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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2019 Stephan Seitz <>
# Distributed under terms of the GPLv3 license.
import hashlib
import itertools
from enum import Enum
from typing import Set
import sympy as sp
from sympy.core.cache import cacheit
import pystencils
from pystencils.astnodes import Node
from pystencils.data_types import TypedSymbol, cast_func, create_type
import pycuda.driver
except Exception:
_hash = hashlib.md5
class InterpolationMode(str, Enum):
NEAREST_NEIGHBOR = "nearest_neighbour"
LINEAR = "linear"
CUBIC_SPLINE = "cubic_spline"
class _InterpolationSymbol(TypedSymbol):
def __new__(cls, name, field, interpolator):
obj = cls.__xnew_cached_(cls, name, field, interpolator)
return obj
def __new_stage2__(cls, name, field, interpolator):
obj = super().__xnew__(cls, name, 'dummy_symbol_carrying_field' +
obj.field = field
obj.interpolator = interpolator
return obj
def __getnewargs__(self):
return, self.field, self.interpolator
def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
return (, self.field, self.interpolator), {}
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
__xnew__ = staticmethod(__new_stage2__)
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
__xnew_cached_ = staticmethod(cacheit(__new_stage2__))
class Interpolator(object):
Implements non-integer accesses on fields using linear interpolation.
On GPU, this interpolator can be implemented by a :class:`.TextureCachedField` for hardware acceleration.
Address modes are different boundary handlings possible choices are like for CUDA textures
The signal c[k] is continued outside k=0,...,M-1 so that c[k] = c[0] for k < 0, and c[k] = c[M-1] for k >= M.
The signal c[k] is continued outside k=0,...,M-1 so that c[k] = 0 for k < 0and for k >= M.
Now, to describe the last two address modes, we are forced to consider normalized coordinates,
so that the 1D input signal samples are assumed to be c[k / M], with k=0,...,M-1.
The signal c[k / M] is continued outside k=0,...,M-1 so that it is periodic with period equal to M.
In other words, c[(k + p * M) / M] = c[k / M] for any (positive, negative or vanishing) integer p.
The signal c[k / M] is continued outside k=0,...,M-1 so that it is periodic with period equal to 2 * M - 2.
In other words, c[l / M] = c[k / M] for any l and k such that (l + k)mod(2 * M - 2) = 0.
Explanations from
required_global_declarations = []
def __init__(self,
interpolation_mode: InterpolationMode,
self.field = parent_field
self.field.field_type = pystencils.field.FieldType.CUSTOM
self.address_mode = address_mode
self.use_normalized_coordinates = use_normalized_coordinates
self.interpolation_mode = interpolation_mode
self.hash_str = hashlib.md5(
self.symbol = _InterpolationSymbol(str(self), parent_field, self)
self.allow_textures = allow_textures
def ndim(self):
return self.field.ndim
def _hashable_contents(self):
return (str(self.address_mode),
def at(self, offset):
return InterpolatorAccess(self.symbol, *[sp.S(o) for o in offset])
def __getitem__(self, offset):
return InterpolatorAccess(self.symbol, *[sp.S(o) for o in offset])
def __str__(self):
return f'{}_interpolator_{self.reproducible_hash}'
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._hashable_contents)
def __eq__(self, other):
return hash(self) == hash(other)
def reproducible_hash(self):
return _hash(str(self._hashable_contents).encode()).hexdigest()
class LinearInterpolator(Interpolator):
def __init__(self,
parent_field: pystencils.Field,
class NearestNeightborInterpolator(Interpolator):
def __init__(self,
parent_field: pystencils.Field,
class InterpolatorAccess(TypedSymbol):
def __new__(cls, field, *offsets):
obj = InterpolatorAccess.__xnew_cached_(cls, field, *offsets)
return obj
def __new_stage2__(cls, symbol, *offsets):
assert offsets is not None
obj = super().__xnew__(cls, '%s_interpolator_%s' %
(, _hash(str(tuple(offsets)).encode()).hexdigest()),
obj.offsets = offsets
obj.symbol = symbol
obj.field = symbol.field
obj.interpolator = symbol.interpolator
return obj
def _hashable_contents(self):
return super()._hashable_content() + ((self.symbol, self.field, tuple(self.offsets), self.symbol.interpolator))
def __str__(self):
return f"{}_interpolator({', '.join(str(o) for o in self.offsets)})"
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def _latex(self, printer, *_):
n = self.field.latex_name if self.field.latex_name else
foo = ", ".join(str(printer.doprint(o)) for o in self.offsets)
return f'{n}_{{interpolator}}\\left({foo}\\right)'
def ndim(self):
return len(self.offsets)
def is_texture(self):
return isinstance(self.interpolator, TextureCachedField)
def atoms(self, *types):
if self.offsets:
offsets = set(o for o in self.offsets if isinstance(o, types))
if isinstance(self, *types):
for o in self.offsets:
if hasattr(o, 'atoms'):
return offsets
return set()
def neighbor(self, coord_id, offset):
offset_list = list(self.offsets)
offset_list[coord_id] += offset
def free_symbols(self):
symbols = set()
if self.offsets is not None:
for o in self.offsets:
if hasattr(o, 'free_symbols'):
# if hasattr(o, 'atoms'):
# symbols.update(set(o.atoms(sp.Symbol)))
return symbols
def required_global_declarations(self):
required_global_declarations = self.symbol.interpolator.required_global_declarations
if required_global_declarations:
return required_global_declarations
def args(self):
return [self.symbol, *self.offsets]
def symbols_defined(self) -> Set[sp.Symbol]:
return {self}
def interpolation_mode(self):
return self.interpolator.interpolation_mode
def _diff_interpolation_vec(self):
return sp.Matrix([DiffInterpolatorAccess(self.symbol, i, *self.offsets)
for i in range(len(self.offsets))])
def diff(self, *symbols, **kwargs):
if symbols == (self,):
return 1
rtn = self._diff_interpolation_vec.T * sp.Matrix(self.offsets).diff(*symbols, **kwargs)
if rtn.shape == (1, 1):
rtn = rtn[0, 0]
return rtn
def implementation_with_stencils(self):
field = self.field
default_int_type = create_type('int64')
use_textures = isinstance(self.interpolator, TextureCachedField)
if use_textures:
def absolute_access(x, _):
return for o in x))
absolute_access = field.absolute_access
sum = [0, ] * (field.shape[0] if field.index_dimensions else 1)
offsets = self.offsets
rounding_functions = (sp.floor, lambda x: sp.floor(x) + 1)
for channel_idx in range(field.shape[0] if field.index_dimensions else 1):
if self.interpolation_mode == InterpolationMode.NN:
if use_textures:
sum[channel_idx] = self
sum[channel_idx] = absolute_access([sp.floor(i + 0.5) for i in offsets], channel_idx)
elif self.interpolation_mode == InterpolationMode.LINEAR:
# TODO optimization: implement via lerp:
for c in itertools.product(rounding_functions, repeat=field.spatial_dimensions):
weight = sp.Mul(*[1 - sp.Abs(f(offset) - offset) for (f, offset) in zip(c, offsets)])
index = [f(offset) for (f, offset) in zip(c, offsets)]
# Hardware boundary handling on GPU
if use_textures:
weight = sp.Mul(*[1 - sp.Abs(f(offset) - offset) for (f, offset) in zip(c, offsets)])
sum[channel_idx] += \
weight * absolute_access(index, channel_idx if field.index_dimensions else ())
# else boundary handling using software
elif str(self.interpolator.address_mode).lower() == 'border':
is_inside_field = sp.And(
*itertools.chain([i >= 0 for i in index],
[idx < field.shape[dim] for (dim, idx) in enumerate(index)]))
index = [cast_func(i, default_int_type) for i in index]
sum[channel_idx] += sp.Piecewise(
(weight * absolute_access(index, channel_idx if field.index_dimensions else ()),
(sp.simplify(0), True)
elif str(self.interpolator.address_mode).lower() == 'clamp':
index = [sp.Min(sp.Max(0, cast_func(i, default_int_type)), field.spatial_shape[dim] - 1)
for (dim, i) in enumerate(index)]
sum[channel_idx] += weight * \
absolute_access(index, channel_idx if field.index_dimensions else ())
elif str(self.interpolator.address_mode).lower() == 'wrap':
index = [sp.Mod(cast_func(i, default_int_type), field.shape[dim] - 1)
for (dim, i) in enumerate(index)]
index = [cast_func(sp.Piecewise((i, i > 0),
(sp.Abs(cast_func(field.shape[dim] - 1 + i, default_int_type)),
True)), default_int_type)
for (dim, i) in enumerate(index)]
sum[channel_idx] += weight * \
absolute_access(index, channel_idx if field.index_dimensions else ())
# sum[channel_idx] = 0
elif str(self.interpolator.address_mode).lower() == 'mirror':
def triangle_fun(x, half_period):
saw_tooth = cast_func(sp.Abs(cast_func(x, 'int32')), 'int32') % (
cast_func(2 * half_period, create_type('int32')))
return sp.Piecewise((saw_tooth, saw_tooth < half_period),
(2 * half_period - 1 - saw_tooth, True))
index = [cast_func(triangle_fun(i, field.shape[dim]),
default_int_type) for (dim, i) in enumerate(index)]
sum[channel_idx] += weight * \
absolute_access(index, channel_idx if field.index_dimensions else ())
raise NotImplementedError()
elif self.interpolation_mode == InterpolationMode.CUBIC_SPLINE:
raise NotImplementedError("only works with HW interpolation for float32")
sum = [sp.factor(s) for s in sum]
if field.index_dimensions:
return sp.Matrix(sum)
return sum[0]
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
__xnew__ = staticmethod(__new_stage2__)
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
__xnew_cached_ = staticmethod(cacheit(__new_stage2__))
def __getnewargs__(self):
return (self.symbol, *self.offsets)
def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
return (self.symbol, *self.offsets), {}
class DiffInterpolatorAccess(InterpolatorAccess):
def __new__(cls, symbol, diff_coordinate_idx, *offsets):
if symbol.interpolator.interpolation_mode == InterpolationMode.LINEAR:
from pystencils.fd import Diff, Discretization2ndOrder
return Discretization2ndOrder(1)(Diff(, diff_coordinate_idx))
obj = DiffInterpolatorAccess.__xnew_cached_(cls, symbol, diff_coordinate_idx, *offsets)
return obj
def __new_stage2__(self, symbol: sp.Symbol, diff_coordinate_idx, *offsets):
assert offsets is not None
obj = super().__xnew__(self, symbol, *offsets)
obj.diff_coordinate_idx = diff_coordinate_idx
return obj
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.symbol, self.field, self.diff_coordinate_idx, tuple(self.offsets), self.interpolator))
def __str__(self):
return '%s_diff%i_interpolator(%s)' % (, self.diff_coordinate_idx,
', '.join(str(o) for o in self.offsets))
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def args(self):
return [self.symbol, self.diff_coordinate_idx, *self.offsets]
def symbols_defined(self) -> Set[sp.Symbol]:
return {self}
def interpolation_mode(self):
return self.interpolator.interpolation_mode
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
__xnew__ = staticmethod(__new_stage2__)
# noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
__xnew_cached_ = staticmethod(cacheit(__new_stage2__))
def __getnewargs__(self):
return (self.symbol, self.diff_coordinate_idx, *self.offsets)
def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
return (self.symbol, self.diff_coordinate_idx, *self.offsets), {}
# GPU-specific fast specializations (for precision GPUs can also use above nodes/symbols #
class TextureCachedField(Interpolator):
def __init__(self, parent_field,
interpolation_mode: InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.LINEAR,
super().__init__(parent_field, interpolation_mode, address_mode, use_normalized_coordinates)
if address_mode is None:
address_mode = 'border'
if filter_mode is None:
filter_mode = pycuda.driver.filter_mode.LINEAR
self.read_as_integer = read_as_integer
self.required_global_declarations = [TextureDeclaration(self)]
def ndim(self):
return self.field.ndim
def from_interpolator(cls, interpolator: LinearInterpolator):
if (isinstance(interpolator, cls)
or (hasattr(interpolator, 'allow_textures') and not interpolator.allow_textures)):
return interpolator
obj = cls(interpolator.field, interpolator.address_mode, interpolation_mode=interpolator.interpolation_mode)
return obj
def __str__(self):
return f'{}_texture_{self.reproducible_hash}'
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def reproducible_hash(self):
return _hash(str(self._hashable_contents).encode()).hexdigest()
class TextureDeclaration(Node):
A global declaration of a texture. Visible both for device and host code.
.. code:: cpp
// This Node represents the following global declaration
texture<float, cudaTextureType2D, cudaReadModeElementType> x_texture_5acc9fced7b0dc3e;
__device__ kernel(...) {
// kernel acceses x_texture_5acc9fced7b0dc3e with tex2d(...)
__host__ launch_kernel(...) {
// Host needs to bind the texture
cudaBindTexture(0, x_texture_5acc9fced7b0dc3e, buffer, N*sizeof(float));
This has been deprecated by CUDA in favor of :class:`.TextureObject`.
But texture objects are not yet supported by PyCUDA (
def __init__(self, parent_texture):
self.texture = parent_texture
self._symbols_defined = {self.texture.symbol}
def symbols_defined(self) -> Set[sp.Symbol]:
return self._symbols_defined
def args(self) -> Set[sp.Symbol]:
return set()
def headers(self):
headers = ['"pycuda-helpers.hpp"']
if self.texture.interpolation_mode == InterpolationMode.CUBIC_SPLINE:
headers.append('""' % self.texture.ndim)
return headers
def __str__(self):
from pystencils.backends.cuda_backend import CudaBackend
return CudaBackend()(self)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
class TextureObject(TextureDeclaration):
A CUDA texture object. Opposed to :class:`.TextureDeclaration` it is not declared globally but
used as a function argument for the kernel call.
Like :class:`.TextureDeclaration` it defines :class:`.TextureAccess` symbols.
Just the printing representation is a bit different.
def dtype_supports_textures(dtype):
Returns whether CUDA natively supports texture fetches with this numpy dtype.
The maximum word size for a texture fetch is four bytes.
With this trick also larger dtypes can be fetched:
if hasattr(dtype, 'numpy_dtype'):
dtype = dtype.numpy_dtype
if isinstance(dtype, type):
return dtype().itemsize <= 4
return dtype.itemsize <= 4
from .generate_benchmark import generate_benchmark, run_c_benchmark
from .kerncraft_interface import KerncraftParameters, PyStencilsKerncraftKernel
__all__ = ['PyStencilsKerncraftKernel', 'KerncraftParameters', 'generate_benchmark', 'run_c_benchmark']
import subprocess
import warnings
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, StrictUndefined
from pystencils.astnodes import PragmaBlock
from pystencils.backends.cbackend import generate_c, get_headers
from pystencils.cpu.cpujit import get_compiler_config, run_compile_step
from pystencils.data_types import get_base_type
from pystencils.include import get_pystencils_include_path
from pystencils.integer_functions import modulo_ceil
from pystencils.sympyextensions import prod
import numpy as np
def generate_benchmark(ast, likwid=False, openmp=False, timing=False):
"""Return C code of a benchmark program for the given kernel.
ast: the pystencils AST object as returned by create_kernel
likwid: if True likwid markers are added to the code
openmp: relevant only if likwid=True, to generated correct likwid initialization code
timing: add timing output to the code, prints time per iteration to stdout
C code as string
accessed_fields = { f for f in ast.fields_accessed}
constants = []
fields = []
call_parameters = []
for p in ast.get_parameters():
if not p.is_field_parameter:
constants.append((, str(p.symbol.dtype)))
assert p.is_field_pointer, "Benchmark implemented only for kernels with fixed loop size"
field = accessed_fields[p.field_name]
dtype = str(get_base_type(p.symbol.dtype))
np_dtype = get_base_type(p.symbol.dtype).numpy_dtype
size_data_type = np_dtype.itemsize
dim0_size = field.shape[-1]
dim1_size =[:-1])
elements = prod(field.shape)
if ast.instruction_set:
align = ast.instruction_set['width'] * size_data_type
padding_elements = modulo_ceil(dim0_size, ast.instruction_set['width']) - dim0_size
padding_bytes = padding_elements * size_data_type
ghost_layers = max(max(ast.ghost_layers))
size = dim1_size * padding_bytes + * size_data_type
assert align % np_dtype.itemsize == 0
offset = ((dim0_size + padding_elements + ghost_layers) % ast.instruction_set['width']) * size_data_type
fields.append((p.field_name, dtype, elements, size, offset, align))
size = elements * size_data_type
fields.append((p.field_name, dtype, elements, size, 0, 0))
header_list = get_headers(ast)
includes = "\n".join(["#include %s" % (include_file,) for include_file in header_list])
# Strip "#pragma omp parallel" from within kernel, because main function takes care of that
# when likwid and openmp are enabled
if likwid and openmp:
if len(ast.body.args) > 0 and isinstance(ast.body.args[0], PragmaBlock):
ast.body.args[0].pragma_line = ''
jinja_context = {
'likwid': likwid,
'openmp': openmp,
'kernel_code': generate_c(ast, dialect='c'),
'kernelName': ast.function_name,
'fields': fields,
'constants': constants,
'call_argument_list': ",".join(call_parameters),
'includes': includes,
'timing': timing,
env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('pystencils.kerncraft_coupling'), undefined=StrictUndefined)
return env.get_template('benchmark.c').render(**jinja_context)
def run_c_benchmark(ast, inner_iterations, outer_iterations=3, path=None):
"""Runs the given kernel with outer loop in C
ast: pystencils ast which is used to compile the benchmark file
inner_iterations: timings are recorded around this many iterations
outer_iterations: number of timings recorded
path: path where the benchmark file is stored. If None a tmp folder is created
list of times per iterations for each outer iteration
import kerncraft
benchmark_code = generate_benchmark(ast, timing=True)
if path is None:
path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if isinstance(path, str):
path = Path(path)
with open(path / 'bench.c', 'w') as f:
kerncraft_path = Path(kerncraft.__file__).parent
extra_flags = ['-I' + get_pystencils_include_path(),
'-I' + str(kerncraft_path / 'headers')]
compiler_config = get_compiler_config()
compile_cmd = [compiler_config['command']] + compiler_config['flags'].split()
compile_cmd += [*extra_flags,
str(kerncraft_path / 'headers' / 'timing.c'),
str(kerncraft_path / 'headers' / 'dummy.c'),
str(path / 'bench.c'),
'-o', str(path / 'bench'),
time_pre_estimation_per_iteration = float(subprocess.check_output(['./' / path / 'bench', str(10)]))
benchmark_time_limit = 20
if benchmark_time_limit / time_pre_estimation_per_iteration < inner_iterations:
warn = (f"A benchmark run with {inner_iterations} inner_iterations will probably take longer than "
f"{benchmark_time_limit} seconds for this kernel")
results = []
for _ in range(outer_iterations):
benchmark_time = float(subprocess.check_output(['./' / path / 'bench', str(inner_iterations)]))
return results
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
#include "kerncraft.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
{{ includes }}
#define RESTRICT __restrict__
void dummy(void *);
void timing(double* wcTime, double* cpuTime);
extern int var_false;
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
from .kernelcreation import create_kernel
from .llvmjit import make_python_function
__all__ = ['create_kernel', 'make_python_function']
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
from pystencils.opencl.opencljit import (
clear_global_ctx, init_globally, init_globally_with_context, make_python_function)
__all__ = ['init_globally', 'init_globally_with_context', 'clear_global_ctx', 'make_python_function']
Automatically initializes OpenCL context using any device.
Use `pystencils.opencl.{init_globally_with_context,init_globally}` if you want to use a specific device.
from pystencils.opencl.opencljit import (
clear_global_ctx, init_globally, init_globally_with_context, make_python_function)
__all__ = ['init_globally', 'init_globally_with_context', 'clear_global_ctx', 'make_python_function']
except Exception as e:
import warnings
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.