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import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
except ImportError:
gpuarray = None
import numpy as np
import pystencils
class PyCudaArrayHandler:
def __init__(self):
import pycuda.autoinit # NOQA
def zeros(self, shape, dtype=np.float64, order='C'):
cpu_array = np.zeros(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, order=order)
return self.to_gpu(cpu_array)
def ones(self, shape, dtype=np.float64, order='C'):
cpu_array = np.ones(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, order=order)
return self.to_gpu(cpu_array)
def empty(self, shape, dtype=np.float64, layout=None):
if layout:
cpu_array = pystencils.field.create_numpy_array_with_layout(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, layout=layout)
return self.to_gpu(cpu_array)
return gpuarray.empty(shape, dtype)
def to_gpu(array):
return gpuarray.to_gpu(array)
def upload(array, numpy_array):
def download(array, numpy_array):
def randn(self, shape, dtype=np.float64):
cpu_array = np.random.randn(*shape).astype(dtype)
return self.to_gpu(cpu_array)
from_numpy = to_gpu
class PyCudaNotAvailableHandler:
def __getattribute__(self, name):
raise NotImplementedError("Unable to initiaize PyCuda! "
"Try to run `import pycuda.autoinit` to check whether PyCuda is working correctly!")
#pragma once
extern "C++" {
#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
template <typename DTYPE_T, std::size_t DIMENSION> struct PyStencilsField {
DTYPE_T *data;
#include <array>
template <typename DTYPE_T, std::size_t DIMENSION> struct PyStencilsField {
DTYPE_T *data;
std::array<DTYPE_T, DIMENSION> shape;
std::array<DTYPE_T, DIMENSION> stride;
// An implementation of C++ std::complex for use on CUDA devices.
// Written by John C. Travers <> (2012)
// Missing:
// - long double support (not supported on CUDA)
// - some integral pow functions (due to lack of C++11 support on CUDA)
// Heavily derived from the LLVM libcpp project (svn revision 147853).
// Based on libcxx/include/complex.
// The git history contains the complete change history from the original.
// The modifications are licensed as per the original LLVM license below.
// -*- C++ -*-
//===--------------------------- complex ----------------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
extern "C++" {
#ifdef __CUDACC__
#define CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER __host__ __device__
complex synopsis
template<class T>
class complex
typedef T value_type;
complex(const T& re = T(), const T& im = T());
complex(const complex&);
template<class X> complex(const complex<X>&);
T real() const;
T imag() const;
void real(T);
void imag(T);
complex<T>& operator= (const T&);
complex<T>& operator+=(const T&);
complex<T>& operator-=(const T&);
complex<T>& operator*=(const T&);
complex<T>& operator/=(const T&);
complex& operator=(const complex&);
template<class X> complex<T>& operator= (const complex<X>&);
template<class X> complex<T>& operator+=(const complex<X>&);
template<class X> complex<T>& operator-=(const complex<X>&);
template<class X> complex<T>& operator*=(const complex<X>&);
template<class X> complex<T>& operator/=(const complex<X>&);
class complex<float>
typedef float value_type;
constexpr complex(float re = 0.0f, float im = 0.0f);
explicit constexpr complex(const complex<double>&);
constexpr float real() const;
void real(float);
constexpr float imag() const;
void imag(float);
complex<float>& operator= (float);
complex<float>& operator+=(float);
complex<float>& operator-=(float);
complex<float>& operator*=(float);
complex<float>& operator/=(float);
complex<float>& operator=(const complex<float>&);
template<class X> complex<float>& operator= (const complex<X>&);
template<class X> complex<float>& operator+=(const complex<X>&);
template<class X> complex<float>& operator-=(const complex<X>&);
template<class X> complex<float>& operator*=(const complex<X>&);
template<class X> complex<float>& operator/=(const complex<X>&);
class complex<double>
typedef double value_type;
constexpr complex(double re = 0.0, double im = 0.0);
constexpr complex(const complex<float>&);
constexpr double real() const;
void real(double);
constexpr double imag() const;
void imag(double);
complex<double>& operator= (double);
complex<double>& operator+=(double);
complex<double>& operator-=(double);
complex<double>& operator*=(double);
complex<double>& operator/=(double);
complex<double>& operator=(const complex<double>&);
template<class X> complex<double>& operator= (const complex<X>&);
template<class X> complex<double>& operator+=(const complex<X>&);
template<class X> complex<double>& operator-=(const complex<X>&);
template<class X> complex<double>& operator*=(const complex<X>&);
template<class X> complex<double>& operator/=(const complex<X>&);
// 26.3.6 operators:
template<class T> complex<T> operator+(const complex<T>&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator+(const complex<T>&, const T&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator+(const T&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator-(const complex<T>&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator-(const complex<T>&, const T&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator-(const T&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator*(const complex<T>&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator*(const complex<T>&, const T&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator*(const T&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator/(const complex<T>&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator/(const complex<T>&, const T&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator/(const T&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator+(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> operator-(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> bool operator==(const complex<T>&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> bool operator==(const complex<T>&, const T&);
template<class T> bool operator==(const T&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> bool operator!=(const complex<T>&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> bool operator!=(const complex<T>&, const T&);
template<class T> bool operator!=(const T&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T, class charT, class traits>
basic_istream<charT, traits>&
operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>&, complex<T>&);
template<class T, class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>&, const complex<T>&);
// 26.3.7 values:
template<class T> T real(const complex<T>&);
double real(double);
template<Integral T> double real(T);
float real(float);
template<class T> T imag(const complex<T>&);
double imag(double);
template<Integral T> double imag(T);
float imag(float);
template<class T> T abs(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> T arg(const complex<T>&);
double arg(double);
template<Integral T> double arg(T);
float arg(float);
template<class T> T norm(const complex<T>&);
double norm(double);
template<Integral T> double norm(T);
float norm(float);
template<class T> complex<T> conj(const complex<T>&);
complex<double> conj(double);
template<Integral T> complex<double> conj(T);
complex<float> conj(float);
template<class T> complex<T> proj(const complex<T>&);
complex<double> proj(double);
template<Integral T> complex<double> proj(T);
complex<float> proj(float);
template<class T> complex<T> polar(const T&, const T& = 0);
// 26.3.8 transcendentals:
template<class T> complex<T> acos(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> asin(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> atan(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> acosh(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> asinh(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> atanh(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> cos (const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> cosh (const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> exp (const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> log (const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> log10(const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> pow(const complex<T>&, const T&);
template<class T> complex<T> pow(const complex<T>&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> pow(const T&, const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> sin (const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> sinh (const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> sqrt (const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> tan (const complex<T>&);
template<class T> complex<T> tanh (const complex<T>&);
template<class T, class charT, class traits>
basic_istream<charT, traits>&
operator>>(basic_istream<charT, traits>& is, complex<T>& x);
template<class T, class charT, class traits>
basic_ostream<charT, traits>&
operator<<(basic_ostream<charT, traits>& o, const complex<T>& x);
#include <math.h>
#include <sstream>
template <class _Tp> class complex;
template <class _Tp>
complex<_Tp> operator*(const complex<_Tp> &__z, const complex<_Tp> &__w);
template <class _Tp>
complex<_Tp> operator/(const complex<_Tp> &__x, const complex<_Tp> &__y);
template <class _Tp> class complex {
typedef _Tp value_type;
value_type __re_;
value_type __im_;
complex(const value_type &__re = value_type(),
const value_type &__im = value_type())
: __re_(__re), __im_(__im) {}
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex(const complex<_Xp> &__c)
: __re_(__c.real()), __im_(__c.imag()) {}
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER value_type real() const { return __re_; }
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER value_type imag() const { return __im_; }
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER void real(value_type __re) { __re_ = __re; }
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER void imag(value_type __im) { __im_ = __im; }
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator=(const value_type &__re) {
__re_ = __re;
__im_ = value_type();
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator+=(const value_type &__re) {
__re_ += __re;
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator-=(const value_type &__re) {
__re_ -= __re;
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator*=(const value_type &__re) {
__re_ *= __re;
__im_ *= __re;
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator/=(const value_type &__re) {
__re_ /= __re;
__im_ /= __re;
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
__re_ = __c.real();
__im_ = __c.imag();
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator+=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
__re_ += __c.real();
__im_ += __c.imag();
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator-=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
__re_ -= __c.real();
__im_ -= __c.imag();
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator*=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
*this = *this * __c;
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator/=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
*this = *this / __c;
return *this;
template <> class complex<double>;
template <> class complex<float> {
float __re_;
float __im_;
typedef float value_type;
/*constexpr*/ CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex(float __re = 0.0f,
float __im = 0.0f)
: __re_(__re), __im_(__im) {}
explicit /*constexpr*/ complex(const complex<double> &__c);
/*constexpr*/ CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER float real() const { return __re_; }
/*constexpr*/ CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER float imag() const { return __im_; }
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER void real(value_type __re) { __re_ = __re; }
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER void imag(value_type __im) { __im_ = __im; }
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator=(float __re) {
__re_ = __re;
__im_ = value_type();
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator+=(float __re) {
__re_ += __re;
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator-=(float __re) {
__re_ -= __re;
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator*=(float __re) {
__re_ *= __re;
__im_ *= __re;
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator/=(float __re) {
__re_ /= __re;
__im_ /= __re;
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
__re_ = __c.real();
__im_ = __c.imag();
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator+=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
__re_ += __c.real();
__im_ += __c.imag();
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator-=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
__re_ -= __c.real();
__im_ -= __c.imag();
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator*=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
*this = *this * __c;
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator/=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
*this = *this / __c;
return *this;
template <> class complex<double> {
double __re_;
double __im_;
typedef double value_type;
/*constexpr*/ CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex(double __re = 0.0,
double __im = 0.0)
: __re_(__re), __im_(__im) {}
/*constexpr*/ complex(const complex<float> &__c);
/*constexpr*/ CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER double real() const { return __re_; }
/*constexpr*/ CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER double imag() const { return __im_; }
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER void real(value_type __re) { __re_ = __re; }
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER void imag(value_type __im) { __im_ = __im; }
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator=(double __re) {
__re_ = __re;
__im_ = value_type();
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator+=(double __re) {
__re_ += __re;
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator-=(double __re) {
__re_ -= __re;
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator*=(double __re) {
__re_ *= __re;
__im_ *= __re;
return *this;
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator/=(double __re) {
__re_ /= __re;
__im_ /= __re;
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
__re_ = __c.real();
__im_ = __c.imag();
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator+=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
__re_ += __c.real();
__im_ += __c.imag();
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator-=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
__re_ -= __c.real();
__im_ -= __c.imag();
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator*=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
*this = *this * __c;
return *this;
template <class _Xp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex &operator/=(const complex<_Xp> &__c) {
*this = *this / __c;
return *this;
// constexpr
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<float>::complex(const complex<double> &__c)
: __re_(__c.real()), __im_(__c.imag()) {}
// constexpr
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<double>::complex(const complex<float> &__c)
: __re_(__c.real()), __im_(__c.imag()) {}
// 26.3.6 operators:
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator+(const complex<_Tp> &__x,
const complex<_Tp> &__y) {
complex<_Tp> __t(__x);
__t += __y;
return __t;
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator+(const complex<_Tp> &__x,
const _Tp &__y) {
complex<_Tp> __t(__x);
__t += __y;
return __t;
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator+(const _Tp &__x,
const complex<_Tp> &__y) {
complex<_Tp> __t(__y);
__t += __x;
return __t;
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator-(const complex<_Tp> &__x,
const complex<_Tp> &__y) {
complex<_Tp> __t(__x);
__t -= __y;
return __t;
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator-(const complex<_Tp> &__x,
const _Tp &__y) {
complex<_Tp> __t(__x);
__t -= __y;
return __t;
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator-(const _Tp &__x,
const complex<_Tp> &__y) {
complex<_Tp> __t(-__y);
__t += __x;
return __t;
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator*(const complex<_Tp> &__z,
const complex<_Tp> &__w) {
_Tp __a = __z.real();
_Tp __b = __z.imag();
_Tp __c = __w.real();
_Tp __d = __w.imag();
_Tp __ac = __a * __c;
_Tp __bd = __b * __d;
_Tp __ad = __a * __d;
_Tp __bc = __b * __c;
_Tp __x = __ac - __bd;
_Tp __y = __ad + __bc;
if (isnan(__x) && isnan(__y)) {
bool __recalc = false;
if (isinf(__a) || isinf(__b)) {
__a = copysign(isinf(__a) ? _Tp(1) : _Tp(0), __a);
__b = copysign(isinf(__b) ? _Tp(1) : _Tp(0), __b);
if (isnan(__c))
__c = copysign(_Tp(0), __c);
if (isnan(__d))
__d = copysign(_Tp(0), __d);
__recalc = true;
if (isinf(__c) || isinf(__d)) {
__c = copysign(isinf(__c) ? _Tp(1) : _Tp(0), __c);
__d = copysign(isinf(__d) ? _Tp(1) : _Tp(0), __d);
if (isnan(__a))
__a = copysign(_Tp(0), __a);
if (isnan(__b))
__b = copysign(_Tp(0), __b);
__recalc = true;
if (!__recalc &&
(isinf(__ac) || isinf(__bd) || isinf(__ad) || isinf(__bc))) {
if (isnan(__a))
__a = copysign(_Tp(0), __a);
if (isnan(__b))
__b = copysign(_Tp(0), __b);
if (isnan(__c))
__c = copysign(_Tp(0), __c);
if (isnan(__d))
__d = copysign(_Tp(0), __d);
__recalc = true;
if (__recalc) {
__x = _Tp(INFINITY) * (__a * __c - __b * __d);
__y = _Tp(INFINITY) * (__a * __d + __b * __c);
return complex<_Tp>(__x, __y);
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator*(const complex<_Tp> &__x,
const _Tp &__y) {
complex<_Tp> __t(__x);
__t *= __y;
return __t;
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator*(const _Tp &__x,
const complex<_Tp> &__y) {
complex<_Tp> __t(__y);
__t *= __x;
return __t;
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator/(const complex<_Tp> &__z,
const complex<_Tp> &__w) {
int __ilogbw = 0;
_Tp __a = __z.real();
_Tp __b = __z.imag();
_Tp __c = __w.real();
_Tp __d = __w.imag();
_Tp __logbw = logb(fmax(fabs(__c), fabs(__d)));
if (isfinite(__logbw)) {
__ilogbw = static_cast<int>(__logbw);
__c = scalbn(__c, -__ilogbw);
__d = scalbn(__d, -__ilogbw);
_Tp __denom = __c * __c + __d * __d;
_Tp __x = scalbn((__a * __c + __b * __d) / __denom, -__ilogbw);
_Tp __y = scalbn((__b * __c - __a * __d) / __denom, -__ilogbw);
if (isnan(__x) && isnan(__y)) {
if ((__denom == _Tp(0)) && (!isnan(__a) || !isnan(__b))) {
__x = copysign(_Tp(INFINITY), __c) * __a;
__y = copysign(_Tp(INFINITY), __c) * __b;
} else if ((isinf(__a) || isinf(__b)) && isfinite(__c) && isfinite(__d)) {
__a = copysign(isinf(__a) ? _Tp(1) : _Tp(0), __a);
__b = copysign(isinf(__b) ? _Tp(1) : _Tp(0), __b);
__x = _Tp(INFINITY) * (__a * __c + __b * __d);
__y = _Tp(INFINITY) * (__b * __c - __a * __d);
} else if (isinf(__logbw) && __logbw > _Tp(0) && isfinite(__a) &&
isfinite(__b)) {
__c = copysign(isinf(__c) ? _Tp(1) : _Tp(0), __c);
__d = copysign(isinf(__d) ? _Tp(1) : _Tp(0), __d);
__x = _Tp(0) * (__a * __c + __b * __d);
__y = _Tp(0) * (__b * __c - __a * __d);
return complex<_Tp>(__x, __y);
template <>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<float> operator/(const complex<float> &__z,
const complex<float> &__w) {
int __ilogbw = 0;
float __a = __z.real();
float __b = __z.imag();
float __c = __w.real();
float __d = __w.imag();
float __logbw = logbf(fmaxf(fabsf(__c), fabsf(__d)));
if (isfinite(__logbw)) {
__ilogbw = static_cast<int>(__logbw);
__c = scalbnf(__c, -__ilogbw);
__d = scalbnf(__d, -__ilogbw);
float __denom = __c * __c + __d * __d;
float __x = scalbnf((__a * __c + __b * __d) / __denom, -__ilogbw);
float __y = scalbnf((__b * __c - __a * __d) / __denom, -__ilogbw);
if (isnan(__x) && isnan(__y)) {
if ((__denom == float(0)) && (!isnan(__a) || !isnan(__b))) {
#pragma warning(suppress : 4756) // Ignore INFINITY related warning
__x = copysignf(INFINITY, __c) * __a;
#pragma warning(suppress : 4756) // Ignore INFINITY related warning
__y = copysignf(INFINITY, __c) * __b;
} else if ((isinf(__a) || isinf(__b)) && isfinite(__c) && isfinite(__d)) {
__a = copysignf(isinf(__a) ? float(1) : float(0), __a);
__b = copysignf(isinf(__b) ? float(1) : float(0), __b);
#pragma warning(suppress : 4756) // Ignore INFINITY related warning
__x = INFINITY * (__a * __c + __b * __d);
#pragma warning(suppress : 4756) // Ignore INFINITY related warning
__y = INFINITY * (__b * __c - __a * __d);
} else if (isinf(__logbw) && __logbw > float(0) && isfinite(__a) &&
isfinite(__b)) {
__c = copysignf(isinf(__c) ? float(1) : float(0), __c);
__d = copysignf(isinf(__d) ? float(1) : float(0), __d);
__x = float(0) * (__a * __c + __b * __d);
__y = float(0) * (__b * __c - __a * __d);
return complex<float>(__x, __y);
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator/(const complex<_Tp> &__x,
const _Tp &__y) {
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real() / __y, __x.imag() / __y);
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator/(const _Tp &__x,
const complex<_Tp> &__y) {
complex<_Tp> __t(__x);
__t /= __y;
return __t;
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator+(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
return __x;
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> operator-(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
return complex<_Tp>(-__x.real(), -__x.imag());
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER bool operator==(const complex<_Tp> &__x,
const complex<_Tp> &__y) {
return __x.real() == __y.real() && __x.imag() == __y.imag();
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER bool operator==(const complex<_Tp> &__x,
const _Tp &__y) {
return __x.real() == __y && __x.imag() == 0;
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER bool operator==(const _Tp &__x,
const complex<_Tp> &__y) {
return __x == __y.real() && 0 == __y.imag();
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER bool operator!=(const complex<_Tp> &__x,
const complex<_Tp> &__y) {
return !(__x == __y);
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER bool operator!=(const complex<_Tp> &__x,
const _Tp &__y) {
return !(__x == __y);
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER bool operator!=(const _Tp &__x,
const complex<_Tp> &__y) {
return !(__x == __y);
// 26.3.7 values:
// real
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER _Tp real(const complex<_Tp> &__c) {
return __c.real();
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER double real(double __re) { return __re; }
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER float real(float __re) { return __re; }
// imag
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER _Tp imag(const complex<_Tp> &__c) {
return __c.imag();
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER double imag(double __re) { return 0; }
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER float imag(float __re) { return 0; }
// abs
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER _Tp abs(const complex<_Tp> &__c) {
return hypot(__c.real(), __c.imag());
// arg
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER _Tp arg(const complex<_Tp> &__c) {
return atan2(__c.imag(), __c.real());
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER double arg(double __re) { return atan2(0., __re); }
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER float arg(float __re) { return atan2f(0.F, __re); }
// norm
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER _Tp norm(const complex<_Tp> &__c) {
if (isinf(__c.real()))
return fabs(__c.real());
if (isinf(__c.imag()))
return fabs(__c.imag());
return __c.real() * __c.real() + __c.imag() * __c.imag();
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER double norm(double __re) { return __re * __re; }
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER float norm(float __re) { return __re * __re; }
// conj
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> conj(const complex<_Tp> &__c) {
return complex<_Tp>(__c.real(), -__c.imag());
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<double> conj(double __re) {
return complex<double>(__re);
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<float> conj(float __re) {
return complex<float>(__re);
// proj
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> proj(const complex<_Tp> &__c) {
complex<_Tp> __r = __c;
if (isinf(__c.real()) || isinf(__c.imag()))
__r = complex<_Tp>(INFINITY, copysign(_Tp(0), __c.imag()));
return __r;
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<double> proj(double __re) {
if (isinf(__re))
__re = fabs(__re);
return complex<double>(__re);
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<float> proj(float __re) {
if (isinf(__re))
__re = fabs(__re);
return complex<float>(__re);
// polar
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> polar(const _Tp &__rho,
const _Tp &__theta = _Tp(0)) {
if (isnan(__rho) || signbit(__rho))
return complex<_Tp>(_Tp(NAN), _Tp(NAN));
if (isnan(__theta)) {
if (isinf(__rho))
return complex<_Tp>(__rho, __theta);
return complex<_Tp>(__theta, __theta);
if (isinf(__theta)) {
if (isinf(__rho))
return complex<_Tp>(__rho, _Tp(NAN));
return complex<_Tp>(_Tp(NAN), _Tp(NAN));
_Tp __x = __rho * cos(__theta);
if (isnan(__x))
__x = 0;
_Tp __y = __rho * sin(__theta);
if (isnan(__y))
__y = 0;
return complex<_Tp>(__x, __y);
// log
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> log(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
return complex<_Tp>(log(abs(__x)), arg(__x));
// log10
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> log10(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
return log(__x) / log(_Tp(10));
// sqrt
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> sqrt(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
if (isinf(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(_Tp(INFINITY), __x.imag());
if (isinf(__x.real())) {
if (__x.real() > _Tp(0))
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), isnan(__x.imag())
? __x.imag()
: copysign(_Tp(0), __x.imag()));
return complex<_Tp>(isnan(__x.imag()) ? __x.imag() : _Tp(0),
copysign(__x.real(), __x.imag()));
return polar(sqrt(abs(__x)), arg(__x) / _Tp(2));
// exp
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> exp(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
_Tp __i = __x.imag();
if (isinf(__x.real())) {
if (__x.real() < _Tp(0)) {
if (!isfinite(__i))
__i = _Tp(1);
} else if (__i == 0 || !isfinite(__i)) {
if (isinf(__i))
__i = _Tp(NAN);
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), __i);
} else if (isnan(__x.real()) && __x.imag() == 0)
return __x;
_Tp __e = exp(__x.real());
return complex<_Tp>(__e * cos(__i), __e * sin(__i));
// pow
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> pow(const complex<_Tp> &__x,
const complex<_Tp> &__y) {
return exp(__y * log(__x));
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> pow(const complex<_Tp> &__x,
const _Tp &__y) {
return pow(__x, complex<_Tp>(__y));
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> pow(const _Tp &__x,
const complex<_Tp> &__y) {
return pow(complex<_Tp>(__x), __y);
// asinh
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> asinh(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
const _Tp __pi(atan2(+0., -0.));
if (isinf(__x.real())) {
if (isnan(__x.imag()))
return __x;
if (isinf(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), copysign(__pi * _Tp(0.25), __x.imag()));
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), copysign(_Tp(0), __x.imag()));
if (isnan(__x.real())) {
if (isinf(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(__x.imag(), __x.real());
if (__x.imag() == 0)
return __x;
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), __x.real());
if (isinf(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(copysign(__x.imag(), __x.real()),
copysign(__pi / _Tp(2), __x.imag()));
complex<_Tp> __z = log(__x + sqrt(pow(__x, _Tp(2)) + _Tp(1)));
return complex<_Tp>(copysign(__z.real(), __x.real()),
copysign(__z.imag(), __x.imag()));
// acosh
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> acosh(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
const _Tp __pi(atan2(+0., -0.));
if (isinf(__x.real())) {
if (isnan(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(fabs(__x.real()), __x.imag());
if (isinf(__x.imag()))
if (__x.real() > 0)
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), copysign(__pi * _Tp(0.25), __x.imag()));
return complex<_Tp>(-__x.real(),
copysign(__pi * _Tp(0.75), __x.imag()));
if (__x.real() < 0)
return complex<_Tp>(-__x.real(), copysign(__pi, __x.imag()));
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), copysign(_Tp(0), __x.imag()));
if (isnan(__x.real())) {
if (isinf(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(fabs(__x.imag()), __x.real());
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), __x.real());
if (isinf(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(fabs(__x.imag()), copysign(__pi / _Tp(2), __x.imag()));
complex<_Tp> __z = log(__x + sqrt(pow(__x, _Tp(2)) - _Tp(1)));
return complex<_Tp>(copysign(__z.real(), _Tp(0)),
copysign(__z.imag(), __x.imag()));
// atanh
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> atanh(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
const _Tp __pi(atan2(+0., -0.));
if (isinf(__x.imag())) {
return complex<_Tp>(copysign(_Tp(0), __x.real()),
copysign(__pi / _Tp(2), __x.imag()));
if (isnan(__x.imag())) {
if (isinf(__x.real()) || __x.real() == 0)
return complex<_Tp>(copysign(_Tp(0), __x.real()), __x.imag());
return complex<_Tp>(__x.imag(), __x.imag());
if (isnan(__x.real())) {
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), __x.real());
if (isinf(__x.real())) {
return complex<_Tp>(copysign(_Tp(0), __x.real()),
copysign(__pi / _Tp(2), __x.imag()));
if (fabs(__x.real()) == _Tp(1) && __x.imag() == _Tp(0)) {
return complex<_Tp>(copysign(_Tp(INFINITY), __x.real()),
copysign(_Tp(0), __x.imag()));
complex<_Tp> __z = log((_Tp(1) + __x) / (_Tp(1) - __x)) / _Tp(2);
return complex<_Tp>(copysign(__z.real(), __x.real()),
copysign(__z.imag(), __x.imag()));
// sinh
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> sinh(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
if (isinf(__x.real()) && !isfinite(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), _Tp(NAN));
if (__x.real() == 0 && !isfinite(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), _Tp(NAN));
if (__x.imag() == 0 && !isfinite(__x.real()))
return __x;
return complex<_Tp>(sinh(__x.real()) * cos(__x.imag()),
cosh(__x.real()) * sin(__x.imag()));
// cosh
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> cosh(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
if (isinf(__x.real()) && !isfinite(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(fabs(__x.real()), _Tp(NAN));
if (__x.real() == 0 && !isfinite(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(_Tp(NAN), __x.real());
if (__x.real() == 0 && __x.imag() == 0)
return complex<_Tp>(_Tp(1), __x.imag());
if (__x.imag() == 0 && !isfinite(__x.real()))
return complex<_Tp>(fabs(__x.real()), __x.imag());
return complex<_Tp>(cosh(__x.real()) * cos(__x.imag()),
sinh(__x.real()) * sin(__x.imag()));
// tanh
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> tanh(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
if (isinf(__x.real())) {
if (!isfinite(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(_Tp(1), _Tp(0));
return complex<_Tp>(_Tp(1), copysign(_Tp(0), sin(_Tp(2) * __x.imag())));
if (isnan(__x.real()) && __x.imag() == 0)
return __x;
_Tp __2r(_Tp(2) * __x.real());
_Tp __2i(_Tp(2) * __x.imag());
_Tp __d(cosh(__2r) + cos(__2i));
return complex<_Tp>(sinh(__2r) / __d, sin(__2i) / __d);
// asin
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> asin(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
complex<_Tp> __z = asinh(complex<_Tp>(-__x.imag(), __x.real()));
return complex<_Tp>(__z.imag(), -__z.real());
// acos
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> acos(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
const _Tp __pi(atan2(+0., -0.));
if (isinf(__x.real())) {
if (isnan(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(__x.imag(), __x.real());
if (isinf(__x.imag())) {
if (__x.real() < _Tp(0))
return complex<_Tp>(_Tp(0.75) * __pi, -__x.imag());
return complex<_Tp>(_Tp(0.25) * __pi, -__x.imag());
if (__x.real() < _Tp(0))
return complex<_Tp>(__pi, signbit(__x.imag()) ? -__x.real() : __x.real());
return complex<_Tp>(_Tp(0), signbit(__x.imag()) ? __x.real() : -__x.real());
if (isnan(__x.real())) {
if (isinf(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), -__x.imag());
return complex<_Tp>(__x.real(), __x.real());
if (isinf(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(__pi / _Tp(2), -__x.imag());
if (__x.real() == 0)
return complex<_Tp>(__pi / _Tp(2), -__x.imag());
complex<_Tp> __z = log(__x + sqrt(pow(__x, _Tp(2)) - _Tp(1)));
if (signbit(__x.imag()))
return complex<_Tp>(fabs(__z.imag()), fabs(__z.real()));
return complex<_Tp>(fabs(__z.imag()), -fabs(__z.real()));
// atan
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> atan(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
complex<_Tp> __z = atanh(complex<_Tp>(-__x.imag(), __x.real()));
return complex<_Tp>(__z.imag(), -__z.real());
// sin
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> sin(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
complex<_Tp> __z = sinh(complex<_Tp>(-__x.imag(), __x.real()));
return complex<_Tp>(__z.imag(), -__z.real());
// cos
template <class _Tp>
inline CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> cos(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
return cosh(complex<_Tp>(-__x.imag(), __x.real()));
// tan
template <class _Tp>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER complex<_Tp> tan(const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
complex<_Tp> __z = tanh(complex<_Tp>(-__x.imag(), __x.real()));
return complex<_Tp>(__z.imag(), -__z.real());
template <class _Tp, class _CharT, class _Traits>
std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> &
operator>>(std::basic_istream<_CharT, _Traits> &__is, complex<_Tp> &__x) {
if (__is.good()) {
if (__is.peek() == _CharT('(')) {
_Tp __r;
__is >> __r;
if (! {
_CharT __c = __is.peek();
if (__c == _CharT(',')) {
_Tp __i;
__is >> __i;
if (! {
__c = __is.peek();
if (__c == _CharT(')')) {
__x = complex<_Tp>(__r, __i);
} else
} else
} else if (__c == _CharT(')')) {
__x = complex<_Tp>(__r, _Tp(0));
} else
} else
} else {
_Tp __r;
__is >> __r;
if (!
__x = complex<_Tp>(__r, _Tp(0));
} else
return __is;
template <class _Tp, class _CharT, class _Traits>
std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> &
operator<<(std::basic_ostream<_CharT, _Traits> &__os, const complex<_Tp> &__x) {
std::basic_ostringstream<_CharT, _Traits> __s;
__s << '(' << __x.real() << ',' << __x.imag() << ')';
return __os << __s.str();
//} // close namespace cuda_complex
template <class U, class V>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER auto operator*(const complex<U> &complexNumber,
const V &scalar) -> complex<U> {
return complex<U>(real(complexNumber) * scalar, imag(complexNumber) * scalar);
template <class U, class V>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER auto operator*(const V &scalar,
const complex<U> &complexNumber)
-> complex<U> {
return complex<U>(real(complexNumber) * scalar, imag(complexNumber) * scalar);
template <class U, class V>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER auto operator+(const complex<U> &complexNumber,
const V &scalar) -> complex<U> {
return complex<U>(real(complexNumber) + scalar, imag(complexNumber));
template <class U, class V>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER auto operator+(const V &scalar,
const complex<U> &complexNumber)
-> complex<U> {
return complex<U>(real(complexNumber) + scalar, imag(complexNumber));
template <class U, class V>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER auto operator-(const complex<U> &complexNumber,
const V &scalar) -> complex<U> {
return complex<U>(real(complexNumber) - scalar, imag(complexNumber));
template <class U, class V>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER auto operator-(const V &scalar,
const complex<U> &complexNumber)
-> complex<U> {
return complex<U>(scalar - real(complexNumber), imag(complexNumber));
template <class U, class V>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER auto operator/(const complex<U> &complexNumber,
const V scalar) -> complex<U> {
return complex<U>(real(complexNumber) / scalar, imag(complexNumber) / scalar);
template <class U, class V>
CUDA_CALLABLE_MEMBER auto operator/(const V scalar,
const complex<U> &complexNumber)
-> complex<U> {
return complex<U>(scalar, 0) / complexNumber;
using ComplexDouble = complex<double>;
using ComplexFloat = complex<float>;
typedef unsigned int uint_t;
typedef signed char int8_t;
typedef signed short int16_t;
typedef signed int int32_t;
typedef signed long int int64_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long int uint64_t;
Test of pystencils.data_types.address_of
import sympy as sp
import pystencils
from pystencils.data_types import PointerType, address_of, cast_func, create_type
from pystencils.simp.simplifications import sympy_cse
def test_address_of():
x, y = pystencils.fields('x,y: int64[2d]')
s = pystencils.TypedSymbol('s', PointerType(create_type('int64')))
assert address_of(x[0, 0]).canonical() == x[0, 0]
assert address_of(x[0, 0]).dtype == PointerType(x[0, 0].dtype, restrict=True)
assert address_of(sp.Symbol("a")).dtype == PointerType('void', restrict=True)
assignments = pystencils.AssignmentCollection({
s: address_of(x[0, 0]),
y[0, 0]: cast_func(s, create_type('int64'))
}, {})
ast = pystencils.create_kernel(assignments)
assignments = pystencils.AssignmentCollection({
y[0, 0]: cast_func(address_of(x[0, 0]), create_type('int64'))
}, {})
ast = pystencils.create_kernel(assignments)
def test_address_of_with_cse():
x, y = pystencils.fields('x,y: int64[2d]')
s = pystencils.TypedSymbol('s', PointerType(create_type('int64')))
assignments = pystencils.AssignmentCollection({
y[0, 0]: cast_func(address_of(x[0, 0]), create_type('int64')) + s,
x[0, 0]: cast_func(address_of(x[0, 0]), create_type('int64')) + 1
}, {})
ast = pystencils.create_kernel(assignments)
assignments_cse = sympy_cse(assignments)
ast = pystencils.create_kernel(assignments_cse)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2019 Stephan Seitz <>
# Distributed under terms of the GPLv3 license.
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pytest
import sympy
from sympy.functions import im, re
import pystencils
from pystencils import AssignmentCollection
from pystencils.data_types import TypedSymbol, create_type
X, Y = pystencils.fields('x, y: complex64[2d]')
A, B = pystencils.fields('a, b: float32[2d]')
S1, S2, T = sympy.symbols('S1, S2, T')
AssignmentCollection({X[0, 0]: 1j}),
S1: re(,
S2: im(,
X[0, 0]: 2j * S1 + S2
AssignmentCollection({ re(, im(,
AssignmentCollection({ re( + + 2j,
T: 2 + 4j, / T,
SCALAR_DTYPES = ['float32', 'float64']
@pytest.mark.parametrize("assignment, scalar_dtypes",
itertools.product(TEST_ASSIGNMENTS, (np.float32,)))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('target', (pystencils.Target.CPU, pystencils.Target.GPU))
def test_complex_numbers(assignment, scalar_dtypes, target):
ast = pystencils.create_kernel(assignment,
code = pystencils.get_code_str(ast)
assert "Not supported" not in code
if target == pystencils.Target.GPU:
kernel = ast.compile()
assert kernel is not None
X, Y = pystencils.fields('x, y: complex128[2d]')
A, B = pystencils.fields('a, b: float64[2d]')
S1, S2 = sympy.symbols('S1, S2')
T128 = TypedSymbol('ts', create_type('complex128'))
AssignmentCollection({X[0, 0]: 1j}),
S1: re(,
S2: im(,
X[0, 0]: 2j * S1 + S2
AssignmentCollection({ re(, im(,
AssignmentCollection({ re( + + 2j,
T128: 2 + 4j, / T128,
SCALAR_DTYPES = ['float64']
@pytest.mark.parametrize("assignment", TEST_ASSIGNMENTS)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('target', (pystencils.Target.CPU, pystencils.Target.GPU))
def test_complex_numbers_64(assignment, target):
ast = pystencils.create_kernel(assignment,
code = pystencils.get_code_str(ast)
assert "Not supported" not in code
if target == pystencils.Target.GPU:
kernel = ast.compile()
assert kernel is not None
@pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', (np.float32, np.float64))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('target', (pystencils.Target.CPU, pystencils.Target.GPU))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('with_complex_argument', ('with_complex_argument', False))
def test_complex_execution(dtype, target, with_complex_argument):
complex_dtype = f'complex{64 if dtype ==np.float32 else 128}'
x, y = pystencils.fields(f'x, y: {complex_dtype}[2d]')
x_arr = np.zeros((20, 30), complex_dtype)
y_arr = np.zeros((20, 30), complex_dtype)
if with_complex_argument:
a = pystencils.TypedSymbol('a', create_type(complex_dtype))
a = (2j+1)
assignments = AssignmentCollection({ + a
if target == pystencils.Target.GPU:
from pycuda.gpuarray import zeros
x_arr = zeros((20, 30), complex_dtype)
y_arr = zeros((20, 30), complex_dtype)
kernel = pystencils.create_kernel(assignments, target=target, data_type=dtype).compile()
if with_complex_argument:
kernel(x=x_arr, y=y_arr, a=2j+1)
kernel(x=x_arr, y=y_arr)
if target == pystencils.Target.GPU:
y_arr = y_arr.get()
assert np.allclose(y_arr, 2j+1)
import pytest
import pystencils as ps
import numpy as np
# This test aims to trigger deprication warnings. Thus the warnings should not be displayed in the warning summary.
def test_create_kernel_backwards_compatibility():
size = (30, 20)
src_field_string = np.random.rand(*size)
src_field_enum = np.copy(src_field_string)
src_field_config = np.copy(src_field_string)
dst_field_string = np.zeros(size)
dst_field_enum = np.zeros(size)
dst_field_config = np.zeros(size)
f = ps.Field.create_from_numpy_array("f", src_field_enum)
d = ps.Field.create_from_numpy_array("d", dst_field_enum)
jacobi = ps.Assignment(d[0, 0], (f[1, 0] + f[-1, 0] + f[0, 1] + f[0, -1]) / 4)
ast_enum = ps.create_kernel(jacobi, target=ps.Target.CPU).compile()
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
ast_string = ps.create_kernel(jacobi, target='cpu').compile()
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
ast_config = ps.create_kernel(jacobi, config=ps.CreateKernelConfig(target='cpu')).compile()
ast_enum(f=src_field_enum, d=dst_field_enum)
ast_string(f=src_field_string, d=dst_field_string)
ast_config(f=src_field_config, d=dst_field_config)
error = np.sum(np.abs(dst_field_enum - dst_field_string))
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(error, 0.0)
error = np.sum(np.abs(dst_field_enum - dst_field_config))
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(error, 0.0)
import sympy
import pytest
import pystencils
from pystencils.astnodes import get_dummy_symbol
from pystencils.backends.cuda_backend import CudaSympyPrinter
from pystencils.data_types import address_of
from pystencils.enums import Target
def test_cuda_known_functions():
printer = CudaSympyPrinter()
x, y = pystencils.fields('x,y: float32 [2d]')
assignments = pystencils.AssignmentCollection({
get_dummy_symbol(): sympy.Function('atomicAdd')(address_of(, 2), sympy.Function('rsqrtf')(x[0, 0])
ast = pystencils.create_kernel(assignments, target=Target.GPU)
kernel = ast.compile()
assert(kernel is not None)
def test_cuda_but_not_c():
x, y = pystencils.fields('x,y: float32 [2d]')
assignments = pystencils.AssignmentCollection({
get_dummy_symbol(): sympy.Function('atomicAdd')(address_of(, 2), sympy.Function('rsqrtf')(x[0, 0])
ast = pystencils.create_kernel(assignments, target=Target.CPU)
def test_cuda_unknown():
x, y = pystencils.fields('x,y: float32 [2d]')
assignments = pystencils.AssignmentCollection({
get_dummy_symbol(): sympy.Function('wtf')(address_of(, 2),
ast = pystencils.create_kernel(assignments, target=Target.GPU)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import pytest
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from pystencils.session import *
from pystencils.astnodes import Block, Conditional
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
src, dst = ps.fields("src, dst: double[2D]", layout='c')
true_block = Block([ps.Assignment(dst[0, 0], src[-1, 0])])
false_block = Block([ps.Assignment(dst[0, 0], src[1, 0])])
ur = [true_block, Conditional( > 0.0, true_block, false_block)]
ast = ps.create_kernel(ur)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
ps.to_dot(ast, graph_style={'size': "9.5,12.5"})
%% Output
<graphviz.files.Source at 0x7f62452c4110>
import numpy as np
from pystencils import Assignment, Field
from pystencils.cpu import create_indexed_kernel, make_python_function
def test_indexed_kernel():
arr = np.zeros((3, 4))
dtype = np.dtype([('x', int), ('y', int), ('value', arr.dtype)])
index_arr = np.zeros((3,), dtype=dtype)
index_arr[0] = (0, 2, 3.0)
index_arr[1] = (1, 3, 42.0)
index_arr[2] = (2, 1, 5.0)
indexed_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array('index', index_arr)
normal_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array('f', arr)
update_rule = Assignment(normal_field[0, 0], indexed_field('value'))
ast = create_indexed_kernel([update_rule], [indexed_field])
kernel = make_python_function(ast)
kernel(f=arr, index=index_arr)
for i in range(index_arr.shape[0]):
np.testing.assert_allclose(arr[index_arr[i]['x'], index_arr[i]['y']], index_arr[i]['value'], atol=1e-13)
def test_indexed_cuda_kernel():
import pycuda
except ImportError:
pycuda = None
if pycuda:
from pystencils.gpucuda import make_python_function
import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
from pystencils.gpucuda.kernelcreation import created_indexed_cuda_kernel
arr = np.zeros((3, 4))
dtype = np.dtype([('x', int), ('y', int), ('value', arr.dtype)])
index_arr = np.zeros((3,), dtype=dtype)
index_arr[0] = (0, 2, 3.0)
index_arr[1] = (1, 3, 42.0)
index_arr[2] = (2, 1, 5.0)
indexed_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array('index', index_arr)
normal_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array('f', arr)
update_rule = Assignment(normal_field[0, 0], indexed_field('value'))
ast = created_indexed_cuda_kernel([update_rule], [indexed_field])
kernel = make_python_function(ast)
gpu_arr = gpuarray.to_gpu(arr)
gpu_index_arr = gpuarray.to_gpu(index_arr)
kernel(f=gpu_arr, index=gpu_index_arr)
for i in range(index_arr.shape[0]):
np.testing.assert_allclose(arr[index_arr[i]['x'], index_arr[i]['y']], index_arr[i]['value'], atol=1e-13)
print("Did not run test on GPU since no pycuda is available")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from pystencils.session import *
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
dh = ps.create_data_handling(domain_size=(256, 256), periodicity=True)
c_field = dh.add_array('c')
dh.fill("c", 0.0, ghost_layers=True)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
for x in range(129):
for y in range(258):
dh.cpu_arrays['c'][x, y] = 1.0
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Output
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fcb7d253710>
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
ur = ps.Assignment(c_field[0, 0], c_field[1, 0])
ast = ps.create_kernel(ur, target=dh.default_target, cpu_openmp=True)
kernel = ast.compile()
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
c_sync = dh.synchronization_function_cpu(['c'])
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def timeloop(steps=10):
for i in range(steps):
return dh.gather_array('c')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
ani = ps.plot.scalar_field_animation(timeloop, rescale=True, frames=12)
%% Output
<IPython.core.display.HTML object>
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
ani = ps.plot.scalar_field_animation(timeloop, rescale=True, frames=12)
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def grid_update_function(image):
for i in range(40):
return dh.gather_array('c')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
animation = ps.jupyter.make_imshow_animation(dh.cpu_arrays["c"], grid_update_function, frames=300)
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import pytest
from import x, y
from pystencils import Assignment, create_kernel, fields, CreateKernelConfig
from pystencils.transformations import adjust_c_single_precision_type
@pytest.mark.parametrize("data_type", ("float", "double"))
def test_single_precision(data_type):
dtype = f"float{64 if data_type == 'double' else 32}"
s = fields(f"s: {dtype}[1D]")
assignments = [Assignment(x, y), Assignment(s[0], x)]
ast = create_kernel(assignments, config=CreateKernelConfig(data_type=data_type))
assert ast.body.args[0].lhs.dtype.numpy_dtype == np.dtype(dtype)
assert ast.body.args[0].rhs.dtype.numpy_dtype == np.dtype(dtype)
assert ast.body.args[1].body.args[0].rhs.dtype.numpy_dtype == np.dtype(dtype)
def test_adjustment_dict():
d = dict({"x": "float", "y": "double"})
assert np.dtype(d["x"]) == np.dtype("float32")
assert np.dtype(d["y"]) == np.dtype("float64")
def test_adjustement_default_dict():
dd = defaultdict(lambda: "float")
assert np.dtype(dd["x"]) == np.dtype("float32")
assert np.dtype(dd["y"]) == np.dtype("float32")
assert np.dtype(dd["z"]) == np.dtype("float32")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import pytest
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from pystencils.session import *
frac = sp.Rational
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Phase-field simulation of dentritic solidification in 3D
This notebook tests the model presented in the dentritic growth tutorial in 3D.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
target = ps.Target.GPU
gpu = target == ps.Target.GPU
domain_size = (25, 25, 25) if 'is_test_run' in globals() else (300, 300, 300)
dh = ps.create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_size, periodicity=True, default_target=target)
φ_field = dh.add_array('phi', latex_name='φ')
φ_delta_field = dh.add_array('phidelta', latex_name='φ_D')
t_field = dh.add_array('T')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
ε, m, δ, j, θzero, α, γ, Teq, κ, τ = sp.symbols("ε m δ j θ_0 α γ T_eq κ τ")
εb = sp.Symbol("\\bar{\\epsilon}")
discretize = ps.fd.Discretization2ndOrder(dx=0.03, dt=1e-5)
φ = φ
T =
d = ps.fd.Diff
def f(φ, m):
return φ**4 / 4 - (frac(1, 2) - m/3) * φ**3 + (frac(1,4)-m/2)*φ**2
bulk_free_energy_density = f(φ, m)
interface_free_energy_density = ε ** 2 / 2 * (d(φ, 0) ** 2 + d(φ, 1) ** 2 + d(φ, 2) ** 2)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
Here comes the major change, that has to be made for the 3D model: $\epsilon$ depends on the interface normal, which can not be computed simply as atan() as in the 2D case
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
n = sp.Matrix([d(φ, i) for i in range(3)])
nLen = sp.sqrt(sum(n_i**2 for n_i in n))
n = n / nLen
nVal = sum(n_i**4 for n_i in n)
σ = δ * nVal
εVal = εb * (1 + σ)
%% Output
$\displaystyle \bar{\epsilon} \left(δ \left(\frac{{\partial_{0} {{φ}_{(0,0,0)}}}^{4}}{\left({\partial_{0} {{φ}_{(0,0,0)}}}^{2} + {\partial_{1} {{φ}_{(0,0,0)}}}^{2} + {\partial_{2} {{φ}_{(0,0,0)}}}^{2}\right)^{2}} + \frac{{\partial_{1} {{φ}_{(0,0,0)}}}^{4}}{\left({\partial_{0} {{φ}_{(0,0,0)}}}^{2} + {\partial_{1} {{φ}_{(0,0,0)}}}^{2} + {\partial_{2} {{φ}_{(0,0,0)}}}^{2}\right)^{2}} + \frac{{\partial_{2} {{φ}_{(0,0,0)}}}^{4}}{\left({\partial_{0} {{φ}_{(0,0,0)}}}^{2} + {\partial_{1} {{φ}_{(0,0,0)}}}^{2} + {\partial_{2} {{φ}_{(0,0,0)}}}^{2}\right)^{2}}\right) + 1\right)$
⎛ ⎛ 4
⎜ ⎜ D(φ[0,0,0])
\bar{\epsilon}⋅⎜δ⋅⎜───────────────────────────────────────────── + ───────────
⎜ ⎜ 2
⎜ ⎜⎛ 2 2 2⎞ ⎛
⎝ ⎝⎝D(φ[0,0,0]) + D(φ[0,0,0]) + D(φ[0,0,0]) ⎠ ⎝D(φ[0,0,0]
4 4
D(φ[0,0,0]) D(φ[0,0,0])
────────────────────────────────── + ─────────────────────────────────────────
2 2 2⎞ ⎛ 2 2
) + D(φ[0,0,0]) + D(φ[0,0,0]) ⎠ ⎝D(φ[0,0,0]) + D(φ[0,0,0]) + D(φ[0,0,0]
⎞ ⎞
⎟ ⎟
────⎟ + 1⎟
2⎟ ⎟
2⎞ ⎟ ⎟
) ⎠ ⎠ ⎠
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def m_func(temperature):
return (α / sp.pi) * sp.atan(γ * (Teq - temperature))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
substitutions = {m: m_func(T),
ε: εVal}
fe_i = interface_free_energy_density.subs(substitutions)
fe_b = bulk_free_energy_density.subs(substitutions)
μ_if = ps.fd.expand_diff_full(ps.fd.functional_derivative(fe_i, φ), functions=[φ])
μ_b = ps.fd.expand_diff_full(ps.fd.functional_derivative(fe_b, φ), functions=[φ])
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
dF_dφ = μ_b + sp.Piecewise((μ_if, nLen**2 > 1e-10), (0, True))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
parameters = {
τ: 0.0003,
κ: 1.8,
εb: 0.01,
δ: 0.3,
γ: 10,
j: 6,
α: 0.9,
Teq: 1.0,
θzero: 0.2,
sp.pi: sp.pi.evalf()
%% Output
$\displaystyle \left\{ \pi : 3.14159265358979, \ T_{eq} : 1.0, \ \bar{\epsilon} : 0.01, \ j : 6, \ α : 0.9, \ γ : 10, \ δ : 0.3, \ θ_{0} : 0.2, \ κ : 1.8, \ τ : 0.0003\right\}$
{π: 3.14159265358979, T_eq: 1.0, \bar{\epsilon}: 0.01, j: 6, α: 0.9, γ: 10, δ:
0.3, θ₀: 0.2, κ: 1.8, τ: 0.0003}
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
dφ_dt = - dF_dφ / τ
assignments = [
ps.Assignment(φ, discretize(dφ_dt.subs(parameters))),
φEqs = ps.simp.sympy_cse_on_assignment_list(assignments)
φEqs.append(ps.Assignment(φ, discretize(ps.fd.transient(φ) - φ
temperatureEvolution = -ps.fd.transient(T) + ps.fd.diffusion(T, 1) + κ * φ
temperatureEqs = [
ps.Assignment(T, discretize(temperatureEvolution.subs(parameters)))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Output
$\displaystyle \left[ {{T}_{(0,0,0)}} \leftarrow 0.0111111111111111 {{T}_{(-1,0,0)}} + 0.0111111111111111 {{T}_{(0,-1,0)}} + 0.0111111111111111 {{T}_{(0,0,-1)}} + 0.933333333333333 {{T}_{(0,0,0)}} + 0.0111111111111111 {{T}_{(0,0,1)}} + 0.0111111111111111 {{T}_{(0,1,0)}} + 0.0111111111111111 {{T}_{(1,0,0)}} + 1.8 \cdot 10^{-5} {{φ_D}_{(0,0,0)}}\right]$
[T_C := 0.0111111111111111⋅T_W + 0.0111111111111111⋅T_S + 0.0111111111111111⋅T
_B + 0.933333333333333⋅T_C + 0.0111111111111111⋅T_T + 0.0111111111111111⋅T_N +
0.0111111111111111⋅T_E + 1.8e-5⋅phidelta_C]
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
φ_kernel = ps.create_kernel(φEqs, cpu_openmp=4, target=target).compile()
temperatureKernel = ps.create_kernel(temperatureEqs, cpu_openmp=4, target=target).compile()
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def time_loop(steps):
φ_sync = dh.synchronization_function(['phi'], target=target)
temperature_sync = dh.synchronization_function(['T'], target=target)
for t in range(steps):
def init(nucleus_size=np.sqrt(5)):
for b in dh.iterate():
x, y, z = b.cell_index_arrays
x, y, z = x - b.shape[0] // 2, y - b.shape[1] // 2, z - b.shape[2] // 2
b['phi'][(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2) < nucleus_size ** 2] = 1.0
def plot(slice_obj=ps.make_slice[:, :, 0.5]):
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.scalar_field(dh.gather_array('phi', slice_obj).squeeze())
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.scalar_field(dh.gather_array('T', slice_obj).squeeze())
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.scalar_field(dh.gather_array('phidelta', slice_obj).squeeze())
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Output
Name| Inner (min/max)| WithGl (min/max)
T| ( 0, 0)| ( 0, 0)
phi| ( 0, 1)| ( 0, 1)
phidelta| ( 0, 0)| ( 0, 0)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if 'is_test_run' in globals():
assert np.isfinite(dh.max('phi'))
assert np.isfinite(dh.max('T'))
assert np.isfinite(dh.max('phidelta'))
from time import perf_counter
vtk_writer = dh.create_vtk_writer('dentritic_growth_large', ['phi'])
last = perf_counter()
for i in range(300):
print("Step ", i, perf_counter() - last, dh.max('phi'))
last = perf_counter()
import pytest
import pystencils
from sympy import oo
@pytest.mark.parametrize('type', ('float32', 'float64', 'int64'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('negative', (False, 'Negative'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('target', (pystencils.Target.CPU, pystencils.Target.GPU))
def test_print_infinity(type, negative, target):
x = pystencils.fields(f'x: {type}[1d]')
if negative:
assignment = pystencils.Assignment(, -oo)
assignment = pystencils.Assignment(, oo)
ast = pystencils.create_kernel(assignment, data_type=type, target=target)
if target == pystencils.Target.GPU:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2019 Stephan Seitz <>
# Distributed under terms of the GPLv3 license.
import pytest
import pystencils
from pystencils.backends.cbackend import CBackend
class UnsupportedNode(pystencils.astnodes.Node):
def __init__(self):
def test_print_unsupported_node():
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match='CBackend does not support node of type UnsupportedNode'):
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from pystencils import Assignment, Field, TypedSymbol, create_kernel, make_slice
from pystencils.simp import sympy_cse_on_assignment_list
def test_sliced_iteration():
size = (4, 4)
src_arr = np.ones(size)
dst_arr = np.zeros_like(src_arr)
src_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array('src', src_arr)
dst_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array('dst', dst_arr)
a, b = sp.symbols("a b")
update_rule = Assignment(dst_field[0, 0],
(a * src_field[0, 1] + a * src_field[0, -1] +
b * src_field[1, 0] + b * src_field[-1, 0]) / 4)
x_end = TypedSymbol("x_end", "int")
s = make_slice[1:x_end, 1]
x_end_value = size[1] - 1
kernel = create_kernel(sympy_cse_on_assignment_list([update_rule]), iteration_slice=s).compile()
kernel(src=src_arr, dst=dst_arr, a=1.0, b=1.0, x_end=x_end_value)
expected_result = np.zeros(size)
expected_result[1:x_end_value, 1] = 1
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected_result, dst_arr)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import pytest
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from pystencils.session import *
from time import perf_counter
from statistics import median
from functools import partial
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Benchmark for Python call overhead
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
inner_repeats = 100
outer_repeats = 5
sizes = [2**i for i in range(1, 8)]
%% Output
$\displaystyle \left[ 2, \ 4, \ 8, \ 16, \ 32, \ 64, \ 128\right]$
[2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
def benchmark_pure(domain_size, extract_first=False):
src = np.zeros(domain_size)
dst = np.zeros_like(src)
f_src, f_dst = ps.fields("src, dst", src=src, dst=dst)
kernel = ps.create_kernel(ps.Assignment(,
if extract_first:
kernel = kernel.kernel
start = perf_counter()
for i in range(inner_repeats):
kernel(src=src, dst=dst)
src, dst = dst, src
end = perf_counter()
start = perf_counter()
for i in range(inner_repeats):
kernel(src=src, dst=dst)
src, dst = dst, src
end = perf_counter()
return (end - start) / inner_repeats
def benchmark_datahandling(domain_size, parallel=False):
dh = ps.create_data_handling(domain_size, parallel=parallel)
f_src = dh.add_array('src')
f_dst = dh.add_array('dst')
kernel = ps.create_kernel(ps.Assignment(,
start = perf_counter()
for i in range(inner_repeats):
dh.swap('src', 'dst')
end = perf_counter()
return (end - start) / inner_repeats
name_to_func = {
'pure_extract': partial(benchmark_pure, extract_first=True),
'pure_no_extract': partial(benchmark_pure, extract_first=False),
'dh_serial': partial(benchmark_datahandling, parallel=False),
'dh_parallel': partial(benchmark_datahandling, parallel=True),
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
result = {'block_size': [],
'name': [],
'time': []}
for bs in sizes:
print("Computing size ", bs)
for name, func in name_to_func.items():
for i in range(outer_repeats):
time = func((bs, bs))
%% Output
Computing size 2
Computing size 4
Computing size 8
Computing size 16
Computing size 32
Computing size 64
Computing size 128
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
if 'is_test_run' not in globals():
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result)
sns.barplot(x='block_size', y='time', hue='name', data=data, alpha=0.6)
data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(result)
sns.barplot(x='block_size', y='time', hue='name', data=data, alpha=0.6)
%% Output
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2019 Stephan Seitz <>
# Distributed under terms of the GPLv3 license.
import pytest
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import pystencils as ps
from pystencils.data_types import create_type
@pytest.mark.parametrize('default_assignment_simplifications', [False, True])
def test_sum(default_assignment_simplifications):
sum = sp.Sum(, (, 1, 100))
expanded_sum = sum.doit()
x = ps.fields('x: float32[1d]')
assignments = ps.AssignmentCollection({ sum})
config = ps.CreateKernelConfig(default_assignment_simplifications=default_assignment_simplifications)
ast = ps.create_kernel(assignments, config=config)
code = ps.get_code_str(ast)
kernel = ast.compile()
if default_assignment_simplifications is False:
assert 'double sum' in code
array = np.zeros((10,), np.float32)
assert np.allclose(array, int(expanded_sum) * np.ones_like(array))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('default_assignment_simplifications', [False, True])
def test_sum_use_float(default_assignment_simplifications):
sum = sympy.Sum(, (, 1, 100))
expanded_sum = sum.doit()
x = ps.fields('x: float32[1d]')
assignments = ps.AssignmentCollection({ sum})
config = ps.CreateKernelConfig(default_assignment_simplifications=default_assignment_simplifications,
ast = ps.create_kernel(assignments, config=config)
code = ps.get_code_str(ast)
kernel = ast.compile()
if default_assignment_simplifications is False:
assert 'float sum' in code
array = np.zeros((10,), np.float32)
assert np.allclose(array, int(expanded_sum) * np.ones_like(array))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('default_assignment_simplifications', [False, True])
def test_product(default_assignment_simplifications):
k = ps.TypedSymbol('k', create_type('int64'))
sum = sympy.Product(k, (k, 1, 10))
expanded_sum = sum.doit()
x = ps.fields('x: int64[1d]')
assignments = ps.AssignmentCollection({ sum})
config = ps.CreateKernelConfig(default_assignment_simplifications=default_assignment_simplifications)
ast = ps.create_kernel(assignments, config=config)
code = ps.get_code_str(ast)
kernel = ast.compile()
if default_assignment_simplifications is False:
assert 'int64_t product' in code
array = np.zeros((10,), np.int64)
assert np.allclose(array, int(expanded_sum) * np.ones_like(array))
def test_prod_var_limit():
k = ps.TypedSymbol('k', create_type('int64'))
limit = ps.TypedSymbol('limit', create_type('int64'))
sum = sympy.Sum(k, (k, 1, limit))
expanded_sum = sum.replace(limit, 100).doit()
x = ps.fields('x: int64[1d]')
assignments = ps.AssignmentCollection({ sum})
ast = ps.create_kernel(assignments)
kernel = ast.compile()
array = np.zeros((10,), np.int64)
kernel(x=array, limit=100)
assert np.allclose(array, int(expanded_sum) * np.ones_like(array))
import pystencils as ps
from pystencils import TypedSymbol
from pystencils.astnodes import LoopOverCoordinate, SympyAssignment
from pystencils.data_types import create_type
from pystencils.transformations import filtered_tree_iteration, get_loop_hierarchy, get_loop_counter_symbol_hierarchy
def test_loop_information():
f, g = ps.fields("f, g: double[2D]")
update_rule = ps.Assignment(g[0, 0], f[0, 0])
ast = ps.create_kernel(update_rule)
inner_loops = [l for l in filtered_tree_iteration(ast, LoopOverCoordinate, stop_type=SympyAssignment)
if l.is_innermost_loop]
loop_order = []
for i in get_loop_hierarchy(inner_loops[0].args[0]):
assert loop_order == [0, 1]
loop_symbols = get_loop_counter_symbol_hierarchy(inner_loops[0].args[0])
assert loop_symbols == [TypedSymbol("ctr_1", create_type("int"), nonnegative=True),
TypedSymbol("ctr_0", create_type("int"), nonnegative=True)]
from import a, b, c, d, e, f
import pystencils
from pystencils.data_types import cast_func, create_type
def test_type_interference():
x = pystencils.fields('x: float32[3d]')
assignments = pystencils.AssignmentCollection({
a: cast_func(10, create_type('float64')),
b: cast_func(10, create_type('uint16')),
e: 11,
c: b,
f: c + b,
d: c + b + + e, c + b +
ast = pystencils.create_kernel(assignments)
code = str(pystencils.get_code_str(ast))
assert 'double a' in code
assert 'uint16_t b' in code
assert 'uint16_t f' in code
assert 'int64_t e' in code