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Commit 27b13094 authored by Michael Kuron's avatar Michael Kuron :mortar_board:
Browse files

UBB boundary with equation parser

parent 704db5f4
No related merge requests found
......@@ -78,13 +78,29 @@ public:
origin_[0] = aabb.xMin() + real_c(0.5) * dx_[0];
origin_[1] = aabb.yMin() + real_c(0.5) * dx_[1];
origin_[2] = aabb.zMin() + real_c(0.5) * dx_[2];
if( !timeTracker_ )
velocity_( time_ );
DynamicUBB( const BoundaryUID & boundaryUID, const FlagUID & uid, PDFField * const pdfField,
const uint_t level, const VelocityFunctor_T & velocity, const AABB & aabb ) :
DynamicUBB( boundaryUID, uid, pdfField, nullptr, level, velocity, aabb )
shared_ptr< TimeTracker > getTimeTracker() { return timeTracker_; }
void pushFlags( std::vector< FlagUID > & uids ) const { uids.push_back( uid_ ); }
void beforeBoundaryTreatment() { time_ = timeTracker_->getTime( level_ ); velocity_( time_ ); }
void beforeBoundaryTreatment()
if( timeTracker_ )
time_ = timeTracker_->getTime( level_ );
velocity_( time_ );
void afterBoundaryTreatment() const {}
template< typename Buffer_T >
......@@ -113,7 +129,7 @@ public:
WALBERLA_ASSERT_EQUAL( nz, z + cell_idx_c( stencil::cz[ dir ] ) );
WALBERLA_ASSERT_UNEQUAL( mask & this->mask_, numeric_cast<flag_t>(0) );
WALBERLA_ASSERT_EQUAL( mask & this->mask_, this->mask_ ); // only true if "this->mask_" only contains one single flag, which is the case for the
// current implementation of this boundary condition (SimpleUBB)
// current implementation of this boundary condition (DynamicUBB)
const Vector3< real_t > pos( origin_[0] + real_c(nx) * dx_[0],
origin_[1] + real_c(ny) * dx_[1],
// This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
//! \file ParserUBB.h
//! \ingroup lbm
//! \author Michael Kuron <>
#pragma once
#include "lbm/field/DensityAndVelocity.h"
#include "lbm/field/PdfField.h"
#include "lbm/refinement/TimeTracker.h"
#include "boundary/Boundary.h"
#include "core/DataTypes.h"
#include "core/cell/CellInterval.h"
#include "core/config/Config.h"
#include "core/debug/Debug.h"
#include "core/math/Vector3.h"
#include "core/math/ParserOMP.h"
#include "field/FlagUID.h"
#include "stencil/Directions.h"
#include <vector>
namespace walberla {
namespace lbm {
template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename flag_t, bool AdaptVelocityToExternalForce = false >
class ParserUBB : public Boundary<flag_t>
typedef lbm::PdfField< LatticeModel_T > PDFField;
typedef typename LatticeModel_T::Stencil Stencil;
static const bool threadsafe = true;
class Parser : public BoundaryConfiguration
inline Parser( const Config::BlockHandle & config );
Vector3< real_t > operator()( const Vector3< real_t > & x, const real_t t ) const;
Vector3< real_t > operator()( const Vector3< real_t > & x ) const;
bool isTimeDependent() const { return timedependent_; }
std::array< math::FunctionParserOMP, 3 > parsers_;
bool timedependent_;
}; // class Parser
typedef GhostLayerField< shared_ptr<Parser>, 1 > ParserField;
typedef GhostLayerField< Vector3<real_t>, 1 > VelocityField;
static shared_ptr<Parser> createConfiguration( const Config::BlockHandle & config )
{ return make_shared<Parser>( config ); }
ParserUBB( const BoundaryUID & boundaryUID, const FlagUID & uid, PDFField * const pdfField,
FlagField<flag_t> * const flagField, const shared_ptr< TimeTracker > & timeTracker,
const uint_t level, const AABB & aabb );
ParserUBB( const BoundaryUID & boundaryUID, const FlagUID & uid, PDFField * const pdfField,
FlagField<flag_t> * const flagField, const uint_t level, const AABB & aabb );
shared_ptr< TimeTracker > getTimeTracker() { return timeTracker_; }
void pushFlags( std::vector< FlagUID > & uids ) const { uids.push_back( uid_ ); }
void beforeBoundaryTreatment()
if( timeTracker_ )
time_ = timeTracker_->getTime( level_ );
void afterBoundaryTreatment() const {}
template< typename Buffer_T >
void packCell( Buffer_T &, const cell_idx_t, const cell_idx_t, const cell_idx_t ) const {}
template< typename Buffer_T >
void registerCell( Buffer_T &, const flag_t, const cell_idx_t, const cell_idx_t, const cell_idx_t ) {}
inline void registerCell( const flag_t, const cell_idx_t x, const cell_idx_t y, const cell_idx_t z, const BoundaryConfiguration & parser );
inline void registerCells( const flag_t, const CellInterval & cells, const BoundaryConfiguration & parser );
template< typename CellIterator >
inline void registerCells( const flag_t, const CellIterator & begin, const CellIterator & end, const BoundaryConfiguration & parser );
void unregisterCell( const flag_t, const cell_idx_t, const cell_idx_t, const cell_idx_t ) const {}
#ifndef NDEBUG
inline void treatDirection( const cell_idx_t x, const cell_idx_t y, const cell_idx_t z, const stencil::Direction dir,
const cell_idx_t nx, const cell_idx_t ny, const cell_idx_t nz, const flag_t mask );
inline void treatDirection( const cell_idx_t x, const cell_idx_t y, const cell_idx_t z, const stencil::Direction dir,
const cell_idx_t nx, const cell_idx_t ny, const cell_idx_t nz, const flag_t /*mask*/ );
const FlagUID uid_;
PDFField * const pdfField_;
Vector3< real_t > origin_;
Vector3< real_t > dx_;
// required to keep track of the simulation time
shared_ptr< TimeTracker > timeTracker_; // -> addPostBoundaryHandlingVoidFunction (when used with refinement time step)
real_t time_;
uint_t level_;
shared_ptr<ParserField> parserField_;
shared_ptr<VelocityField> velocityField_;
}; // class ParserUBB
template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename flag_t, bool AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>
inline ParserUBB<LatticeModel_T, flag_t, AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>::Parser::Parser( const Config::BlockHandle & config )
if( !config )
if( config.isDefined( "x" ) )
parsers_[0].parse( config.getParameter<std::string>( "x" ) );
if( parsers_[0].symbolExists( "t" ) )
timedependent_ = true;
if( config.isDefined( "y" ) )
parsers_[1].parse( config.getParameter<std::string>( "y" ) );
if( parsers_[1].symbolExists( "t" ) )
timedependent_ = true;
if( config.isDefined( "z" ) )
parsers_[2].parse( config.getParameter<std::string>( "z" ) );
if( parsers_[2].symbolExists( "t" ) )
timedependent_ = true;
template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename flag_t, bool AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>
Vector3< real_t > ParserUBB<LatticeModel_T, flag_t, AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>::Parser::operator()( const Vector3< real_t > & x, const real_t t ) const
std::map< std::string, double > symbols;
symbols["x"] = x[0];
symbols["y"] = x[1];
symbols["z"] = x[2];
symbols["t"] = t;
Vector3< real_t > v;
v[0] = parsers_[0].evaluate( symbols );
v[1] = parsers_[1].evaluate( symbols );
v[2] = parsers_[2].evaluate( symbols );
return v;
template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename flag_t, bool AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>
Vector3< real_t > ParserUBB<LatticeModel_T, flag_t, AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>::Parser::operator()( const Vector3< real_t > & x ) const
WALBERLA_ASSERT( !timedependent_ );
std::map< std::string, double > symbols;
symbols["x"] = x[0];
symbols["y"] = x[1];
symbols["z"] = x[2];
Vector3< real_t > v;
v[0] = parsers_[0].evaluate( symbols );
v[1] = parsers_[1].evaluate( symbols );
v[2] = parsers_[2].evaluate( symbols );
return v;
template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename flag_t, bool AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>
inline ParserUBB<LatticeModel_T, flag_t, AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>::ParserUBB::ParserUBB( const BoundaryUID & boundaryUID, const FlagUID & uid, PDFField * const pdfField,
FlagField<flag_t> * const flagField, const shared_ptr< TimeTracker > & timeTracker,
const uint_t level, const AABB & aabb )
: Boundary<flag_t>( boundaryUID ), uid_( uid ), pdfField_( pdfField ), timeTracker_( timeTracker ), time_( real_t(0) ), level_( level )
dx_[0] = aabb.xSize() / real_c( pdfField_->xSize() );
dx_[1] = aabb.ySize() / real_c( pdfField_->ySize() );
dx_[2] = aabb.zSize() / real_c( pdfField_->zSize() );
origin_[0] = aabb.xMin() + real_c(0.5) * dx_[0];
origin_[1] = aabb.yMin() + real_c(0.5) * dx_[1];
origin_[2] = aabb.zMin() + real_c(0.5) * dx_[2];
if(flagField != NULL)
parserField_ = make_shared<ParserField> ( pdfField->xSize(), pdfField->ySize(), pdfField->zSize(), flagField->nrOfGhostLayers(), field::zyxf );
velocityField_ = make_shared<VelocityField>( pdfField->xSize(), pdfField->ySize(), pdfField->zSize(), flagField->nrOfGhostLayers(), field::zyxf );
parserField_ = make_shared<ParserField> ( pdfField->xSize(), pdfField->ySize(), pdfField->zSize(), pdfField->nrOfGhostLayers(), field::zyxf );
velocityField_ = make_shared<VelocityField>( pdfField->xSize(), pdfField->ySize(), pdfField->zSize(), pdfField->nrOfGhostLayers(), field::zyxf );
template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename flag_t, bool AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>
inline ParserUBB<LatticeModel_T, flag_t, AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>::ParserUBB::ParserUBB( const BoundaryUID & boundaryUID, const FlagUID & uid, PDFField * const pdfField,
FlagField<flag_t> * const flagField, const uint_t level, const AABB & aabb )
: ParserUBB( boundaryUID, uid, pdfField, flagField, nullptr, level, aabb )
template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename flag_t, bool AdaptVelocityToExternalForce >
inline void ParserUBB< LatticeModel_T, flag_t, AdaptVelocityToExternalForce >::registerCell( const flag_t, const cell_idx_t x, const cell_idx_t y, const cell_idx_t z,
const BoundaryConfiguration & parser )
WALBERLA_ASSERT_EQUAL( dynamic_cast< const Parser * >( &parser ), &parser );
auto & p = dynamic_cast< const Parser & >( parser );
if( p.isTimeDependent() )
parserField_->get( x, y, z ) = make_shared<Parser>(p);
const Vector3< real_t > pos( origin_[0] + real_c(x) * dx_[0],
origin_[1] + real_c(y) * dx_[1],
origin_[2] + real_c(z) * dx_[2] );
velocityField_->get( x, y, z ) = p(pos);
parserField_->get( x, y, z ) = nullptr;
template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename flag_t, bool AdaptVelocityToExternalForce >
inline void ParserUBB< LatticeModel_T, flag_t, AdaptVelocityToExternalForce >::registerCells( const flag_t, const CellInterval & cells, const BoundaryConfiguration & parser )
WALBERLA_ASSERT_EQUAL( dynamic_cast< const Parser * >( &parser ), &parser );
auto & p = dynamic_cast< const Parser & >( parser );
if( p.isTimeDependent() )
auto shared_p = make_shared<Parser>(p);
for( auto cell = parserField_->beginSliceXYZ( cells ); cell != parserField_->end(); ++cell )
*cell = shared_p;
for( auto cell = parserField_->beginSliceXYZ( cells ); cell != parserField_->end(); ++cell )
const Vector3< real_t > pos( origin_[0] + real_c(cell.x()) * dx_[0],
origin_[1] + real_c(cell.y()) * dx_[1],
origin_[2] + real_c(cell.z()) * dx_[2] );
velocityField_->get( cell.x(), cell.y(), cell.z() ) = p(pos);
*cell = nullptr;
template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename flag_t, bool AdaptVelocityToExternalForce >
template< typename CellIterator >
inline void ParserUBB< LatticeModel_T, flag_t, AdaptVelocityToExternalForce >::registerCells( const flag_t, const CellIterator & begin, const CellIterator & end,
const BoundaryConfiguration & parser )
WALBERLA_ASSERT_EQUAL( dynamic_cast< const Parser * >( &parser ), &parser );
auto & p = dynamic_cast< const Parser & >( parser );
if( p.isTimeDependent() )
auto shared_p = make_shared<Parser>(p);
for( auto cell = begin; cell != end; ++cell )
parserField_->get( cell->x(), cell->y(), cell->z() ) = shared_p;
for( auto cell = begin; cell != end; ++cell )
const Vector3< real_t > pos( origin_[0] + real_c(cell->x()) * dx_[0],
origin_[1] + real_c(cell->y()) * dx_[1],
origin_[2] + real_c(cell->z()) * dx_[2] );
velocityField_->get( cell->x(), cell->y(), cell->z() ) = p(pos);
parserField_->get( cell->x(), cell->y(), cell->z() ) = nullptr;
template< typename LatticeModel_T, typename flag_t, bool AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>
#ifndef NDEBUG
inline void ParserUBB<LatticeModel_T, flag_t, AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>::ParserUBB::treatDirection( const cell_idx_t x, const cell_idx_t y, const cell_idx_t z, const stencil::Direction dir,
const cell_idx_t nx, const cell_idx_t ny, const cell_idx_t nz, const flag_t mask )
inline void ParserUBB<LatticeModel_T, flag_t, AdaptVelocityToExternalForce>::ParserUBB::treatDirection( const cell_idx_t x, const cell_idx_t y, const cell_idx_t z, const stencil::Direction dir,
const cell_idx_t nx, const cell_idx_t ny, const cell_idx_t nz, const flag_t /*mask*/ )
WALBERLA_ASSERT_EQUAL( nx, x + cell_idx_c( stencil::cx[ dir ] ) );
WALBERLA_ASSERT_EQUAL( ny, y + cell_idx_c( stencil::cy[ dir ] ) );
WALBERLA_ASSERT_EQUAL( nz, z + cell_idx_c( stencil::cz[ dir ] ) );
WALBERLA_ASSERT_UNEQUAL( mask & this->mask_, numeric_cast<flag_t>(0) );
WALBERLA_ASSERT_EQUAL( mask & this->mask_, this->mask_ ); // only true if "this->mask_" only contains one single flag, which is the case for the
// current implementation of this boundary condition (ParserUBB)
const Vector3< real_t > pos( origin_[0] + real_c(nx) * dx_[0],
origin_[1] + real_c(ny) * dx_[1],
origin_[2] + real_c(nz) * dx_[2] );
Vector3<real_t> velocity;
if( parserField_->get(nx,ny,nz) )
velocity = (*parserField_->get(nx,ny,nz))( pos, time_ );
velocity = velocityField_->get(nx,ny,nz);
if( LatticeModel_T::compressible )
const auto density = pdfField_->getDensity(x,y,z);
const auto vel = AdaptVelocityToExternalForce ? lbm::internal::AdaptVelocityToForce<LatticeModel_T>::get( x, y, z, pdfField_->latticeModel(), velocity, density ) :
pdfField_->get( nx, ny, nz, Stencil::invDirIdx(dir) ) = pdfField_->get( x, y, z, Stencil::idx[dir] ) -
( real_c(6) * density * real_c(LatticeModel_T::w[ Stencil::idx[dir] ]) *
( real_c(stencil::cx[ dir ]) * vel[0] +
real_c(stencil::cy[ dir ]) * vel[1] +
real_c(stencil::cz[ dir ]) * vel[2] ) );
const auto vel = AdaptVelocityToExternalForce ? lbm::internal::AdaptVelocityToForce<LatticeModel_T>::get( x, y, z, pdfField_->latticeModel(), velocity, real_t(1) ) :
pdfField_->get( nx, ny, nz, Stencil::invDirIdx(dir) ) = pdfField_->get( x, y, z, Stencil::idx[dir] ) -
( real_c(6) * real_c(LatticeModel_T::w[ Stencil::idx[dir] ]) *
( real_c(stencil::cx[ dir ]) * vel[0] +
real_c(stencil::cy[ dir ]) * vel[1] +
real_c(stencil::cz[ dir ]) * vel[2] ) );
} // namespace lbm
} // namespace walberla
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ inline void Pressure< LatticeModel_T, flag_t >::treatDirection( const cell_idx_t
WALBERLA_ASSERT_UNEQUAL( ( mask & this->mask_ ), numeric_cast<flag_t>(0) );
WALBERLA_ASSERT_EQUAL( ( mask & this->mask_ ), this->mask_ ); // only true if "this->mask_" only contains one single flag, which is the case for the
// current implementation of this boundary condition (SimplePressure)
// current implementation of this boundary condition (Pressure)
Vector3<real_t> u = pdfField_->getVelocity(x,y,z);
// result will be streamed to (x,y,z, stencil::inverseDir[d]) during sweep
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "NoDiffusion.h"
#include "NoSlip.h"
#include "Outlet.h"
#include "ParserUBB.h"
#include "Pressure.h"
#include "SimpleDiffusionDirichlet.h"
#include "SimplePAB.h"
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