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Commits on Source (343)
with 1537 additions and 954 deletions
[flake8] [flake8]
max-line-length=120 max-line-length=120
exclude=pystencils/, exclude=src/pystencils/,
pystencils/ src/pystencils/
pystencils/ src/pystencils/
ignore = W293 W503 W291 C901 E741 ignore = W293 W503 W291 C901 E741
pystencils/ export-subst src/pystencils/ export-subst
__pycache__ __pycache__
.ipynb_checkpoints .ipynb_checkpoints
.coverage .coverage*
*.pyc *.pyc
*.vti *.vti
/build /build
/dist /dist
/*.egg-info *.egg-info
.cache .cache
_build _build
/.idea /.idea
.vscode .vscode
.cache .cache
_local_tmp _local_tmp
test-report test-report
pystencils/boundaries/createindexlistcython.c src/pystencils/boundaries/createindexlistcython.c
pystencils/boundaries/createindexlistcython.*.so src/pystencils/boundaries/createindexlistcython.*.so
pystencils_tests/tmp tests/tmp
pystencils_tests/kerncraft_inputs/.2d-5pt.c_kerncraft/ tests/var
pystencils_tests/kerncraft_inputs/.3d-7pt.c_kerncraft/ tests/kerncraft_inputs/.2d-5pt.c_kerncraft/
\ No newline at end of file tests/kerncraft_inputs/.3d-7pt.c_kerncraft/
# macOS
stages: stages:
- pretest
- test - test
- nightly
- docs
- deploy - deploy
# -------------------------- Templates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Base configuration for jobs meant to run at every commit
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "schedule"
# Configuration for jobs meant to run on each commit to pycodegen/pystencils/master
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE != "schedule" && $CI_PROJECT_PATH == "pycodegen/pystencils" && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"'
# Base configuration for jobs meant to run at a schedule
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"
# -------------------------- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # -------------------------- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Normal test - runs on every commit all but "long run" tests # Normal test - runs on every commit all but "long run" tests
tests-and-coverage: tests-and-coverage:
stage: test stage: pretest
except: extends: .every-commit
variables: image:
- $ENABLE_NIGHTLY_BUILDS before_script:
image: - pip install -e .
script: script:
- env - env
- pip list - pip list
...@@ -19,28 +39,33 @@ tests-and-coverage: ...@@ -19,28 +39,33 @@ tests-and-coverage:
- mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib - mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib
- echo "backend:template" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc - echo "backend:template" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc
- mkdir public - mkdir public
- py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES --cov-report html --cov-report term --cov=. -m "not longrun" --html test-report/index.html --junitxml=report.xml - pytest -v -n $NUM_CORES --cov-report html --cov-report xml --cov-report term --cov=. -m "not longrun" --html test-report/index.html --junitxml=report.xml
- python3 -m coverage xml - python -m coverage xml
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
- cuda11 - cuda11
coverage: /Total coverage:\s\d+.\d+\%/
artifacts: artifacts:
when: always when: always
paths: paths:
- coverage_report - coverage_report
- test-report - test-report
reports: reports:
cobertura: coverage.xml coverage_report:
coverage_format: cobertura
path: coverage.xml
junit: report.xml junit: report.xml
# pipeline with latest python version # Normal test with longruns
latest-python: tests-and-coverage-with-longrun:
stage: test stage: test
except: when: manual
variables: allow_failure: true
image: before_script:
- pip install sympy --upgrade
- pip install -e .
script: script:
- env - env
- pip list - pip list
...@@ -48,73 +73,66 @@ latest-python: ...@@ -48,73 +73,66 @@ latest-python:
- mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib - mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib
- echo "backend:template" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc - echo "backend:template" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc
- mkdir public - mkdir public
- py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES -m "not longrun" --junitxml=report.xml - py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
- cuda11
when: always
junit: report.xml
# Nightly test - runs "long run" jobs only # pipeline with latest python version
test-longrun: latest-python:
stage: test stage: test
only: extends: .every-commit
variables: image:
- $ENABLE_NIGHTLY_BUILDS before_script:
image: - pip install -e .
script: script:
- env
- pip list
- pip install -e .
- export NUM_CORES=$(nproc --all) - export NUM_CORES=$(nproc --all)
- mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib - mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib
- echo "backend:template" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc - echo "backend:template" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc
- py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES --cov-report html --cov-report term --cov=. --html test-report/index.html --junitxml=report.xml - mkdir public
- py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES -m "not longrun" --junitxml=report.xml
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
- cuda11
artifacts: artifacts:
when: always when: always
- coverage_report
- test-report
reports: reports:
junit: report.xml junit: report.xml
# Minimal tests in windows environment # Minimal tests in windows environment
minimal-windows: #minimal-windows:
stage: test # stage: test
except: # tags:
variables: # - win
tags: # - export NUM_CORES=$(nproc --all)
- win # - source /cygdrive/c/Users/build/Miniconda3/Scripts/activate
script: # - source activate pystencils
- export NUM_CORES=$(nproc --all) # - pip install joblib
- source /cygdrive/c/Users/build/Miniconda3/Scripts/activate # - pip list
- source activate pystencils # - python -c "import numpy"
- pip list # - py.test -v -m "not (notebook or longrun)"
- python -c "import numpy"
- py.test -v -m "not (notebook or longrun)"
ubuntu: ubuntu:
stage: test stage: test
except: extends: .every-commit
image: image:
before_script: before_script:
- apt-get -y remove python3-sympy
- ln -s /usr/include/locale.h /usr/include/xlocale.h - ln -s /usr/include/locale.h /usr/include/xlocale.h
- pip3 install `grep -Eo 'sympy[>=]+[0-9\.]+' | sed 's/>/=/g'` - pip3 install -e .
script: script:
- export NUM_CORES=$(nproc --all) - export NUM_CORES=$(nproc --all)
- mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib - mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib
- echo "backend:template" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc - echo "backend:template" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc
- sed -i 's/--doctest-modules //g' pytest.ini - sed -i 's/--doctest-modules //g' pytest.ini
- env - env
- pip3 list - pip list
- pytest-3 -v -n $NUM_CORES -m "not longrun" --junitxml=report.xml - pytest -v -n $NUM_CORES -m "not longrun" --junitxml=report.xml
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
- cuda11 - cuda11
...@@ -126,10 +144,11 @@ ubuntu: ...@@ -126,10 +144,11 @@ ubuntu:
.multiarch_template: .multiarch_template:
stage: test stage: test
except: extends: .every-commit
variables: allow_failure: true
before_script: &multiarch_before_script before_script: &multiarch_before_script
# - pip3 install -v .
- export PYTHONPATH=src
- python3 -c "import pystencils as ps; ps.cpu.cpujit.read_config()" - python3 -c "import pystencils as ps; ps.cpu.cpujit.read_config()"
- sed -i '/^fail_under.*/d' pytest.ini - sed -i '/^fail_under.*/d' pytest.ini
script: script:
...@@ -139,23 +158,26 @@ ubuntu: ...@@ -139,23 +158,26 @@ ubuntu:
- sed -i 's/--doctest-modules //g' pytest.ini - sed -i 's/--doctest-modules //g' pytest.ini
- env - env
- pip3 list - pip3 list
- pytest-3 -v -n $NUM_CORES --cov-report html --cov-report term --cov=. --junitxml=report.xml pystencils_tests/test_*vec*.py pystencils_tests/ - python3 -m pytest -v -n $NUM_CORES --cov-report html --cov-report xml --cov=. --junitxml=report.xml tests/test_*vec*.py tests/ tests/
- python3 -m coverage xml - python3 -m coverage xml
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
artifacts: artifacts:
when: always when: always
paths: paths:
- coverage_report - coverage_report
reports: reports:
cobertura: coverage.xml coverage_report:
coverage_format: cobertura
path: coverage.xml
junit: report.xml junit: report.xml
arm64v8: arm64v8:
extends: .multiarch_template extends: .multiarch_template
image: image:
variables: variables:
PYSTENCILS_SIMD: "neon" QEMU_CPU: "cortex-a76"
before_script: before_script:
- *multiarch_before_script - *multiarch_before_script
- sed -i s/march=native/march=armv8-a/g ~/.config/pystencils/config.json - sed -i s/march=native/march=armv8-a/g ~/.config/pystencils/config.json
...@@ -163,51 +185,41 @@ arm64v8: ...@@ -163,51 +185,41 @@ arm64v8:
ppc64le: ppc64le:
extends: .multiarch_template extends: .multiarch_template
image: image:
before_script: before_script:
- *multiarch_before_script - *multiarch_before_script
- sed -i s/mcpu=native/mcpu=power8/g ~/.config/pystencils/config.json - sed -i s/mcpu=native/mcpu=power8/g ~/.config/pystencils/config.json
arm64v9: arm64v9:
# Compiler support for SVE is still pretty rough: GCC 10+11 produce incorrect code for fixed-width vectors, # SVE support is still unreliable in GCC 11 (incorrect code for fixed-width vectors, internal compiler errors).
# while Clang 12 produces memory-corrupting heisenbugs unless we enable the address sanitizer. # For half precision Clang is necessary
# In the RNG tests, GCC 10+11 produce an internal compiler error.
# The memory corruption seems to only happen with qemu-user, not with qemu-system.
# Once the compilers and QEMU have improved, this job should be cleaned up to match the others.
extends: .multiarch_template extends: .multiarch_template
image: image:
PYSTENCILS_SIMD: "sve256,sve512,sve"
ASAN_OPTIONS: detect_leaks=0
LD_PRELOAD: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
before_script: before_script:
- *multiarch_before_script - *multiarch_before_script
- sed -i s/march=native/march=armv8-a+sve/g ~/.config/pystencils/config.json - sed -i s/march=native/march=armv9-a+sve2+sme/g ~/.config/pystencils/config.json
- sed -i s/g\+\+/clang++/g ~/.config/pystencils/config.json - sed -i s/g\+\+/clang++/g ~/.config/pystencils/config.json
riscv64: riscv64:
# The RISC-V vector extension is still experimental and needs special compiler flags. # RISC-V vector extension are currently not supported by GCC.
# Once they are officially released, this job should be cleaned up to match the others.
extends: .multiarch_template extends: .multiarch_template
image: image:
variables: variables:
# explicitly set SIMD as detection requires QEMU >= 8.1
QEMU_CPU: "rv64,x-v=true" QEMU_CPU: "rv64,v=true,zicboz=true"
before_script: before_script:
- *multiarch_before_script - *multiarch_before_script
- sed -i 's/march=native/march=rv64imfdv0p10 -menable-experimental-extensions/g' ~/.config/pystencils/config.json - sed -i 's/march=native/march=rv64imfdvzicboz/g' ~/.config/pystencils/config.json
- sed -i s/g\+\+/clang++/g ~/.config/pystencils/config.json - sed -i s/g\+\+/clang++-15/g ~/.config/pystencils/config.json
- sed -i 's/fopenmp/fopenmp=libgomp -I\/usr\/include\/riscv64-linux-gnu/g' ~/.config/pystencils/config.json
minimal-conda: minimal-conda:
stage: test stage: pretest
except: extends: .every-commit
image: image:
- pip install -e .
script: script:
- python quicktest - python
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
- cuda - cuda
...@@ -215,13 +227,13 @@ minimal-conda: ...@@ -215,13 +227,13 @@ minimal-conda:
minimal-sympy-master: minimal-sympy-master:
stage: test stage: test
except: extends: .every-commit
image: image:
- pip install -e .
script: script:
- python -m pip install --upgrade git+ - python -m pip install --upgrade git+
- python quicktest - python
allow_failure: true allow_failure: true
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
...@@ -247,7 +259,7 @@ pycodegen-integration: ...@@ -247,7 +259,7 @@ pycodegen-integration:
- cd .. - cd ..
- pip install -e pystencils/ - pip install -e pystencils/
- pip install -e lbmpy/ - pip install -e lbmpy/
- pip install -e pygrandchem/ - cmake --version
- ./ - ./
- export NUM_CORES=$(nproc --all) - export NUM_CORES=$(nproc --all)
- mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib - mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib
...@@ -256,13 +268,12 @@ pycodegen-integration: ...@@ -256,13 +268,12 @@ pycodegen-integration:
- py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES --junitxml=report.xml . - py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES --junitxml=report.xml .
- cd ../lbmpy - cd ../lbmpy
- py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES --junitxml=report.xml . - py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES --junitxml=report.xml .
- cd ../pygrandchem
- py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES --junitxml=report.xml .
- cd ../walberla/build/ - cd ../walberla/build/
- make CodegenJacobiCPU CodegenJacobiGPU CodegenPoissonCPU CodegenPoissonGPU MicroBenchmarkGpuLbm LbCodeGenerationExample UniformGridBenchmarkGPU_trt UniformGridBenchmarkGPU_entropic_kbc_n4 FluctuatingMRT - make -j $NUM_CORES CodegenJacobiCPU CodegenJacobiGPU CodegenPoissonCPU CodegenPoissonGPU MicroBenchmarkGpuLbm LbCodeGenerationExample
- make -j $NUM_CORES multiphaseCPU multiphaseGPU FluctuatingMRT FlowAroundSphereCodeGen FieldLayoutAndVectorizationTest GeneratedOutflowBC
- cd apps/benchmarks/UniformGridGPU - cd apps/benchmarks/UniformGridGPU
- make -j $NUM_CORES - make -j $NUM_CORES
- cd ../UniformGridGenerated - cd ../UniformGridCPU
- make -j $NUM_CORES - make -j $NUM_CORES
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
...@@ -273,26 +284,57 @@ pycodegen-integration: ...@@ -273,26 +284,57 @@ pycodegen-integration:
reports: reports:
junit: pycodegen/*/report.xml junit: pycodegen/*/report.xml
# -------------------- Scheduled Tasks --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Nightly test against the latest (pre-release) version of SymPy published on PyPI
stage: nightly
needs: []
extends: .scheduled
- pip install -e .
- pip install --upgrade --pre sympy
- env
- pip list
- export NUM_CORES=$(nproc --all)
- mkdir -p ~/.config/matplotlib
- echo "backend:template" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc
- mkdir public
- pytest -v -n $NUM_CORES -m "not longrun" --junitxml=report.xml
- docker
- cuda
when: always
junit: report.xml
# -------------------- Linter & Documentation -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------- Linter & Documentation --------------------------------------------------------------------------
flake8-lint: flake8-lint:
stage: test stage: pretest
except: extends: .every-commit
image: image:
script: script:
- flake8 pystencils - flake8 src/pystencils
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
build-documentation: build-documentation:
stage: test stage: docs
image: extends: .every-commit
needs: []
- pip install -e .
script: script:
- export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
- mkdir html_doc - mkdir html_doc
- sphinx-build -b html doc html_doc - sphinx-build -b html doc html_doc
- sphinx-build -W -b html doc html_doc - sphinx-build -W -b html doc html_doc
...@@ -305,7 +347,9 @@ build-documentation: ...@@ -305,7 +347,9 @@ build-documentation:
pages: pages:
image: image:
extends: .every-commit-master
stage: deploy stage: deploy
needs: ["tests-and-coverage", "build-documentation"]
script: script:
- ls -l - ls -l
- mv coverage_report html_doc - mv coverage_report html_doc
...@@ -315,5 +359,3 @@ pages: ...@@ -315,5 +359,3 @@ pages:
- public - public
tags: tags:
- docker - docker
- master@pycodegen/pystencils
...@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ Contributors: ...@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ Contributors:
------------- -------------
- Martin Bauer <> - Martin Bauer <>
- Markus Holzer <>
- Stephan Seitz <> - Stephan Seitz <>
- Michael Kuron <>
- Jan Hönig <> - Jan Hönig <>
- Nils Kohl <>
- Julian Hammer <> - Julian Hammer <>
- Christian Godenschwager <> - Nils Kohl <>
- Markus Holzer <> - Frederik Hennig <>
- Michael Kuron <>
- Dominik Ernst <> - Dominik Ernst <>
- João Victor Tozatti Risso <> - Christian Godenschwager <>
- Dominik Thoennes <>
# Change Log
## Unreleased
### Removed
* LLVM backend because it was not used much and not good integrated in pystencils.
* OpenCL backend because it was not used much and not good integrated in pystencils.
# Contributing
Contributions to pystencils are always welcome, and they are greatly appreciated!
A list of open problems can be found [here](
Of course, it is also always appreciated to bring own ideas and problems to the community!
Please submit all contributions to the official [GitLab repository]( in the form of a Merge Request. Please do not submit git diffs or files containing the changes.
There also exists a GitHub repository, which is only a mirror to the GitLab repository. Contributions to the GitHub repository are not considered.
`pystencils` is an open-source python package under the license of AGPL3. Thus we consider the act of contributing to the code by submitting a Merge Request as the "Sign off" or agreement to the AGPL3 license.
You can contribute in many different ways:
## Types of Contributions
### Report Bugs
Report bugs at [](
For pystencils, it is often necessary to provide the python and [SymPy]( versions used and hardware information like the
processor architecture and the compiler version used to compile the generated kernels.
### Fix Issues
Look through the GitLab issues. Different tags are indicating the status of the issues.
The "bug" tag indicates problems with pystencils, while the "feature" tag shows ideas that should be added in the future.
### Write Documentation
The documentation of pystencils can be found [here]( Jupyter notebooks are used to provide an
interactive start to pystencils. It is always appreciated if new document notebooks are provided
since this helps others a lot.
## Get Started!
Ready to contribute? Here is how to set up `pystencils` for local development.
1. Fork the `pystencils` repo on GitLab.
2. Clone your fork locally:
$ git clone
3. Install your local copy into a virtualenv. It is also recommended to use anaconda or miniconda to manage the python environments.
$ mkvirtualenv pystencils
$ cd pystencils/
$ pip install -e .
4. Create a branch for local development:
$ git checkout -b name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
Now you can make your changes locally.
5. When you're done making changes, check that your changes pass flake8 and the
$ flake8 pystencils
$ py.test -v -n $NUM_CORES -m "not longrun" .
To get all packages needed for development, a requirements list can be found [here]( This includes flake8 and pytest.
6. Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub::
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes."
$ git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature
7. Submit a Merge Request on GitLab.
## Merge Request Guidelines
Before you submit a Merge Request, check that it meets these guidelines:
1. All functionality that is implemented through this Merge Request should be covered by unit tests. These are implemented in `pystencil_tests`
2. If the Merge Request adds functionality, the docs should be updated. Put your new functionality into a function with a docstring.
3. If you have a maintainer status for `pystencils`, you can merge Merge Requests to the master branch. However, every Merge Request needs to be reviewed by another developer. Thus it is not allowed to merge a Merge Request, which is submitted by oneself.
## Tips
To run a subset of tests:
$ py.test
\ No newline at end of file
include include AUTHORS.txt
include COPYING.txt include
include RELEASE-VERSION include
global-include *.pyx
include pystencils/
...@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ kernel(f=f_arr, g=g_arr) ...@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ kernel(f=f_arr, g=g_arr)
It comes with automatic finite difference discretization for PDEs: It comes with automatic finite difference discretization for PDEs:
```python ```python
import pystencils as ps
import sympy as sp
c, v = ps.fields("c, v(2): [2D]") c, v = ps.fields("c, v(2): [2D]")
adv_diff_pde = ps.fd.transient(c) - ps.fd.diffusion(c, sp.symbols("D")) + ps.fd.advection(c, v) adv_diff_pde = ps.fd.transient(c) - ps.fd.diffusion(c, sp.symbols("D")) + ps.fd.advection(c, v)
discretize = ps.fd.Discretization2ndOrder(dx=1, dt=0.01) discretize = ps.fd.Discretization2ndOrder(dx=1, dt=0.01)
...@@ -49,22 +52,36 @@ pip install pystencils[interactive] ...@@ -49,22 +52,36 @@ pip install pystencils[interactive]
Without `[interactive]` you get a minimal version with very little dependencies. Without `[interactive]` you get a minimal version with very little dependencies.
All options: All options:
- `gpu`: use this if an NVIDIA GPU is available and CUDA is installed - `gpu`: use this if an NVIDIA or AMD GPU is available and CUDA or ROCm is installed
- `opencl`: basic OpenCL support (experimental)
- `alltrafos`: pulls in additional dependencies for loop simplification e.g. libisl - `alltrafos`: pulls in additional dependencies for loop simplification e.g. libisl
- `bench_db`: functionality to store benchmark result in object databases - `bench_db`: functionality to store benchmark result in object databases
- `interactive`: installs dependencies to work in Jupyter including image I/O, plotting etc. - `interactive`: installs dependencies to work in Jupyter including image I/O, plotting etc.
- `autodiff`: enable derivation of adjoint kernels and generation of Torch/Tensorflow operations
- `doc`: packages to build documentation - `doc`: packages to build documentation
Options can be combined e.g. Options can be combined e.g.
```bash ```bash
pip install pystencils[interactive,gpu,doc] pip install pystencils[interactive, gpu, doc]
``` ```
pystencils is also fully compatible with Windows machines. If working with visual studio and cupy makes sure to run example files first to ensure that cupy can find the compiler's executable.
Documentation Documentation
------------- -------------
Read the docs [here]( and Read the docs [here]( and
check out the Jupyter notebooks in `doc/notebooks`. check out the Jupyter notebooks in `doc/notebooks`. The **Changelog** of pystencils can be found [here](
Many thanks go to the [contributors]( of pystencils.
### Please cite us
If you use pystencils in a publication, please cite the following articles:
- M. Bauer et al, Code Generation for Massively Parallel Phase-Field Simulations. Association for Computing Machinery, 2019.
Performance Modelling:
- D. Ernst et al, Analytical performance estimation during code generation on modern GPUs. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2023.
...@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ ...@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
# conda env create -f conda_environment_user.yml # conda env create -f conda_environment_user.yml
# . activate pystencils # . activate pystencils
# #
# If you have CUDA installed and want to use your GPU, uncomment the last line to install pycuda # If you have CUDA or ROCm installed and want to use your GPU, uncomment the last line to install cupy
# #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name: pystencils name: pystencils
dependencies: dependencies:
# Basic dependencies: # Basic dependencies:
- python >= 3.6 - python >= 3.8
- numpy - numpy
- sympy >= 1.1 - sympy >= 1.1
- appdirs # to find default cache directory on each platform - appdirs # to find default cache directory on each platform
...@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ dependencies: ...@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ dependencies:
- ipy_table # HTML tables for jupyter notebooks - ipy_table # HTML tables for jupyter notebooks
- pyevtk # VTK output for serial simulations - pyevtk # VTK output for serial simulations
- blitzdb # file-based No-SQL database to store simulation results - blitzdb # file-based No-SQL database to store simulation results
#- pycuda # add this if you have CUDA installed #- cupy # add this if you have CUDA or ROCm installed
...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import nbformat ...@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import nbformat
import pytest import pytest
from nbconvert import PythonExporter from nbconvert import PythonExporter
from pystencils.boundaries.createindexlistcython import * # NOQA from pystencils.boundaries.createindexlist import * # NOQA
# Trigger config file reading / creation once - to avoid race conditions when multiple instances are creating it # Trigger config file reading / creation once - to avoid race conditions when multiple instances are creating it
# at the same time # at the same time
from pystencils.cpu import cpujit from pystencils.cpu import cpujit
...@@ -40,67 +40,48 @@ def add_path_to_ignore(path): ...@@ -40,67 +40,48 @@ def add_path_to_ignore(path):
collect_ignore = [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "doc", ""), collect_ignore = [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "doc", ""),
os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils", "opencl", "opencl.autoinit")] os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "src", "pystencils", "opencl", "opencl.autoinit")]
add_path_to_ignore('pystencils_tests/benchmark') add_path_to_ignore('tests/benchmark')
add_path_to_ignore('_local_tmp') add_path_to_ignore('_local_tmp')
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils/")]
import pycuda
except ImportError:
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils_tests/")]
try: try:
import llvmlite import cupy
except ImportError: except ImportError:
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, 'pystencils_tests/backends/')] collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "tests/")]
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, 'pystencils_tests/test_basic_usage_llvm.ipynb')] add_path_to_ignore('src/pystencils/gpu')
import kerncraft
except ImportError:
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils_tests/"),
os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils_tests/benchmark/")]
try: try:
import waLBerla import waLBerla
except ImportError: except ImportError:
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils_tests/"), collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "tests/"),
os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils_tests/"), os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "tests/"),
os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "doc/notebooks/03_tutorial_datahandling.ipynb"), os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "doc/notebooks/03_tutorial_datahandling.ipynb"),
os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils/datahandling/"), os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "src/pystencils/datahandling/"),
os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils_tests/test_small_block_benchmark.ipynb")] os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "tests/test_small_block_benchmark.ipynb")]
try: try:
import blitzdb import blitzdb
except ImportError: except ImportError:
add_path_to_ignore('pystencils/runhelper') add_path_to_ignore('src/pystencils/runhelper')
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils_tests/")] collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "tests/")]
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "tests/")]
try: try:
import islpy import islpy
except ImportError: except ImportError:
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils/")] collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "src/pystencils/")]
try: try:
import graphviz import graphviz
except ImportError: except ImportError:
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils/backends/")] collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "src/pystencils/backends/")]
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "doc/notebooks/01_tutorial_getting_started.ipynb")] collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "doc/notebooks/01_tutorial_getting_started.ipynb")]
try: try:
import pyevtk import pyevtk
except ImportError: except ImportError:
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils/datahandling/")] collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "src/pystencils/datahandling/")]
# TODO: Remove if Ubuntu 18.04 is no longer supported
if pytest_version < 50403:
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, "pystencils_tests/test_jupyter_extensions.ipynb")]
collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, '')] collect_ignore += [os.path.join(SCRIPT_FOLDER, '')]
...@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ templates_path = ['_templates'] ...@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ templates_path = ['_templates']
source_suffix = '.rst' source_suffix = '.rst'
master_doc = 'index' master_doc = 'index'
copyright = f'{}, Martin Bauer' copyright = f'{}, Martin Bauer, Markus Holzer, Frederik Hennig'
author = 'Martin Bauer' author = 'Martin Bauer, Markus Holzer, Frederik Hennig'
# The short X.Y version (including .devXXXX, rcX, b1 suffixes if present) # The short X.Y version (including .devXXXX, rcX, b1 suffixes if present)
version = re.sub(r'(\d+\.\d+)\.\d+(.*)', r'\1\2', pystencils.__version__) version = re.sub(r'(\d+\.\d+)\.\d+(.*)', r'\1\2', pystencils.__version__)
version = re.sub(r'(\.dev\d+).*?$', r'\1', version) version = re.sub(r'(\.dev\d+).*?$', r'\1', version)
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = pystencils.__version__ release = pystencils.__version__
language = None language = 'en'
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store', '**.ipynb_checkpoints'] exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store', '**.ipynb_checkpoints']
default_role = 'any' default_role = 'any'
pygments_style = 'sphinx' pygments_style = 'sphinx'
...@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ nbsphinx_execute = 'never' ...@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ nbsphinx_execute = 'never'
nbsphinx_codecell_lexer = 'python3' nbsphinx_codecell_lexer = 'python3'
# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. # Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library.
intersphinx_mapping = {'python': ('', None), intersphinx_mapping = {'python': ('', None),
'numpy': ('', None), 'numpy': ('', None),
'matplotlib': ('', None), 'matplotlib': ('', None),
'sympy': ('', None), 'sympy': ('', None),
...@@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ pystencils can help you to generate blazingly fast code for image processing, nu ...@@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ pystencils can help you to generate blazingly fast code for image processing, nu
.. image:: /img/pystencils_arch_block_diagram.svg .. image:: /img/pystencils_arch_block_diagram.svg
:height: 450px :height: 450px
:align: center
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