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with 492 additions and 55 deletions
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import numpy as np
import pystencils as ps
from pystencils import create_data_handling, create_kernel
from pystencils.datahandling.pycuda import PyCudaArrayHandler
from pystencils.gpu.gpu_array_handler import GPUArrayHandler
from pystencils.enums import Target
......@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ except ImportError:
import unittest.mock
pytest = unittest.mock.MagicMock()
import cupy.cuda.runtime
device_numbers = range(cupy.cuda.runtime.getDeviceCount())
except ImportError:
device_numbers = []
SCRIPT_FOLDER = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
......@@ -85,11 +91,7 @@ def access_and_gather(dh, domain_size):
def synchronization(dh, test_gpu=False):
field_name = 'comm_field_test'
if test_gpu:
from pycuda import driver
import pycuda.autoinit
except ImportError:
field_name += 'Gpu'
dh.add_array(field_name, ghost_layers=1, dtype=np.int8, cpu=True, gpu=test_gpu)
......@@ -215,7 +217,7 @@ def test_kernel():
import pycuda
import cupy
dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape, periodicity=True)
kernel_execution_jacobi(dh, Target.GPU)
except ImportError:
......@@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ def test_kernel():
def test_kernel_param(target):
for domain_shape in [(4, 5), (3, 4, 5)]:
if target == Target.GPU:
dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape, periodicity=True, default_target=target)
kernel_execution_jacobi(dh, target)
......@@ -255,6 +257,20 @@ def test_add_arrays():
assert y == dh.fields['y']
@pytest.mark.parametrize('shape', [(17, 12), (7, 11, 18)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('layout', ['zyxf', 'fzyx'])
def test_add_arrays_with_layout(shape, layout):
dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=shape, default_layout=layout, default_target=ps.Target.GPU)
f1 = dh.add_array("f1", values_per_cell=19)
dh.fill(, 1.0)
assert dh.cpu_arrays[].shape == dh.gpu_arrays[].shape
assert dh.cpu_arrays[].strides == dh.gpu_arrays[].strides
assert dh.cpu_arrays[].dtype == dh.gpu_arrays[].dtype
def test_get_kwarg():
domain_shape = (10, 10)
field_description = 'src, dst'
......@@ -265,7 +281,7 @@ def test_get_kwarg():
dh.fill("dst", 0.0, ghost_layers=True)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
dh.add_array('src', values_per_cell=1)
ur = ps.Assignment(,
kernel = ps.create_kernel(ur).compile()
......@@ -276,22 +292,20 @@ def test_get_kwarg():
def test_add_custom_data():
import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
import pycuda.autoinit # noqa
import cupy as cp
def cpu_data_create_func():
return np.ones((2, 2), dtype=np.float64)
def gpu_data_create_func():
return gpuarray.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.float64)
return cp.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.float64)
def cpu_to_gpu_transfer_func(gpuarr, cpuarray):
def gpu_to_cpu_transfer_func(gpuarr, cpuarray):
cpuarray[:] = gpuarr.get()
dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=(10, 10))
......@@ -357,10 +371,11 @@ def test_load_data():
assert np.all(dh.cpu_arrays['dst2']) == 0
def test_array_handler():
@pytest.mark.parametrize("device_number", device_numbers)
def test_array_handler(device_number):
size = (2, 2)
array_handler = PyCudaArrayHandler()
array_handler = GPUArrayHandler(device_number)
zero_array = array_handler.zeros(size)
cpu_array = np.empty(size)
......@@ -374,8 +389,23 @@ def test_array_handler():
empty = array_handler.empty(size)
assert empty.strides == (16, 8)
empty = array_handler.empty(shape=size, layout=(1, 0))
empty = array_handler.empty(shape=size, order="F")
assert empty.strides == (8, 16)
random_array = array_handler.randn(size)
cpu_array = np.empty((20, 40), dtype=np.float64)
gpu_array = array_handler.to_gpu(cpu_array)
assert cpu_array.base is None
assert gpu_array.base is None
assert gpu_array.strides == cpu_array.strides
cpu_array2 = np.empty((20, 40), dtype=np.float64)
cpu_array2 = cpu_array2.swapaxes(0, 1)
gpu_array2 = array_handler.to_gpu(cpu_array2)
assert cpu_array2.base is not None
assert gpu_array2.base is not None
assert gpu_array2.strides == cpu_array2.strides
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from pystencils.slicing import slice_from_direction
from pystencils.datahandling.parallel_datahandling import ParallelDataHandling
from pystencils.datahandling import create_data_handling
from pystencils_tests.test_datahandling import (
from tests.test_datahandling import (
access_and_gather, kernel_execution_jacobi, reduction, synchronization, vtk_output)
SCRIPT_FOLDER = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
......@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ def test_access_and_gather():
dh = ParallelDataHandling(blocks, default_ghost_layers=2)
access_and_gather(dh, cells)
synchronization(dh, test_gpu=False)
if hasattr(wlb, 'cuda'):
if hasattr(wlb, 'gpu'):
synchronization(dh, test_gpu=True)
def test_gpu():
block_size = (4, 7, 1)
num_blocks = (3, 2, 1)
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ def test_gpu():
@pytest.mark.parametrize('target', (pystencils.Target.CPU, pystencils.Target.GPU))
def test_kernel(target):
if target == pystencils.Target.GPU:
# 3D
blocks = wlb.createUniformBlockGrid(blocks=(3, 2, 4), cellsPerBlock=(3, 2, 5), oneBlockPerProcess=False)
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ def test_block_iteration():
def test_getter_setter():
block_size = (2, 2, 2)
num_blocks = (2, 2, 2)
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ def test_getter_setter():
def test_parallel_datahandling_boundary_conditions():
dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=(7, 7), periodicity=True, parallel=True,
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from pystencils.fast_approximation import (
def test_fast_sqrt():
f, g = ps.fields("f, g: double[2D]")
expr = sp.sqrt(f[0, 0] + f[1, 0])
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def test_fast_sqrt():
def test_fast_divisions():
f, g = ps.fields("f, g: double[2D]")
expr = f[0, 0] / f[1, 0]
assert len(insert_fast_divisions(expr).atoms(fast_division)) == 1
......@@ -5,21 +5,33 @@ import sympy as sp
import pystencils as ps
from pystencils import TypedSymbol
from pystencils.typing import create_type
from pystencils.field import Field, FieldType, layout_string_to_tuple
from pystencils.field import Field, FieldType, layout_string_to_tuple, spatial_layout_string_to_tuple
def test_field_basic():
f = Field.create_generic('f', spatial_dimensions=2)
f = Field.create_generic("f", spatial_dimensions=2)
assert FieldType.is_generic(f)
assert f['E'] == f[1, 0]
assert f['N'] == f[0, 1]
assert '_' in'dummy')
assert f.index_to_physical(index_coordinates=sp.Matrix([0, 0]), staggered=False)[0] == 0
assert f.index_to_physical(index_coordinates=sp.Matrix([0, 0]), staggered=False)[1] == 0
assert f.physical_to_index(physical_coordinates=sp.Matrix([0, 0]), staggered=False)[0] == 0
assert f.physical_to_index(physical_coordinates=sp.Matrix([0, 0]), staggered=False)[1] == 0
assert f["E"] == f[1, 0]
assert f["N"] == f[0, 1]
assert "_" in"dummy")
assert (
f.index_to_physical(index_coordinates=sp.Matrix([0, 0]), staggered=False)[0]
== 0
assert (
f.index_to_physical(index_coordinates=sp.Matrix([0, 0]), staggered=False)[1]
== 0
assert (
f.physical_to_index(physical_coordinates=sp.Matrix([0, 0]), staggered=False)[0]
== 0
assert (
f.physical_to_index(physical_coordinates=sp.Matrix([0, 0]), staggered=False)[1]
== 0
f1 = f.new_field_with_different_name("f1")
assert f1.ndim == f.ndim
......@@ -28,7 +40,7 @@ def test_field_basic():
fixed = ps.fields("f(5, 5) : double[20, 20]")
assert fixed.neighbor_vector((1, 1)).shape == (5, 5)
f = Field.create_fixed_size('f', (10, 10), strides=(80, 8), dtype=np.float64)
f = Field.create_fixed_size("f", (10, 10), strides=(80, 8), dtype=np.float64)
assert f.spatial_strides == (10, 1)
assert f.index_strides == ()
assert f.center_vector == sp.Matrix([])
......@@ -37,20 +49,21 @@ def test_field_basic():
assert f1.ndim == f.ndim
assert f1.values_per_cell() == f.values_per_cell()
f = Field.create_fixed_size('f', (8, 8, 2, 2), index_dimensions=2)
assert f.center_vector == sp.Matrix([[f(0, 0), f(0, 1)],
[f(1, 0), f(1, 1)]])
f = Field.create_fixed_size("f", (8, 8, 2, 2), index_dimensions=2)
assert f.center_vector == sp.Matrix([[f(0, 0), f(0, 1)], [f(1, 0), f(1, 1)]])
field_access = f[1, 1]
assert field_access.nr_of_coordinates == 2
assert field_access.offset_name == 'NE'
assert field_access.offset_name == "NE"
neighbor = field_access.neighbor(coord_id=0, offset=-2)
assert neighbor.offsets == (-1, 1)
assert '_' in neighbor._latex('dummy')
assert "_" in neighbor._latex("dummy")
f = Field.create_fixed_size('f', (8, 8, 2, 2, 2), index_dimensions=3)
assert f.center_vector == sp.Array([[[f(i, j, k) for k in range(2)] for j in range(2)] for i in range(2)])
f = Field.create_fixed_size("f", (8, 8, 2, 2, 2), index_dimensions=3)
assert f.center_vector == sp.Array(
[[[f(i, j, k) for k in range(2)] for j in range(2)] for i in range(2)]
f = Field.create_generic('f', spatial_dimensions=5, index_dimensions=2)
f = Field.create_generic("f", spatial_dimensions=5, index_dimensions=2)
field_access = f[1, -1, 2, -3, 0](1, 0)
assert field_access.offsets == (1, -1, 2, -3, 0)
assert field_access.index == (1, 0)
......@@ -60,61 +73,71 @@ def test_error_handling():
struct_dtype = np.dtype([('a', np.int32), ('b', np.float64), ('c', np.uint32)])
Field.create_generic('f', spatial_dimensions=2, index_dimensions=0, dtype=struct_dtype)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
Field.create_generic('f', spatial_dimensions=2, index_dimensions=1, dtype=struct_dtype)
assert 'index dimension' in str(e.value)
"f", spatial_dimensions=2, index_dimensions=1, dtype=struct_dtype
assert "index dimension" in str(e.value)
arr = np.array([[[(1,)*3, (2,)*3, (3,)*3]]*2], dtype=struct_dtype)
Field.create_from_numpy_array('f', arr, index_dimensions=0)
arr = np.array([[[(1,) * 3, (2,) * 3, (3,) * 3]] * 2], dtype=struct_dtype)
Field.create_from_numpy_array("f", arr, index_dimensions=0)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
Field.create_from_numpy_array('f', arr, index_dimensions=1)
assert 'Structured arrays' in str(e.value)
Field.create_from_numpy_array("f", arr, index_dimensions=1)
assert "Structured arrays" in str(e.value)
arr = np.zeros([3, 3, 3])
Field.create_from_numpy_array('f', arr, index_dimensions=2)
Field.create_from_numpy_array("f", arr, index_dimensions=2)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
Field.create_from_numpy_array('f', arr, index_dimensions=3)
assert 'Too many' in str(e.value)
Field.create_from_numpy_array("f", arr, index_dimensions=3)
assert "Too many" in str(e.value)
Field.create_fixed_size('f', (3, 2, 4), index_dimensions=0, dtype=struct_dtype, layout='reverse_numpy')
"f", (3, 2, 4), index_dimensions=0, dtype=struct_dtype, layout="reverse_numpy"
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
Field.create_fixed_size('f', (3, 2, 4), index_dimensions=1, dtype=struct_dtype, layout='reverse_numpy')
assert 'Structured arrays' in str(e.value)
f = Field.create_fixed_size('f', (10, 10))
(3, 2, 4),
assert "Structured arrays" in str(e.value)
f = Field.create_fixed_size("f", (10, 10))
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
assert 'Wrong number of spatial indices' in str(e.value)
assert "Wrong number of spatial indices" in str(e.value)
f = Field.create_generic('f', spatial_dimensions=2, index_shape=(3,))
f = Field.create_generic("f", spatial_dimensions=2, index_shape=(3,))
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
assert 'out of bounds' in str(e.value)
assert "out of bounds" in str(e.value)
f = Field.create_fixed_size('f', (10, 10, 3, 4), index_dimensions=2)
f = Field.create_fixed_size("f", (10, 10, 3, 4), index_dimensions=2)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
f(3, 0)
assert 'out of bounds' in str(e.value)
assert "out of bounds" in str(e.value)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
f(1, 0)(1, 0)
assert 'Indexing an already indexed' in str(e.value)
assert "Indexing an already indexed" in str(e.value)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
assert 'Wrong number of indices' in str(e.value)
assert "Wrong number of indices" in str(e.value)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
Field.create_generic('f', spatial_dimensions=2, layout='wrong')
assert 'Unknown layout descriptor' in str(e.value)
Field.create_generic("f", spatial_dimensions=2, layout="wrong")
assert "Unknown layout descriptor" in str(e.value)
assert layout_string_to_tuple('fzyx', dim=4) == (3, 2, 1, 0)
assert layout_string_to_tuple("fzyx", dim=4) == (3, 2, 1, 0)
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
layout_string_to_tuple('wrong', dim=4)
assert 'Unknown layout descriptor' in str(e.value)
layout_string_to_tuple("wrong", dim=4)
assert "Unknown layout descriptor" in str(e.value)
def test_decorator_scoping():
dst = ps.fields('dst : double[2D]')
dst = ps.fields("dst : double[2D]")
def f1():
a = sp.Symbol("a")
......@@ -134,7 +157,7 @@ def test_decorator_scoping():
def test_string_creation():
x, y, z = ps.fields(' x(4), y(3,5) z : double[ 3, 47]')
x, y, z = ps.fields(" x(4), y(3,5) z : double[ 3, 47]")
assert x.index_shape == (4,)
assert y.index_shape == (3, 5)
assert z.spatial_shape == (3, 47)
......@@ -142,19 +165,85 @@ def test_string_creation():
def test_itemsize():
x = ps.fields('x: float32[1d]')
y = ps.fields('y: float64[2d]')
i = ps.fields('i: int16[1d]')
x = ps.fields("x: float32[1d]")
y = ps.fields("y: float64[2d]")
i = ps.fields("i: int16[1d]")
assert x.itemsize == 4
assert y.itemsize == 8
assert i.itemsize == 2
def test_spatial_memory_layout_descriptors():
assert (
spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("AoS", 3)
== spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("aos", 3)
== spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("ZYXF", 3)
== spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("zyxf", 3)
== (2, 1, 0)
assert (
spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("SoA", 3)
== spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("soa", 3)
== spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("FZYX", 3)
== spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("fzyx", 3)
== spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("f", 3)
== spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("F", 3)
== (2, 1, 0)
assert (
spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("c", 3)
== spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("C", 3)
== (0, 1, 2)
assert spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("C", 5) == (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("aos", -1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
spatial_layout_string_to_tuple("aos", 4)
def test_memory_layout_descriptors():
assert (
layout_string_to_tuple("AoS", 4)
== layout_string_to_tuple("aos", 4)
== layout_string_to_tuple("ZYXF", 4)
== layout_string_to_tuple("zyxf", 4)
== (2, 1, 0, 3)
assert (
layout_string_to_tuple("SoA", 4)
== layout_string_to_tuple("soa", 4)
== layout_string_to_tuple("FZYX", 4)
== layout_string_to_tuple("fzyx", 4)
== layout_string_to_tuple("f", 4)
== layout_string_to_tuple("F", 4)
== (3, 2, 1, 0)
assert (
layout_string_to_tuple("c", 4)
== layout_string_to_tuple("C", 4)
== (0, 1, 2, 3)
assert layout_string_to_tuple("C", 5) == (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
layout_string_to_tuple("aos", -1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
layout_string_to_tuple("aos", 5)
def test_staggered():
# D2Q5
j1, j2, j3 = ps.fields('j1(2), j2(2,2), j3(2,2,2) : double[2D]', field_type=FieldType.STAGGERED)
j1, j2, j3 = ps.fields(
"j1(2), j2(2,2), j3(2,2,2) : double[2D]", field_type=FieldType.STAGGERED
assert j1[0, 1](1) == j1.staggered_access((0, sp.Rational(1, 2)))
assert j1[0, 1](1) == j1.staggered_access(np.array((0, sp.Rational(1, 2))))
......@@ -163,7 +252,7 @@ def test_staggered():
assert j1[0, 1](1) == j1.staggered_access("N")
assert j1[0, 0](1) == j1.staggered_access("S")
assert j1.staggered_vector_access("N") == sp.Matrix([j1.staggered_access("N")])
assert j1.staggered_stencil_name == 'D2Q5'
assert j1.staggered_stencil_name == "D2Q5"
assert j1.physical_coordinates[0] == TypedSymbol("ctr_0", create_type("int"), nonnegative=True)
assert j1.physical_coordinates[1] == TypedSymbol("ctr_1", create_type("int"), nonnegative=True)
......@@ -176,28 +265,40 @@ def test_staggered():
assert j2[0, 1](1, 1) == j2.staggered_access((0, sp.Rational(1, 2)), 1)
assert j2[0, 1](1, 1) == j2.staggered_access("N", 1)
assert j2.staggered_vector_access("N") == sp.Matrix([j2.staggered_access("N", 0), j2.staggered_access("N", 1)])
assert j2.staggered_vector_access("N") == sp.Matrix(
[j2.staggered_access("N", 0), j2.staggered_access("N", 1)]
assert j3[0, 1](1, 1, 1) == j3.staggered_access((0, sp.Rational(1, 2)), (1, 1))
assert j3[0, 1](1, 1, 1) == j3.staggered_access("N", (1, 1))
assert j3.staggered_vector_access("N") == sp.Matrix([[j3.staggered_access("N", (i, j))
for j in range(2)] for i in range(2)])
assert j3.staggered_vector_access("N") == sp.Matrix(
[[j3.staggered_access("N", (i, j)) for j in range(2)] for i in range(2)]
# D2Q9
k1, k2 = ps.fields('k1(4), k2(2) : double[2D]', field_type=FieldType.STAGGERED)
k1, k2 = ps.fields("k1(4), k2(2) : double[2D]", field_type=FieldType.STAGGERED)
assert k1[1, 1](2) == k1.staggered_access("NE")
assert k1[0, 0](2) == k1.staggered_access("SW")
assert k1[0, 0](3) == k1.staggered_access("NW")
a = k1.staggered_access("NE")
assert a._staggered_offset(a.offsets, a.index[0]) == [sp.Rational(1, 2), sp.Rational(1, 2)]
assert a._staggered_offset(a.offsets, a.index[0]) == [
sp.Rational(1, 2),
sp.Rational(1, 2),
a = k1.staggered_access("SW")
assert a._staggered_offset(a.offsets, a.index[0]) == [sp.Rational(-1, 2), sp.Rational(-1, 2)]
assert a._staggered_offset(a.offsets, a.index[0]) == [
sp.Rational(-1, 2),
sp.Rational(-1, 2),
a = k1.staggered_access("NW")
assert a._staggered_offset(a.offsets, a.index[0]) == [sp.Rational(-1, 2), sp.Rational(1, 2)]
assert a._staggered_offset(a.offsets, a.index[0]) == [
sp.Rational(-1, 2),
sp.Rational(1, 2),
# sign reversed when using as flux field
r = ps.fields('r(2) : double[2D]', field_type=FieldType.STAGGERED_FLUX)
r = ps.fields("r(2) : double[2D]", field_type=FieldType.STAGGERED_FLUX)
assert r[0, 0](0) == r.staggered_access("W")
assert -r[1, 0](0) == r.staggered_access("E")
......@@ -622,3 +622,20 @@ def test_source_stencil(stencil):
assert len(diff.atoms(ps.field.Field.Access)) == 1
assert len(diff.atoms(ps.field.Field.Access)) == 2
def test_fvm_staggered_simplification():
D = sp.Symbol("D")
data_type = "float64"
c = ps.fields(f"c: {data_type}[2D]", layout='fzyx')
j = ps.fields(f"j(2): {data_type}[2D]", layout='fzyx', field_type=ps.FieldType.STAGGERED_FLUX)
grad_c = sp.Matrix([ps.fd.diff(c, i) for i in range(c.spatial_dimensions)])
ek = ps.fd.FVM1stOrder(c, flux=-D * grad_c)
ast = ps.create_staggered_kernel(ek.discrete_flux(j))
code = ps.get_code_str(ast)
assert '_size_c_0 - 1 < _size_c_0 - 1' not in code
import pytest
import numpy as np
import pycuda.autoinit
import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
import sympy as sp
import math
from scipy.ndimage import convolve
from pystencils import Assignment, Field, fields, CreateKernelConfig, create_kernel, Target
from pystencils.gpucuda import BlockIndexing
from pystencils import Assignment, Field, fields, CreateKernelConfig, create_kernel, Target, get_code_str
from pystencils.gpu import BlockIndexing
from pystencils.simp import sympy_cse_on_assignment_list
from pystencils.slicing import add_ghost_layers, make_slice, remove_ghost_layers
from pystencils.slicing import add_ghost_layers, make_slice, remove_ghost_layers, normalize_slice
import cupy as cp
device_numbers = range(cp.cuda.runtime.getDeviceCount())
except ImportError:
device_numbers = []
cp = None
def test_averaging_kernel():
size = (40, 55)
src_arr = np.random.rand(*size)
src_arr = add_ghost_layers(src_arr)
......@@ -25,10 +34,10 @@ def test_averaging_kernel():
ast = create_kernel(sympy_cse_on_assignment_list([update_rule]), config=config)
kernel = ast.compile()
gpu_src_arr = gpuarray.to_gpu(src_arr)
gpu_dst_arr = gpuarray.to_gpu(dst_arr)
gpu_src_arr = cp.asarray(src_arr)
gpu_dst_arr = cp.asarray(dst_arr)
kernel(src=gpu_src_arr, dst=gpu_dst_arr)
dst_arr = gpu_dst_arr.get()
stencil = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]]) / 4.0
reference = convolve(remove_ghost_layers(src_arr), stencil, mode='constant', cval=0.0)
......@@ -37,6 +46,7 @@ def test_averaging_kernel():
def test_variable_sized_fields():
src_field = Field.create_generic('src', spatial_dimensions=2)
dst_field = Field.create_generic('dst', spatial_dimensions=2)
......@@ -52,10 +62,10 @@ def test_variable_sized_fields():
src_arr = add_ghost_layers(src_arr)
dst_arr = np.zeros_like(src_arr)
gpu_src_arr = gpuarray.to_gpu(src_arr)
gpu_dst_arr = gpuarray.to_gpu(dst_arr)
gpu_src_arr = cp.asarray(src_arr)
gpu_dst_arr = cp.asarray(dst_arr)
kernel(src=gpu_src_arr, dst=gpu_dst_arr)
dst_arr = gpu_dst_arr.get()
stencil = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]]) / 4.0
reference = convolve(remove_ghost_layers(src_arr), stencil, mode='constant', cval=0.0)
......@@ -64,6 +74,7 @@ def test_variable_sized_fields():
def test_multiple_index_dimensions():
"""Sums along the last axis of a numpy array"""
src_size = (7, 6, 4)
dst_size = src_size[:2]
......@@ -81,10 +92,10 @@ def test_multiple_index_dimensions():
ast = create_kernel([update_rule], config=config)
kernel = ast.compile()
gpu_src_arr = gpuarray.to_gpu(src_arr)
gpu_dst_arr = gpuarray.to_gpu(dst_arr)
gpu_src_arr = cp.asarray(src_arr)
gpu_dst_arr = cp.asarray(dst_arr)
kernel(src=gpu_src_arr, dst=gpu_dst_arr)
dst_arr = gpu_dst_arr.get()
reference = np.zeros_like(dst_arr)
gl = np.max(np.abs(np.array(offset, dtype=int)))
......@@ -96,6 +107,7 @@ def test_multiple_index_dimensions():
def test_ghost_layer():
size = (6, 5)
src_arr = np.ones(size)
dst_arr = np.zeros_like(src_arr)
......@@ -109,10 +121,10 @@ def test_ghost_layer():
ast = create_kernel(sympy_cse_on_assignment_list([update_rule]), config=config)
kernel = ast.compile()
gpu_src_arr = gpuarray.to_gpu(src_arr)
gpu_dst_arr = gpuarray.to_gpu(dst_arr)
gpu_src_arr = cp.asarray(src_arr)
gpu_dst_arr = cp.asarray(dst_arr)
kernel(src=gpu_src_arr, dst=gpu_dst_arr)
dst_arr = gpu_dst_arr.get()
reference = np.zeros_like(src_arr)
reference[ghost_layers[0][0]:-ghost_layers[0][1], ghost_layers[1][0]:-ghost_layers[1][1]] = 1
......@@ -120,8 +132,9 @@ def test_ghost_layer():
def test_setting_value():
arr_cpu = np.arange(25, dtype=np.float64).reshape(5, 5)
arr_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(arr_cpu)
arr_gpu = cp.asarray(arr_cpu)
iteration_slice = make_slice[:, :]
f = Field.create_generic("f", 2)
......@@ -136,11 +149,12 @@ def test_setting_value():
def test_periodicity():
from pystencils.gpucuda.periodicity import get_periodic_boundary_functor as periodic_gpu
from pystencils.gpu.periodicity import get_periodic_boundary_functor as periodic_gpu
from pystencils.slicing import get_periodic_boundary_functor as periodic_cpu
arr_cpu = np.arange(50, dtype=np.float64).reshape(5, 5, 2)
arr_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(arr_cpu)
arr_gpu = cp.asarray(arr_cpu)
periodicity_stencil = [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (1, 1)]
periodic_gpu_kernel = periodic_gpu(periodicity_stencil, (5, 5), 1, 2)
......@@ -149,23 +163,95 @@ def test_periodicity():
cpu_result = np.copy(arr_cpu)
gpu_result = np.copy(arr_cpu)
gpu_result = arr_gpu.get()
np.testing.assert_equal(cpu_result, gpu_result)
def test_block_indexing():
@pytest.mark.parametrize("device_number", device_numbers)
def test_block_indexing(device_number):
f = fields("f: [3D]")
bi = BlockIndexing(f, make_slice[:, :, :], block_size=(16, 8, 2), permute_block_size_dependent_on_layout=False)
s = normalize_slice(make_slice[:, :, :], f.spatial_shape)
bi = BlockIndexing(s, f.layout, block_size=(16, 8, 2),
assert bi.call_parameters((3, 2, 32))['block'] == (3, 2, 32)
assert bi.call_parameters((32, 2, 32))['block'] == (16, 2, 8)
bi = BlockIndexing(f, make_slice[:, :, :], block_size=(32, 1, 1), permute_block_size_dependent_on_layout=False)
bi = BlockIndexing(s, f.layout, block_size=(32, 1, 1),
assert bi.call_parameters((1, 16, 16))['block'] == (1, 16, 2)
bi = BlockIndexing(f, make_slice[:, :, :], block_size=(16, 8, 2), maximum_block_size="auto")
bi = BlockIndexing(s, f.layout, block_size=(16, 8, 2),
maximum_block_size="auto", device_number=device_number)
# This function should be used if number of needed registers is known. Can be determined with func.num_regs
blocks = bi.limit_block_size_by_register_restriction([1024, 1024, 1], 1000)
registers_per_thread = 1000
blocks = bi.limit_block_size_by_register_restriction([1024, 1024, 1], registers_per_thread)
if cp.cuda.runtime.is_hip:
max_registers_per_block = cp.cuda.runtime.deviceGetAttribute(71, device_number)
device = cp.cuda.Device(device_number)
da = device.attributes
max_registers_per_block = da.get("MaxRegistersPerBlock")
assert * registers_per_thread < max_registers_per_block
assert sum(blocks) < sum([1024, 1024, 1])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('gpu_indexing', ("block", "line"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('layout', ("C", "F"))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('shape', ((5, 5, 5, 5), (3, 17, 387, 4), (23, 44, 21, 11)))
def test_four_dimensional_kernel(gpu_indexing, layout, shape):
n_elements =
arr_cpu = np.arange(n_elements, dtype=np.float64).reshape(shape, order=layout)
arr_gpu = cp.asarray(arr_cpu)
iteration_slice = make_slice[:, :, :, :]
f = Field.create_from_numpy_array("f", arr_cpu)
update_rule = [Assignment(, sp.Symbol("value"))]
config = CreateKernelConfig(target=Target.GPU, gpu_indexing=gpu_indexing, iteration_slice=iteration_slice)
ast = create_kernel(update_rule, config=config)
kernel = ast.compile()
kernel(f=arr_gpu, value=np.float64(42.0))
np.testing.assert_equal(arr_gpu.get(), np.ones(shape) * 42.0)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('start', (1, 5))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('end', (-1, -2, -3, -4))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('step', (1, 2, 3, 4))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('shape', ([55, 60], [77, 101, 80], [44, 64, 66]))
def test_guards_with_iteration_slices(start, end, step, shape):
iter_slice = tuple([slice(start, end, step)] * len(shape))
kernel_config_gpu = CreateKernelConfig(target=Target.GPU, iteration_slice=iter_slice)
field_1 = fields(f"f(1) : double{list(shape)}")
assignment = Assignment(, 1)
ast = create_kernel(assignment, config=kernel_config_gpu)
code_str = get_code_str(ast)
test_strings = list()
iteration_ranges = list()
for i, s in enumerate(iter_slice):
e = ((shape[i] + end) - s.start) / s.step
e = math.ceil(e) + s.start
test_strings.append(f"{s.start} < {e}")
a = s.start
counter = 0
while a < e:
a += 1
counter += 1
# check if the expected if statement is in the GPU code
for s in test_strings:
assert s in code_str
# check if these bounds lead to same lengths as the range function would produce
for i in range(len(iter_slice)):
assert iteration_ranges[i] == len(range(iter_slice[i].start, shape[i] + end, iter_slice[i].step))