import numpy as np import pytest import pystencils as ps from pystencils.astnodes import SympyAssignment from pystencils.node_collection import NodeCollection from pystencils.rng import PhiloxFourFloats, PhiloxTwoDoubles, AESNIFourFloats, AESNITwoDoubles, random_symbol from pystencils.backends.simd_instruction_sets import get_supported_instruction_sets from pystencils.cpu.cpujit import get_compiler_config from pystencils.typing import TypedSymbol from pystencils.enums import Target RNGs = {('philox', 'float'): PhiloxFourFloats, ('philox', 'double'): PhiloxTwoDoubles, ('aesni', 'float'): AESNIFourFloats, ('aesni', 'double'): AESNITwoDoubles} instruction_sets = get_supported_instruction_sets() if get_compiler_config()['os'] == 'windows': # skip instruction sets supported by the CPU but not by the compiler if 'avx' in instruction_sets and ('/arch:avx2' not in get_compiler_config()['flags'].lower() and '/arch:avx512' not in get_compiler_config()['flags'].lower()): instruction_sets.remove('avx') if 'avx512' in instruction_sets and '/arch:avx512' not in get_compiler_config()['flags'].lower(): instruction_sets.remove('avx512') if 'avx512vl' in instruction_sets and '/arch:avx512' not in get_compiler_config()['flags'].lower(): instruction_sets.remove('avx512vl') @pytest.mark.parametrize('target, rng', ((Target.CPU, 'philox'), (Target.CPU, 'aesni'), (Target.GPU, 'philox'))) @pytest.mark.parametrize('precision', ('float', 'double')) @pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', ('float', 'double')) def test_rng(target, rng, precision, dtype, t=124, offsets=(0, 0), keys=(0, 0), offset_values=None): if target == Target.GPU: pytest.importorskip('cupy') if instruction_sets and {'neon', 'sve', 'sve2', 'sme', 'vsx', 'rvv'}.intersection(instruction_sets) and rng == 'aesni': pytest.xfail('AES not yet implemented for this architecture') if rng == 'aesni' and len(keys) == 2: keys *= 2 if offset_values is None: offset_values = offsets dh = ps.create_data_handling((2, 2), default_ghost_layers=0, default_target=target) f = dh.add_array("f", values_per_cell=4 if precision == 'float' else 2, dtype=np.float32 if dtype == 'float' else np.float64) dh.fill(, 42.0) rng_node = RNGs[(rng, precision)](dh.dim, offsets=offsets, keys=keys) assignments = [rng_node] + [SympyAssignment(f(i), s) for i, s in enumerate(rng_node.result_symbols)] kernel = ps.create_kernel(assignments, target=dh.default_target).compile() dh.all_to_gpu() kwargs = {'time_step': t} if offset_values != offsets: kwargs.update({ v for k, v in zip(offsets, offset_values)}) dh.run_kernel(kernel, **kwargs) dh.all_to_cpu() arr = dh.gather_array( assert np.logical_and(arr <= 1.0, arr >= 0).all() if rng == 'philox' and t == 124 and offsets == (0, 0) and keys == (0, 0) and dh.shape == (2, 2): int_reference = np.array([[[3576608082, 1252663339, 1987745383, 348040302], [1032407765, 970978240, 2217005168, 2424826293]], [[2958765206, 3725192638, 2623672781, 1373196132], [850605163, 1694561295, 3285694973, 2799652583]]]) else: pytest.importorskip('randomgen') if rng == 'aesni': from randomgen import AESCounter int_reference = np.empty(dh.shape + (4,), dtype=int) for x in range(dh.shape[0]): for y in range(dh.shape[1]): r = AESCounter(counter=t + (x + offset_values[0]) * 2 ** 32 + (y + offset_values[1]) * 2 ** 64, key=keys[0] + keys[1] * 2 ** 32 + keys[2] * 2 ** 64 + keys[3] * 2 ** 96, mode="sequence") a, b = r.random_raw(size=2) int_reference[x, y, :] = [a % 2 ** 32, a // 2 ** 32, b % 2 ** 32, b // 2 ** 32] else: from randomgen import Philox int_reference = np.empty(dh.shape + (4,), dtype=int) for x in range(dh.shape[0]): for y in range(dh.shape[1]): r = Philox(counter=t + (x + offset_values[0]) * 2 ** 32 + (y + offset_values[1]) * 2 ** 64 - 1, key=keys[0] + keys[1] * 2 ** 32, number=4, width=32, mode="sequence") int_reference[x, y, :] = r.random_raw(size=4) if precision == 'float' or dtype == 'float': eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps else: eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps if rng == 'aesni': # precision appears to be slightly worse eps = max(1e-12, 2 * eps) if precision == 'float': reference = int_reference * 2. ** -32 + 2. ** -33 else: x = int_reference[:, :, 0::2] y = int_reference[:, :, 1::2] z = x ^ y << (53 - 32) reference = z * 2. ** -53 + 2. ** -54 assert np.allclose(arr, reference, rtol=0, atol=eps) @pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized', (False, True)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('kind', ('value', 'symbol')) def test_rng_offsets(kind, vectorized): if vectorized: test = test_rng_vectorized if not instruction_sets: pytest.skip("cannot detect CPU instruction set") else: test = test_rng if kind == 'value': test(instruction_sets[-1] if vectorized else Target.CPU, 'philox', 'float', 'float', t=8, offsets=(6, 7), keys=(5, 309)) elif kind == 'symbol': offsets = (TypedSymbol("x0", np.uint32), TypedSymbol("y0", np.uint32)) test(instruction_sets[-1] if vectorized else Target.GPU, 'philox', 'float', 'float', t=8, offsets=offsets, offset_values=(6, 7), keys=(5, 309)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('target', instruction_sets) @pytest.mark.parametrize('rng', ('philox', 'aesni')) @pytest.mark.parametrize('precision,dtype', (('float', 'float'), ('double', 'double'))) def test_rng_vectorized(target, rng, precision, dtype, t=130, offsets=(1, 3), keys=(0, 0), offset_values=None): if (target in ['neon', 'vsx', 'rvv', 'sme'] or target.startswith('sve')) and rng == 'aesni': pytest.xfail('AES not yet implemented for this architecture') cpu_vectorize_info = {'assume_inner_stride_one': True, 'assume_aligned': True, 'instruction_set': target} dh = ps.create_data_handling((131, 131), default_ghost_layers=0, default_target=Target.CPU) f = dh.add_array("f", values_per_cell=4 if precision == 'float' else 2, dtype=np.float32 if dtype == 'float' else np.float64, alignment=True) dh.fill(, 42.0) ref = dh.add_array("ref", values_per_cell=4 if precision == 'float' else 2) rng_node = RNGs[(rng, precision)](dh.dim, offsets=offsets) assignments = [rng_node] + [SympyAssignment(ref(i), s) for i, s in enumerate(rng_node.result_symbols)] kernel = ps.create_kernel(assignments, target=dh.default_target).compile() kwargs = {'time_step': t} if offset_values is not None: kwargs.update({ v for k, v in zip(offsets, offset_values)}) dh.run_kernel(kernel, **kwargs) rng_node = RNGs[(rng, precision)](dh.dim, offsets=offsets) assignments = [rng_node] + [SympyAssignment(f(i), s) for i, s in enumerate(rng_node.result_symbols)] kernel = ps.create_kernel(assignments, target=dh.default_target, cpu_vectorize_info=cpu_vectorize_info).compile() dh.run_kernel(kernel, **kwargs) ref_data = dh.gather_array( data = dh.gather_array( assert np.allclose(ref_data, data) @pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized', (False, True)) def test_rng_symbol(vectorized): """Make sure that the RNG symbol generator generates symbols and that the resulting code compiles""" cpu_vectorize_info = None if vectorized: if not instruction_sets: pytest.skip("cannot detect CPU instruction set") else: cpu_vectorize_info = {'assume_inner_stride_one': True, 'assume_aligned': True, 'instruction_set': instruction_sets[-1]} dh = ps.create_data_handling((8, 8), default_ghost_layers=0, default_target=Target.CPU) f = dh.add_array("f", values_per_cell=2 * dh.dim, alignment=True) nc = NodeCollection([SympyAssignment(f(i), 0) for i in range(f.shape[-1])]) subexpressions = [] rng_symbol_gen = random_symbol(subexpressions, dim=dh.dim) for i in range(f.shape[-1]): nc.all_assignments[i] = SympyAssignment(nc.all_assignments[i].lhs, next(rng_symbol_gen)) symbols = [a.rhs for a in nc.all_assignments] [nc.all_assignments.insert(0, subexpression) for subexpression in subexpressions] assert len(symbols) == f.shape[-1] and len(set(symbols)) == f.shape[-1] ps.create_kernel(nc, target=dh.default_target, cpu_vectorize_info=cpu_vectorize_info).compile() @pytest.mark.parametrize('vectorized', (False, True)) def test_staggered(vectorized): """Make sure that the RNG counter can be substituted during loop cutting""" dh = ps.create_data_handling((8, 8), default_ghost_layers=0, default_target=Target.CPU) j = dh.add_array("j", values_per_cell=dh.dim, field_type=ps.FieldType.STAGGERED_FLUX) a = ps.AssignmentCollection([ps.Assignment(j.staggered_access(n), 0) for n in j.staggered_stencil]) rng_symbol_gen = random_symbol(a.subexpressions, dim=dh.dim, rng_node=PhiloxTwoDoubles) a.main_assignments[0] = ps.Assignment(a.main_assignments[0].lhs, next(rng_symbol_gen)) kernel = ps.create_staggered_kernel(a, target=dh.default_target).compile() if not vectorized: return if not instruction_sets: pytest.skip("cannot detect CPU instruction set") pytest.importorskip('islpy') cpu_vectorize_info = {'assume_inner_stride_one': True, 'assume_aligned': False, 'instruction_set': instruction_sets[-1]} dh.fill(, 867) dh.run_kernel(kernel, seed=5, time_step=309) ref_data = dh.gather_array( kernel2 = ps.create_staggered_kernel(a, target=dh.default_target, cpu_vectorize_info=cpu_vectorize_info).compile() dh.fill(, 867) dh.run_kernel(kernel2, seed=5, time_step=309) data = dh.gather_array( assert np.allclose(ref_data, data)