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with 730 additions and 304 deletions
import sympy as sp
from pystencils.data_types import get_type_of_expression
# from pystencils.typing import get_type_of_expression
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
......@@ -22,13 +22,14 @@ class flag_cond(sp.Function):
def __new__(cls, flag_bit, mask_expression, *expressions):
flag_dtype = get_type_of_expression(flag_bit)
if not flag_dtype.is_int():
raise ValueError('Argument flag_bit must be of integer type.')
mask_dtype = get_type_of_expression(mask_expression)
if not mask_dtype.is_int():
raise ValueError('Argument mask_expression must be of integer type.')
# TODO Jan reintroduce checking
# flag_dtype = get_type_of_expression(flag_bit)
# if not flag_dtype.is_int():
# raise ValueError('Argument flag_bit must be of integer type.')
# mask_dtype = get_type_of_expression(mask_expression)
# if not mask_dtype.is_int():
# raise ValueError('Argument mask_expression must be of integer type.')
return super().__new__(cls, flag_bit, mask_expression, *expressions)
from typing import Any, List, Tuple
from pystencils import Assignment
from pystencils.astnodes import SympyAssignment
from pystencils.boundaries.boundaryhandling import BoundaryOffsetInfo
from pystencils.data_types import create_type
from pystencils.typing import create_type
class Boundary:
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class Boundary:
def __init__(self, name=None):
self._name = name
def __call__(self, field, direction_symbol, index_field) -> List[Assignment]:
def __call__(self, field, direction_symbol, index_field) -> List[SympyAssignment]:
"""Defines the boundary behavior and must therefore be implemented by all boundaries.
Here the boundary is defined as a list of sympy assignments, from which a boundary kernel is generated.
......@@ -63,20 +63,20 @@ class Neumann(Boundary):
neighbor = BoundaryOffsetInfo.offset_from_dir(direction_symbol, field.spatial_dimensions)
if field.index_dimensions == 0:
return [Assignment(, field[neighbor])]
return [SympyAssignment(, field[neighbor])]
from itertools import product
if not field.has_fixed_index_shape:
raise NotImplementedError("Neumann boundary works only for fields with fixed index shape")
index_iter = product(*(range(i) for i in field.index_shape))
return [Assignment(field(*idx), field[neighbor](*idx)) for idx in index_iter]
return [SympyAssignment(field(*idx), field[neighbor](*idx)) for idx in index_iter]
def __hash__(self):
# All boundaries of these class behave equal -> should also be equal
return hash("Neumann")
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(other) == Neumann
return type(other) is Neumann
class Dirichlet(Boundary):
......@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ class Dirichlet(Boundary):
def __call__(self, field, direction_symbol, index_field, **kwargs):
if field.index_dimensions == 0:
return [Assignment(, index_field("value") if self.additional_data else self._value)]
return [SympyAssignment(, index_field("value") if self.additional_data else self._value)]
elif field.index_dimensions == 1:
assert not self.additional_data
if not field.has_fixed_index_shape:
raise NotImplementedError("Field needs fixed index shape")
assert len(self._value) == field.index_shape[0], "Dirichlet value does not match index shape of field"
return [Assignment(field(i), self._value[i]) for i in range(field.index_shape[0])]
return [SympyAssignment(field(i), self._value[i]) for i in range(field.index_shape[0])]
raise NotImplementedError("Dirichlet boundary not implemented for fields with more than one index dimension")
from functools import lru_cache
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from pystencils import create_kernel, CreateKernelConfig, Target
from pystencils.assignment import Assignment
from pystencils.astnodes import SympyAssignment
from pystencils.backends.cbackend import CustomCodeNode
from pystencils.boundaries.createindexlist import (
create_boundary_index_array, numpy_data_type_for_boundary_object)
from pystencils.cache import memorycache
from pystencils.data_types import TypedSymbol, create_type
from pystencils.datahandling.pycuda import PyCudaArrayHandler
from pystencils.typing import TypedSymbol, create_type
from pystencils.gpu.gpu_array_handler import GPUArrayHandler
from pystencils.field import Field
from pystencils.kernelparameters import FieldPointerSymbol
from pystencils.typing.typed_sympy import FieldPointerSymbol
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
import waLBerla as wlb
if wlb.cpp_available:
from pystencils.datahandling.parallel_datahandling import ParallelDataHandling
import cupy.cuda.runtime
ParallelDataHandling = None
except ImportError:
......@@ -33,11 +35,11 @@ class FlagInterface:
>>> dh = create_data_handling((4, 5))
>>> fi = FlagInterface(dh, 'flag_field', np.uint8)
>>> assert dh.has_data('flag_field')
>>> fi.reserve_next_flag()
>>> int(fi.reserve_next_flag())
>>> fi.reserve_flag(4)
>>> int(fi.reserve_flag(4))
>>> fi.reserve_next_flag()
>>> int(fi.reserve_next_flag())
......@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ class BoundaryHandling:
self.flag_interface = fi if fi is not None else FlagInterface(data_handling, name + "Flags")
if ParallelDataHandling and isinstance(self.data_handling, ParallelDataHandling):
array_handler = PyCudaArrayHandler()
array_handler = GPUArrayHandler(cupy.cuda.runtime.getDevice())
array_handler = self.data_handling.array_handler
......@@ -115,7 +117,8 @@ class BoundaryHandling:
for obj, cpu_arr in cpu_version.items():
if obj not in gpu_version or gpu_version[obj].shape != cpu_arr.shape:
gpu_version[obj] = array_handler.to_gpu(cpu_arr)
gpu_version[obj] = array_handler.empty(cpu_arr.shape, cpu_arr.dtype)
array_handler.upload(gpu_version[obj], cpu_arr)
array_handler.upload(gpu_version[obj], cpu_arr)
......@@ -378,15 +381,15 @@ class BoundaryDataSetter:
assert coord < self.dim
return self.index_array[self.coord_map[coord]] + self.offset[coord] - self.ghost_layers + 0.5
def link_offsets(self):
return self.stencil[self.index_array['dir']]
def link_positions(self, coord):
return self.non_boundary_cell_positions(coord) + 0.5 * self.link_offsets()[:, coord]
def boundary_cell_positions(self, coord):
return self.non_boundary_cell_positions(coord) + self.link_offsets()[:, coord]
......@@ -423,29 +426,30 @@ class BoundaryOffsetInfo(CustomCodeNode):
code = "\n"
for i in range(dim):
offset_str = ", ".join([str(d[i]) for d in stencil])
code += "const int64_t %s [] = { %s };\n" % (offset_sym[i].name, offset_str)
code += "const int32_t %s [] = { %s };\n" % (offset_sym[i].name, offset_str)
inv_dirs = []
for direction in stencil:
inverse_dir = tuple([-i for i in direction])
code += "const int64_t %s [] = { %s };\n" % (, ", ".join(inv_dirs))
code += "const int32_t %s [] = { %s };\n" % (, ", ".join(inv_dirs))
offset_symbols = BoundaryOffsetInfo._offset_symbols(dim)
super(BoundaryOffsetInfo, self).__init__(code, symbols_read=set(),
symbols_defined=set(offset_symbols + [self.INV_DIR_SYMBOL]))
def _offset_symbols(dim):
return [TypedSymbol(f"c{d}", create_type(np.int64)) for d in ['x', 'y', 'z'][:dim]]
return [TypedSymbol(f"c{d}", create_type(np.int32)) for d in ['x', 'y', 'z'][:dim]]
INV_DIR_SYMBOL = TypedSymbol("invdir", np.int64)
INV_DIR_SYMBOL = TypedSymbol("invdir", np.int32)
def create_boundary_kernel(field, index_field, stencil, boundary_functor, target=Target.CPU, **kernel_creation_args):
elements = [BoundaryOffsetInfo(stencil)]
dir_symbol = TypedSymbol("dir", np.int64)
elements += [Assignment(dir_symbol, index_field[0]('dir'))]
dir_symbol = TypedSymbol("dir", np.int32)
elements += [SympyAssignment(dir_symbol, index_field[0]('dir'))]
elements += boundary_functor(field, direction_symbol=dir_symbol, index_field=index_field)
config = CreateKernelConfig(index_fields=[index_field], target=target, **kernel_creation_args)
config = CreateKernelConfig(index_fields=[index_field], target=target, skip_independence_check=True,
return create_kernel(elements, config=config)
......@@ -2,66 +2,83 @@ import warnings
import numpy as np
# Try to import right away - assume compiled code is available
# compile with: python build_ext --inplace --use-cython
from pystencils.boundaries.createindexlistcython import create_boundary_neighbor_index_list_2d, \
create_boundary_neighbor_index_list_3d, create_boundary_cell_index_list_2d, create_boundary_cell_index_list_3d
import pyximport
cython_funcs_available = True
except ImportError:
# If not, try development mode and import via pyximport
import pyximport
cython_funcs_available = True
except ImportError:
cython_funcs_available = False
if cython_funcs_available:
from pystencils.boundaries.createindexlistcython import create_boundary_neighbor_index_list_2d, \
create_boundary_neighbor_index_list_3d, create_boundary_cell_index_list_2d, \
cython_funcs_available = False
if cython_funcs_available:
from pystencils.boundaries.createindexlistcython import (
boundary_index_array_coordinate_names = ["x", "y", "z"]
direction_member_name = "dir"
default_index_array_dtype = np.int32
def numpy_data_type_for_boundary_object(boundary_object, dim):
coordinate_names = boundary_index_array_coordinate_names[:dim]
return np.dtype([(name, np.int32) for name in coordinate_names]
+ [(direction_member_name, np.int32)]
+ [(i[0], i[1].numpy_dtype) for i in boundary_object.additional_data], align=True)
def _create_index_list_python(flag_field_arr, boundary_mask,
fluid_mask, stencil, single_link, inner_or_boundary=False, nr_of_ghost_layers=None):
return np.dtype(
[(name, default_index_array_dtype) for name in coordinate_names]
+ [(direction_member_name, default_index_array_dtype)]
+ [(i[0], i[1].numpy_dtype) for i in boundary_object.additional_data],
def _create_index_list_python(
if inner_or_boundary and nr_of_ghost_layers is None:
raise ValueError("If inner_or_boundary is set True the number of ghost layers "
"around the inner domain has to be specified")
raise ValueError(
"If inner_or_boundary is set True the number of ghost layers "
"around the inner domain has to be specified"
if nr_of_ghost_layers is None:
nr_of_ghost_layers = 0
coordinate_names = boundary_index_array_coordinate_names[:len(flag_field_arr.shape)]
index_arr_dtype = np.dtype([(name, np.int32) for name in coordinate_names] + [(direction_member_name, np.int32)])
coordinate_names = boundary_index_array_coordinate_names[
: len(flag_field_arr.shape)
index_arr_dtype = np.dtype(
[(name, default_index_array_dtype) for name in coordinate_names]
+ [(direction_member_name, default_index_array_dtype)]
# boundary cells are extracted via np.where. To ensure continous memory access in the compute kernel these cells
# have to be sorted.
boundary_cells = np.transpose(np.nonzero(flag_field_arr == boundary_mask))
for i in range(len(flag_field_arr.shape)):
boundary_cells = boundary_cells[boundary_cells[:, i].argsort(kind='mergesort')]
boundary_cells = boundary_cells[boundary_cells[:, i].argsort(kind="mergesort")]
# First a set is created to save all fluid cells which are near boundary
fluid_cells = set()
for cell in boundary_cells:
cell = tuple(cell)
for dir_idx, direction in enumerate(stencil):
neighbor_cell = tuple([cell_i + dir_i for cell_i, dir_i in zip(cell, direction)])
neighbor_cell = tuple(
[cell_i + dir_i for cell_i, dir_i in zip(cell, direction)]
# prevent out ouf bounds access. If boundary cell is at the border, some stencil directions would be out.
if any(not 0 + nr_of_ghost_layers <= e < upper - nr_of_ghost_layers
for e, upper in zip(neighbor_cell, flag_field_arr.shape)):
if any(
not 0 + nr_of_ghost_layers <= e < upper - nr_of_ghost_layers
for e, upper in zip(neighbor_cell, flag_field_arr.shape)
if flag_field_arr[neighbor_cell] & fluid_mask:
......@@ -81,9 +98,14 @@ def _create_index_list_python(flag_field_arr, boundary_mask,
cell = tuple(cell)
sum_cells = np.zeros(len(cell))
for dir_idx, direction in enumerate(stencil):
neighbor_cell = tuple([cell_i + dir_i for cell_i, dir_i in zip(cell, direction)])
neighbor_cell = tuple(
[cell_i + dir_i for cell_i, dir_i in zip(cell, direction)]
# prevent out ouf bounds access. If boundary cell is at the border, some stencil directions would be out.
if any(not 0 <= e < upper for e, upper in zip(neighbor_cell, flag_field_arr.shape)):
if any(
not 0 <= e < upper
for e, upper in zip(neighbor_cell, flag_field_arr.shape)
if flag_field_arr[neighbor_cell] & checkmask:
if single_link:
......@@ -99,8 +121,15 @@ def _create_index_list_python(flag_field_arr, boundary_mask,
return np.array(result, dtype=index_arr_dtype)
def create_boundary_index_list(flag_field, stencil, boundary_mask, fluid_mask,
nr_of_ghost_layers=1, inner_or_boundary=True, single_link=False):
def create_boundary_index_list(
"""Creates a numpy array storing links (connections) between domain cells and boundary cells.
......@@ -117,10 +146,20 @@ def create_boundary_index_list(flag_field, stencil, boundary_mask, fluid_mask,
dim = len(flag_field.shape)
coordinate_names = boundary_index_array_coordinate_names[:dim]
index_arr_dtype = np.dtype([(name, np.int32) for name in coordinate_names] + [(direction_member_name, np.int32)])
stencil = np.array(stencil, dtype=np.int32)
args = (flag_field, nr_of_ghost_layers, boundary_mask, fluid_mask, stencil, single_link)
index_arr_dtype = np.dtype(
[(name, default_index_array_dtype) for name in coordinate_names]
+ [(direction_member_name, default_index_array_dtype)]
stencil = np.array(stencil, dtype=default_index_array_dtype)
args = (
args_no_gl = (flag_field, boundary_mask, fluid_mask, stencil, single_link)
if cython_funcs_available:
......@@ -139,22 +178,42 @@ def create_boundary_index_list(flag_field, stencil, boundary_mask, fluid_mask,
return np.array(idx_list, dtype=index_arr_dtype)
if flag_field.size > 1e6:
warnings.warn("Boundary setup may take very long! Consider installing cython to speed it up")
return _create_index_list_python(*args_no_gl, inner_or_boundary=inner_or_boundary,
def create_boundary_index_array(flag_field, stencil, boundary_mask, fluid_mask, boundary_object,
nr_of_ghost_layers=1, inner_or_boundary=True, single_link=False):
idx_array = create_boundary_index_list(flag_field, stencil, boundary_mask, fluid_mask,
nr_of_ghost_layers, inner_or_boundary, single_link)
"Boundary setup may take very long! Consider installing cython to speed it up"
return _create_index_list_python(
def create_boundary_index_array(
idx_array = create_boundary_index_list(
dim = len(flag_field.shape)
if boundary_object.additional_data:
coordinate_names = boundary_index_array_coordinate_names[:dim]
index_arr_dtype = numpy_data_type_for_boundary_object(boundary_object, dim)
extended_idx_field = np.empty(len(idx_array), dtype=index_arr_dtype)
for prop in coordinate_names + ['dir']:
for prop in coordinate_names + ["dir"]:
extended_idx_field[prop] = idx_array[prop]
idx_array = extended_idx_field
# distutils: language=c
# Workaround for cython bug
# see
WORKAROUND = "Something"
# cython: language_level=3str
import cython
import sympy as sp
from pystencils.boundaries.boundaryhandling import DEFAULT_FLAG_TYPE
from pystencils.data_types import TypedSymbol, create_type
from pystencils.typing import TypedSymbol, create_type
from pystencils.field import Field
from pystencils.integer_functions import bitwise_and
......@@ -3,10 +3,7 @@ from import Hashable
from functools import partial, wraps
from itertools import chain
from functools import lru_cache as memorycache
except ImportError:
from backports.functools_lru_cache import lru_cache as memorycache
from functools import lru_cache as memorycache
from joblib import Memory
from appdirs import user_cache_dir
......@@ -62,6 +59,14 @@ def sharedmethodcache(cache_id: str):
return _decorator
def clear_cache():
Clears the pystencils cache created by joblib.
memory = Memory(cache_dir, verbose=0)
# Disable memory cache:
# disk_cache = lambda o: o
# disk_cache_no_fallback = lambda o: o
from copy import copy
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Union, Tuple, List, Dict, Callable, Any, DefaultDict, Iterable
from pystencils import Target, Backend, Field
from pystencils.typing.typed_sympy import BasicType
from pystencils.typing.utilities import collate_types
import numpy as np
# TODO: There exists DTypeLike in NumPy which would be better than type for type hinting, to new at the moment
# from numpy.typing import DTypeLike
# TODO: CreateKernelConfig is bloated think of more classes better usage, factory whatever ...
# Proposition: CreateKernelConfigs Classes for different targets?
class CreateKernelConfig:
**Below all parameters for the CreateKernelConfig are explained**
target: Target = Target.CPU
All targets are defined in :class:`pystencils.enums.Target`
backend: Backend = None
All backends are defined in :class:`pystencils.enums.Backend`
function_name: str = 'kernel'
Name of the generated function - only important if generated code is written out
data_type: Union[type, str, DefaultDict[str, BasicType], Dict[str, BasicType]] = np.float64
Data type used for all untyped symbols (i.e. non-fields), can also be a dict from symbol name to type.
If specified as a dict ideally a defaultdict is used to define a default value for symbols not listed in the
dict. If a plain dict is provided it will be transformed into a defaultdict internally. The default value
will then be specified via type collation then.
default_number_float: Union[type, str, BasicType] = None
Data type used for all untyped floating point numbers (i.e. 0.5). By default the value of data_type is used.
If data_type is given as a defaultdict its default_factory is used.
default_number_int: Union[type, str, BasicType] = np.int64
Data type used for all untyped integer numbers (i.e. 1)
iteration_slice: Tuple = None
Rectangular subset to iterate over, if not specified the complete non-ghost layer part of the field is iterated over
ghost_layers: Union[bool, int, List[Tuple[int]]] = None
A single integer specifies the ghost layer count at all borders, can also be a sequence of
pairs ``[(x_lower_gl, x_upper_gl), .... ]``. These layers are excluded from the iteration.
If left to default, the number of ghost layers is determined automatically from the assignments.
cpu_openmp: Union[bool, int] = False
`True` or number of threads for OpenMP parallelization, `False` for no OpenMP. If set to `True`, the maximum number
of available threads will be chosen.
cpu_vectorize_info: Dict = None
A dictionary with keys, 'vector_instruction_set', 'assume_aligned' and 'nontemporal'
for documentation of these parameters see vectorize function. Example:
'{'instruction_set': 'avx512', 'assume_aligned': True, 'nontemporal':True}'
cpu_blocking: Tuple[int] = None
A tuple of block sizes or `None` if no blocking should be applied
omp_single_loop: bool = True
If OpenMP is active: whether multiple outer loops are permitted
base_pointer_specification: Union[List[Iterable[str]], List[Iterable[int]]] = None
Specification of how many and which intermediate pointers are created for a field access.
For example [ (0), (2,3,)] creates on base pointer for coordinates 2 and 3 and writes the offset for coordinate
zero directly in the field access. These specifications are defined dependent on the loop ordering.
This function translates more readable version into the specification above.
For more information see: `pystencils.transformations.create_intermediate_base_pointer`
gpu_indexing: str = 'block'
Either 'block' or 'line' , or custom indexing class, see `pystencils.gpu.AbstractIndexing`
gpu_indexing_params: MappingProxyType = field(default_factory=lambda: MappingProxyType({}))
Dict with indexing parameters (constructor parameters of indexing class)
e.g. for 'block' one can specify '{'block_size': (20, 20, 10) }'.
# TODO Markus rework this docstring
default_assignment_simplifications: bool = False
If `True` default simplifications are first performed on the Assignments. If problems occur during the
simplification a warning will be thrown.
Furthermore, it is essential to know that this is a two-stage process. The first stage of the process acts
on the level of the `pystencils.AssignmentCollection`. In this part,
`pystencil.simp.create_simplification_strategy` from pystencils.simplificationfactory will be used to
apply optimisations like insertion of constants to
remove pressure from the registers. Thus the first part of the optimisations can only be executed if
an `AssignmentCollection` is passed. The second part of the optimisation acts on the level of each Assignment
individually. In this stage, all optimisations from `sympy.codegen.rewriting.optims_c99` are applied
to each Assignment. Thus this stage can also be applied if a list of Assignments is passed.
cpu_prepend_optimizations: List[Callable] = field(default_factory=list)
List of extra optimizations to perform first on the AST.
use_auto_for_assignments: bool = False
If set to `True`, auto can be used in the generated code for data types. This makes the type system more robust.
index_fields: List[Field] = None
List of index fields, i.e. 1D fields with struct data type. If not `None`, `create_index_kernel`
instead of `create_domain_kernel` is used.
coordinate_names: Tuple[str, Any] = ('x', 'y', 'z')
Name of the coordinate fields in the struct data type.
allow_double_writes: bool = False
If True, don't check if every field is only written at a single location. This is required
for example for kernels that are compiled with loop step sizes > 1, that handle multiple
cells at once. Use with care!
skip_independence_check: bool = False
By default the assignment list is checked for read/write independence. This means fields are only written at
locations where they are read. Doing so guarantees thread safety. In some cases e.g. for
periodicity kernel, this can not be assured and does the check needs to be deactivated. Use with care!
class DataTypeFactory:
"""Because of pickle, we need to have a nested class, instead of a lambda in __post_init__"""
def __init__(self, dt):
self.dt = dt
def __call__(self):
return BasicType(self.dt)
def _check_type(self, dtype_to_check):
if isinstance(dtype_to_check, str) and (dtype_to_check == 'float' or dtype_to_check == 'int'):
if isinstance(dtype_to_check, type) and not hasattr(dtype_to_check, "dtype"):
# NumPy-types are also of type 'type'. However, they have more properties
def _typing_error():
raise ValueError("It is not possible to use python types (float, int) for datatypes because these "
"types are ambiguous. For example float will map to double. "
"Also the string version like 'float' is not allowed, e.g. use 'float64' instead")
def __post_init__(self):
# ---- Legacy parameters
if not isinstance(, Target):
raise ValueError("target must be provided by the 'Target' enum")
# ---- Auto Backend
if not self.backend:
if == Target.CPU:
self.backend = Backend.C
elif == Target.GPU:
self.backend = Backend.CUDA
raise NotImplementedError(f'Target {} has no default backend')
if not isinstance(self.backend, Backend):
raise ValueError("backend must be provided by the 'Backend' enum")
# Normalise data types
for dtype in [self.data_type, self.default_number_float, self.default_number_int]:
if not isinstance(self.data_type, dict):
dt = copy(self.data_type) # The copy is necessary because BasicType has sympy shinanigans
self.data_type = defaultdict(self.DataTypeFactory(dt))
if isinstance(self.data_type, dict) and not isinstance(self.data_type, defaultdict):
for dtype in self.data_type.values():
dt = collate_types([BasicType(dtype) for dtype in self.data_type.values()])
dtype_dict = self.data_type
self.data_type = defaultdict(self.DataTypeFactory(dt), dtype_dict)
assert isinstance(self.data_type, defaultdict), "At this point data_type must be a defaultdict!"
for dtype in self.data_type.values():
if self.default_number_float is None:
self.default_number_float = self.data_type.default_factory()
if not isinstance(self.default_number_float, BasicType):
self.default_number_float = BasicType(self.default_number_float)
if not isinstance(self.default_number_int, BasicType):
self.default_number_int = BasicType(self.default_number_int)
from pystencils.cpu.cpujit import make_python_function
from pystencils.cpu.kernelcreation import add_openmp, create_indexed_kernel, create_kernel
from pystencils.cpu.kernelcreation import add_openmp, create_indexed_kernel, create_kernel, add_pragmas
__all__ = ['create_kernel', 'create_indexed_kernel', 'add_openmp', 'make_python_function']
__all__ = ['create_kernel', 'create_indexed_kernel', 'add_openmp', 'add_pragmas', 'make_python_function']
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ in a configuration file.
3. or in your home directory at ``~/.config/pystencils/config.json`` (Linux) or
``%HOMEPATH%\.pystencils\config.json`` (Windows)
If no configuration file is found, a default configuration is created at the above mentioned location in your home.
If no configuration file is found, a default configuration is created at the above-mentioned location in your home.
So run *pystencils* once, then edit the created configuration file.
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Compiler Config (Linux)
- **'os'**: should be detected automatically as 'linux'
- **'command'**: path to C++ compiler (defaults to 'g++')
- **'flags'**: space separated list of compiler flags. Make sure to activate OpenMP in your compiler
- **'restrict_qualifier'**: the restrict qualifier is not standardized accross compilers.
- **'restrict_qualifier'**: the 'restrict' qualifier is not standardized across compilers.
For most Linux compilers the qualifier is ``__restrict__``
......@@ -39,30 +39,36 @@ Then 'cl.exe' is used to compile.
where Visual Studio is installed. This path has to contain a file called 'vcvarsall.bat'
- **'arch'**: 'x86' or 'x64'
- **'flags'**: flags passed to 'cl.exe', make sure OpenMP is activated
- **'restrict_qualifier'**: the restrict qualifier is not standardized across compilers.
- **'restrict_qualifier'**: the 'restrict' qualifier is not standardized across compilers.
For Windows compilers the qualifier should be ``__restrict``
from appdirs import user_cache_dir, user_config_dir
from collections import OrderedDict
import hashlib
import importlib.util
import json
import os
import platform
import shutil
import subprocess
import sysconfig
import tempfile
import textwrap
from collections import OrderedDict
from sysconfig import get_paths
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory, NamedTemporaryFile
import time
import warnings
import pathlib
import numpy as np
from appdirs import user_cache_dir, user_config_dir
from pystencils import FieldType
from pystencils.astnodes import LoopOverCoordinate
from pystencils.backends.cbackend import generate_c, get_headers, CFunction
from pystencils.data_types import cast_func, VectorType, vector_memory_access
from pystencils.backends.cbackend import generate_c, get_headers
from pystencils.backends.simd_instruction_sets import get_supported_instruction_sets
from pystencils.cpu.msvc_detection import get_environment
from pystencils.include import get_pystencils_include_path
from pystencils.kernel_wrapper import KernelWrapper
from pystencils.typing import BasicType, CastFunc, VectorType, VectorMemoryAccess
from pystencils.utils import atomic_file_write, recursive_dict_update
......@@ -118,15 +124,15 @@ def get_configuration_file_path():
# 1) Read path from environment variable if found
if 'PYSTENCILS_CONFIG' in os.environ:
return os.environ['PYSTENCILS_CONFIG'], True
return os.environ['PYSTENCILS_CONFIG']
# 2) Look in current directory for pystencils.json
elif os.path.exists("pystencils.json"):
return "pystencils.json", True
return "pystencils.json"
# 3) Try ~/.pystencils.json
elif os.path.exists(config_path_in_home):
return config_path_in_home, True
return config_path_in_home
return config_path_in_home, False
return config_path_in_home
def create_folder(path, is_file):
......@@ -146,7 +152,7 @@ def read_config():
('flags', '-Ofast -DNDEBUG -fPIC -march=native -fopenmp -std=c++11'),
('restrict_qualifier', '__restrict__')
if platform.machine().startswith('ppc64'):
if platform.machine().startswith('ppc64') or platform.machine() == 'arm64':
default_compiler_config['flags'] = default_compiler_config['flags'].replace('-march=native',
elif platform.system().lower() == 'windows':
......@@ -157,6 +163,9 @@ def read_config():
('flags', '/Ox /fp:fast /OpenMP /arch:avx'),
('restrict_qualifier', '__restrict')
if platform.machine() == 'ARM64':
default_compiler_config['arch'] = 'ARM64'
default_compiler_config['flags'] = default_compiler_config['flags'].replace(' /arch:avx', '')
elif platform.system().lower() == 'darwin':
default_compiler_config = OrderedDict([
('os', 'darwin'),
......@@ -165,15 +174,19 @@ def read_config():
('restrict_qualifier', '__restrict__')
if platform.machine() == 'arm64':
default_compiler_config['flags'] = default_compiler_config['flags'].replace('-march=native ', '')
if 'sme' in get_supported_instruction_sets():
flag = '-march=armv8.7-a+sme '
flag = ''
default_compiler_config['flags'] = default_compiler_config['flags'].replace('-march=native ', flag)
for libomp in ['/opt/local/lib/libomp/libomp.dylib', '/usr/local/lib/libomp.dylib',
if os.path.exists(libomp):
default_compiler_config['flags'] += ' ' + libomp
raise ValueError("The detection of the platform with platform.system() did not work. "
"Pystencils is only supported for linux, windows, and darwin platforms.")
raise NotImplementedError('Generation of default compiler flags for %s is not implemented' %
default_cache_config = OrderedDict([
('object_cache', os.path.join(user_cache_dir('pystencils'), 'objectcache')),
......@@ -183,16 +196,22 @@ def read_config():
default_config = OrderedDict([('compiler', default_compiler_config),
('cache', default_cache_config)])
config_path, config_exists = get_configuration_file_path()
from fasteners import InterProcessLock
config_path = pathlib.Path(get_configuration_file_path())
config_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
config = default_config.copy()
if config_exists:
with open(config_path, 'r') as json_config_file:
loaded_config = json.load(json_config_file)
config = recursive_dict_update(config, loaded_config)
create_folder(config_path, True)
with open(config_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(config, f, indent=4)
lockfile = config_path.with_suffix(config_path.suffix + ".lock")
with InterProcessLock(lockfile):
if config_path.exists():
with open(config_path, 'r') as json_config_file:
loaded_config = json.load(json_config_file)
config = recursive_dict_update(config, loaded_config)
with open(config_path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(config, f, indent=4)
if config['cache']['object_cache'] is not False:
config['cache']['object_cache'] = os.path.expanduser(config['cache']['object_cache']).format(pid=os.getpid())
......@@ -213,12 +232,11 @@ def read_config():
shutil.rmtree(config['cache']['object_cache'], ignore_errors=True)
create_folder(config['cache']['object_cache'], False)
with NamedTemporaryFile('w', dir=os.path.dirname(cache_status_file), delete=False) as f:
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', dir=os.path.dirname(cache_status_file), delete=False) as f:
json.dump(config['compiler'], f, indent=4)
os.replace(, cache_status_file)
if config['compiler']['os'] == 'windows':
from pystencils.cpu.msvc_detection import get_environment
msvc_env = get_environment(config['compiler']['msvc_version'], config['compiler']['arch'])
if 'env' not in config['compiler']:
config['compiler']['env'] = {}
......@@ -265,6 +283,7 @@ def clear_cache():
create_folder(cache_config['object_cache'], False)
# TODO don't hardcode C type. [1] of tuple output
type_mapping = {
np.float32: ('PyFloat_AsDouble', 'float'),
np.float64: ('PyFloat_AsDouble', 'double'),
......@@ -274,8 +293,6 @@ type_mapping = {
np.uint16: ('PyLong_AsUnsignedLong', 'uint16_t'),
np.uint32: ('PyLong_AsUnsignedLong', 'uint32_t'),
np.uint64: ('PyLong_AsUnsignedLong', 'uint64_t'),
np.complex64: (('PyComplex_RealAsDouble', 'PyComplex_ImagAsDouble'), 'ComplexFloat'),
np.complex128: (('PyComplex_RealAsDouble', 'PyComplex_ImagAsDouble'), 'ComplexDouble'),
template_extract_scalar = """
......@@ -285,14 +302,6 @@ if( obj_{name} == NULL) {{ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Keyword argument '
if( PyErr_Occurred() ) {{ return NULL; }}
template_extract_complex = """
PyObject * obj_{name} = PyDict_GetItemString(kwargs, "{name}");
if( obj_{name} == NULL) {{ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Keyword argument '{name}' missing"); return NULL; }};
{target_type} {name}{{ ({real_type}) {extract_function_real}( obj_{name} ),
({real_type}) {extract_function_imag}( obj_{name} ) }};
if( PyErr_Occurred() ) {{ return NULL; }}
template_extract_array = """
PyObject * obj_{name} = PyDict_GetItemString(kwargs, "{name}");
if( obj_{name} == NULL) {{ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Keyword argument '{name}' missing"); return NULL; }};
......@@ -388,7 +397,7 @@ def create_function_boilerplate_code(parameter_info, name, ast_node, insert_chec
aligned = False
if ast_node.assignments:
aligned = any([a.lhs.args[2] for a in ast_node.assignments
if hasattr(a, 'lhs') and isinstance(a.lhs, cast_func)
if hasattr(a, 'lhs') and isinstance(a.lhs, CastFunc)
and hasattr(a.lhs, 'dtype') and isinstance(a.lhs.dtype, VectorType)])
if ast_node.instruction_set and aligned:
......@@ -398,9 +407,10 @@ def create_function_boilerplate_code(parameter_info, name, ast_node, insert_chec
for loop in ast_node.atoms(LoopOverCoordinate):
has_openmp = has_openmp or any(['#pragma omp' in p for p in loop.prefix_lines])
has_nontemporal = has_nontemporal or any([a.args[0].field == field and a.args[3] for a in
if has_openmp and has_nontemporal:
byte_width = ast_node.instruction_set['cachelineSize']
cl_size = ast_node.instruction_set['cachelineSize']
byte_width = f"({cl_size}) < SIZE_MAX ? ({cl_size}) : ({byte_width})"
offset = max(max(ast_node.ghost_layers)) * item_size
offset_cond = f"(((uintptr_t) buffer_{}.buf) + {offset}) % ({byte_width}) == 0"
......@@ -449,21 +459,11 @@ def create_function_boilerplate_code(parameter_info, name, ast_node, insert_chec
parameters.append(f"buffer_{}.strides[{param.symbol.coordinate}] / {item_size}")
elif param.is_field_shape:
elif type(param.symbol) is CFunction:
extract_function, target_type = type_mapping[param.symbol.dtype.numpy_dtype.type]
if np.issubdtype(param.symbol.dtype.numpy_dtype, np.complexfloating):
pre_call_code += template_extract_complex.format(extract_function_real=extract_function[0],
real_type="float" if target_type == "ComplexFloat"
else "double",
pre_call_code += template_extract_scalar.format(extract_function=extract_function,
pre_call_code += template_extract_scalar.format(extract_function=extract_function,
......@@ -483,18 +483,15 @@ def create_module_boilerplate_code(module_name, names):
def load_kernel_from_file(module_name, function_name, path):
from importlib.util import spec_from_file_location, module_from_spec
spec = spec_from_file_location(name=module_name, location=path)
mod = module_from_spec(spec)
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name=module_name, location=path)
mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
except ImportError:
import time
import warnings
warnings.warn(f"Could not load {path}, trying on more time in 5 seconds ...")
spec = spec_from_file_location(name=module_name, location=path)
mod = module_from_spec(spec)
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name=module_name, location=path)
mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
return getattr(mod, function_name)
......@@ -533,9 +530,13 @@ class ExtensionModuleCode:
headers = {'<math.h>', '<stdint.h>'}
for ast in self._ast_nodes:
for field in ast.fields_accessed:
if isinstance(field.dtype, BasicType) and field.dtype.is_half():
# Add the half precision header only if half precision numbers occur in the AST
header_list = list(headers)
header_list = sorted(headers)
header_list.insert(0, '"Python.h"')
ps_headers = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'include', h[1:-1]) for h in header_list
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'include', h[1:-1]))]
......@@ -572,7 +573,7 @@ def compile_module(code, code_hash, base_dir, compile_flags=None):
compile_flags = []
compiler_config = get_compiler_config()
extra_flags = ['-I' + get_paths()['include'], '-I' + get_pystencils_include_path()] + compile_flags
extra_flags = ['-I' + sysconfig.get_paths()['include'], '-I' + get_pystencils_include_path()] + compile_flags
if compiler_config['os'].lower() == 'windows':
lib_suffix = '.pyd'
......@@ -606,7 +607,6 @@ def compile_module(code, code_hash, base_dir, compile_flags=None):
# Linking
if windows:
import sysconfig
config_vars = sysconfig.get_config_vars()
py_lib = os.path.join(config_vars["installed_base"], "libs",
......@@ -627,7 +627,12 @@ def compile_and_load(ast, custom_backend=None):
cache_config = get_cache_config()
compiler_config = get_compiler_config()
function_prefix = '__declspec(dllexport)' if compiler_config['os'].lower() == 'windows' else ''
if compiler_config['os'].lower() == 'windows':
function_prefix = '__declspec(dllexport)'
elif ast.instruction_set and 'function_prefix' in ast.instruction_set:
function_prefix = ast.instruction_set['function_prefix']
function_prefix = ''
code = ExtensionModuleCode(custom_backend=custom_backend)
code.add_function(ast, ast.function_name)
......@@ -640,7 +645,7 @@ def compile_and_load(ast, custom_backend=None):
compile_flags = ast.instruction_set['compile_flags']
if cache_config['object_cache'] is False:
with TemporaryDirectory() as base_dir:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as base_dir:
lib_file = compile_module(code, code_hash_str, base_dir, compile_flags=compile_flags)
result = load_kernel_from_file(code_hash_str, ast.function_name, lib_file)
from typing import List, Union
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
import pystencils.astnodes as ast
from pystencils.assignment import Assignment
from pystencils.config import CreateKernelConfig
from pystencils.enums import Target, Backend
from pystencils.astnodes import Block, KernelFunction, LoopOverCoordinate, SympyAssignment
from pystencils.cpu.cpujit import make_python_function
from pystencils.data_types import StructType, TypedSymbol, create_type
from pystencils.typing import StructType, TypedSymbol, create_type
from pystencils.typing.transformations import add_types
from pystencils.field import Field, FieldType
from pystencils.node_collection import NodeCollection
from pystencils.transformations import (
add_types, filtered_tree_iteration, get_base_buffer_index, get_optimal_loop_ordering, make_loop_over_domain,
filtered_tree_iteration, iterate_loops_by_depth, get_base_buffer_index, get_optimal_loop_ordering,
make_loop_over_domain, add_outer_loop_over_indexed_elements,
move_constants_before_loop, parse_base_pointer_info, resolve_buffer_accesses,
resolve_field_accesses, split_inner_loop)
AssignmentOrAstNodeList = List[Union[Assignment, ast.Node]]
def create_kernel(assignments: AssignmentOrAstNodeList, function_name: str = "kernel", type_info='double',
split_groups=(), iteration_slice=None, ghost_layers=None,
skip_independence_check=False, allow_double_writes=False) -> KernelFunction:
def create_kernel(assignments: NodeCollection,
config: CreateKernelConfig) -> KernelFunction:
"""Creates an abstract syntax tree for a kernel function, by taking a list of update rules.
Loops are created according to the field accesses in the equations.
......@@ -28,39 +25,25 @@ def create_kernel(assignments: AssignmentOrAstNodeList, function_name: str = "ke
assignments: list of sympy equations, containing accesses to :class:`pystencils.field.Field`.
Defining the update rules of the kernel
function_name: name of the generated function - only important if generated code is written out
type_info: a map from symbol name to a C type specifier. If not specified all symbols are assumed to
be of type 'double' except symbols which occur on the left hand side of equations where the
right hand side is a sympy Boolean which are assumed to be 'bool' .
split_groups: Specification on how to split up inner loop into multiple loops. For details see
transformation :func:`pystencils.transformation.split_inner_loop`
iteration_slice: if not None, iteration is done only over this slice of the field
ghost_layers: a sequence of pairs for each coordinate with lower and upper nr of ghost layers
that should be excluded from the iteration.
if None, the number of ghost layers is determined automatically and assumed to be equal for a
all dimensions
skip_independence_check: don't check that loop iterations are independent. This is needed e.g. for
periodicity kernel, that access the field outside the iteration bounds. Use with care!
allow_double_writes: If True, don't check if every field is only written at a single location. This is required
for example for kernels that are compiled with loop step sizes > 1, that handle multiple
cells at once. Use with care!
config: create kernel config
AST node representing a function, that can be printed as C or CUDA code
def type_symbol(term):
if isinstance(term, Field.Access) or isinstance(term, TypedSymbol):
return term
elif isinstance(term, sp.Symbol):
if isinstance(type_info, str) or not hasattr(type_info, '__getitem__'):
return TypedSymbol(, create_type(type_info))
return TypedSymbol(, type_info[])
raise ValueError("Term has to be field access or symbol")
function_name = config.function_name
iteration_slice = config.iteration_slice
ghost_layers = config.ghost_layers
fields_written = assignments.bound_fields
fields_read = assignments.rhs_fields
split_groups = ()
if 'split_groups' in assignments.simplification_hints:
split_groups = assignments.simplification_hints['split_groups']
assignments = assignments.all_assignments
# TODO Cleanup: move add_types to create_domain_kernel or create_kernel
assignments = add_types(assignments, config)
fields_read, fields_written, assignments = add_types(
assignments, type_info, not skip_independence_check, check_double_write_condition=not allow_double_writes)
all_fields = fields_read.union(fields_written)
read_only_fields = set([ for f in fields_read - fields_written])
......@@ -71,14 +54,31 @@ def create_kernel(assignments: AssignmentOrAstNodeList, function_name: str = "ke
loop_order = get_optimal_loop_ordering(fields_without_buffers)
loop_node, ghost_layer_info = make_loop_over_domain(body, iteration_slice=iteration_slice,
ghost_layers=ghost_layers, loop_order=loop_order)
loop_node = add_outer_loop_over_indexed_elements(loop_node)
ast_node = KernelFunction(loop_node, Target.CPU, Backend.C, compile_function=make_python_function,
ghost_layers=ghost_layer_info, function_name=function_name, assignments=assignments)
if split_groups:
type_info = config.data_type
def type_symbol(term):
if isinstance(term, Field.Access) or isinstance(term, TypedSymbol):
return term
elif isinstance(term, sp.Symbol):
if isinstance(type_info, str) or not hasattr(type_info, '__getitem__'):
return TypedSymbol(, create_type(type_info))
return TypedSymbol(, type_info[])
raise ValueError("Term has to be field access or symbol")
typed_split_groups = [[type_symbol(s) for s in split_group] for split_group in split_groups]
split_inner_loop(ast_node, typed_split_groups)
base_pointer_spec = [['spatialInner0'], ['spatialInner1']] if len(loop_order) >= 2 else [['spatialInner0']]
base_pointer_spec = config.base_pointer_specification
if base_pointer_spec is None:
base_pointer_spec = []
base_pointer_info = { parse_base_pointer_info(base_pointer_spec, loop_order,
field.spatial_dimensions, field.index_dimensions)
for field in fields_without_buffers}
......@@ -90,13 +90,14 @@ def create_kernel(assignments: AssignmentOrAstNodeList, function_name: str = "ke
if any(FieldType.is_buffer(f) for f in all_fields):
resolve_buffer_accesses(ast_node, get_base_buffer_index(ast_node), read_only_fields)
# TODO think about typing
resolve_field_accesses(ast_node, read_only_fields, field_to_base_pointer_info=base_pointer_info)
return ast_node
def create_indexed_kernel(assignments: AssignmentOrAstNodeList, index_fields, function_name="kernel",
type_info=None, coordinate_names=('x', 'y', 'z')) -> KernelFunction:
def create_indexed_kernel(assignments: NodeCollection,
config: CreateKernelConfig) -> KernelFunction:
Similar to :func:`create_kernel`, but here not all cells of a field are updated but only cells with
coordinates which are stored in an index field. This traversal method can e.g. be used for boundary handling.
......@@ -108,31 +109,39 @@ def create_indexed_kernel(assignments: AssignmentOrAstNodeList, index_fields, fu
assignments: list of assignments
index_fields: list of index fields, i.e. 1D fields with struct data type
type_info: see documentation of :func:`create_kernel`
function_name: see documentation of :func:`create_kernel`
coordinate_names: name of the coordinate fields in the struct data type
config: Kernel configuration
fields_read, fields_written, assignments = add_types(assignments, type_info, check_independence_condition=False)
function_name = config.function_name
index_fields = config.index_fields
coordinate_names = config.coordinate_names
fields_written = assignments.bound_fields
fields_read = assignments.rhs_fields
all_fields = fields_read.union(fields_written)
# extract the index fields based on the name. The original index field might have been modified
index_fields = [idx_field for idx_field in index_fields if in [ for f in all_fields]]
non_index_fields = [f for f in all_fields if f not in index_fields]
spatial_coordinates = {f.spatial_dimensions for f in non_index_fields}
assert len(spatial_coordinates) == 1, f"Non-index fields do not have the same number of spatial coordinates " \
f"Non index fields are {non_index_fields}, spatial coordinates are " \
spatial_coordinates = list(spatial_coordinates)[0]
assignments = assignments.all_assignments
assignments = add_types(assignments, config)
for index_field in index_fields:
index_field.field_type = FieldType.INDEXED
assert FieldType.is_indexed(index_field)
assert index_field.spatial_dimensions == 1, "Index fields have to be 1D"
non_index_fields = [f for f in all_fields if f not in index_fields]
spatial_coordinates = {f.spatial_dimensions for f in non_index_fields}
assert len(spatial_coordinates) == 1, "Non-index fields do not have the same number of spatial coordinates"
spatial_coordinates = list(spatial_coordinates)[0]
def get_coordinate_symbol_assignment(name):
for idx_field in index_fields:
assert isinstance(idx_field.dtype, StructType), "Index fields have to have a struct data type"
data_type = idx_field.dtype
if data_type.has_element(name):
rhs = idx_field[0](name)
lhs = TypedSymbol(name, np.int64)
lhs = TypedSymbol(name, data_type.get_element_type(name))
return SympyAssignment(lhs, rhs)
raise ValueError(f"Index {name} not found in any of the passed index fields")
......@@ -207,3 +216,18 @@ def add_openmp(ast_node, schedule="static", num_threads=True, collapse=None, ass
if collapse:
prefix += f" collapse({collapse})"
def add_pragmas(ast_node, pragma_lines, nesting_depth=-1):
"""Prepends given pragma lines to all loops of specified nesting depth.
ast_node: pystencils abstract syntax tree
pragma_lines: Iterable of strings containing the pragma lines
nesting_depth: Nesting depth of the loops the pragmas should be applied to.
Outermost loop has depth 0.
A depth of -1 indicates the innermost loops.
loop_nodes = iterate_loops_by_depth(ast_node, nesting_depth)
for n in loop_nodes:
n.prefix_lines += list(pragma_lines)
......@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ from typing import Container, Union
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from sympy.logic.boolalg import BooleanFunction
from sympy.logic.boolalg import BooleanFunction, BooleanAtom
import pystencils.astnodes as ast
from pystencils.backends.simd_instruction_sets import get_supported_instruction_sets, get_vector_instruction_set
from pystencils.data_types import (
PointerType, TypedSymbol, VectorType, cast_func, collate_types, get_type_of_expression, vector_memory_access)
from pystencils.fast_approximation import fast_division, fast_inv_sqrt, fast_sqrt
from pystencils.typing import (BasicType, PointerType, TypedSymbol, VectorType, CastFunc, collate_types,
get_type_of_expression, VectorMemoryAccess)
from pystencils.functions import DivFunc
from pystencils.field import Field
from pystencils.integer_functions import modulo_ceil, modulo_floor
from pystencils.sympyextensions import fast_subs
......@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ class CachelineSize(ast.Node):
def vectorize(kernel_ast: ast.KernelFunction, instruction_set: str = 'best',
assume_aligned: bool = False, nontemporal: Union[bool, Container[Union[str, Field]]] = False,
assume_inner_stride_one: bool = False, assume_sufficient_line_padding: bool = True):
# TODO Vectorization Revamp we first introduce the remainder loop and then check if we can even vectorise.
# Maybe first copy the ast and return the copied version on failure
"""Explicit vectorization using SIMD vectorization via intrinsics.
......@@ -121,24 +123,31 @@ def vectorize(kernel_ast: ast.KernelFunction, instruction_set: str = 'best',
"to differently typed floating point fields")
float_size = field_float_dtypes.pop().numpy_dtype.itemsize
assert float_size in (8, 4)
default_float_type = 'double' if float_size == 8 else 'float'
default_float_type = 'float64' if float_size == 8 else 'float32'
vector_is = get_vector_instruction_set(default_float_type, instruction_set=instruction_set)
vector_width = vector_is['width']
kernel_ast.instruction_set = vector_is
if nontemporal and 'cachelineZero' in vector_is:
kernel_ast.use_all_written_field_sizes = True
strided = 'storeS' in vector_is and 'loadS' in vector_is
keep_loop_stop = '{loop_stop}' in vector_is['storeA' if assume_aligned else 'storeU']
vectorize_inner_loops_and_adapt_load_stores(kernel_ast, vector_width, assume_aligned, nontemporal,
strided, keep_loop_stop, assume_sufficient_line_padding)
insert_vector_casts(kernel_ast, default_float_type)
keep_loop_stop = '{loop_stop}' in vector_is['storeA' if assume_aligned and 'storeA' in vector_is else 'storeU']
vectorize_inner_loops_and_adapt_load_stores(kernel_ast, assume_aligned, nontemporal,
strided, keep_loop_stop, assume_sufficient_line_padding,
def vectorize_inner_loops_and_adapt_load_stores(ast_node, vector_width, assume_aligned, nontemporal_fields,
strided, keep_loop_stop, assume_sufficient_line_padding):
def vectorize_inner_loops_and_adapt_load_stores(ast_node, assume_aligned, nontemporal_fields,
strided, keep_loop_stop, assume_sufficient_line_padding,
"""Goes over all innermost loops, changes increment to vector width and replaces field accesses by vector type."""
all_loops = filtered_tree_iteration(ast_node, ast.LoopOverCoordinate, stop_type=ast.SympyAssignment)
inner_loops = [n for n in all_loops if n.is_innermost_loop]
zero_loop_counters = {l.loop_counter_symbol: 0 for l in all_loops}
all_loops = list(filtered_tree_iteration(ast_node, ast.LoopOverCoordinate, stop_type=ast.SympyAssignment))
inner_loops = [loop for loop in all_loops if loop.is_innermost_loop]
zero_loop_counters = {loop.loop_counter_symbol: 0 for loop in all_loops}
vector_is = ast_node.instruction_set
assert vector_is, "The ast needs to hold information about the instruction_set for the vectorisation"
vector_width = vector_is['width']
vector_int_width = vector_is['intwidth']
for loop_node in inner_loops:
loop_range = loop_node.stop - loop_node.start
......@@ -152,11 +161,14 @@ def vectorize_inner_loops_and_adapt_load_stores(ast_node, vector_width, assume_a
loop_node.stop = new_stop
cutting_point = modulo_floor(loop_range, vector_width) + loop_node.start
loop_nodes = [l for l in cut_loop(loop_node, [cutting_point]).args if isinstance(l, ast.LoopOverCoordinate)]
# TODO cut_loop calls deepcopy on the loop_node. This is bad as documented in cut_loop
loop_nodes = [loop for loop in cut_loop(loop_node, [cutting_point]).args
if isinstance(loop, ast.LoopOverCoordinate)]
assert len(loop_nodes) in (0, 1, 2) # 2 for main and tail loop, 1 if loop range divisible by vector width
if len(loop_nodes) == 0:
loop_node = loop_nodes[0]
# loop_node is the vectorized one
# Find all array accesses (indexed) that depend on the loop counter as offset
loop_counter_symbol = ast.LoopOverCoordinate.get_loop_counter_symbol(loop_node.coordinate_to_loop_over)
......@@ -165,23 +177,29 @@ def vectorize_inner_loops_and_adapt_load_stores(ast_node, vector_width, assume_a
for indexed in loop_node.atoms(sp.Indexed):
base, index = indexed.args
if loop_counter_symbol in index.atoms(sp.Symbol):
if 'loadA' not in vector_is and 'storeA' not in vector_is and 'maskStoreA' not in vector_is:
# don't need to generate the alignment check when there are no aligned load/store instructions
aligned_access = False
if not isinstance(vector_width, int):
raise NotImplementedError('Access alignment cannot be statically determined for sizeless '
'vector ISAs')
aligned_access = (index - loop_counter_symbol).subs(zero_loop_counters) % vector_width == 0
loop_counter_is_offset = loop_counter_symbol not in (index - loop_counter_symbol).atoms()
aligned_access = (index - loop_counter_symbol).subs(zero_loop_counters) == 0
stride = sp.simplify(index.subs({loop_counter_symbol: loop_counter_symbol + 1}) - index)
if not loop_counter_is_offset and (not strided or loop_counter_symbol in stride.atoms()):
successful = False
typed_symbol = base.label
assert type(typed_symbol.dtype) is PointerType, \
f"Type of access is {typed_symbol.dtype}, {indexed}"
assert type(typed_symbol.dtype) is PointerType, f"Type of access is {typed_symbol.dtype}, {indexed}"
vec_type = VectorType(typed_symbol.dtype.base_type, vector_width)
use_aligned_access = aligned_access and assume_aligned
nontemporal = False
if hasattr(indexed, 'field'):
nontemporal = (indexed.field in nontemporal_fields) or ( in nontemporal_fields)
substitutions[indexed] = vector_memory_access(indexed, vec_type, use_aligned_access, nontemporal, True,
stride if strided else 1)
substitutions[indexed] = VectorMemoryAccess(indexed, vec_type, use_aligned_access, nontemporal, True,
stride if strided else 1)
if nontemporal:
# insert NontemporalFence after the outermost loop
parent = loop_node.parent
......@@ -196,13 +214,13 @@ def vectorize_inner_loops_and_adapt_load_stores(ast_node, vector_width, assume_a
loop_node.step = vector_width
vector_int_width = ast_node.instruction_set['intwidth']
vector_loop_counter = cast_func(loop_counter_symbol, VectorType(loop_counter_symbol.dtype, vector_int_width)) \
+ cast_func(tuple(range(vector_int_width if type(vector_int_width) is int else 2)),
VectorType(loop_counter_symbol.dtype, vector_int_width))
arg_1 = CastFunc(loop_counter_symbol, VectorType(loop_counter_symbol.dtype, vector_int_width))
arg_2 = CastFunc(tuple(range(vector_int_width if type(vector_int_width) is int else 2)),
VectorType(loop_counter_symbol.dtype, vector_int_width))
vector_loop_counter = arg_1 + arg_2
fast_subs(loop_node, {loop_counter_symbol: vector_loop_counter},
skip=lambda e: isinstance(e, ast.ResolvedFieldAccess) or isinstance(e, vector_memory_access))
skip=lambda e: isinstance(e, ast.ResolvedFieldAccess) or isinstance(e, VectorMemoryAccess))
......@@ -214,6 +232,7 @@ def vectorize_inner_loops_and_adapt_load_stores(ast_node, vector_width, assume_a
substitutions.update({s[0]: s[1] for s in zip(rng.result_symbols, new_result_symbols)})
rng._symbols_defined = set(new_result_symbols)
fast_subs(loop_node, substitutions, skip=lambda e: isinstance(e, RNGBase))
insert_vector_casts(loop_node, vector_is, default_float_type)
def mask_conditionals(loop_body):
......@@ -232,8 +251,8 @@ def mask_conditionals(loop_body):
node.condition_expr = vec_any(node.condition_expr)
elif isinstance(node, ast.SympyAssignment):
if mask is not True:
s = {ma: vector_memory_access(*ma.args[0:4], sp.And(mask, ma.args[4]), *ma.args[5:])
for ma in node.atoms(vector_memory_access)}
s = {ma: VectorMemoryAccess(*ma.args[0:4], sp.And(mask, ma.args[4]), *ma.args[5:])
for ma in node.atoms(VectorMemoryAccess)}
for arg in node.args:
......@@ -242,28 +261,55 @@ def mask_conditionals(loop_body):
visit_node(loop_body, mask=True)
def insert_vector_casts(ast_node, default_float_type='double'):
def insert_vector_casts(ast_node, instruction_set, default_float_type='double'):
"""Inserts necessary casts from scalar values to vector values."""
handled_functions = (sp.Add, sp.Mul, fast_division, fast_sqrt, fast_inv_sqrt, vec_any, vec_all)
def visit_expr(expr, default_type='double'):
if isinstance(expr, vector_memory_access):
return vector_memory_access(*expr.args[0:4], visit_expr(expr.args[4], default_type), *expr.args[5:])
elif isinstance(expr, cast_func):
return expr
elif expr.func is sp.Abs and 'abs' not in ast_node.instruction_set:
new_arg = visit_expr(expr.args[0], default_type)
base_type = get_type_of_expression(expr.args[0]).base_type if type(expr.args[0]) is vector_memory_access \
handled_functions = (sp.Add, sp.Mul, vec_any, vec_all, DivFunc, sp.Abs)
def is_scalar(expr) -> bool:
if hasattr(expr, "dtype"):
if type(expr.dtype) is VectorType:
return False
# Else branch: If expr is a CastFunc, then whether the expression
# is scalar is determined by the argument (remember: vector casts
# are not inserted yet). Therefore, we must recurse into the args of
# expr below. Otherwise, this expression is atomic and in that case
# it is assumed to be scalar below.
if isinstance(expr, ast.ResolvedFieldAccess):
# expr.field is not in expr.args
return is_scalar(expr.field)
elif isinstance(expr, (vec_any, vec_all)):
return True
if not hasattr(expr, "args"):
return True
return all(is_scalar(arg) for arg in expr.args)
# TODO Vectorization Revamp: get rid of default_type
def visit_expr(expr, default_type='double', force_vectorize=False):
if isinstance(expr, VectorMemoryAccess):
return VectorMemoryAccess(*expr.args[0:4], visit_expr(expr.args[4], default_type, force_vectorize),
elif isinstance(expr, CastFunc):
cast_type = expr.args[1]
arg = visit_expr(expr.args[0], default_type, force_vectorize)
assert cast_type in [BasicType('float32'), BasicType('float64')], \
f'Vectorization cannot vectorize type {cast_type}'
return expr.func(arg, VectorType(cast_type, instruction_set['width']))
elif expr.func is sp.Abs and 'abs' not in instruction_set:
new_arg = visit_expr(expr.args[0], default_type, force_vectorize)
base_type = get_type_of_expression(expr.args[0]).base_type if type(expr.args[0]) is VectorMemoryAccess \
else get_type_of_expression(expr.args[0])
pw = sp.Piecewise((-new_arg, new_arg < cast_func(0, base_type.numpy_dtype)),
pw = sp.Piecewise((-new_arg, new_arg < CastFunc(0, base_type.numpy_dtype)),
(new_arg, True))
return visit_expr(pw, default_type)
return visit_expr(pw, default_type, force_vectorize)
elif expr.func in handled_functions or isinstance(expr, sp.Rel) or isinstance(expr, BooleanFunction):
if expr.func is sp.Mul and expr.args[0] == -1:
# special treatment for the unary minus: make sure that the -1 has the same type as the argument
dtype = int
for arg in expr.atoms(vector_memory_access):
for arg in expr.atoms(VectorMemoryAccess):
if arg.dtype.base_type.is_float():
dtype = arg.dtype.base_type.numpy_dtype.type
for arg in expr.atoms(TypedSymbol):
......@@ -273,22 +319,42 @@ def insert_vector_casts(ast_node, default_float_type='double'):
if dtype is np.float32:
default_type = 'float'
expr = sp.Mul(dtype(expr.args[0]), *expr.args[1:])
new_args = [visit_expr(a, default_type) for a in expr.args]
new_args = [visit_expr(a, default_type, force_vectorize) for a in expr.args]
arg_types = [get_type_of_expression(a, default_float_type=default_type) for a in new_args]
if not any(type(t) is VectorType for t in arg_types):
return expr
target_type = collate_types(arg_types)
casted_args = [
cast_func(a, target_type) if t != target_type and not isinstance(a, vector_memory_access) else a
CastFunc(a, target_type) if t != target_type and not isinstance(a, VectorMemoryAccess) else a
for a, t in zip(new_args, arg_types)]
return expr.func(*casted_args)
elif expr.func is sp.UnevaluatedExpr:
assert expr.args[0].is_Pow or expr.args[0].is_Mul, "UnevaluatedExpr only implemented holding Mul or Pow"
# TODO this is only because cut_loop evaluates the multiplications again due to deepcopy. All this should
# TODO be fixed for real at some point.
if expr.args[0].is_Pow:
base = expr.args[0].base
exp = expr.args[0].exp
expr = sp.UnevaluatedExpr(sp.Mul(*([base] * +exp), evaluate=False))
new_args = [visit_expr(a, default_type, force_vectorize) for a in expr.args[0].args]
arg_types = [get_type_of_expression(a, default_float_type=default_type) for a in new_args]
target_type = collate_types(arg_types)
if not any(type(t) is VectorType for t in arg_types):
target_type = VectorType(target_type, instruction_set['width'])
casted_args = [
CastFunc(a, target_type) if t != target_type and not isinstance(a, VectorMemoryAccess) else a
for a, t in zip(new_args, arg_types)]
return expr.func(expr.args[0].func(*casted_args, evaluate=False))
elif expr.func is sp.Pow:
new_arg = visit_expr(expr.args[0], default_type)
new_arg = visit_expr(expr.args[0], default_type, force_vectorize)
return expr.func(new_arg, expr.args[1])
elif expr.func == sp.Piecewise:
new_results = [visit_expr(a[0], default_type) for a in expr.args]
new_conditions = [visit_expr(a[1], default_type) for a in expr.args]
new_results = [visit_expr(a[0], default_type, force_vectorize) for a in expr.args]
new_conditions = [visit_expr(a[1], default_type, force_vectorize) for a in expr.args]
types_of_results = [get_type_of_expression(a) for a in new_results]
types_of_conditions = [get_type_of_expression(a) for a in new_conditions]
......@@ -299,34 +365,54 @@ def insert_vector_casts(ast_node, default_float_type='double'):
if type(condition_target_type) is not VectorType and type(result_target_type) is VectorType:
condition_target_type = VectorType(condition_target_type, width=result_target_type.width)
casted_results = [cast_func(a, result_target_type) if t != result_target_type else a
casted_results = [CastFunc(a, result_target_type) if t != result_target_type else a
for a, t in zip(new_results, types_of_results)]
casted_conditions = [cast_func(a, condition_target_type)
casted_conditions = [CastFunc(a, condition_target_type)
if t != condition_target_type and a is not True else a
for a, t in zip(new_conditions, types_of_conditions)]
return sp.Piecewise(*[(r, c) for r, c in zip(casted_results, casted_conditions)])
elif isinstance(expr, TypedSymbol):
if force_vectorize:
expr_type = get_type_of_expression(expr)
if type(expr_type) is not VectorType:
vector_type = VectorType(expr_type, instruction_set['width'])
return CastFunc(expr, vector_type)
return expr
elif isinstance(expr, (sp.Number, BooleanAtom)):
return expr
raise NotImplementedError(f'Due to defensive programming we handle only specific expressions.\n'
f'The expression {expr} of type {type(expr)} is not known yet.')
def visit_node(node, substitution_dict, default_type='double'):
substitution_dict = substitution_dict.copy()
for arg in node.args:
if isinstance(arg, ast.SympyAssignment):
assignment = arg
# If there is a remainder loop we do not vectorise it, thus lhs will indicate this
# if isinstance(assignment.lhs, ast.ResolvedFieldAccess):
# continue
subs_expr = fast_subs(assignment.rhs, substitution_dict,
skip=lambda e: isinstance(e, ast.ResolvedFieldAccess))
assignment.rhs = visit_expr(subs_expr, default_type)
rhs_type = get_type_of_expression(assignment.rhs)
# If either side contains a vectorized subexpression, both sides
# must be fully vectorized.
lhs_scalar = is_scalar(assignment.lhs)
rhs_scalar = is_scalar(subs_expr)
assignment.rhs = visit_expr(subs_expr, default_type, force_vectorize=not (lhs_scalar and rhs_scalar))
if isinstance(assignment.lhs, TypedSymbol):
lhs_type = assignment.lhs.dtype
if type(rhs_type) is VectorType and type(lhs_type) is not VectorType:
if lhs_scalar and not rhs_scalar:
lhs_type = get_type_of_expression(assignment.lhs)
rhs_type = get_type_of_expression(assignment.rhs)
new_lhs_type = VectorType(lhs_type, rhs_type.width)
new_lhs = TypedSymbol(, new_lhs_type)
substitution_dict[assignment.lhs] = new_lhs
assignment.lhs = new_lhs
elif isinstance(assignment.lhs, vector_memory_access):
elif isinstance(assignment.lhs, VectorMemoryAccess):
assignment.lhs = visit_expr(assignment.lhs, default_type)
elif isinstance(arg, ast.Conditional):
arg.condition_expr = fast_subs(arg.condition_expr, substitution_dict,
......@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ def create_data_handling(domain_size: Tuple[int, ...],
default_layout: str = 'SoA',
default_target: Target = Target.CPU,
parallel: bool = False,
default_ghost_layers: int = 1) -> DataHandling:
default_ghost_layers: int = 1,
device_number: Union[int, None] = None) -> DataHandling:
"""Creates a data handling instance.
......@@ -34,6 +35,9 @@ def create_data_handling(domain_size: Tuple[int, ...],
default_target: `Target`
parallel: if True a parallel domain is created using walberla - each MPI process gets a part of the domain
default_ghost_layers: default number of ghost layers if not overwritten in 'add_array'
device_number: If `default_target` is set to 'GPU' and `parallel` is False, a device number should be
specified. If none is given, the device with the largest amount of memory is used. If multiple
devices have the same amount of memory, the one with the lower number is used
if isinstance(default_target, str):
new_target = Target[default_target.upper()]
......@@ -69,7 +73,8 @@ def create_data_handling(domain_size: Tuple[int, ...],
__all__ = ['create_data_handling']
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class ParallelBlock(Block):
result = wlb.field.toArray(result, with_ghost_layers=self._gls)
result = self._normalize_array_shape(result)
elif 'GpuField' in type_name:
result = wlb.cuda.toGpuArray(result, with_ghost_layers=self._gls)
result = wlb.gpu.toGpuArray(result, with_ghost_layers=self._gls)
result = self._normalize_array_shape(result)
return result
......@@ -331,6 +331,7 @@ class DataHandling(ABC):
b[array_name][(Ellipsis, *value_idx)].fill(val)
def min(self, array_name, slice_obj=None, ghost_layers=False, inner_ghost_layers=False, reduce=True):
"""Returns the minimum value inside the domain or slice of the domain.
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from pystencils.datahandling.blockiteration import block_iteration, sliced_block
from pystencils.datahandling.datahandling_interface import DataHandling
from pystencils.enums import Backend
from pystencils.field import Field, FieldType
from pystencils.kernelparameters import FieldPointerSymbol
from pystencils.typing.typed_sympy import FieldPointerSymbol
from pystencils.utils import DotDict
from pystencils import Target
......@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ class ParallelDataHandling(DataHandling):
if gpu:
if alignment != 0:
raise ValueError("Alignment for walberla GPU fields not yet supported")
wlb.cuda.addGpuFieldToStorage(self.blocks, self.GPU_DATA_PREFIX + name, dtype, fSize=values_per_cell,
usePitchedMem=False, ghostLayers=ghost_layers, layout=layout_map[layout])
wlb.gpu.addGpuFieldToStorage(self.blocks, self.GPU_DATA_PREFIX + name, dtype, fSize=values_per_cell,
usePitchedMem=False, ghostLayers=ghost_layers, layout=layout_map[layout])
if cpu and gpu:
self._cpu_gpu_pairs.append((name, self.GPU_DATA_PREFIX + name))
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ class ParallelDataHandling(DataHandling):
def get_kernel_kwargs(self, kernel_function, **kwargs):
if kernel_function.ast.backend == Backend.CUDA:
name_map = self._field_name_to_gpu_data_name
to_array = wlb.cuda.toGpuArray
to_array = wlb.gpu.toGpuArray
name_map = self._field_name_to_cpu_data_name
to_array = wlb.field.toArray
......@@ -280,7 +280,8 @@ class ParallelDataHandling(DataHandling):
for block in self.blocks:
transfer_func(block[self.GPU_DATA_PREFIX + name], block[name])
wlb.cuda.copyFieldToCpu(self.blocks, self.GPU_DATA_PREFIX + name, name)
if self.is_on_gpu(name):
wlb.gpu.copyFieldToCpu(self.blocks, self.GPU_DATA_PREFIX + name, name)
def to_gpu(self, name):
if name in self._custom_data_transfer_functions:
......@@ -288,20 +289,21 @@ class ParallelDataHandling(DataHandling):
for block in self.blocks:
transfer_func(block[self.GPU_DATA_PREFIX + name], block[name])
wlb.cuda.copyFieldToGpu(self.blocks, self.GPU_DATA_PREFIX + name, name)
if self.is_on_gpu(name):
wlb.gpu.copyFieldToGpu(self.blocks, self.GPU_DATA_PREFIX + name, name)
def is_on_gpu(self, name):
return (name, self.GPU_DATA_PREFIX + name) in self._cpu_gpu_pairs
def all_to_cpu(self):
for cpu_name, gpu_name in self._cpu_gpu_pairs:
wlb.cuda.copyFieldToCpu(self.blocks, gpu_name, cpu_name)
wlb.gpu.copyFieldToCpu(self.blocks, gpu_name, cpu_name)
for name in self._custom_data_transfer_functions.keys():
def all_to_gpu(self):
for cpu_name, gpu_name in self._cpu_gpu_pairs:
wlb.cuda.copyFieldToGpu(self.blocks, gpu_name, cpu_name)
wlb.gpu.copyFieldToGpu(self.blocks, gpu_name, cpu_name)
for name in self._custom_data_transfer_functions.keys():
......@@ -328,7 +330,7 @@ class ParallelDataHandling(DataHandling):
create_packing = wlb.field.createStencilRestrictedPackInfo
assert target == Target.GPU
create_packing = wlb.cuda.createPackInfo if buffered else wlb.cuda.createMPIDatatypeInfo
create_packing = wlb.gpu.createPackInfo if buffered else wlb.gpu.createMPIDatatypeInfo
names = [self.GPU_DATA_PREFIX + name for name in names]
sync_function = create_scheme(self.blocks, stencil)
......@@ -6,11 +6,10 @@ import numpy as np
from pystencils.datahandling.blockiteration import SerialBlock
from pystencils.datahandling.datahandling_interface import DataHandling
from pystencils.datahandling.pycuda import PyCudaArrayHandler, PyCudaNotAvailableHandler
from pystencils.enums import Target
from pystencils.field import (
Field, FieldType, create_numpy_array_with_layout, layout_string_to_tuple,
from pystencils.field import (Field, FieldType, create_numpy_array_with_layout,
layout_string_to_tuple, spatial_layout_string_to_tuple)
from pystencils.gpu.gpu_array_handler import GPUArrayHandler, GPUNotAvailableHandler
from pystencils.slicing import normalize_slice, remove_ghost_layers
from pystencils.utils import DotDict
......@@ -23,7 +22,8 @@ class SerialDataHandling(DataHandling):
default_layout: str = 'SoA',
periodicity: Union[bool, Sequence[bool]] = False,
default_target: Target = Target.CPU,
array_handler=None) -> None:
device_number=None) -> None:
Creates a data handling for single node simulations.
......@@ -31,9 +31,17 @@ class SerialDataHandling(DataHandling):
domain_size: size of the spatial domain as tuple
default_ghost_layers: default number of ghost layers used, if not overridden in add_array() method
default_layout: default layout used, if not overridden in add_array() method
periodicity: List of booleans that indicate which dimensions have periodic boundary conditions.
Alternatively, a single boolean can be given, which is used for all dimensions. Defaults to
False (non-periodic)
default_target: `Target` either 'CPU' or 'GPU'. If set to 'GPU' for each array also a GPU version is
allocated if not overwritten in add_array, and synchronization functions are for the GPU by
array_handler: An object that provides the same interface as `GPUArrayHandler`, which is used for creation
and transferring of GPU arrays. Default is to construct a fresh `GPUArrayHandler`
device_number: If `default_target` is set to 'GPU', a device number should be specified. If none is given,
the device with the largest amount of memory is used. If multiple devices have the same
amount of memory, the one with the lower number is used
super(SerialDataHandling, self).__init__()
self._domainSize = tuple(domain_size)
......@@ -48,9 +56,14 @@ class SerialDataHandling(DataHandling):
if not array_handler:
self.array_handler = PyCudaArrayHandler()
except Exception:
self.array_handler = PyCudaNotAvailableHandler()
if device_number is None:
import cupy.cuda.runtime
if cupy.cuda.runtime.getDeviceCount() > 0:
device_number = sorted(range(cupy.cuda.runtime.getDeviceCount()),
key=lambda i: cupy.cuda.Device(i).mem_info[1], reverse=True)[0]
self.array_handler = GPUArrayHandler(device_number)
except ImportError:
self.array_handler = GPUNotAvailableHandler()
self.array_handler = array_handler
......@@ -126,10 +139,14 @@ class SerialDataHandling(DataHandling):
layout_tuple = spatial_layout_string_to_tuple(layout, self.dim)
# cpu_arr is always created - since there is no create_pycuda_array_with_layout()
# cpu_arr is always created - since there is no create_gpu_array_with_layout()
byte_offset = ghost_layers * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize
cpu_arr = create_numpy_array_with_layout(layout=layout_tuple, alignment=alignment,
byte_offset=byte_offset, **kwargs)
if gpu:
cpu_arr = self.array_handler.pinned_numpy_array(shape=kwargs['shape'], layout=layout_tuple, dtype=dtype)
cpu_arr = create_numpy_array_with_layout(layout=layout_tuple, alignment=alignment,
byte_offset=byte_offset, **kwargs)
if alignment and gpu:
raise NotImplementedError("Alignment for GPU fields not supported")
......@@ -251,14 +268,16 @@ class SerialDataHandling(DataHandling):
transfer_func = self._custom_data_transfer_functions[name][1]
transfer_func(self.custom_data_gpu[name], self.custom_data_cpu[name])
else:[name], self.cpu_arrays[name])
if name in self.cpu_arrays.keys() & self.gpu_arrays.keys():[name], self.cpu_arrays[name])
def to_gpu(self, name):
if name in self._custom_data_transfer_functions:
transfer_func = self._custom_data_transfer_functions[name][0]
transfer_func(self.custom_data_gpu[name], self.custom_data_cpu[name])
self.array_handler.upload(self.gpu_arrays[name], self.cpu_arrays[name])
if name in self.cpu_arrays.keys() & self.gpu_arrays.keys():
self.array_handler.upload(self.gpu_arrays[name], self.cpu_arrays[name])
def is_on_gpu(self, name):
return name in self.gpu_arrays
......@@ -313,7 +332,7 @@ class SerialDataHandling(DataHandling):
result.append(functor(filtered_stencil, ghost_layers=gls))
if functor is None:
from pystencils.gpucuda.periodicity import get_periodic_boundary_functor as functor
from pystencils.gpu.periodicity import get_periodic_boundary_functor as functor
target = Target.GPU
result.append(functor(filtered_stencil, self._domainSize,
......@@ -419,13 +438,19 @@ class SerialDataHandling(DataHandling):
def world_rank(self):
return 0
def save_all(self, file):
np.savez_compressed(file, **self.cpu_arrays)
def save_all(self, filename, compressed=True, synchronise_data=True):
if synchronise_data:
for name in (self.cpu_arrays.keys() & self.gpu_arrays.keys()):
if compressed:
np.savez_compressed(filename, **self.cpu_arrays)
np.savez(filename, **self.cpu_arrays)
def load_all(self, file):
if '.npz' not in file:
file += '.npz'
file_contents = np.load(file)
def load_all(self, filename, synchronise_data=True):
if '.npz' not in filename:
filename += '.npz'
file_contents = np.load(filename)
for arr_name, arr_contents in self.cpu_arrays.items():
if arr_name not in file_contents:
print(f"Skipping read data {arr_name} because there is no data with this name in data handling")
......@@ -435,3 +460,6 @@ class SerialDataHandling(DataHandling):
f"Read array shape {file_contents[arr_name].shape}, existing array shape {arr_contents.shape}")
np.copyto(arr_contents, file_contents[arr_name])
if synchronise_data:
if arr_name in self.gpu_arrays.keys():