import pytest import sympy as sp import pystencils as ps from pystencils import Assignment, AssignmentCollection from pystencils.astnodes import Conditional from pystencils.simp.assignment_collection import SymbolGen a, b, c = sp.symbols("a b c") x, y, z, t = sp.symbols("x y z t") symbol_gen = SymbolGen("a") f = ps.fields("f(2) : [2D]") d = ps.fields("d(2) : [2D]") def test_assignment_collection(): ac = AssignmentCollection([Assignment(z, x + y)], [], subexpression_symbol_generator=symbol_gen) lhs = ac.add_subexpression(t) assert lhs == sp.Symbol("a_0") ac.subexpressions.append(Assignment(t, 3)) ac.topological_sort(sort_main_assignments=False, sort_subexpressions=True) assert ac.subexpressions[0].lhs == t assert ac.new_with_inserted_subexpression(sp.Symbol("not_defined")) == ac ac_inserted = ac.new_with_inserted_subexpression(t) ac_inserted2 = ac.new_without_subexpressions({lhs}) assert all(a == b for a, b in zip(ac_inserted.all_assignments, ac_inserted2.all_assignments)) print(ac_inserted) assert ac_inserted.subexpressions[0] == Assignment(lhs, 3) assert 'a_0' in str(ac_inserted) assert '<table' in ac_inserted._repr_html_() def test_free_and_defined_symbols(): ac = AssignmentCollection([Assignment(z, x + y), Conditional(t > 0, Assignment(a, b+1), Assignment(a, b+2))], [], subexpression_symbol_generator=symbol_gen) print(ac) print(ac.__repr__) def test_vector_assignments(): """From #17 (""" assignments = ps.Assignment(sp.Matrix([a, b, c]), sp.Matrix([1, 2, 3])) print(assignments) def test_wrong_vector_assignments(): """From #17 (""" with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match=r'Matrix(.*) and Matrix(.*) must have same length when performing vector assignment!'): ps.Assignment(sp.Matrix([a, b]), sp.Matrix([1, 2, 3])) def test_vector_assignment_collection(): """From #17 (""" y_m, x_m = sp.Matrix([a, b, c]), sp.Matrix([1, 2, 3]) assignments = ps.AssignmentCollection({y_m: x_m}) print(assignments) assignments = ps.AssignmentCollection([ps.Assignment(y_m, x_m)]) print(assignments) def test_new_with_substitutions(): a1 = ps.Assignment(f[0, 0](0), a * b) a2 = ps.Assignment(f[0, 0](1), b * c) ac = ps.AssignmentCollection([a1, a2], subexpressions=[]) subs_dict = {f[0, 0](0): d[0, 0](0), f[0, 0](1): d[0, 0](1)} subs_ac = ac.new_with_substitutions(subs_dict, add_substitutions_as_subexpressions=False, substitute_on_lhs=True, sort_topologically=True) assert subs_ac.main_assignments[0].lhs == d[0, 0](0) assert subs_ac.main_assignments[1].lhs == d[0, 0](1) subs_ac = ac.new_with_substitutions(subs_dict, add_substitutions_as_subexpressions=False, substitute_on_lhs=False, sort_topologically=True) assert subs_ac.main_assignments[0].lhs == f[0, 0](0) assert subs_ac.main_assignments[1].lhs == f[0, 0](1) subs_dict = {a * b: sp.symbols('xi')} subs_ac = ac.new_with_substitutions(subs_dict, add_substitutions_as_subexpressions=False, substitute_on_lhs=False, sort_topologically=True) assert subs_ac.main_assignments[0].rhs == sp.symbols('xi') assert len(subs_ac.subexpressions) == 0 subs_ac = ac.new_with_substitutions(subs_dict, add_substitutions_as_subexpressions=True, substitute_on_lhs=False, sort_topologically=True) assert subs_ac.main_assignments[0].rhs == sp.symbols('xi') assert len(subs_ac.subexpressions) == 1 assert subs_ac.subexpressions[0].lhs == sp.symbols('xi') def test_copy(): a1 = ps.Assignment(f[0, 0](0), a * b) a2 = ps.Assignment(f[0, 0](1), b * c) ac = ps.AssignmentCollection([a1, a2], subexpressions=[]) ac2 = ac.copy() assert ac2 == ac def test_set_expressions(): a1 = ps.Assignment(f[0, 0](0), a * b) a2 = ps.Assignment(f[0, 0](1), b * c) ac = ps.AssignmentCollection([a1, a2], subexpressions=[]) ac.set_main_assignments_from_dict({d[0, 0](0): b * c}) assert len(ac.main_assignments) == 1 assert ac.main_assignments[0] == ps.Assignment(d[0, 0](0), b * c) ac.set_sub_expressions_from_dict({sp.symbols('xi'): a * b}) assert len(ac.subexpressions) == 1 assert ac.subexpressions[0] == ps.Assignment(sp.symbols('xi'), a * b) ac = ac.new_without_subexpressions(subexpressions_to_keep={sp.symbols('xi')}) assert ac.subexpressions[0] == ps.Assignment(sp.symbols('xi'), a * b) ac = ac.new_without_unused_subexpressions() assert len(ac.subexpressions) == 0 ac2 = ac.new_without_subexpressions() assert ac == ac2 def test_free_and_bound_symbols(): a1 = ps.Assignment(a, d[0, 0](0)) a2 = ps.Assignment(f[0, 0](1), b * c) ac = ps.AssignmentCollection([a2], subexpressions=[a1]) assert f[0, 0](1) in ac.bound_symbols assert d[0, 0](0) in ac.free_symbols def test_new_merged(): a1 = ps.Assignment(a, b * c) a2 = ps.Assignment(a, x * y) a3 = ps.Assignment(t, x ** 2) # main assignments a4 = ps.Assignment(f[0, 0](0), a) a5 = ps.Assignment(d[0, 0](0), a) ac = ps.AssignmentCollection([a4], subexpressions=[a1]) ac2 = ps.AssignmentCollection([a5], subexpressions=[a2, a3]) merged_ac = ac.new_merged(ac2) assert len(merged_ac.subexpressions) == 3 assert len(merged_ac.main_assignments) == 2 assert ps.Assignment(sp.symbols('xi_0'), x * y) in merged_ac.subexpressions assert ps.Assignment(d[0, 0](0), sp.symbols('xi_0')) in merged_ac.main_assignments assert a1 in merged_ac.subexpressions assert a3 in merged_ac.subexpressions a1 = ps.Assignment(a, 20) a2 = ps.Assignment(a, 10) acommon = ps.Assignment(b, a) # main assignments a3 = ps.Assignment(f[0, 0](0), b) a4 = ps.Assignment(d[0, 0](0), b) ac = ps.AssignmentCollection([a3], subexpressions=[a1, acommon]) ac2 = ps.AssignmentCollection([a4], subexpressions=[a2, acommon]) merged_ac = ac.new_merged(ac2).new_without_subexpressions() assert ps.Assignment(f[0, 0](0), 20) in merged_ac.main_assignments assert ps.Assignment(d[0, 0](0), 10) in merged_ac.main_assignments