import pytest import numpy as np import sympy as sp import pystencils as ps from pystencils.backends.simd_instruction_sets import get_supported_instruction_sets supported_instruction_sets = get_supported_instruction_sets() if get_supported_instruction_sets() else [] @pytest.mark.parametrize('instruction_set', supported_instruction_sets) def test_vectorisation_varying_arch(instruction_set): shape = (9, 9, 3) arr = np.ones(shape, order='f') @ps.kernel def update_rule(s): f = ps.fields("f(3) : [2D]", f=arr) s.tmp0 @= f(0) s.tmp1 @= f(1) s.tmp2 @= f(2) f0, f1, f2 = f(0), f(1), f(2) f0 @= 2 * s.tmp0 f1 @= 2 * s.tmp0 f2 @= 2 * s.tmp0 ast = ps.create_kernel(update_rule, cpu_vectorize_info={'instruction_set': instruction_set}) kernel = ast.compile() kernel(f=arr) np.testing.assert_equal(arr, 2) @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', ('float', 'double')) @pytest.mark.parametrize('instruction_set', supported_instruction_sets) def test_vectorized_abs(instruction_set, dtype): """Some instructions sets have abs, some don't. Furthermore, the special treatment of unary minus makes this data type-sensitive too. """ arr = np.ones((2 ** 2 + 2, 2 ** 3 + 2), dtype=np.float64 if dtype == 'double' else np.float32) arr[-3:, :] = -1 f, g = ps.fields(f=arr, g=arr) update_rule = [ps.Assignment(, sp.Abs(] ast = ps.create_kernel(update_rule, cpu_vectorize_info={'instruction_set': instruction_set}) func = ast.compile() dst = np.zeros_like(arr) func(g=dst, f=arr) np.testing.assert_equal(np.sum(dst[1:-1, 1:-1]), 2 ** 2 * 2 ** 3)