except ImportError:
return None
result = []
required_sse_flags = {'sse', 'sse2', 'ssse3', 'sse4_1', 'sse4_2'}
required_avx_flags = {'avx'}
required_avx512_flags = {'avx512f'}
flags = set(get_cpu_info()['flags'])
if flags.issuperset(required_sse_flags):
if flags.issuperset(required_avx_flags):
if flags.issuperset(required_avx512_flags):
return result
import os
from functools import lru_cache as memorycache
except ImportError:
from backports.functools_lru_cache import lru_cache as memorycache
from joblib import Memory
from appdirs import user_cache_dir
if 'PYSTENCILS_CACHE_DIR' in os.environ:
cache_dir = os.environ['PYSTENCILS_CACHE_DIR']
cache_dir = user_cache_dir('pystencils')
disk_cache = Memory(cachedir=cache_dir, verbose=False).cache
disk_cache_no_fallback = disk_cache
except ImportError:
# fallback to in-memory caching if joblib is not available
disk_cache = memorycache(maxsize=64)
def disk_cache_no_fallback(o):
return o
# Disable memory cache:
# disk_cache = lambda o: o
# disk_cache_no_fallback = lambda o: o
This diff is collapsed.
import abc
from typing import Tuple # noqa
import sympy as sp
from pystencils.astnodes import Conditional, Block
from pystencils.integer_functions import div_ceil
from pystencils.slicing import normalize_slice
from pystencils.data_types import TypedSymbol, create_type
from functools import partial
BLOCK_IDX = [TypedSymbol("blockIdx." + coord, create_type("int")) for coord in ('x', 'y', 'z')]
THREAD_IDX = [TypedSymbol("threadIdx." + coord, create_type("int")) for coord in ('x', 'y', 'z')]
BLOCK_DIM = [TypedSymbol("blockDim." + coord, create_type("int")) for coord in ('x', 'y', 'z')]
GRID_DIM = [TypedSymbol("gridDim." + coord, create_type("int")) for coord in ('x', 'y', 'z')]
class AbstractIndexing(abc.ABC):
Abstract base class for all Indexing classes. An Indexing class defines how a multidimensional
field is mapped to CUDA's block and grid system. It calculates indices based on CUDA's thread and block indices
and computes the number of blocks and threads a kernel is started with. The Indexing class is created with
a pystencils field, a slice to iterate over, and further optional parameters that must have default values.
def coordinates(self):
"""Returns a sequence of coordinate expressions for (x,y,z) depending on symbolic CUDA block and thread indices.
These symbolic indices can be obtained with the method `index_variables` """
def index_variables(self):
"""Sympy symbols for CUDA's block and thread indices, and block and grid dimensions. """
def call_parameters(self, arr_shape):
"""Determine grid and block size for kernel call.
arr_shape: the numeric (not symbolic) shape of the array
dict with keys 'blocks' and 'threads' with tuple values for number of (x,y,z) threads and blocks
the kernel should be started with
def guard(self, kernel_content, arr_shape):
"""In some indexing schemes not all threads of a block execute the kernel content.
This function can return a Conditional ast node, defining this execution guard.
kernel_content: the actual kernel contents which can e.g. be put into the Conditional node as true block
arr_shape: the numeric or symbolic shape of the field
ast node, which is put inside the kernel function
# -------------------------------------------- Implementations ---------------------------------------------------------
class BlockIndexing(AbstractIndexing):
"""Generic indexing scheme that maps sub-blocks of an array to CUDA blocks.
field: pystencils field (common to all Indexing classes)
iteration_slice: slice that defines rectangular subarea which is iterated over
permute_block_size_dependent_on_layout: if True the block_size is permuted such that the fastest coordinate
gets the largest amount of threads
compile_time_block_size: compile in concrete block size, otherwise the cuda variable 'blockDim' is used
def __init__(self, field, iteration_slice=None,
block_size=(16, 16, 1), permute_block_size_dependent_on_layout=True, compile_time_block_size=False):
if field.spatial_dimensions > 3:
raise NotImplementedError("This indexing scheme supports at most 3 spatial dimensions")
if permute_block_size_dependent_on_layout:
block_size = self.permute_block_size_according_to_layout(block_size, field.layout)
block_size = self.limit_block_size_to_device_maximum(block_size)
self._block_size = block_size
self._iterationSlice = normalize_slice(iteration_slice, field.spatial_shape)
self._dim = field.spatial_dimensions
self._symbolic_shape = [e if isinstance(e, sp.Basic) else None for e in field.spatial_shape]
self._compile_time_block_size = compile_time_block_size
def coordinates(self):
offsets = _get_start_from_slice(self._iterationSlice)
block_size = self._block_size if self._compile_time_block_size else BLOCK_DIM
coordinates = [block_index * bs + thread_idx + off
for block_index, bs, thread_idx, off in zip(BLOCK_IDX, block_size, THREAD_IDX, offsets)]
return coordinates[:self._dim]
def call_parameters(self, arr_shape):
substitution_dict = {sym: value for sym, value in zip(self._symbolic_shape, arr_shape) if sym is not None}
widths = [end - start for start, end in zip(_get_start_from_slice(self._iterationSlice),
_get_end_from_slice(self._iterationSlice, arr_shape))]
widths = sp.Matrix(widths).subs(substitution_dict)
extend_bs = (1,) * (3 - len(self._block_size))
block_size = self._block_size + extend_bs
if not self._compile_time_block_size:
block_size = tuple(sp.Min(bs, shape) for bs, shape in zip(block_size, widths)) + extend_bs
grid = tuple(div_ceil(length, block_size)
for length, block_size in zip(widths, block_size))
extend_gr = (1,) * (3 - len(grid))
return {'block': block_size,
'grid': grid + extend_gr}
def guard(self, kernel_content, arr_shape):
arr_shape = arr_shape[:self._dim]
conditions = [c < end
for c, end in zip(self.coordinates, _get_end_from_slice(self._iterationSlice, arr_shape))]
condition = conditions[0]
for c in conditions[1:]:
condition = sp.And(condition, c)
return Block([Conditional(condition, kernel_content)])
def limit_block_size_to_device_maximum(block_size):
"""Changes block size according to match device limits.
* if the total amount of threads is too big for the current device, the biggest coordinate is divided by 2.
* next, if one component is still too big, the component which is too big is divided by 2 and the smallest
component is multiplied by 2, such that the total amount of threads stays the same
the altered block_size
# Get device limits
import pycuda.driver as cuda
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import pycuda.autoinit # NOQA
da = cuda.device_attribute
device = cuda.Context.get_device()
block_size = list(block_size)
max_threads = device.get_attribute(da.MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK)
max_block_size = [device.get_attribute(a)
def prod(seq):
result = 1
for e in seq:
result *= e
return result
def get_index_of_too_big_element():
for i, bs in enumerate(block_size):
if bs > max_block_size[i]:
return i
return None
def get_index_of_too_small_element():
for i, bs in enumerate(block_size):
if bs // 2 <= max_block_size[i]:
return i
return None
# Reduce the total number of threads if necessary
while prod(block_size) > max_threads:
item_to_reduce = block_size.index(max(block_size))
for j, block_size_entry in enumerate(block_size):
if block_size_entry > max_block_size[j]:
item_to_reduce = j
block_size[item_to_reduce] //= 2
# Cap individual elements
too_big_element_index = get_index_of_too_big_element()
while too_big_element_index is not None:
too_small_element_index = get_index_of_too_small_element()
block_size[too_small_element_index] *= 2
block_size[too_big_element_index] //= 2
too_big_element_index = get_index_of_too_big_element()
return tuple(block_size)
def limit_block_size_by_register_restriction(block_size, required_registers_per_thread, device=None):
"""Shrinks the block_size if there are too many registers used per multiprocessor.
This is not done automatically, since the required_registers_per_thread are not known before compilation.
They can be obtained by ``func.num_regs`` from a pycuda function.
:returns smaller block_size if too many registers are used.
import pycuda.driver as cuda
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import pycuda.autoinit # NOQA
da = cuda.device_attribute
if device is None:
device = cuda.Context.get_device()
available_registers_per_mp = device.get_attribute(da.MAX_REGISTERS_PER_MULTIPROCESSOR)
block = block_size
while True:
num_threads = 1
for t in block:
num_threads *= t
required_registers_per_mt = num_threads * required_registers_per_thread
if required_registers_per_mt <= available_registers_per_mp:
return block
largest_grid_entry_idx = max(range(len(block)), key=lambda e: block[e])
assert block[largest_grid_entry_idx] >= 2
block[largest_grid_entry_idx] //= 2
def permute_block_size_according_to_layout(block_size, layout):
"""Returns modified block_size such that the fastest coordinate gets the biggest block dimension"""
sorted_block_size = list(sorted(block_size, reverse=True))
while len(sorted_block_size) > len(layout):
sorted_block_size[0] *= sorted_block_size[-1]
sorted_block_size = sorted_block_size[:-1]
result = list(block_size)
for l, bs in zip(reversed(layout), sorted_block_size):
result[l] = bs
return tuple(result[:len(layout)])
class LineIndexing(AbstractIndexing):
Indexing scheme that assigns the innermost 'line' i.e. the elements which are adjacent in memory to a 1D CUDA block.
The fastest coordinate is indexed with thread_idx.x, the remaining coordinates are mapped to block_idx.{x,y,z}
This indexing scheme supports up to 4 spatial dimensions, where the innermost dimensions is not larger than the
maximum amount of threads allowed in a CUDA block (which depends on device).
def __init__(self, field, iteration_slice=None):
available_indices = [THREAD_IDX[0]] + BLOCK_IDX
if field.spatial_dimensions > 4:
raise NotImplementedError("This indexing scheme supports at most 4 spatial dimensions")
coordinates = available_indices[:field.spatial_dimensions]
fastest_coordinate = field.layout[-1]
coordinates[0], coordinates[fastest_coordinate] = coordinates[fastest_coordinate], coordinates[0]
self._coordinates = coordinates
self._iterationSlice = normalize_slice(iteration_slice, field.spatial_shape)
self._symbolicShape = [e if isinstance(e, sp.Basic) else None for e in field.spatial_shape]
def coordinates(self):
return [i + offset for i, offset in zip(self._coordinates, _get_start_from_slice(self._iterationSlice))]
def call_parameters(self, arr_shape):
substitution_dict = {sym: value for sym, value in zip(self._symbolicShape, arr_shape) if sym is not None}
widths = [end - start for start, end in zip(_get_start_from_slice(self._iterationSlice),
_get_end_from_slice(self._iterationSlice, arr_shape))]
widths = sp.Matrix(widths).subs(substitution_dict)
def get_shape_of_cuda_idx(cuda_idx):
if cuda_idx not in self._coordinates:
return 1
idx = self._coordinates.index(cuda_idx)
return widths[idx]
return {'block': tuple([get_shape_of_cuda_idx(idx) for idx in THREAD_IDX]),
'grid': tuple([get_shape_of_cuda_idx(idx) for idx in BLOCK_IDX])}
def guard(self, kernel_content, arr_shape):
return kernel_content
# -------------------------------------- Helper functions --------------------------------------------------------------
def _get_start_from_slice(iteration_slice):
res = []
for slice_component in iteration_slice:
if type(slice_component) is slice:
res.append(slice_component.start if slice_component.start is not None else 0)
assert isinstance(slice_component, int)
return res
def _get_end_from_slice(iteration_slice, arr_shape):
iter_slice = normalize_slice(iteration_slice, arr_shape)
res = []
for slice_component in iter_slice:
if type(slice_component) is slice:
assert isinstance(slice_component, int)
res.append(slice_component + 1)
return res
def indexing_creator_from_params(gpu_indexing, gpu_indexing_params):
if isinstance(gpu_indexing, str):
if gpu_indexing == 'block':
indexing_creator = BlockIndexing
elif gpu_indexing == 'line':
indexing_creator = LineIndexing
raise ValueError("Unknown GPU indexing %s. Valid values are 'block' and 'line'" % (gpu_indexing,))
if gpu_indexing_params:
indexing_creator = partial(indexing_creator, **gpu_indexing_params)
return indexing_creator
return gpu_indexing
#include <cstdint>
#ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
#define QUALIFIERS inline
#define QUALIFIERS static __forceinline__ __device__
#define PHILOX_W32_0 (0x9E3779B9)
#define PHILOX_W32_1 (0xBB67AE85)
#define PHILOX_M4x32_0 (0xD2511F53)
#define PHILOX_M4x32_1 (0xCD9E8D57)
#define TWOPOW53_INV_DOUBLE (1.1102230246251565e-16)
#define TWOPOW32_INV_FLOAT (2.3283064e-10f)
typedef std::uint32_t uint32;
typedef std::uint64_t uint64;
QUALIFIERS uint32 mulhilo32(uint32 a, uint32 b, uint32* hip)
#ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
// host code
uint64 product = ((uint64)a) * ((uint64)b);
*hip = product >> 32;
return (uint32)product;
// device code
*hip = __umulhi(a,b);
return a*b;
QUALIFIERS void _philox4x32round(uint32* ctr, uint32* key)
uint32 hi0;
uint32 hi1;
uint32 lo0 = mulhilo32(PHILOX_M4x32_0, ctr[0], &hi0);
uint32 lo1 = mulhilo32(PHILOX_M4x32_1, ctr[2], &hi1);
ctr[0] = hi1^ctr[1]^key[0];
ctr[1] = lo1;
ctr[2] = hi0^ctr[3]^key[1];
ctr[3] = lo0;
QUALIFIERS void _philox4x32bumpkey(uint32* key)
key[0] += PHILOX_W32_0;
key[1] += PHILOX_W32_1;
QUALIFIERS double _uniform_double_hq(uint32 x, uint32 y)
unsigned long long z = (unsigned long long)x ^
((unsigned long long)y << (53 - 32));
QUALIFIERS void philox_double2(uint32 ctr0, uint32 ctr1, uint32 ctr2, uint32 ctr3,
uint32 key0, uint32 key1, double & rnd1, double & rnd2)
uint32 key[2] = {key0, key1};
uint32 ctr[4] = {ctr0, ctr1, ctr2, ctr3};
_philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 1
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 2
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 3
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 4
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 5
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 6
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 7
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 8
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 9
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 10
rnd1 = _uniform_double_hq(ctr[0], ctr[1]);
rnd2 = _uniform_double_hq(ctr[2], ctr[3]);
QUALIFIERS void philox_float4(uint32 ctr0, uint32 ctr1, uint32 ctr2, uint32 ctr3,
uint32 key0, uint32 key1,
float & rnd1, float & rnd2, float & rnd3, float & rnd4)
uint32 key[2] = {key0, key1};
uint32 ctr[4] = {ctr0, ctr1, ctr2, ctr3};
_philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 1
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 2
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 3
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 4
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 5
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 6
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 7
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 8
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 9
_philox4x32bumpkey(key); _philox4x32round(ctr, key); // 10
rnd1 = ctr[0] * TWOPOW32_INV_FLOAT + (TWOPOW32_INV_FLOAT/2.0f);
rnd2 = ctr[1] * TWOPOW32_INV_FLOAT + (TWOPOW32_INV_FLOAT/2.0f);
rnd3 = ctr[2] * TWOPOW32_INV_FLOAT + (TWOPOW32_INV_FLOAT/2.0f);
rnd4 = ctr[3] * TWOPOW32_INV_FLOAT + (TWOPOW32_INV_FLOAT/2.0f);
\ No newline at end of file
from .kerncraft_interface import PyStencilsKerncraftKernel, KerncraftParameters
__all__ = ['PyStencilsKerncraftKernel', 'KerncraftParameters']
from jinja2 import Template
from pystencils.backends.cbackend import generate_c, get_headers
from pystencils.sympyextensions import prod
from pystencils.data_types import get_base_type
benchmark_template = Template("""
#include "kerncraft.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
{{ includes }}
{%- if likwid %}
#include <likwid.h>
{%- endif %}
#define RESTRICT __restrict__
void dummy(double *);
extern int var_false;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
{%- if likwid %}
{%- endif %}
{%- for field_name, dataType, size in fields %}
// Initialization {{field_name}}
double * {{field_name}} = (double *) aligned_malloc(sizeof({{dataType}}) * {{size}}, 32);
for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < {{size}}; ++i)
{{field_name}}[i] = 0.23;
{%- endfor %}
{%- for constantName, dataType in constants %}
// Constant {{constantName}}
{{dataType}} {{constantName}};
{{constantName}} = 0.23;
dummy(& {{constantName}});
{%- endfor %}
int repeat = atoi(argv[1]);
{%- if likwid %}
{%- endif %}
for (; repeat > 0; --repeat)
// Dummy calls
{%- for field_name, dataType, size in fields %}
if(var_false) dummy({{field_name}});
{%- endfor %}
{%- for constantName, dataType in constants %}
if(var_false) dummy(&{{constantName}});
{%- endfor %}
{%- if likwid %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if likwid %}
{%- endif %}
def generate_benchmark(ast, likwid=False):
accessed_fields = { f for f in ast.fields_accessed}
constants = []
fields = []
call_parameters = []
for p in ast.get_parameters():
if not p.is_field_parameter:
constants.append((, str(p.symbol.dtype)))
assert p.is_field_pointer, "Benchmark implemented only for kernels with fixed loop size"
field = accessed_fields[p.field_name]
dtype = str(get_base_type(p.symbol.dtype))
fields.append((p.field_name, dtype, prod(field.shape)))
header_list = get_headers(ast)
includes = "\n".join(["#include %s" % (include_file,) for include_file in header_list])
args = {
'likwid': likwid,
'kernel_code': generate_c(ast, dialect='c'),
'kernelName': ast.function_name,
'fields': fields,
'constants': constants,
'call_argument_list': ",".join(call_parameters),
'includes': includes,
return benchmark_template.render(**args)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
from .kernelcreation import create_kernel
from .llvmjit import make_python_function
__all__ = ['create_kernel', 'make_python_function']
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.