[pytest] python_files = test_*.py *_test.py scenario_*.py norecursedirs = *.egg-info .git .cache .ipynb_checkpoints htmlcov addopts = --doctest-modules --durations=20 --cov-config pytest.ini markers = kerncraft: tests depending on kerncraft notebook: mark for notebooks [run] branch = True source = pystencils pystencils_tests omit = doc/* pystencils_tests/* setup.py conftest.py pystencils/jupytersetup.py pystencils/cpu/msvc_detection.py pystencils/sympy_gmpy_bug_workaround.py pystencils/cache.py pystencils/pacxx/benchmark.py [report] exclude_lines = # Have to re-enable the standard pragma pragma: no cover def __repr__ # Don't complain if tests don't hit defensive assertion code: raise AssertionError raise NotImplementedError #raise ValueError # Don't complain if non-runnable code isn't run: if 0: if False: if __name__ == .__main__.: skip_covered = True fail_under = 83 [html] directory = coverage_report