import numpy as np import sympy as sp from typing import Union, Optional from pystencils import Field, AssignmentCollection from pystencils.fd import Diff from pystencils.sympyextensions import fast_subs FieldOrFieldAccess = Union[Field, Field.Access] # --------------------------------------- Advection Diffusion ---------------------------------------------------------- def diffusion(scalar, diffusion_coeff, idx=None): """Diffusion term ∇·( diffusion_coeff · ∇(scalar)) Examples: >>> f = Field.create_generic('f', spatial_dimensions=2) >>> diffusion_term = diffusion(scalar=f, diffusion_coeff=sp.Symbol("d")) >>> discretization = Discretization2ndOrder() >>> discretization(diffusion_term) (f_W*d + f_S*d - 4*f_C*d + f_N*d + f_E*d)/dx**2 """ if isinstance(scalar, Field): first_arg = elif isinstance(scalar, Field.Access): first_arg = scalar else: raise ValueError("Diffused scalar has to be a pystencils Field or Field.Access") args = [first_arg, diffusion_coeff if not isinstance(diffusion_coeff, Field) else] if idx is not None: args.append(idx) return Diffusion(*args) def advection(advected_scalar: FieldOrFieldAccess, velocity_field: FieldOrFieldAccess, idx: Optional[int] = None): """Advection term ∇·(velocity_field · advected_scalar) Term that describes the advection of a scalar quantity in a velocity field. """ if isinstance(advected_scalar, Field): first_arg = elif isinstance(advected_scalar, Field.Access): first_arg = advected_scalar else: raise ValueError("Advected scalar has to be a pystencils Field or Field.Access") args = [first_arg, velocity_field if not isinstance(velocity_field, Field) else] if idx is not None: args.append(idx) return Advection(*args) def transient(scalar, idx=None): """Transient term ∂_t(scalar)""" if isinstance(scalar, Field): args = [] elif isinstance(scalar, Field.Access): args = [scalar] else: raise ValueError("Scalar has to be a pystencils Field or Field.Access") if idx is not None: args.append(idx) return Transient(*args) class Discretization2ndOrder: def __init__(self, dx=sp.Symbol("dx"), dt=sp.Symbol("dt")): self.dx = dx self.dt = dt @staticmethod def _diff_order(e): if not isinstance(e, Diff): return 0 else: return 1 + Discretization2ndOrder._diff_order(e.args[0]) def _discretize_diffusion(self, e): result = 0 for c in range(e.dim): first_diffs = [offset * (e.diffusion_scalar_at_offset(c, offset) * e.diffusion_coefficient_at_offset(c, offset) - e.diffusion_scalar_at_offset(0, 0) * e.diffusion_coefficient_at_offset(0, 0)) for offset in [-1, 1]] result += first_diffs[1] - first_diffs[0] return result / (self.dx ** 2) def _discretize_advection(self, expr): result = 0 for c in range(expr.dim): interpolated = [(expr.advected_scalar_at_offset(c, offset) * expr.velocity_field_at_offset(c, offset, c) + expr.advected_scalar_at_offset(c, 0) * expr.velocity_field_at_offset(c, 0, c)) / 2 for offset in [-1, 1]] result += interpolated[1] - interpolated[0] return result / self.dx def _discretize_spatial(self, e): if isinstance(e, Diffusion): return self._discretize_diffusion(e) elif isinstance(e, Advection): return self._discretize_advection(e) elif isinstance(e, Diff): return self._discretize_diff(e) else: new_args = [self._discretize_spatial(a) for a in e.args] return e.func(*new_args) if new_args else e def _discretize_diff(self, e): order = self._diff_order(e) if order == 1: fa = e.args[0] index = return (fa.neighbor(index, 1) - fa.neighbor(index, -1)) / (2 * self.dx) elif order == 2: indices = sorted([, e.args[0].target]) fa = e.args[0].args[0] if indices[0] == indices[1] and all(i >= 0 for i in indices): result = (-2 * fa + fa.neighbor(indices[0], -1) + fa.neighbor(indices[0], +1)) elif indices[0] == indices[1]: result = 0 for d in range(fa.field.spatial_dimensions): result += (-2 * fa + fa.neighbor(d, -1) + fa.neighbor(d, +1)) else: assert all(i >= 0 for i in indices) offsets = [(1, 1), [-1, 1], [1, -1], [-1, -1]] result = sum(o1 * o2 * fa.neighbor(indices[0], o1).neighbor(indices[1], o2) for o1, o2 in offsets) / 4 return result / (self.dx ** 2) else: raise NotImplementedError("Term contains derivatives of order > 2") def __call__(self, expr): if isinstance(expr, list): return [self(e) for e in expr] elif isinstance(expr, sp.Matrix) or isinstance(expr, sp.ImmutableDenseMatrix): return expr.applyfunc(self.__call__) elif isinstance(expr, AssignmentCollection): return expr.copy(main_assignments=[e for e in expr.main_assignments], subexpressions=[e for e in expr.subexpressions]) transient_terms = expr.atoms(Transient) if len(transient_terms) == 0: return self._discretize_spatial(expr) elif len(transient_terms) == 1: transient_term = transient_terms.pop() solve_result = sp.solve(expr, transient_term) if len(solve_result) != 1: raise ValueError("Could not solve for transient term" + str(solve_result)) rhs = solve_result.pop() # explicit euler return transient_term.scalar + self.dt * self._discretize_spatial(rhs) else: print(transient_terms) raise NotImplementedError("Cannot discretize expression with more than one transient term") # -------------------------------------- Helper Classes ---------------------------------------------------------------- class Advection(sp.Function): @property def scalar(self): return self.args[0].field @property def vector(self): if isinstance(self.args[1], Field.Access): return self.args[1].field else: return self.args[1] @property def scalar_index(self): return None if len(self.args) <= 2 else int(self.args[2]) @property def dim(self): return self.scalar.spatial_dimensions def _latex(self, printer): name_suffix = "_%s" % self.scalar_index if self.scalar_index is not None else "" if isinstance(self.vector, Field): return r"\nabla \cdot(%s %s)" % (printer.doprint(sp.Symbol(, printer.doprint(sp.Symbol( + name_suffix))) else: args = [r"\partial_%d(%s %s)" % (i, printer.doprint(sp.Symbol( + name_suffix)), printer.doprint(self.vector[i])) for i in range(self.dim)] return " + ".join(args) # --- Interface for discretization strategy def velocity_field_at_offset(self, offset_dim, offset_value, index): v = self.vector if isinstance(v, Field): assert v.index_dimensions == 1 return v.neighbor(offset_dim, offset_value)(index) else: return v[index] def advected_scalar_at_offset(self, offset_dim, offset_value): idx = 0 if self.scalar_index is None else int(self.scalar_index) return self.scalar.neighbor(offset_dim, offset_value)(idx) class Diffusion(sp.Function): @property def scalar(self): return self.args[0].field @property def diffusion_coeff(self): if isinstance(self.args[1], Field.Access): return self.args[1].field else: return self.args[1] @property def scalar_index(self): return None if len(self.args) <= 2 else int(self.args[2]) @property def dim(self): return self.scalar.spatial_dimensions def _latex(self, printer): name_suffix = "_%s" % self.scalar_index if self.scalar_index is not None else "" coeff = self.diffusion_coeff diff_coeff = sp.Symbol( if isinstance(coeff, Field) else coeff return r"div(%s \nabla %s)" % (printer.doprint(diff_coeff), printer.doprint(sp.Symbol( + name_suffix))) # --- Interface for discretization strategy def diffusion_scalar_at_offset(self, offset_dim, offset_value): idx = 0 if self.scalar_index is None else self.scalar_index return self.scalar.neighbor(offset_dim, offset_value)(idx) def diffusion_coefficient_at_offset(self, offset_dim, offset_value): d = self.diffusion_coeff if isinstance(d, Field): return d.neighbor(offset_dim, offset_value) else: return d class Transient(sp.Function): @property def scalar(self): if self.scalar_index is None: return self.args[0] else: return self.args[0].field(self.scalar_index) @property def scalar_index(self): return None if len(self.args) <= 1 else int(self.args[1]) def _latex(self, printer): name_suffix = "_%s" % self.scalar_index if self.scalar_index is not None else "" return r"\partial_t %s" % (printer.doprint(sp.Symbol( + name_suffix)),) # -------------------------------------------- Deprecated Functions ---------------------------------------------------- def grad(var, dim=3): r""" Gradients are represented as a special symbol: e.g. :math:`\nabla x = (x^{\Delta 0}, x^{\Delta 1}, x^{\Delta 2})` This function takes a symbol and creates the gradient symbols according to convention above Args: var: symbol to take the gradient of dim: dimension (length) of the gradient vector """ if hasattr(var, "__getitem__"): return [[sp.Symbol("%s^Delta^%d" % (, i)) for v in var] for i in range(dim)] else: return [sp.Symbol("%s^Delta^%d" % (, i)) for i in range(dim)] def discretize_center(term, symbols_to_field_dict, dx, dim=3): """ Expects term that contains given symbols and gradient components of these symbols and replaces them by field accesses. Gradients are replaced by centralized approximations: ``(upper neighbor - lower neighbor ) / ( 2*dx)`` Args: term: term where symbols and gradient(symbol) should be replaced symbols_to_field_dict: mapping of symbols to Field dx: width and height of one cell dim: dimension Example: >>> x = sp.Symbol("x") >>> grad_x = grad(x, dim=3) >>> term = x * grad_x[0] >>> term x*x^Delta^0 >>> f = Field.create_generic('f', spatial_dimensions=3) >>> discretize_center(term, { x: f }, dx=1, dim=3) f_C*(-f_W/2 + f_E/2) """ substitutions = {} for symbols, field in symbols_to_field_dict.items(): if not hasattr(symbols, "__getitem__"): symbols = [symbols] g = grad(symbols, dim) substitutions.update({symbol: field(i) for i, symbol in enumerate(symbols)}) for d in range(dim): up, down = __up_down_offsets(d, dim) substitutions.update({g[d][i]: (field[up](i) - field[down](i)) / dx / 2 for i in range(len(symbols))}) return term.subs(substitutions) def discretize_staggered(term, symbols_to_field_dict, coordinate, coordinate_offset, dx, dim=3): """ Expects term that contains given symbols and gradient components of these symbols and replaces them by field accesses. Gradients in coordinate direction are replaced by staggered version at cell boundary. Symbols themselves and gradients in other directions are replaced by interpolated version at cell face. Args: term: input term where symbols and gradients are replaced symbols_to_field_dict: mapping of symbols to Field coordinate: id for coordinate (0 for x, 1 for y, ... ) defining cell boundary. Only gradients in this direction are replaced e.g. if symbol^Delta^coordinate coordinate_offset: either +1 or -1 for upper or lower face in coordinate direction dx: width and height of one cell dim: dimension Examples: Discretizing at right/east face of cell i.e. coordinate=0, offset=1) >>> x, dx = sp.symbols("x dx") >>> grad_x = grad(x, dim=3) >>> term = x * grad_x[0] >>> term x*x^Delta^0 >>> f = Field.create_generic('f', spatial_dimensions=3) >>> discretize_staggered(term, symbols_to_field_dict={ x: f}, dx=dx, coordinate=0, coordinate_offset=1, dim=3) (-f_C + f_E)*(f_C/2 + f_E/2)/dx """ assert coordinate_offset == 1 or coordinate_offset == -1 assert 0 <= coordinate < dim substitutions = {} for symbols, field in symbols_to_field_dict.items(): if not hasattr(symbols, "__getitem__"): symbols = [symbols] offset = [0] * dim offset[coordinate] = coordinate_offset offset = np.array(offset, gradient = grad(symbols)[coordinate] substitutions.update({s: (field[offset](i) + field(i)) / 2 for i, s in enumerate(symbols)}) substitutions.update({g: (field[offset](i) - field(i)) / dx * coordinate_offset for i, g in enumerate(gradient)}) for d in range(dim): if d == coordinate: continue up, down = __up_down_offsets(d, dim) for i, s in enumerate(symbols): center_grad = (field[up](i) - field[down](i)) / (2 * dx) neighbor_grad = (field[up + offset](i) - field[down + offset](i)) / (2 * dx) substitutions[grad(s)[d]] = (center_grad + neighbor_grad) / 2 return fast_subs(term, substitutions) def discretize_divergence(vector_term, symbols_to_field_dict, dx): """ Computes discrete divergence of symbolic vector Args: vector_term: sequence of terms, interpreted as vector symbols_to_field_dict: mapping of symbols to Field dx: length of a cell Examples: Laplace stencil >>> x, dx = sp.symbols("x dx") >>> grad_x = grad(x, dim=3) >>> f = Field.create_generic('f', spatial_dimensions=3) >>> sp.simplify(discretize_divergence(grad_x, {x : f}, dx)) (f_W + f_S + f_B - 6*f_C + f_T + f_N + f_E)/dx**2 """ dim = len(vector_term) result = 0 for d in range(dim): for offset in [-1, 1]: result += offset * discretize_staggered(vector_term[d], symbols_to_field_dict, d, offset, dx, dim) return result / dx def __up_down_offsets(d, dim): coord = [0] * dim coord[d] = 1 up = np.array(coord, coord[d] = -1 down = np.array(coord, return up, down