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Commit e6aac23a authored by Christoph Schwarzmeier's avatar Christoph Schwarzmeier
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Add free-surface LBM showcase: Zalesak's rotating disk

parent 45431a74
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...@@ -46,3 +46,7 @@ waLBerla_add_executable(NAME RisingBubble ...@@ -46,3 +46,7 @@ waLBerla_add_executable(NAME RisingBubble
waLBerla_add_executable(NAME TaylorBubble waLBerla_add_executable(NAME TaylorBubble
FILES TaylorBubble.cpp FILES TaylorBubble.cpp
DEPENDS blockforest boundary core domain_decomposition field lbm postprocessing timeloop vtk) DEPENDS blockforest boundary core domain_decomposition field lbm postprocessing timeloop vtk)
waLBerla_add_executable(NAME ZalesakDisk
FILES ZalesakDisk.cpp
DEPENDS blockforest boundary core domain_decomposition field lbm postprocessing timeloop vtk)
\ No newline at end of file
// This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
//! \file ZalesakDisk.cpp
//! \author Christoph Schwarzmeier <>
// This showcase simulates a slotted disk of gas in a constant rotating velocity field. This benchmark is commonly
// referred to as Zalesak's rotating disk (see doi: 10.1016/0021-9991(79)90051-2).
#include "blockforest/Initialization.h"
#include "core/Environment.h"
#include "field/Gather.h"
#include "lbm/PerformanceLogger.h"
#include "lbm/field/AddToStorage.h"
#include "lbm/free_surface/LoadBalancing.h"
#include "lbm/free_surface/SurfaceMeshWriter.h"
#include "lbm/free_surface/TotalMassComputer.h"
#include "lbm/free_surface/VtkWriter.h"
#include "lbm/free_surface/bubble_model/Geometry.h"
#include "lbm/free_surface/dynamics/SurfaceDynamicsHandler.h"
#include "lbm/free_surface/surface_geometry/SurfaceGeometryHandler.h"
#include "lbm/free_surface/surface_geometry/Utility.h"
#include "lbm/lattice_model/D2Q9.h"
namespace walberla
namespace free_surface
namespace ZalesakDisk
using ScalarField_T = GhostLayerField< real_t, 1 >;
using VectorField_T = GhostLayerField< Vector3< real_t >, 1 >;
using CollisionModel_T = lbm::collision_model::SRT;
using ForceModel_T = lbm::force_model::GuoField< VectorField_T >;
using LatticeModel_T = lbm::D2Q9< CollisionModel_T, true, ForceModel_T, 2 >;
using LatticeModelStencil_T = LatticeModel_T::Stencil;
using PdfField_T = lbm::PdfField< LatticeModel_T >;
using PdfCommunication_T = blockforest::SimpleCommunication< LatticeModelStencil_T >;
// the geometry computations in SurfaceGeometryHandler require meaningful values in the ghost layers in corner
// directions (flag field and fill level field); this holds, even if the lattice model uses a D3Q19 stencil
using CommunicationStencil_T =
typename std::conditional< LatticeModel_T::Stencil::D == uint_t(2), stencil::D2Q9, stencil::D3Q27 >::type;
using Communication_T = blockforest::SimpleCommunication< CommunicationStencil_T >;
using flag_t = uint32_t;
using FlagField_T = FlagField< flag_t >;
using FreeSurfaceBoundaryHandling_T = FreeSurfaceBoundaryHandling< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T, ScalarField_T >;
// function describing the initialization velocity profile (in global cell coordinates)
inline Vector3< real_t > velocityProfile(real_t angularVelocity, Cell globalCell, Vector3< real_t > domainCenter)
// add 0.5 to get Cell's center
const real_t velocityX = -angularVelocity * ((real_c(globalCell.y()) + real_c(0.5)) - domainCenter[0]);
const real_t velocityY = angularVelocity * ((real_c(globalCell.x()) + real_c(0.5)) - domainCenter[1]);
return Vector3< real_t >(velocityX, velocityY, real_c(0));
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Environment walberlaEnv(argc, argv);
if (argc < 2) { WALBERLA_ABORT("Please specify a parameter file as input argument.") }
// print content of parameter file
// get block forest parameters from parameter file
auto blockForestParameters = walberlaEnv.config()->getOneBlock("BlockForestParameters");
const Vector3< uint_t > cellsPerBlock = blockForestParameters.getParameter< Vector3< uint_t > >("cellsPerBlock");
const Vector3< bool > periodicity = blockForestParameters.getParameter< Vector3< bool > >("periodicity");
const uint_t loadBalancingFrequency = blockForestParameters.getParameter< uint_t >("loadBalancingFrequency");
const bool printLoadBalancingStatistics = blockForestParameters.getParameter< bool >("printLoadBalancingStatistics");
// get domain parameters from parameter file
auto domainParameters = walberlaEnv.config()->getOneBlock("DomainParameters");
const uint_t domainWidth = domainParameters.getParameter< uint_t >("domainWidth");
const real_t diskRadius = real_c(domainWidth) * real_c(0.15);
const Vector3< real_t > diskCenter =
Vector3< real_t >(real_c(domainWidth) * real_c(0.5), real_c(domainWidth) * real_c(0.75), real_c(0.5));
const real_t diskSlotLength = real_c(0.25) * real_c(domainWidth);
const real_t diskSlotWidth = real_c(0.05) * real_c(domainWidth);
// define domain size
Vector3< uint_t > domainSize;
domainSize[0] = domainWidth;
domainSize[1] = domainWidth;
domainSize[2] = uint_c(1);
const Vector3< real_t > domainCenter =
real_c(0.5) * Vector3< real_t >(real_c(domainSize[0]), real_c(domainSize[1]), real_c(domainSize[2]));
// compute number of blocks as defined by domainSize and cellsPerBlock
Vector3< uint_t > numBlocks;
numBlocks[0] = uint_c(std::ceil(real_c(domainSize[0]) / real_c(cellsPerBlock[0])));
numBlocks[1] = uint_c(std::ceil(real_c(domainSize[1]) / real_c(cellsPerBlock[1])));
numBlocks[2] = uint_c(std::ceil(real_c(domainSize[2]) / real_c(cellsPerBlock[2])));
// get number of (MPI) processes
uint_t numProcesses = uint_c(MPIManager::instance()->numProcesses());
WALBERLA_CHECK_LESS_EQUAL(numProcesses, numBlocks[0] * numBlocks[1] * numBlocks[2],
"The number of MPI processes is greater than the number of blocks as defined by "
"\"domainSize/cellsPerBlock\". This would result in unused MPI processes. Either decrease "
"the number of MPI processes or increase \"cellsPerBlock\".")
// get physics parameters from parameter file
auto physicsParameters = walberlaEnv.config()->getOneBlock("PhysicsParameters");
const uint_t timesteps = physicsParameters.getParameter< uint_t >("timesteps");
const real_t relaxationRate = physicsParameters.getParameter< real_t >("relaxationRate");
const CollisionModel_T collisionModel = CollisionModel_T(relaxationRate);
const real_t viscosity = collisionModel.viscosity();
const real_t reynoldsNumber = physicsParameters.getParameter< real_t >("reynoldsNumber");
const real_t angularVelocity =
reynoldsNumber * viscosity / (real_c(0.5) * real_c(domainWidth) * real_c(domainWidth));
const Vector3< real_t > force(real_c(0), real_c(0), real_c(0));
const bool enableWetting = physicsParameters.getParameter< bool >("enableWetting");
const real_t contactAngle = physicsParameters.getParameter< real_t >("contactAngle");
WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL_ON_ROOT("Timesteps for full rotation " << real_c(2) * math::pi / angularVelocity);
// read model parameters from parameter file
const auto modelParameters = walberlaEnv.config()->getOneBlock("ModelParameters");
const std::string pdfReconstructionModel = modelParameters.getParameter< std::string >("pdfReconstructionModel");
const std::string pdfRefillingModel = modelParameters.getParameter< std::string >("pdfRefillingModel");
const std::string excessMassDistributionModel =
modelParameters.getParameter< std::string >("excessMassDistributionModel");
const std::string curvatureModel = modelParameters.getParameter< std::string >("curvatureModel");
const bool enableForceWeighting = modelParameters.getParameter< bool >("enableForceWeighting");
const bool useSimpleMassExchange = modelParameters.getParameter< bool >("useSimpleMassExchange");
const real_t cellConversionThreshold = modelParameters.getParameter< real_t >("cellConversionThreshold");
const real_t cellConversionForceThreshold = modelParameters.getParameter< real_t >("cellConversionForceThreshold");
const bool enableBubbleModel = modelParameters.getParameter< bool >("enableBubbleModel");
const bool enableBubbleSplits = modelParameters.getParameter< bool >("enableBubbleSplits");
// read evaluation parameters from parameter file
const auto evaluationParameters = walberlaEnv.config()->getOneBlock("EvaluationParameters");
const uint_t performanceLogFrequency = evaluationParameters.getParameter< uint_t >("performanceLogFrequency");
// create non-uniform block forest (non-uniformity required for load balancing)
const std::shared_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > blockForest =
createNonUniformBlockForest(domainSize, cellsPerBlock, numBlocks, periodicity);
// add force field
const BlockDataID forceFieldID =
field::addToStorage< VectorField_T >(blockForest, "Force field", force, field::fzyx, uint_c(1));
// create lattice model
const LatticeModel_T latticeModel = LatticeModel_T(collisionModel, ForceModel_T(forceFieldID));
// add pdf field
const BlockDataID pdfFieldID = lbm::addPdfFieldToStorage(blockForest, "PDF field", latticeModel, field::fzyx);
// add fill level field (initialized with 0, i.e., gas everywhere)
const BlockDataID fillFieldID =
field::addToStorage< ScalarField_T >(blockForest, "Fill level field", real_c(1.0), field::fzyx, uint_c(2));
// add boundary handling
const std::shared_ptr< FreeSurfaceBoundaryHandling_T > freeSurfaceBoundaryHandling =
std::make_shared< FreeSurfaceBoundaryHandling_T >(blockForest, pdfFieldID, fillFieldID);
const BlockDataID flagFieldID = freeSurfaceBoundaryHandling->getFlagFieldID();
const typename FreeSurfaceBoundaryHandling_T::FlagInfo_T& flagInfo = freeSurfaceBoundaryHandling->getFlagInfo();
// initialize the velocity profile
for (auto blockIt = blockForest->begin(); blockIt != blockForest->end(); ++blockIt)
PdfField_T* const pdfField = blockIt->getData< PdfField_T >(pdfFieldID);
FlagField_T* const flagField = blockIt->getData< FlagField_T >(flagFieldID);
WALBERLA_FOR_ALL_CELLS(pdfFieldIt, pdfField, flagFieldIt, flagField, {
// cell in block-local coordinates
const Cell localCell = pdfFieldIt.cell();
// get cell in global coordinates
Cell globalCell = pdfFieldIt.cell();
blockForest->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(globalCell, *blockIt, localCell);
// set velocity profile
const Vector3< real_t > initialVelocity = velocityProfile(angularVelocity, globalCell, domainCenter);
pdfField->setDensityAndVelocity(localCell, initialVelocity, real_c(1));
// create the disk
const Vector3< real_t > diskBottomEnd = diskCenter - Vector3< real_t >(real_c(0), real_c(0), -real_c(domainSize[2]));
const Vector3< real_t > diskTopEnd = diskCenter - Vector3< real_t >(real_c(0), real_c(0), real_c(domainSize[2]));
const geometry::Cylinder disk(diskBottomEnd, diskTopEnd, diskRadius);
bubble_model::addBodyToFillLevelField< geometry::Cylinder >(*blockForest, fillFieldID, disk, true);
// create the disk's slot
const Vector3< real_t > slotMinCorner = Vector3< real_t >(diskCenter[0] - diskSlotWidth * real_c(0.5),
diskCenter[1] - diskRadius, -real_c(domainSize[2]));
const Vector3< real_t > slotMaxCorner = Vector3< real_t >(
diskCenter[0] + diskSlotWidth * real_c(0.5), diskCenter[1] - diskRadius + diskSlotLength, real_c(domainSize[2]));
AABB slotAABB(slotMinCorner, slotMaxCorner);
bubble_model::addBodyToFillLevelField< AABB >(*blockForest, fillFieldID, slotAABB, false);
// initialize domain boundary conditions from config file
const auto boundaryParameters = walberlaEnv.config()->getOneBlock("BoundaryParameters");
// IMPORTANT REMARK: this must be called only after every solid flag has been set; otherwise, the boundary handling
// might not detect solid flags correctly
// communication after initialization
Communication_T communication(blockForest, flagFieldID, fillFieldID, forceFieldID);
PdfCommunication_T pdfCommunication(blockForest, pdfFieldID);
// add bubble model
std::shared_ptr< bubble_model::BubbleModelBase > bubbleModel = nullptr;
if (enableBubbleModel)
const std::shared_ptr< bubble_model::BubbleModel< LatticeModelStencil_T > > bubbleModelDerived =
std::make_shared< bubble_model::BubbleModel< LatticeModelStencil_T > >(blockForest, enableBubbleSplits);
bubbleModel = std::static_pointer_cast< bubble_model::BubbleModelBase >(bubbleModelDerived);
else { bubbleModel = std::make_shared< bubble_model::BubbleModelConstantPressure >(real_c(1)); }
// set density in non-liquid or non-interface cells to one (after initializing with hydrostatic pressure)
setDensityInNonFluidCellsToOne< FlagField_T, PdfField_T >(blockForest, flagInfo, flagFieldID, pdfFieldID);
// create timeloop
SweepTimeloop timeloop(blockForest, timesteps);
const real_t surfaceTension = real_c(0);
// Laplace pressure = 2 * surface tension * curvature; curvature computation is not necessary with zero surface
// tension
bool computeCurvature = false;
if (!realIsEqual(surfaceTension, real_c(0), real_c(1e-14))) { computeCurvature = true; }
// add surface geometry handler
const SurfaceGeometryHandler< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T, ScalarField_T, VectorField_T > geometryHandler(
blockForest, freeSurfaceBoundaryHandling, fillFieldID, curvatureModel, computeCurvature, enableWetting,
// get fields created by surface geometry handler
const ConstBlockDataID curvatureFieldID = geometryHandler.getConstCurvatureFieldID();
const ConstBlockDataID normalFieldID = geometryHandler.getConstNormalFieldID();
// add boundary handling for standard boundaries and free surface boundaries
const SurfaceDynamicsHandler< LatticeModel_T, FlagField_T, ScalarField_T, VectorField_T > dynamicsHandler(
blockForest, pdfFieldID, flagFieldID, fillFieldID, forceFieldID, normalFieldID, curvatureFieldID,
freeSurfaceBoundaryHandling, bubbleModel, pdfReconstructionModel, pdfRefillingModel, excessMassDistributionModel,
relaxationRate, force, surfaceTension, enableForceWeighting, useSimpleMassExchange, cellConversionThreshold,
// add load balancing
const LoadBalancer< FlagField_T, CommunicationStencil_T, LatticeModelStencil_T > loadBalancer(
blockForest, communication, pdfCommunication, bubbleModel, uint_c(50), uint_c(10), uint_c(5),
loadBalancingFrequency, printLoadBalancingStatistics);
timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep(loadBalancer, "Sweep: load balancing");
// add VTK output
addVTKOutput< LatticeModel_T, FreeSurfaceBoundaryHandling_T, PdfField_T, FlagField_T, ScalarField_T, VectorField_T >(
blockForest, timeloop, walberlaEnv.config(), flagInfo, pdfFieldID, flagFieldID, fillFieldID, forceFieldID,
geometryHandler.getCurvatureFieldID(), geometryHandler.getNormalFieldID(),
// add triangle mesh output of free surface
SurfaceMeshWriter< ScalarField_T, FlagField_T > surfaceMeshWriter(
blockForest, fillFieldID, flagFieldID, flagIDs::liquidInterfaceGasFlagIDs, real_c(0), walberlaEnv.config());
surfaceMeshWriter(); // write initial mesh
timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep(surfaceMeshWriter, "Writer: surface mesh");
// add logging for computational performance
const lbm::PerformanceLogger< FlagField_T > performanceLogger(
blockForest, flagFieldID, flagIDs::liquidInterfaceFlagIDs, performanceLogFrequency);
timeloop.addFuncAfterTimeStep(performanceLogger, "Evaluator: performance logging");
WcTimingPool timingPool;
for (uint_t t = uint_c(0); t != timesteps; ++t)
timeloop.singleStep(timingPool, true);
// set the constant velocity profile
for (auto blockIt = blockForest->begin(); blockIt != blockForest->end(); ++blockIt)
PdfField_T* const pdfField = blockIt->getData< PdfField_T >(pdfFieldID);
FlagField_T* const flagField = blockIt->getData< FlagField_T >(flagFieldID);
WALBERLA_FOR_ALL_CELLS(pdfFieldIt, pdfField, flagFieldIt, flagField, {
if (flagInfo.isInterface(flagFieldIt) || flagInfo.isLiquid(flagFieldIt))
// cell in block-local coordinates
const Cell localCell = pdfFieldIt.cell();
// get cell in global coordinates
Cell globalCell = pdfFieldIt.cell();
blockForest->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(globalCell, *blockIt, localCell);
// set velocity profile
const Vector3< real_t > initialVelocity = velocityProfile(angularVelocity, globalCell, domainCenter);
pdfField->setDensityAndVelocity(localCell, initialVelocity, real_c(1));
if (t % performanceLogFrequency == uint_c(0) && t > uint_c(0)) { timingPool.logResultOnRoot(); }
} // namespace ZalesakDisk
} // namespace free_surface
} // namespace walberla
int main(int argc, char** argv) { return walberla::free_surface::ZalesakDisk::main(argc, argv); }
\ No newline at end of file
cellsPerBlock < 50, 50, 1 >;
periodicity < 0, 0, 1 >;
loadBalancingFrequency 0;
printLoadBalancingStatistics false;
domainWidth 100;
reynoldsNumber 100; // Re = angularVelocity * domainWidth * 0.5 * domainWidth / kin. viscosity
relaxationRate 1.8;
enableWetting false;
contactAngle 0; // only used if enableWetting=true
timesteps 1000000;
pdfReconstructionModel OnlyMissing;
pdfRefillingModel EquilibriumRefilling;
excessMassDistributionModel EvenlyAllInterface;
curvatureModel FiniteDifferenceMethod;
enableForceWeighting false;
useSimpleMassExchange false;
cellConversionThreshold 1e-2;
cellConversionForceThreshold 1e-1;
enableBubbleModel True;
enableBubbleSplits false; // only used if enableBubbleModel=true
performanceLogFrequency 10000;
// X
Border { direction W; walldistance -1; FreeSlip{} }
Border { direction E; walldistance -1; FreeSlip{} }
// Y
Border { direction N; walldistance -1; FreeSlip{} }
Border { direction S; walldistance -1; FreeSlip{} }
// Z
//Border { direction T; walldistance -1; FreeSlip{} }
//Border { direction B; walldistance -1; FreeSlip{} }
writeFrequency 0;
baseFolder mesh-out;
writeFrequency 4241;
ghostLayers 0;
baseFolder vtk-out;
samplingResolution 1;
//liquidInterfaceFilter; // only include liquid and interface cells in VTK output
//ghost_layer_synchronization; // only needed if writing the ghost layer
gas_cell_zero_setter; // sets velocity=0 and density=1 all gas cells before writing VTK output
writeFrequency 0;
baseFolder vtk-out;
outputDomainDecomposition true;
\ No newline at end of file
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