import os from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import pystencils as ps from pystencils import create_data_handling, create_kernel from pystencils.datahandling.pycuda import PyCudaArrayHandler from pystencils.datahandling.pyopencl import PyOpenClArrayHandler try: import pytest except ImportError: import unittest.mock pytest = unittest.mock.MagicMock() SCRIPT_FOLDER = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() INPUT_FOLDER = SCRIPT_FOLDER / "test_data" def basic_iteration(dh): dh.add_array('basic_iter_test_gl_default') dh.add_array('basic_iter_test_gl_3', ghost_layers=3) for b in dh.iterate(): assert b.shape == b['basic_iter_test_gl_3'].shape assert b.shape == b['basic_iter_test_gl_default'].shape def access_and_gather(dh, domain_size): dh.add_array('f1', dtype=np.dtype(np.int8)) dh.add_array_like('f2', 'f1') dh.add_array('v1', values_per_cell=3, dtype=np.int64, ghost_layers=2) dh.add_array_like('v2', 'v1') dh.swap('f1', 'f2') dh.swap('v1', 'v2') # Check symbolic field properties assert dh.fields.f1.index_dimensions == 0 assert dh.fields.f1.spatial_dimensions == len(domain_size) assert dh.fields.f1.dtype.numpy_dtype == np.int8 assert dh.fields.v1.index_dimensions == 1 assert dh.fields.v1.spatial_dimensions == len(domain_size) assert dh.fields.v1.dtype.numpy_dtype == np.int64 for b in dh.iterate(ghost_layers=0): val = sum(b.cell_index_arrays) np.copyto(b['f1'], val) for i, coord_arr in enumerate(b.cell_index_arrays): np.copyto(b['v1'][..., i], coord_arr) full_arr = dh.gather_array('v1') if full_arr is not None: expected_shape = domain_size + (3,) assert full_arr.shape == expected_shape for x in range(full_arr.shape[0]): for y in range(full_arr.shape[1]): if len(domain_size) == 3: for z in range(full_arr.shape[2]): assert full_arr[x, y, z, 0] == x assert full_arr[x, y, z, 1] == y assert full_arr[x, y, z, 2] == z else: assert len(domain_size) == 2 assert full_arr[x, y, 0] == x assert full_arr[x, y, 1] == y full_arr = dh.gather_array('f1') if full_arr is not None: expected_shape = domain_size assert full_arr.shape == expected_shape for x in range(full_arr.shape[0]): for y in range(full_arr.shape[1]): if len(domain_size) == 3: for z in range(full_arr.shape[2]): assert full_arr[x, y, z] == x + y + z else: assert len(domain_size) == 2 assert full_arr[x, y] == x + y def synchronization(dh, test_gpu=False): field_name = 'comm_field_test' if test_gpu: try: from pycuda import driver import pycuda.autoinit except ImportError: return field_name += 'Gpu' dh.add_array(field_name, ghost_layers=1, dtype=np.int8, cpu=True, gpu=test_gpu) # initialize everything with 1 for b in dh.iterate(ghost_layers=1): b[field_name].fill(1) for b in dh.iterate(ghost_layers=0): b[field_name].fill(42) if test_gpu: dh.to_gpu(field_name) dh.synchronization_function_gpu(field_name)() else: dh.synchronization_function_cpu(field_name)() if test_gpu: dh.to_cpu(field_name) for b in dh.iterate(ghost_layers=1): np.testing.assert_equal(42, b[field_name]) def kernel_execution_jacobi(dh, target): test_gpu = target == 'gpu' or target == 'opencl' dh.add_array('f', gpu=test_gpu) dh.add_array('tmp', gpu=test_gpu) if test_gpu: assert dh.is_on_gpu('f') assert dh.is_on_gpu('tmp') stencil_2d = [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)] stencil_3d = [(1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, -1)] stencil = stencil_2d if dh.dim == 2 else stencil_3d @ps.kernel def jacobi(): @= sum(dh.fields.f.neighbors(stencil)) / len(stencil) kernel = create_kernel(jacobi, target).compile() for b in dh.iterate(ghost_layers=1): b['f'].fill(42) dh.run_kernel(kernel) for b in dh.iterate(ghost_layers=0): np.testing.assert_equal(b['f'], 42) def vtk_output(dh): pytest.importorskip('pyevtk') dh.add_array('scalar_field') dh.add_array('vector_field', values_per_cell=dh.dim) dh.add_array('multiple_scalar_field', values_per_cell=9) dh.add_array('flag_field', dtype=np.uint16) fields_names = ['scalar_field', 'vector_field', 'multiple_scalar_field', 'flag_field'] with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: writer1 = dh.create_vtk_writer(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "out1"), fields_names, ghost_layers=True) writer2 = dh.create_vtk_writer(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "out2"), fields_names, ghost_layers=False) masks_to_name = {1: 'flag1', 5: 'some_mask'} writer3 = dh.create_vtk_writer_for_flag_array(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "out3"), 'flag_field', masks_to_name) writer1(1) writer2(1) writer3(1) def reduction(dh): float_seq = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0] int_seq = [1, 2, 3] for op in ('min', 'max', 'sum'): assert (dh.reduce_float_sequence(float_seq, op) == float_seq).all() assert (dh.reduce_int_sequence(int_seq, op) == int_seq).all() def test_symbolic_fields(): dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=(5, 7)) dh.add_array('f1', values_per_cell=dh.dim) assert dh.fields['f1'].spatial_dimensions == dh.dim assert dh.fields['f1'].index_dimensions == 1 dh.add_array_like("f_tmp", "f1", latex_name=r"f_{tmp}") assert dh.fields['f_tmp'].spatial_dimensions == dh.dim assert dh.fields['f_tmp'].index_dimensions == 1 dh.swap('f1', 'f_tmp') def test_access(): for domain_shape in [(2, 3, 4), (2, 4)]: for f_size in (1, 4): dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape) dh.add_array('f1', values_per_cell=f_size) assert dh.dim == len(domain_shape) for b in dh.iterate(ghost_layers=1): if f_size > 1: assert b['f1'].shape == tuple(ds+2 for ds in domain_shape) + (f_size,) else: assert b['f1'].shape == tuple(ds + 2 for ds in domain_shape) for b in dh.iterate(ghost_layers=0): if f_size > 1: assert b['f1'].shape == domain_shape + (f_size,) else: assert b['f1'].shape == domain_shape def test_access_and_gather(): for domain_shape in [(2, 2, 3), (2, 3)]: dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape, periodicity=True) access_and_gather(dh, domain_shape) synchronization(dh, test_gpu=False) synchronization(dh, test_gpu=True) def test_kernel(): for domain_shape in [(4, 5), (3, 4, 5)]: dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape, periodicity=True) assert all(dh.periodicity) kernel_execution_jacobi(dh, 'cpu') reduction(dh) try: import pycuda dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape, periodicity=True) kernel_execution_jacobi(dh, 'gpu') except ImportError: pass @pytest.mark.parametrize('target', ('cpu', 'gpu', 'opencl')) def test_kernel_param(target): for domain_shape in [(4, 5), (3, 4, 5)]: if target == 'gpu': pytest.importorskip('pycuda') if target == 'opencl': pytest.importorskip('pyopencl') from pystencils.opencl.opencljit import init_globally init_globally() dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape, periodicity=True, default_target=target) kernel_execution_jacobi(dh, target) reduction(dh) def test_vtk_output(): pytest.importorskip('pyevtk') for domain_shape in [(4, 5), (3, 4, 5)]: dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape, periodicity=True) vtk_output(dh) def test_add_arrays(): domain_shape = (3, 4, 5) field_description = 'x, y(9)' dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape, default_ghost_layers=0, default_layout='numpy') x_, y_ = dh.add_arrays(field_description) x, y = ps.fields(field_description + ': [3,4,5]') assert x_ == x assert y_ == y assert x == dh.fields['x'] assert y == dh.fields['y'] def test_get_kwarg(): domain_shape = (10, 10) field_description = 'src, dst' dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape, default_ghost_layers=1) src, dst = dh.add_arrays(field_description) dh.fill("src", 1.0, ghost_layers=True) dh.fill("dst", 0.0, ghost_layers=True) with pytest.raises(ValueError): dh.add_array('src') ur = ps.Assignment(, kernel = ps.create_kernel(ur).compile() kw = dh.get_kernel_kwargs(kernel) assert np.all(kw[0]['src'] == dh.cpu_arrays['src']) assert np.all(kw[0]['dst'] == dh.cpu_arrays['dst']) def test_add_custom_data(): pytest.importorskip('pycuda') import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray import pycuda.autoinit # noqa def cpu_data_create_func(): return np.ones((2, 2), dtype=np.float64) def gpu_data_create_func(): return gpuarray.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.float64) def cpu_to_gpu_transfer_func(gpuarr, cpuarray): gpuarr.set(cpuarray) def gpu_to_cpu_transfer_func(gpuarr, cpuarray): gpuarr.get(cpuarray) dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=(10, 10)) dh.add_custom_data('custom_data', cpu_data_create_func, gpu_data_create_func, cpu_to_gpu_transfer_func, gpu_to_cpu_transfer_func) assert np.all(dh.custom_data_cpu['custom_data'] == 1) assert np.all(dh.custom_data_gpu['custom_data'].get() == 0) dh.to_cpu(name='custom_data') dh.to_gpu(name='custom_data') assert 'custom_data' in dh.custom_data_names def test_log(): dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=(10, 10)) dh.log_on_root() assert dh.is_root assert dh.world_rank == 0 def test_save_data(): domain_shape = (2, 2) dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape, default_ghost_layers=1) dh.add_array("src", values_per_cell=9) dh.fill("src", 1.0, ghost_layers=True) dh.add_array("dst", values_per_cell=9) dh.fill("dst", 1.0, ghost_layers=True) dh.save_all(str(INPUT_FOLDER) + '/datahandling_save_test') def test_load_data(): domain_shape = (2, 2) dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape, default_ghost_layers=1) dh.add_array("src", values_per_cell=9) dh.fill("src", 0.0, ghost_layers=True) dh.add_array("dst", values_per_cell=9) dh.fill("dst", 0.0, ghost_layers=True) dh.load_all(str(INPUT_FOLDER) + '/datahandling_load_test') assert np.all(dh.cpu_arrays['src']) == 1 assert np.all(dh.cpu_arrays['dst']) == 1 domain_shape = (3, 3) dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_shape, default_ghost_layers=1) dh.add_array("src", values_per_cell=9) dh.fill("src", 0.0, ghost_layers=True) dh.add_array("dst", values_per_cell=9) dh.fill("dst", 0.0, ghost_layers=True) dh.add_array("dst2", values_per_cell=9) dh.fill("dst2", 0.0, ghost_layers=True) dh.load_all(str(INPUT_FOLDER) + '/datahandling_load_test') assert np.all(dh.cpu_arrays['src']) == 0 assert np.all(dh.cpu_arrays['dst']) == 0 assert np.all(dh.cpu_arrays['dst2']) == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize('target', ('gpu', 'opencl')) def test_array_handler(target): size = (2, 2) if target == 'gpu': array_handler = PyCudaArrayHandler() if target == 'opencl': pytest.importorskip('pyopencl') import pyopencl as cl from pystencils.opencl.opencljit import init_globally init_globally() ctx = cl.create_some_context(0) queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx) array_handler = PyOpenClArrayHandler(queue) zero_array = array_handler.zeros(size) cpu_array = np.empty(size), cpu_array) assert np.all(cpu_array) == 0 ones_array = array_handler.ones(size) cpu_array = np.empty(size), cpu_array) assert np.all(cpu_array) == 1 empty = array_handler.empty(size) assert empty.strides == (16, 8) empty = array_handler.empty(shape=size, layout=(1, 0)) assert empty.strides == (8, 16) random_array = array_handler.randn(size)