import itertools

import numpy as np

from pystencils import Field
from pystencils.datahandling.datahandling_interface import DataHandling
from pystencils.field import layoutStringToTuple, spatialLayoutStringToTuple, createNumpyArrayWithLayout
from pystencils.parallel.blockiteration import SerialBlock
from pystencils.slicing import normalizeSlice, removeGhostLayers
from pystencils.utils import DotDict

    import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
    import pycuda.autoinit
except ImportError:
    gpuarray = None

class SerialDataHandling(DataHandling):

    def __init__(self, domainSize, defaultGhostLayers=1, defaultLayout='SoA', periodicity=False):
        Creates a data handling for single node simulations

        :param domainSize: size of the spatial domain as tuple
        :param defaultGhostLayers: nr of ghost layers used if not specified in add() method
        :param defaultLayout: layout used if no layout is given to add() method
        super(SerialDataHandling, self).__init__()
        self._domainSize = tuple(domainSize)
        self.defaultGhostLayers = defaultGhostLayers
        self.defaultLayout = defaultLayout
        self._fields = DotDict()
        self.cpuArrays = DotDict()
        self.gpuArrays = DotDict()
        self.customDataCpu = DotDict()
        self.customDataGpu = DotDict()
        self._customDataTransferFunctions = {}

        if periodicity is None or periodicity is False:
            periodicity = [False] * self.dim
        if periodicity is True:
            periodicity = [True] * self.dim

        self._periodicity = periodicity
        self._fieldInformation = {}

    def dim(self):
        return len(self._domainSize)

    def shape(self):
        return self._domainSize

    def periodicity(self):
        return self._periodicity

    def fields(self):
        return self._fields

    def ghostLayersOfField(self, name):
        return self._fieldInformation[name]['ghostLayers']

    def fSize(self, name):
        return self._fieldInformation[name]['fSize']

    def addArray(self, name, fSize=1, dtype=np.float64, latexName=None, ghostLayers=None, layout=None,
                 cpu=True, gpu=False):
        if ghostLayers is None:
            ghostLayers = self.defaultGhostLayers
        if layout is None:
            layout = self.defaultLayout

        kwargs = {
            'shape': tuple(s + 2 * ghostLayers for s in self._domainSize),
            'dtype': dtype,
        self._fieldInformation[name] = {
            'ghostLayers': ghostLayers,
            'fSize': fSize,
            'layout': layout,
            'dtype': dtype,

        if fSize > 1:
            kwargs['shape'] = kwargs['shape'] + (fSize,)
            indexDimensions = 1
            layoutTuple = layoutStringToTuple(layout, self.dim+1)
            indexDimensions = 0
            layoutTuple = spatialLayoutStringToTuple(layout, self.dim)

        # cpuArr is always created - since there is no createPycudaArrayWithLayout()
        cpuArr = createNumpyArrayWithLayout(layout=layoutTuple, **kwargs)

        if cpu:
            if name in self.cpuArrays:
                raise ValueError("CPU Field with this name already exists")
            self.cpuArrays[name] = cpuArr
        if gpu:
            if name in self.gpuArrays:
                raise ValueError("GPU Field with this name already exists")
            self.gpuArrays[name] = gpuarray.to_gpu(cpuArr)

        assert all( != name for f in self.fields.values()), "Symbolic field with this name already exists"
        self.fields[name] = Field.createFixedSize(name, shape=kwargs['shape'], indexDimensions=indexDimensions,
                                                  dtype=kwargs['dtype'], layout=layoutTuple)
        self.fields[name].latexName = latexName
        return self.fields[name]

    def addCustomData(self, name, cpuCreationFunction,
                      gpuCreationFunction=None, cpuToGpuTransferFunc=None, gpuToCpuTransferFunc=None):

        if cpuCreationFunction and gpuCreationFunction:
            if cpuToGpuTransferFunc is None or gpuToCpuTransferFunc is None:
                raise ValueError("For GPU data, both transfer functions have to be specified")
            self._customDataTransferFunctions[name] = (cpuToGpuTransferFunc, gpuToCpuTransferFunc)

        assert name not in self.customDataCpu
        if cpuCreationFunction:
            assert name not in self.cpuArrays
            self.customDataCpu[name] = cpuCreationFunction()

        if gpuCreationFunction:
            assert name not in self.gpuArrays
            self.customDataGpu[name] = gpuCreationFunction()

    def hasData(self, name):
        return name in self.fields

    def addArrayLike(self, name, nameOfTemplateField, latexName=None, cpu=True, gpu=False):
        return self.addArray(name, latexName=latexName, cpu=cpu, gpu=gpu, **self._fieldInformation[nameOfTemplateField])

    def iterate(self, sliceObj=None, gpu=False, ghostLayers=True, innerGhostLayers=True):
        if ghostLayers is True:
            ghostLayers = self.defaultGhostLayers
        elif ghostLayers is False:
            ghostLayers = 0
        elif isinstance(ghostLayers, str):
            ghostLayers = self.ghostLayersOfField(ghostLayers)

        if sliceObj is None:
            sliceObj = (slice(None, None, None),) * self.dim
        sliceObj = normalizeSlice(sliceObj, tuple(s + 2 * ghostLayers for s in self._domainSize))
        sliceObj = tuple(s if type(s) is slice else slice(s, s+1, None) for s in sliceObj)

        arrays = self.gpuArrays if gpu else self.cpuArrays
        customDataDict = self.customDataGpu if gpu else self.customDataCpu
        iterDict = customDataDict.copy()
        for name, arr in arrays.items():
            fieldGls = self._fieldInformation[name]['ghostLayers']
            if fieldGls < ghostLayers:
            arr = removeGhostLayers(arr, indexDimensions=len(arr.shape) - self.dim, ghostLayers=fieldGls-ghostLayers)
            iterDict[name] = arr

        offset = tuple(s.start - ghostLayers for s in sliceObj)
        yield SerialBlock(iterDict, offset, sliceObj)

    def gatherArray(self, name, sliceObj=None, ghostLayers=False, **kwargs):
        glToRemove = self._fieldInformation[name]['ghostLayers']
        if isinstance(ghostLayers, int):
            glToRemove -= ghostLayers
        if ghostLayers is True:
            glToRemove = 0
        arr = self.cpuArrays[name]
        indDimensions = self.fields[name].indexDimensions
        spatialDimensions = self.fields[name].spatialDimensions

        arr = removeGhostLayers(arr, indexDimensions=indDimensions, ghostLayers=glToRemove)

        if sliceObj is not None:
            normalizedSlice = normalizeSlice(sliceObj[:spatialDimensions], arr.shape[:spatialDimensions])
            normalizedSlice = tuple(s if type(s) is slice else slice(s, s + 1, None) for s in normalizedSlice)
            normalizedSlice += sliceObj[spatialDimensions:]
            arr = arr[normalizedSlice]
            arr = arr.view()
        arr.flags.writeable = False
        return arr

    def swap(self, name1, name2, gpu=False):
        if not gpu:
            self.cpuArrays[name1], self.cpuArrays[name2] = self.cpuArrays[name2], self.cpuArrays[name1]
            self.gpuArrays[name1], self.gpuArrays[name2] = self.gpuArrays[name2], self.gpuArrays[name1]

    def allToCpu(self):
        for name in (self.cpuArrays.keys() & self.gpuArrays.keys()) | self._customDataTransferFunctions.keys():

    def allToGpu(self):
        for name in (self.cpuArrays.keys() & self.gpuArrays.keys()) | self._customDataTransferFunctions.keys():

    def runKernel(self, kernelFunc, *args, **kwargs):
        dataUsedInKernel = [p.fieldName
                            for p in kernelFunc.parameters if p.isFieldPtrArgument and p.fieldName not in kwargs]
        arrays = self.gpuArrays if kernelFunc.ast.backend == 'gpucuda' else self.cpuArrays
        arrayParams = {name: arrays[name] for name in dataUsedInKernel}
        kernelFunc(*args, **arrayParams)

    def toCpu(self, name):
        if name in self._customDataTransferFunctions:
            transferFunc = self._customDataTransferFunctions[name][1]
            transferFunc(self.customDataGpu[name], self.customDataCpu[name])

    def toGpu(self, name):
        if name in self._customDataTransferFunctions:
            transferFunc = self._customDataTransferFunctions[name][0]
            transferFunc(self.customDataGpu[name], self.customDataCpu[name])

    def isOnGpu(self, name):
        return name in self.gpuArrays

    def synchronizationFunctionCPU(self, names, stencilName=None, **kwargs):
        return self.synchronizationFunction(names, stencilName, 'cpu')

    def synchronizationFunctionGPU(self, names, stencilName=None, **kwargs):
        return self.synchronizationFunction(names, stencilName, 'gpu')

    def synchronizationFunction(self, names, stencil=None, target='cpu'):
        assert target in ('cpu', 'gpu')
        if not hasattr(names, '__len__') or type(names) is str:
            names = [names]

        filteredStencil = []
        neighbors = [-1, 0, 1]

        if (stencil is None and self.dim == 2) or (stencil is not None and stencil.startswith('D2')):
            directions = itertools.product(*[neighbors] * 2)
        elif (stencil is None and self.dim == 3) or (stencil is not None and stencil.startswith('D3')):
            directions = itertools.product(*[neighbors] * 3)
            raise ValueError("Invalid stencil")

        for direction in directions:
            useDirection = True
            if direction == (0, 0) or direction == (0, 0, 0):
                useDirection = False
            for component, periodicity in zip(direction, self._periodicity):
                if not periodicity and component != 0:
                    useDirection = False
            if useDirection:

        resultFunctors = []
        for name in names:
            gls = self._fieldInformation[name]['ghostLayers']
            if len(filteredStencil) > 0:
                if target == 'cpu':
                    from pystencils.slicing import getPeriodicBoundaryFunctor
                    resultFunctors.append(getPeriodicBoundaryFunctor(filteredStencil, ghostLayers=gls))
                    from pystencils.gpucuda.periodicity import getPeriodicBoundaryFunctor
                    resultFunctors.append(getPeriodicBoundaryFunctor(filteredStencil, self._domainSize,

        if target == 'cpu':
            def resultFunctor():
                for name, func in zip(names, resultFunctors):
            def resultFunctor():
                for name, func in zip(names, resultFunctors):

        return resultFunctor

    def arrayNames(self):
        return tuple(self.fields.keys())

    def customDataNames(self):
        return tuple(self.customDataCpu.keys())

    def reduceFloatSequence(sequence, operation, allReduce=False):
        return np.array(sequence)

    def reduceIntSequence(sequence):
        return np.array(sequence)

    def vtkWriter(self, fileName, dataNames, ghostLayers=False):
        from pystencils.vtk import imageToVTK

        def writer(step):
            fullFileName = "%s_%08d" % (fileName, step,)
            cellData = {}
            for name in dataNames:
                field = self._getFieldWithGivenNumberOfGhostLayers(name, ghostLayers)
                if self.dim == 2:
                    cellData[name] = field[:, :, np.newaxis]
                if len(field.shape) == 3:
                    cellData[name] = np.ascontiguousarray(field)
                elif len(field.shape) == 4:
                    fSize = field.shape[-1]
                    if fSize == self.dim:
                        field = [np.ascontiguousarray(field[..., i]) for i in range(fSize)]
                        if len(field) == 2:
                        cellData[name] = tuple(field)
                        for i in range(fSize):
                            cellData["%s[%d]" % (name, i)] = np.ascontiguousarray(field[...,i])
                    assert False
            imageToVTK(fullFileName, cellData=cellData)
        return writer

    def vtkWriterFlags(self, fileName, dataName, masksToName, ghostLayers=False):
        from pystencils.vtk import imageToVTK

        def writer(step):
            fullFileName = "%s_%08d" % (fileName, step,)
            field = self._getFieldWithGivenNumberOfGhostLayers(dataName, ghostLayers)
            if self.dim == 2:
                field = field[:, :, np.newaxis]
            cellData = {name: np.ascontiguousarray(np.bitwise_and(field, mask) > 0, dtype=np.uint8)
                        for mask, name in masksToName.items()}
            imageToVTK(fullFileName, cellData=cellData)

        return writer

    def _getFieldWithGivenNumberOfGhostLayers(self, name, ghostLayers):
        actualGhostLayers = self.ghostLayersOfField(name)
        if ghostLayers is True:
            ghostLayers = actualGhostLayers

        glToRemove = actualGhostLayers - ghostLayers
        indDims = 1 if self._fieldInformation[name]['fSize'] > 1 else 0
        return removeGhostLayers(self.cpuArrays[name], indDims, glToRemove)