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Commit 68c49ac9 authored by Frederik Hennig's avatar Frederik Hennig
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lbmpy codegen script, stub application source, and CMakeLists.

parent 49f596e2
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// This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
//! \file 02_LBMLatticeModelGeneration.cpp
//! \author Frederik Hennig <>
#include "blockforest/all.h"
#include "core/all.h"
#include "domain_decomposition/all.h"
#include "field/all.h"
#include "geometry/all.h"
#include "timeloop/all.h"
#include "lbm/field/PdfField.h"
#include "lbm/field/AddToStorage.h"
#include "lbm/communication/PdfFieldPackInfo.h"
#include "lbm/vtk/VTKOutput.h"
// Codegen Includes
#include "SRTLatticeModel.h"
#include "CumulantMRTLatticeModel.h"
#include "EntropicMRTLatticeModel.h"
namespace walberla{
// Set a typedef alias for our generated lattice model, for convenience.
typedef lbm::SRTLatticeModel LatticeModel_T;
// Also set aliases for the stencils involved...
typedef LatticeModel_T::Stencil Stencil_T;
typedef LatticeModel_T::CommunicationStencil CommunicationStencil_T;
// ... and for the required field types. These include the PdfField for the simulation
typedef lbm::PdfField< LatticeModel_T > PdfField_T;
// and scalar- and vector-valued fields for output of macroscopic quantities.
typedef GhostLayerField< real_t, LatticeModel_T::Stencil::D > VectorField_T;
typedef GhostLayerField< real_t, 1 > ScalarField_T;
// Also, for boundary handling, a flag data type and flag field are required.
typedef walberla::uint8_t flag_t;
typedef FlagField< flag_t > FlagField_T;
int main( int argc, char ** argv )
walberla::Environment walberlaEnv( argc, argv );
auto blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGridFromConfig( walberlaEnv.config() );
// read parameters
auto parameters = walberlaEnv.config()->getOneBlock( "Parameters" );
const real_t omega = parameters.getParameter< real_t > ( "omega", real_c( 1.4 ) );
const Vector3<real_t> initialVelocity = parameters.getParameter< Vector3<real_t> >( "initialVelocity", Vector3<real_t>() );
const uint_t timesteps = parameters.getParameter< uint_t > ( "timesteps", uint_c( 10 ) );
const double remainingTimeLoggerFrequency = parameters.getParameter< double >( "remainingTimeLoggerFrequency", 3.0 ); // in seconds
// create fields
// TODO: Do we need a force field?
//BlockDataID forceFieldId = field::addToStorage<VectorField_T>( blocks, "Force", real_t( 0.0 ));
// Velocity output field
BlockDataID velFieldId = field::addToStorage<VectorField_T>( blocks, "Velocity", real_t( 0.0 ));
LatticeModel_T latticeModel = LatticeModel_T(velFieldId, omega );
BlockDataID pdfFieldId = lbm::addPdfFieldToStorage( blocks, "pdf field", latticeModel, initialVelocity, real_t(1) );
BlockDataID flagFieldId = field::addFlagFieldToStorage< FlagField_T >( blocks, "flag field" );
// create and initialize boundary handling
const FlagUID fluidFlagUID( "Fluid" );
auto boundariesConfig = walberlaEnv.config()->getOneBlock( "Boundaries" );
// TODO: Replace by my NoSlip
// lbm::LbCodeGenerationExample_NoSlip noSlip(blocks, pdfFieldId);
geometry::initBoundaryHandling<FlagField_T>(*blocks, flagFieldId, boundariesConfig);
geometry::setNonBoundaryCellsToDomain<FlagField_T>(*blocks, flagFieldId, fluidFlagUID);
// noSlip.fillFromFlagField<FlagField_T>( blocks, flagFieldId, FlagUID("NoSlip"), fluidFlagUID );
// create time loop
SweepTimeloop timeloop( blocks->getBlockStorage(), timesteps );
// create communication for PdfField
blockforest::communication::UniformBufferedScheme< CommunicationStencil_T > communication( blocks );
communication.addPackInfo( make_shared< lbm::PdfFieldPackInfo< LatticeModel_T > >( pdfFieldId ) );
// add LBM sweep and communication to time loop
timeloop.add() << BeforeFunction( communication, "communication" );
//<< Sweep( walls, "Boundary Walls" );
timeloop.add() << Sweep( LatticeModel_T::Sweep( pdfFieldId ), "LB stream & collide" );
// LBM stability check
timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( makeSharedFunctor( field::makeStabilityChecker< PdfField_T, FlagField_T >( walberlaEnv.config(), blocks, pdfFieldId,
flagFieldId, fluidFlagUID ) ),
"LBM stability check" );
// log remaining time
timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep( timing::RemainingTimeLogger( timeloop.getNrOfTimeSteps(), remainingTimeLoggerFrequency ), "remaining time logger" );
// add VTK output to time loop
lbm::VTKOutput< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T >::addToTimeloop( timeloop, blocks, walberlaEnv.config(), pdfFieldId, flagFieldId, fluidFlagUID );;
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
return walberla::main(argc, argv);
\ No newline at end of file
# Code Generation Tutorials # Code Generation Tutorials
# Tutorial 1: Heat Equation with pystencils
walberla_generate_target_from_python( NAME CodegenHeatEquationKernel walberla_generate_target_from_python( NAME CodegenHeatEquationKernel
OUT_FILES HeatEquationKernel.cpp HeatEquationKernel.h ) OUT_FILES HeatEquationKernel.cpp HeatEquationKernel.h )
...@@ -8,4 +10,22 @@ if( WALBERLA_BUILD_WITH_CODEGEN ) ...@@ -8,4 +10,22 @@ if( WALBERLA_BUILD_WITH_CODEGEN )
walberla_add_executable ( NAME 01_CodegenHeatEquation walberla_add_executable ( NAME 01_CodegenHeatEquation
FILES 01_CodegenHeatEquation.cpp FILES 01_CodegenHeatEquation.cpp
DEPENDS blockforest core field stencil timeloop vtk pde CodegenHeatEquationKernel ) DEPENDS blockforest core field stencil timeloop vtk pde CodegenHeatEquationKernel )
# Tutorial 2: lbmpy Lattice Model Generation
walberla_generate_target_from_python( NAME LBMLatticeModelGenerationPython
OUT_FILES SRTLatticeModel.cpp SRTLatticeModel.h
SRTPackInfo.cpp SRTPackInfo.h
SRTNoSlip.cpp SRTNoSlip.h
CumulantMRTLatticeModel.cpp CumulantMRTLatticeModel.h
CumulantMRTPackInfo.cpp CumulantMRTPackInfo.h
CumulantMRTNoSlip.cpp CumulantMRTNoSlip.h
EntropicMRTLatticeModel.cpp EntropicMRTLatticeModel.h
EntropicMRTPackInfo.cpp EntropicMRTPackInfo.h
EntropicMRTNoSlip.cpp EntropicMRTNoSlip.h )
walberla_add_executable ( NAME 02_LBMLatticeModelGenerationApp
FILES 02_LBMLatticeModelGeneration.cpp
DEPENDS blockforest core field stencil timeloop vtk pde LBMLatticeModelGenerationPython )
endif() endif()
\ No newline at end of file
import sympy as sp
import pystencils as ps
from lbmpy.creationfunctions import create_lb_collision_rule, create_lb_update_rule
from lbmpy.boundaries import NoSlip
from pystencils_walberla import CodeGeneration, generate_pack_info_from_kernel
from lbmpy_walberla import generate_lattice_model, generate_boundary
# =====================
# Common Parameters
# =====================
OMEGA = sp.Symbol('omega')
LAYOUT = 'zyxf'
# Optimization
OPT = {'target': 'cpu', 'cse_global': True}
# Velocity Output Field
vel_field = ps.fields("velocity(3): [2D]", layout=LAYOUT)
OUTPUT = {'velocity': vel_field}
# ==================================================================================================
# Method Definitions, including collision rules, boundary handling and communication pack infos.
# ==================================================================================================
# SRT Method
def build_srt_method(ctx):
srt_params = {'stencil': STENCIL,
'method': 'srt',
'relaxation_rate': OMEGA}
srt_collision_rule = create_lb_collision_rule(optimization=OPT, output=OUTPUT, **srt_params)
generate_lattice_model(ctx, "SRTLatticeModel", srt_collision_rule, field_layout=LAYOUT)
srt_update_rule = create_lb_update_rule(collision_rule=srt_collision_rule)
generate_pack_info_from_kernel(ctx, "SRTPackInfo", srt_update_rule)
generate_boundary(ctx, "SRTNoSlip", NoSlip(), srt_collision_rule.method)
# Cumulant MRT Method
def build_cumulant_method(ctx):
mrt_cumulant_params = {'stencil': STENCIL,
'method': 'mrt_raw',
'relaxation_rates': [0, 0, 0, OMEGA, OMEGA, OMEGA, 1, 1, 1],
'cumulant': True,
'compressible': True} # Incompressible cumulants not yet supported!
mrt_cumulant_collision_rule = create_lb_collision_rule(optimization=OPT, output=OUTPUT, **mrt_cumulant_params)
generate_lattice_model(ctx, "CumulantMRTLatticeModel", mrt_cumulant_collision_rule, field_layout=LAYOUT)
mrt_cumulant_update_rule = create_lb_update_rule(collision_rule=mrt_cumulant_collision_rule)
generate_pack_info_from_kernel(ctx, "CumulantMRTPackInfo", mrt_cumulant_update_rule)
generate_boundary(ctx, "CumulantMRTNoSlip", NoSlip(), mrt_cumulant_collision_rule.method)
# Orthogonal MRT Method with entropy constraint
def build_entropic_method(ctx):
omega_f = sp.Symbol('omega_f')
mrt_entropic_params = {'stencil': STENCIL,
'method': 'mrt',
'relaxation_rates': [OMEGA, OMEGA, omega_f, omega_f],
'entropic': True,
'compressible': True} # Entropic models only implemented with pdfs centered around 1
mrt_entropic_collision_rule = create_lb_collision_rule(optimization=OPT, output=OUTPUT, **mrt_entropic_params)
generate_lattice_model(ctx, "EntropicMRTLatticeModel", mrt_entropic_collision_rule, field_layout=LAYOUT)
mrt_entropic_update_rule = create_lb_update_rule(collision_rule=mrt_entropic_collision_rule)
generate_pack_info_from_kernel(ctx, "EntropicMRTPackInfo", mrt_entropic_update_rule)
generate_boundary(ctx, "EntropicMRTNoSlip", NoSlip(), mrt_entropic_collision_rule.method)
# ================================
# Main Function
# ================================
if __name__ == "__main__":
# All code generation must happen within one context, and all files specified in
# CMakeLists.txt must be generated therein.
with CodeGeneration() as ctx:
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