import itertools from typing import Sequence, Union import numpy as np from pystencils import Field from pystencils.datahandling.datahandling_interface import DataHandling from pystencils.field import layout_string_to_tuple, spatial_layout_string_to_tuple, create_numpy_array_with_layout from pystencils.parallel.blockiteration import SerialBlock from pystencils.slicing import normalize_slice, remove_ghost_layers from pystencils.utils import DotDict try: import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray import pycuda.autoinit except ImportError: gpuarray = None class SerialDataHandling(DataHandling): def __init__(self, domain_size: Sequence[int], default_ghost_layers: int = 1, default_layout: str='SoA', periodicity: Union[bool, Sequence[bool]] = False, default_target: str = 'cpu') -> None: """ Creates a data handling for single node simulations. Args: domain_size: size of the spatial domain as tuple default_ghost_layers: default number of ghost layers used, if not overridden in add_array() method default_layout: default layout used, if not overridden in add_array() method default_target: either 'cpu' or 'gpu' . If set to 'gpu' for each array also a GPU version is allocated if not overwritten in add_array, and synchronization functions are for the GPU by default """ super(SerialDataHandling, self).__init__() self._domainSize = tuple(domain_size) self.default_ghost_layers = default_ghost_layers self.default_layout = default_layout self._fields = DotDict() self.cpu_arrays = DotDict() self.gpu_arrays = DotDict() self.custom_data_cpu = DotDict() self.custom_data_gpu = DotDict() self._custom_data_transfer_functions = {} if periodicity is None or periodicity is False: periodicity = [False] * self.dim if periodicity is True: periodicity = [True] * self.dim self._periodicity = periodicity self._field_information = {} self.default_target = default_target @property def dim(self): return len(self._domainSize) @property def shape(self): return self._domainSize @property def periodicity(self): return self._periodicity @property def fields(self): return self._fields def ghost_layers_of_field(self, name): return self._field_information[name]['ghost_layers'] def values_per_cell(self, name): return self._field_information[name]['values_per_cell'] def add_array(self, name, values_per_cell=1, dtype=np.float64, latex_name=None, ghost_layers=None, layout=None, cpu=True, gpu=None, alignment=False): if ghost_layers is None: ghost_layers = self.default_ghost_layers if layout is None: layout = self.default_layout if gpu is None: gpu = self.default_target == 'gpu' kwargs = { 'shape': tuple(s + 2 * ghost_layers for s in self._domainSize), 'dtype': dtype, } self._field_information[name] = { 'ghost_layers': ghost_layers, 'values_per_cell': values_per_cell, 'layout': layout, 'dtype': dtype, } if values_per_cell > 1: kwargs['shape'] = kwargs['shape'] + (values_per_cell,) index_dimensions = 1 layout_tuple = layout_string_to_tuple(layout, self.dim + 1) else: index_dimensions = 0 layout_tuple = spatial_layout_string_to_tuple(layout, self.dim) # cpu_arr is always created - since there is no create_pycuda_array_with_layout() byte_offset = ghost_layers * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize cpu_arr = create_numpy_array_with_layout(layout=layout_tuple, alignment=alignment, byte_offset=byte_offset, **kwargs) cpu_arr.fill(np.inf) if alignment and gpu: raise NotImplementedError("Alignment for GPU fields not supported") if cpu: if name in self.cpu_arrays: raise ValueError("CPU Field with this name already exists") self.cpu_arrays[name] = cpu_arr if gpu: if name in self.gpu_arrays: raise ValueError("GPU Field with this name already exists") self.gpu_arrays[name] = gpuarray.to_gpu(cpu_arr) assert all( != name for f in self.fields.values()), "Symbolic field with this name already exists" self.fields[name] = Field.create_from_numpy_array(name, cpu_arr, index_dimensions=index_dimensions) self.fields[name].latex_name = latex_name return self.fields[name] def add_custom_data(self, name, cpu_creation_function, gpu_creation_function=None, cpu_to_gpu_transfer_func=None, gpu_to_cpu_transfer_func=None): if cpu_creation_function and gpu_creation_function: if cpu_to_gpu_transfer_func is None or gpu_to_cpu_transfer_func is None: raise ValueError("For GPU data, both transfer functions have to be specified") self._custom_data_transfer_functions[name] = (cpu_to_gpu_transfer_func, gpu_to_cpu_transfer_func) assert name not in self.custom_data_cpu if cpu_creation_function: assert name not in self.cpu_arrays self.custom_data_cpu[name] = cpu_creation_function() if gpu_creation_function: assert name not in self.gpu_arrays self.custom_data_gpu[name] = gpu_creation_function() def has_data(self, name): return name in self.fields def add_array_like(self, name, name_of_template_field, latex_name=None, cpu=True, gpu=None): return self.add_array(name, latex_name=latex_name, cpu=cpu, gpu=gpu, **self._field_information[name_of_template_field]) def iterate(self, slice_obj=None, gpu=False, ghost_layers=True, inner_ghost_layers=True): if ghost_layers is True: ghost_layers = self.default_ghost_layers elif ghost_layers is False: ghost_layers = 0 elif isinstance(ghost_layers, str): ghost_layers = self.ghost_layers_of_field(ghost_layers) if slice_obj is None: slice_obj = (slice(None, None, None),) * self.dim slice_obj = normalize_slice(slice_obj, tuple(s + 2 * ghost_layers for s in self._domainSize)) slice_obj = tuple(s if type(s) is slice else slice(s, s + 1, None) for s in slice_obj) arrays = self.gpu_arrays if gpu else self.cpu_arrays custom_data_dict = self.custom_data_gpu if gpu else self.custom_data_cpu iter_dict = custom_data_dict.copy() for name, arr in arrays.items(): field_gls = self._field_information[name]['ghost_layers'] if field_gls < ghost_layers: continue arr = remove_ghost_layers(arr, index_dimensions=len(arr.shape) - self.dim, ghost_layers=field_gls - ghost_layers) iter_dict[name] = arr offset = tuple(s.start - ghost_layers for s in slice_obj) yield SerialBlock(iter_dict, offset, slice_obj) def gather_array(self, name, slice_obj=None, ghost_layers=False, **kwargs): gl_to_remove = self._field_information[name]['ghost_layers'] if isinstance(ghost_layers, int): gl_to_remove -= ghost_layers if ghost_layers is True: gl_to_remove = 0 arr = self.cpu_arrays[name] ind_dimensions = self.fields[name].index_dimensions spatial_dimensions = self.fields[name].spatial_dimensions arr = remove_ghost_layers(arr, index_dimensions=ind_dimensions, ghost_layers=gl_to_remove) if slice_obj is not None: normalized_slice = normalize_slice(slice_obj[:spatial_dimensions], arr.shape[:spatial_dimensions]) normalized_slice = tuple(s if type(s) is slice else slice(s, s + 1, None) for s in normalized_slice) normalized_slice += slice_obj[spatial_dimensions:] arr = arr[normalized_slice] else: arr = arr.view() arr.flags.writeable = False return arr def swap(self, name1, name2, gpu=False): if not gpu: self.cpu_arrays[name1], self.cpu_arrays[name2] = self.cpu_arrays[name2], self.cpu_arrays[name1] else: self.gpu_arrays[name1], self.gpu_arrays[name2] = self.gpu_arrays[name2], self.gpu_arrays[name1] def all_to_cpu(self): for name in (self.cpu_arrays.keys() & self.gpu_arrays.keys()) | self._custom_data_transfer_functions.keys(): self.to_cpu(name) def all_to_gpu(self): for name in (self.cpu_arrays.keys() & self.gpu_arrays.keys()) | self._custom_data_transfer_functions.keys(): self.to_gpu(name) def run_kernel(self, kernel_function, *args, **kwargs): data_used_in_kernel = [p.field_name for p in kernel_function.parameters if p.is_field_ptr_argument and p.field_name not in kwargs] arrays = self.gpu_arrays if kernel_function.ast.backend == 'gpucuda' else self.cpu_arrays array_params = {name: arrays[name] for name in data_used_in_kernel} array_params.update(kwargs) kernel_function(*args, **array_params) def to_cpu(self, name): if name in self._custom_data_transfer_functions: transfer_func = self._custom_data_transfer_functions[name][1] transfer_func(self.custom_data_gpu[name], self.custom_data_cpu[name]) else: self.gpu_arrays[name].get(self.cpu_arrays[name]) def to_gpu(self, name): if name in self._custom_data_transfer_functions: transfer_func = self._custom_data_transfer_functions[name][0] transfer_func(self.custom_data_gpu[name], self.custom_data_cpu[name]) else: self.gpu_arrays[name].set(self.cpu_arrays[name]) def is_on_gpu(self, name): return name in self.gpu_arrays def synchronization_function_cpu(self, names, stencil_name=None, **_): return self.synchronization_function(names, stencil_name, 'cpu') def synchronization_function_gpu(self, names, stencil_name=None, **_): return self.synchronization_function(names, stencil_name, 'gpu') def synchronization_function(self, names, stencil=None, target=None, **_): if target is None: target = self.default_target assert target in ('cpu', 'gpu') if not hasattr(names, '__len__') or type(names) is str: names = [names] filtered_stencil = [] neighbors = [-1, 0, 1] if (stencil is None and self.dim == 2) or (stencil is not None and stencil.startswith('D2')): directions = itertools.product(*[neighbors] * 2) elif (stencil is None and self.dim == 3) or (stencil is not None and stencil.startswith('D3')): directions = itertools.product(*[neighbors] * 3) else: raise ValueError("Invalid stencil") for direction in directions: use_direction = True if direction == (0, 0) or direction == (0, 0, 0): use_direction = False for component, periodicity in zip(direction, self._periodicity): if not periodicity and component != 0: use_direction = False if use_direction: filtered_stencil.append(direction) result = [] for name in names: gls = self._field_information[name]['ghost_layers'] if len(filtered_stencil) > 0: if target == 'cpu': from pystencils.slicing import get_periodic_boundary_functor result.append(get_periodic_boundary_functor(filtered_stencil, ghost_layers=gls)) else: from pystencils.gpucuda.periodicity import get_periodic_boundary_functor result.append(get_periodic_boundary_functor(filtered_stencil, self._domainSize, index_dimensions=self.fields[name].index_dimensions, index_dim_shape=self._field_information[name][ 'values_per_cell'], dtype=self.fields[name].dtype.numpy_dtype, ghost_layers=gls)) if target == 'cpu': def result_functor(): for arr_name, func in zip(names, result): func(pdfs=self.cpu_arrays[arr_name]) else: def result_functor(): for arr_name, func in zip(names, result): func(pdfs=self.gpu_arrays[arr_name]) return result_functor @property def array_names(self): return tuple(self.fields.keys()) @property def custom_data_names(self): return tuple(self.custom_data_cpu.keys()) def reduce_float_sequence(self, sequence, operation, all_reduce=False) -> np.array: return np.array(sequence) def reduce_int_sequence(self, sequence, operation, all_reduce=False) -> np.array: return np.array(sequence) def create_vtk_writer(self, file_name, data_names, ghost_layers=False): from pystencils.vtk import image_to_vtk def writer(step): full_file_name = "%s_%08d" % (file_name, step,) cell_data = {} for name in data_names: field = self._get_field_with_given_number_of_ghost_layers(name, ghost_layers) if self.dim == 2: field = field[:, :, np.newaxis] if len(field.shape) == 3: cell_data[name] = np.ascontiguousarray(field) elif len(field.shape) == 4: values_per_cell = field.shape[-1] if values_per_cell == self.dim: field = [np.ascontiguousarray(field[..., i]) for i in range(values_per_cell)] if len(field) == 2: field.append(np.zeros_like(field[0])) cell_data[name] = tuple(field) else: for i in range(values_per_cell): cell_data["%s[%d]" % (name, i)] = np.ascontiguousarray(field[..., i]) else: assert False image_to_vtk(full_file_name, cell_data=cell_data) return writer def create_vtk_writer_for_flag_array(self, file_name, data_name, masks_to_name, ghost_layers=False): from pystencils.vtk import image_to_vtk def writer(step): full_file_name = "%s_%08d" % (file_name, step,) field = self._get_field_with_given_number_of_ghost_layers(data_name, ghost_layers) if self.dim == 2: field = field[:, :, np.newaxis] cell_data = {name: np.ascontiguousarray(np.bitwise_and(field, field.dtype.type(mask)) > 0, dtype=np.uint8) for mask, name in masks_to_name.items()} image_to_vtk(full_file_name, cell_data=cell_data) return writer def _get_field_with_given_number_of_ghost_layers(self, name, ghost_layers): actual_ghost_layers = self.ghost_layers_of_field(name) if ghost_layers is True: ghost_layers = actual_ghost_layers gl_to_remove = actual_ghost_layers - ghost_layers ind_dims = 1 if self._field_information[name]['values_per_cell'] > 1 else 0 return remove_ghost_layers(self.cpu_arrays[name], ind_dims, gl_to_remove)