import numpy as np
from pystencils.backends.cbackend import generate_c, get_headers
from pystencils.kernelparameters import FieldPointerSymbol
from pystencils.data_types import StructType
from pystencils.field import FieldType
from pystencils.include import get_pystencils_include_path


def make_python_function(kernel_function_node, argument_dict=None):
    Creates a kernel function from an abstract syntax tree which
    was created e.g. by :func:`pystencils.gpucuda.create_cuda_kernel`
    or :func:`pystencils.gpucuda.created_indexed_cuda_kernel`

        kernel_function_node: the abstract syntax tree
        argument_dict: parameters passed here are already fixed. Remaining parameters have to be passed to the
                       returned kernel functor.

        compiled kernel as Python function
    import pycuda.autoinit  # NOQA
    from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule

    if argument_dict is None:
        argument_dict = {}

    header_list = ['<stdint.h>'] + list(get_headers(kernel_function_node))
    includes = "\n".join(["#include %s" % (include_file,) for include_file in header_list])

    code = includes + "\n"
    code += "#define FUNC_PREFIX __global__\n"
    code += "#define RESTRICT __restrict__\n\n"
    code += str(generate_c(kernel_function_node, dialect='cuda'))
    options = options = ["-w", "-std=c++11", "-Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets", "-use_fast_math"]
    mod = SourceModule(code, options=options, include_dirs=[get_pystencils_include_path()])
    func = mod.get_function(kernel_function_node.function_name)

    parameters = kernel_function_node.get_parameters()

    cache = {}
    cache_values = []

    def wrapper(**kwargs):
        key = hash(tuple((k,, v.strides, v.shape) if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) else (k, id(v))
                         for k, v in kwargs.items()))
            args, block_and_thread_numbers = cache[key]
            func(*args, **block_and_thread_numbers)
        except KeyError:
            full_arguments = argument_dict.copy()
            shape = _check_arguments(parameters, full_arguments)

            indexing = kernel_function_node.indexing
            block_and_thread_numbers = indexing.call_parameters(shape)
            block_and_thread_numbers['block'] = tuple(int(i) for i in block_and_thread_numbers['block'])
            block_and_thread_numbers['grid'] = tuple(int(i) for i in block_and_thread_numbers['grid'])

            args = _build_numpy_argument_list(parameters, full_arguments)
            cache[key] = (args, block_and_thread_numbers)
            cache_values.append(kwargs)  # keep objects alive such that ids remain unique
            func(*args, **block_and_thread_numbers)
        # import pycuda.driver as cuda
        # cuda.Context.synchronize() # useful for debugging, to get errors right after kernel was called
    wrapper.ast = kernel_function_node
    wrapper.parameters = kernel_function_node.get_parameters()
    wrapper.num_regs = func.num_regs
    return wrapper

def _build_numpy_argument_list(parameters, argument_dict):
    argument_dict = {k: v for k, v in argument_dict.items()}
    result = []

    for param in parameters:
        if param.is_field_pointer:
            array = argument_dict[param.field_name]
            actual_type = array.dtype
            expected_type = param.fields[0].dtype.numpy_dtype
            if expected_type != actual_type:
                raise ValueError("Data type mismatch for field '%s'. Expected '%s' got '%s'." %
                                 (param.field_name, expected_type, actual_type))
        elif param.is_field_stride:
            cast_to_dtype = param.symbol.dtype.numpy_dtype.type
            array = argument_dict[param.field_name]
            stride = cast_to_dtype(array.strides[param.symbol.coordinate] // array.dtype.itemsize)
        elif param.is_field_shape:
            cast_to_dtype = param.symbol.dtype.numpy_dtype.type
            array = argument_dict[param.field_name]
            expected_type = param.symbol.dtype.numpy_dtype

    assert len(result) == len(parameters)
    return result

def _check_arguments(parameter_specification, argument_dict):
    Checks if parameters passed to kernel match the description in the AST function node.
    If not it raises a ValueError, on success it returns the array shape that determines the CUDA blocks and threads
    argument_dict = {k: v for k, v in argument_dict.items()}
    array_shapes = set()
    index_arr_shapes = set()

    for param in parameter_specification:
        if isinstance(param.symbol, FieldPointerSymbol):
            symbolic_field = param.fields[0]

                field_arr = argument_dict[]
            except KeyError:
                raise KeyError("Missing field parameter for kernel call " + str(symbolic_field))

            if symbolic_field.has_fixed_shape:
                symbolic_field_shape = tuple(int(i) for i in symbolic_field.shape)
                if isinstance(symbolic_field.dtype, StructType):
                    symbolic_field_shape = symbolic_field_shape[:-1]
                if symbolic_field_shape != field_arr.shape:
                    raise ValueError("Passed array '%s' has shape %s which does not match expected shape %s" %
                                     (, str(field_arr.shape), str(symbolic_field.shape)))
            if symbolic_field.has_fixed_shape:
                symbolic_field_strides = tuple(int(i) * field_arr.dtype.itemsize for i in symbolic_field.strides)
                if isinstance(symbolic_field.dtype, StructType):
                    symbolic_field_strides = symbolic_field_strides[:-1]
                if symbolic_field_strides != field_arr.strides:
                    raise ValueError("Passed array '%s' has strides %s which does not match expected strides %s" %
                                     (, str(field_arr.strides), str(symbolic_field_strides)))

            if FieldType.is_indexed(symbolic_field):
            elif FieldType.is_generic(symbolic_field):

    if len(array_shapes) > 1:
        raise ValueError("All passed arrays have to have the same size " + str(array_shapes))
    if len(index_arr_shapes) > 1:
        raise ValueError("All passed index arrays have to have the same size " + str(array_shapes))

    if len(index_arr_shapes) > 0:
        return list(index_arr_shapes)[0]
        return list(array_shapes)[0]