import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from pystencils.assignment import Assignment
from pystencils import Field, TypedSymbol, create_indexed_kernel
from pystencils.backends.cbackend import CustomCppCode
from pystencils.boundaries.createindexlist import numpy_data_type_for_boundary_object, create_boundary_index_array
from pystencils.cache import memorycache
from pystencils.data_types import create_type
from pystencils.kernelparameters import FieldPointerSymbol


class FlagInterface:
    """Manages the reservation of bits (i.e. flags) in an array of unsigned integers.

        >>> from pystencils import create_data_handling
        >>> dh = create_data_handling((4, 5))
        >>> fi = FlagInterface(dh, 'flag_field', np.uint8)
        >>> assert dh.has_data('flag_field')
        >>> fi.reserve_next_flag()
        >>> fi.reserve_flag(4)
        >>> fi.reserve_next_flag()

    def __init__(self, data_handling, flag_field_name, dtype=DEFAULT_FLAG_TYPE):
        self.flag_field_name = flag_field_name
        self.domain_flag = dtype(1 << 0)
        self._used_flags = {self.domain_flag}
        self.data_handling = data_handling
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.max_bits = self.dtype().itemsize * 8

        # Add flag field to data handling if it does not yet exist
        if data_handling.has_data(self.flag_field_name):
            raise ValueError("There is already a boundary handling registered at the data handling."
                             "If you want to add multiple handling objects, choose a different name.")

        self.flag_field = data_handling.add_array(self.flag_field_name, dtype=self.dtype, cpu=True, gpu=False)
        ff_ghost_layers = data_handling.ghost_layers_of_field(self.flag_field_name)
        for b in data_handling.iterate(ghost_layers=ff_ghost_layers):

    def reserve_next_flag(self):
        for i in range(1, self.max_bits):
            flag = self.dtype(1 << i)
            if flag not in self._used_flags:
                assert self._is_power_of_2(flag)
                return flag
        raise ValueError("All available {} flags are reserved".format(self.max_bits))

    def reserve_flag(self, flag):
        assert self._is_power_of_2(flag)
        flag = self.dtype(flag)
        if flag in self._used_flags:
            raise ValueError("The flag {flag} is already reserved".format(flag=flag))
        return flag

    def _is_power_of_2(num):
        return num != 0 and ((num & (num - 1)) == 0)

class BoundaryHandling:

    def __init__(self, data_handling, field_name, stencil, name="boundary_handling", flag_interface=None,
                 target='cpu', openmp=True):
        assert data_handling.has_data(field_name)

        self._data_handling = data_handling
        self._field_name = field_name
        self._index_array_name = name + "IndexArrays"
        self._target = target
        self._openmp = openmp
        self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info = {}
        self.stencil = stencil
        self._dirty = True
        fi = flag_interface
        self.flag_interface = fi if fi is not None else FlagInterface(data_handling, name + "Flags")

        gpu = self._target == 'gpu'
        data_handling.add_custom_class(self._index_array_name, self.IndexFieldBlockData, cpu=True, gpu=gpu)

    def data_handling(self):
        return self._data_handling

    def get_flag(self, boundary_obj):
        return self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info[boundary_obj].flag

    def shape(self):
        return self._data_handling.shape

    def dim(self):
        return self._data_handling.dim

    def boundary_objects(self):
        return tuple(self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info.keys())

    def flag_array_name(self):
        return self.flag_interface.flag_field_name

    def get_mask(self, slice_obj, boundary_obj, inverse=False):
        if isinstance(boundary_obj, str) and boundary_obj.lower() == 'domain':
            flag = self.flag_interface.domain_flag
            flag = self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info[boundary_obj].flag

        arr = self.data_handling.gather_array(self.flag_array_name, slice_obj)
        if arr is None:
            return None
            result = np.bitwise_and(arr, flag)
            if inverse:
                result = np.logical_not(result)
            return result

    def set_boundary(self, boundary_obj, slice_obj=None, mask_callback=None,
                     ghost_layers=True, inner_ghost_layers=True, replace=True, force_flag_value=None):
        """Sets boundary using either a rectangular slice, a boolean mask or a combination of both.

            boundary_obj: instance of a boundary object that should be set
            slice_obj: a slice object (can be created with make_slice[]) that selects a part of the domain where
                       the boundary should be set. If none, the complete domain is selected which makes only sense
                       if a mask_callback is passed. The slice can have ':' placeholders, which are interpreted
                       depending on the 'inner_ghost_layers' parameter i.e. if it is True, the slice extends
                       into the ghost layers
            mask_callback: callback function getting x,y (z) parameters of the cell midpoints and returning a
                          boolean mask with True entries where boundary cells should be set.
                          The x, y, z arrays have 2D/3D shape such that they can be used directly
                          to create the boolean return array. i.e return x < 10 sets boundaries in cells with
                          midpoint x coordinate smaller than 10.
            ghost_layers: see DataHandling.iterate()
            inner_ghost_layers: see DataHandling.iterate()
            replace: by default all other flags are erased in the cells where the boundary is set. To add a
                     boundary condition, set this replace flag to False
            force_flag_value: flag that should be reserved for this boundary. Has to be an integer that is a power of 2
                              and was not reserved before for another boundary.
        if isinstance(boundary_obj, str) and boundary_obj.lower() == 'domain':
            flag = self.flag_interface.domain_flag
            if force_flag_value:
            flag = self._add_boundary(boundary_obj, force_flag_value)

        for b in self._data_handling.iterate(slice_obj, ghost_layers=ghost_layers,
            flag_arr = b[self.flag_interface.flag_field_name]
            if mask_callback is not None:
                mask = mask_callback(*b.midpoint_arrays)
                if replace:
                    flag_arr[mask] = flag
                    np.bitwise_or(flag_arr, flag, where=mask, out=flag_arr)
                    np.bitwise_and(flag_arr, ~self.flag_interface.domain_flag, where=mask, out=flag_arr)
                if replace:
                    np.bitwise_or(flag_arr, flag, out=flag_arr)
                    np.bitwise_and(flag_arr, ~self.flag_interface.domain_flag, out=flag_arr)

        self._dirty = True

        return flag

    def set_boundary_where_flag_is_set(self, boundary_obj, flag):
        """Adds an (additional) boundary to all cells that have been previously marked with the passed flag."""
        self._add_boundary(boundary_obj, flag)
        self._dirty = True
        return flag

    def prepare(self):
        if not self._dirty:
        self._dirty = False

    def trigger_reinitialization_of_boundary_data(self, **kwargs):
        if self._dirty:
            ff_ghost_layers = self._data_handling.ghost_layers_of_field(self.flag_interface.flag_field_name)
            for b in self._data_handling.iterate(ghost_layers=ff_ghost_layers):
                for b_obj, setter in b[self._index_array_name].boundary_object_to_data_setter.items():
                    self._boundary_data_initialization(b_obj, setter, **kwargs)

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        if self._dirty:

        for b in self._data_handling.iterate(gpu=self._target == 'gpu'):
            for b_obj, idx_arr in b[self._index_array_name].boundary_object_to_index_list.items():
                kwargs[self._field_name] = b[self._field_name]
                kwargs['indexField'] = idx_arr
                data_used_in_kernel = (p.fields[0].name
                                       for p in self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info[b_obj].kernel.parameters
                                       if isinstance(p.symbol, FieldPointerSymbol) and p.fields[0].name not in kwargs)
                kwargs.update({name: b[name] for name in data_used_in_kernel})


    def add_fixed_steps(self, fixed_loop, **kwargs):
        if self._dirty:

        for b in self._data_handling.iterate(gpu=self._target == 'gpu'):
            for b_obj, idx_arr in b[self._index_array_name].boundary_object_to_index_list.items():
                arguments = kwargs.copy()
                arguments[self._field_name] = b[self._field_name]
                arguments['indexField'] = idx_arr
                data_used_in_kernel = (p.fields[0].name
                                       for p in self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info[b_obj].kernel.parameters
                                       if isinstance(p.symbol, FieldPointerSymbol) and p.field_name not in arguments)
                arguments.update({name: b[name] for name in data_used_in_kernel if name not in arguments})

                kernel = self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info[b_obj].kernel
                fixed_loop.add_call(kernel, arguments)

    def geometry_to_vtk(self, file_name='geometry', boundaries='all', ghost_layers=False):
        Writes a VTK field where each cell with the given boundary is marked with 1, other cells are 0
        This can be used to display the simulation geometry in Paraview
        :param file_name: vtk filename
        :param boundaries: boundary object, or special string 'domain' for domain cells or special string 'all' for all
                         boundary conditions.
                         can also  be a sequence, to write multiple boundaries to VTK file
        :param ghost_layers: number of ghost layers to write, or True for all, False for none
        if boundaries == 'all':
            boundaries = list(self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info.keys()) + ['domain']
        elif not hasattr(boundaries, "__len__"):
            boundaries = [boundaries]

        masks_to_name = {}
        for b in boundaries:
            if b == 'domain':
                masks_to_name[self.flag_interface.domain_flag] = 'domain'
                flag = self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info[b].flag
                masks_to_name[flag] =

        writer = self.data_handling.create_vtk_writer_for_flag_array(file_name, self.flag_interface.flag_field_name,
                                                                     masks_to_name, ghost_layers=ghost_layers)

    # ------------------------------ Implementation Details ------------------------------------------------------------

    def _add_boundary(self, boundary_obj, flag=None):
        if boundary_obj not in self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info:
            sym_index_field = Field.create_generic('indexField', spatial_dimensions=1,
                                                   dtype=numpy_data_type_for_boundary_object(boundary_obj, self.dim))
            ast = self._create_boundary_kernel(self._data_handling.fields[self._field_name],
                                               sym_index_field, boundary_obj)
            if flag is None:
                flag = self.flag_interface.reserve_next_flag()
            boundary_info = self.BoundaryInfo(boundary_obj, flag=flag, kernel=ast.compile())
            self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info[boundary_obj] = boundary_info
        return self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info[boundary_obj].flag

    def _create_boundary_kernel(self, symbolic_field, symbolic_index_field, boundary_obj):
        return create_boundary_kernel(symbolic_field, symbolic_index_field, self.stencil, boundary_obj,
                                      target=self._target, openmp=self._openmp)

    def _create_index_fields(self):
        dh = self._data_handling
        ff_ghost_layers = dh.ghost_layers_of_field(self.flag_interface.flag_field_name)
        for b in dh.iterate(ghost_layers=ff_ghost_layers):
            flag_arr = b[self.flag_interface.flag_field_name]
            pdf_arr = b[self._field_name]
            index_array_bd = b[self._index_array_name]
            for b_info in self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info.values():
                boundary_obj = b_info.boundary_object
                idx_arr = create_boundary_index_array(flag_arr, self.stencil, b_info.flag,
                                                      self.flag_interface.domain_flag, boundary_obj,
                                                      ff_ghost_layers, boundary_obj.inner_or_boundary,
                if idx_arr.size == 0:

                boundary_data_setter = BoundaryDataSetter(idx_arr, b.offset, self.stencil, ff_ghost_layers, pdf_arr)
                index_array_bd.boundary_object_to_index_list[b_info.boundary_object] = idx_arr
                index_array_bd.boundary_object_to_data_setter[b_info.boundary_object] = boundary_data_setter
                self._boundary_data_initialization(b_info.boundary_object, boundary_data_setter)

    def _boundary_data_initialization(self, boundary_obj, boundary_data_setter, **kwargs):
        if boundary_obj.additional_data_init_callback:
            boundary_obj.additional_data_init_callback(boundary_data_setter, **kwargs)
        if self._target == 'gpu':

    class BoundaryInfo(object):
        def __init__(self, boundary_obj, flag, kernel):
            self.boundary_object = boundary_obj
            self.flag = flag
            self.kernel = kernel

    class IndexFieldBlockData:
        def __init__(self, *_1, **_2):
            self.boundary_object_to_index_list = {}
            self.boundary_object_to_data_setter = {}

        def clear(self):

        def to_cpu(gpu_version, cpu_version):
            gpu_version = gpu_version.boundary_object_to_index_list
            cpu_version = cpu_version.boundary_object_to_index_list
            for obj, cpu_arr in cpu_version.items():

        def to_gpu(gpu_version, cpu_version):
            from pycuda import gpuarray
            gpu_version = gpu_version.boundary_object_to_index_list
            cpu_version = cpu_version.boundary_object_to_index_list
            for obj, cpu_arr in cpu_version.items():
                if obj not in gpu_version or gpu_version[obj].shape != cpu_arr.shape:
                    gpu_version[obj] = gpuarray.to_gpu(cpu_arr)

class BoundaryDataSetter:

    def __init__(self, index_array, offset, stencil, ghost_layers, pdf_array):
        self.index_array = index_array
        self.offset = offset
        self.stencil = np.array(stencil)
        self.pdf_array = pdf_array.view()
        self.pdf_array.flags.writeable = False

        arr_field_names = index_array.dtype.names
        self.dim = 3 if 'z' in arr_field_names else 2
        assert 'x' in arr_field_names and 'y' in arr_field_names and 'dir' in arr_field_names, str(arr_field_names)
        self.boundary_data_names = set(self.index_array.dtype.names) - {'x', 'y', 'z', 'dir'}
        self.coord_map = {0: 'x', 1: 'y', 2: 'z'}
        self.ghost_layers = ghost_layers

    def non_boundary_cell_positions(self, coord):
        assert coord < self.dim
        return self.index_array[self.coord_map[coord]] + self.offset[coord] - self.ghost_layers + 0.5

    def link_offsets(self):
        return self.stencil[self.index_array['dir']]

    def link_positions(self, coord):
        return self.non_boundary_cell_positions(coord) + 0.5 * self.link_offsets()[:, coord]

    def boundary_cell_positions(self, coord):
        return self.non_boundary_cell_positions(coord) + self.link_offsets()[:, coord]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if key not in self.boundary_data_names:
            raise KeyError("Invalid boundary data name %s. Allowed are %s" % (key, self.boundary_data_names))
        self.index_array[key] = value

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        if item not in self.boundary_data_names:
            raise KeyError("Invalid boundary data name %s. Allowed are %s" % (item, self.boundary_data_names))
        return self.index_array[item]

class BoundaryOffsetInfo(CustomCppCode):

    # --------------------------- Functions to be used by boundaries --------------------------

    def offset_from_dir(dir_idx, dim):
        return tuple([sp.IndexedBase(symbol, shape=(1,))[dir_idx]
                      for symbol in BoundaryOffsetInfo._offset_symbols(dim)])

    def inv_dir(dir_idx):
        return sp.IndexedBase(BoundaryOffsetInfo.INV_DIR_SYMBOL, shape=(1,))[dir_idx]

    # ---------------------------------- Internal ---------------------------------------------

    def __init__(self, stencil):
        dim = len(stencil[0])

        offset_sym = BoundaryOffsetInfo._offset_symbols(dim)
        code = "\n"
        for i in range(dim):
            offset_str = ", ".join([str(d[i]) for d in stencil])
            code += "const int64_t %s [] = { %s };\n" % (offset_sym[i].name, offset_str)

        inv_dirs = []
        for direction in stencil:
            inverse_dir = tuple([-i for i in direction])

        code += "const int %s [] = { %s };\n" % (, ", ".join(inv_dirs))
        offset_symbols = BoundaryOffsetInfo._offset_symbols(dim)
        super(BoundaryOffsetInfo, self).__init__(code, symbols_read=set(),
                                                 symbols_defined=set(offset_symbols + [self.INV_DIR_SYMBOL]))

    def _offset_symbols(dim):
        return [TypedSymbol("c%s" % (d,), create_type(np.int64)) for d in ['x', 'y', 'z'][:dim]]

    INV_DIR_SYMBOL = TypedSymbol("invdir", "int")

def create_boundary_kernel(field, index_field, stencil, boundary_functor, target='cpu', openmp=True):
    elements = [BoundaryOffsetInfo(stencil)]
    index_arr_dtype = index_field.dtype.numpy_dtype
    dir_symbol = TypedSymbol("dir", index_arr_dtype.fields['dir'][0])
    elements += [Assignment(dir_symbol, index_field[0]('dir'))]
    elements += boundary_functor(field, direction_symbol=dir_symbol, index_field=index_field)
    return create_indexed_kernel(elements, [index_field], target=target, cpu_openmp=openmp)