import pytest import numpy as np import sympy as sp import math from scipy.ndimage import convolve from pystencils import Assignment, Field, fields, CreateKernelConfig, create_kernel, Target, get_code_str from pystencils.gpu import BlockIndexing from pystencils.simp import sympy_cse_on_assignment_list from pystencils.slicing import add_ghost_layers, make_slice, remove_ghost_layers, normalize_slice try: import cupy as cp device_numbers = range(cp.cuda.runtime.getDeviceCount()) except ImportError: device_numbers = [] cp = None def test_averaging_kernel(): pytest.importorskip('cupy') size = (40, 55) src_arr = np.random.rand(*size) src_arr = add_ghost_layers(src_arr) dst_arr = np.zeros_like(src_arr) src_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array('src', src_arr) dst_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array('dst', dst_arr) update_rule = Assignment(dst_field[0, 0], (src_field[0, 1] + src_field[0, -1] + src_field[1, 0] + src_field[-1, 0]) / 4) config = CreateKernelConfig(target=Target.GPU) ast = create_kernel(sympy_cse_on_assignment_list([update_rule]), config=config) kernel = ast.compile() gpu_src_arr = cp.asarray(src_arr) gpu_dst_arr = cp.asarray(dst_arr) kernel(src=gpu_src_arr, dst=gpu_dst_arr) dst_arr = gpu_dst_arr.get() stencil = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]]) / 4.0 reference = convolve(remove_ghost_layers(src_arr), stencil, mode='constant', cval=0.0) reference = add_ghost_layers(reference) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(reference, dst_arr) def test_variable_sized_fields(): pytest.importorskip('cupy') src_field = Field.create_generic('src', spatial_dimensions=2) dst_field = Field.create_generic('dst', spatial_dimensions=2) update_rule = Assignment(dst_field[0, 0], (src_field[0, 1] + src_field[0, -1] + src_field[1, 0] + src_field[-1, 0]) / 4) config = CreateKernelConfig(target=Target.GPU) ast = create_kernel(sympy_cse_on_assignment_list([update_rule]), config=config) kernel = ast.compile() size = (3, 3) src_arr = np.random.rand(*size) src_arr = add_ghost_layers(src_arr) dst_arr = np.zeros_like(src_arr) gpu_src_arr = cp.asarray(src_arr) gpu_dst_arr = cp.asarray(dst_arr) kernel(src=gpu_src_arr, dst=gpu_dst_arr) dst_arr = gpu_dst_arr.get() stencil = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]]) / 4.0 reference = convolve(remove_ghost_layers(src_arr), stencil, mode='constant', cval=0.0) reference = add_ghost_layers(reference) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(reference, dst_arr) def test_multiple_index_dimensions(): pytest.importorskip('cupy') """Sums along the last axis of a numpy array""" src_size = (7, 6, 4) dst_size = src_size[:2] src_arr = np.asfortranarray(np.random.rand(*src_size)) dst_arr = np.zeros(dst_size) src_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array('src', src_arr, index_dimensions=1) dst_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array('dst', dst_arr, index_dimensions=0) offset = (-2, -1) update_rule = Assignment(dst_field[0, 0], sum([src_field[offset[0], offset[1]](i) for i in range(src_size[-1])])) config = CreateKernelConfig(target=Target.GPU) ast = create_kernel([update_rule], config=config) kernel = ast.compile() gpu_src_arr = cp.asarray(src_arr) gpu_dst_arr = cp.asarray(dst_arr) kernel(src=gpu_src_arr, dst=gpu_dst_arr) dst_arr = gpu_dst_arr.get() reference = np.zeros_like(dst_arr) gl = np.max(np.abs(np.array(offset, dtype=int))) for x in range(gl, src_size[0]-gl): for y in range(gl, src_size[1]-gl): reference[x, y] = sum([src_arr[x+offset[0], y+offset[1], i] for i in range(src_size[2])]) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(reference, dst_arr) def test_ghost_layer(): pytest.importorskip('cupy') size = (6, 5) src_arr = np.ones(size) dst_arr = np.zeros_like(src_arr) src_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array('src', src_arr, index_dimensions=0) dst_field = Field.create_from_numpy_array('dst', dst_arr, index_dimensions=0) update_rule = Assignment(dst_field[0, 0], src_field[0, 0]) ghost_layers = [(1, 2), (2, 1)] config = CreateKernelConfig(target=Target.GPU, ghost_layers=ghost_layers, gpu_indexing="line") ast = create_kernel(sympy_cse_on_assignment_list([update_rule]), config=config) kernel = ast.compile() gpu_src_arr = cp.asarray(src_arr) gpu_dst_arr = cp.asarray(dst_arr) kernel(src=gpu_src_arr, dst=gpu_dst_arr) dst_arr = gpu_dst_arr.get() reference = np.zeros_like(src_arr) reference[ghost_layers[0][0]:-ghost_layers[0][1], ghost_layers[1][0]:-ghost_layers[1][1]] = 1 np.testing.assert_equal(reference, dst_arr) def test_setting_value(): pytest.importorskip('cupy') arr_cpu = np.arange(25, dtype=np.float64).reshape(5, 5) arr_gpu = cp.asarray(arr_cpu) iteration_slice = make_slice[:, :] f = Field.create_generic("f", 2) update_rule = [Assignment(f(0), sp.Symbol("value"))] config = CreateKernelConfig(target=Target.GPU, gpu_indexing="line", iteration_slice=iteration_slice) ast = create_kernel(sympy_cse_on_assignment_list(update_rule), config=config) kernel = ast.compile() kernel(f=arr_gpu, value=np.float64(42.0)) np.testing.assert_equal(arr_gpu.get(), np.ones((5, 5)) * 42.0) def test_periodicity(): pytest.importorskip('cupy') from pystencils.gpu.periodicity import get_periodic_boundary_functor as periodic_gpu from pystencils.slicing import get_periodic_boundary_functor as periodic_cpu arr_cpu = np.arange(50, dtype=np.float64).reshape(5, 5, 2) arr_gpu = cp.asarray(arr_cpu) periodicity_stencil = [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (1, 1)] periodic_gpu_kernel = periodic_gpu(periodicity_stencil, (5, 5), 1, 2) periodic_cpu_kernel = periodic_cpu(periodicity_stencil) cpu_result = np.copy(arr_cpu) periodic_cpu_kernel(cpu_result) periodic_gpu_kernel(pdfs=arr_gpu) gpu_result = arr_gpu.get() np.testing.assert_equal(cpu_result, gpu_result) @pytest.mark.parametrize("device_number", device_numbers) def test_block_indexing(device_number): pytest.importorskip('cupy') f = fields("f: [3D]") s = normalize_slice(make_slice[:, :, :], f.spatial_shape) bi = BlockIndexing(s, f.layout, block_size=(16, 8, 2), permute_block_size_dependent_on_layout=False) assert bi.call_parameters((3, 2, 32))['block'] == (3, 2, 32) assert bi.call_parameters((32, 2, 32))['block'] == (16, 2, 8) bi = BlockIndexing(s, f.layout, block_size=(32, 1, 1), permute_block_size_dependent_on_layout=False) assert bi.call_parameters((1, 16, 16))['block'] == (1, 16, 2) bi = BlockIndexing(s, f.layout, block_size=(16, 8, 2), maximum_block_size="auto", device_number=device_number) # This function should be used if number of needed registers is known. Can be determined with func.num_regs registers_per_thread = 1000 blocks = bi.limit_block_size_by_register_restriction([1024, 1024, 1], registers_per_thread) if cp.cuda.runtime.is_hip: max_registers_per_block = cp.cuda.runtime.deviceGetAttribute(71, device_number) else: device = cp.cuda.Device(device_number) da = device.attributes max_registers_per_block = da.get("MaxRegistersPerBlock") assert * registers_per_thread < max_registers_per_block @pytest.mark.parametrize('gpu_indexing', ("block", "line")) @pytest.mark.parametrize('layout', ("C", "F")) @pytest.mark.parametrize('shape', ((5, 5, 5, 5), (3, 17, 387, 4), (23, 44, 21, 11))) def test_four_dimensional_kernel(gpu_indexing, layout, shape): pytest.importorskip('cupy') n_elements = arr_cpu = np.arange(n_elements, dtype=np.float64).reshape(shape, order=layout) arr_gpu = cp.asarray(arr_cpu) iteration_slice = make_slice[:, :, :, :] f = Field.create_from_numpy_array("f", arr_cpu) update_rule = [Assignment(, sp.Symbol("value"))] config = CreateKernelConfig(target=Target.GPU, gpu_indexing=gpu_indexing, iteration_slice=iteration_slice) ast = create_kernel(update_rule, config=config) kernel = ast.compile() kernel(f=arr_gpu, value=np.float64(42.0)) np.testing.assert_equal(arr_gpu.get(), np.ones(shape) * 42.0) @pytest.mark.parametrize('start', (1, 5)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('end', (-1, -2, -3, -4)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('step', (1, 2, 3, 4)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('shape', ([55, 60], [77, 101, 80], [44, 64, 66])) def test_guards_with_iteration_slices(start, end, step, shape): iter_slice = tuple([slice(start, end, step)] * len(shape)) kernel_config_gpu = CreateKernelConfig(target=Target.GPU, iteration_slice=iter_slice) field_1 = fields(f"f(1) : double{list(shape)}") assignment = Assignment(, 1) ast = create_kernel(assignment, config=kernel_config_gpu) code_str = get_code_str(ast) test_strings = list() iteration_ranges = list() for i, s in enumerate(iter_slice): e = ((shape[i] + end) - s.start) / s.step e = math.ceil(e) + s.start test_strings.append(f"{s.start} < {e}") a = s.start counter = 0 while a < e: a += 1 counter += 1 iteration_ranges.append(counter) # check if the expected if statement is in the GPU code for s in test_strings: assert s in code_str # check if these bounds lead to same lengths as the range function would produce for i in range(len(iter_slice)): assert iteration_ranges[i] == len(range(iter_slice[i].start, shape[i] + end, iter_slice[i].step))